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Teaching Listening

• Historical Background
• Audio-lingualism
• Natural Approach
• Comprehensible Input
“for language learning to occur, it is necessary for the learner to
understand input language which contains linguistic items that are
slightly beyond the learner’s present linguistic competence.
Learners understand such language using cues in the situation.”
(Richards, et al., 1985)
Teaching Listening
• What makes listening difficult?
• Clustering
• Redundancy
• Reduced forms
• Performance variables
• Colloquial language
• Rate of delivery
• Stress, rhythm, intonation
• Interaction
Teaching Listening
• Listening is an active, purposeful process of making sense of
what we hear. Language skills are often categorized as receptive
or productive.
• Speaking and writing are the productive skills. Listening, along
with reading, is a receptive skill.
• We acquire language by meeting language that is a bit higher
than our current level. Listening was seen as a major source o f
comprehensible input.
• Language learning textbooks began including listening activities
that were not simply presentation o f language to be produced.
They were listening activities for input, the beginning of the
kinds of listening tasks common in books today.
Teaching Listening
Principles for teaching listening
✓ Expose students to different ways of processing information:
bottom-up vs. top-down.
Teaching Listening
Principles for teaching listening
✓ Expose students to different types of listening.
✓ Listening for specific information
✓ Listening for gist
✓ Teach a variety of tasks.
✓ Consider text, difficulty, and authenticity.
✓ Text authenticity
✓ Input authenticity
✓ Teach listening strategies
✓ Predicting, Inferring, Monitoring, Clarifying,
Responding, Evaluating
Teaching Listening
Classroom techniques and tasks
✓ Dictation
✓ Listening for specific information
✓ Listening for gist
✓ Listening between the lines

✓ Pre-,
✓ While-,
✓ Post- listening activities
Teaching Listening
Classroom techniques and tasks

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