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CHYS 1F90 Seminar Critical Thinking Question 3

Week of October 23rd


Your answer to the following question is due BEFORE your seminar

during the week of Oct 23rd. As described in your course outline, your
written answer to this question should be no longer than 200 words.
Your answers should be single-spaced and should fit on one page of
a Word or PDF document. You should submit your completed
document to Brightspace in the Assignment portal (at the top of our
Brightspace page). There is no need to include a title page, just make
sure you’ve included your name, student number, and seminar
number on the top of the page. Remember, your answer should be
no longer that 200 words. There is no need to repeat the question on
your Word doc, you can simply answer the question. There is also no
need to cite anything for your answer although when referring to
information from the reading or video, you should mention this within
your answer. No reference page is needed.

Also, come to seminar during the week of Oct 23rd prepared to

discuss the answer to the question along with the basic ideas in
Lecture 5 and the related reading.

1. Based on information from the lecture on Adolescence and the

reading on positive risk-taking, how would you characterize the
potential outcomes of increased risk-taking that teens are prone

To submit your answer, click on the Assignments link at the top of our
Brightspace page and follow the submission instructions.

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