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The first one is Joey Tribbiani who was portrayed by Matt Leblanc. Joey is an American-Italian
character and from the first episodes we find out that he wanted to become an actor.In order to persue
his dream he went to different acting classes and to many auditions, but unfortunately he didn’t get any
significant roles. He is a very good friend and he is always there when anyone from the group needs
help, for example he is the one who took care of Rachel (another member of the group) during her
entire pregnancy.

He is really charmy and very lucky with women and even if during the seasons he is in different
relasionships, he ended up single.

Antoher thing that Joey really loves as much as women is food, one of his famous lines being “ Joey
doesn’t share food”.

Even though Joey is presented as a not really smart and childish person, in the ending he become a
responsible man and a very known actor.

During some seasons he lived with Chandler Bing.


Chandler who was portrayed by Matthew Perry. We don’t know some much about his family, besides
that he has a lot of traumas caused by his father coming out as being a transgender woman. Because his
family was a little bit complicated he developed his sense of humor and his sarcasm to protect himself.

In the first four seasons we didn’t know what he was working, we only knew that he had a lot of money,
because he supported Joey financially until he finally get a role in a tv show. In the forth season, the
group decided to play a trivia game (girls vs boys), but with questions about themselves, the prise being
the appartament of the girls. One of the questions was related to Chandler’s job and no one knew the
answer and that’s the moment when the girls lost their appartament for some episodes. That was also
the moment when we find out that he was a Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration.

Because of the fact that his family was a little bit complicated he always had trusting issues and it was
hard for him to get attached emotionally, but this “problem” was solved by Monica Geller.

Monica was portrayed by Courtney Cox and she was the mother of the group. She is the owner of the
appartament where all the friends hang out, because she inherit it from her grandmother.Even if it was
her house, all the friends had a key to be used in case of emergency, but they used it to come in even if
there wasn’t any emergencies.

Even if In her childhood she had an eating disorder and she suffered from obesity, She become a chef in
a very select Restaurant and that’s why all the groups meeting was in her place (they come here to eat
the delicious food that she cooks). She was a great host, but also she is a control freak and definitely has
ocd .She is obssest with cleaning, organizing and reorganizing things, and she becomes anxious and
agitated when things are not where she put them or when plans changed.

Her brother is Ross Geller


Ross was portrayed by David Schwimmer. He was the nerd of the group and he works as a
paleontologist, but all of his friends are joking saying that his job has something to do with “dinosaurs” .
At the begging of the show he was married and he expected a baby, but his wife was coming out as
lesbian and they divorced. During the seasons he met another woman and when they decided to get
marry, he said the wrong name at the altar, and he got a divorce AGAIN. Also when he and Rachel Green
got drunk in Vegas they decided to get marry, and they divorced a few days later.

Rachel Green

Rachel was portrayed by Jennifer Aniston. She was born in a very rich and strict family. Her story begins
when she runs from her wedding and her family decided to cut her of financialy. Even if she was the last
one who entered the group she got close to the others pretty quickly. She started a job as a barista in
the café where all the friends were hanging out and later she follows her passion for clothes and join to
the fashion industry.

She ended up with Ross Geller even if they had a toxic relanshiops with so many break-ups during the

And now my favourite character, Phoebe Buffay.

Phoebe Buffay was portrayed by Lisa Kudrow and she was a massage therapist and musician.

Her life was really hard, because her mother killed herself when she was little and her father went to
prison for some illegal things and she ended up on streets. Even If life was so hard for her she was
always genereous and empathetic.

Also she was a surrogate mother for her brother triplets.

I didn’t chose this sitcom only because I find it funny, but also because I think that I learned some
important things from it.

1)Your past doesn’t define you – We all know that the most of the people who end up on the streets
become beggars or worse thieves, Phoebe worked so hard and overcame the situation.

2)Keep trying for that dream job- Even if sometimes we think that we should give up because we will
never reach our goal, we should take Joey’s examples and don’t give up. Even if at the begging of the
show Joey didn’t take any roles he ended up as a famous actor.

3) Hold your true friends close- We all know that life is hard sometimes but it becomes easier when we
have people who cares about us.

Thank you!

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