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Submitted by:Dagmawit Mulugeta

ID NO:1650/12

Debre Berhan University

ECE Modern control

Individual Assignment

Sumitted to;Sir Naod Z

Submitted date: 11/10/15 E.C

1.Breifly explain about optimal control and non linear control system.
Optimal control is a control theory that deals with finding the best possible control inputs to a system in
order to achieve a desired output. It involves the optimization of a cost function that measures the
performance of the system. Optimal control is widely used in engineering and economics.Nonlinear
control, on the other hand, deals with systems that exhibit nonlinearity, or behavior that cannot be
modeled or predicted by a linear equation. Nonlinear control involves the use of advanced mathematical
techniques to predict and control the behavior of these systems. Nonlinear control is particularly
important in fields such as robotics, aerospace engineering, and biology, where complex nonlinear
systems are common.

Nonlinear control theory covers a wider class of systems that do not obey the superposition principle. It
applies to more real-world systems, because all real control systems are nonlinear. These systems are
often governed by nonlinear differential equations. The mathematical techniques which have been
developed to handle them are more rigorous and much less general, often applying only to narrow
categories of systems. These include limit cycle theory, Poincaré maps, Lyapunov stability theory, and
describing functions. If only solutions near a stable point are of interest, nonlinear systems can often be
linearized by approximating them by a linear system obtained by expanding the nonlinear solution in a
series, and then linear techniques can be used.[1] Nonlinear systems are often analyzed using numerical
methods on computers, for example by simulating their operation using a simulation language. Even if
the plant is linear, a nonlinear controller can often have attractive features such as simpler
implementation, faster speed, more accuracy, or reduced control energy, which justify the more difficult
design procedure.

An example of a nonlinear control system is a thermostat-controlled heating system. A building heating

system such as a furnace has a nonlinear response to changes in temperature; it is either "on" or "off", it
does not have the fine control in response to temperature differences that a proportional (linear) device
would have. Therefore, the furnace is off until the temperature falls below the "turn on" setpoint of the
thermostat, when it turns on. Due to the heat added by the furnace, the temperature increases until it
reaches the "turn off" setpoint of the thermostat, which turns the furnace off, and the cycle repeats.
This cycling of the temperature about the desired temperature is called a limit cycle, and is characteristic
of nonlinear control systems.

2.why we need optimal control and non linear control.

Optimal control and non-linear control are both essential in ensuring efficient and effective control of
complex systems. Optimal control uses mathematical techniques to determine the best possible control
inputs for a given system, while non-linear control deals with systems that exhibit non-linear behavior.
Both approaches are necessary to ensure that systems operate at their maximum potential and achieve
their desired goals.
3.what are the application of optimal control and non linear control.
Optimal control and non-linear control are two important concepts in the field of control engineering.
Optimal control is used to find the best control strategy that minimizes a certain cost function. This is
particularly useful in situations where there are constraints on the control inputs or where the system is
subject to disturbances. Non-linear control, on the other hand, is used to control systems that exhibit
non-linear behavior. This is important because many real-world systems are non-linear in nature.The
application of optimal control is widespread. It is used in aerospace engineering to control the trajectory
of spacecraft and aircraft. It is also used in chemical engineering to control chemical processes and in
electrical engineering to control power systems. Optimal control is also used in economics to model and
control economic systems.Non-linear control is used in a variety of applications as well. It is used in
robotics to control the motion of robots. It is also used in automotive engineering to control the
behavior of vehicles. Non-linear control is also used in biomedical engineering to control physiological
systems.In conclusion, optimal control and non-linear control are important concepts in control
engineering with a wide range of applications. Optimal control is used to find the best control strategy
that minimizes a certain cost function while non-linear control is used to control systems that exhibit
non-linear behavior. These concepts are used in various fields such as aerospace engineering, chemical
engineering, electrical engineering, economics, robotics, automotive engineering, and biomedical

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