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Strategic Marketing Management

Teacher Christopher Antonio Campos Avilés


Final Project

Team 5
Arano Acosta Miguel Antonio
Perera Martinez Maria Alejandra
Pacheco López Ingrid Sofia

December 1st, 2023

Executive Summary

Viajes Colibrí is a travel agency with over eight years of experience in Yucatán, dedicated
to delivering personalized and unforgettable travel experiences. The company's mission is
to provide high-quality services, comfortable transportation, and expert guidance to connect
people with the most fascinating destinations in the region.

Products and Services: Viajes Colibrí specializes in unique tourism experiences, including
cultural, historical, and wellness tours. The agency caters to a diverse audience, offering a
range of tours from iconic archaeological sites to picturesque historic centers and natural

Price: The pricing strategy is competitive, reflecting the value of the experiences offered.
Various pricing levels accommodate different customer segments, and discounts are
available for groups, early reservations, and special packages.

Place: Utilizing technology, Viajes Colibrí has a strong online presence, with direct sales
web portals offering trip planning tools and real-time tracking. The strategic location of
Mérida, along with a network of sales points in tourist areas, ensures optimal accessibility
for customers.

Promotion: The company employs a comprehensive promotional strategy, emphasizing

unique experiences through digital marketing, collaborations with travel bloggers,
participation in local events, and loyalty programs. Testimonials from satisfied customers
contribute to the effectiveness of the promotion.

Future Goals: Viajes Colibrí aims to expand its tour offerings to cover more magical
towns and beaches in Yucatán, capitalizing on the state's rich attractions. The agency plans
to create new tour routes, leverage existing transportation resources, and collaborate with
local businesses to enhance the overall tourist experience.

Social Media Diversification: To broaden its reach, the agency plans to enhance its
presence on TikTok, capitalizing on the platform's popularity for advertising. This objective
involves increasing content creation, interaction, and overall engagement on TikTok.

Digital Branding Enhancement: Recognizing the importance of strong branding, Viajes
Colibrí aims to improve its digital branding. This includes hiring a brand manager to create
a recognizable and harmonious visual identity, fostering trust, and standing out in the
competitive tourism market.

Strategies: Several strategies have been outlined to achieve these goals, including field
investigations for new routes, cost estimation for transportation, documented research on
tourist attractions, creation of audiovisual content, and seeking partnerships with local

Metrics: Performance metrics will be monitored, including the number of customers,

website traffic, return on investment, leads, lifetime value, customer acquisition cost,
popularity of tours, and growth in social media.

Barriers and Mitigation: Barriers such as service differentiation, association with

businesses, and a potential lack of personnel have been identified. The company plans to
overcome these challenges through effective branding, partnerships, and a strategic hiring


● Mission, vision, and values of the organization
● Current target market and measure of the target market in Yucatan 5

● SWOT analysis and macroenvironment analysis 7

● Benchmarking 11
● Analysis of the current marketing mix of the company
● Proposal of objectives and strategies
● Metrics that could be implicated in the strategies applied
● Potential barriers and ways of how to overcome them. 16

● Customer satisfaction (by reviews, surveys, or indirect analysis). 18

Explain how to improve their customer satisfaction level. 19
● Gantt diagram (about the activities that relate to the objective
● Budget implicated for the appliance of the activities established
in the Gantt´s diagram. 20

● Control steps in the execution of the strategies 22

● Flowchart of a proposal in complaints and customer service 23
● Conclusions of the project
● Conclusions of the class
● References APA style
● Annexes (at least the quotation of the activities presented in the budget section).


Mission, vision, and values of the organization (The organization didn´t have
them, so we write it for them)

Viajes Colibri is a travel agency with over eight years of experience, committed to
providing the best quality service in comfortable, clean, and new vehicles, accompanied by
the best guides in the state. They organize personalized tours according to the needs and
interests of each individual or group.

Mission: To provide unforgettable and personalized travel experiences to our clients,

offering high-quality services, and comfortable and clean vehicles, along with expert
guidance from committed professionals. We strive to connect people with the most
fascinating destinations in Yucatán, ensuring satisfaction and comfort in every journey.

Vision: To be recognized as the premier travel agency in Yucatán, distinguished by our

excellence in customer service, a variety of tours tailored to individual and group needs,
and for leading exploration and promotion of the region's most attractive destinations. We
aspire to be industry benchmarks due to our dedication to offering unique and memorable
experiences while promoting responsible tourism practices.

Values: Quality, Comfort, Environmental and cultural responsibility, Respect, amiability,

service, Professionalism

The current target market and measure of the target market in Yucatan
Viajes Colibri is distinguished by its dedication to providing travel planning and booking
services, providing experiences, such as gastronomic, cultural, and historical tourism. This
agency caters to both

individuals and groups, welcoming those coming from different states and looking for
personalized services from a local agency.

The main audience of Viajes Colibri is focused mainly on adventure tourism as it seeks
experiences that involve a certain degree of risk, emotion, and exploration. This type of
tourism attracts people looking to get out of their comfort zone and enjoy outdoor activities.
This can include families looking for vacation experiences, friends who share a passion for
tourism, seniors looking to explore new facets of the world, and specialized groups with
particular interests.

This comprehensive and adaptable approach allows Viajes Colibri to address a wide range
of client needs. From meticulous itinerary planning to efficient logistics management, the
agency is committed to ensuring complete and satisfying travel experiences for all its
clients. With a dedicated and expert team, it is positioned as a reliable partner for those
looking for more than a simple trip, offering memories and enriching experiences.

This is a proposal for the market target of Viajes Colibri

The measure of our company's market is estimated considering the influx of visitors to
tourist inns in the main archaeological zones of the state. From January to September 2023,
the Secretary of Tourism Development registered 2,186,525 people. The participation of
national tourists has been the majority over the years. In 2022, of the total tourist arrivals at
lodging establishments, 79% were national tourists and 21% were foreign tourists. Yucatán
is a tourist destination that, through the enhancement of tourist resources throughout the
state, takes advantage of the enormous diversity of natural and cultural resources that it has
and that allows tourists to have unique and authentic experiences. It is one of the main
cultural destinations for its archaeological sites, historical buildings, and haciendas, and
also an important nature destination for its cenotes, caves, national parks, and beaches. In
addition, its gastronomy is known worldwide as one of the main ones in Mexico for its
diversity and originality. A reference is meeting tourism with the holding of high-level
events in the different venues of the state. With an effective medium and long-term
marketing and promotion strategy, using and enhancing the Yucatán brand, aimed at
specific market segments that allow attracting new visitors.

SWOT analysis and macroenvironment analysis


● Extensive Experience: Over eight years of ● Reduced the number of tours with the immensity
experience in the travel industry. of tourist sites in the state of Yucatan.
● Customized Tours: Ability to organize ● Reduced number of tours with the immensity of
personalized tours tailored to the specific needs tourist sites in the state of Quintana Roo.
and interests of clients. ● Limited time on the group tours to take pictures
● Positive Customer Feedback: Backed by a record and visit the sites.
of over 3,000 satisfied travelers who have ● There are no tours to Yucatan town celebrations,
undertaken tours in the past 6 months. such as fairs, the Day of the Dead, etc.
● Excellent Transportation Options: Offers the best ● Very reduced number of beach tours in Yucatan
transportation services with a fleet of comfortable ● You can't see other people's opinions about the
and clean vehicles suitable for all capacities, tours directly on their official site.
including cars, vans, and buses.
● Strong Local Partnerships: Collaborations with
local guides and vendors ensuring unique and
high-quality tour experiences, for example;
affiliation with Xcaret.


● Digital Marketing: Utilizing digital platforms for ● Competitive Market: Facing competition from
advertising, online booking, and engagement other established travel agencies offering similar
could broaden the customer reach. services in the region.
● Diversification of Services: Further development ● Seasonal Dependency: Vulnerability to
of exclusive packages and specialized tours in fluctuations in tourist seasons could affect revenue
collaboration with Xcaret to cater to a wider range streams and operational stability.
of traveler interests. ● Public Health Concerns: Potential threats from
health crises or unforeseen events affecting
tourism, impacting visitor numbers and travel

● Weather or Climate Changes: Unpredictable
weather or severe climate changes can pose a
significant threat

Macroenviroment analysis

 Political - Legal

The political and legal environment involves regulations, policies, and government actions
affecting the tourism sector. Yucatán's government policies on tourism promotion, safety
standards, licensing, and regulations for travel agencies significantly impact the operations
of companies like Viajes Colibrí. Changes in laws or government policies may affect
licensing requirements, tour permits for specific sites or safety regulations for

Understanding government initiatives, policies, and regulations implemented by bodies like

the Secretariat of Tourism Development (SEFOTUR) in Yucatán is crucial for Viajes
Colibrí development and growth in the market. SEFOTUR's strategies and regulations
regarding tourist attractions, infrastructure development, and safety standards impact Viajes
Colibrí's operations.

● Economical

Economic factors greatly influence tourism and travel. Fluctuations in currency exchange rates,
economic stability, and income levels impact tourists' spending behaviors and travel decisions.
Yucatán's economic performance, inflation rates, and government investments in tourism

infrastructure, such as the Mayan Train project, can influence the volume of tourists and their
expenditure in the region.

According to the Bank of Mexico, the dollar is at 18.03 pesos, the euro at 18.73, and the Swiss
Franc at 19.87, the Nordic countries hover around 1.6 pesos, while in Latin American countries, the
peso holds a lesser value. We can notice that they have more purchasing power.

● Sociocultural

Understanding cultural preferences, societal trends, and tourist behaviors is vital for tailoring tour
packages and marketing strategies. Sociocultural aspects such as changing consumer preferences for
authentic and sustainable experiences, travel trends, like for example solo travel, experiential
tourism, etc., and cultural diversity shape the demand for specific tour offerings.

● Technological

Technological advancements play a pivotal role in modern tourism. For Viajes Colibri,
embracing technology for online booking platforms, trip planning tools, and digital
marketing strategies is essential. Monitoring advancements in travel tech, ensuring user-
friendly interfaces, and staying updated with emerging trends (e.g., AI-powered chatbots,
and virtual reality tours) are crucial for remaining competitive.

Nowadays, having a web page is fundamental for an enterprise to survive, luckily, viajes
colibrí has one that is beyond complete, it has all the information about their tours and
services, and similarly, you have access to their contact information, partnerships, and you
can even purchase their services directly from the website.

● Environmental

Environmental sustainability is gaining importance in tourism. Viajes Colibrí considers
sustainable practices and conservation efforts to minimize environmental impact. Adhering
to global sustainability standards, supporting local conservation initiatives, and promoting
responsible tourism practices align with evolving consumer preferences for eco-conscious
travel experiences.

The means of transportation that they use are vans and trucks, they bought the best ones in
the market because they are looking for vehicles that save gasoline on each trip; they aim to
have more eco-friendly tours.

● Demographic

The primary audience of Viajes Colibri is predominantly interested in adventure tourism,

seeking experiences involving risk, excitement, and exploration. This demographic includes
families seeking vacation experiences, friends passionate about tourism, seniors eager to
explore new facets of the world and specialized groups with particular interests.

Their adaptable approach allows Viajes Colibri to address a wide range of client needs,
from meticulous itinerary planning to efficient logistics management. The agency is
dedicated to ensuring complete and satisfying travel experiences for its clients. With a
committed and expert team, it positions itself as a reliable partner for those seeking more
than just a trip, offering enduring memories and enriching experiences.


Competitive Viajes Colibrí Kuxtal Tours Mayan ecotours Tours Yucatán
characteristic Mérida

Brief A travel agency They are a young, Private and group Mayan Ecotours is
description that organizes professional travel tours are offered a travel agency
group tours every agency passionate with certified based in Mérida,
day with about delivering guides, ensuring a Mexico, dedicated
departures from excellent service. safe and enjoyable to offering unique
Mérida, Yucatán. Their primary stay in Mérida. experiences for
They assist in objective is to They pick up their unforgettable
organizing private create lasting clients from vacations,
trips tailored to experiences that wherever they are regardless of the
individual needs remain in the staying in any part purpose of one's
and preferences, memories of their of the city, stay in Mérida—
offering adventurers. providing unique educational, trips
accommodation at and secure with friends,
the best prices, city experiences family vacations,
tours, and airport throughout fieldwork,
transfers. Yucatán. exploration, and
more. They
provide highly
qualified personnel
with the necessary
certifications in
sites and
ecotourism to
assist in planning

Experience With over eight Six years in the With 4 years of Backed by 9 years
years of travel market, A experience in tours of experience, we
experience, group of young and transfers in excel in curating
committed to entrepreneurs with Mérida, Yucatán, unforgettable
providing the best the ability to they offer a level travel experiences
quality service in admire the culture, of security and and ensuring the
comfortable, clean, nature, the beauty guarantee that will utmost client
and new vehicles of traditions, and make your trip an satisfaction. This
are accompanied the colors of our unforgettable experience drives
by the best guides country. experience. us to continually
in the state. deliver
journeys that
expectations in

Analysis of Group tours are They offer over 20 Private and group Guided tours to
Services offered daily to destinations tours with certified cenotes, beaches,
various divided into 7 guides covering 15 Mayan
destinations in packages for you different locations, communities,
Yucatán and to fully enjoy the such as cenotes, caves, and
Quintana Roo, Yucatecan beaches, and mangrove areas for
including Celestún, peninsula, archaeological observing
Chichen Itzá, including places sites. Tour prices flora/fauna and
Coloradas, and like Chichen Itzá, do not include ecosystems.
Cenotes, among Ek Balam, and meals or entry fees Covering locations
other locations. Mayapán, among to locations. like Chichen Itzá,
These tours are others. They also Additionally, they Uxmal, Celestún,
categorized into provide tours in a offer a distinct car and more.
Classic, Plus, and PRIVATE mode, rental service with Additionally, they
Premium catering to the option of offer various
depending on the locations desired delivery to your activities such as
amenities. The by the clients. Hotel, Airbnb, or diving, kayaking,
differences among Airport. rappelling, etc.
these tours may Mayan Ecotours
include duration, advocates
site difficulty, ecotourism, aiming
areas visited, and to engage in
the inclusion of recreational
meals. activities for the
Additionally, appreciation and
personalized tours understanding of
are arranged nature
according to the
specific needs and
interests of each
individual or

Partnership Viajes Colibrí has Kuxtal Tours is Despite being Currently, Mayan
partnerships with recognized as one listed on Trip Ecotours has a
companies such as of the most Advisor, Mayan strategic alliance and renowned tour Ecotours doesn't with Hotel El
the Xcaret Group. agencies on Trip have significant Peregrino, as they
Additionally, it Advisor, being recognition within have jointly
receives support highly the platform. They conducted several
from governmental recommended by also lack any giveaways on their
entities like the platform. At relevant social media
SECTUR and present, they do partnerships. platforms.
CULTUR, as it not have any Additionally,
adheres to the strategic alliances Mayan Ecotours is
established with other featured as a
guidelines of these companies or recommended tour
organizations and brands. agency by Trip
those of the state of Advisor.

Digital Viajes Colibrí Kuxtal Tours is Mayan Ecotours Tours Yucatan
Strategies utilizes and social only present on maintains an active Merida is active on
media platforms social media presence on most most social media
such as Facebook, platforms such as popular social platforms
Twitter, and Instagram and media platforms including
Instagram. Facebook, where including TikTok, Facebook,
Although it's listed they have 379 and Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,
on Tripadvisor, it 2,400 followers YouTube, and YouTube, and
doesn't enjoy much respectively. Instagram, among Twitter. They have
prominence within Currently, they others. They have 7,700 followers on
the platform. They have only one 4,800 followers on Facebook and 320
have active paid Facebook and 506 on Instagram.
approximately advertisement on on Instagram. Booking and
7,000 followers on their social media. Tours can be payment for their
Instagram and To book tours, they scheduled through services can be
10,000 on offer reservations their website, conveniently done
Facebook. through social media through both their
Presently, they TripAdvisor, channels, social media
have 8 active paid where they are conventional profiles and their
advertisements on highly methods like phone website. Currently,
Facebook, which recommended by and email, and via they have only one
have generated the platform, and TripAdvisor, active paid
positive responses. via their social where they are advertisement.
Booking a tour media channels, as highly
with them is well as recommended with
possible through conventional excellent reviews.
their appealing methods like email Currently, they do
website or via and phone. not have any paid
WhatsApp and advertisements in
social media circulation.

Analysis of the current marketing mix of the company

The marketing mix will be used as a fundamental tool for the conception and execution of a
highly effective marketing strategy, to achieve and exceed the objectives established by

Viajes Colibrí. In this context, it is imperative to carefully address and consider various
crucial variables that make up this strategic set.

Product: Viajes Colibrí is distinguished by truly exceptional tourism experiences,

highlighting the rich culture, history, and impressive natural beauty of the region. The range
of tours ranges from visits to emblematic archaeological sites such as Chichén Itzá to
exciting excursions to cenotes and tours of the picturesque historic center of Mérida, as
well as other relevant local attractions. Each package is structured with different
specifications, itineraries, and logistics, allowing our audience to choose the option that
best suits their preferences and conveniences. The excellence of the experience, the comfort
of the means of transportation, and the specialized training of our staff accompanied by
certified guides who provide detailed information about the places to visit and photographic
assistance during the tour, contribute to enriching the customer experience in a way only.

Price: The pricing strategy is positioned competitively compared to other tourism agencies
in Yucatan, fairly reflecting the intrinsic value of the experience we offer. A variety of
price levels have been established to accommodate the varied needs and preferences of our
different customer segments. For example, for a 13-hour tour, an approximate cost of
$1,300 Mexican pesos per person and $1,100 pesos per child is estimated, including
comprehensive transportation, food, and visiting services. However, it is important to note
that prices may vary depending on the specific characteristics of the desired trip. In
addition, discounts are offered in newspapers for groups, special offers in low season, and
personalized packages, strategies that prove to be highly effective in attracting various

Place: In this business model, technology plays a predominant role, as direct sales web
portals are offered that provide consumers with a wide range of tools, from trip planners to
real-time tracking and assistance during their journeys. The strategic location of Mérida is
essential for the distribution of the tours, and there is a commercial network of points of
sale carefully located in tourist places and hotels, thus guaranteeing optimal accessibility
and contributing to offering a complete and rewarding experience.

Promotion: In promoting the service, the distinctive aspects that define the unique
experience offered are highlighted. Digital marketing strategies include an active and
constant presence on social networks, where you share relevant content and stay in touch
with followers. Likewise, collaboration with prominent travel bloggers and participation in
local events to expand the visibility of the business. In addition, loyalty programs have been
implemented, discounts for early reservations and testimonials from satisfied customers are
shared; All these elements make up a comprehensive and effective promotional strategy.

The adoption of this business tool as a cornerstone in the formulation of the company's
marketing strategy demonstrates a sound and holistic approach to meeting and exceeding
business objectives. Each component, from product offerings to pricing strategy,
distribution, and promotional tactics, has been carefully designed to deliver a
comprehensive and differentiated value proposition in Merida's competitive tourism
market. The effective alignment of the elements of the marketing mix positions Viajes
Colibrí as a standout option in the market, providing customers not only with quality
services but also memorable experiences backed by a comprehensive and efficient
marketing strategy.

Objectives and strategies

The objective for viajes colibri are:

● Increase the number of tours offered by 50% by the beginning of March.

❖ Search for new tourist destinations for the creation of new tour routes.
❖ Research convenient routes, history, and interesting facts for the tour guide.
❖ Quote and budget for the price of the new tours.
❖ Find restaurants or hotels in the new tour areas to partner with to be part of the
❖ Create a new promotion for the new tours.

The objective for viajes colibri are:

● Increase their presence on the social network TikTok by 70% by the beginning of
next year.

❖ Create audiovisual content for TikTok.
❖ Hire someone with experience in content creation to manage the social networks.
❖ Research the latest trends in the application.

The objective for viajes colibri are:

● Improve branding on their social networks by 80% by the beginning of February.

❖ Hire a brand manager with experience in digital branding who can carry out the new
branding of viajes Colibri.

Metrics that could be implicated in the strategies applied

Strategy: Search for new tourist destinations for the creation of new tour routes.
● The number of customers or tours sold
● Average time spent on the new tours offered
● Number of interactions on the website
● Number of likes, comments, and shares on social media posts
● Lifetime value (LTVl)
● Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Strategy: Research convenient routes, history, and interesting facts for the tour guide.
● Good reviews
● Satisfaction surveys

Strategy: Quote and budget for the price of the new tours.

● The number of customers or tours sold
● Good reviews
Strategy: Find restaurants or hotels in the new tour areas to partner with to be part of the
● Good reviews
● Demand for lodging services
● Demand for food service
● Satisfaction surveys

Strategy: Create a new promotion for the new tours.

● The number of customers or tours sold
● Website Traffic
● Number of leads
● Popularity of each tour
● New followers and growth in social networks
● Engagement in social networks such as likes, comments, shares, and
Strategy: Create audiovisual content for TikTok.
● Number of likes, comments, and shares on social media posts
● Number of views
● New followers on social media
● Surveys
Strategy: Hire someone with experience in content creation to manage the social networks.
● Satisfaction surveys
● The number of customers or tours sold
● Good reviews

● Suggestions or complaints
● Curriculum vitae

Strategy: Research the latest trends in the application.

● Popularity on social media.
● Number of views
● Number of likes, comments, and shares on social media posts
● New followers on social media

Strategy: Hire a brand manager with experience in digital branding who can carry out the
new branding of viajes Colibri.
● Number of likes, comments, and shares on social media posts
● The number of customers or tours sold
● New followers on social media
● Surveys
● Curriculum vitae
● Growth in social media

Potential barriers and ways to overcome them

● Differentiation of the service: We must find an effective and secure positioning in

the market, especially with the new arrival of tourism demand by the Mayan train
and the new creation of tourism companies. To overcome it you must have proper
branding, in addition to highlighting the good opinions of customers, as well as
highlighting the wide variety of tourist sites that cover our tours, reviews, and
recommendations on social networks also help brand positioning.
● Association with businesses: If an agreement or association with a hotel or
restaurant is not reached, the experience of our tours may be affected, it is necessary
to have places of reference or partners to be able to provide these food and lodging

services to customers if required. To overcome this, it is necessary to create fair and
legal agreements where both companies benefit, an exchange of benefits, for the
service of food and lodging in exchange for attracting tourists to hotels and
● Lack of personnel: Failure to find the right people to fill the positions of brand
manager and content creator would delay the fulfillment of the objectives, it is
necessary to find the right people with experience who can carry out the task. One
way to overcome it is with a good job offer, which includes a fair salary, good
working hours, benefits by law, social security, etc.

We can measure customer satisfaction through a survey which will be given to our clients
at the end of their tour, which will help us to know more about how to improve, the strong
attributes, etc. In such a survey we will ask the following questions:
● How did you hear about viajes Colibri?
● What was your experience with viajes colibri?
● Would you use viajes Colibri for another tour?
● Would you recommend viajes Colibri?
● What did you like most about viajes colibri?
● What areas of opportunity do you think viajes Colibri has?
Gantt diagram (about the activities that relate to the objective

The budget is implicated for the appliance of the activities established in

Gantt´s diagram.

CONTENT: $10,000
TOTAL: $38,000
Control steps in the execution of the strategies
Strategy: Field Investigation of Routes
Confirmation and Documentation of Motul and Espita Route:
Detailed review of the route, identification of attractions, and stops.
Investigation of Mani and Tekax Route:
Evaluation and documentation of points of interest and suggested stops.
Exploration of Progreso, Chelem, and Chuburna Route:
In-depth research of attractions and strategic stops.
Research on Chicxulub, Telchac, San Crisanto to El Cuyo Route:
Detailed documentation of attractions and potential stops.

Strategy: Fuel Expenditure Quotation for Routes

Gasoline Consumption Testing for Motul and Espita Route:
Execution of tests to determine gasoline consumption.
Fuel Expenditure Calculations for Mani and Tekax Route:
Testing and calculations of gasoline expenses for the route.
Evaluation of Gasoline Consumption for Progreso, Chelem, and Chuburna Route:
Analysis of gasoline consumption on this route.
Gasoline Expenditure Calculations for Chicxulub, Telchac, San Crisanto to El Cuyo
Determination of gasoline expenditure for the final route.

Strategy: Documented Research on Tourist Locations

Research on the History and Traditions of Motul and Espita:
Detailed documentation of local history and customs.
Documentation of Places of Interest in Mani and Tekax:
Thorough research of significant places.
Investigation of Progreso, Chelem, and Chuburna:
Details on prices, schedules of attractions, and local traditions.
Documentation of Chicxulub, Telchac, San Crisanto to El Cuyo
In-depth research on points of interest, history, and customs.

Strategy: Creation of Audiovisual Content

Planning and Recording Material for Motul and Espita Route:
Production of visual promotional material.
Creation of Visual Content for Mani and Tekax Route:
Production of promotional videos and photographs.
Creation of Audiovisual Material for Progreso, Chelem, and Chuburna Route:
Production of visual content for this route.
Production of Audiovisual Material for Chicxulub, Telchac, San Crisanto to El Cuyo
Creation of videos and photographs for the final route.

Strategy: Seeking Partnerships with Restaurants and Hotels

Research and Contact with Restaurants on Motul and Espita Route:
Evaluation and contact with establishments on the route.
Agreements and Negotiations with Establishments on Mani and Tekax Route:
Establishment of agreements with restaurants and hotels.
Establishment of Agreements with Restaurants and Hotels on Progreso, Chelem, and
Chuburna Route:
Seeking partnerships with establishments on this route.
Seeking Partnerships with Establishments on Chicxulub, Telchac, San Crisanto to El
Cuyo Route:
Exploration of partnerships on the final route.

Strategy: Seeking Content Creator for Social Media
Job Posting for Content Creator:
Announcement of the vacancy and call for candidates.
Interviews and Selection of Content Creator:
Selection process and hiring of the suitable candidate.
Training of Content Creator in Company Vision and Values:
Introduction to the company and training in its vision and values.

Strategy: Seeking Brand Manager for Digital Branding

Job Posting for Brand Manager:
Announcement of the position and call for candidates.
Selection Process and Hiring of Brand Manager:
Interviews and selection of the candidate for the position.
Implementation of New Branding Strategies in Social Media Posts:
Integration of the new brand strategy into social media posts.
Flowchart of a proposal in complaints and customer service

Conclusions of the project

In summary, Viajes Colibri, a distinguished travel agency with over eight years of
experience in Yucatán, is committed to delivering unparalleled travel experiences. Through
a mission centered on providing unforgettable and personalized journeys, a vision to be the
premier travel agency in Yucatán, and values rooted in quality, comfort, and cultural
responsibility, Viajes Colibrí stands as a testament to excellence in travel curation. The
agency's versatility is evident in its personalized approach, addressing the diverse needs of
families, friends, seniors, and specialized interest groups. From meticulous itinerary
planning to efficient logistics management, Viajes Colibrí positions itself as a reliable
partner, offering enriching memories and experiences that transcend the ordinary.

Viajes Colibrí's product offerings showcase the region's cultural, historical, and natural
wonders, from iconic archaeological sites to picturesque historic centers. The emphasis on
excellence, coupled with the comfort of transportation and the expertise of certified guides,
results in journeys that are both enlightening and memorable. The agency's pricing strategy
reflects fairness and inclusivity, accommodating diverse preferences with a variety of price
levels, discounts, special offers, and personalized packages. Technologically adept, Viajes
Colibrí's direct sales web portals enhance accessibility and contribute to a rewarding
experience. Promotion-wise, Viajes Colibrí adopts a comprehensive digital marketing
strategy, actively engaging with its audience on social networks, collaborating with travel
bloggers, participating in local events, and implementing loyalty programs. This integrated
approach, coupled with testimonials from satisfied customers, forms the cornerstone of a
marketing strategy designed to exceed business objectives. Looking ahead, Viajes Colibrí
aims to expand its tour offerings, covering more magical towns and beaches. This strategic
move aligns with the evolving tourism landscape, especially with the Mayan train's
imminent launch.

The outlined strategies, from field investigations to content creation, partnership building,
and talent acquisition, position Viajes Colibrí to capitalize on emerging opportunities.
However, potential barriers, such as service differentiation, strategic business associations,
and talent acquisition challenges, are acknowledged. Yet, Viajes Colibri, fortified by a
commitment to crafting a distinctive brand, fostering meaningful partnerships, and
attracting top-tier talent, stands well-prepared to navigate these hurdles. The agency not

only witnesses the growth in Yucatán's tourism but actively shapes its narrative. In
navigating these strategic goals, Viajes Colibrí has outlined specific objectives and
strategies. From field investigations and route testing to partnerships with local businesses
and the creation of compelling digital branding, the agency demonstrates a comprehensive
approach. Metrics for success include customer engagement, website traffic, return on
investment, and social media growth. While barriers like service differentiation and talent
acquisition pose challenges, Viajes Colibrí leverages its strengths the dedication to quality,
a diverse range of tours, and a commitment to responsible tourism. With a focus on
customer satisfaction, the agency strives to provide not just travel but a symphony of
memories that resonate long after the journey is complete. As Viajes Colibrí embarks on its
journey towards achieving these goals, it does so not just as a facilitator of exploration but
as a curator of transformative narratives, leaving an indelible mark on the travel landscape
of Yucatán. The agency's proactive stance positions it not only as a witness to Yucatán's
tourism growth but as a driving force shaping its narrative. The future holds promise for
Viajes Colibrí as it continues to weave together experiences that transcend the ordinary,
promising a vibrant tapestry of memories for every traveler.

Conclusions of the class.

In conclusion, our exploration of strategic marketing has been a rich and comprehensive
journey, delving into various facets that collectively form the backbone of successful
business endeavors. From benchmarking to price analysis, marketing metrics, CRM,
financial management, and organizational and sales strategies, each topic has contributed to
a holistic understanding of the dynamic field of strategic marketing.

Throughout the course, we've unearthed the significance of benchmarking as a tool for
gauging performance against industry standards and competitors, fostering a culture of
continuous improvement. The in-depth examination of price analysis has equipped us with
the skills to navigate the intricacies of pricing strategies, considering market dynamics and
consumer behavior. The deep dive into marketing metrics has illuminated the role of data in
decision-making, emphasizing the importance of measurable and actionable insights. The
exploration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has underscored the pivotal role

of customer-centric approaches in fostering long-term relationships and driving business

Financial management, a critical component of strategic marketing, has been demystified,

revealing its integral role in achieving sustainable growth. We've grappled with the
intricacies of budgeting, resource allocation, and financial planning, understanding how
these elements form the bedrock of strategic decision-making. The integration of planning
into metrics has been a key theme, highlighting the need for a cohesive and well-aligned
marketing strategy that aligns with overarching business goals. We've witnessed the
interplay between organizational strategies and sales strategies, recognizing the symbiotic
relationship that drives business performance. As we conclude this class, it is evident that
strategic marketing is a dynamic and evolving discipline, requiring a nuanced
understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. The
knowledge gained in this course equips us not only with theoretical insights but also with
practical tools and frameworks to navigate the complex terrain of the business world.

Our collective journey has emphasized the need for adaptability in the face of changing
market dynamics and the importance of innovation in crafting strategies that stand the test
of time. The lessons learned extend beyond the confines of the classroom, providing a
foundation for informed decision-making in the ever-shifting landscape of strategic
marketing. As we step out into the professional arena, let us carry forward the insights
gained, applying them to real-world scenarios, and contributing to the strategic success of
the organizations we engage with.

The multifaceted nature of strategic marketing ensures that the knowledge acquired in this
class will remain relevant and valuable in the pursuit of business excellence. Cheers to our
collective growth, and may our strategic marketing endeavors be as dynamic and impactful
as the insights we've gathered throughout this course.

References APA style

 Viajes Colibrí Yucatán. (2022, 15 marzo). Home - ViajesColibriYucatan. Tours

diaros en Grupo y Privado.
 Secretaría de Fomento Turístico :: Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán. (s. f.). Informe
mensual de turismo en Yucatán.
 Tripadvisor. (s. f.). Viajes Colibrí Yucatán TOURS - Qué SABER antes de ir-
 El Economista. (2023, 31 marzo). Yucatán va por nuevos récords en turismo este
2023. El Economista.

 Home - Kuxtal Tours Mérida. (s. f.). Kuxtal Tours Mérida.
 Mayanecotours. (s. f.). Ecoturismo y excursiones en Yucatán: Chichén Itzá, Uxmal,

Cenotes y más.

 Wilson, N. (2023, 12 julio). Why Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula is one of this year’s

top destinations. Benoit Properties.


 Tours Mérida Yuc.. (2021, 3 noviembre). Tours en Mérida Yucatán - Agencia

Tours Yucatán Mérida. Tours Yucatán Mérida.


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