CSS Islamic Studies MCQs

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CSS Islamic Studies Past Papers MCQs

CSS Islamiat Past Papers Mcqs Year 2016 Archives → good website for solved MCQs
Most Common Questions and answers Islamyat

General Knowledge
● Name of Holy Prophet (Muhammad) mentioned 4 times in the Quran
○ Holy Prophet was given the name Ahmed by Bibi Amna
● Battles / Ghazwas
○ Last ghazwa was Tabuk Expedition
○ Battle of Trench in 5AH
■ During this battle holy prophet missed 4 prayers
■ He combined Zuhr and Asr
○ Battle of Badr in 2AH
○ Battle of Uhad in 3AH
● 101 muslims migrated to Abyssinnia (Najran)
● Titles of Prophets
○ Jadul Anbiya → Hazrat Ibrahim
○ Father of muslims → Hazrat Ibrahim
○ Orator of Prophets → Hazrat Shoaib
○ Zabeeh Ullah title → Hazrat Ismail
○ Abul-Bashar + Safi Ullah→ Hazrat Adam
○ Abul Bashar Sani + Naji Ullah + Sheikh ul Anbiya → Hazrat Nuh
○ Zul Noon → Hazrat Yousaf
○ Rooh ulllah → Hazrat Isa
○ Kalim Ullah → Hazrat Musa
○ Najeeb Ullah → Hazrat Dawood
○ Sahib ul Naqa → Hazrat Yahya
○ Ullul Azm → Holy Prophet, Hazrat Nuh, Ibrahim, Isa and Musa
● Companions of the Holy Prophet
○ Asad ullah → Hazrat Ali
○ Saif ullah → Khalid bin Waleed
○ Sheikh ul Islam → Abuzar Ghaffari
○ Khair ur tabeen → Awais uk Karni
○ Zul shahdateen → Khuzaima bin Sabit
○ Attique and Afzal ul Bashr → Hazrat AbuBakr
○ Sayyed ul Muslimeen → Amr bin Aas
○ Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of Hazrat Khuzaima bin Sabit
○ Ghaseel e Malaika → Hazrat Hanzala
○ Permanent custodian of the Kaabah → Hazrat Usman bin Talha
○ Harzat Khuzaifa had the mohar of the Holy Prophet
○ Ada Bin Hatam Thai embraced Islam in 9AH
○ Ameen –ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat Ubaidah bin Jarrah
● Muslims scientists
○ Al Razi → treatment of chickenpox
○ Ibn Haitham → law of refraction + inevtnor of dark room
○ Alkhwarzmi → mathematician → invented the number ‘zero’
○ Zaharawi → surgeon and physician
○ Umar Khayam → inventor of calendar + was also a poet and philosopher
● Hijri Calendar starts from 622 AD
○ 1st month: Muharram
○ 2nd month: safar
○ 3rd month: Rabi ul awal
○ 7th month: rajab
○ 8th month: shaban
○ 9th month: Razaman
○ 12th month: zil hajj
○ 4 holy months: muharram, safar, rajab, zil hajj
● Namaz (prayers)
○ Quran has commanded 700 times for Namaz
○ Istisqa for rain
○ Khasoof for lunar eclipse
○ Kasoof for solar eclipse
○ Khauf (prayer of fear) offered at the time of war
○ Chasht offered after sunrise
○ Qasr prayer starts after 78km distance
○ Holy Prophet offered zuhr and asr together during khazwa khandaq
● Umar bin Abdul Aziz (Umar II) → His rulership is marked by the first official
collection of Hadith
● The armour of islam → Sawm (fasting)
● Khalifas
○ Caliphate remained for 30 years
○ Hazrat Usman was assasinated in 35AH
○ Hazrat Umar → Ameer ul Momineen
○ Hazrat Umar bin abdul aziz → Khalifa Saleh
● Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād (Arabic: ‫)طارق بن زياد‬, also known simply as Tarik in English, was an
Umayyad commander who initiated the Muslim conquest of Visigothic Hispania
(present-day Spain and Portugal) in 711–718 AD.
● Abu sufyan accept the Islam in 630 Ad
● Last prophet to bani isreal was Hazrat Isa
● Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith “Sahifa-e-Sadiqa → Abu Hurairah
● Chronological Order
1. About the Holy Prophet
a. Born 570 AD Mecca, Hejaz, Arabia
b. Died 8 June 632 (11 AH) (aged 62-63) Medina, Hejaz, Arabia
c. His father, Abdullah died a few months before Muhammad's birth. His
mother Amina died when he was six.
d. Foster sisters → Shaima binte Haris, and Aneesa binte Haris. The Holy
Prophet also had a foster brother named Abdullah.
e. Went to first business trip to Syria when he was 12 with Abu Talib
f. Married to Hazrat Khadija when he was 25 and she was 40 years old
g. 11 wives in total → second wife Hazrat Sawdah
h. Children:
i. Hazrat Qasim
ii. Hazrat Zainab
iii. Hazrat Ruqqayah
iv. Hazrat Umme Kulsoom
v. Harzat Fatima (aka Khatoon e Jannat)
vi. Hazrat Abdullah
vii. Hazrat Ibrahim (mother was Hazrat Maria from Egypt)
i. When he was 40, circa 610 AD, Muhammad reported being visited by
Gabriel in the cave of hira and receiving his first revelation from God.
In 613, Muhammad started preaching these revelations publicly.
j. 23 years of Prophethood
i. Stayed in Makkah for 13 years → 86 surahs Makki
ii. Stayed in Medina for 10 years → 28 surahs madni
k. Sent some of his followers (101) to Abyssinia in 615
l. Shi’b Abi Taalib 7 Nabawi (boycott of Banu Hashim) → stayed for 3
m. It happened on the night of the 26th of Rajab, the seventh month of the
Islamic calendar, in the year 621 AD, which is one year before the
Prophet's migration to Medina. At the house of his cousin Umme Hani
● Miraj mentioned in 2 surahs → Surah Bani Israel (also called
Surah Isra) + Surah Najm
n. Migrated to madina in 622 AD → start of hijri year
o. First international treaty → Treaty of Madina → 47 clauses
2. Major Conquests / Battles / Treaties
a. Battle of Badr 2AH → mentioned in Surah Al Imran
b. Battle of Uhad 3AH → mentioned in Surah Al Imran
c. Battle of Trench 5AH → Surah Ahzab
i. The siege lasted for 27 days.
d. Treaty of Hudaibiya 6AH → Fateh Mubeen
i. 7 clauses (5 major clauses)
ii. Written by Hazrat Ali
iii. 10 years of no war
iv. The Muslims will return to Medina without performing the
pilgrimage but will be allowed the following year and will stay
in Mecca for three days during which time the Quraysh will
vacate the city.
e. Battle of Khyber 7AH → mentioned in Surah Fath
i. Hazrat Safia was imprisoned in Battle of Khyber
f. Conquest of Makkah 8AH (10th Ramadan in 630AD)
g. Battle of Hunain 8AH → Surah Taubah
h. Taif in 8AH
i. Tabuk expedition 9AH → mentioned in Surah Taubah
3. Pillars of Islam
a. Namaz → As for the five daily prayers in the form that is well-known,
they were made obligatory on the night of the Isra' and Mi'raaj.
b. Zakat → 2AH
c. Roza → 2AH
d. Hajj made obligatory in 9AH
4. The muslim empire spread over 3 continents within 15 years of the death of
the Holy Prophet.
● Quran
○ Total surahs 114
○ Longest surah → surah baqarah (the cow)
○ Shortest surah → surah kausar
○ First surah → surah alaq
○ Surah about tauhid → surah ikhlas
○ Longest ayat → Ayat Mudayana
○ MAUWAZATAIN → two specific surahs of the Quran (Surah Falak and Nas)
○ Surah with 100 or more verses
○ Surat al Baraat → another name for Surah Tauba
○ Fassatat al Quran → another name for Surah Baqarah
○ 7 manzilein (stages) in the Quran
○ Al Maeen is a Surah in which there are → 100 or more Ayats
○ 5 verses abrogated by Shah Wali Ullah
○ 2nd Mujjadad → Ahmed Sirhindi (aka Mujaddat al Sani)
○ 29 verses with haroof muqataat
○ Most mentioned prophet → Hazrat Musa (136 times)
○ Muhammad mentioned 4 times
○ QUBA mosque has been mentioned in Taubah
○ IFK incident mentioned in Surah Noor
○ Zaid bin Haris mentioned in the Quran
○ How many Paara or Juz (parts) are there in the Quran? → 30
○ How many Rukoo (paragraphs) are there in the Quran? → 558
○ How many Aayaath (verses) are there in the Quran? → 6236
○ How many times is the word ALLAH repeated in the Quran? → 2698
○ How many different types of verses are there in the Quran? → 2 types
○ At the time of the death of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
how many Huffaz were there? → 22
○ How many verses) on Sajda (prostration) are there in the Quran? → 14
○ How many times has the Quran emphasized on alms or charity? → 150 times
● Hadis
○ Hadis taqriri → acts of Holy Prophet and companions
○ According to Reference to a Particular Authority
■ Qudsi: meaning “Divine”. These were sent directly from Allah to the
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, who then passed it on to his companions
■ Mauquf: meaning “Stopped”. It is a kind of command which was
directly given by Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to his companions who forwarded it.
■ Maqtu`: meaning “Severed”. It is a form of Instruction which cannot
be traced back to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, but to one of his companions, who
explained it in their own words
■ Technically marfu` means a hadith attributed to the Messenger of
Allah (‫وآلہ وسلم‬
ٖ ‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ‬and a companion (sahabi) narrates it
○ According to Nature of Matn and Isnad
■ Munkar: meaning “Denounced”. Hadith which contradicts an authentic
Hadith and belongs to a weak narrator.
■ Mudraj: meaning “Interpolated”. Hadith with some additional words to
the authentic Hadith by its narrator.
○ Types of Hadis → According to Authenticity of Correspondents)
■ Sahih
■ Hassan
■ Zaeef
■ Maudhu
○ According to the Links of Isnad (Sequence of Reporters)
■ Musnad: meaning “Supported”. Reported by a well known companion
of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, although the final narrator might not have
been with him at that time.
■ Muttasil: meaning “Continuous”. The one with undisturbed Isnad
(Sequence of Reporters) which only goes back to a companion or
■ Mursal: meaning “Hurried”. A Hadith quoted by one of the following
generations directly in the name of the Prophet without the name of
any of the Companions being mentioned.
■ Munqati`: meaning “Broken”. Hadiths which have one or more than
one narrators missing, but not consecutively.
■ Mu`adal: meaning “Perplexing”. Hadiths with two or more narrators
missing successively.
■ Mu`allaq: meaning “Hanging”. Hadiths in which one or more narrators
are not known at the beginning of the sanad (Sequence of Reporters) or
none of the narrators are known.
○ According to the Number of Reporters
■ This can be is divided into two groups:
● Mutawatir: meaning “Consecutive”. Hadith being reported by
such a large number of rightful companions that it is agreed
upon as authentic.
● Ahad: meaning “Isolated”. Hadith which has been narrated by a
countable number of people.
○ Ahad has been further categorised into three sub-types:
■ Mash’hur: meaning “Famous”. Hadith which is
related by more than two individuals from each
■ Aziz: meaning “Rare yet Strong”. Hadith having
only two reporters in its Isnad (Sequence of
■ Gharib: meaning “Strange”. Saying of Holy
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with only one narrator in its Isnad
(Sequence of Reporters).
● 4 schools of law
1. Hanafi
a. Sahibain title → imam abu hanifa (real name Nauman bin Sabit) +
Imam Shaibani
b. Kitab-ul-Assar by Imam Hanifa
2. Hanbali
a. Usool as-Sunnah: "Foundations of the Prophetic Tradition (in Belief)"
b. as-Sunnah: "The Prophet Tradition (in Belief)"
c. Kitab al-`Ilal wa Ma‘rifat al-Rijal: "The Book of Narrations Containing
Hidden Flaws and of Knowledge of the Men (of Hadeeth)" Riyad:
Al-Maktabah al-Islamiyyah
d. Kitab al-Manasik: "The Book of the Rites of Hajj"
e. Kitab al-Zuhd: "The Book of Abstinence" ed. Muhammad Zaghlul,
Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabi, 1994
f. Kitab al-Iman: "The Book of Faith"
g. Kitab al-Masa'il: "Issues in Fiqh"
h. Kitab al-Ashribah: "The Book of Drinks"
i. Kitab al-Fada'il Sahaba: "Virtues of the Companions"
j. Kitab Tha'ah al-Rasul : "The Book of Obedience to the Messenger"
k. Kitab Mansukh: "The Book of Abrogation"
l. Kitab al-Fara'id: "The Book of Obligatory Duties"
m. Kitab al-Radd `ala al-Zanadiqa wa'l-Jahmiyya: "Refutations of the
Heretics and the Jahmites" (Cairo: 1973)
n. Tafsir: "Exegesis"
o. Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal
3. Shafi
a. Al-Risala – The best-known book by al-Shafi'i in which he examined
principles of jurisprudence. The book has been translated into English.
b. Kitab al-Umm – his main surviving text on Shafi'i fiqh
c. Musnad al-Shafi'i (on hadith)
d. Imam Shafi took the office of “Religious Judgment” at the age of 15
4. Maliki
a. Imam Dar ul Hijrat title → Imam Malik
b. Al Mawatta by Imam Malik

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