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7º ANO
Professora: Alex
Nº: Aluno(a): _______________________________________ Data: ____/____/_____

TEXTO PARA INTERPRETAÇÃO. A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She
goes to school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she
studies English at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream
every day and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but
they help their parents too. They want to open a small restaurant because they
like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her father tells
her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are
correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Vocabulary : Teenager : adolescente want : querer tell : contar a lot : muito

give up : desistir
01) How old is Jane?

02) When does she go to school?

03)How many brothers does She have ?
04) Traduza para O português. She loves ice cream and barbecue.

05) Write the sentences using ING ,use the VERB TO BE .
A) I ____________ ( go ) to Sobral now. B) She ______________ ( ride ) a bike.
C) My Dad _____________ ( sleep ) very much.D) They _____________ ( study ) very
hard to the contest.
E) We _______________ ( make ) a pizza.
F) My brothers ____________ ( work ) in Paraguay.
G)My sisters ________________ ( run) very fast everyday.
06) Write the ING of the verbs below.
A) make ___________________ G) see ___________
B) date ______________________ H) be __________
C) lie _______________________ I) bake _________________
D) die ______________________
E) tie ____________________
F) listen ___________________
07) Desembaralhe as frases.
A) My / are / bosses / complaining / a lot.
B) Alex / Teaching / English / is / for us.
C) We / watching / are / TV.
D) Neymar / playing / are / soccer / very bad.
08) Complete com Do e Does..
A) ______ You Speak English ? B)_____ He love You ? C) ____ We study
Here ?
D) _____ Alex travel a lot ? E) ______ They eat Sushi?
09) Rewrite the sentences using DON´T or DOESN´T.
A) I do not speak Spanish
B)She does not go there anymore.
C) We do not understand you.
D) You do not love me .
E) It seems it does not rain today.
10) Underline the correct verb .
A) What ( do-does ) you like to do ? B) How ( does- do ) computer work?
C) ( Do - Does ) you like Alex´s Classes ? D) ( Do- Does ) She watch TV ?
E) ( Do - Does ) Peter study Spanish ?
11)Escreva o SIMPLE present dos verbos abaixo. S-ES-IES
A) Wash _____________ B) do ___________ C) study __________
D) watch _____________ E) have ___________ F) cry _____________
G) work _____________ H ) make _____________ I) Play _____________
12) Fill in the blanks with the simple present.
A) She ______________ ( have ) a car in her garage. B) He ______________ ( wash )
his car everyday. C) We _______________ ( study ) English.
D)Paul _______________ ( fly) to Fortaleza all the time.
E) Ana and Pepe _____________ ( play ) soccer.

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