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ESL Lesson Plans from

Anne Frank

Over one million children under the age of sixteen died in Nazi concentration
camps during W.W. II. Anne Frank was one of them.
Anne Frank was a German-Jewish teenager born on June 12, 1929. On
June 12, 1942, Anne received a small red and white diary for her thirteenth
birthday. She called her new diary “Kitty” and wrote in it every day. Anne’s
diary became her best friend. From July 6, 1942, Anne’s family and four friends
went into hiding from the Nazis. They hid in small rooms above her father’s of-
fice in Amsterdam. They hid for 25 months. Everthing about their lives became
a secret.
But, they were betrayed. They were arrested and taken to Nazi concen-
tration camps. In March of 1945, nine months after she was arrested, Anne
Frank died of typhus. She was fifteen years old. Only Anne’s father, Otto Frank,
survived the Holocaust.
After the war, Otto Frank found his daughter’s diary. In 1947, he published
the diary. He wanted people to know about Nazi fascism and the Holocaust.
Since then, the diary has been published in 55 languages. More than 24 million
copies have been sold. In English, the book is called, The Diary of Anne Frank.

Copyright 2004. This e-book is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of, in accordance with membership terms and conditions. (Contact for complete details.)
ESL Lesson Plans from

Reading Comprehension

1. How many children died in Nazi concentration camps?__________________________________

2. Where was Anne Frank from? __________________________________________________________
3. What did Anne receive on her thirteenth birthday? ______________________________________
4. What did she call her new diary? _______________________________________________________
5. Why did Anne’s family go into hiding? __________________________________________________
6. Where did they hide? __________________________________________________________________
7. How long did they hide? _______________________________________________________________
8. After they were betrayed, where were they taken? _____________________________________
9. When did Anne Frank die? _____________________________________________________________
10. How old was she when she died? _____________________________________________________
11. Who survived the Holocaust? _________________________________________________________
12. Who found Anne’s diary? _____________________________________________________________
13. When did he publish Anne’s diary? ____________________________________________________
14. Why did he publish Anne’s diary? _____________________________________________________
15. How many languages has the diary been published in? ________________________________

Word Search
Unscramble these words from the reading, then find them in the Word Search below.
• wisehj ____________________ j e w i s h t a s h d y c
a c a e i s e i a e h a d
• erenateg ____________________
i d r k y t e g m a m p i
• aryid ____________________ s s t a v h n i i d n u u
• gidihn ____________________ d t i c d i a r y a v b a
e s a v o d g i y c c l t
• cretse ____________________
g c e v i i e k n h h i o
• rayedbet ____________________ i k a c p n r r i e d s w
• sivedurv ____________________ f i r c r g e t a r y h k
• hedblispu ____________________ t n t v r e h b i r t e e
s g s f b e t r a y e d r
• steardre ____________________ e s u r v i v e d k n t e
t m o a r r e s t e d s c
Copyright 2004. This e-book is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of, in accordance with membership terms and conditions. (Contact for complete details.)
ESL Lesson Plans from

Word Search answer key

• jewish
• teenager
• diary
• hiding
• secret
• betrayed
• survived
• published
• arrested

j e w i s h t a s h d y c
a c a e i s e i a e h a d
i d r k y t e g m a m p i
s s t a v h n i i d n u u
d t i c d i a r y a v b a
e s a v o d g i y c c l t
g c e v i i e k n h h i o
i k a c p n r r i e d s w
f i r c r g e t a r y h k
t n t v r e h b i r t e e
s g s f b e t r a y e d r
e s u r v i v e d k n t e
t m o a r r e s t e d s c

Copyright 2004. This e-book is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of, in accordance with membership terms and conditions. (Contact for complete details.)

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