Philo 17

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1. Pre-Industrial Period
Hunting and gathering - The main form of food production in such societies is the
daily collection of wild plants and the hunting of wild animals. They are characterized to
move from place to place or being nomadic, and their population is limited because they
need to adjust their survival within the places where they may find their needs. If the foods
are already gone, they will search again in other places. The level of their interaction with
one another is very close and usually binds with the charismatic chieftain or the alpha male.
Pastoral - Man learned how to take care of the animals they used to eat. They learned how to
reproduce their domesticated animal, tame it, which led to halting their nomadic form of life. Because
of this, the stress they encountered began to subside, and they were able to look for research in
developing tools, weapons, and jewelry. Pastoralism relies on domesticated herd animals to meet
their food needs.

Horticultural - People learned to grow fruits and vegetables and cleared some areas of the
jungle to produce garden plots. People in this stage began to flourish, and the needed substance for
living a more decent life are manifested in this period.
Agrarian - Systematically producing the supply needs in parallel to the demand of society and
inter-society. The population of humans began to rise, and the need to supply their demand came
into existence. People, in this stage, can now produce systematically more fruits and vegetables and
with animal husbandry. Man was able to develop more complexity in education and developed
ancient empires. It also increases food supplies leading to greater surplus (sobrang supply) and
eventually to a more complicated skill group of men like rulers, educators, craftspeople, merchants,
Feudal - Feudalism or feudal society was a form of society based on ownership of land.
Because of the high demand for land for agriculture, land ownership became an instrument of power
and wealth. In this stage, a civilized country or kingdom can be ruined by another kingdom if she
failed to develop her kingdom to a more powerful one which we called in the international study the
hegemony (payabangan, palakasan, paangasan). We will not further discuss the feudalism system
because it is already discussed in your Grade 8 World History.
2. Industrial Period
Traditional Society - In sociology, it refers to a society characterized by an orientation to the
past, not the future, with a predominant role for custom and habit. A good example of this is the
Caste System. Society in this period considered the advice of their elders or religious leaders in
deciding the fate of their society. Usually, this type of society is formed either of a group of wealthy
men, small clergy group or religious denomination or monarchy. They have a strict observance of
caring for the pureblood, and any deviance to this will endanger society. For example, the next ruler
of Kingdom X must come from his/her own siblings. A servant is prohibited from marrying into the
upper class. If you are born in such a classification, you must maintain it. Otherwise, you will be
Mass Society - Mass means the plurality of the people. Any society of the modern era
possesses a mass culture and large-scale, impersonal social institutions. To maintain the said order
under this form, a bureaucracy must establish. The basis of your social classification is your
credentials and educational/experience background. For example, you are not entitled to promotion
as chief of the accounting department if you are not a BS in Accountancy graduate. Suppose all
accountants are qualified to be at the apex of work. In that case, the highest and weighted
credentials will be used like having a license or being a CPA, managerial experiences, doctorate,
etc. The counterpart of the Mass Society in Caste System is called the Open-Class System. During
the age of enlightenment, people (mass) also used their preferred ideology informing their utopian
style of society. For example, during the industrial age of the 19th century, a group of republican
ideologists sought to overthrow the monarchical ideologist saying that the power must reside in the
mandate of the people and not in one person called king or any royal members. Capitalists are
bound in the history of libertarianism, while communists contradict them, saying a fair distribution of
wealth must be given.
Information Society - is a society where the usage, creation, distribution, manipulation, and
integration of information is a significant activity. In this type of society, the main drivers are
information technology, communications, and digital platforms. When a person cannot voice his/her
grievances against his/her friends or to the government, he/she can use the digital world of social
media where he/she can hide his/her identity. Using trending messages and mass petitions to a
certain influential group or personalities can overt his/her decision which is a form of lobbying. Other
academies prefer the information society as the fourth estate of the republic, meaning, if the checks
and balances of the three separate branches of the government failed, then the media will take
place. For example, Juan dela Cruz was persecuted as a traitor to the government. The popular
president may impose an order to Congress and the Supreme Court in favor of him in punishing
Juan. But, because of the mass media, anyone can disseminate information and reveal the truth
about Juan.

“Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating
a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people
together as one.

We may refer to the study of Émile Durkheim, introduced in his Division of Labour in Society (1893).

 Mechanical solidarity is the social integration of members of a society who have common
values and beliefs. (Britannica, n.d.) For instance, you are offended when someone
maligned the Lord Jesus Christ by a non-Christian denomination. The mechanism that drives
you to be a sympathizer of such a group lies in our collective conscience. For example, if you
are raised as a vegan (non-eating animal flesh of animals), you may feel discomfort if you
see a man butchering an animal in the slaughterhouse. The solidarity of your internal
emotions is in harmony with people with the same frequencies. It is very much reflected in
the famous quote, "Birds with the same feather, flock together" or "Tell me who your friends
are, and I will tell you who you are."
 Organic solidarity is a social integration that arises out of the need of individuals for one
another’s service. It is more technically defined as social harmony based on
interdependence between humans in their special skills and talents and the goal to be
achieved. For example, in a factory, there are assemblers, boiler operators, boilermakers,
bookbinders and bindery workers, electronic assemblers, expediters, fiberglass
laminators/fabricators, and general service providers who worked together to produce the
needed manufacturing product. Their salaries are also designed in terms of the gravity of
their work, educational background related to the work, and the number of hours spent.
Organic means your line of specialization or essence needed by you and your co-workers to
obtain a certain goal, unlike mechanical, which relies on the emotional impulses in our brain
or intuitions.

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