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1. Question words. Choose the correct answers.

1. __________ did your family go on holiday last year?

a. When
b. What

2. __________ bag did Paul find?

a. Whose
b. Which

3. ______________ often do you go to the cinema?

a. How many
b. How often

4. _______ are you studying English?

a. Who
b. Why

5. _____________ languages does your girlfriend speak?

a. How much
b. How many

6. ___________ does your boss get to work?

a. How
b. Where

2. Tenses. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs. Use
short forms where possible.

1 My sister the guitar in a rock band. (play)

2 She playing when she was eight years old. (start)

3 This month she Europe with her band. (tour)

4 Last night they in Paris for the first time. (play)

5 The band on tour every year. (go)

6 Last year they to the United States for six months. (go)
3. Present Simple / Continuous. Underline any mistakes in the sentences. If
there isn't a mistake, tick the box.

1 Are you get married next year?

2 On Fridays I'm never go to bed early.
3 Jim doesn't drives to work every day.
4 Sarah thinking it's a great party.
5 My boyfriend live near me.
6 Richard smokes 60 cigarettes a day.

4. Short answers. Match the questions and short answers. Write the letter in
the box.

1 Does your brother work at A Yes, he does.

2 Have you got a new B Yes, they are.
3 Are the children at school? C No, you didn't.

4 Do you like going to the D Yes, I have.

5 Has your girlfriend got a car? E No, I don't.

6 Did I give you back the money? F No, she hasn't.

5. Past Simple / Continuous. Match the questions and answers. Write the
letter in the box.

1 What were you doing when I A They were driving to London.

rang you?
2 Where was Jim going when B He was going to the bank.
you saw him?
3 What was Jack doing when the C She was going to a friend's new
doorbell rang? house.
4 Where were they going when D They were cooking dinner.
they crashed?
5 What were they doing when E He was ironing a shirt.
you arrived?
6 Where was Ann going when F I was doing the washing up.
she got lost?
6. have / have got. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of have /
have got. Use short forms where possible.

1 Karen breakfast on Saturdays because she gets up too late.

2 James a car so he uses public transport.
3 a shower every morning?
4 any pets when you were a child?
5I dinner with an old friend tonight.
6 I usually a cup of tea at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

7. Articles. Choose the correct answers.

1 James always has ______ lunch at 1 o' clock.

a. a
b. the
c. –

2 My sister is ______ doctor in India.

a. a
b. the
c. –

3 We go to _______ bed late at weekends.

a. a
b. the
c. –

4 My boss is ______ happiest person in our office.

a. a
b. the
c. –

5 My brother was so ill he was in _______ hospital for two weeks.

a. a
b. the
c. –

6 What _____ horrible day!

a. a
b. the
c. –
8. Count / Uncount nouns. Choose the correct answers.

1 There ____________ changing rooms on the ground floor.

a. is some
b. are some
c. are a

2 There ____________ newsagent's in this town.

a. isn´t a
b. isn´t any
c. aren´t a

3 We haven't got ____________ shoes in the sale.

a. much
b. some
c. many

4 I'm going to the shops because there ______________ bread left.

a. isn´t much
b. isn´t many
c. aren´t any

5 I bought ______________ sandwiches in case you were hungry.

a. a lot
b. a little
c. few

6 I didn't have ___________ cake with my tea.

a. any
b. some
c. little

9. Future forms. Match the sentences. Write the letter in the box.

1 We're having a party on A She wants to be a doctor.

2 Kim's going to study medicine. B He decided to stop this
3 I'm going to look for a new flat. C She's invited me to the
4 Jo's English is fantastic. D Would you like to come?

5 Sue's getting married in the E I hate living in the town centre.

6 Ron's going to give up F She really enjoys learning
smoking. languages.
10. Verb patterns. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1 I like around the shops during my lunch break. (look)

2 I enjoy shopping in the sales. (go)
3 We're going married next year. (get)
4 Pete hopes famous before he dies. (become)
5 We're thinking of a new car when we've got enough money. (buy)
6 Patricia would love law when she leaves school. (study)

11. Comparatives. Put the words in the correct order.

1 Germany / isn't / hot / as / Spain. / as


2 Britain / than / wetter / is / Greece.


3 than / Peugeot. / a / expensive / Rolls / Royce / is / A / more


4 a / as / Ferrari. / Mini / isn't / A / as / fast


5 heavier / elephants. / than / Whales / are


6 than / nearer / Paris / is / New York. / London


12. What ... like?

Match the questions and answers. Write the letter in the box.

1 What do you like about A I like the people. They're very

Chicago? friendly.
2 What's Sandra like? B Yes. But not golf.

3 Do you like watching sport on C She's really nice, and very

TV? generous.
4 What's Chicago like? D It's very big, and it's often windy
5 Who does Sandra like? E She likes Peter and Jane.

6 What sports do you like? F I like football, rugby, and tennis.

13. For and since. Put the words in the correct order.

1 been / fifty / parents / for / married / years./ have / My


2 1990. / had/ since / the / car / Mike's / same


3 old. / We've / since / years / were / we / known / other / three / each


4 States / got / they / the / have / living / in / Tim / and / Denise / been / since /

5 weight / again / lost / You've / you. / saw / since / I / last


6 this / I've / since / been / six / o'clock / morning. / awake


14. Present Perfect. Put the words in the correct order.

1 an / boyfriend. / her / argument / with / had / Sarah's


2 first / in / won / lottery. / I've / prize / a


3 his / homework. / do / to / Jack's / forgotten


4 My / friend's / leg. / broken / his


5 just / tourists / ghost. / seen / Those / a / have


6 recently. / My / she / much / because / tired / slept / hasn't / sister's

15. should / must / have to 1. Match the sentences. Write the letter in the box.

1 My brother has hurt his back. A Yes, I must get an appointment.

2 You must try that new B She should go to bed early.

restaurant in town.
3 Julia has to get up at 5 a.m. C We must hurry.
4 I think you should have a D But you have to book a table.
5 The meeting starts in five E He should go to the doctor.
6 I have to speak English in my F You should take English
job. classes.

16. should / must / have to 2. Choose the correct answers.

1 I'm glad I _________________ wear a uniform at work.

a) don't have to
b) shouldn't

2 I think she _____________ go to university.

a) must
b) should

3 You really ___________ eat so much chocolate.

a) don't have to
b) shouldn't

4 We don't think you ______________ travel abroad alone.

a) Should
b) must

5 You be _______________ 18 before you can drive.

a) have to
b) don't have to

6 I ______________ do some studying for my exam tomorrow.

a) don't have to
b) must
17. First conditional. Match the sentence beginnings and endings. Write the
letter in the box.

1 How will she get there A if she can't get a flight?

2 I'll go to university B if his parents go away.

3 Will your sister take the job C if I pass my exams.

4 If Lucy doesn't invite us to her D we'll go to the supermarket.

5 Jack will have a party on Friday E we won't give her a present.

6 If the local shop's closed, F if they offer it to her?

18. Time clauses. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs.
Use short forms where possible.

1I James the news as soon as I see him. (tell)

2 The neighbours will look after our plants while we away. (be)
3 Let's go for dinner when the film . (finish)
4I to Kate until she apologises. (not speak)
5 After you that book, can you lend it to me? (read)
6 We'll have to get changed before we . (go out)

19. Adjectives ending in -ed and –ing. Choose the correct answers.

1 Dave was very ___________ when he failed his driving test.

a) disappointed
b) disappointing

2 I get so ____________ watching football matches on the television.

a) exciting
b) excited

3 The sales figures are very _______________ this year.

a) disappointing
b) disappointed

4 That book was so _______________ I couldn't read it!

a) frightening
b) frightened

5 Most children are ______________ in wild animals.

a) interesting
b) interested

6 I used to hate history at school. It was so ___________ !

a) boring
b) bored

20. Verb patterns. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1 My boyfriend doesn't really enjoy to parties. (go)
2 James used the drums when he was younger. (play)
3 Did you manage your keys? (find)
4 Would you like to go ? (swim)
5 I chose money instead of a birthday present. (have)
6 I've tried weight, but I can't. (lose)

21. Passives 1. Underline any mistakes in the sentences. If there isn't a

mistake, tick the box.

1 Thousands of tulips is grown in Holland.

2 English is spoke in many countries.
3 A prize will be give for the best picture received.
4 Troy was seen for many people.
5 My glasses are made by plastic.
6 Has been your brother invited to the party?

22. Passives 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1 We to Sally's party last week. (invite)

2 So far, thirty complaints about the programme . (receive)
3 Many improvements to healthcare in the 21st century. (make)
4 If your money carefully, you'll be rich one day. (invest)
5 This hotel in the 18th century. (build)
6 Two million of these cars last year. (sell)

23. Phrasal verbs. Put the words in the correct order.

1 Make / try / sure / them / on. / you

2 with / him. / doesn't / get / She / on


3 afternoon. / looking / I'm / after / this / them


4 to / it / fill / I / in. / had


5 forward / it. / isn't / He / to / looking


6 him. / out / with / She's / fallen


24. Second conditional. Match the questions and answers. Write the letter in
the box.

1 What would Chris do if he won A I'd borrow an umbrella.

the lottery?
2 What would you do if you lost B I'd get a taxi.
your job?
3 What would you do if the bus C He'd give up work.
didn't come?
4 What would you do if your D I'd find another one.
video broke?
5 What would Kylie do if Joe E She'd say yes.
asked her out?
6 What would you do if it rained? F I'd take it back to the shop.

25. Adverbs. Put the words in the correct order.

1 Some / homework. / hardly / their / ever / students / do


2 really / cars. / in / boyfriend / interested / is / My


3 minutes / exam. / You / to / finish / have / exactly / ten / the

4 late / always / football / Why / Tom / practice? / is / for

5 nearly / so / should / It's / Sarah / soon. / be / home / midnight


6 have / in / weather. / drive / carefully / bad / You / to


26. Past Simple / Perfect. Match the sentence beginnings and endings. Write
the letter in the box.

1 Anna went straight to bed A because my car had broken

2 They cleared up the mess B after they'd collected the trophy.

3 The thief ran out of the shop C as soon as he'd stolen the
4 The players ran over to their D when they'd finished painting.
5 My boss gave me a lift E when she'd saved enough
6 Louise bought a new car F after she'd watched the film.

27. Reported speech

Underline any mistakes in the sentences. If there isn't a mistake, tick the box.

1 Carol said me she lived in Paris.

2 The interviewer asked me if I speak German.
3 Jack told he'd forgotten my book.
4 I asked George to help me repair my car.
5 You said you was working late tonight.
6 The teacher asked us if we'd did the homework.

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