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Final Project

Universal Health Care

Regina Leonard

Beal University


Hilari Simmons


Final Project-Universal Health Care

Health care is vital to each and every one of us and it plays a vital role in our everyday

lives and our overall well-being. The topic of healthcare and more specifically Universal

healthcare has become a larger and more prominent discussion and issue for our country in the

last few years. The discussion of Universal health care and the “need” for it here in the United

States is what we hear more and more often. “Healthcare is one of the most significant socio–

political topics in the United States (U.S.), and citizens currently rank “healthcare” as the most

important issue when it comes to voting (Zieff, 2020).” Universal health care is a health

care system that provides medical services and treatments to all people regardless of their

ability to pay. Universal health care is primarily funded through taxes and the government or

government-run programs provide medical services through Universal healthcare. There are

pros and cons to Universal Healthcare, just as there are with any healthcare system. In this

paper, I will discuss both the pros and cons of Universal Healthcare as well as the various

arguments and information to support both viewpoints. By assessing and reviewing both the

pros and cons of this topic, one can make a more informed decision and become more

informed about the topic and its advantages and disadvantages.

In order to really understand a concept or idea, you really need to first start with some

history on the topic. Universal healthcare is no different and once you start to research this, you

will soon discover that Universal healthcare is not a new concept. You can trace it back to

ancient Greece and Rome so that some type of healthcare was provided to their citizens. This

concept is known as the Bismark Model after Chancellor Otto von Bismark was introduced as

one of the first types of Universal healthcare system in Germany in 1883.” Named for the

Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who invented the welfare state as part of the

unification of Germany in the 19th century. Despite its European heritage, this system of

providing health care would look fairly familiar to Americans (PNHP, nd., para 3).” This model is

still used, and it is common in places like Germany, France, and Japan. It is often referred to as

“socialized medicine”. Individuals contribute to a health insurance fund that is mandatory

through the employer by a deduction in their earnings. The government also plays a large role

in the funding and regulation of healthcare. The Bismark model does allow individuals to

choose their own providers and hospitals. You now see other countries implement their own

version of Universal Healthcare. Countries such as Canada, France, and the UK all have this type

of system. These policies are complex and diverse; however, they are all rooted in the principle

of providing healthcare to all people regardless of their financial situation.

Currently, Universal healthcare is offered in countries such as the UK, Canada, France,

and Australia. Each country has its own set of limitations and are not all the same. In the UK,

the National Health Service provides coverage to all residents. There are large wait times and

access to certain services is limited. In Canada, their system is known as Medicare, and it covers

medically necessary services. The coverage for things like dental, prescription medicine, and

vision care varies. In France, they have a universal system, however not all medical expenses

are covered and there are cases where the patient will have to pay upfront for care and then

see reimbursement from the government. Certain medications and treatments may also cost

extra. In Australia, they also have a system called Medicaid and it covers a lot of medical

expenses, but there are out-of-pocket expenses and still a need to purchase private insurance

for things like dental coverage and prescription drugs. These are examples are different models

of Universal healthcare, how it is implemented, and how it may vary from each country. There

are important factors to this type of healthcare: government funding, the access and availability

of healthcare professionals, and quality and access to medical care. “Universal health coverage

(UHC) means that all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need,

when and where they need them, without financial hardship. It covers the full continuum of

essential health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and

palliative care (WHO, nd., Page 1).”

There are pros and cons to any concept out there and Universal Healthcare is no

exception. I am going to first discuss the benefits of Universal Healthcare based on the

information I found in my research, not necessarily my opinion or point of view, which will

come later. The most obvious benefit is that each and every citizen would have healthcare

coverage, no matter their ability to pay or what their socioeconomic status is. Having access to

healthcare promotes equality and social justice. Access to healthcare and essential services can

improve the health of our citizens and create a sense of security both emotionally but also

financially. People do not have to pay the exorbitant fees for private insurance each month, or

the hospital bills they receive for the portions that aren’t covered by private insurance.

Universal Healthcare promotes preventative care and early intervention, therefore leading to a

healthier country. The idea of Universal healthcare and the benefits of such a system is one of

responsibility and a healthier and happier life for all.

For every pro or benefit mentioned to support Universal healthcare, there are equally as

many cons or disadvantages. The most obvious one is the cost and the strain it can put on the

government and the need to increase taxes to fund such a program that will then strain the

citizens of this county through the increase in taxes. In order to implement such a system, there

is a significant cost and investment. These costs and burdens are then placed on the people and

the businesses to fund such a system. As the saying goes nothing is free, it has to be funded

somehow. Universal healthcare can also lead to longer wait times to get into a doctor or a

specialist and this impacts the quality of care and patients’ confidence in the system. “Beyond

individual and federal costs, other common arguments against universal healthcare include the

potential for general system inefficiency, including lengthy wait-times for patients and a

hampering of medical entrepreneurship and innovation (Zieff, 2023).” The lack of

competition from a federally funded and controlled program affects overall care and the quality

of the care as well as research being done and technological advancements. Patients feeling as

though they have limited access to care and treatment will not feel secure and this does not

contribute to an overall happier life. Longer wait times for crucial treatments can lead to

further complications and even death for some. This does not contribute to a better and more

improved healthcare system. It is important to consider all sides of the issue and the drawbacks

are arguably more important than the pros. These disadvantages show you the potential issues

and problems that can arise in a Universal healthcare model.

The government plays a big role in Universal healthcare and is crucial to implementing,

funding, and regulating the system. One responsibility of the government is to implement

funding through taxes or some sort of other funding source in order to finance the system. The

Government also sets the regulations for the system such as enforcing standards, ensuring

quality of care, controlling the costs and fee schedules, negotiating with providers, and ensuring

equal access to care. The government is also involved in health care initiatives like preventative

care, health education, and disease control. Not only is the government responsible for the

funding and running of this healthcare system, but it is also responsible for the public health

aspect of promoting health and wellness. Universal healthcare requires the heavy involvement

of the government in order to run and function.

The discussion to implement Universal healthcare in the United States is a popular and

contentious discussion amongst our citizens and our government officials. Currently, the United

States operates on a predominantly private system. Most individuals must acquire their own

coverage either privately or through their employer. We do have some systems in place such as

Medicaid and Medicare for low-income and aging populations, but predominantly our citizens

are covered privately or not at all. The result of our current system is one of the high premium

costs to the individuals and the businesses that provide coverage to employees. It also leads to

the issue that many go without care or coverage because they cannot afford it. Implementing

Universal health care in the United States would come with its own set of challenges along with

a heavy price tag and that price tag will fall back onto the people in the form of taxes. This type

of system can also lead to lesser quality of care due to the longer wait times to access care and

this all contributes to a system of lower quality of care. In order to come up with some sort of

system and solution, one must really look at both the pros and cons as well as the costs and

burdens to its people. That type of system that addresses both has yet to be seen.

Universal healthcare is not going anywhere and will continue to evolve and expand as it

has since Roman times. There are opportunities to improve this method as well as many

challenges. The advancements in healthcare and technology change and grow every day and

can lead to improved healthcare as well as access to healthcare. As amazing as all the

advancements are, they too come with challenges and costs. People are currently living longer

than ever before, the mental health crisis is strong and growing, and chronic disease is more

and more prevalent. “The expected growth of the older adult population in the U.S. over the

next 50 years will have an unprecedented impact on the U.S. health care system, especially in

terms of supply of and demand for health care workers (Impact of the aging population, 2006).”

Covid-19 really changed healthcare and it changed the way many people view healthcare and

what they want and need. It showed us all how vulnerable we were and how we need to

improve this system to be more resilient. All of these things contribute to the challenges of a

system like this. The need for constant communication and collaboration as a government,

private sector, and society as a whole is key in order to be successful. Each country will have its

own set of challenges and benefits to a Universal healthcare system.

As I have pointed out in this paper, there are both pros and cons to the discussion of

Universal Healthcare and I do believe that both sides need to be understood in order to form an

informed opinion on where you stand. I had never really looked into the history of Universal

healthcare before and not only did I enjoy it, but I did also learn a lot and it does put some

things into perspective for me. I do not have a solution to this issue we have in this country

today with the costs and access to care, but I do have strong opinions in some areas. I can say

that I am not entirely on one side of this or the other, however, I tend to strongly be on the side

of the opposition. I am not a fan of any government-run system and a system run by the

government comes with many issues and can actually hinder our choices and our quality of

care. I think that any type of elimination of competition in the market is dangerous and I am a

supporter of the free market. The issues with this type of system leading to long wait times and

access to care are at the front of my concerns. We are already seeing these issues today, right

here in Bangor, as we speak. The fact that nothing is really free is also a concern. In order to

fund and support Universal healthcare, taxes will increase, and the burden will ultimately be

ours both individually and also on businesses. I am always in support of a limited government

role and healthcare is no exception. I believe that all Americans should have the right to choose

their providers, treatments, and healthcare plans. I believe that competition is a good thing and

leads to improved care, quality of care, and efficiency. Competition also leads to innovation and

development, which is key to the future of healthcare. While I do not have a solution to this

large problem, I do have my opinion and I can say that with my research for this paper, it did

not change.

In conclusion, Universal healthcare will be a concept and topic of discussion for years to

come and does hold some potential that closes some of the gaps that we currently have in our

system. It is important to consider both sides of this argument for and against the long-term

benefits and what impacts they can have on our society as a whole. Supporters of Universal

Healthcare argue that it provides equality and increases the overall happiness of its citizens, by

providing them with access to healthcare and eliminating their financial burdens related to

healthcare. No one can be denied medical care based on their ability to pay. Opponents of this

type of system argue that such a system would burden society due to the tax burden it would

create and pass on to its citizens and businesses. They also argue that this can lead to a strain

on healthcare and increase wait times for services and treatments for everyone. The opposition

claims that the increased tax burden and the strain on the healthcare system would not support

equality and create a happier or financially free society. In order to create a successful

healthcare system, it is important to value both sides and come up with solutions to each. It is

important for there to be open dialogue and communication among all stakeholders. In order

to make an informed decision, you need to have a balanced understanding in order to make

your decision.





Health care Systems - Four Basic models | Physicians for a National health program. (n.d.).


The impact of the aging population on the health workforce in the ... (n.d.).

World Health Organization: WHO. (2019). Universal health coverage.

Zieff, G., Kerr, Z. Y., Moore, J. B., & Stoner, L. (2020). Universal healthcare in the United States

of America: A healthy debate. Medicina-lithuania, 56(11), 580.

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