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2) what do you by KTL Speci bico tHon af sw SPSR (Sova feogn statue Kegisher)

4 is wecl to dave the progam gtatus cf a mode

-Sy. RTL specibiea tion 6 a level af absrcet on wsed terpt ocerg.
dgital duig " Allows the pro Caeor to r to te prevloag
4 8 moe relevaot when desginy ard oeeeori bjno
progran Hat wun the enCoption
the belhanioun of dioyital hanclwaru Rytens such Hhot the orsgmal tate is
fegto rced.
s dicital signl forzo ceone
CH tow to get corditioral fasK in AHumeke Operatson
c4) what is Turo anotend tme & wby alio ulel
J4 be as asm adl as
4S ARM themby language , you ean ue conditonal
Ans Turono uh Time Teters to tine it takes et condifons bor cuethmetie
Desn emecuton co des to
bauom stantihg cpenations
Short TAT allowS r paocuct to be loought to to add tuo teeisten if they aru eqal
it mi nì mizes
Matwet bagtern, Loct TLocuction 3d ADDE8 RO,R,R2
erated wth desim
ecourcs cn? enpences

Bx/BLr oibten brzom /BL? TLOult was zero (eqcal)

r5) tow ooes
lacnch nstuctions. () Di Anguish betwen PLA, SPLD, TLD nd PPGA.
Ans 'B' BL' ane uncorohonal
b pA , SPLD, TLD and fPGA aru ditb typer af dligital
Suite hirg betwen lostc dovtas wth vagnq levela af conplenity nad
(Subnoutine calls) and Support
ARM and Thumb
CPSR and SpSR.
c6) Dibterence betwen PLA CPronammale Logie Araay)
Status Registey that consi st af a fixedl
Ans CPSR Cuent Prroqam condlstonal codeg " 4 ns a type af igtal olevice
proan Bttus and
clrrunt ono a
" holdls the e precoton during Hhe cuucent ANO aciy
al feuncions
Rebteets the Sta4 4 allows bore complex combin atorial logie
prtner be mplemuated by rogamnngy
between 0pnt , AhiD gates , and oR getes
Proedl)) T ptovds pen-chaonel
Liny TETiny Treraport Pooteo'
IrDBir b(Obyeer Inlong ustocol ): providis ecy frianste
al tiles Oind atthn olata
Ta lon T4 peovice *ensal and pont ermakiton.
cerial an
Jwee, it enables enistihg appliatone ug
Conicattons to le IR wtyout clenoe
InlAN Lo cal Area Nehue) T4 allow lodanear
ia IR Mtenbaee.

Ptow dueg the commens Lotion taves place between tae

two derias n bleetrta d xpla poto co l layercf
-Bluetorth ommuni catton betw een teices mvolves
discoveruy peiin bon cecuity and eennectton
etoblichment Data Gechange ocOc curs over e84alolichseolt

protile wth

encrypticon to sacure Hhe conmmunication Termatton

CorwMnicaton seson .
ende tthe
Blucttth Ralso 14 ic a Applcatims
nongceîy eny fo cenct ano receice b4hn moto cels

Bastband ) 14 managos fyecal Line Mange

Ohsonels ihKs ,cod provies
Canen oTelion. + manaes too
Bunetat roho:
SynchronaU lometon Srietel o 4eyehaeneas
lometn 6onited
behnothm iz= 22 bite

allow conditsmal tny Brnanch bnyAzMCHtone


7 full atce în bstem

ow code

( what is mean
metscs et need loe tonilen

enbecleed yoton olsiefer warts to

tot an

tue osn
cnd the reuniny
SPLD (Simple Prsgnainnale Lagje Dext) olev tees that (00 What ane the dibenent typ af data transber
4 }s a categonr ot progaoavnabie logie paeslie
tn &
Aos ContrIol fuansten usd bort device conbiquna
Jheee dlyttes okbers a limited Ievel af praimabhhy Contnol bpenattonS.
Compared to one advence? opHons LiKe bulk nangkern) ldtal r not tie- sensitiye alata
TLD (Tran iten- Tronsiyn Logie Deteas) Lugic doice tnaneter,buch as prrntmy f bile KAanaqe.
- TA s not a acnongm n digtal Laic lotenept nansbe) tnpat trom mouee keybonad
tenmánolog-TL dlevècas a wtdeby
Used amily of digital Logie dovicas
iKe audlto e vieeo streening
bipo lar tnangiston teenology
TTL dvicos prevcnoona&e bçe PLA, SPLDfPP EA.
TPGA/field- Praoqmemable Bat Annauy)
aty able dgital logie olovice -that
ConessAs «f conbiqunable loie lblocKs
ot an aniaytenconnectork
and prognamnable

a wsoe ane t
epmognama to implemet
deptel bunetfo
tom, A82e)
A) tow fPrt olibben
crcat) is
ation -epecibtc lnte gnoctol
optni zedl or
cugtom bixed - bunction thijp
bigh prodkeetH6n volemes ano spelbte agpleattns.
efosn betten pentmmance an powen ekticieoty
tmes nd
with Congen olevelepemest tne
laut wth
hgher cote
betwen msAen anc slave wbile 4cL ses pelk
Switehingr pont toppint loK
ink Managpr horelles Cin sehup, secusri ty,
in ittereo t mocks.
C6ntruol Qt lso handle the decer
actve, Snibt, hol , Pau

LaAp) logjcal ig Contzol and AdaptotHon fotagen petoc

the elata
prowdes data semi ces o, ugpern loyens

SDP ) Serwice Disuveny pwtcol drscovers awcs leble

Sesce and tteschanaters sti

Re COMy 1. Redh o Prequnay lomnui caton is a Smple

fuangport portcol that
int Seoves pupo
colde tuplaament.
to wht is Thumb ? Are te thunk netruetion
treutd dirctly Hfow does tte Thumb hs trae

Thumb in sAructon is the comprussed botn

Tnomb instuion dselccoprcesed into
in sAruuetion and emeuted by he onocesRon
encodes a subset et the 32 bit
nsAetn mo a l6
the mesae.
pro cessoTL to intorm it to collet
ost corfroller sforres 4ue
fon messages , hen
he CAN whâch
esae to lbe trankmsHed tnto
trancmit bits Serialey thnough he
4 transteivenl Jhe tuansneeiren. ma
may be ntegnateol
with the cAN Correollen
-&o the Teeinhy tole, it aclapts sional level bzom
the low to he levels at 4he cAN corto| len

xapts - Aalo oseeLeg prtetive circttey tat

CAN controllen
t converets 4he ransrit oit
- Bn te send hg side,
corollen ato a
cienal reeeis eol bwon cAN
cet 0yen the CANN Bng,
that (an be

Deensbe the 'pnvtocol aCayens of InDA.


Phynal layo

Pmygal Lauyen t ipeibies the optmal olanetemtog

ransous peaclke.
encodin f data and tnamy af
Ia L4P(Lg Aecon otocol) Cstabliches the lbaste
relialle conneshon.
IaLap (one Mangyemnt Protocal) a maltplemes

Çeices vaslcuble on a deice,

þuy t e Giel.
SyAen tten t has been

ethe abil2y ruganoby ttaee coreeA oper tfom

qi conbiente pasyialayem awailable at

uhat au tte
imlos eg cune
elssnene betwen
ARy ano TtUB

Load- 8Aore cond-tfonal
whsle al AR4 mSutn eue
Anchiteetue se 2adtre fo
’Iog Thunb nsAretsonr ane
Ry Auetas l a 3-addhee dormat.
22 bt oata types while mr

’ 32 bit wnsgmene
>Thunb has enplicit shit opcodes , wbile tRM
imnplements shiba as opernend modihens.

6)Toin d Coarnse-Gna
H Eowmen att -he tuaie obt between ine-
legi bloex Coanse - Gnan Coepe bloeK
Gleus functimaity
bon cueionn Logielecs ,xed
7 Mone Hensble integnatd gates.
ekiunts with
’ let aa- cBbicient clue -to Benconnets’ Mone ata
perbnana bor cemuon
tgh pkor mance with tailotucd tuncton 2 6od
bor. ibticate Pru
pplatior debbed LlocKe
’ Mauy lead to Reguns Typically
udutakion. ckbieint
Bheut Bestion

unetin eonbed Ded

ghly spucialiec)
and optimizd bo a
ond cogA-etteetive colutfon
Dt ca allocate bhein esorees nusively to taein

5 Met function ernbedo ytems , otter verlat lity,

allousng thm to pouborn a wide ange
but thss Venkatility may Corne at the cot af ebiciene

negd to ol:stti bute thelr regoun ces among

trade ats n
Vauous tunctond , which can leac

Reaetivo Syatem.
(a) Dibenen ce between frpacthve anol
-ns Preoactve

oleei sfons and take actions bas e an

ean make
pruclieton geten ia a car
crut Se tontruol
- a-An adaptive
Aeactive co evests abter t y have orcure)
ruoet to speibre nput Tathen Han poat vely

A motton tngn- acttvted lqht.

(4) Sizc Jhe size af tte sytem coele cizehe caele
( eithen slicon oa
Siz atbects he memeny spaet
Lncieosing the ovenall eip/ boend siz
) Pertemance £t nebeng to tte peccl af he

fatns ng leseine te deeitio

e) Pewer tqeienat Jhis is the bter

dio netra pazheulany be ccuee te embecleeol
th haue ligbtoight ,ony
batteay late Jls neuseit tekee plasie paeag
bans etc.
the absance ef covlngr
Design btesbility 2 heben to te etetg
*ahon chanqes to
Jue esn een h tue
Bome etent loute
NRA cot
the tep eition e! the
desgn hange
the mshi mun bun Kttweure..
toich is

) Deciem tursersunel mo Dis is the 4ne need)

complete the design tartng bnom

Speiticahos tp
Due to the Voy bigh nate at osolegkence
eleetonic oyorols.
Short te on I2C
cheap et ckbective netume
otencomnect periphenal oleicce witi
sed to
Small - &tale embedleledl sytems.
wire to Comeet mmmtiple deieer
wses tuwo
multiedop contigunation
Jie achiena Lle daa rate Voryes loctwes Lon-)
halk clefl

Serial Data (spA) - Tnancben af data taret lace

thragh this pen y r

Master Mocleh
? Lac operatee To two mode ?-J
(i) 8lawe Mode.
) Deuube the shtutur ap cAN bus
Aas Node t1 Node 2 Noe3

tost Cntrela
CoN Conta
Cuntnellery CAr
CAN tnasaeeov
Tnanstuety angreeM

4 ttoet Proceren Dt determones the type af meesage reeeivoel,

cnd aln he nacde wonts totrancmt
tHheir meantn
.4 CAN Cortol ler t )s a hanuae nit worKihc
&ynchruonous cloox sgal-it pabrns -the openatlon af

bus woi te entire ncge is nsla ble .

Jhe cAN contellen thn sends an

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