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M4 Activity 1 - Questions in Test

Fundamental Development
1.What is the test designed to measure?
 The test is designed to measure Academic self-efficacy of Senior High School Students.
It is intended in determining different courses of actions they choose towards academic
success. The test will explore four main sources of influence in their personal efficacy.
2.What is the objective of the test?
 The objective of the test is to assess the Senior High School Students' self-efficacy
revolving around the development of four main sources of influence: Mastery
Experiences, Vicarious Experiences, Social Persuasion, and Emotional States.
3.Is there a need for this test?
 Yes. The test allows senior high school students to know their own personal efficacy
Academically wise. It will help them determine the courses of action they choose to
pursue towards their capabilities to achieve academic success.
4.Who will use this test?
 The test will be used and administered by registered psychometricians who finished
undergraduate courses in testing/psychometrics. It can also be used by psychology
practitioners. Also, the test can be used independently by the respondent as long as they
fall under the category specified in the test.
5.Who will take the test?
 The test takers will be Senior High School students from various schools/universities.
6.What content will the tests cover?
 The content of the test will cover the four (4) sub domains of self-efficacy which are the
mastery experiences, vicarious experiences or social modelling, social persuasion, and
emotional states. Each sub domain comprises fifteen (15) questions.
7.How will the test be administered?
 The test will be administered through Google Forms because of the current pandemic
situation. The test will be administered individually through an online test that is
conveniently done at their comfortable and personal space.
8.What is the ideal format of the test?
 The ideal format of the test will be a 5-point Likert scale.
9.Should more than one form of the test be developed?
 The test has only one form. There are a total of 60 items in the test and it is divided into
four main sources of influence in self-efficacy consisting of fifteen questions in each
10.What special training will be required of test users for administering, scoring, and
interpreting the tests?
 The test users will be required to have special training for administering, scoring and
interpreting the test to identify the relevance and accuracy of the test results from the
Senior High School students in determining their self-efficacy regarding their capabilities
towards their chosen course.
11.What type of responses will be required of the test taker?
 The test taker will be required to answer 60 items questions using Likert scale. The test
will determine the development of four main sources of influence: Mastery Experiences,
Vicarious Experiences, Social Persuasion, and Emotional States.
12.Who benefits from the administration of the test?
 The test takers will benefit from the administration of the test, the future researchers that
will gather data regarding self-efficacy and also the researchers who conduct the test.
13.Is there any potential harm as the result of an administration of this test?
 The procedures in the test administration were meant to provide consistent settings for all
test-takers in order to improve the fairness of the test. The confidentiality of the test items
is protected by test administration protocols involving security. The test items were to be
checked and rechecked by the researchers and licensed psychometrician until they
completely eliminated questions that are subject to misinterpretation. In these cases,
standardizing test administration procedures prevents some examinees from receiving an
unfair edge over others and avoids any potential harm.
14.How will meaning be attributed to the scores on this test?
 The 60 items test is divided into 4 domains which are the mastery experiences, vicarious
experiences, social persuasion and emotional states. The test-takers' scores will be
interpreted using a criterion-referenced procedure, in which the test-takers' scores in each
domain will be evaluated to see if they exhibit academic self-efficacy.

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