Professional Development Presentation

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Ian F. Jones
University of Arizona College of Nursing
December 2023
Overview of Direct Patient Care Abilities
My strengths
● Embrace a fast paced work environment
● Empathetic to patients suffering.
Areas I Need to Improve On
● Communicate medical knowledge in an easy to
understand terminology
● Confidence in the knowledge I am
Overview of Direct Patient Care Abilities
Goals related to patient care
○ In 6 months to have a list of easy to understand terminology for
most patient situations.
○ In 6 months to really develop a confidence by seeking out
learning situations.
○ In 3 years to know the ins and outs of every situation presented
○ In 3 years to be able to teach new nurses
Integrative modalities
○ Implement pet therapy when available, because Pt.
inseparable from their environment
Unit Leadership Abilities
● Being a democratic leader
○ I appreciate other teammates opinions, creating a
positive work environment.
● Work on my autocratic leadership abilities
○ This could come in handy in serious situations
where there is limited time.
Unit Leadership Abilities
Leadership Related Goals
● In 1 year transition from a democratic style to an
autocratic style when the situation requires it.
● In 6 months confidently delegate necessary tasks to
team members
● In 5 years be confident to be a charge nurse
● In 3 years utilize more leadership styles such as
transformational leadership
Professional Development
Join the American Nurses Association (ANA)
● Because it’s one of the oldest professional nurse organizations
in the country.
● Helping my future by continuing education, conferences, and
professional networking.
Professional Certifications
● Get Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN), Critical Care Registered
Nurse (CCRN), Advanced Public Health Nursing Certification
(PHNA-BC), and a Certified in Executive Nursing Practice
○ Be able to explore different aspects of nursing
Professional Development
● In 2 months join ANA
● In 2 year get Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN),
or Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN)
● In 3 years get Advanced Public Health Nursing
Certification (PHNA-BC)
● In 5 years get a Certified in Executive Nursing
Practice (CENP).
Management/Leadership Book Selection
Carnegie, Dale (1981). How to Win Friends and Influence People.
○ Chosen because I feel I am not very charismatic and need
help in this area.
● Complements My Strengths
○ By utilizing my drive to work on social awkwardness
○ Confirm certain techniques such as don’t criticize and give
honest appreciation
● Identifies My Weaknesses
○ Like remembering and saying people's names
● Application to Practice & Growth
○ Improve work and patient relationships
Leadership Assignment
● Role Chosen for Shadow
○ I chose charge nurse because this is the closest leadership position to a floor
○ The experience enhanced my knowledge by showing me the behind the
scenes of scheduling and making the unit run smoothly.

Professional Activities
● Experience Chosen
○ Online from the American Heart Association’s website.
○ Eight different modules ranging from Cardiovascular health for mothers
to stroke rehabilitation.
○ Informs future practice by showing me a resource where I can continue
education and update myself on the current scientific studies.
Continuing Education
Personal Aspirations
○ Be a public health nurse and creative write
Opportunities for Higher Education
○ Applied for a masters in creative writing
○ Thinking about a masters in public health
● In 1 year be admitted into master program
● In 2 year be completing writing while nursing
● In 3 year graduate from masters program
● In 5 years publish a novel and still be nursing
Visual Timeline of Goals
In 6 months: In 2 years: In 5 years:
● Terminology for most patient situations. ● Confident enough to be a
● Join ANA
● Confidence by seeking out learning charge nurse
situations. ● Certified Emergency
● Certified in Executive
● Delegate necessary tasks to team Nurse (CEN) Nursing Practice (CENP)
members ● Completing writing ● Publish a novel and still
while nursing be nursing


In 1 year: In 3 years:
● Know the ins and outs of every situation presented
● Transition from a democratic style
● Teach new nurses
to an autocratic style
● Utilize transformational leadership
● Be admitted into master program ● Advanced Public Health Nursing Certification
● Graduate from masters program

Carnegie, Dale (1981). How to Win Friends and Influence People. New York: Simon &
Schuster Inc.

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