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Visualizations Week 3 1 Lesson Title: Visualizations Lesson date: Oct 17,18, 20, 21 Lesson Objectives Students will use

e envision maps while listening to Ida B. to visualize. Students will visualize on worksheets that they complete to 90% accuracy. Ohio Standards, Benchmarks, and Grade Level Indicators Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and SelfMonitoring Strategies B. Apply effective reading comprehension strategies, including summarizing and making predictions, and comparisons using information in text, between text and across subject areas. 5. Make inferences or draw conclusions about what has been read and support those conclusions with textual evidence. Materials, Technology, and Resources Ida B. Work Sheet Visualization/Connections White boards Lesson Procedures (Launch, Lesson Core, Closure) Day 1: (15 min) T/SW Students will review Ida B envision maps and story so far TW read Ida B. stopping to think aloud and help students make visualizations and connections. SW keep recording on their envision maps in their readers notebook - drawing pictures and writing words about what they are visualizing. (20min) SW read to self while looking for visualizations. TW conference with students. Day 2: (10min) T/SW Students will review Ida B envision maps and story so far TW read Ida B. stopping to think aloud and help students make visualizations and connections. SW- Students will TW- Teacher will

Visualizations Week 3 2 SW keep recording on their envision maps in their readers notebook - Drawing pictures and writing words about what they are visualizing (10min) TW introduce connection/visualization chart assessment TW model and example SW complete a worksheet where they write three connections with the book and draw visualizations of each connection [AST] (20min) SW read to self recording visualizations in readers notebooks. Day 3: (10min) SW complete reading conventions quiz (10 min) TW read Ida B aloud stopping to hear student visualizations - I am using the descriptive words to make a mind picture - I can make a connection to that. When I visualize my connection it helps me to visualize what is happening in the story. (10 min) SW complete the worksheet where they write four connections with the book and draw visualizations of each connection [AST] (20min) SW read to self while continuing to write visualizations in their notebook TW Conference Day 4 (10min) T/SW Students will review Ida B envision maps and story so far TW read Ida B. stopping to think aloud and help students make visualizations and connections. SW keep recording their envision maps in their readers notebook (30 min) SW play visualization game TW break students into groups SW take turns drawing a picture on their white boards. They will then describe the picture that they drew. The other students will attempt to visualize and replicate the drawing SW reveal their drawings [20min] SW read to self while looking for visualizations. TW conference with students.

SW- Students will TW- Teacher will

Visualizations Week 3 3 Student Assessment (for the unit/chapter assessment) Reading notebooks with be collected and reviewed Worksheets are to be collected for a grade Students will be checked for understanding while conferencing with weekly. Differentiation / Accommodations

Different books are provided for each student to read a book on their level Homework Options and Home Connections Students will read 20 minutes a night and make visualizations for homework

SW- Students will TW- Teacher will

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