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Visualization Week 2 Lesson Title: Visualization Lesson date: Oct, 10,12,13,14 Lesson Objectives

Students will complete envision maps and draw pictures to demonstrate that they can visualize while they are reading. Ohio Standards, Benchmarks, and Grade Level Indicators Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and SelfMonitoring Strategies B. Apply effective reading comprehension strategies, including summarizing and making predictions, and comparisons using information in text, between text and across subject areas. 5. Make inferences or draw conclusions about what has been read and support those conclusions with textual evidence. Materials, Technology, and Resources Scarecrow The Giving Tree Markers Ida B Poster board Lesson Procedures (Launch, Lesson Core, Closure) Day 1: (30min) TW review visualizations. What are they? What helps you make them? TW read Scarecrow out loud to students pausing at points to discuss thinking SW jot down notes about things that they are seeing in their heads. SW draw the image of what they saw using pictures color and words to explain their thinking SW share their pictures and thinking TW comment on how our visualizations are different, but they have come big things that are the same about them. TW unveil the real pictures. (20min) SW read to self while looking for visualizations. TW conference with students. SW- Students will TW- Teacher will

Visualization Week 2

Day 2 (30min) TW explain that nonfiction texts can be visualized too. From the title, the front picture and the description on the back, we should be making mind pictures about what may be included in the book. TW split students into groups of 3 and hand them each a packet of pictures, some from the book they are going to read and some not. SW visualize what kinds of pictures could be in the book. SW split the pictures into two categories, pictures they think are in the book and those that they dont. They must tell their partners why. SW then read the book that the pictures came from to see if they were correct (20 min) SW Read to self TW conference Day 3 OBJ: Visualization (30min) TW review visualization with students and look back at their previous Ida B. envision maps. TW review what they heard last time and what they pictures TW continue reading Ida B SW add on to their envision maps or start a new one if they dont have room. (20min) SW read to self while continuing to write visualizations in their notebook TW Conference (Day 4) OBJ: Visualizations (40min) TW explain that as we read we should be visualizing a character and that often our mind picture changes as we read the story. TW read The Giving Tree aloud. After reading a few pages SW write down notes and draw a quick pencil sketch of how they picture the tree. TW take their ideas and write them on chart paper and draw a quick sketch incorporating them. TW stop in the middle and the end and ask students to do the same thing SW share how and why their visualization changed from the beginning of the story to the end TW share real pictures and compare [20min] SW read to self making character visualizations.

SW- Students will TW- Teacher will

Visualization Week 2

Student Assessment (for the unit/chapter assessment) Readers notebooks will be collected and formally graded Teacher will be checking in with students during all activities Differentiation / Accommodations

SW- Students will TW- Teacher will

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