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Chapter 1
“ Thank you , Elinor, for accepting us.” I said to him, extending my hand towards him to
shake it but it never came from him . It has been many years since we have seen each other ,
since my beautiful love funerals .
“ I think you should thank your enemy .” his wife said, watching me and my family with
hatred in her eyes . I deserve it. And many thinks that had happened him
“ Do you know each other ?” the russians mob boss asked looking at us
“ Unfortunately, take a seat .” Elinor said, looking at us with disguise.
“ why are we staying here where we aren't welcomed?” my angelic daughter asked,
crossing her arms . the daughter i wanted with my love but that i destroyed
“Maybe , you do not have a place to stay .” another girls voice drew all ours attention
“ Elinor, your girls are very feisty.” the russian said chucked
“ You haven't seen the biggest feisty of our family .” she said smiling and with a pride
look on her face
“ gentleman , this is my daughter Helena.” Elinor presented us looking at his daughter
with a prideful look on his face . Her name was like a knife on my heart . like always when i
heard her name
“ Beautiful name for a beautiful girl .” i heard my son flirting with her
“ like my evil aunt .” she said with a smirk
“ I do not have a problem staying here .” my son said smiling
“ because you haven't met the devil yet .” she said and wicked him
“ Where is Azalea ?” the russian wife asked with a smile
“ She had a competition ,.”Elinor's wife answered smiling and I saw my wife sitting
uncomfortably next to me . I reached her hand and tightened her hand slightly , telling her
that I was near her . i saw Elinor's wife watching her with the most killed glare .
“ When will she come back ?” the russian daughter asked
“ surprise .” Helena said smiling and she frowned .
“ El Have you talked with her ?” she asked her husband
“ no , she did not answered my phone calls .” he answered
“ Do not worry dad , I have talked with her , is fine , and busy .” Helena said looking on
her phone and smiling
“ i do not like that look and that busy word Helena .” and she shrugged her shoulders “
Lilian come and sit here with me .”she said to the russian daughter
“ they really hate us ,” i heard my son murmured at his sister


“ my son will come tomorrow ,” Vladimir , the russian said putting his phone inside his
“ Okay , then tomorrow we start.” Elinor said
“ SURPRISE.” we heard a young beautiful voice

“ Azalea ,you have made me so sick ” the Elinor’s wife said getting up and taking her in
hug, whose name was Irene
“I wanted to make a surprise .” I heard her sweet voice again . I was feeling a feeling that I
couldn't explain . a feeling that my heart was getting warm for the first time after so many
years. A feeling that didn't happen even when my daughter was born.
“ i am going to break that phone of yours ,” i heard Elinor saying but i was curious to see her face
that they keep blocked from my sight
“ Oh please uncle , you are going to give me another one in just a few seconds .” I heard her
again and her voice reminded me of my beautiful love's voice . I will never get over her .
nerver . ever .
I was surprised that she called Elinor Uncle and not dad . He talked to her like she was his
daughter and not his niece . After she said hello to him and Helenas , she slowly turned towards us
with a smile . the most beautiful smile . like her . like my Hel . and not only her smile but also her
beauty . She was the mini Helena . my Helena . She looked like her in every way when I saw her for
the first time . She has her beautiful green eyes , her small nose and an angelic face . her hair was
brown, like my hair color . My daughter has her mothers hair color and my son is mixed , but she
had exactly the same .
“ Hello , Ms and Mr Ruslanovich .” she said to them with formalities
“ Nice to see you dear .” Anastasia Ruslanovich . i was so frozen that i haven't notice my wife’s
arm at me only when she called me
“ Marbas ..” She called and I knew what she would say . she never hasn't accepted my love for
Helena . She always waited for me to love her in the same way I have and I love Helena . that was
never going to happen . because my love and my heart died together with her
“ you …” Azalea’s voice brought me to present . she was pointed at my daughter who was
rolling her eyes
“ now i understand why all of you hate us ,” she said
“ Wait , do you know each other?”Irene asked, panicked and i didnt understand why she would
panic if my daughter knew hers .
“ Yeh , we are enemies , she is the one why I was expelled from the school in Columbia .” she
said and i looked over at my daughter, “ she made everyone believe that i hurt her for not being
able to play .” she said
“ She is lying dad , I will never do that . Why are you lying ?” my daughter said towards her
with tears in her eyes and the Azalea rolled her eyes
“ Are you sure Lea ?” Elinor asked
“ She thinks that she is more talented than me , but she isn't . I do not know how she got hurt
but I was accused by her and lost one important award .” she said confidently enough
“ What is she talking about Aurora ?” i asked my daughter
“ Do you believe her over your daughter ?” she said like i hurt her feelings
“ That is why I am asking you, princess .” i said to him with gentle voice showing her that i will not
get angry
“She seems innocent .” Liliana said looking confused
“ Oh please , this is all an act . with her angelic , innocent face of hers , this is the way she makes
everyone believe in her . and make me look like a villain . I am not saying that I am not , I am the

villain of her life , but making me when I display my humanity.” she said and the way she spoke ,
makes you think that she is my helenes daughter . exactly like her .
“ Listen , my daughter does not need to make those fake statements because she is a very talented
violinist .” My wife said to her , protected our daughter .
“ talented my ass . she hadn't won a prize when I competed with her . her talent is fake as her
character. Look at yourself , who has a talent for your family . you look like a household mob boss
wife , judging you , a name nothing more . your husband looks like he is dead and just his body is
present ..” she said, surprising me even more with her correct junding . “ But me, I have a genetic
talent for violin . generation to generation . I was born with talent . My mom was and is one of the
most talented violinists . so take a look in the mirror of yourself and your dead family before
speaking to me for talent and violin .” she said like a goodness shutting our mouth
“ feisty than ever” russian said chucking
“ Lea , enough , you made a wonderful presentation and welcomer .” Elinor said proud of her
“ This is nothing .” she said smiling
“ Can we leave dad ,pelase ?” my daughter asked and i shook my head for no and i send her a
apologetic look
“ When are they leaving ?” she asked Elinors
“ They are going to stay with us for some time.” Elinor said to her, putting her close to him
and kissing her head as she frowned . I do not know why I was feeling jealous seeing him kissing on
her head .
“ We are going to have a fun time.” Helana said, winking at her and Azalea smirked towards
my daughter . I do not like this . It's like I know the end of the film . Fortunately they are not
siblings .
‘ uncle , my lovely and best uncle ..” Azalea said towards him with an angelic face and I think
I'm going crazy . it's like i am seeing my Helena alive in every her move
“ no .” Elinor said directly
“ you know that I love you so much more than everything else in this world .” she said to him
kissing his face ..
“ because i am the only uncle” he said to her
“ and the most handsome one , so I met this boy who was cold towards me , did not give me
his name and did not flirt with me ….so can you please….”
“ no .” Elinor interrupted her immediately and serious
“ …. Find him , but why ?” she asked him with puppy eye
“ I know how this ends Azalea , I have seen this before and done ...?”
“ Great , you can do it again.” she said to him smiling and Elinor Frowned and looked at me
for a second and than her
“ I am not going to let history repeat Azalea . I am not going to do the same thing I did for
your mother . I am not going to let you make the same mistake . delete that obsession .” he said to
her, making me crazy one more time .
“ But he was handsome,” she murmured, crossing her arms on her chest. “ I have to find
another obsession to forget him .” she added
“You are not a normal girl .” Ruslanovich said

“ because i am my mothers daughter .” she said with a proud smile on her face, making me
curious who her mother is .

Chapter 2

“ Lea” my uncle called me outside my room .

“ yes , come in,”I told him as I brushed my hair . I have my mum’s hair, which is soft and
long but I have his color and I hate that . I wanted to change them as soon as I turned 18 but
didn't let me . So I am stuck with this disgusted color . The door opened , and my uncle came
inside , dressed in his casual suit .
“Goodmorning , beauty .” he said to me smiling as i turned with face to him
“ Good morning uncle , for a few minutes I am downstear .” i told to him as he nodded
“ Actually we are not going to have breakfast together , I hope you do not be upset . '' he
told me and i am not upset . Actually, I understood him and his work . it is like i have it at my
“Do not worry uncle , I will not be upset and I understand you .” i told him
“ You are a wonderful girl , your mother will be proud of you .” he told me and I smiled . I
hope she is because she is my everything . i love the relationship between my uncle and my
und also my mum . She will always be their little sister even though i have replaced her a little
“ i also wanted to ask you something , your aunt is out , she went to Iono and the Valerio’s
son is coming today so , can you welcome he and take care of the guest ?”he asked and I
Smiled for two reason ; 1 because i was gonna be the lady of the house and 2 because that
bitch is here . is gonna be a great fun
“ Of course uncle , as long as I can order and do anything .” i told him
“ which does not include murdered and danger yes .” he told me and i hugged him
“ I do not make promises .” I said to him smiling and he knows me . He knows that
something will happen and I will not stop. And that I do not make promises . they are full of
lies that a person tells . My mum's example had learned not to trust anyone , not to make
promises , not to believe them and the most important not to forgive the betrayer . Once a
cheater, always a cheater .

I sat at my place on the table and the maids started surviving me in the kitchen .
“ Thank you .” I thanked them as they finished . I am not a brat or spoiled child . I always
respect those who respect me . The fact that I am rich does not mean for me to humiliate
those who work for me and my family . When I eat alone , I always eat with them in the
kitchen ,because I do not like to eat alone .
“ Do you need anything else, miss ?” one of the maids asked with her hands before her and
her head bowed a little .
“ no thank you all good . you can relax . I do not kill .” I told her, smiling and I noticed she was
new and not much older than me , maybe 3 or 4 years old “ not those who respect me.” I
added and chuckled at the fear in her eyes . “ Relax .” i said again
“ Do you really kill people?” she asked me
“ not yet ,but maybe one day if it is necessary .” I told her and it was true . I hate to lie so I
never lie . And it is true that I haven't killed a person , even though Helena call me a
hearthstone . “ Do you know the rules ?” i asked her
“ Yes , I am very sorry for a..asking you .” she said me

“ do not apologize girl , no if i tell you to relax . you haven't done anything wrong .” I said to
her as I finished my juice and my breakfast . “ Please do not hesitate to speak with me about
everything . I have a little good and humanity from my mum , so do not be afraid to tell me
everything .`` I told her to get up . “ Thank you for the breakfast.” told her before leaving the
kitchen .

I wanted so badly to play and wake up that bitch , but Helena was sleeping and I could not
do that to her just for my revenge . So I have to sit and hope that Helenna will wake up
soon . I went to the living room where I found the bitch’s mum sitting and drinking coffee .
She seems so innocent but I know that she is evil and the angelic face was only a facade . like a
mother , like a daughter .

I sit on the seat , grabbing my ipad as I feel her eyes on me . i looked at her and saw that she
wanted to ask something
“ Do you have a problem ?” i asked her turning my intention at my ipad
“How old are you ?” she asked me and i looked at her
“ 19 , why ?” I asked her as she was looking at me like she was solving something .
“ Who are your parents ?” she asked me again and i turned off my ipad and watched her
as i crossed my legs , my nails knocked on the table beside me , watching her intentionally .
“ Why are you asking like you want to be sure if I am your husband's child of
marriage ?” I asked her and I saw the fear in her eyes, making me more curious . they look
like they love each other , but also she looks fake and he too dead from a loving and happy
marriage .
“ , but you look like somebody i know .” she said and i didn't believe her .
“ So you know my mother , because I am exactly like her.” i said to her crossing my arm “
you must be her enemy .” i told her and she cough
“ I wasn't your mum's enemy .” she said and i knew it she was lying because she kept
rubbing her hands tightly .
“ Neither her friend .” I added . I know all my mum's friends and enemies . Her name
was on the enemies list . I am growing up listening to her name and hating her . Because she
took my mother , my family. " It will be your luck if your husband isn't my out called Father
because then I will do much worse than the devil himself can do. '' I said to her with a serious
face . And I will do what I said because I will never forgive him for killing my mother . She
was so in love with him and he betrayed her . He replaced her like she was an object . She
quickly put her coffee on the table and walked out and I smiled in victory. I love frightening
people . I love their terror when I talk about my revenge . When I became the devil and
showed them how their hell will be . Because I was born in hell . And raised by the devil .

" Can you please make something to eat ?" I heard the bitch's voice asking the maid for
breakfast. I got up and walk towards them .
" yes…" the maid start saying but I interrelated her

" No food will be served for her and her family" I ordered, crossing my arms on my chest and
looking at her smiling . She looked at me with ignorance and rolled eyes to me . I chuckled
and both of us looked at the maid who didn't make a move.
" What are you waiting for ?" She asked the maid
" You cannot order my maids at my house as you wish . Here I give the orders." I told her
raising my voice
" What is happening?" I heard her mum's voice as she came along with MS Anastasia.
" she do not let the maids to make food for me" that bitch complain like a funking 5 years old
"Azalea …" her mum started talking towards me
" Miss Azalea or Nolian. We are not friends or relatives to call me by my name . " I told her
mum. Her face was too great to look after I said to her " the breakfast has already been
served but your daughter was asleep. It isn't going to be served for the second time . So , you
have to sit and wait until dinner when all will be home " I said to her and she looked at me
with hate in her eyes . And I didn't give a fuck about her hate .
" You are sick . You can not do that because your uncle will not let you treat his guests in this
way " she said like she knows my uncle .
" I am at my house and I can treat everyone as I want . If you do not like it , get your shit and
leave . " I told her, smirking " but you can not . And my uncle knew very well how I was
gonna treat you when he asked me to babysit your ass and the others . So continue being the
little angel and do as I said " I told her and turn my back to leave.
" I am not going to eat your disgusting food and hear your disgusting words " she said
making her way to the front door and I stopped smirking .
" As I am notified none of you should not leave the house because there is an enemy , but you
can go , and I will make sure not to come back . Alive " I said smiling as She stopped after
opening the door. " take the lady where she wants and leave her there without money and
phone . Without anything . Then spread rumors that the princess of Zykov is unprotected in
the wild world " I ordered the men at the front door . Her mum , Miss Anastasia and her
looked shocked as I said those words and the men nodded. " You can go , I will make sure to
make a funeral for the princess, " I told her Smirking as she closed the door with force,
causing a big noise .
" I will make you pay so badly that you will wish not messing with me " she threatened me
and I chuckled
" We haven't started yet my friend and you have started making promises . I think you should
think that before messing with me " I told her , and I turned my back to leave, leaving a
frustrated bitch behind .

" miss a person said that is a Ruslanovich " one of the men said as I was sitting in the living
room with the others
" that is my son " Ms Anastasia said and I got up
" Bring him inside " I told him and he nodded . The man I have to babysit came . I wrote a
sms to my uncle and I heard Ms Anastasia talking .

" son , thank God you are okay " she said to him and I waited for them to finished as I looked
my phone
" I am okey mum " a voice said and I looked at him immediately and he looked at me with
narrowed eyes
" I told you that we are going to meet again " I said to him and he frowned
" Do you know each other?" His mum asked looking at us
" we have meet each other on the plane haven't we man-without- name " I said smirking at
" So you are a Nolian ." He said looking up and down at me with his hands in his pocket .
" the first born actually " I said
" too bad for you that I am not into crazy girls " he said making a step towards me
" Too bad for you that I am obsessed with you ." I said, making a step towards him and
looking each other into our eyes until his mum coughed.
" Alex you have meet the niece of Elinor Nolian" his mum said and he frowned his eyebrows
because surely he was expecting being my uncle's daughter " than , the Ms here is the wife of
Marbas Zykov and his daughter Aurora " she presented and he shaked hands with that
women and then stopped looking that bitch with a soft look . Do not do this to me mum .
" Nice to meet you princess Aurora " he said with a sexy voice as he kissed the surface of her
hand making her blush . Fuck this world . I am not going to let her win .
" So you are into fake people ?" I asked about his intention as he looked at me with a serious
face .
" I do not see a fake person here , maybe you need a visit to a doctor " he said to me , he
dared to say that to me and she laughed .
" Alex , maybe you should go to rest . I think your room is ready , isn't Azalea ?" Ms
Anastasia asked as I watched him with a dead glare
" no isn't until dinner , so he has to stay here and only here, " I said without breaking the look
" As for my eyes they can see better than your old ass " I said to him, sitting at my seat like a
queen . " and I don't think your father will appreciate the fact you have offended me " I said
smirking at him
" I am not afraid of my father , and what can you possibly do ?" He asked and I continue
" wait and watch " I said to him
" ohh you will have a wonderful show " I heard Helena's Voice and I looked at her.
" finally " I said to her
" Were you waiting for me ?" She asked me smiling
" I was waiting for you to wake up to play but I see that your phone should be away from you
" I said to her and she turned her back to me
" I love you too " she said before disappearing and I started looking at my phone .
" Where is dad ?" Alex asked his mum
" went somewhere with the others " she answered
" Where is dad ?" Helena asked with her mouth full of food .

" somewhere with the others " I answered and I looked at the bitch as she was watching
Helena's food
" Why are you here then ?" She asked continue eating
" because I have to babysit these people and you too ." I answered to her " go and eat at
kitchen , because someone is hungry " I said smirking
" Then let's eat . " Helena said
" how can they if the lady of the house had ordered not to eat after breakfast hour? " I said
and Helena started laughing and coughing at the same time . " eat slowly, nobody is going to
eat yours " I told her giving some water
" you are a devil and narcissistic bitch " she said coming at her self
" I know " I told her
" sorry for your hell " Helena said to Aurora smiling " where is mum?" She asked me again
" went to meet the bastard " I told her
" Really? Why hasn't she told me ?" She asked again
" I do not know , maybe you have a animal sleep " I told her
" bitch " she said and I hit her with a pillow. " When dad comes, ask him to go to a party in
exchange for your babysitter job " she ordered me .
" Is something fancy ?" I asked her
" yep and I will drink " she said a d I rolled my eyes
" As always " I told her and looked at my phone .
" What is going on mum ?" Why were we attacked and are we staying here ?" Alex asked his
mum .
" our basement and Zykov’s is attacked by Mordions " she said and I frowned my eyebrow
and making a question face . " So Elinor Nolian accept to help us to destroy him " she said
" Why would my uncle do something like that ?" I asked thinking
" because it is an enemy " The bitch brother said as he come towards us half waken and half
" yes but not ours . We do not have anything with them . They were destroyed years ago and
know what would happen to them if they want to make us enemies ." I said but more to
myself . I know my uncle's enemies too . And if he does not tell me , I learn it in some way .
" Maybe Lea ,they want revenge." Helena said watching me
" If somebody wants revenge it's me . I have spent my entire childhood, my entire life
without my mum . So uncle should have had a good explanation to make " I heard with my
eyes narrowed as Alex was watching me .
" Why should the Mafia boss explain to you about the work ? Doesn't this family have a male
for this job ?" He asked and I hate sexiest people . And I started to hate him .
" I, you sexiest man whore , can kill you without a doubt and looking at your eyes and neither
you mum nor dad cannot do anything about that . Because I am the devil himself in this
family and you are a mum's boy. " I said to him looking straight into his eyes . " GUARD " I
" Azalea what are you doing ?" helana asked as his mum looked shocked
" Azalea …" she said my name
" I respected you , every time but your son offended me ." I told her straight into her eyes

" what are you going to do ?" He asked me smiling
" yes miss ?" The guard said after he come at living room
" take this bastard at the place where he deserved and showed him what can I do as a women
" I ordered him and he nodded his head and called 3 other guards through his headphone in
his ear and took with violence that bastard
" Stop ,,." His mother said crying
" This will not be fished here . Wait until dad come " Alex said and I smiled
" then Mordions does not have to search for you . because I will send all of your heads to
him ." I said, smirking . " You are at my place now .' I finished with my armed crossed on my

Chapter 3
“ What is going on?” i heard my uncles voice and their footsteps towards us
" Anastasia, what do you have ? What is darling?" Mr. Ruslanovich asked his wife's who
has been crying for hours
" dad " that bitch said running towards her father " she is a monster "she said looking
towards me
" Azalea what have you done?" My uncle asked me serious
" I haven't killed anybody. Yet . " I told him
" Where is Alex ?" Mr Ruslanovich asked again and the bitch can not keep her mouth
" she ordered the guards to take him somewhere" she answered and I crossed my arms
" Elinor what is supposed to mean?" He asked my uncle " where is my son ?" He asked
with a high voice
" Azalea, where is he ?" My uncle asked tiredly
" at basement enjoying my work " I said simply
" how can you do something like that Azalea " he said to me serious
" I told you that I was gonna enjoy myself and you should thank me for not killing them "?
I told him
"GUARD " my uncle called guards and heavy footsteps were heard
" yes sir " one of them said
" Bring the guest that Miss Azalea ordered to beat " my uncle ordered and I sit frowning
" she didn't let us eating until the dinner " that bitch said
" this is not a agreement Elinor " Mr Ruslanovich said
" Let's calm down first Gentlemens " he said " Maria " he called the main maid who
came immediately " prepare some food for miss…." He started to say

" no one is going to eat until it's time " I said getting up with clenched teeth and my uncle
frowned his eyebrows
" Azalea vieni nel tuo senso " he said in italian
" you come to your senses . You are opening a war with the people my mum ended . And
for what ? For those people who don't know how to respect " I told him and I know that if I
don't control my demons , this will end badly .
" what are you talking about ?" He asked me and that moment the guards brought Alex
deadly beaten
" Alex …" his mother called him and ran towards him " what did they do to you ?" She
asked checking on him
" I was talking about Mordions uncle . That you are helping those people to destroy them "
I said to him and he looked me shocked for a few seconds
" Where did you learn it ?" He asked me
" Does it matter? Those people are our enemies and suddenly we are helping them . They
do not know to be grateful too " I said to him angrily
" Azalea calm down " he said to me " Maria bring a first aid kit " he ordered him " firstly
tell me why did you bring him in this condition?" He asked me
" because he offended me and for who for this bitch that can not do anything besides crying
and acting " I told him and he looked at Alex and then to Mr Ruslanovich
" Is this true Alex ?" Mr Ruslanovich asked him
" my niece can be a monster but she doesn't lie Ruslanovich " my uncle said to him serious
" What did you say to her , Alex ?" He asked again
" he offended me by saying that I need to check my eyes for talking about that bitch and
then offended me for being a WOMEN , that this is a job for a man not for a WOMEN OR
ME " I said to them looking dead into Alex Eyes. " Do you see how I , AZALEA NOLIAN
HAD BRING YOU ON YOUR KNEES . " I told him with a powerful voice
" If you and your family don't respect my family, my daughters, you are not welcome
anymore Ruslanovich. My niece is much worse than your son " my uncle said smirking
" I can send your heads at Mordions with a snap of my fingers " I threatened them
" you are worse than your Uncle " Ruslanovich said looking at me
" you haven't seen how much worse " I told him and looking straight at that bitch " no one
can beat me . Neither you " I told her
" this will not repeat anymore " Ruslanovich said
" Are you trying to apologize to me , Mr Ruslanovich?" I asked looking at him with my devil
" Do not force your fate , girl . You beat my son and now you want to apologize to you ?" He
asked me
" than you do not have a place here " I told him looking into his eyes
" Azalea " uncle called me
" apologize or I will let your only your son's body on your feet " I said to him
" AZALEA " uncle screamed my name to stop
" I am my mother's daughter, and I do not let anyone humiliate me . I will destroy everyone
who thinks that can control me " I said to my uncle

" I apologize " I heard Alex's voice who was watching me with hatred but I didn't care .
" You see now what a woman can do ?" I asked him smirking
" Azalea go at your room " my uncle said to me
" no before telling me why you are opening a war with Mordions " I said to him
" They killed your mother and destroyed your family, how can you not think of destroying
them ?" He asked me
" my mum was killed by that bastard and his fucking whore . Yes they kidnapped her but
they let me born , raised me , when he took her from me . Why do you not understand that we
do not have to start a war if they do not take the first step ?" I asked my uncle
" I am doing to protect you " he said to me and that make me crazy
said looking disappointed at my uncle
" Azalea , they have started to kidnapped children " he said to me
" Why should we care about other children ?" I asked him
" because they want revenge for what happened to them by kidnapping their daughter's
enemies. Yours father " he said to me
" I DO NOT HAVE A FATHER " I shouted throwing a glass at wall and all flinched " THEY
WERE MORE A FATHER TO ME THAN HIM " I shouted again " if you are working with
him , I am not your niece anymore and you will never see me again " I said to my uncle and
turn my back to him
" Azalea , … Azalea where are you going ? I heard him but I didn't stop . I went out slapping
the door with all my force and went one of the cars


" I will go with her " Helena said to her father and he kissed her on her Forehead and smiled
sadly at her .
" Be careful " he said to his daughter before running outside and then looking at both of the
men in his house. " This is the first time and the last one that my family will have a problem
like this because of you . I am risking my family for both of you and better think we'll before
saying anything to my daughters . " he said to the men and then disappeared into his office .


" a long time not seeing each other devil " the bastard said to me as I entered at a local with a
classic music in the background
" not know bastard " I said pushing him and going to my place
" is angry with father " I heard Helena saying to him as I bump into another person

" I don't have the nerve to have problems with you either " I said to him without looking and
pushing him away too .

" there is no humanity today " a men said towards the Helenas and the person she was with
" sorry men , but it seems she had problem at house " the person said at him
" you know her ?" The men before asked
" yep . My cousin who hates me " the person said smiling " this is my sister Helena , Helena
meet Zane Cranz , a friend of mine " he presented
" nice to meet you " the person who was with said to her smiling
" those kind of people make me to burn that little humanity I have " Zane said and Helena
" you sound like Azalea " she said and he frowned his eyebrows
" Like who ?" He asked
" like my cousin, Azalea , the one who bumped into you . Even she isn't fan of people or
goods " Helena said to him " Iono I am going or she will burn this place from her anger "
Helena said to him
" I hope to listen a relax melody tonight " he said to her
" I doubt because her house was a hell, " Helena said, smiling before leaving .
" so sister and cousin eee" the men with Xavier asked smirking
" with my sister you can have something if she wants but with Azalea , you cannot breath "
Iono said
" so feisty in bed eee " the men provoked again
" She is a monster, much worse than the devil . She is the daughter of a woman who killed
her own father , half sister and brother . So if you can go into her bed, lucky for you . Of
course if you survive " Iono said to him smiling and Zane was listening attentively to his
words .


" Elinor, where are the girls ?" His wife asked him worried
" I don't know , now I am calling the guards " he said calling the guards
" yes sir ? " A men answered immediately
" where are my daughters " Elinor asked immediately
" they are at the sir club , right now the miss is playing " he answered watching Azalea
" send me video, I want to watch live to make sure " Elinor ordered
" yes sir " he said and
" dad why can we go out too ?" Aurora asked as she listen that Girls went out
" it is for your security ho.." he said but got stopped when he listened to a very angrily
familiar melody . He looked at Elinor immediately " who is playing this melody ?" He asked

" Azalea who else? " he answered and Marbas took Elinor's phone from him and started
watching the video where he saw Helena 's version playing in the same way when she was
angry . " What the hell are you thinking?" Elinor asked taking his phone back
" Enough with games ,Elinor . Whose daughter is she ? " Marbas asked serious
" Why do you care ?" Elinor asked
" Marbas enough " His wife said to him but he didn't listen her
" Is Helena 's daughter isn't it ?" He asked making a step towards Elinor
" If she is , what are you going to do ?" Elinor asked looking into his eyes and Marbas
grabbed him by his costume
" MARBAS ENOUGH " his wife screamed " not everyone is about her . Came to your senses
" she told him
" everything and everyone is ABOUT HER " Marbas told her " do not get involved in
others job" he told her and then back his looking towards Elinor " how is possible? HOW
Elinor's wife shouted at him pushing away by her husband
" if I made a agreement , I made it to protect Azalea's life not yours and yours bastard
family" Elinor told him
"DAD " Helena's shounting interrupted them and he immediately run to her with the
others and where shocked watching Azalea lending at her with small wounds and cuts
"WHAT HAPPENED ?" Elinor asked tooking Azalea from her
" s..she .. " tried to speak
" What about it, Helena ?" Her mother asked kissing her
" she noticed something was wrong and send me at car with guards and when I turned to
go inside the place was attacked and she was inside …" she said crying
" get the doctor , NOW " he screamed at guards as he took the Azalean In his arms
" Marbas " his wife said stopping him
" don't, I will not lose her as my love " he told her without thinking that he has hurt her .
" Iono ? Helena's mother asked worriedly as they made their way towards Azalea's room.
" he is fine, he brought us at home " she answered as they entered inside
" H...Helena ?" Azalea asked with a half open eyes
" shhhh, I am here , I am so sorry Lea , I send you there " she said to her crying
" I.. s t..the b- bastard l-- living ?" She asked
" yes without a woun⁸d " Helena says
" damn it " Azalea said making Helena smiling
" the doctor is coming " her aunt said to her
" I am fine aunt , " Azalea said trying to get up
" WHERE IS THE DOCTOR ?" Elinor shouted
" tell uncle that he is making me with headache with all screaming " she said to her aunt
" you need to control . You lost your consciousness " he said getting back in my room
" yes because I lost my balance and hit my head," she told him .
" you are not winning this battle Lea " Helena told her with a low voice and she frowned,
lending back .


" good morning " I said making my way towards my place in the table
" good morning honey " my aunt said " how are you feeling ?" She asked me
" fine , " I said sitting and I looked towards Alex who had wounds and bitch " how are you
Mr Alex feeling ? I hope you slept well " I said smirking at him
" Azalea please, it is morning yet " my uncle said and I rolled my eyes . Now I have energy to
play with them .

All the time I was feeling eyes on me and when I looked I watched Mr Zykov looking with an
unknowing look .
" look what i have made for you " I heard Helena interrupting for asking him
" are you really trying to kill me?" I asked her . She always makes something for me when I
am sick or hurt . I love her and I always do . She is my sister and I will do anything for her .
Only for her
" don't be ungrateful bitch " she said to me
" Helena " my aunt said to her
" you know I can be " I told her with a low voice
" I know , you do not need to tell me " she said to me and we started to eat as nobody else was
talking besides my uncle and Mr Ruslanovich
" Is there any problem Mr Zykov that you keep looking at me ?" I asked him, earning all the
people at the table attention.
" no ," he said smiling " just admiring that you look exactly as your mum on your age " he
said and I noticed a sad smile in his face
" Marbas Honey, is there any possibility to go today ?" His wife asked from nowhere but he
didn't answered her and keep looking at me
" good fun is that I know my mum's all friends and Enemies but you aren't either on the
friends list nor enemies " I said to him crossing my hands under my chin " how do you know
my mum , and at which list are you ?" I asked him
" Marbas .." I heard my uncles with a threaten voice to him
" she was a friend of my niece . They went at school together " he explained and I tried to
remember my mum's friends school
" the photographer?" I asked him and he nodded" can I meet her ?" I asked him and I looked
" she had disappeared. Or correctly we had lost our contacts after your mother died " he said
and I nodded
" that fucking men is the worst thing that had happened " I murmured
" no wonder why you do not have a father and why he left you " I heard That bitch voice
saying and I watch her with my dark eyes and with a knife on my hand
" Aurora .." Mr .Marbas scolded her
" yeh because of bitches like you and your mum" I said to her

" Azalea , I apologize for my daughter's words " Mr Zykov said surprising all us
" dad .." she called him
" Shut up Aurora and eat " he said to her, making me smirk towards her " your
mother's hair was black …" he said looking again to me
" yeh , I have his hair color and my aunt didn't let me color them " I said to him and he
looked a little taken back
" because then there would be any difference between you and aunt " Helena said I rolled
my eyes
" Enough , let's eat " my uncle said and I didn't understand his irritation.
" uncle I lost my dagger last night " I said to him and started to eat
" I will make one new " he said to me
" as fast as possible because I feel myself naked right now without it " I said to him and I
heard Helana smiling . It is true. I take my dagger everywhere with me . Even in my sleep ,
bathroom when I take a bath . I can not live without it .
" you have a collection with dagger Lea , you aren't unarmed" she said to me
" Like you said, they are for my collection not for my arm . One dagger is nothing " I said
and I know I sound like a crazy women
" and without any ?" Lilian asked
" dead as hell " I answered her as one of the maids was coming towards me
" I ordered you to make your favorite cake . Just for you " Helena told me
" whatever you are going to ask , better be good" I told her and she wicked me
" can I have some too ?" Mr. Zykov 's son asked the maid
" we have made another cake but that is made especially for miss since she is allergic to
nuts " she answered making Mr Zykov coughing loudly
" okey then " his wife said
" Are you allergic to nuts ?" He asked me, shocked ?
" yes ," I said, " I didn't know today was the day of the interview, " I told him . I don't
understand why he was making so much question about me
" Enough, " my uncle whispered to him deadly . The aroma of this work will come out soon. "
Do you remember what happened yesterday Azalea ?" He asked me
" yes , I saw cars and men outside the club looking around and I sent Helena with the guard
first outside and when I was leaving they entered in the club destroying everything " I told
him remembering what happened last night after I played two or more melodies.
" Do you know who they were ?" He asked me and I closed my eyes . Pieces of last night
trying to hide came to my mind. The sounds of guns , screaming overhauling my head but I
didn't stop . Two people fighting without guns caught my attention. I saw how a person was
trying to beat another person with a tattoo in his neck after being shot , so I took out my
dagger and went near them . I beat him with my force and gave the shooted person my dagger
and ran off until somebody hit behind me . Wait .
" they were Mordions people " I said opening my eyes
" What?" My uncle said shocked
" how do you know?" MR Ruslanovich asked me
" I know their tattoo and one of them had it on his neck " I said looking to them

" How do you know their tattoo if you haven't met them ?" Alex said with ignorance and I
displayed the same tattoo on my arm and showed to him
" I was raised by them " I told him with sarcasm. " I think they had a problem with
someone else but they didn't know me . Like there is somebody new in the top of them " I told
my uncle
" this isn't a good sign " he murmured
" How can she have their tattoo ?" Mr Ruslanovich asked
" they made it to her " my uncle said
" how ?" Mr Zykov asked angry
" When I was a child , one year old, " I answered . " another question?' I asked with
sarcasm and I loved the shock in their faces .

Chapter 4

How can she have their tattoo ? how can …ughhh . millions of question are bombing in my
head i have not a singel ansewre for them . one of them or one of my hopes that she will be
my daughter . and the only one who can give me answers is Elinor Nolin .

“ Anastasia can we talk for a bit ?”Irene asked her sitting next to her and she nodded . “ I
know that a lot has happened since Azalea came back ….” she said with truthfully voice but
Anastasia interrupted her before she can finished her sentence
“ your niece beat my son nearly to death” she told to her
“ I know and this is the reason why I want to apologise for her action” Irenei said again
truthfully . “ when Elinor saved Azalea from Mordinos with Helena , they spend only one
day and one night together as mother and daughter before Helena was kidnapped again with
his wife and killed herself” Irene said trying not to let tears filling her eyes “ after her death
was very difficult for us to deal with Azalea . she kept asking about her mother , and she
used violence in everything”
“ continue to do it” Anastasia interrupted her
“ they teach her in that way and apparently she took my sister's worst and best part . My
sister had an angry and violence issue and Azalea has inherited that too . the violence kept
growing when she learnt how her mother died and what her father did” Irene explained
“ why are you telling me this ?” Anastasia asked
“ Azalea is the only thing that I have from my sister , I want you to accept my apologies
and to understand Azalea even for a little bit .” Irene finished with a sad smile . Anastasia
looked at her and when she was about to open her mouth , a shounting interrupted them .
“ IF SOMEBODY IS HER FATHER , THEN I AM “ they heard Elinor's voice and
watched each other before getting up and running towards his office .

“ tell me what she meant that she was raised by them” i said to Elinor after i entered in his
office without knocking
“ isn't your problem” he said without looking at me and i slapped his desk winning his
“ everything that include Helena , its my problem” i said clenching teeth
“ oh really ?” he said with sarcasm getting up “ then where is Helena ? Where is she ?
dead and because of you” he said to me pointing at my chest
“ I know it damn it . It is killing me . every single day . every night and morning I dream
of being in her arms, not my wifes .” i told him but he had that look that doesn't believe me .
“ you act like you are in love with her and not her sister” i said to him and if somebody
doesn't know him will say the same thing as me .

“ I am not a whore man like you bastard. '' he said to me, punching me . “ i love my wife ,
i'm so in love with her that i will do everything for including loving her sister like mine and
raising her niece like my daughter .” he told me and i saw that he was trying to control
himself . “ not everybody is like you .” he told me with a disgusting look
“ How can Azalea be Helena's daughter and not deny it because you said it yourself?” i
asked him and he took a breath
“ During the time we knew that she was dead , she gave birth to a daughter who is
Azalea . A Year after she gave birth she escaped but couldn't save the daughter which is
why she was obsessed with staying with you and trying to destroy them . happy ?” he said
and i could not stop thinking about Azaleas father or other things
“ who is her father ?” I asked but he looked at me with disgustion and another look . she is
19 today , Helena had been “died” for 2 years and some months , one year pregnant, after a
year she escaped and before she was kidnapped we made love every single time and she keep
hate the men that had killed her mother for another women , has my hair color and allergic
to nuts and …. . it can't be . Helena will not keep that from me . she will do that to destroy
my marriage “ is she my daughter?” i asked out of blue and he looked a little taken back
asked him
“ no” he said immediately not looking at me
“ she is my daughter .” i said as a statement this time
“ No it isn't. Get that in your fucking traitor mind .” he said with a low voice as he is
afraid being heard
“ she is my daughter . mines and Helenas .`` I said again in shock . “ Why didn't she tell
me? Why did she keep it from me ?” i asked getting angry
“ you dare to ask ? you cheated on her , you replaced her and she saw you being happy
and in love with that whore .” he said to me angry
“ I wasn't happy or in love . I was trying but that never happened .” i told him
“ Well that try killed her every second since she saw you . the first person she looked for
after she escaped was you .’ he told me killing one more time
“ Yet , I deserved to know that I have a daughter with her .” i told him
“ you don't deserve anything . only loneliness .’ He told me and i shaked my head . now i
have a reason to be alive
“ no , now I have a reason . and as a father you are, you should tell me . I am her father , I
deserve to be part of her .” i told him and it seems like he lost his temper
“ IF SOMEBODY IS HER FATHER, THEN I AM .” he shouted at me and i took from his
BEAUTIFUL THING THAT I HAVE WITH HER .`` I shouted at him, “ and you will pay
for that .” i said to him and he smiled to me and the door was open by his wife with mine and
Anastasia with her husband
'What is going on ?’ irene asked but both of us ignored her
“ Are you going to say to her that you are her father ? She hates you more than everything
in this world . she swore that she will kill you , your whore and your children . she isn't
Helena , she is much worse . you took from her her mother . her humanity , her everything

and yet you think she would accept you. The moment she learns who her father and her
siblings are, she will do everything for you and your wife to see your children die slowly and
painfully.’ he told me smiling like he had won something but broke me . more than one time .
like somebody had taken my heart and smashed it into pieces . the most beautiful memory
from my love , my only owner of my life and heart , hate me more than the enemies . Can it
be more painful for a parent learning that he had a kid with his love but can not be her
parent because she hates him . and she is right to hate me .
“ you told him ?” Irene asked her husband angrily
“ he gathered the pisces himself .” he said looking at me as i was remaining hurtful
“ What was all that screaming ?” i heard her beautiful voice that made my heart warming
more now that i know that she is my daughter and my loves
“ nothing sweetheart” Irene said scared
“ isn't nothing , what daughter were you talking about dad ?” Helena asked his father
crossing her arms “ do you have an illegal child ? I swear that she isn't going to see the
sunlight ever again .” she said to him
“ Len, my beautiful daughter. You are my only child .” he said to him hugging and kissing
“ If it is true , then I will be really ungrateful and burn you and that bitch alive uncle” my
daughter threatened him and he smiled
‘ you are going to make Helen like you .” he said to her, smiling and hugging too . I
grappled my hand seeing them , when I should be the one kissing her and hugging her . It's
killing me seeing somebody else being a father to my child . I cannot take it anymore. I can
not see them anymore like this or I would do something that I will regret. I rushed to go
outside and I heard her asking him why I was so strange today and my wife calling me but I
didn't care .
" Marbas stop " she said stopping me by caught by my arm
" what do you want ?" I asked her coldly and she looked surprised by my speak
" What I want is for you to come to your senses. You are making scenes " she told me and
I didn't care if I was going to hurt her
" making scenes? I learned that I have a daughter with my love and you tell me that I am
making scenes?" I told her and she didn't look surprised or shocked as she should be . " you
know it . You know it THAT SHE IS MY DAUGHTER " I shouted at her as her eyes keep
filling with water
" I had my doubts " she murmured with her head bowe
" AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME " I shouted her again shaking her by her arms and
" you are hurting me " she said
" don't you know that I have also been hurt during these years . You didn't even look at
me once even though I gave you two children . You haven't touched me a second outside the
public and the only time you touched me was when you were drunk and thinking and
dreaming for her. Hell , you even stop drinking around me so you don't touch me . Do you

know how this hurt me and had hurt me during those years " she told me crying but that
doesn't excuse her
" you knew that I was marrying to save you . And that was the biggest mistake I have
made . If I should not have been cheated by innocentive and if I haven't acted like I love you ,
now I will be with my love , only my wife and my child , my daughter." I told her
" So now is my fault?" She asked me
" Because of you , I lost my love ,and 19 years of my daughter 's life . I will never forgive
you " I told her and pushed her away from my way .


I saw them arguing from the window in the garden and I smiled victory. I will destroy
that bitch’s life and then she will understand who she had to do . I will start getting
everything from her starting from her father . I moved away from the window and started
leaving when I heard growing from Alexis' room . I opened the door and I saw him growing
in pain as he was changing his bandages and I lained at the door smiling
" Do you need my help ?" I asked him and he turned for a few seconds to see and then
turned his back again
“ to be more injured , no thanks .” he said me with sarcasm and i chuckled
“ are you sure because you don't look capable to me” i say to him as i stepped inside his
“ yes sure enough than being on a crazy person’s hand” he said to me and i rolled my
“ stop being a bitch and let me help you” i told him stopping him from moving and i
started to help him despite his objections
“ Why are you doing this ?” he asked me and I looked at him . good question . Why am I
helping him ? Because I have an obsession issue .
“ because I wanted to admire my work .” I told him near his face and looked him
straight into his eyes .
“ What are you doing here ?” We heard that bitch voice who was standing at the
doorway and I looked at her smirking and putting my hand on Alex 's shoulder .
“ whatever i want .” I answered her and landed at Alex ear “ relax or you are going to be
in pain” i whispered smirking and watching the bitch face .
“ enough .” he said trying to move my hand “ i can do it by myself” he said and i crossed
my arms
“ you weren't saying this a few minutes before she entered .” i said to him and he
clenched his jaw
“ First , you beat him and then flirt with him ?” she asked with her face red
“ I do what I want . And I think instead of taking care of Alex , I think you should
comfort your mother especially when she and your father had a big argument .” i told her
“ You are a curse .” she said

“ I am much worse than a curse . I am the evil monster .” I told her with my most
innocent smile .


“ Have you found anything Xavier ?” I asked him as I was sitting in my chair at my office
thinking about the girls that had helped me .
“ nothing Cranz , only that Mordinos are looking for Zykov and the other russian .” he
told me sitting to the couch next the desk
" we have to find them Xavier before they find us " I told him opening the dagger on my
" what is this ?" He asked me to, trying to take it from me before I slapped his hand. "
Okay , calm down . I will not take your toy from you " she said playing
" one girl give it to me that night saving my life when one of his bastard tried to kill me " I
said to him analyzing the dagger
" a girl ? A girl in the middle of that mess gave it to you that ?" He was confused and started
laughing and stopped when keep looking at him " you are serious." He said
" she wasn't screaming, like the others " I murmured looking again at the dagger
" Do you want to search for her ?" He asked me but I shaked my head
" no , I will not spend my time looking for her. If I saw her one more time , than she will be
mine" I said to him
" That is why you are in your thirties and single " he said murmuring but I heard him .


Damn it , how much I hate to go and take water in the kitchen. Finally I am going to ask my
uncle to put an elevator inside the house . I was going up when I heard some snobs from a
balcony. I know that is bad but my curiosity and evil side of mine wanted to go and make fun
of him or her who was crying . God I am a monster . I said to myself, smiling as I made my
way towards the balcony and I was a little surprised when I saw Mr Marbas miserable way of
crying .
" Are you crying ?" I asked out of blue and I snapped myself for asking that way . He got up
immediately and wiped his tears .
" Even if I lie there is proof, isn't there?" He said with a sad smile
" Obviously " I said going near him " I think that you need a long therapy " I told him
sitting on the swing " now that I find this I am not going to let it go." Told him smirking and
he smiled .

" So why were you crying ?" She asked him and he took a deep breath
" love of my life , the only woman that I am in love with is dead and I learned that I have a
child with her . A beautiful daughter like her " he said looking at her as the most precious gift
" I understand, you are a cheater and have an illegal child . I shouldn't have comfort you "
she said to him with disguised face and he chuckled
" technically ,she is my first child . Love of my life was pregnant with her before I was
married and if I had known we will have been a happy family today " he said looking at her
" At this point , you're a cheater . You have cheat love of your life " she said to him
" I thought she was dead and I married to save my wife . If I knew it she was alive , I would
destroy the world to find her " he told her with the most sincere voice ever
" that is why I don't like good things, " she said to him" are you going to tell her that you are
her father ?" She asked him
" no " he said but she didn't know why she felt disappointed at him. " She hates me so much
that if she knew that I am her father she would burn me alive and worse . " he added
" I agree with her " she said looking him into his eyes
" I can not stand the pain when she tells me that she hates me . I can't. It is like somebody is
killing my love . It is like somebody is throwing me at the flames and I can not scream " he
told her
" I think that is your punishment for married another woman " she told him looking away
" I know, and I deserve but I want so much that our daughter calls me father , to be the best
father only for her . But I can't. I cannot tell her that I am her father , that I love her more
than anything else " he told her as he eyes started to fill with water again " I wish that this is
a nightmare and I will wake up in my love 's arms with our daughter in the middle. But now ,
I have to be a stranger in my daughter's life " he added and she fluttered her eyelashes so as
not to cry . She knows . But she will never accept. Because she is only her mothers daughter.
" you know why she hates the most ?" She asked him looking into his eyes and he saw . He
saw the pain behind those beautiful eyes that were shining from the water . " that she felt
alone . Abandoned. That she could not feel the feeling of a parent . That she could not be
proud of someone that she could call dad . That she can not have someone to wipe her tears
when she was scared , felt down or when she wanted her mum " she said to him with a broken
voice and looked at the dark sky . " Because of this , I personally hate him . He gave
everything to that woman but to me and my mum nothing , just pain ." She added and a tear
escaped her eyes whereas he put his hand on his mouth and started crying in silence . " But
as the monster I am , I will make him pay for everything in his weakness, " she added, forcing
a smile at him . " I hope your daughter never forgive you too " she said to him
" you are making to kill myself " he said to her
" good , because you deserve it, " she said to him .
" can I ask you something?" He asked and she nodded . " You are like her , can I hug you
and feel my daughter for a little bit ?" He asked with hope in his eyes and she looked into his
eyes for a few seconds before saying

" as long as you aren't my father ." She said to him , but he didn't know if he should be
happy that he was hugging his daughter for the first time, or that she said she preferred him
as a stranger before her father .
Slowly he put his arms around her shoulders and started crying more in silence as she hugged
her back . He kept smelling her and kissing her on her hair whereas she just stood there as
some feelings started being alive . She didn't know why she started to feel a desire to call him
father for the first time .
This is the feeling of having a father ? She asked herself as she hugged him for the first time
and the last one .
I promise that , even if I can not be a father in your face , I will be the father you deserve as a
stranger . He promised as he hugged her more as he was afraid that it was a dream .

But all that conversation and scene had hurt another person who had listened to their whole
conversation. Now she has lost her husband forever . If in the past the love of his life was
present all the time in their life , now was their daughter. And she knows that she and their
children would never have the effect that the child from his love has over him .

Chapter 5

The next day the whole house was filled with her music . With her sad feelings, throw the violin
melody . For some this was a ritual thing , for some a beautiful memory and for some a big
" how can I escape from her ? How ?" Aurora said, circling on the bed . And she swore that
she heard that evil monster voice saying never . " just have to do something or I will go crazy-
she said getting up and went out of room
" I didn't know she was so good at playing?" She heard Alex's voice and she clenching her
hand tightly
" she is the best " Helena said to him


" my only beautiful love " I said looking at her beautiful photo in her grave . " It's been years,
my only one . I am so sorry for not coming soon or often . But today , today I got my strength
after I woke up from a dream . From a melody .I think It was a sign . I haven't stopped

hearing your playing but hearing them so close and the first thing I opened my eyes , it was
like living in my memories with you . Why didn't you tell me that we have a daughter? Why
love ? Why did you punish me like this ? " I asked, crying more than last night . " I miss you
so much my love . So much that I don't want to live anymore. I want to wake up from this
nightmare. Please , help . Tell me what to do . Our daughter hates me . She is right . I hate
myself . I have lost 19 years for my stupid humanity feelings. I am so contrite, love . I just
want you back . I just want to live and get old together , love .I want to live again in our
memories. Please . I love you more than anything, please ,my love " I said sobbing, touching
her soil . At her grave there were several awards and I smiled knowing that our daughter had
won them to make you proud. I promise love that I will take care of our daughter even as a
stranger. I love you my only one ..


“ Mum , can you do something ? I cannot stand her .`` Aurora told her mum desperately
to get rid of her .
“ she is very dangerous, Aurora . we can not get rid of her just with a snap of our
fingers .” her mum told her and Aurora frowned . “ the only way that we can harm her is
showing your fathers love for you . showing her how it is to have a father . that is the only
weapon we can use against her .” her mother told her and Aurora smirked
“ You gave me a wonderful idea mum . thanks .” she thanked her mum
“ don't do anything that can cost your father’s love.” he mother warned her . they were very
courageous but too scared to do things like that . That was the difference between her and his
lover . her daughter and their daughter . They weren't scared . they scared the others .

" HI, Helena " Aurora's brother said to her

" HI…." She said trying to remember his Name
" Clerk " hi said smiling
" Right, hi Clerk . How are you doing ? How is your life going ?" She asked him smiling
" good , thank you . How are you ?' He asked him
" are you trying to flirt with me ?" She asked him smirking
" maybe we can pass the flirt faze and continue for more " he said smirking too
" so you want to fuck me ?" She asked him raising one eyebrow and crossing her arms
" in fact , I was trying to say to know each other more , but I don't have any objection about
fucking " he answered smiling
" you know that you are younger than me ?" She asked him making a step towards him
" I don't have any objection here too " he answered without removing his smile
" you are cute " Helena said smiling

" what your cousin will say if she see you with my brother flirting ?" Aurora's voice
interrupted them
" nothing " Helena answered looking at her
" don't think or say anything stupid, Aurora " Clerk said to her
" shut up Clerk " she whispered him and Helena chuckled
" and not too bossy " Helena said towards him
" so Helena , you think that your cousin would not say anything about you and my brother
flirting " Aurora asked again
" my sister , not my cousin. And yet . She would not say anything because it is your brother
not hers " Helena said smiling at her
" if I was at your place I would not say that . However she is the boss of this house. Even
your father loves her more than you . You have to ask her for anything, even to get
permission from your own father . " Aurora said smirking at her and Helena just stood there
watching her with a neutral face
" what are you trying to say?" She asked her
" that at your own house you are more the outsider than Azalea. Your father asks her for
everything first , worried for her first and more and more . It just took me some weeks to
watch this indifference between her and you " she answered and Helena took a step closed to
" are you trying to put me against my own sister ?" Helena said to her and then started
laughing at her face making Aurora confused " you think that you can put me against my
sister ? Azalea is the first born of this family. She stood here for this family when both
children of this family decided to move from this life . She stood here for me every time I
needed someone. She hurt everyone who hurted me . She is the sinner of this family and I am
the white . She is my father's daughter. My mum's daughter. My parents' daughter. My
sister . And of course my father will worry for his first born who is going to keep the line of
this family. Of course he will ask her , because she is the future of this family. And I am
proud that I have a sister that can protect me , help me , and doesn't force me to do things,
unlike you . You have nothing, just your jealousy. So next time when you try to put me
against my sister, think twice if you don't want to say like a shit in front of my face, " Helena
said to her, making Aurora's face red like a tomato from the embarrassment, humiliation
and anger that Helena caused her . Seeing the smile on Helena's face as she stood in front of
her was making her want to kill her in spont . And the chuckled from her own brother ended
the things
" that was ….. embarrassment " he whispered at her ear
" Len ?" They heard Azalea's voice coming down
" yes ?" She answered
" I found a song , do you want to hear " she said to her without knowing what happened in
front of her . " What is going on here ?" She asked, looking at Aurora's red face .
" she is jealous that I was flirting with her brother " Helena said smirking crossing her arms
and looking at Aurora and Azalea start laughing

" bravo , you came out more agile than your sister . Tell me if you need to book a hotel room
for your activity, because I don't think you want to do it in a house with father " Azalea said
towards Clerk and he laughed at her
" you are a good supportive sister " he said to her smiling
" I told you " Helena said to Aurora
" that isn't going to happen ever " she said
" talk for yourself sister " Clerk said and Azalea smirked happily seeing Aurora's face .
'What song did you find ?' Helena asked Azalean and she turned on the music on her phone

" that is so beautiful. Can you translate and can I sing it ?" She asked Azalea
" come , I have translated it already. You just have to do exercise . If it doesn't sound good
in English try it at Turkish " Azalea told her
" that is why I love you ." Helena told her
" come ." Azalea told her .
" can I come too ?" Clerk asked them surprising all of them
" I can't guarantee you a relationship, cutie." Helena said to him
" I can be your personal fans " he said to her smirking
" just don't fuck in front of me " Helena told them
" you are not young no where " Aurora said stopping Clerk
" I am not asking you Aurora . You can go and complain if you want . And I don't think dad
will have a problem with this " he added moving her hand from his


" so you want to be a singer ? A famous one ?" He asked Helenan

" no , being famous doesn't suit me . I don't like famous things . I just want to sing at a
beautiful, luxurious club or restaurant where people can hear my happy music . " she
answered and he looked surprised by her statement
" do you have any plans for that future ?" He asked again
" yes , I have. I sing at my brother's club and I am waiting to open another " she answered
" you have a brother ?" He asked shocked
" yes . He moved out after he decided not to be a part of the mafia but just to live life like I
will do . " she answered to him
" So Azalea will be the heir ?" He asked again
" yes , she or her husband, " she said to him .
" there will be no man that can take this right from me " they heard Azalean say
" Definitely her, " Helena said, chuckling .
" thank you , for your correction " Azalea told her with sarcasm and Clerk laughed

" I am envious of this relationship between you two . " he said smiling and Both of them
looked him
" why? You have a sister , even though she is bitch ?" Helena asked him
" yes I have her to order me or to cover her mistakes . She always wanted to be what she
wants or the first " he said
" well , she is at the wrong place for this " Helena told him
" I know it sounds hilarious but I give you the right . And I see you more than a sister than
her " he said looking at Azalea who she was watching neutral without any emotional in her
" than away from me . I don't want to be a sister that include her blood " she said and he
" I am not being surprised " he said and she rolled her eyes .

" dad where were you ?" I heard That bitch voice as soon as she saw Mr Marbas at the door
" I had something to do " he said, trying to smile and kissing her Forehead.
" Clerk , humiliated me before her and her cousin. And went with them " she complained
and I chuckled and I saw him making a confused face.
" dad this is not true. She started fist telling me to shut up as I was speaking at Helena " I
Heard Clerk said and I am sorry for him having a sister like her
" why would you speak at her ?" His mother asked him . And for having a mother like her .
" because I like her . And I don't have nothing against them " he added .
" you choose that bitch and her cousin over your sister " Aurora said to him
" I will do it again , if you decide to not respect me as a brother " he told her
"ENOUGH ALL OF YOU " Mr Marbas shouted and I was a little surprised to see him
shouting at her precious daughter . " He isn't your toy Aurora. He is your brother and the
heir of Marbas Family. And he can speak to whatever he wants ." He said to her with a
serious face shocking her . " And if I heard another thing about Azalea you will be grunted.
She is the heir of this family and they are helping us to survive. So , stop embarrassing me at
the others " he said and she started acting like she was crying . Oh how much I want to see
her face when she sees me .
" sorry dad, I will not do it again . I love you . " she said to him and I rolled my eyes walking
towards them .
" if you ask me , she is acting " I said displaying me self smiling
" please Azalea . I don't want you to fight " he said like I was his daughter
" miss Nolian. I am not your daughter nor your niece to speak to me at this tone or
whatever is . " I told him with a frown . " the fact that I had a conversation with you doesn't
mean that I am your loves daughter so be careful " I told him
'What is she talking about dad ?' That bitch asked him and he took a deep breath
" you didn't know that you had another half-sister . Older than you . " I said smirking at her
" Is this the true dad ?' She asked him again

" If I were her , I would come into your life and take everything from you and make your life
miserable." I told her Smirking
" tell me , this isn't true . DAD ?" She shouted at him . " However, you and your mum took
her place and things . " I added .
" Azalea enough , please " he said
" than it is true " Clerk said
" if I were you . I would start sigurte your life, because if she accepts him , you will not exist
anymore. Do you know why? Because she is the daughter of his lover . Not you . And he loves
her so much ." I looked at her face . " Instead of fighting with others, start to fight for your
place in your father's heart . Of course. If you can " I said to her " my uncle is waiting for
you at his office. " I told him before disappearing, smiling at my achievements. I will fell
apart from that family and this is the beginning.


" I heard screaming down the stairs. What is going on ?" Helena asked me
" that bitch is scared for having an older sister" I said smirking and laying at my bed and
Helena laughed
" you had to see her face when she thought she can put me against you " she said to me laying
next to me .
" you are my sister . I will never take your place ." I told her . And it is true. She is my
everything . Even before uncle and aunt. I will kill everyone if somebody hurts her .
" we are sisters. No body can part and put against each other. " she said to me and I hugged
her . This is what I need and I loved her very much . " Enough with feelings. How about
going at Iono club ?" She asked and I achieved my eyebrow confused " I want to ķnow if a
friend of his is there " she asked blushing thing that she never before did when she speak
about a man
" do I know him ?" I asked her .
" no , you were to angry to stay " she answered
" get up , we have a performance to perform " I told her getting up and she kissed .
" but dad never will allow us going out especially after that night " she said worried
" we will find a way with him " I told her and she face lighted up . She must have liked him
so much . So I have to do some exercises for the future .

" uncle . The most attractive , handsome , loved uncle in the world " I said to him when I found
him in the living room with the others in their quite
" no ." He answered immediately without looking at me
" you didn't let me say what I wanted ?" I said crossing my arms and Clerk with Alex

" I know what are you asking with those wonderful words for me " he said looking at me
" how to you know ?" I asked him
" you want to go out , don't you ?" He asked me with a smirk and I narrowed my eyes to him
" no . I wanted to tell you that I am pregnant " I told him and MR Marbas started to cough
in his drink. Whatever
" with whom ? With the holy spirit?" He asked making funny
" maybe . Maybe with one of the guards. You know that they die to sleep with me " I told
him and everyone was looking at me as a whore or bitch but I didn't care
" Maybe in hell, yes . Where your mum can allow this but here no " he said and I rolled my
" my mum will be proud of me., having men after me " I said to him
" like mother like daughter " I heard the Mr Marbas whore said and from the look at his
dance I think he heard her .
" my mum , will have your husband in her little finger and in his knees for her in all aspects
if she was alive . But you aren't able to speak more openly than having him on his knees for
you " I told her and she was turning red from my words . " I will not let you forget about
those words . I will make sure you , to cry blood from your eyes than tears " I added and I
loved her scared look at her eyes
" apologize " Mr Marbas said shocking her and all of us
" w-what ?" She shuttered
" apologize her now for those words before I lose my temper Amelia " he said gripped
tightened her hand and his teeth.
" I a- apologize " shevsaid with tears in her eyes and smiling victory
" Do not worry . I will humiliate you more than this . Just wait " I told her, smiling with a
devilish smile and eyes . As soon as I said those words she ran out of the room . " That is
enjoyable" I said and I heard my uncle laughing" so can I go out now ?" I asked him
" no " he said smiling
" I hate praying uncle . Just say yes . You know I will go out tonight " I said to him
" the last time you went out you came unconscious and cuts." He said and I rolled my eyes
" I am alive. I am not going to die . Not before I destroyed that disgusting family " I told him
" if something happens to you outside ?" He asked
" oghh . Uncle, if somebody kidnapped me , I will make sure you come and rescue me . Is not
that here we are safe. If somebody wants to end us , he can even staying in this house. With a
bomb from the sky we are dead as hell " I told him and he frowned and I know that he knows
that I am right .
" I hate the fact that you are worse than your mum " my aunt said and I smiled to her
" I am honored with your compliment " I told her and I kissed on her cheeks " LEN START
BEING READY " I shouted at her
" of course, she too " I heard my uncle said
" Can I come too ?" Clerk asked and I knew that Helena would not like it . And I don't know
why I felt bad for rejected him

" the fact we have make a conversation like people doesn't make you our friend " I told him
and I saw how his face went from lightly to disappointed and sad
" yeh right " he murmured and I wanted that feeling to disappear from my chest
" Alex, do you want to come ?" I asked him trying to shake that feeling off from my chest
" are you serious ?'He asked suspicious
" If I wasn't serious, I wasn't asking you ." I told him
" as long as I am out of this house " he said
" Okay then , wait for us " I told him disappeared into my room . The only reason why I
asked him was to do something that would cause that bitch pain since she liked him . I will
make you die from love Aurora . i will make you taste every painful and embarrassment taste

" uGhhhh , go to hell Azalea " Aurora started screaming and her mum wiping away her
tears " why does she want everything that is mine ? Why does she love humiliating us ? Why
mum ? Why? Why does dad take her side ?" She asked her mum, frustrated and irritated .
Her mother knew why she was doing all this . She knew that she was taking revenge for her
mother . Her mother knew that all the words she said that had humiliated her , were true,
because of that she is shutting up . Because she was the life she chose when she told him that
she was pregnant. And she was paying with humiliation by just a 19 years old that is more
dangerous than the devil himself. And she know that it is just the beginning of her revenge
" Aurora, listen to me . " she told her daughter as she took her hands " there is only one
way that can help to destroy her and this family before they destroy us " she told her
" What is it ?" Aurora asked with hope in her eyes
" making Alex fall in love with you . If you be the angel that you are , you will have him on
his knees . And two mafia families together are a very powerful unit . This will bring your
father the power and you will be the wife of the next Mafia boss " she told her and Aurora
nodded her head smiling and giving hope to her mother but they forgot that Azalea is the
daughter of the women that had killed her Own father . And Azalea never had hesitated to do
something like her mother . She always had followed her mum's tactics but in different ways .
And she always will .


" Why did you let her go out ?" Marbas asked Elinor as he was reading in the salloni in the
" because I can " he answered simply
" you know that it is dangerous and yet you let her . What if something happens to her ?
Somebody puts drugs on her drinks and who knows what happens ?" Marbas asked him and
Rlinor closed the book and looked at him

" I know my daughters " he said to him emphasizing the word daughter telling him that
Azalea is his daughter " you should think about your daughter than mines " Elinor said to
him and Marbas tighted his hands
" you are not going to disappear me from her life " Marbas told him
" you will disappear by yourself. Azalea doesn't make good without a reason . She doesn't
approach people without a reason . She has a plan that will make you show yourself. And I
know about that little secret in the balcony, she doesn't keep a thing from me " Elinor told
him proudly as he know that would hurt him and his feelings.
" Okay me but you . You said that she swore to destroy me . How do you think she will feel
when she learns that her precious uncle had kept the man she hated under the same roof ?"
Marbas asked removing that proudly face from Elinor's face
" don't compare yourself with me . I give her the love that you took from her and you just
give pain " Elinor told him
" why are you doing this ? Why are you trying to destroy everything that I try with her ?"
Marbas asked
" Do you know how my wife was when she learnt about her sister's death ? She even blamed
me for not bringing her safely . She even had a miscarriage during that time . Azalea was the
only thing that brought her into life as she was asking for her mother . That is why . I can not
lose my wife unlike you for your pain because you did this to yourself . My family deserves
happiness and you will never give that " Elinor told him and now he understands his feelings.
He was afraid of losing his family because once he literally lost it . " and , Azalea has a
lighting sleep , so think twice before you go in the middle of the night at her room and kiss her
" he finished getting his book in his hand .


" you know what to do ?" I asked Helena as we saw Alex drunk very drunk .
" yes " she nodded and I smiled at her . I got up and went near him . This is only one part of
my revenge, Aurora . I put my hand on his shoulder and with the other I took his glass
" you had enough, let's go home, " I told him but he shook his head .
" you know that you are beautiful. If you weren't so evil I would have loved you " he told
me and I rolled my eyes . As I am missing your love.
" you will understand one day that even the angelic human has evil demons inside them .
Even the demons were angels once upon a time " I told him and I shook my hand removing
those thoughts for now . He looked at me in my eyes for a few seconds and then my lips . And
that was what I was expecting. Him kissing me . I didn't put my arms around him because It
have to be like he was kissing me . " Let's go " I told him, pushing away . He was ready to
pass out . I glared at one of the guards and they helped me .
" put him in the car and make sure he is passed out " I ordered him and he nodded
" As we planned, " Helena told Me smiling and showing me the photos that she had taken
and the video . Just Wait and see Aurora.

" I am going to wash my lips " I told her
" don't be late , I will tell you who he is " she said to me and I nodded . In all place they was
classical music with beautiful songs and couple dancing together and no like the crazy clubs
that he likes .

I entered the restroom, washed my lips well , removing his alcoholic breath. I don't know
what I saw in him in the first place . He is just a mother son . Nothing else . Just the perfect
person for a bitch like her . I put my lipstick again on my lips and smiled at myself in the

As I was walking I hit a muscle body who was looking at his phone . He was the second man in
this club beside Alex who didn't enjoy the place .
" are you done checking me out ?" He asked me and I looked at his eyes
" maybe , maybe no " I told him crossing my arms
" Would your boyfriend be jealous if he found you checking another man out ?" He asked
" if I had a boyfriend, I will had fucking him to make sure that everyone was seeing and to
make them understand that I am only his. " I told him with a smirking smile and I winked at
him before I leave .

Chapter 6
I looked at the photos that I had in my hand and I smirked . There was Alex and one of
the ekorsts havingsex. This will be your biggest hummition Aurora.


“ send Alex in his room and bring the eskort” i ordered one of our man as he was holding
the unconscious Alex. after a few seconds he will wake up but i had drug the water on his
room . he will not remember that he had sex with somebody .
“ Miss .” One of the men said with a whore next to him and I looked at her. She was a little
bit like me , that is enough to help me . the man that send Alex at his room came down.
“ everything as you planned miss.” he said to me and i smirked .
“ Send the women to him , and after they finish, come to me .” I told him to look at her as
she smirked at me .

I waited for 15 minutes until a knock was heard and inside my room came the men with
the whore. I took a brown big envelope and I turned towards them
" you don't know , you don't listen anything " I told her exacted the envelope
" of course " she said, smirking waiting for me to let the envelope.
" good " I said and I let the envelope free. She looked inside and her face lit up by the
amount of money they were inside. " You can leave first " I told her and she turned her
back smiling " take her out of the house unconscious and let her at her address. She never
would contact us " I ordered the man taking a step towards him as I watched her counting
the money
" yes miss " he said before leaving my room

End flashback

" miss , the table is set " I heard the maid outside my door bringing me to reality.
" I am coming " I told her as I put the copies of the photos in a security drawer. .

Walking downstairs, I heard the noise of plates , forks and glasses but nobody was
" good morning " I said as I kissed my aunt and I sat to my place
" you are in a good humor today " she said to me smiling
" and full wake up , also without an hangover " Mr Ruslanovich said to me and I saw
Alex who was like a dead person
" I didn't drink last night . I had two persons to take care " I told him as I started to eat
" not like my stupid son " he murmured and I smiled
" didn't Helena wake up yet? " I asked towards my aunt
" unlike you she was drunk as hell" my uncle said and I laughed
" somebody has to enjoy the life even for me " I told him and he shaked his head
" you are quite responsible person Azalea " Mr Marbas said smiling to me and I
looked at him

" I was raised by the most responsible people in the world " I told him looking straight
into his eyes and then I started eating . I would never be the one I am today if I wasn't raised
by an angel and a demon . I looked at my aunt and at my uncle who were watching each
other and smiling through their eyes. If you look at them as an outsider you can say that they
are just in an arranged marriage but all this is a camouflage for outsiders . My uncle is deep
in love with my aunt. If my aunt is a little sick , he will bring the best doctors to visit her . He
will stay at her head and look after her even though she might be just a little tired or even he
has mountain work to do .

He brushes her hair every morning and never leaves without kissing her . He is the last one
who goes to bed after he makes sure all of us are at home . He never had made my aunt
worry about any work or any women . He is the best father and husband that a woman can
ask for .

" good morning " I heard a familiar, male voice and I turned look if he has came back or
" uncle Teo " I said getting up and running towards him
" Queen Azalea," he said, hugging me back and smiling at me . " I have missed you
little one" he said to me, messing with my hair. " Where is the lazy princess?" He asked
looking around for Helena but he stopped at one person. His face expression changes from
soft and loving to a hating and killer face .
" she is sleeping. We were clubbing last night" I told him
" Welcome Mateo . You are back finally " Uncle said looking at him serous at straight
into his eyes like he was communicating with eyes together .
" if I didn't see this ugly surprise maybe " he murmured and I heard him
" Did you bring something from France?" I asked him and he looked at me
" aren't you too old to ask for a present ?" He asked joking but that bitch has to cut my
quietly morning
" but brats like her don't understand " she murmured but I heard her
" and who are you disrespectful brat ?" Uncle Teo asked her and I laughed with his
words as her face went red
" Let me present to you . Uncle Teo , she is the most untalented , the most jealous and
envious person and my smallest enemy " I told him and he laughed with me
" Enough you two ." Uncle Said trying to hide his smile .
" I have bought you one kind of poison " he told me and Mr Marbas started choking in
his food
" again ?' My aunt asked, tired of his presents.
" I told you not to bring her poison. She has hundreds of them " my uncle told him
" WHAT ?" Alex and Clerk asked in the same time and That bitch with her mother
looked terrified
" don't worry I use them for my dagger " I said smirking

" Elinor , she is Helena's daughter, dagger and the poison is in her blood " Uncle Teo
said, looking at me and smiling " anyway , what is this motherfucker doing here?" He asked
about Mr Marbas
" you are the one that put hater in her head " Mr Marbas said looking at Uncle Teo like
he wants to kill him
" Mateo , Zykov and Ruslanovich are in danger .." Uncle started said
" the those kind of animal who doesn't exists anymore " I interrupted him
" Azalea " My uncle called me to tell me 'don't fuck up ' . U gustered him to continue "
Mordions are after them and every mob boss Daughter " my uncle said
" yes that doesn't include us. We had ended our enmity with them , when Helena died "
uncle Teo said and I nodded my head .
" yes I have told him but no result " I said
" it is his brother, not his son . His brother wants war will all of us with the excuse for
Revenge for his brother " my uncle said
" that doesn't explain why we are working with them . Him exactly?" Uncle Teo asked
and now I was getting curios
" they are looking for Marba's daughter " my uncle said
" which one ? The legal or illegal child ?" I asked him
" both " he answered and I opened my mouth. Now I understand why he kept telling me
that he was doing it to protect me .
" I heard That Canz is in enemy with them too ." Alex said and I narrowed my eyes
" who is Cranz , and why he isn't here with this stupid alliance?" I asked to look at the
man in front of me .
" Cranz is one of the most powerful mob bosses. He is the only one that doesn't work with
the others . And Marbas enemy " uncle Teo said and I looked at Marbas and then Uncle Teo.
" why ?" I asked again
" it seems , this little bitch has offended him and show him arrogance when she supposed
to apologise to him " Uncle Teo said looking at her with disguising
" you don't do anything else except bringing trouble " I told her Smirking and then I
crossed my arms
" I am interested in this man . I think I found my next obsession " I said smirking " what
else about this man ?" I asked
" I have heard that he is from Turkey . Has the whole turkey under his empire, a part of
Balkan, a part in Italy and some parts in Russia and the US . He is known as a modern
Sultan . " Uncle Teo said that I was very interested in this man .
" he doesn't get involved with children " that bitch said
" Are you talking about yourself ?" I asked her, smirking and I saw my uncle shaking his
head .
" We need to talk " Mr. Marbas said to my uncle seriously.


" you have to stop Azalea from being interested in that man " I told Elinor as soon as we
entered at his office
" why ?" He asked me
" both of us know well what that means . She is going to do the same mistake that Helena
has made . Being obsessed with me . And working with your father's enemy " I said to him .
I will never allow her to have the same fate as her mother .
" But she doesn't know that you are her father" Elinor said normally as I was quietly
worried about my daughter. " you know that I am right so better lose that facade with me .
We are speaking here about my daughter's life . So better listen to me ." I told him before I
left his office.


" Uncle Teo, where can I find the sultan?" I asked him as we were standing on top of the
stairs watching everyone
" ge goes at this type of club where is classic music every weekend, if I am not wrong " he
said and I smirked
" I already like this man, " I said, putting my hands on the golden rail of the stairs .
" your uncle has lost the sense of understanding . Even thought that it is coming a war ,
sheltered this man it was the biggest mistake" he said and I nodded
" That is why , enemy of your enemy if your friend . My uncle doesn't know that he is
bringing all of us to an end if he continues helping them . " I said and I looked towards my
uncle who was talking with Mr Marbas and than after he felt my eyes on him , Mr Marbas
looked towards us .
" he knows " Uncle Teo said confidently
" yes , but he doesn't know that I know, " I said confidently too . " I need you by my
side, Uncle Teo . You see that My uncle has started to forgive them . But I don't. You have
to help me to destroy them once and forever " I told him and he put his hand on my shoulder
" I promised your mother that I will stay by your side in bad and good , in every decision
of yours , evil or good " he said to me and I looked at him with a thankfully smile on my
face .
" Let's start, " I said to him, putting the devil face on my face .

Chapter 7

The music that came from the bow and the strings of the violin made me realize how
much this instrument is in my blood . The gentle and melodic melody I was playing was like
the sound of the sea in the middle of the night . Or like a beautiful bird song .

The whole place was in darkness except the violin that I was playing. I love to play in
darkness, it's like the violin music is the light in my darkness. It's like my mum is there
watching me in the darkness and the violin gives her light in her spot.

As I was towards the end , I increased the gentle note making it known that I was going to
end for tonight. Moving my fingers fast through the strings and playing the bow in the same
rhythm with my finger , keeping my breath and my eyes close , until I touched the final note

and moved the bow one time before I put it on air and let the whole breath that I was

Once I heard clapping hands , I opened my eyes and looked at the people , the rich people
clapping. But they could not look at me because there weren't any lights in my spot , only
my violin .

I went of from the scene , going backstage with my violin in my hand and on the other bow
" amazing " I heard Helena saying clapping and I smiled at her
" one artist is here with the devil heart, " I told her, putting my violin in its bag .
" I know " she told me
" you devil , you played amazing as always, " the bastard said, clapping too .
" I know " I told him
" I have something to do Lea , cover me " Helena whispered me and I nodded before
she left our room
" hey , where are you going ?" Bastart asked her
" flirting with somebody " she said with a loud voice for him to hear
" sir , someone wants to meet you " one of the employee told him and he left exhaling
" did you find him?" I asked uncle Teo after the bastard left
" He went to the other side . The strip one " he said giving me a photo was a very, very
very handsome man. Wait, this man was the man I met the night before outside the
bathroom . Ah man , the universe is on my side .
" he really deserves to be called Sultan " I said to him" look after Helena until I finish my
job " I told him and he nodded.

I left my room where I can practice if I want or if I want to change and went towards a
black door behind this part and entered another club which was a strip club .
" ahh , this stupid punk " I murmured seeing the club that my stupid cousin had made
partnership in his business. I walked towards the stairs where the vip area was and started
searching for the 'sultan' .

And here he was , looking at people dancing on the first floor with at least 3 girls around
him, touching , kissing and giggling? He really thinks of himself like a sultan .

I walked until I was in front of him watching him and his concubines , until I got their

" are you sure you are at the right place ?" One of his concubines asked me to look up
and down with disgust about my clothes . I was just wearing my classy bitch clothes . A pair
black extensive pats with a white , hot top . And of course my jewelry

" in the vip area ? Of course. I am a more classy bitch than you " I told her with an
innocent smile, making her angry. The sultan was standing there analyzing me and nothing

. We have so much work to do with this man . It will not be easy to convince him to work
with me .

I sat on one of the couches near him and I Closed my legs .

" if you are here to fuck , I am not in mood . Come another time " he told me simply.
Fuck . His voice was so rough. I would like to hear his sleepy voice. How sexy it can be .
Focus Azalea. Let your hormones for another time .

" well if I fucked every man that told me that I would be another concubine. " I told him
smiling and he looked at me , or correctly my body " If you want to fuck me you have to
impress first . I don't fuck every man " I told him
" like what ?" He asked again simply
" I don't know . " I told him and I pushed the concubine that was near me and went near
his ear
" hey , " his bitch screamed
" in a way that nobody has impress me " I told him and moved from him " we have two
enemies common " I told him
" like who ?" He asked again . If it wasn't for those enemies I would make him asking
with a loud voice another question
" Zykov and Mordions " I told him and he went from 'funny" to a serious one.
" leave " he ordered his concubines and they left without a word but exhaled and killed
me with their eyes . " how do you know ?" He asked me and I smiled at him
" I am not just a classy bitch. " I told him getting up but he took my hand and pulled me
towards him , on his lap " I told you that you have to impress me before if you want to fuck
me " I told him but he was looked at my face
" you were with Ruslanovich's baby boy last night. You are not just a classy bitch " he
told me and I smiled again
" I told you ." I said getting up from him and giving him a piece of paper " if you are
interested" I told before walking away from him smirking


" How did it go ?" Uncle Teo asked and I smirked at him
" he will call before we know " I told him as we were walking where Helena was " Len
did you finish with your flirting?" I asked her as she was kissing a man . This was disgusting.
Seeing your sister ripping off somebody's clothes.
" khekhe " Uncle Teo made a fake cough moving that boy from Helena
" Uncle Teo , Lea " she said like an innocent child
" that was disgusting" I told her, switching my look at the boy that she was 'eating ' . "
Azalea , nickname worse than devil " I told him and he smiled extending his hand
" Havier , so you are the famous Azalea " he said

" yes ,which can be unfortunate or fortunately for you . It depends how you use your fate
" I said to him
" I don't have a doub " he told me . I need to search for him
" are we leaving ?" Helena asked
" you want to fuck him more ?" I asked her and he started laughing
" yeh , if we didn't have security " she told me
" that isn't my problem . I am not the one who has balls " I said smirking towards Havier
who was laughing but his phone started ringing
" sorry , my boss is calling me . But I will make up to you . Will you come tomorrow night
?" He asked Helena
" no " I said to him
" after tomorrow?" He asked again as his phone continue ringing
" no " I said again
" Lea" Helena scolded me but he saw that I want going to give up
" I will make a way to meet you . Miss devil, nice to meet you " he said smiling to me and
he kissed Helena's cheek and than her lips before leaving
" Azalea " she scolded me again
" he is in mafia " I told her with my armed crossed
" ughhh, Fuck this world " she said drinking
" isn't worse that is coming " I told her sitting next to her " a double whiskey " I ordered
" one time that I like a gay that is man , in whole meaning of the world , comes out that
he is in mafia " she said drinking with end
" yeh , the one I liked , liked my enemy " I told her
" are you planning to drink?" Uncle Teo asked and we watched him
" yes. I need it . The whole this of hostile had drove me nuts " I told him drinking with
" the one I liked is in mafia " Helena said again and I rolled my eyes
" isn't that bad than watching the man that was supposed to be your father happy and
loved with his family " I told her and she looked at me
" Have you found him ?" She asked
" yeh and no . " I told her
" this is so fucked " she said and I nodded
" yes it is . My mother's anniversary is coming " I said to her and she looked at me with a
sad and pity look in her face .
" Helena would be so proud for the devil you have become Azalea" Uncle Teo said next
to me and I drink again with the end trying to remove that feeling from my body .
" but the feeling that I need my mum , or I want her isn't going " I told him as my sight
began to be blocked by the little bubbles of water. I need her , I always have but in this
situation I need her more . I want to ask her what she had felt when she killed them . Was
she regretful ? Did she felt contrite about her father ? Did she wish about her mother , her ,
and her father being a family? Or imagine it ? Did her father came to her room and kissed
her when he thought that she was asleep? Because it happened to me . One time I wished
that my mum was a family and we were a family. One time I imagined us being a family .

And every time I feel him coming to my room , kissing my head and saying to me that he
loved me . I need her to tell me that I am wrong, hoping , imagining and dreaming for a
family with him . I need her more than ever .


" they are drunk " I heard Mateo said with My daughter and Elinor's daughter with him
" Why are they drunk ? Well Helena I know . But Lea Why ? Elinor asked as I was
watching like a strange my daughter and not being able to comfort her
" in one month Helena's death anniversary" he said Elinor's face went from concerned to
" Helena's death anniversary " I whispered and Mateo looked at me with hate
" yes , the one you killed " he said
" dad " Azalea whispered shocked us and Elinor looked at me
'Did you tell her ?' He asked me and I shaked my head
" you know Elinor that she called for him saying that she hates him every time that she is
drunk " Mateo said
" sent Lean at her room Mateo " he said to him as he took his daughter from him
" let me " I told him trying to get him from her
" never " Mateo said to me
" Mateo, let him . He needs it " Elinor told him but Mateo refused to let me take my
daughter from him . " Mateo, he is a stranger in her life nothing more " Elinor said , I don't
know killing me or trying to comfort me .
" she doesn't like to sleep without 4 pillows in her bed and with lights on " he told me as I
took from him carefully telling me that 'I am more than you are in your daughter's life ' and
he was right . I don't know what my daughter likes or hates . Her preferences or her dreams.
I just know an iced , devil woman . Nothing about my beautiful daughter. Our shining star
in the darkness sky .

I put her careful In her bed as she moaned something. I took off from her bed the other
pillows, letting only 4 as Mateo said . I took off her heels . Everyday she wears heels . Looks
like she likes them, like mother and daughter. Carefully without waking her up , I blanked
her and turned off the lights and closed the curtains.

I sat there watching her sleeping as I stroked her hair gently . I smiled, looked at my
daughter so closely and remembered that she is like my lover. She is part of her heart and
soul . She is everything that we could have if I hadn't destroyed it . I will sat here and
watched her with her mother in my arms if I wasn't so stupid and naive . Now I understand
that I don't deserve her forgiveness because I will never forgive myself.


Oh fuck this pain . That is why I don't usually drink because I hate this fucking pain in the
morning . I don't know how Helena enjoys being drunk when she knows the pain in the
morning. Science needs to create immediately a drink that doesn't cause pain in the
morning .

I got up from my bed , with the same clothes as yesterday and went to the mirror . Fuck I
look like a shit and smell like that . I took the first clothes that my closed eyes caught and
went to the bathroom.

I let the hot water come from the tub and tried to remember what happened. I remember
that I met the sultan , then Helena's crush. I broke her heart telling her that he was in the
mafia and both of us started drinking. Well that is the end of the film that I remember.
Today I don't feel like I will do something.
Well I usually feel like that when I drink .

" hi " I said walking into the living room where everyone was sitting and talking
" good afternoon, queen " uncle Teo said drinking
" lose that shit . Because of that I feel like shit" I said sitting next to my Uncle and aunt
" how did you sleep, my beautiful ?" My aunt asked stroking my hair
" until now , I suppose we'll " I answered
" drink this " my uncle said, giving me a pill and I took it " do you have a plan for
today ?" He asked me
" you have to kill somebody ? If no , I don't have either " I told him and he chuckled. I
looked the others and they seems uninterested except Mr Marbas who was watching us with
jealousy in his eyes
" hi " we heard Helena saying as she came and sit next to me
" good afternoon to you princess " uncle Teo said smiling
" I am not going to drink ever again " she said
" that is what you said in the last two days " uncle said to her giving her a pill too
" thanks dad " she said to him
" Everything for my princess, " he said, kissing her head. It is painful for me to watch
that I never will have this but beautiful at the same time and happy that I am not going to
take her dad from her . " Do you have a plan for today or you feel like shit like Lea ?" He
asked her too
" Are you trying to spend time with us, uncle ?" I asked him
" I would love . You can help me to forgot about he ashoole that came out a mafia man "
Helena said to her father
" who is he ?" Uncle asked immediately
" nop , you are not going to kill him . You are going to spend your time with me today "
she said to him
" I want the details " Uncle said towards Uncle Teo " Lea what do you think?" He asked
and I smiled to him

" nah , you two spend time like a father and a daughter " I told him trying not to water
my eyes
" but .." Helena tried to said something that I know but I interrupted her
" I will go see my mum today . It has been a while since the last time I went " I told them
and they didn't say anything, just looked at me with pity . "
" Do you want to come ?" My aunt asked kissing my head
" no , I will be fine by myself " I told her
" Her date hasn't yet , Lea . Don't punish yourself, it wasn't your fault " she whispered
and I nodded trying to keep my mouth shut . I don't Need nobody's Pity if it wasn't my
" enjoy your time , I will be ready " I said getting up and walking to my room .

" this is the first time that I didn't see the icy queen " Clark said shocked
" you don't know nothing about her pain mummy's boy " Mateo said to him
" I will go out for a while " Marbas said getting up and walked away without letting others
" What happened to him ?" Ruslanovich asked curious

He entered one of the car and start hitting the wheel and crying at the same time
" why the dammit good ? Why ? Why didn't you have mercy for my daughter? Why did
you take her from me ? From her daughter? From us ? Why ?" He screamed, hitting the
wheel and crying like a child when he was lost . He saw Azalea climbing into the car and
decided to follow her . He saw the pain in his beautiful daughter's eyes when Elinor was
talking with his daughter. He saw the tears ready to fall in her eyes when she said that had
not seen her mother for a while . He kept cursing himself every second because her hurting
eyes were haunting him and burning him alive .

I parked my car outside a beautiful file with a big tree only , and took my flowers that
were next to me . My mum's favorite flower ,pink Carnation. I know why she loved them
because they sound like a promise .' I will never forget you' .
" hi mum " I said smiling as I bent to kiss her photo . " I am sorry for not coming earlier
" I said sitting next to her . Here it is the only grave because my uncle bought this land only
for my mum . " I bought you your favorite flowers " I told her, putting on the cold stone and
I started cleaning the soil . " you know that I have so much to tell you but when I come I just
want to hug you" I told her as I saw my tears drop on the stone . " One day wasn't enough
mum , wasn't " I said again even thought that u had told her so many times " you are
beautiful you know " I said smiling between my tears seeing her beautiful face smiling on
that fucking stone. " You don't deserve this. And I am fucking going to make everyone paid
for what they did to us . But it hurts mum . It hurts. Seeing him with his daughter and his
family . It hurts. It was supposed to be us , not her or them . But anyway , he made his
choice by choosing her and I made mine by putting you here in the cold . Again anyway, I
know that you like the stars as well as the moon and I hope you will enjoy them tonight
because the sky will be full moon and full of stars " I said looking in the sky . How about

watching them together?" I asked again but nothing came from the stone ." This time I
didn't take the violin to hear me playing but next time I promise you that I will take it with
me. "

I saw crying and I didn't stop crying either . It hurts so much and no one can heal this
wound . Because I fucking caused it . Nobody can understand the pain I have been feeling
since she left . Or the one when I am totally a stranger to my daughter .

" As I told you mum , the sky is full of stars and a full moon . It will be more beautiful if
you were lying with me right now and not at that dammit stone " I said to her watching the
sky .
" Azalea " I heard Mr Marbas voice and I looked where the voice was coming and I
watched him coming towards us .
" What are you doing here ? How did you know that I was here ?" I asked him angrily. I
didn't want him near my mum again. He is going to destroy even this .
" calm down. It is midnight and everybody is looking for you " he said and I looked at
him . Nobody is looking for me . They know we're I am and what I do . He thinks he can fool
me .
" This is my mum, " I said to him, sitting again in the previous spot. " She likes the sky
with a full moon and stars . Under this sky they made promises that he broke " I told him
watching the sky.
" I am very sorry " he said with a low voice
" Yours and his sorry don't bring my mum back" I said to him and we stayed in silence
for minutes looking at the sky . The three of us . " what will you do to have her or her
daughter?" I asked him out of nowhere.
" everything, " he said with a hope in his eyes
" even to lose the other daughter you have ?" I asked him and he didn't answer and I
" why do you ask ?" He asked Me
" seeing if the man that was supposed to be my out called Father , will do that but I see
no " I told him
" Were you planning to visit him or forgive him?" He asked again with hope in his voice .
" forgive never . I will make something to hate him more and to remember what I had lost
from him and his bitch . Seeing him, maybe soon or later " I told him as I dug my nails
inside my hand. ``How much time did your illegitimate daughter spend with her mum ?" I
asked him
" I.. I don't know " he said and I chucked again
" I had just one day and one night , with a woman that came from nowhere and said that
was my mum " I told him as my eyes started watering. ``They kept telling me about that
man and how strong my mum was but never who she was , until she rescued me . And he
took her again from me. Every birthday when I was a child I wished for the woman that

said she was my mum to come but she never did . " I said to him with my head between my
" I am so sorry , I know but I am so sorry " he said like he was crying and hugged me . He
kept kissing my head and hugging me .
" this is what your daughter is feeling " I told him as I was trying not to cry in front of him
. My phone started ringing and I moved away from him. I looked my phone to know who
was calling but was an unknowing number
" Hello ?" I answered breathing deeply
" I want to hear your confess " the person in the other side said and I smiled
" I said to you , you have to impress me first " I told him getting up and I felt his eyes on
" come at this address " he said shortly, and coldly before closing the phone
" Who was ?" Mr . Marbas asked
" doesn't concern you Mr . Marbas. You can go back and tell uncle that I am coming
later " I said, calling Uncle Teo " Uncle Teo came to this address " I told him
" Where are you going ?" He asked again
" Our conversation ends here . So if you want to play the father's role , you are at the
wrong person " I told him " mum I will come again . I love you " I told her and bent to kiss
her photo and then started walking away from him .

I sat in my car waiting for Uncle Teo outside a big mansion, if you can say, which was
surrounded by a big wall . I sit there , remembering the conversation that I had with
Mr.Marbas. He is never going to choose me before his daughter. That is why I am not
going to stop. I will do everything to hurt the man that was supposed to be my father . Even
if it takes to hurt myself .
The passenger's doors opened and inside entered Uncle Teo
" How are you ?" He asked as I started the engine and drove to the gate.
" about me meeting my mum or talking with him?" I asked my uncle and stopped when
one of his men came to my window. " Cranz has invited us " I told him and he started
talking in his earphone " not bad and surprised but either good and happy" I told Uncle Teo
as the man moved from the road and let us drive inside the gate. " WOW " I said with my
mouth open when I saw the mansion . It was literally a huge sarayi from the Turkish history
palace . In the middle of a huge field was a beautiful historical fountain surrounded by
green plants all over the field except the road for cars . The structure was magnificent. Two
men were standing at the door of the palace which was double of a normal door .

I hadn't noticed that I had climbed out of the car ,looking at the beauty around me. On the
walls of Sarayi were old torches with actual flame instead of light . That was incredible too .
The two men at the door opened it and I was shocked too . There was a fountain too
smaller than the one outside.
" Sir is waiting for you," the maid said at the door, showing us the way to the silver stairs .
They were hidden from the hallway.

" let him wait "I told her, looking at the place. The hallway was as big as my whole living
room . On the right there was a room like a living room that had historical atheism. Walls
were like the sarayi with torches and candles lighting the place . The room was like a harem .
Divided in two parts with hallway two and on top of the room was a black sofa different
from the others that gives the vibe of a king and queens . There was a TV too and small
tables next to each armchair and sofa . There were white and black sheer curtains in every
part of the arched wall . There was only one entrance and it was like the front door . The
roof of the living room was all glass. Amazing . There was also a long dining table near the
window where you could see the beauty outside .

The whole walls were in arched forms . On the left there was again a double door . I
opened it in a modern kitchen with dark colors and lighting by torch too . But you could
sense the historical kitchen there even though it was modern. There were people working
who stopped and watched me .
I walked out and started walking towards the stairs that were hidden from the front door
once you entered. I started climbing them and watching the beautiful below me . Once I was
on top I went to the balcony from stone but designed with black iron in the form of flowers.
From there you could watch the whole first place . Behind me there were doors. There were
two men outside it too and opened both doors for me . The first thing you can see is a small
hallway but soon a cold room by the colors .

In the corner there was a fireplace and some pillows to sit on . Next to them there was a
black sofa too with a small Cafe table next to it . In front of the door there was a work desk
where Sultan was sitting and waiting for me . There were two double doors with windows
next to it and doors I entered.

" I have been waiting for your ass for 30 minutes since you arrived " I heard his voice but
I didn't stop myself watching this beauty . " start speaking. I don't have time" he said to me
" I want to see the whole place first " I told him smiling
" didn't you see it just now ?" He asked me
" I am sure there is and something more to impress me " I told him and he exhaled
getting up.
" That hallway is just for me . " he said pointing behind me and opened one of the doors "
here is another part of sarayi where the guest rooms, gym and my member's room . " he
said as we were walking and seeing the hallway with brown doors , small windows and seek
" Where are your cariyeler ?" I asked him and he seemed surprised by my word instead of
concubines or whore
" there is a big room for them next the kitchen " he said to me " and there is a room here
just for sex " he told me
" I want to see your room " I told him
" I don't fuck in my room . And you are not here for fuck " he told me watching my body

" but you convinced me . Promise is Promise. You impressed me " I told him and I
watched two men again in a big double black door . He signed his man to open his door with
his head . The room was the double of my room and Helena's together. There was a king bed
with green sea color sheets. The room contains colors with violent nuance , autumn nuance,
every unique color between blues, green, and violent nuance. The bed was a tie sheer
canopy where the curtains were again mixed with the colors above in the form of a butterfly.
Again , the room was lit by torches in the walls . The room had a fireplace too as in his office
. There were two doors next to each other. I walked to the first one and it was a huge
bathroom. Like at the sarayi . With a huge bathtub in the middle that was round and there
were sheer curtains too around it . There was a sink a few steps away from it with leds . A
huge mirror in one wall and a tub in the corner.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked to the next door . There was a closet that was like
a store. One wall with shoes , next with a suit , next with shirts only black and white .
Turning in the corner there was a while shelf with watches, next with perfumes and colognes
and a whole drawer with buttons. There was also a whole wall mirror and a sofa in front of
it . He is richer than my uncle .

" I don't have words " I told him as he was standing with his hands in his pocket as I
walked out of the closet .
" now I am not in mood for sex , but soon yes" he said to me serious. There was also a
double door away from the bed . I opened it, and there was a balcony with a beautiful scene
of the garden . Also like the balcony of sultan suleiman. Exactly. With a sofa , enough space,
the doors with sheer curtains and a way to leave from the balcony too. I fell in love with this
place .

" talk now " he ordered me as he sit on his chair

" Marbas is living in my house . He and Ruslanovich. Hiding from Mordinos " I told him
leaning on my armchair
" and ?' He asked uninterested
" he has an illegal child. He keep saying that he will do everything for her . The illegally
child was from his dead lover ." I told him
" from Helena ? The women that has ended her father's and her halfsiblings life?" He
asked with a curious face
" yes . The child was born at Mordions and stayed there for two years . It seems that they
are looking for her and that bitch called Aurora " I told him
" I didn't know that Marbas had a illegally child " a male voice said entering inside and
Uncle Teo looked at me
" he founded later too " I said looking at Xavier" nobody knows except him and the
family that raised her " I told him
" who she is ?" Xavier bastard asked again
" this is your job " I told him
" Why Helena isn't answering my calls ?" He asked again

" who is Helena ?" Sultan asked
" Iono's sister " he answered
" because you are in mafia " I answered too
" damn . Who told her that I was in mafia?" He asked
" I " I answered simply . " Let's go back at our theme . " I want to end Zykov’s daughter
life . No I want to burn her and make him watch as his daughter is destroying " I told him
and he narrowed his eyes at me
" why do you hate them ?" He asked me .
" I story when we build our partnership " I told him smirking
" I don't do corpartneships . I can't help" he said to me
" I don't like it either . But there is a first time for everyone. I am ready to do everything
just to hurt them. Including hurting myself if it is necessary " I told him and he looked at
me like I was crazy.
" I work alone . And I will continue to work alone " he said to me again .
" and I said to you that we will work together and nothing is going to stop me . As soon as
you except this the faster we got what we wants " I said to him getting up
" I get what I wants anyway " he said smirking at me " I will call you when I decide to
have sex with you . Promises are promises " he said to me
" Then keep dreaming for me boy until we meet." I said to him and started walking but
stopped and turned again to him bu sarayı çok beğendim sultanım ,eğer şaşırmayın sık sık
gelirim " I said smirking letting him in shock as I left his office
" what will we do now ?" Uncle Teo asked as were going down the stairs
" keeping my promises " I said smiling

" Azalea Where have you been ?" My uncle asked worriedly as soon as I stepped inside
the house
" I had work uncle " I answered simply
" What work ?" He asked again and I started walking
" work that means trying to end this bullshit " I answered and I saw Mr Marbas waiting
in the living room too
" what have you done Azalea ?" Uncle asked again as I had killed somebody
" I haven't done anything. Yet " I told him " Uncle let's sleep tonight, tomorrow ask
whatever you want" I said to him as I started going up the stairs
" I am not going to let this young lady go " I heard him as I was on top of the stairs and
walking into my room . I need to sleep. It is already early morning even though it is dark
outside. And I need to think of something to make that sultan working with me .
" hey, where have you been ? I have been waiting for you hours " I heard Helena said as
I changed my clothes
" Why is everybody obsessed with me tonight?" I asked her
" If you are talking about dad , Mr. Marbas starts asking him what works you have .
Telling him that you got a strange call and left immediately " she explained and I rolled my

" and you?" I asked her
" Xavier had been calling me and I didn't know what to do . " she said entering my bed
" I know " I said to her sitting in my bed too
" how do you know ?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes
" is there something I don't know " I said to her
" fuck why have to been this man in mafia " she complained furrowed her Forehead
" Are you in love with this man?" I asked her furrowing my eyes at her
" no . But he was so cute , funny and he spoke to me like a normal person " she said
playing with her fingers
" a man in the mafia , cute , funny and normal person ?" I asked her and started laughing
" Len you have become more obsessed with him than me with Alex that I should be . " I said
to her
" ughhhh " she let a annoying exhale
" Do you want to sleep with me ? Tomorrow we can find a solution if you want ?" I asked
her ready to close my eyes
" if you are insisting " she said smiling and lying back
" bitch " I murmured to her and threw my arm around her and closed my eyes .


" where is Helena ?" Elinor asked his wife as she was just sitting on the garden
" sleeping with Azalea " she answered to him smiling and he sit next to her throwing his
arm around her
" they are mixing something. Both of them . And that something are boys " she said and
his wife chuckled
" how do you know ? Or because you have done the same thing too ?" She provoked
" remember when you would not answer my calls and I came to your bedroom in the
middle of the night and Helena caught us ?" He asked smiling and looked at her " oh shit "
he said immediately
" what ?" She asked worried
" I have to check the girl's windows and the cameras too " he said and she laughed with
his reaction
" let the girls alone Eli . " she said sitting him next to him " there is a faze when
everyone has a crush or a boyfriend " she said to him
" but not my daughters " he said with a serious face and she kissed him on his lips
" even your daughters " she whispered to him smiling and he kissed her again .

Their moment was so beautiful and peaceful that it broke Marbas heart seeing
it ,listening to their conversations when they could be he , love of his life and talking about
their daughter's life . Arguing together that she isn't allowed to have a boyfriend and then
his lover to calm him down by kissing him . That is all that they could have if he hadn't
destroyed it.


" Where have you been last night ?" My uncle asked me as soon as I sit at the couch in the
living room where everyone was present including that bitch
" I had a work " I said simply
" What kind of work ?" He asked again, watching me intensely. I don't have a choice. I
hate lying , especially when my uncle has that look and him .
" trying to find a solution that ends all this drama " I told him " you know that if I was a
boy I would just go on missions killing people , but since I am a girl I am trying to end our
enemies in another way . With the others " I told him with a innocent smile
" what have you done Azalea?" He asked very seriously
" As I said last night, I have done nothing for now . I might have told that Zykov and his
bitch are staying here " I whispered looking at my nails but I believe that my uncle heard me
" You found Cranz, didn't you ? And you spoke to him ?" He asked again
" uncle, his mansion was literally a sarayi " I told him exacting
" really ?" Helena asked from nowhere
" I swear . His bedroom amazing " I told her
" you went to his house , even to his bedroom?" My uncle asked shocked
" well he has to impress me first before I talk . And he had impressed me even in my
deepest cell " I told him smiling too .
" wait , what did you tell him ?" Mr Ruslanovich asked
" that you are staying here . That Mr Marbas has an illegal child and the Mordions are
looking for his daughter too . " I explained and my uncle looked furious. Very much as the
others too.
" Do you know what you have done ?" Mr Ruslanovich asked again
" yes , bringing all my enemies ends . Starting from this bitch and ending with Mordions
" I said simply.
" why don't you ever listen to me, Azalea?" My uncle said, trying to keep his calm, " I am
trying to protect you ." He said
" I don't need to be protected by you working with this type of man . If you want to
protect me you need to cooperate with man like Canz uncle " I told him and I saw Mr
Marbas digging his nails in his hand
" how you know his address?" My uncle asked
" he called me " I answered
" and how did he know who you are?' He asked again
" because I went at him , gives him my number " I told him " that man was a sultan in
the whole meaning " I said smirking
" Azalea, you had mixed everything. Every plan " he told me
" no , I am ending everything in a fast and painful way but you don't understand uncle
because you blind by those people . Do you think that those people will be loyal to you ?

What do you expect from a man that wasn't loyal to his girlfriend?" I asked him but it
seemed that Mr. Marbas had enough from me .
" I was more loyal to her than everyone else. So don't tell me about a loyal young lady . If
yo…. If she had told me that we had a child we will be together today, " he said, trying to
keep his cool too.
" You were loyal to her as it is my ass to that man . You don't have balls to go at your
daughter and say that you are his father " I said to him smirking but he seems ready to say
" Marbas that is enough" my uncle interrupted him
" Have you ever asked yourself why she didn't tell you ? Why had she decided to punish
you in those ways ?" I asked him smirking again
" Azalea enough and you " my uncle said to me " why did you go to him in the first place
?" He asked
" to work with him " I said simply
" did you listen to your uncle when he said that he doesn't work with anyone ?" Aurora
" He will , there is a first time for everyone, " I told her, " and I will make sure that he
will get his revenge as sweetly as possible. " I told her Smirking and I got up . All of them
had irritated me . " if you don't have anything else uncle , I have a work to do " I told him
" what ?" He asked me and I exhaled exhausted by this question
" a simple work " I told him and walked away . I heard footsteps behind me and I turned
to look was Helena
" how good looking was the sultan ?" She asked smirking
" Enough to dream for him " I said smirking too " let's talk about that obsession of
yours" I told her dragging her with me .
" I don't know what to do . I don't want a life in a mafia " she said shrugging her
" but you want to have a fling with him " I told her
" yes , " she said
" okey , there are two options. 1 either you have a fling with him by experiencing mafia
world and maybe fell in love with him also gets hurt, or 2 delete him from all your cells " I
told her and she looked confused
" you didn't help me out " she said
" Listen to me , choose the easy one . You know where your aunt is today from that
obsession and love " I said to her
" AZALEA, I am saying to help me not to make it more difficult " she told me and I
" I told you the easy way " I said to her
" now I have to think " she said
" because you don't have lessons to learn " I told her
" ugh " she exhaled and walked away. I took my phone and call the only person that
will help me to end this
" Where are you ? At saraji or work ?" I asked him

" who are you ?" He asked and I rolled my eyes
" don't tell me that you have already deleted my number?" I asked him
" the classy bitch?" He asked and I laughed by the nickname
" yazıklar olsun, I say you sultanım, you say me classy bitch " I said, smirking with
myself, imagining his face . " I am coming " I told him before I hang up the phone

" Did she just hang up on my face ?" Cranz asked his best man as they were standing in
his office looking the phone in his hand and than his friend
" it seems like that " he said chucking
" I made a mistake by impressing her with my house " he murmured to himself
" I thought she wouldn't like the place " Xavier said sitting " but she is completely into it .
" he added
" that was my first and last mistake " he murmured again
" chill man , it is good seeing you impressing someone" Xavier said laughing at him
" yeh , because I thought that she had a good information for me " he said tightening the
pen in his hand
" the fact that Marbas has a illegally child isn't something that everyone knows " Xavier
Said to him
" Did you find her ?" Cranz asked
" no , there isn't any girl that is in Helena's name or his name . She had not an hospital
record" Xavier told him and Cranz exhaled
" How will we find her then ?" Cranz asked
" It seems that the classy bitch knows who she is . If you impress her more or maybe do
what she requested, maybe we can find her " Xavier told him
" get out before I cut your head, " Cranz said to him .


" why did you come ? If you are here for sex , came at evening?" That ashole ,selfish
sultan said to me as soon as I walked into his office
" I came to relax here because your enemy learned that I told you about his daughter and
my uncle didn't like it too " I explained to him and sat on the sofa .
" you came to relax at my home ?" He asked confused
" at your sarayi . I told you that I will come often . Have you considered my request?" I
asked him as he started to read his paper .
" I told you that I will not work with you or anybody. " he said
" I didn't even know that I would live with my enemy but here I am . There is a First
time for everyone. Soon we will be great partnership " I told him smiling
" if you finished, you can leave " he said to me but I crossed my legs
" Do you have books here to read ?" I asked him and he looked at me like he was trying
to solve something
" What is your real story, classy bitch?" He asked me and I looked at him with an
innocent look .

" What is your real story, sultanım?" I asked him and he closed his eyes for a few seconds
" why don't you work with others?" I asked again
" none your business " he said and I smiled
" the same goes for me " I told him
" you need my help no I yours " he told me
" I need you as much as you need me " I told him " and sooner you will realize it " I said
and got up moving towards the windows . There was a field with beautiful pink white red
flowers. There was the same flower as the symbol I have watched around the sarayi
" There are beautiful flowers, " I murmured. " Are they your favorite?" I asked him
" no " he said simply and I imitated him
" you know that I don't know about flowers, just 2 or 3 but these are my favorite one
knows " I said
" What flowers do you know?" He asked
" Rose that everyone knows , Lily if I am not wrong and pink Carnation. They are my
mum's favorite " I told him
" the one I will never forget you " he whispered but I heard him . His voice is too rough
and loud for whispered " Azalea " he said and I turned towards him
" uhhh. Wow you know my name " I told him and he looked surprised
" the flower's name that are outside is Azalea " he told me looking at me and I looked at
him surprised
" My name is a flower name ?" I asked him more myself. " I always thought that name
was supposed to be a devil name. damn mum you named me after a flower?" I asked
looking towards the roof and cranz looked at the roof too and I wanted to laugh with his face
right now. " I am very disappointed right now " I said
" there is a first time for everything" he told me going back at his work
" what is their meaning ?" I asked him sitting at the couch next to his desk and looking at
him . He was very handsome to be so cold
" there is no meaning for them . " He said without looking at me
" my disappointment will not go deeper than this " I whispered " what is your name
though?" I asked him
" you came to my house and didn't know my name ?" He asked looking at me this time .
" I know your American name, cranz . I want your Turkish name " I said to him
" I don't have a Turkish name " he said to me
" bullshit" I said to him " you have all this ass sarayi from your country and you don't
have a name ?" I asked him
" no , okay . I don't have one . Now enough. I look like I am babysitting you " he said
and I rolled my eyes
" how old are you anyway?" I asked him.
" for good sake get out . I don't have time to add another daddy mafia enemy at my list
for his princess life " he said to me
" you are mistaking me for that bitch. I don't do princess's shit first of all . I do queen
shit second of all , and third of all , I don't Need a daddy . " I said to him and he just stood

there watching me like I am a fool " Be a human damn it " I said, slapping my hand on the
table .
" you are crazier than I thought " he said and I rolled my eyes
" You are more granny than I thought " I said to him and he groaned. Looks like the
sultan doesn't like to be insulted . Oh man , if you continue ignoring me you haven't seen the
insult yet .

Chapter 8

" what a beautiful couple is doing here outside?" I asked playing as u saw my aunt and my
uncle sitting in the garden hugging each other
" Where were you at this time ? Where are you coming?" My uncle asked, looking at me
with a serious face . " Who is that bastard? Are you having sex with him ?" He asked again
and I smiled at him as I sit in front of them
" well , I have promised him if he impressed me , I would have sex with him . But until
now he wasn't in mood " I told him as keep my innocent face
" that motherfucker, he will not see tomorrow " my uncle said clenching his teeth
" calm down Eli . " my aunt said to him laughing with his face impression as she kissed
" you are grounded " He said to me and I smiled
" nice try uncle " I told him smiling
" What are you three smiling at ?" We heard Helena as she was coming towards us with a
bowl In her hand . " you know that you have a whole house with guest and the three of you
are sitting here smiling " she said to us

" are you jealous right now Len ?" I asked her with a serious face . I hate the idea of her
being jealous of me with her parents . They are her parents. She has to know that they love
her more than me but pity me more .
" Unlike you dear sister, I have a dilemma to choose " she said, sitting next to me and
Uncle and aunt were watching us .
" What dilemma, Len ? Are you okey ?" Aunt asked her worried
" Iit is because Azaleas " she said and I narrowed my eyes at her
" mine? What did I do to you ?" I asked her shocked
" you didn't give me a choice about that damn boy" she said and I opened my eyes more .
" Are you on drugs?" I asked her and she shook her head " you froze my blood bitch . " I
told her slapping her in shoulder
" auch , that hurts "she said
" you deserved it " I told her
" shut up both of you ." Uncle Said super serious and both of us looked at him as we
used when we were children and we might mess with something important " who the fucking
hell are those boys ?" He asked looking at us
" that wasn't nice uncle " I told him relaxing
" oh yeah , because I am not right now . No one I learn that both of my girls are into boys
" he said and we started laughing
" should we be into girls ?" Helena asked him laughing
" young lady . There was a deal between us . No boy until 30 maybe " he said serious and
we didn't stop
" Elinor honey, that is never going to happen and both of us know it " aunt told him
laughing but uncle kept his serious face .
" don't worry uncle " I said going at him and hugged him " not until the sultan decide to
be in mood " I told him laughing and he groaned
" that it is " he said as he started tickled me and after him Helena with aunt . I am a very
ticklish person and that is the weakness in my body . I started laughing and begging them to
stop but none of them stopped. I laughed until tears started coming from my eyes . But this
is the family I have ever wanted.

" it hurts doesn't it ?" Mateo said smirking as he saw Marbas seeing from window Azalea
laughing with her uncle and her aunt " seeing your own daughter, playing, laughing,
hugging another man like when he isn't even her uncle as her father . And you are staying
here as a stranger." He said again and Marbas squeezed his hands trying to control himself.
His words and the scene in front of him make him to loose his temper.
" if she was my daughter I would have burn the world for her . And for her mother too "
he said and mentioned his lover he loosed it . Marbas know it that he was in love with
Helena too . Everyone know it . Even her .
" don't you dare mention her " Marbas said punching him and pushing him to the wall .
He grabbed his shirt but Mateo was smirking at him

" if only she wasn't too blind for you she would be with her daughter today and who
knows with me . Like a family. But you destroyed everything. Now You stay here and watch
as a stranger your own daughter because she never will love you . Because you did the same
thing that Helena's father did to her . And if happened Azalea start liking you , I personally
would turn her against you " Mateo finished smirking as he saw Marbas's face . angry ,
frustrated and Irritation was written all in his face .
" you motherfucker. You raised her with revenge. You make her against me " Marbas
said to him punching him with all the anger disappointment he had " you bastard " he said
and Mateo fighter back
" she will never be your daughter. Because you don't deserve her or her mother " Mateo
said, punching him too.
" Enough both of you " Elinor's voice was heard as he divided them " what do you think
you are doing ?" He asked them but both of them were killing each other with their looks . "
Mateo, come on . I know that you are Azalea's guardian and very protective, but don't make
it visible for her to understand " Elinor told him and he groaned
" if that helps you both to sleep at night until the bomb blows, okay " he said letting
confused both of them before leaving.


" Uncle Teo , what happened to you man ? Did you tease somebody's girlfriend or wife ?"
I asked him as I saw his punched face with purple color on his face. At that moment in
saloon Mr Marbas and his family but I turned my attention to Uncle Teo
" You offended me Azalea," Uncle Teo said smiling, " when have I betrayed your
mother ?' He smiled and I smiled too .
" that is why I love you " I told him
" don't tell me that my dad punched you because of the man that Azalea has found ?"
Helena asked and Marbas looked confused and surprised
" let's say yes . He didn't approve that his big girl is going to fell for another man besides
him " he said smirking and I laughed
" do we know that man Azalea?" Clerk asked smiling
" and if you do , what are you going to do . Go and play brother's role ?" I asked him
crossing my arms
" that man has to be blind " that bitch said
" as much as is Alex your father and your mother " I told her smiling and her face turned
into irritation as always
" it seems Elinor doesn't like to share you " Mr Marbas said and I smiled to him
" in the end I am his first daughter " I told him looking into his eyes
" Tell me a men that likes his daughter's man?"My uncle said
" you will be the first dad , don't worry . If not Azalea's mines is for sure " Helena told
him smiling
" neither hers nor yours " he said serious
" but uncle Teo hasn't any fault " I told him

" his job is to protect you and not to make sure you like somebody " he said and I rolled
my eyes.
" did you know that my name means a flower?" I asked them and Helena started
" yours a flower?" She asked
" where did you get that ?" My uncle asked
" your mum made a wonderful choice than " Mr Marbas said smiling
" nccc I am disappointed at her " I said " my sultanım told me " I answered my uncle's
" that fucking punk sultan you say is cranz isn't?" He asked me crossing his arms
" Do I look like a bitch that prefers mommy's boys or unreaching man ?" I asked him
crossing my arms
" you are your mother's daughter, " he said to me and I smiled at him .


" Lea, can we speak for a few minutes?" My uncle asked as I was to get down to go out
" yeah sure " I told him following behind as we walked to his office " what do you want to
talk about ?" I asked sitting at the couch
" you were going to Cranz weren't you ?" He asked sitting at his chair
" yeah , I am not going to lie, " I said simply. It isn't like my uncle will close me inside the
house .
" you know that your mum did the same thing , that hurted her ?" He said looking at me
" working with the enemy of your father ?" I asked him and he nodded his head " cranz
isn't your enemy uncle , you haven't any communication . He is Zykov’s enemy if you forgot
" I told him but he stayed there just looking at me , maybe trying to find something.
" What is in your mind , Azalea? What plan have you made ?" He asked and I looked
" I don't know what you are talking about ?" I said to him " look uncle , I am walking at
my mum's steps but with another strategy " I told him" cranz is a man not a fucking person
like that man " I told him
" that was a man too when your mother fall in love with him " he said and I rolled my eyes
" It's not the same thing uncle . And I will prove to you and everyone that Cranz isn't the
man that was supposed to be my father . And I will never be my mum " I told him before I
got up and walked out of his office. On my way I saw Mr.Marbas looking at me . I rolled my
eyes at him and walked out the house .

" what did you say to her that she left straight away?" I asked Elinor as soon as I walking
at his office
" she is planning something, " Elinor said and I looked at him narrowing my eyes at him .
" what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him

" she is insisting to work with him like Helena with you , she knows that I don't have a
problem with him but you do and she literally protected him in front of me . She said that
she will prove that Cranz isn't like you " he said and I know what that means. She knows
but didn't blow the bomb. She is planning something. She will hurt herself like her mother
did for Revenge. It means that I will lose my only thing from the women I have ever loved .
" she knows " I murmured and I started walking towards the doors rushing
" where are you doing?" Elinor said stopping me
" I am going to that bastard, warning him to stay away from my daughter and save her
from hurting herself " I told him
" didn't be stupit " Elinor said pushing me away
" I am not going to sit here and watching my daughter as I lose her " I told him
" you already have lost her . You are nothing to her . " he said to me and I slapped my
hand on his desk " you will just complicatthings if you go to Cranz. Azalea will be there too .
He will understand that Azalea is your daughter and he will use her . Than Azalea will be
hurt " he said to me
" but I don't to lose her as I lost Helena " I said with my broken voice
" I don't want to lose my daughter either " he said to me by emphasizing the word
daughter as she was his . She is mine . My daughter and Helena's. Not his ." But for now we
will not react. If she knows that means that your daughter and your wife are going to pay it
soon . So better focused on them than giving my daughter signals that your her father " he
told me and I looked at him irritated
" she is mine . Mine . I am never going to give up on my daughter until she loves me . So
better you start accepting and stop calling her your daughter. " I said to him and he
chuckled at me
" she is never going to love you . Because you have broken her . You have made her live in
pain all her life, " he said to me ." I was her father figure when you were playing your role
with your daughter. "
" because you all keeped it from me . If I had knowing Azalea will have the best father
ever " I said to him
" you think . You don't know what she likes , what she likes to eat , what she likes to do ,
what is her dream, what is her favorite place or flower. Even now, staying here you are
afraid that you will make that little princess of yours sad . You don't deserve to be her father
. " he said but all his words were stuck in my mind . I remember her question at her
mother's grave even about losing your daughter . I have never dreamed of being in this
position. I love Aurora but Azalea deserves more from me . Aurora had and has everything
and sometimes I think that she isn't thankful for what she has . On the other hand Azalea
gives her life for what she has and her loved people . She knows what the pain is . Azalea is
the daughter I have always wanted. The brievest ,unscared child . A big heart under her
words and her dark part. Like her mother personality

I just want my daughter. The precious gift that Helena has left behind . Just her being
happy , safe and having me in her life . I just want to be the father that she wanted in her

dreams. I just want to try the best for her . And for fucking everyone seems to be a huge
deal .

" ahhhh " a female voice screamed as she throwed a glass at the wall angrily
" What does she have ?" Another female asked the others around that big room
" sir is with a new girl that she had started to came often " the female next to her said
" who is she that is making her majesty so angry?" The female that asked the first time
asked again smirking
" We don't know , but there are rumors that she is the richest person's daughter . She is
wearing from the hair to feet with luxury brands " another one said
" there are rumors too , that sir called her Azalea , like his favorite flower " another one
said with a loud voice and the woman that was screaming turned to her with a frustrated
face , ready to kill anybody .

" I am not going to work with you . I told you for the hundred millions of times this time .
No" Cranz told me again as i was sitting at his office in front of him
" but why ? One time job Is this . Both of us gets what we want " I told him again but
nothing seems to convince him . This fucking stupid man . It is like he has a stone in his
mind, not a brain . " Is there a stone in place of a brain?" I asked him and he frowned and
" You make me so tired and irritated. Don't you have a job or someone else to bother ?"
He asked me and I shaked my head smiling
" no , no until I sign our deal " I told him and it seems that this is his limit. He got up ,
took my arm and walked towards the doors . Knocked on it and the two men outside opened
it from us . " like at sultans movies " I told him smiling " where are we going ?" I asked him
" throwing you outside " he said simply
" there is a stone in your heart too , isn't it ?" I said to him " WAIT " I said literally
" NOW WHAT " he asked screaming too
" bağırma bana [ don't shout at me ] " I told him in the same voice " I want to see your
cariyeler [concubines] " I added with a smile too .
"Kehe " a fake cough drew our attention " the lunch is ready " she said
" where do you eat ?' I asked him
" get out from my house " he said
" not until I saw your sultanat lunch " I said to him and the woman was looking at me
strangely. " Is she one of your cariyeler ?' I asked him pointing my finger towards the man
" she is the main maid " he explained

" So young ?' I asked surprised " I was expecting a cruel old woman for your main maid "
I said as I saw all the plates of food going at the living room .
" I am forty " she said neutral and I opened my mouth from shocked
" Are you kidding me ? You're forty ? " I asked her and she nodded her head . She looks
29 years old or maybe in early's 30 . But I wasn't expecting her to be forty . From
nowhere ,some women comes , weared like they were going at club came at hall
" sir " one of them said, bowing her head and biting her upper lips. Ohhh she might be his
favorite cariye . I sartorially walked near them and looked at them from head to foot. They
looked beautiful if they didn't put on so much makeup and all of them were blond or black
hair .
" so which one is your favorite?" I asked him turning my face to him
" who are you ?" The girl that called him asked me with a disgusting tone and look in his
face. I looked at her and I chuckled
" nobody that you can deal " I told her and I turned at him " to say the truth I was
expecting for them to wear all concubine's clothes not like going at club " I told him smiling
" it is 21th century women " he said to me
" and yet you have designed your home like a sarayi " I told him.
" benim için bulaşıcı bir hastalık gibi olmaya başladın [ you have start to be like an
infectious diseases to me ] " he said to me on his mother language and damn fuck , it was so
hot , to make you melt into his accent
"yani, enfekte olmaya başladın [ so you have started to get infected ]" I said to him
smiling but he kept keeping his neutral face " guzel [ good ] " I added

" Marbas until when are you going to be so disassociated ?" His wife asked, sitting next to
him putting her hand on the back of his head but he moved her head " look , I am sorry . I
should tell you but I was scared " she said and he looked at her
" why ? Because you thought that I would love her more ? Of course I would . And I will .
I have lost 19 years from her life and you were scared that I would love her ? Right now
Sonia you sound more evil than a demon . " he said to her and she started crying " Enough
with this crocodile's tears . Because if you have truly loved me as I love Helena, you would
accept my daughter " he added and walked away from her without turning his head
" you cursing mother and daughter. You will pay " she said wiping the tears angrily .

" what are you doing here, you sleepy princess?" Alex asked sitting next to Aurora at the
" just thinking about everything and everyone," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "
Sometimes I feel sorry for Azalea. She was raised without a mother and a father.
Her mother killed herself for a man . I really feel sorry for her" she said and Alex was
looking at her

" You really have a great heart Aurora . Despite the humiliations and every offense that
she had told you you felt her pain and tried to be reasonable " he said to her and she blushed
when he put his hand on her face and started massaging her face . She was so happy right
now . Finally she had made him to like her and her plain by showing innocent act had

I will give you Azalea the same fate as your mother

She said In her mind as she looked at Alex smiling and blushing like a nice girl.


I was sitting on the ground looking at the sky , analyzing why mum used to love the night
sky . There is nothing special besides the moon and the stars . There is just beautiful bullshit
that people believe. Once I was a child I used to believe that my mum was the brightest star ,
so I would came outside , trying to find that stupid star and speak to her . When there
wasn't any star in the sky I would be so sad and maybe go to bed crying that I didn't see my
mum . Stupid isn't it ?

I cried for nights when I learned that stars were just an astronomical object consisting of
a luminous spheroid . That was the last thing that I believed, someone or something. The
stars remind me not to believe anyone . That everything is a lie .

" they are beautiful aren't they ?" I heard Mr Marbas voice and I looked at him and he
was standing there with his hands on his pockets and looking at the stars with a smile on his
" they are bullshit, just an astronomical object" I answered " I don't get why my mum
would like them " I said
" maybe because she believed that promises will last as long as the night will exist, as
long as the stars exist and as long the moon exists " he said and I rolled my eyes
" those fucking promises took her from me " I whispered
" can I sit ?" He asked
" if I say no , are you going to leave me alone ?" I asked him and I heard him chuckled
" I just want to spend some time with you . I understand you " he said sitting next to me
" no you don't. No one knows the pain I have been through for years . Even you " I told
him not to give up in front of him . He doesn't deserve
" you one you know all your mother's friends and enemies. How do you know them ? "
He asked
" She accidentally left her diary at me and I grew up reading it and memorizing every
name that caused her pain . His wife , his child and himself. He was supposed to be my
father , my hero not that child . He was supposed to be my mum's husband and that slut . He
was supposed to be our family not theirs . That is why I hate them and him more . I will take

that family that he loves more . That family that he broke us ." I told him with all my hatred
that exists inside me

" Do you know your father's name ?" He asked

" His name was written as her lover , as her place of peace " I told him with a neutral face.
" My uncle didn't let me find him . But I made him promise me , if I meet them only once, he
would not stop me from hurting them " I told him and I turned to look at him . He looked
hurt and broken . His eyes had regrets on it . But it is too late .

" maybe he is hurted too from your mother's death. " he said to me and I chuckled darkly
" when my love died , I tried many times to kill myself but there was always something that
stoped me . I started drinking, I left everyone behind me , close my self one room with her
photos , or at our room when we made love and drink for days , weeks , even months. I
wasn't there when my daughter was born . I wast there for my wife's pregnancy. I couldn't
because my lover was supposed to be in her place . When Aurora was born, I couldn't look
at her , I couldn't take her in my arms . The only woman's voice that I have ever loved
played in my mind as a broken player. Her last words for me were stuck in my mind . " he
said as there were tears on his cheeks
" but you love her so much. You have a boy too " I told him . He looked like a dead
person but not like he could look at his daughter
" I never didn't give up on drinking. I just stayed for a moment sober . Once I was so
drunk that I thought Sonia was my lover . I wasn't myself , I thought that it was real ….
" so you slept with her " I finished for him
" one the morning when I felt a body next to me , I thought that all the time that my lover
was dead was just a nightmare. That she was next to me . I was so happy at the moment that
I forgot about the hangover but when I saw that it was Sonia and not my lover it was just
like somebody was stabbing my heart . I felt so disgusted with myself at that moment . I run
to the bathroom and start washing myself to let that feeling, the other woman's touch away
from me . I start crying too . Like a child. But that was the reality, " he said, smiling sadly
between the tears ." Since that day , when I drink, I lock myself inside a room when nobody
can enter . I drink away my wife’s presence " he added
" you deserve that pain . You deserve never to be happy , because you are like the man
that was supposed to be my father " I told him
" he is your father . He always was your father" he told me and I shaked my head
" no , it isn't, not as long as he is his children's father and that slut's husband. You know
that you and that man remind me of the man that once was my grandfather " i told him
looking into his eyes " both of you haven't any difference from him. Both of you had made us
as illegally children when we weren't supposed to be " I added and he wiped his eyes
" I love my daughter Azalea, I love her more than the two others child and believe me
that you are yours father's favorite and he loves you the most " he told me but I didn't
believe him " because both of you are the most precious gift that he and I can have from the
women we love " he added and he hugged me .

" you have made it a daily thing to hug me as if I was your daughter, " I told him without
hugging him back . He doesn't deserve it .

But in his mind he was telling her that heoves her more than anything. That she is his
precious flower and the most beautiful one

" dad what are you doing here ?" that bitch voice with irritation tone on it made him to
separate me
" That is why you are never going to be your beloved daughter's father. Not as long as
she lives " I told him as she was rushing towards us
" what it is Aurora ?" He asked her as nothing wasn't going one .
" what is this to you dad ?' She asked and I rolled my eyes " first Alex , then cranz and
now my dad ? How many more men can you take ?"
She said as I was the slut when she is actually
" AURORA " Mr Marbas scolded her
" if she talked me this way when she knows that I can easily kill her , imagine what she can
to your favorite daughter " I said to him smiling but she was dying from the angry
" Go back right now Aurora, I will take later with you for those words " he said to her
very seriously
" but dad…." She tried to play the innocent one
" NOW " he screamed to her and I smiled to her
" you stay away from my family” she told me and I smirked
" watch me " I said waved her

" Aza…" Mr Marbas tried to say something as soon as Aurora left

" miss the dinner is ready , your aunt is expecting you " an maid interrupted him and I
nodded to her
" you can never be your daughter's father " I told him and walked away from him. I saw
the maid that notified me and I stopped her
" yes miss " she said to me
" don't serve that bitch’s food until I give you something " I told her
" Aurora's?" She asked and I nodded and then she nodded . I walked to my violin's room
and opened a shelf where there were many small jars and small serums' bottles with labels
on them . I took two small bottles and smirked looking at them .

I walked down stairs and I give one of the bottles the maid I spoke first to her
" put this on her food " I ordered her and she looked at it for a few seconds and nodded .
Then I made my way to the dinner table .
" where were you ?" Helena asked as I set down at my place
" I had to do something " I told her
" what " she asked me

" you will see " I smirked looking towards that bitch .

The maids started serving but the smile and the smirk on my face wasn't wiping . We all
started eating including that bitch
" It seems Azalea , you are in to old man ." That bitch started speaking but I didn't tried
to wiped again my smile
" and you are into mommy's boy bitch . There is a huge difference between us " I told
" even with a married man ?" She asked smirking and everyone was looking at us and she
continued eating after every word she threw at me and than drinking water
" What are you trying to say girl ?" My uncle asked with a harsh tone
" Aurora shut your mouth and eat " her father told her clenched teeth
" are you talking about your father , that he finds comfort in my harsh words and that he
doesn't like to touch your mum ? That you consider as a mistake all his life ?" I asked her
smirking and his wife looked at him Hurted but for me was very pleased
" you don't know anything else besides trying to destroy everyone?" Alex asked and I
" Do you want to try it, dear Alex? " I said to him and I looked at my watch . Now it's
time for the show . That bitch started coughing and drinking endless amounts of water .
" sweetheart are you okay?" Her mum asked her but she didn't start . It seems that did it
work since her breath had started slowly making her work " Aurora ?" She asked again
" " she said with difficulty
" I have used it only one time at two rabbits, animals " I started speaking quiet and
eating in the same time
" what are you talking about ?" Sonia asked me" Bring the doctor " she said towards my
" the doctor can not do something to her " I said again smiling
" what have you done Azalea?" My uncle asked dropping the clutains
" once I dyed my dagger with poison and I stabbed it . I gave him water . The same thing
I did with the other rabbit but that one I didn't give water . I waited some second and the
first rabbit started showing the same symptoms as yours " I told them smirking and all of
them looked shocked
" WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER?" She screamed me as Aurora was out of
air and dropped at ground " Marbas do something " she said to him crying
" the water has pushed the poison in her body now " I said smiling to her
" AZALEA " My uncle shouted to me
" Why did you do it ? Why ?' Mr Marbas asked me ready to cry
" you should educate your daughter not to offend me, " I said simply and normally .
Slowly I took out the other bottle and showed them " I love historical movies. They taught
me those tricks of poison. This is antidote " I said showing them and she tried to take it from
me " nccc , not so fast" I said to her smirking
" what do you want? Talk ?" She asked desperately
" what are you willing to do ?' I asked her

" everything" she said and I chucked
" kneel before me , kiss my shoes and apologize " I said with my devil look in my face and
my eyes
" Azalea stop it " my aunt said
" I had sworn to her that I would show her the real humiliation ." I said to her
" m...m..u" that bitch tried to speak
" I will do " Mr Marbas said, shocking me and everyone. My anger and hate for him
raised more and more
" she will do it now otherwise, kiss your daughter for the last time " I told him with
hatfull in my face.
" I… I a..apologise " she murmured and slowly she bowed her head to kiss my shoes .
From a hateful look my face went smirking . I stopped before she do it and I raised her head
" no one , but no one can curse my mother, especially you, that isn't more than a slut " I
whispered to her looking at her eyes " understand?" I asked her " I asked , if you
understand it " I told tightly my grip at her chin
" I understand it " she said crying
" you and your daughter will pay for what you took from me . And this is just the
beginning of what I will do to you both " I whispered in her ear terrified her . I gave her the
antidote and she runned at her daughter immediately and I started eating . Everyone was
shocked and frozen, especially Clark.
" why isn't it giving any effect ?" She asked as Aurora was standing the same tired of
asked for air
" I told you I have only used it at animals once" I said smirking
" I DID WHAT YOU ASKED " She screamed again
" yes and I did it too . But you didn't asked for instructions " I said with a normal peace
" please ?" Mr Marbas pleaded grabbing my hand but I pushed it from him
" give her water , the antidote has to go in her vein too as the poison. If she doesn't react
it seems that you are late " I told them smirking as they runned to hydrogen her and raising
my glasses " bon appetit " I added as she was looking at me so scared and hateful too . This
is just the beginning bitch . No one can destroy and I will make sure that you live the hell for
the rest of your life . I will make sure that Every single day of your life you are scared lived
from me .

Chapter 9

It has been a week since that event . Now even the maids are afraid to come near me .
Everyone is afraid to drink or eat . And my uncle was taking their side by telling me that I
had gone too far . He even didn't speak to me for days . My aunt was very upset. Miss
Anastasia doesn't let her son near me , even to walk . Sonia she had been going crazy , she
eats her children's foods first by securing that I haven't poisoned them again .
MR . Marbas wasn't happy either . Well he took care of his daughter day and night and
every time saw me disappointed in her eyes . I don't understand that man . One hand he
came to me by saying that his illegitimate child is his favorite and the other hand he saw me
with disappointment .

It has been one week since I have been going to that bastard sultan and yet he hasn't
accepted my deal . I don't know what I have to do to make him accept this fucking deal .
Everyone is making me go crazy. Their looks , their words are making me insane . I just
want to end all of this fucking drama . Only uncle Teo had stayed by my side and not
complaining like the others for what I did or that I am coming to this fucking Sarayi
everyday to make the fucking sultan accept my deal .

I stopped in front of the gate and waited for them to notified their boos and let me drive
inside but one of the man came to me and looked at me by saying
" sorry Miss , sir has completely stopped you to come inside " he said to me and that made
me going crazy .
" that fucking punk " I murmured rubbing my face from the anger . " Tell hünkarımız
that I will not leave this place until he accepts me or my deal " I said to him clenching my
teeth . Now I look like hürrem sultan . Fuck this world and his world . I parked somewhere
beside the road and waited for his majesty to accept me . Only if he accepts my deal, I will
make him pay for this waiting . I am not Hürrem or Kosem sultan , you motherfucker.

" Mateo, do you know where Azalea is ?" Irene asked Him as he was sitting in the living
" she has gone to Cranz " he said simply
" Again ?" Elinor asked clenching his teeth
" you can not lead a girl Elinor how can you lead this deal " Ruslanovich said to him
" than you can leave Ruslanovich, I don't Need you . You saw with your own eyes what
she can do and where my empire will be with her as a leader " Elinor told him proudly for
his daughter " call her and tell to come back . Tell her that I ordered her " Elinor said to
Matteo .
" fine , I don't take responsibility, " Matteo said, calling her " queen , your uncle said to
come back. Now . He is ordering you " he said on the phone looking at Elinor by saying with
his eyes'' okay now . " what ," he said getting up
" what ?" Elinor and Marbas asked immediately in the same time
" nothing , " he said to them with his phone on his ear and started walking
" what is it ?"Elinor asked him by stopping
" nothing Elinor , you are wasting my time " he said to him and started running outside
" don't you dare to follow him Azalea or your uncle will kill me " he said climbing on his car
and giving gas.

I was just waiting outside the gate , when the gate opened and three cars drived outside .
They didn't even stop when they saw me . Also, at the same time uncle Teo called me .
" queen , your uncle said to come back. Now . He is ordering you" he said and I started the
car engineer and started following them
" cranz seems to be in a rush somewhere " I told him ignoring his words or my uncle's "
I am following him, maybe I can discover something that makes him accept my deal . And
you track my phone " I told him
" what " I heard him saying and than my uncle's voice
" don't tell anybody " I told him, watching the cars in front of me .

"don't you dare to follow him , Azalea or your uncle will kill me " I heard him
complaining again .
" I want to track the cars in front of me too ." I told him " I will send their plate number
now " I told him before hanging up the phone. I wrote the plate number of the car in front
of me and sent it to him . You are going to accept my deal this time sultanım while I was
keeping a smirk on my face.


I had tracked their car through the GPS on my phone when I arrived at a luxury house and
I hadn't realized until that moment that the house was in the middle of nowhere . Besides
this gunshots were all over the place . I started driving around the house to look for the
safest spot to park and wait or to have reserved for what was going to happen .
I ended up parked behind the house after some branches. My car was black so I can go a
little bit in contrast with the colors of the environment. I checked over the house where there
was a war with guns . I closed my eyes to make up my mind . If I should go and help or stay
here and just wait .
" fuck for whatever is going to happen " I whispered opening the dashboard and taking
my gun out . I make it ready and put it on my wrist. Then I sent a quick short message to
my uncle saying that he had to shoot from outside . After that , I prepared the small dagger
on my feet, on my arm wrist and the biggest on my wrist . I have a minimum of three
daggers with myself every single day . One of them was poisoned with a very painful death .
I got out of my car and quickly without noises started walking inside with the gun in my
hand . I know how to shoot . Or kill somebody with a gun but I never use it . I prefer old
methods such as daggers or poisons or other things that weren in the old times.
I hid in a small spare of a wall before I was noticed by somebody . But that was maybe a
stupid idea .
A body man was coming from behind , so I slowly started taking out the danger on my
arms wrist , ready to kill the person behind me as soon I return .
But again it didn't work .
" you " Cranz's surprised and angry voice stopped me from shooting with my gun . He
had caught my arm as soon as had turned to stab him but both our guns were pointed to
each other. " What the hell are you doing here ?" He asked me dropping my arm
" helping you " I said to him
" you fucking stupid women . This is a war with gunshots not a field of flowers " he told
me tightly with my arm. The gunshots were there yet but little than before
Xavier's voice shouting " DID YOU ORDER SOMEBODY TO COME ?' H asked shounting
" He must be my uncle " I told Cranz and he just narrowed his eyes at me angrily.
" HE IS IN OUR SIDE . LET'S END THIS " Cranz shouted at him and as soon as he
started to get out to shout I saw a man at my side pointing the gun towards Cranz.
" at my side " I told him, pulling him near me . Damn his perfume was very beautiful and
smelled good . He was just an inch away from me and my lips . I didn't notice that he was

looking at me because I was too busy studying his God body that was over me . " I told you
that I was here to help " I whispered him looking at his eyes
" more than a fucking distraction I would say " he said making spare at us . " stay here
and don't fucking move . I can't do the babysitting now " he said, pushing me against the
wall and I mocked him . He has really helping issues. I saw him run to the second floor and
the idea of going after him was really tempting me . But if I stay here I can not make him
accept my deal . Fuck everything .
" XAVIER " I shouted at him
" AZALEA?" He asked shocked
" COVERED ME . I AM GOING AFTER HIM" I shouted again
" FUCK IT IS TOO DANGEROUS " he shouted again
shouted again and started shooting in the air at the distraction where the enemies were and
running in the same time to the second floor.

" quick, we need to go out " I heard a male voice coming from one of the rooms and I
stopped and hid behind the door . I heard their steps accelerate And I had to think very fast
who to handle two persons in the same time .

the door opened and I smashed it back, making them lose their balance. I quickly hit him
with the back of the gun on his head and shot the other on his leg .
" bitch " he murmured in pain as he tried to shoot me
" but a classy bitch " I told him stabbing him with my poison dagger " have a great
death" I told him knocking with my leg letting him unconscious. There was a small USB on
the ground and I took it . Who knows , maybe it is important
" Cranz is in the hall , don't let him go " I heard a man's voice . Shit . I forgot about him .
I started running again and trying to found that stupid man who decided to make the hero in
all this mess.
" last wishes Cranz " I heard a man saying and I saw him pointing a gun to Cranz who was
holded by two other men . Why does this happen to me ? Why do I have to save another
man's life ? Why ?
I threw my gun on the ground in the Cranz direction and took out my dagger and stabbed
the man from behind more than two times and threw the other dagger to one of the man's
body that was holding Cranz . The chances for him to live are 50/ 50 with the death if he
doesn't lose too much blood .
" Hope being your death today " I whispered to the man and I saw that Cranz had killed
the other one " sweet dreams " I whispered removing my dagger from his body and let him
slip on the floor.
" I TOLD YOU TO STAY THERE " he screamed to me grabbing my arm
" I saved your ass ungrateful ashhole " I told him
" I don't need your help " he said again and I took my other dagger from the other body .

" looks like you did " I told him " we need to go there are people coming up stairs. " I told
him and he started calling someone and I looked in the window behind him . There was a
pool down.
" get away from here . I will found a way " I heard him saying and as I tuned my back to
see him, I saw the man that I stabbed holding a gun towards Cranz
" look out " I said and pushed him away but I think that something pinched me with
something painful.
" Fuck AZA " I heard his voice but my body was flying. Since when does my body know to
fly? Oh Since I lost my balance and "jumped " from the window. I am going to miss this
word . I said in my mind as I closed my eyes letting the gravity take my body but I felt the
cold water . Fuck this is cold .
Something was thrown in the pool because the slashes were big . Not something, but
somebody .

He took my body and swam us at the surface .

" ahhhh " I took a deep breath as soon I was in the surface
" We need to go now, " he said to me, getting out of the pool and helping Me too . The
blue water now had a red color too . " You are going to be a death not an infectious disease
to Me" he whispered but I heard him . I was a little shock because I don't go at mission to
feel those kinds of adrenalines and pain
" th...there is a car behind the brushes " I told him trying to come to my senses . But I was
shivering. The weather was cold but that fucking water was cold too.
" where were you shot ?" He asked me as we were running and after us were people
" at my arm . There is my car " I told him pointing at the brushes. From nowhere Uncle
Teo and Xavier showed with guns pointing to us
" Azalea " uncle Teo said running at me
" I am okay , we have to go " I told him holding my arm bleeding
" your uncle is going to kill me " he said looking around
" we can not go at our cars " Xavier said to Cranz
" we can go with mine, " I told them throwing the keys to him and climbing in the car
and after ne Cranz too .
" what happened?" Uncle Teo asked as soon as he entered in the front seat looking back to
" I saved this ungrateful bitch ass " I said looking at him
" I told you to wait " Uncle Teo said seriously
" You know I hate to wait when something is going on, " I told him and I Closed my eyes,
clenching my teeth. It hurts like a bitch .
Suddenly I felt a hand and a piece of fabric around my arm . I opened my eyes and I saw
Cranz tying that thing carefully or maybe not
" auch " groaned in pain " that hurts " I told him
" good let's be that a lesson to not indrud at others work " he said to me

" you are so ungrateful bitch " I told him " bir sultan tell the person to ask anything from
saving his life " I told him
" o zaman ben diğer sultanlar gibi değilim[ then I am not as the others sultan] " he said to
me looking straight.

" you can go now " I told him as soon as we parked outside of my house
" no , I have something to tell your father " he said to me getting out too and grabbing my
" I don't live with my father " I told him trying to remove my arm from his held but
" and I got it . Find another excuse " he said to me and the door of the house was opened
by one of the maids who looked surprised .
" miss are you okay ?" She asked surprised .Is not like an everyday shows that I came at
home with a man holding my arm
" who the hell is this woman's father ?" Cranz asked, stopping in the entrance of the
living room, getting all the people's attention. My uncle and Mr. Marbas got up, pointing
their guns towards Cranz " I asked who the hell is her father?" He asked again
" I told you no one " I said to him and he looked back at me .
" let my daughter go " my uncle said his sentence getting himself IN front of Mr Marbas
and Cranz smirked
" You didn't have a father ?"He said to me and I rolled my eyes

" let her go " my uncle said again

" keep your daughter away from me " he said throwing me at my uncle
" you fucking punk bastard " I said between my teeth as I rubbed my wrist
" Azalea what happened to you ?" I heard my aunt's voice coming running towards me
" did you swimmed in this cold ? Both of you ?" Helena asked looking back to me and
" you are Iono's sister " he said looking at her with his frowned eyebrows
" you are cranz " she said shocked everyone
"And I saved his ass " I said smirking
" Bring a blanket NOW " my aunt shouted
" keep her away from me and my work . I don't want to spend time creating another
enemy. Two of them are enough for the time " he said looking at Marbas and he made a
step forward him
" you can not hurt or them unless you accept my deal " I told getting in front of him
" get it in your fucking brain ,that isn't going to happen . I will end Mordions and come
after your guest " he said to me

" and I will wait " I told him but I was dragged by my uncle from the shouted arm " auch
" I groaned in pain again and my uncle looked my arm and the blood on the white cloth that
now was red
" you are shouted " he said alarmed and then looked at Cranz " YOU " he said with a
loud voice
" he didn't shoot me " I told immediately getting between them
" get away Azalea " he said very seriously
" no . I got shot but he didn't shoot me . He threw himself from a window to save me " I
told him
" I didn't threw myself to save you " Cranz said
" cut the bullshit Cranz. Both of us knows it very well " I told him turning to look him on
his eyes
" this is the last warning , keep her away from me . " he said again looking at my uncle "
you devil women are not allowed anymore at my place . I don't take the responsibility for
what happen next " he said and he turned his back to leave
" bana borçlusun iki kere . ve bir kadınla borçlu olmaktan hoşlandığına inanmadın
sultanım. beni burada bulacaksın [ you are in debt twice with me . I think you don't like to be
in debt with a woman sultanım. You will find me here ] " I told him smirking as he stopped to
listen me and then leaving

" AZALEA " I heard my uncle's voice shouting at me and I turned to him slowly
" Elinor ,not know , she is hurt " My aunt said to him and inside walked Uncle Teo and
the doctor
" you know it that she is going to do something stupid and that is why you runned " uncle
said to Uncle Teo by grabbing him from his shirt
" Elinor , let's make sure that Azalea is fine first , than you take care of them" my aunt
said again and I didn't say anything. That only means the situation worse
" She was shot . Her arm is bleeding " my uncle told the doctor who wore a pair of white
gloves and untied the cloth.
" how happened ?" Doctor asked
" must I definitely answer it ?" I asked him
" YES " uncle shouted again
" I might pushed cranz away from the bullet and accidentally I took it " I answered with
a low voice but I am sure that everyone heard me because was quite
" help me , just help me " my uncle whispered clenching his teeth
" the bullet is inside , and you have lost blood. How are you conscious right now ?" The
doctor asked
" she lost it in the car but Cranz waked it up " uncle Teo said
" I need blood and I have to give you morphine from the pain as I take the bullet outside
" he told me and I nodded " where should I operate her ?" He asked my uncle
" at her room ' He said and came to me helping me
" I can walk uncle " I told him but I took my arm

" don't talk to me right now , because I am very furious at you " he told me and I smiled
to him
" I love you " I said as we entered my room and he helped me lie down on my bed . The
doctor came near me with needle on his hand and gave it to me
" I love you too. " my uncle said kissing my Forehead " but you are not going away from
this,no this time " he said to me and smiling
" the blood?" I hear doctor asked
" I will give " Helena said


" she is fine now . I took the bullet. There is no damage to her arm . She should keep it
tied as I have done and not wet it . She has to rest too, " the doctor said to us as soon as he
walked out of her room . His words calmed me a little bit but didn't relieve the feeling and
the fear inside me . Not if I don't see with my own eyes that she is okay . Today , I felt so
powerless, feeble and weak . Not saying out loud that she is my daughter, not scolding her
as a father should, not showing my worries for her and threatening that man that hurt my
precious flower. Not being able to say in her face that I love her as Elinor did .
" Where are you going ?" Elinor stopped me from entering in her room.
" seeing my daughter " I told him serous
" no , you are not going . You did enough anyway, by giving us all this trouble . What
were you thinking today ? Saying that you are her father ?' He asked me
" you told me not to interfere but you didn't do nothing to stop this from happening, " I
told him " take care of it or I will do and I don't give a fuck if anybody learn the fact that I
am her father " I told him before entering at her room .
There she was lying on her bed with her arm tied and sleeping like a beautiful flower. My
beautiful flower. My beautiful daughter.
" you made me so sick of worry when I saw you with him and shot, " I whispered as I
stroked her hair . " you don't know how much I want to answer his question with a loud
voice . But I just stood there screaming in my mind that I am your father . Screaming him
to let you go and murdering him touching and hurting you . I love you so much, my beautiful
flower . I love you as much as the night exists. I love you as much as stars exist. I love you
with all my heart and soul . You are my reason to live now, my flower . Don't take it from me
" I whispered to her kissing her hand and stroking her hair .


" WHAT NO FUCKING WAY " I screamed at my uncle as soon as he gave me the
" you are not going to leave this house young lady . Don't make it worse for you to add
more painful " he told me standing serious with his arms crossed
" like what ?' I asked him

" not going outside of this room " he said to me and I looked at him in shock
' you are kidding aren't you ?' I asked him with a joking look in my face
" no I am not kidding Azalea " he said and he started walking out of my room
" but why ? Uncle you can not do that to me" I told him following from behind
" yes , I can and I am not going to lose you . You should have thought that before you
chased that man " he said without stopping and everyone stopped looking at us . My arm
was tied on my chest and I couldn't use my arm properly expressing my anger right now
" what is going on ?" Mr Marbas asked
" none of your business, " both my uncle and I said at the same time " I have to convince
him to accept my deal , uncle. There is no way that I will stay inside of the house . I can not
" I told him
" seems like from a queen you become a rapunzel" I heard That bitch voice
" shut up before I took that breathe " I turned to her
" a week ago you almost killed her ,Azalea. Now you put yourself in danger and I can not
let it happen . This is your punishment . You are not allowed to go outside the house " he told
" why don't you understand me ?" I asked him
" why are you insisting on him ? Are you falling in love with him , Azalea? " He asked me
and I started laughing at that silly idea.
" I don't shity love, uncle . I don't love no one . I am not capable of loving someone that
isn't my blood " I told him with a serious face .
" Then Why are you protecting him so much ? Why are you putting yourself in danger to
protect him ? Why ? Where is the difference between your mum's doing and yours ? Where
is the difference between your father and his ? " He asked me and my head had so much
from that comparison
" IT ISN'T THE SAME " I shouted and I closed my eyes to calm down " he is not the
same as the man that wasn't supposed to be my father . They aren't. And I am not the same
as my mother . I might be her daughter, I might follow her steps but with a different
strategy. " I told him
" Tell me, where is the difference between the fourth of you ?" He asked again
" the difference is uncle, that he understands my pain . He knows my pain . He
understands me. He is screwed as much as I am . I saw in his eyes, uncle . He knows the pain
I have been through. He has all over his place Azalea flowers. Even on his bed mattress ,he
had Azalea symbols. And isn't his favorite flower but somebody else's . He had made sure to
remind her by looking those flowers. As the violin reminds me of my mum . He understands
the pain but he does not want to care about it . But that man , he didn't understand my
mum's pain . He cared but he didn't otherwise we would not be in this situation. There Is a
huge difference between understanding the pain but not wanting to care and not
understanding the pain but trying to look like you do and care . " I told him I am sure that
my voice sounded broken. I waved my eyelashes up and down, wiping tears from the eyes .

" you are right " Mr. Marbas said and I looked at him . He looked so broken and in pain
right now that I felt sorry for him . It must be sad for him to know that he didn't understand
his girlfriend's pain .

" What have I made you Azalea? " I heard my uncle say as he hugged me " how I never
understood your pain ?" He said again and I felt a tear from my eyes . I never wanted to
make him feel that way . That he wasn't enough for me
" I didn't want to make you feel this way uncle , you were the best father that any child
can ask but no one could understand the pain inside me . I can't even explain it . I thought
that revenge would make it easier but it didn't " I whispered at him and he looked at me and
wiped my tears.
" I promise you that, if Cranz come and accept your deal I will never be a barrier " he
said to me
" I hope that you can keep this uncle " I told him
" but you are grounded anyway, not going to leave this house and this is finally " he said
and I exhaled. He can be very stubborn sometimes.
" dad where are you going ?" I heard That bitch's voice again and I saw Mr Marbas
leaving the house
" probably at his lover , the women of his life " I told her Smirking
" my mum is the women of his life " she said clenching her teeth
" yeah , you wish . You are just a drunken mistake of your father and your mother a
sluty beneficiary " I told her laughing and seeing their humiliation on her mother's face was
the best thing of the day " or at his daughter apologizing to her for being your father . " I
" there is only one daughter to him and I am " she said and I rolled my eyes
" you wish again , but you never were or going to be his favorite, only daughter " I
smirked at her
" just SHUT UP " she shouted angrily
" I think that both of you forgot about what happened a week before when you started
speaking like this " I told her and Sonia grabbed her near herself . She is terrified. I can see
it .

" Len , my love " I said sitting at her grave and looking at her beautiful smiling photo . "
Our flower said something today. That I didn't understand your pain but I made it look like
I understand. And she is right. I didn't understand your pain my love . I didn't understand
that betrayal and replacement was your pain . Thinking now , I think that being without a
father or an illegal child was your pain . But not the betrayer and the replacement. And I
fucking caused both of them . I caused you pain . And our daughter too . I destroyed
everything. Forgive me my love . Forgive me . " I said to her with my head on her grave on
it and crying like a child . Since the day she was gone , tears have never left my eyes and
they never will leave as long as our daughter is leaving.


" hey , how are you feeling ?" I said to Azalea as she was sitting in the garden with her
eyes closed .
" are you speaking to me ?" She asked opening her eyes and looking around
" there is No one around besides both of us " I told her smiling " can I sit ?" I asked her
" If I say no, are you going to leave ?' She asked me
" no ," I answered smiling and sitting next to her
" like the father , like the son " she murmured and the smile didn't leave my face
" So how are you feeling?" I asked her again
" about what ?" She asked me
" your arm , you being grounded and the whole other drama?" I said to her and she
looked at me with narrowed eyes
" Okay, I think you are blind dude . I am not your sister. I am the woman who literally
killed your sister and humiliated your mother . Did you recognize it now ?" She asked me
and laughed. She didn't even flinch about that . And yes Azalea, you are my sister. You are
the other half that completes me . And not Aurora. I think that I love you more than her .
That is why I am not mad with you for what you did . Maybe a little bit about mum but no
for Aurora. She deserves to know her place .
" I think you didn't want to kill her yet . But to give a lesson " I told her I looked at her "
but yet , it doesn't give the results I wanted. She haven't stopped speaking shits yet " I told
her smiling
" only death can stop her " she said with a disgusting face and I think she is thinking the
ways to kill her " about mum , I am a little sad for humiliated her that way but I saw that
you stopped her from kissing your shoes " I said to her
" that isn't an excuse to forgive me . Hell, I am not asking being forgivable. " she said
" I know , but I understand your actions . You want to hurt all the people that have done
the some thing that your father had done to you and your mother " I told her and honestly I
" are you kidding right now ? You don't know anything. How can you understand me
when you have your family all along your life ?' She asked me
" you told me that I had another sister that I didn't know existed. You showed me my
true family. That we were drunken mistakes and maybe you are right my mum is a
beneficiary . I have sat in my room for days , trying to think of your actions. And I put
myself in your shoes and I saw myself Azalea, burning the whole people that had caused my
mum and me pain . That is why I understand you. I don't know your whole story but for
what I have heard , I gave you right . In this damn word there is no place for innocent
feelings or people " I told her and she looked surprised
" you surprised me . I wasn't expecting that. I think you will be a great man one day , if
you don't listen you fucking mum and sister and your fucking dad " she told me and
chuckled " I think you should say this things to your sister too . The illegal one . I think she
will understand you, " she said to me . But I just did ,my sister . I said in my mind, smiling
too .
" Would you like to have a brother ?" I asked her

" Maybe , maybe not . I don't. I don't know the feeling of a brother . I know the feeling of
having a sister but a brother. Is there something good about having a brother?" She said
looking at me
" I don't know . I only had sister that had fucked my all life and another that doesn't know
me " I told you .
" I feel sorry for you , having such a mother and sister ." She told me and I nodded my
head. I feel sorry sometimes for being born in this family.
" What do you like to do in your leisure time , besides poison people ?" I asked laughing at
" I don't go around poisoning people . Your sister was the first one . I use poison on my
dagger and animals . I do experiments with them . Like I did with your sister " she told me
and I laughed again. She is a good sister . A lovely one and not a witch or bitch like Aurora
describes her . " I like the violin like you know , I don't know ,to travel. Oh yeah I like
historical things, history and things that are related to them " she told me and I smiled. She
is quite different from Aurora in all aspects. " you ?" She asked me surprising Me
" in our world , especially man, it isn't something that we can spend our time on as we like
. Before we came here , most of the time I spent with my dad training to be the next leader of
Zykov. Now I am just a lost teenager at adult drama " I said to her . " but I like your
Cousin " I added smirking
" You are gross, " she said to me with a disgusted face, " try to find other women. She
doesn't like the mafia world like me . So don't hurt yourself " she said to me with a genius
" I think you are right , she is older than me . I need to find a younger girl then . Do you
have any friends that are younger than me ?" I asked her smirking too
" you are really a player " she said to me punching my arm
" only if someone takes my attention and breath" I said to her
" someone innocent and angelic?" She asked again
" no , someone strong , like you " I told her smiling
" Clerk, what are you doing here ? " I heard my mum's voice behind us
" you will create a drama war then " Azalea said rolling her eyes
" Clerk come here immediately " I heard my mum's voice again ordering me and I rolled
my eyes . I just want to take that power and to tell her that I am not like Aurora. She can't
order me around. But I can't until I take Zykov’s leader position.
" It was nice to speak with you, Azalea. I hope we can spend more time together " I told
her getting up
" as long as you are not my brother and become like your slutly sister " she told me and it
hurted me . One time I found the real sister that I can love but she doesn't want to do
anything with me. I understand her . My mum and father destroyed her life. She will never
accept us . I smiled sadly and walked towards my mum when she was waiting for me .
" did she do anything to you ?" My mum asked checking on me
" stop , she didn't do anything . She isn't as cruel as you make her " I told her dropping
her arms from me

" what? Did you see what she did to your sister and me a week before?" My mum asked
me as I was blind or stupid
" maybe my sister deserved it . She had to keep her mouth shut and know her place
because we are not at our home . We are living at her house because my stupid sister actions.
And maybe mum she is right. If you haven't been beneficiary things were different to today
" I told her and as an answer I took a slap from my mum on my face.
" how dare you speak to me like that?' She asked me and I just looked at her
" you pretend to be an innocent mum but you aren't. That is why dad had never tried to
love you . " I told her and she looked shocked by my words . ``That is why he always loved
his lover , my sister's mum . Azalea's mum " I told her revealing that I know she is my sister
" because they aren't fake , they don't pretend. They are themselves " I said those last words
and I walked away letting her in shock. For her Aurora was everything. She didn't even
want to know that I am the next heir of our family. She thinks that Aurora is capable of
doing more things than me . Maybe because she made her , our father's princess. But she
isn't anymore. Not as long as Azalea lives .

Azalea pov

This day has been so boring . Not being able to play violin, not being able going out and
make that stupid man accept my deal . But staying here , inside the house , and not being
able to kill that fucking bitch . Ughhh this is so fucking bored . I have been lying in bed for
an hour now and I can not sleep. Fuck . I groaned , getting up and walking out of my room ,
in the middle of the night . I need to do something to postpone this bored mood for
tomorrow. And Helena will help me otherwise she isnt going to be drunk next time we go
out .

I walked to her room and entered without knocking and guess what I saw in the middle of
the night . My sister kissing Xavier, or he all over her
" Lea " she said immediately pushing him away from her and looking at me " what are
you doing up , this time ?' She asked and closed the door ,and getting out from my wrist my
" explain this to me right now , before I stab him and he die slowly by the poison " I said
pointing my dagger to him
" Is there really poison in it ?" He asked Helenan
" do you want to try it?" I asked him
" I missed her " he said simply
" and who do you think that you are fooling right now ?" I asked him raising one of my
" nobody " he said again
" and you want me to believe it ?' I asked him" how did you get to her room ?" I asked

" it seems your father doesn't have a high security " he said smirking and I smirked at
him in that moment and I threw my dagger at him only a few mm away from his face
" how about now ?' I asked him
" did you just throw a poison dagger at my face?" He asked shocked and Helena looked
too with her hand on her mouth
" it seems your brain doesn't work fast " I told him smirking
" first poisoning Aurora and now throwing a dagger at his face , you really have become
terrified person " Helena whispered
" you said that didn't want a risky relationship" I told her looking at her
" I don't " she said
" than what is this motherfucker doing in your room , in the middle of the night, all over
you probably eating you ?' I asked her and u heard him laughing . This dipshit.
" you are great describing things " he said to me
" do you want to describe your cutting dick ?" I asked him and his laughter went off .
" don't tell father Azalea" Helena pleaded me and I looked at her
" only if his boss accepts my deal " I say smirking
" I can't persuade him . He is too stubborn dealing with other people " he told me
" tell me something that I don't know " I said to him and he shrugged his shoulders " get
out of my sister's room " I told him opening the door
" yeah . 5 minutes. Do you want to send a message to my boss ?" He asked and I stopped
and I remembered the USB I took from them
" tell him that I am waiting but I hate waiting long . So he better hurry " I told him and I
threw the USB at him " I have the original one . This is only a part of what I got from there .
He knows where to find me " I said smirking and walked away from her room. You are not
going to go away so easily you motherfucker .

I walked downstairs and out of the house and looked for the guards
" Do you need anything ,miss ?" One of them asked
" I couldn't sleep so I will stay and have company with you . I want you to guard the part
of the house where is located Helena's room without being detected " I said to him smirking
" yes miss " he said and he started walking away and telling the others . I stood a few steps
away from them watching and waiting for the motherfucker to come out . After a few
seconds I saw guards, surrounded him with arms pointing at him and his arms raised

" we caught a man miss " that guard told me again and I walked towards them " I am
notified sir now " he said and I stopped him
" isn't necessarily " I told him smirking towards Havier
" you are really a evil women " he said looking at me " I know you now for the next time
" he said smirking too
" next time there are going to be your balls on your hand " I said to him " I hope you got
the message. Let him go " I ordered and the guards looked at me and then lowered their
guns .
" we will see each other soon baldız [ sister in law]" he said smirking and running of

" motherfucker " I murmured " you will not say a thing to my uncle otherwise I am going
to do worse things to you . Starting from how stupid you can be and not seeing a person
walking in a our property " I told him
" We apologize for the mistake ,miss ." One of them said
" I will deal with you tomorrow " I told them and turned my back to them and walked
inside the house . I have some good ideas for punishment for tomorrow.

Chapter 10
A week has passed since the last time I saw that devil woman . And a week since Xavier
brought me that Little USB . With that USB I have been able to attack some Mordion's
places and catching some of his man . And some Zykov’s properties, like clubs are mine now
thanks to This USB or that Devil women . I don't understand why she keeps insisting to
cooperate with me . She can easily kill them since they are leaving at her house. Why does
she keeps saving my life and doesn't ask more than being partner with me .

" What are your thoughts?" Xavier asked and I looked the USB on my hand
" you said that she has other information?" I asked him
" she said that this is a part of it . But I don't think that she is going to give it to you if you
don't accept her deal " he said and I looked at the Azalea flowers outside of the window. This
woman hasn't left my mind , thinking why is she doing all this . Or should I accept it or not .
" How old is she ?' I asked him

" 19 , fuck she is a child and yet she risks everything " he answered looking the file on his
" she isn't a child . She is a woman. A devil one . A poisonous one . Exactly like those
beautiful azaleas. One petals from it you can end paralyzed, in coma or dead at all " I said
looking at the beautiful flowers outside. She is like them . Beautiful but poisonous.
" are you thinking of accepting her deal ?" He asked, confused. There are several
thoughts in my mind . They are thoughts that approve of accepting her deal but there are
thoughts telling me not to do the same mistake. I sent my mother with my own hands into the
grave, accepting a deal . Now I don't have anyone to lose besides this empire of mine , where
outside there are impatient people waiting for my mistake or better death.

Furthermore, I am in debt with her . She saved my life twice. she Is the woman that gave me
that beautiful dagger. She had the same daggers with her that day , like the one she gave to
me . I saw how she didn't kill them . She gave a painful death . Looks like that is her method
of killing. Painful death .
" you said that she is grounded?" I said turning with face to him
" yes for helping you " he answered
" start writing, we need to send her a gift for saving my life " I told him, walking to my
chair and sitting on it. I looked up and I saw Xavier looked at me " Do you want a red
carpet to go and do your job ?" I asked him
" no , I am analyzing what will take me and how much time to pursue you again, " he said
and started walking out of my office.

I looked at the dagger on my table and I remembered the promise I had made myself. If
I saw her one more time , then she would be mine . And I keep my promises. She will be mine
. Because there isn't any kingdom without a queen.


" Lea why the hell do you keep torturing them?"My uncle asked but I wasn't torturing
them , I was training them . Since that night that I caught that motherfucker, I have been
" I am not torturing them , I am training them . They know their mistake and they are
willing to fix it , aren't you gentlemens?' I asked them as they were running as they were in
the military. I have been watching videos of military turks and I started training based on
the videos . I like more Turk training than the American one .
" let the men do their jobs and come to rest . Your arm has not been healing yet " my
aunt said like in the past days . Now I understand why they prefer more being caught by my
aunt and Helena than me . They just go easily with them . Their softer heart isn't for this job
. You should scare their shit too , so they know what happened if they go against the rules .
But my aunt kept saying 'the more you treat them as a human the more they will be willing
to give their life for you'. They are paid for this job .

" time to rest , thanks to my aunt " I told man's and they all nodded their heads in
gratitude .
" you are going to be the most cruelest boss of them " my uncle said throwing his arm
around my shoulders
" life is this , isn't it? They are having fun with you on that chair " I told him
" are you trying to tell me to retire ?" He asked playful
" I would appreciate, if you do in this time " I told him
" that is not happening. Stop hoping " he told me and I rolled my eyes
" Lea go and eat , and stop skipping your meal" my aunt scolded me again for this . I was
so into the training that I have been skipping my meal and guards too .

I walked in the kitchen and I saw some of the guards eating too . As soon as I entered , they
got up with meal on their mouth .
" Keep eating " I told them and I sat next to them . Usually I eat with the others , so there
aren't many times that I eat at the same table with the guards . They looked shocked. Well ,
the maids no . I have ate in the same table with them
" Keep eating boys , I don't eat people . Keep talking too , if I wasn't here " I told them and
I started eating as soon as the maid put the food in front of me .

" sir , Cranz is here " one of the guards said to Elinor and he frowned his eyes . Marbas
and Ruslanovich looked at him
" What did he want ?" He asked the guard
" to speak " they heard Cranz's voice as he entered as he was in his property
" how did you enter?' Elinor asked sending one of his hand to the gun
" I might say that I am impressed. Your guards feared more that devil woman than you
" he said smirking to him
" what do you want?" Marbas asked him
" I am here to speak " Cranz answered " none of you but with that devil women " he said
again putting his hands on his pockets
" what do you have to talk about with my daughter?" Elinor asked him again serious
" my business and yours daughter " Cranz told him
" I tooks you two fucking weeks and an half to come at my Sultanım " Azalea said coming
in the scene " I usually don't wait so long but I think It will be worth of it " He added with a
smirk on his face
" I came to see you and bring a little gift for the appreciation " he told her pointing at the
file that Xavier was holding
" I saved your life twice . I think a bigger gift will estimates me , but we can fix at that
paper " she told him with her victory look and smile
" let's talk then " he said simply
" this way , when no body can spy on us " she told him pointing the way of their garden

" your garden looks miserable " he told me as we were walking into the garden with
Xavier and Uncle Teo behind us
" I wasn't a fan of flowers and things . But this was before I met you " I told him smirking
as he sat one of the garden's seats
" Let's go straight to the topic . Why are you doing this , helping me , saving my life ?" He
asked me and I shrugged my shoulder
" let's find it with the time " I told him, smirking and I extended my hand to get the file
and Cranz nodded his head . " Zane is your name?" I asked him as I looked in the bottom of
the Paige his name when she should sign
" you didn't know it ?" He asked me " I thought you made a research for me " he said
putting his arms in both sides of the seat
" I don't do research for those I want to work seriously. Or believe . I want to know them
by myself. I only do research for my enemies " I told him reading his conditions " a pen " I
said and Xavier gave it to me " first , this is fine " I said for the first condition " as long as
we don't betray each other . The one who betrays the other with have his power and his
empire " I said writing down
" are you alright?" He asked me shocked
" yeah , so you better don't betray this alliance " I told him
" you better " he said to me
" I don't betray . Even though it is in my blood " I told him " there are good conditions
but let me put mine . I want full access in your properties as it is you . Access to your man,
work and your room too . I want the power you have at your house " I wrote down there
" that is not going to happen " he told me
" like this deal " I told him
" what happens to me , happens to you " I wrote it down
" what is this supposed to mean ?" He asked me
" I have seen films where the main character happens to do something and other people
don't let the other main characters near the first one . " I said writing my thoughts down
" this is a real life not a movie " he told me
" you will thank me one day " I told him
" if something happens to one of us , the other will take care for his partner's work, job ,
health or whatever " I wrote it down
" wrote it babysitting " he said na I shaked my heads " you will open my calls always, not
longer at third call" he said
" fine by me , you too " I wrote
" are you sure that you are signing about a work deal and not an arranged marriage?"
Xavier asked looking at me and Zane
" yeah , I am hundred percent sure " I told him
" what happens if something happens to you ?" He asked
" there will be peace as long as my Uncles are in line , if there are not , you will have
Nolian empire , only if my sister is including at Mafia's life " I told him
" you are crazy " he told me

" and the opposite. If you die , there is not going to be any other successor in your line
besides me . No you better not trying to kill me and I don't kill you " I told him
" this adapts to me . As long as you sit at my throne " he said and I was taken back by his
words . I wasn't expecting that . "
" you are crazier than I am . The last one . This deal will be 50/50 . No secrets no cheating
no betrayer " I told him
" delete the secret part " he told me
" no , eventually we will tell each other's secrets if we want to believe each other " I told
" how can I trust you ?" He asked me
" like in this moments " I told him and I signed and I gave it to him to sign too . I took my
dagger , the unpoison one and cut my hand , " give me your hand and you keep it " I told
both of them , taking Zane's hand cutting it too and joined our hands together. And put it
over the deal when our mixed blood was dropping down on the sheet between our signs . I
took his thumb , painted it in our blood and put it again under his name and sign " cross
your heart till you die " I told him and I did the same thing with myself too . There is no
going back now . Never . Cranz and Nolian will be one . " congratulations ortak " I told him
extending my hand even it was with blood
" Cross your heart till you die sultanım " he said united again our hands and I laughed.


We entered inside where all were waiting even though I am sure they had seen us join our
hands through the window. The maid came near as and gave both of us a piece of cloth to tie
in our hand .
" ahh I forgot to add , Mordions will be yours, Zykov will be mine " I told him smirking as
I looked at Mr Marbas and that bitch face
" their life or power?" He asked
" you have taken some of his club as I have information. When I take over Zykov we will
share the parts but their life's will be mine . You can have your fun too " I told him
" dad what is she talking about.? You can never take over us " that bitch said
" do you know that at this moment I can take your life and all your family too ?" I asked
her smirking
" but she preferred the painful way " Zane said
" I wasn't wrong when I said that you understand me . I like you man " I told him
" I can give myself the power ,Azalea." Clerk said
" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING ?" that bitch screamed
" I don't want IT that way . I want it to take in the most painful and longest way for your
slutly sister, your manipulated mother and your cheater father " I told him
" you will not take anything from us " she said again
" that anything of yours, isn't yours in the first place . Nothing is yours . Nothing was
supposed to be yours " I told her Smirking

" before you kill her I want to broke her in every possible way that a prostitute can be
broken" Zane said smirking and I laughed
" with pleasure " I told him
" I will send the original deal as soon as we sign the other " he told me and I nodded
" okey, don't forget, what happens to me happens to you " I told him
" you are a beautiful flower but a poisonous one . As Azalea flower " he told me looking at
my face . See around çiçek sultanım " he said before walking away and I turned towards my
uncle smiling
" you better keep your promise this time uncle" I told him and he looked surprised and I
shock maybe
" did it . You signed a deal with Cranz " he said probably? I couldn't read his face
right now
" I told you that I will do " I told him again " just keep aunt near you when you read the
conditions I had made " I told him
" I know that you have made stupid conditions but conditions that will cost Cranz empire
too , if I am not wrong ?" He said and I nodded my head " I am so proud of you Azalea . You
did something that not a man could do " he said to me hugging
" don't be surprised if one day they end married" uncle Teo said smirking
" just don't tell me that you have included it too?" My uncle asked looking down on me
" I might have ask the same power that he have in his empire " I told him like an innocent
" and he accepted it ?" Mr Ruslanovich asked shocked
" bullshit " Aurora said rolling her eyes
" I told you don't be surprised if they end married " Uncle Teo said again
" when I will get the deal , I will print it on a large paper and put it right here , so when
you enter inside to look at it and remember that I have the power that no one in this dammit
room has ." I told her
" Azalea, you are truly a mafia Heir " Clerk said smiling to me " congratulations and the
best" he added
" thanks " I told him smiling and Marbas looked at us shocked and then he smiled
" I am curious what he said in that language. We all understand that he called you
beautiful. That was so romantic by the way " Helena said smiling
" flower , his flower sultan or queen for those who doesn't understand " I said smirking
" I don't like that man , you are my flower, my queen " Uncle said and I smirked
" but it seems that I am his too . A poisonous flower " I added
" my man better romantic like mafia man " Helena murmured


" Xavier gave the orders about that devil woman" I told him as we were entering inside my
sarayi. There is no color , no sounds or noises in this damn castle. There are just beautiful
walls and nothing more .
" how do you want to present her to them , as your future sultanın or as the partner that
has the right of their future queen?" He asked, smirking and I just looked at him . In both
ways , she is the queen, she remains the queen .
What made me curious about her in her house was the Reaction of the Junior Zykov and
his father . He offered to give her their power . His father didn't even flinch about the idea of
her having their power . Their Reaction was the same Reaction of my family when I was
told that I would inherit my family business. Because it was my right as the first born of the
Cranz family. Azalea, is the first born of Nolian . There is a secret between those two
families. And that poison flower, either she knows it but is planning a painful revenge or
she doesn't have a single idea .
" I want you to research if there is any connection between Zykov and Nolian except their
deal . " I said to Xavier
" what kind of connection?" He asked
" family connection or any kind of affair that exists. Search if the illegal child of Zykov
has any affair with Nolian . " I said again
" why don't you just ask Azalean ? You signed an life eternity deal " he asked me
" she is easy adapted with people but not stupid. The illegal Child of him , either must be
an enemy of her or friends of her ." I told him
" If it is a friend of hers, why did she tell you then ?" He asked confused and That made
me think twice
" or maybe she doesn't know at all who that child is . I need to earn her trust first " I told
him " and send one of the trusted men to be part of her man . She is clever that it seems.
Would not be easy to kill her. " I said looking at him
" you want to kill her ?" He asked shocked
" no stupid , I want to protect her . She is the only key now that provides my all life work
to end at my "enemies " hand . This condition will not be known to anyone ." I said strictly
to him
" because if they know , they will try to kill her and her family, giving your their power
and then killing you " he said understanding the point " she knows how to play dirty " he
added smirking
" get out now and send her the original copy of the deal . " I ordered him before going
back to my work .


" you trusted him so much to give him so much power " my uncle asked me as he was
reading the deal with me , Mr Marbas, Mr Ruslanovich , My aunt , and Uncle Toe in his
" now he has a better point to kill you " Mr Ruslanovich said

" how can you put yourself in danger ?" Mr Marbas asked irritated
" I think that is my family's line to say to me " I addressed to him " look Uncle, if he dies ,
his empire is mine too . So..
" So a better reason for him to kill you ." Mr Marbas said again
" so , it looks like he has enemy who wants him dead and he accepted my condition
immediately, so he can not kill me " I said
" a better reason for you to be dead and your family too " Mr Ruslanovich said
" Do you know that this condition of yours has put your life and ours in danger Azalea?"
My uncle asked
" no , Helena's life will never be in danger because it is clearly written as water that she
never is going to inherit this family's line . You and aunt can easily step down and go and
enjoy your life , so it will be mine and Uncle Teo ." I told him
" so you have calculated all our life's but, what about yours and Mateos?" My aunt asked
" I am honored and happier dieing serving Azalea and risking my life in every her
decision " uncle Teo said and I smiled at him
" I am not afraid to die ,as long as doest come from him , this is important for me .
Loyalty " I said strictly serious
" how can you trust him ?" Mr Ruslanovich asked
" I first trust him than the man that was supposed to be my father " I told him
" Let this , but being even his babysitter?" My uncle asked with raising eyebrow and I
shrugged my shoulders in innocently
" I told you don't be surprised if one day the end married " uncle Teo said smirking
" I think I am tired being single, so where it can be better opportunity showing how a
good girlfriend can I be in the if it isn't in sickness " I told him
" she is driving me nuts " my uncle said looking at aunt
" Soon she will be 20 and yet you haven't learned her jokes with you . " my aunt told him
" but who knows , he called her flower , and his too " Uncle Teo said, smirking too .
" you are the worst influence " Uncle pointed at him " I made a mistake back then
letting you guarding her " he said
" the worst one " Mr Marbas said to him looking with hate Uncle Teo
" if there isn't anything else gentleman , I am leaving. Uncle if there is something else
about the deal that you don't like , it is going to be the best " I told him smiling
" I know that you are trying to take my place slowly but I am not going to submit. Yet . So
get out now . " he said to me
" Does that mean I am not grounded anymore? Oh thank you uncle, because I was so
close to killing that bitch " I told him and walked out of his office before he had the chance to
speak. I started walking happily when Alex made himself noticed in front of me . There was
a hint of jealousy on his eyes .
" how did you get him working with you ?Did you sleep with him ?" He asked crossing his
" not yet , but I believe soon . Don't worry I will tell you if he is going to satisfy me enough
" I told him smirking
" and yet you call Aurora bitch " he said smirking at looking down and up at me

" I might be a bitch but a classy one . And this bitch just signed a deal that you couldn't
even imagine about it " I told him and he rolled his eyes
" enjoy it as you have time " he told me
" why ? Are you going to run at your daddy to tell him to marry that bitch and then to
end me?" I asked him, smirking " you can not end me " I told him and I made a step
forward towards him " she doesn't have any power . I am the one who has on her hand
Zykov, Nolian and in the future Cranz " I told him " It must be very embarrassment for
your dad to have a son that isn't capable making a man working with him " I ended
smirking and he grabbed my arm tightly it has he looked at me
" until yesterday you were all over me " he said to me
" I came with the result that you aren't enough for me . I need a man . No sorry, let me
correct it . I want a man , not a boy in the whole meaning. " I said to him,'' closing the small
space between us " . After all, I am a woman not a girl . Make the difference " I whispered in
his ear and then I took some steps away from him and started walking with a victory smile
on my face . Nobody is going to destroy my day . Not that even bitch .
" I need your help" I heard Helena walking towards me
" to kill somebody and to look like an accident or to destroy every proof on a dead body
that no one can clarify him or her? Or you want to just kill somebody ?" I asked her she
frowned her eyebrows
" Oh good no . You are cruel " she said to me
" than how can I help you . I don't know " normal life " so please ask me ?" I asked her
" what to do ?" She asked me
" about to die or kill ?" I asked again
" Ugh Azalea " she screamed " what to do about him " she showed her phone and there
were Xavier's motherfucker text messages with her . Iww, that Is supposed to be lovely,
romantic text messages?
" I am going to kill him " I said giving back her phone
" nooo " she said stopped me
" do you like this motherfucker?" I asked her and she blushed and nodded " Do you like
his awful messages and his kisses?" I asked her again
" I think yes . They make me smile " she said dreaming in her land
" have he fuck you ? In the whole meaning?" I asked again and she blushed harder then
the first time
" not yet. But he might give some explore " she said murmuring but I heard her
" here it comes the important question. If he was murdered will you cry and be sad ?" I
asked her
" yeah of course, everyone will be sad and cry for their crush " she answered
" if he dies by accidently or any sickness, will you ?" I asked again
" yeah , of course " she answered again
" Nobody cries and will be sad about their crush if he dies " I told her. " You have fallen
in love with him and you are at the wrong address for this. I don't make therapy about this
field " I told her
" don't make jokes Azalea " she said again

" I am not , you have fallen in this trap . I am sorry for you . If you want Love advice go
to your parents. If you want life and murdering advice I am here " I told her tapping her
" you are the worst advisor, " she told me, " how can I leave this trap ." She asked me .
" there is only one away. Him to die . Don't worry , I will accept your thanks after you
pass the grief " I told her and she started making fake crying
" what is it , lazy princess?" Uncle Teo asked her
" I told her that I am going to kill her crush " I answered
" who is the lucky bastard ?" He asked again
" for making me falling in love with him or for being murdered by her ?" Helena asked
" of course for being murdered by her " he answered and I started laughing
" you both are gross " she said
" we know. If Lea don't kill him, your father and me will kill him " Uncle Teo said
" why don't you kill Cranz then ?" She asked crossing her arms
" for him I don't have balls . For that is she " he answered pointing his finger at me
" I haven't fallen in love with him Uncle." I told him because he was giving me that
suspicious look . That looks that he knows something
" we will speak after some times " he answered
" let's make a deal " Helena said smirking
" gosh no . Your dealing are terrible " I told her
" I will not have sex with Xavier and you are not going to kill him until you I heard that
you have fallen I love with Cranz or like him" she said
" you are going to be rusty Until then " I told her
" you are gross " uncle Teo said " but I am into it " He said smirking
" sweet dreams both of you " I told them while walking away . They are crazier. What
makes them think that I will fall in love with Zane? That I will fall in love anyway ? Love is
like a beautiful lie . Like life . First it kidnaps you and makes you experience the most
beautiful part of it . Then slowly start displaying itself with pain and grief .
Love is something you can't have until your end . It can be your end or the ones you love .
The stories of true love don't exist anymore. Even if they do ,they don't end together.
Because love isn't always enough for having the happy end with true love. Loyalty,
friendship should be the first thing in a relationship rather than the love for having a happy
end and true love .
My mum's love for that man is the perfect example that can define me the word or the
feeling of love . Their love wasn't enough, even their friendship because the faithfulness
wasn't there for that true love to be until in eternity.


I was walking in the Sarayi smiling knowing that I have power here too . How the guards
bowed their heads when I was walking. Ahhh it feels so good being in power.
" you " I heard a female voice and I turned back to see who was and was his majesty
whore .

" Yes ?" I said in question and raised one of my eyebrow
" what do you think you are ?" She asked and it seems she was irritated
" a queen, but if you want you can go at you boss and ask him who I am " I told her
" you are just another bitch that is going to lose soon . There is one queen in this place
and I am " she said and I rolled my eyes .
"First, I might be a bitch or his but I am a classy bitch . From a classy family and not
from the streets " I told her Smirking and then I took a step forward and she took a step
back. I don't understand those stupid people who act like stong but actually they are more
afraid than a mouse . " second , if there is one queen in this place , I am and no one can be
me . Again if you want to go and ask your boss like a queen you are . Ups , you can't.
Because you are just a bitch and nothing. And that way you would stay forever " I told her
Smirking and then turned my back to her and started walking upstairs.
Those stupid people . They think that they are important only if they are fucked by their
boss . Bitches , sultan Sylejman had 8 concubines and only with one he married. He had 8
concubines but only one he kissed her hand. He had 8 concubines but only one he loved and
searched the world for her and turned off all the lights of his sarayi, erased all the colors
and the luxury of his sarayi when she died . The moral bitches . Only one was in his heart .

The guards opened the door of Zane's office without a question and I entered inside
" you know every time I come here , I feel myself like Hürrem or Kosem sultan " I said to
him as I sat one of the chairs in front of his desk.
" Do you want a crown , like hers ?" He asked without looking at me
" you know their history " I said smiling
" I am Turkish, did you forget it ?" He said " guards " he called and one of them entered
" call Xavier " he said without looking too
" the right person that I want to kill " I said and this time Zane looked at me .
" how do you know Turkish?" He asked, leaning back on his chair .
" I was obsessed with power and history even when I was child . Looking on the internet I
saw pages about the significant time of turkey and I started watching them more than
Americans. And I requested my uncle that I wanted to learn turkey and I did " I told him
" you could simply said that I was impressed by movies and took lessons " she said and the
door opened and inside walked Xavier
" yes , Cranz?" He asked and was looking at him to find out how to kill him .
" when I said that she can come and go freely I didn't say that nobody to notified me that
she is coming " he said and rolled my eyes
" get over it. This is going to happen every time " I told him " you motherfucker " I said
looking at Xavier
" me ?" He asked curious
" I don't see another motherfucker around , do you " I said to him " stop playing with my
sister otherwise you are going to be a dead meat " I told him
" I am not playing with her " he said

" yeah, and I know how to cut all you body pieces in pieces " I told him " stop it or the
next poison will be on your food " I threatened at him " or the next dagger in you ugly face "
I added
" let clarify it . If your sister doesn't want to talk with me , she can easily say it " He said
" that is what she was doing not answering your calls but motherfucker like you goes at
her room , sent her disgusting and awful text messages " I told him
" there were romantic messages " he said
" romantic my ass . She isn't going to sleep with you . Find another obsession " I told him
" I am not …"
" Get out of both of you . " we heard Zane
" order your man to stay away from my sister" I told him
" the torture room is underground " he said again
" let's go " I said getting up
" are you crazy? " the motherfucker said towards Zane " are trying to kill the only best
man and your true friend?" He asked him
" true friend of my ass " I said again touching a object on the desk
" stop saying that " Zane said , getting the object from my hand " do you have rules at
your house ?" He asked
" yes , one . Especially for me . Not to kill the guest " I said
" Apparently you don't have one. Here are some rules . The one and only important,
DON'T TOUCH MY THINGS " he said carefully with a loud voice
" I hear , I am not deaf " I told him " but I don't follow rules . Sorry buddy " I told him
" you make me insane " he said getting up
" you are not the only one who say that to me "
" ama iyi bir şekilde ." [ but in a good way ] . He murmured something in Turkish but I
didn't hear it because let's say I was busy analyzing that he is taller than me . Looking at our
height right now , I look like a mouse in his body. I need to start wearing heels when I am
around him .
" where are we going?" I asked him as we were walking down, my hand tied with his that
I don't know when we ended walking. Probably when I was checking out his body . I don't
know why I like his body even with his clothes on him? Why I am attracted to his body?
And why I feel a fucking heat when I am around him , from my fingers of foots until to my
dead cell of my Hair ? Looks like I am the one who needs to check herself.
" are you listening to me ?" I heard him and I looked up . He was looking at me too.
Calmly but not too calm. His facial features weren't relaxed enough. But he was handsome
" I was zoned out checking you out . I need to wear heels now , not to be so short in
contrast with you " I told him smiling
" don't wear them . You are good like this " he said and then he started walking again " I
was saying , that you aren't enough trained " he said to me
" I am " I told him
" Maybe for the chair, yes , but not outside of it. I saw you that day . You didn't kill the
enemy " he said to me and I looked my hands

" I don't kill people . Or yes . I don't kill with my hands . I never had . My uncles always
killed them for me . Maybe I have tortured people and stabbed them but never kill " I told
him looking my hands . I felt to fingers on my chin and slowly my head was raising
" looked at me, " he said and I looked into his eyes . They were beautiful. Like The sea .
There was a calm blue on him mixed with the hint of the brown. The sea and the sand. "
There is only one rule on this damn word Aza " he said to me and I smiled at his nickname
for me . He has taste " either you kill them or they kill you . There is no a white soul in this
world . Everyone had blood on their hands or life . You are the queen little flower . You take
life and you spare it . So The next time you , benim küçük flower, when you have the
enemy's throat in your hand , you cut it . Understand ?" He asked me but I was stuck at his
other nickname
" I like your nicknames for me " I told him and he exhaled
" you stopped there in all the words I said?" He asked
" yes " I answered
" well somebody complained about being called classy bitch by me " he said and I started
laughing as we started walking again
" Well , I didn't know that sultans would actually listen to our complaints " I told him and
his lips twisted in the corner. He was trying to laugh but not to make it absolutely. I like
this man , he better not to betray me . Otherwise I will be the one who is going to be sad
about killing him.


" you know where your house is ?" My uncle asked me as soon as I entered
" yeah " I answered him .
" are you okay ?" Mr Marbas asked as soon as sat down in the couch
" yeah , tired " I told him
" what did you do that you are tired ?" Helena asked smirking and I smirked at her too
" killing that motherfucker first " I told her and her smirk was wiped from her face
" you bitch . We made a deal " she said and started hitting me with pillow
" no you made it with Uncle Teo " I told her smiling
" this scene makes me laughing " I heard Clerk
" if you are a good bro…. Human came and help me Herr " I told him . For a bit I was
saying brother.
" don't you dare coming " Helena told him
" sorry сестра " he said smiling and everyone looked him shocked and the silence
captured the room
" Lena , if she has killed him , you should thank her" my uncle broke the silence
" can you stop ? I am enough tired " I told her " and I didn't kill him . Not for now . " I
added and suddenly she threw her self over me and started hugging me . Definitely she
suffers from disorder personality.
" we made a deal and you would stay it " she said

" that was confusing " Clerk said again
" ask me " I told him
" since when you have started talking like human people ?" Helena asked
" since he said that he loved his illegal sister more than the bitch has now " I said and
Marbas looked again him surprised
" who the hell love her " Helena said " without hurting you Mr.Marbas. but the truth is
this. Your daughter is a bitch . She even tried to put me against Leas by saying that my
parents loves her more than me . " Helena told him and he frowned his eyebrows
" you know that is true " I told her and she rolled her eyes .
" I am sorry to heard this girls " he said and I rolled my eyes
" you should be , now that you cannot educate her " I told him " I think that the other
daughter is more educated than her . In the end of the day she isn't raised by you and your
manipulated slutly wife " I told him and again just saw grief in his eyes and then in his face .
" it isn't father's fault " Clerk said and I looked confused him " even today he is suffering
about his love . My mum raised her like that " he said and even Mr.Marbas looked shocked.
" are you sure that you are related to this family?" Helena asked shocked too.
" I know how to surprise people " he said smirking
" if I didn't know you , I would say that you are my brother " I told him and he smiled
happily . Well that went good .
" khekhe " my uncle made a fake cough.
" what happened Uncle ? Hasn't my aunt giving it to you ?" I asked smirking at him
" Azalea " My aunt scolded me
" every night . Don't worry about it " my uncle said smirking too .
" you are disgusting " Helena said
" why are you tired?" He asked
" I didn't give it to him . Yet " I added " he trained me " I said simply
" he did what ?" My uncle and Mr Marbas asked in the same time
" in which meaning ? Bed or fight?" Clerk asked smirking
" Clerk " Mr Marbas scolded him and he shrugged his shoulders .
" he trained me Uncle about missions " I answered
" why would he trained you anyway ?" Mr Marbas asked
" maybe I wasn't good when I saved him " I answered him
" or maybe he wanted to spend time with you and used that pretekst " Helena said
" don't start that bullshit " I told her " I would tell uncle about that motherfucker in your
room " I whispered at her and she immediately shutted up. Definitely, I have to kill this


" Clerk " I said entering at his room

" yes dad ?" He said looking at me

" about what you called Azalea downstairs.." I started to ask him but he interrupted me
" I know, She is my sister and your daughter " he told me smiling. Well that was strange.
" I love her , she understands me better that Aurora " he said and sat next to him
" I am glad that you love her. " I told him
" I know that I sound like a pussy now , but she doesn't love me or us ,dad . She will never
after she will discover who are we " he said and he sounded disappointed too . This is my
" this is my fault " I told him
" I would say mum's. You have to be blind not to see your love for that women " he said
and I didn't know until today that my son could understand me so better .
" how did you know that she is your sister ?" I asked him
" I heard you and Mr Elinor talking at his office one day . I was shocked in the beginning
because I wasn't expecting her as our sister but thinking about what she had been through, I
started understanding her . She was raised without her parents, and I am with parents and
sometimes I feel that I am like her " he said and I hugged him . I didn't know what my
children had thought. It's like Helena's curse has started.
" I am so sorry. It wasn't my intention to make you feel like that. I just …, don't know
how is living since Helena has died " I told him as my eyes started filling with water .
" I don't know , if it is curse or something else that both of us have something for girls
with name Helena " he told me and I chuckled
" trust me , it is a curse .the One that can destroy you in the most painful way " I told him
" stay away from her Clerk , I don't want to lose you . Not he same way I had lose my Helena
and my daughter " I told him
" yeah , Azalea told me too . I would try " he said to me
" Azalea told you ? Since when ? Since when did you start talking? If I have a good
memory , I don't remember that you both had a good relationship?' I asked him
" I talked with her when she got hurt . We talked like people. She doesn't like my mum
and Aurora. Actually she was so normal when we talked . She made me feel like a brother "
he said smiling
" she will love you , you are her baby bother " I told him
" don't use that word again dad " he told me " does mum know?" He asked and I nodded
" Aurora no , because she would be crazy right now when are you going to tell Azaleas the
truth?" He asked and I looked at the ground . I don't have an answer for this .
" I don't think I am going to tell her . She hates me , and she would hurt you , your sister
and the most important herself like her mother did to me . I don't want to lose her Clerk . I
don't want to lose your sister . Not now that I found her . I promised her that I would stay as
a stranger " I told him and I felt him hugging me
" I don't want to lose her too . If being a stranger to her protects her , so let it be " he said
and I smiled proudly for the boy I have . " I don't think mafia leader is for me father " he
said to me and I was taken back from his words
" what are you saying?" I asked him
" both of us know that I am not suitable for it. Azalea deserves it in all meaning " he said
to me and I was looking at him confused . No one will give up this position. " I don't want a

life like yours dad . I want a normal life and a happy life too . Not like yours " he said to me
and now I was understanding what that marriage had caused or the choices I have made .
Not one only life but had destroyed six lives. It's all my fault.

" mum , do you know what that son of yours did ?" Aurora told her mother after she
found her in the room. " he told father to give his pozicion to that bitch " she told her
" what ?" Her mother asked, shocked, " whose?" She asked again
" I heard him saying that he loves that bitch that is illegal. Your son is going crazy,
mum . Why did both of them love that bitch so much even to give her our family pozicion?"
She asked, walking around the room . But her mum knows why both of them had started
loving her . She thought of telling her daughter too but she remembered that that could be a
victory for that devil . And she said with herself that she isn't going to let her win
" what your father say ? Did you listen to him?" Her mother asked again
" he didn't answer. And mum you know that when mother uses the silence it means yes "
she said alarmed " do you know what that means mum . She can kill us . She took every
award- winning on the violin from me . She took the power. She is taking my dad and Clerk
too. And now our family?" She said alarmed " we need to stop Clerk mum " she added
" Where is he ?" Her mum asked
" I don't know ,somewhere with those bitches." she said .

I was standing a few steps away from those fucking whore and Clerk , listening to them or
better hearing Her scolding Clerk for being so lovely with me and his words too.
It feels better knowing that I have put her son against her , and her husband too . If I kill
that manipulated whore , that bitch will be alone ,without her brother and father besides
her .
" you will go and talk with your father right now telling him that you want our family
pozicion" I heard her telling him
" no , I would not talk to him . You are not going to force me mother . If Aurora is
capable, let her take it. But she isn't. She isn't capable of nothing besides swearing " he told
him and that bitch tried hitting him but she catches her hand " father knows your true face
Aurora . You will not be his favorite daughter anymore . Because our sister had taken it with
time . " he added and I smiled . I started liking this guy . The way he protect his sister and
without knowing her .
" shut up Clerk " his mother told him
" no one can take what is mine" that bitch said
" what is yours? Our father ? Our family? The luxury? Nothing is yours Aurora. If
mother hasn't been the evil bitch and separated father from his love you would not be here
today . If you aren't a tired mum living just a low woman , tired of humiliation, you can
make your favorite child like yourself but me no . I am not going to live this life of yours
when you are the true villain " he said and I was shocked too . I wasn't accepting him being

so honest. And that manipulated bitch was angry , irritated and shocked to hear his son's
confessions. I know what was going to happen next and that is why I decided to interfere . I
might be a villain but I stood next to the truth.
She raised her hand to hit him but I caught her and tightened it .
' Azalea " Clerk whispered, surprised, watching me there and they looked angry and
afraid . You should be bitch .
" don't you dare to raise your hand ever again over him " I told her clenched my teeth
" it isn't any of your problem , " that bitch said but I ignored her and watchet Sonia that
was ready to pass out
" or I cut it " I threatened and than with a move I broke her hand
" AHAAAA" she started screaming and the bitch runned at her and so was Clerk but I
stopped him
" DAD " she started screaming and I kneeled on their nivel .
" I have just started Sonia. And this is nothing . Next time think carefully when you try
to raise a hand over him , because no one can . Even if you are his mother " I whispered at
her " and you know very well " I added
" what is going one ?" My aunt asked running towards us with the others
" Sonia ?" Mr Marbas asked
" she broke my mum's hand dad" that bitch said acting like she was crying
" Azalea?" My aunt scolded me " Bring the doctor " she ordered one of the guards
" now why Azalea ? Are you trying to put us on vengeance with them ?" My uncle asked
" she isn't going to live a long life anyway . And there is only one person who can use
violence in his house and that I am " I told him
" she tried to …." Clerk started speaking but I stopped him
" I have said a hundred times, probably thousands. This is my home , my kingdom. I
don't let no one to play the boss role here . Teach them Mr.Marbas that they aren't at their
home . If you want our help , then start respecting me and my rules ." I told him and he
looked back at them . I saw that he was clenching his teeth because his muscles were teased .
" take your whores out my sight " I added and then walked away from them . This work has
been postponed too much . It is time to start ending things .

Chapter 11

The violin melody had filled again that room where I was playing in the darkness. I like
the darkness because there is no false hope in contrast with life . Every sound that I made
through the violin in the darkness makes me feel safe . Some people would think that they
are just sounds but actually they are feelings that can fill the empty place in your soul .

I finished my play ,this time with a soft and gentle melody . The lights filled the room again
and I saw the only man that was leaving and the others were back at their food or
conversation until the next performance. It is more like a high class restaurant where you
can enjoy classical music . And only the true rich people come here .

I quickly walked off the stage and went to put my violin in its place to catch the man who
was leaving after my performance.
" Where did he go?" I asked my uncle
" Cranz? To the club " he answered and I smiled at him . I started walking to the next
club where I found him for the first time . Looks like he enjoys the classic music and the
crazy one . I walked the stairs and saw him exactly at the same spot as the first time . With
other sluts . And with the bastard.
" So after the classic music you came here ?" I asked sitting at their table
" what are you doing here ?" Zane asked moving one of the sluts from his body to see me
better because she was blocking him from seeing me .
" do you know each other ?" Iono asked curious
" he is my partner and I am his " I answered laying back on the couch and crossing my
legs where the opened part of the pants I was wearing was lift and my thighs was on display
for him .
" does father know about it?" He asked again
" how about you go and ask him ? Ups you can't. You are cut out from our family tree "
I told him smirking and I took Zane's glass and started drinking from it .
" leave " he said to the whores looking at me . I can feel his eyes on my body , on my thighs
and it is burning me . From inside . " Are you trying to seduce me ?" He asked, coming next
to me, putting his hands on my thighs and tightening his grip . I felt the butterflies in my
female part .

" if you are indicating by my seducing when you had 3 whores over you , that means you
aren't satisfied " I whispered to him and he took his glass from me .
" man this is disgusting " we heard Iono and we both looked at him
" why are you here yet ?" I asked him
" I was spending time with my friend " he said
" don't you have any whore to fuck ?" I asked him again
" she isn't a whore . She is my girlfriend " he said clenching his teeth
" the same shit " I told him
" aren't you the cranz whores too ?" He asked me
" I don't know . Ask him " I said looking at Cranz
" If she is , she would be a classy whore . But she isn't " he said as I was looking at him
surprised by his words. If it was someone else , he would say yes to brag himself .
" I want to drink , and you sultanım will send me home " I told him getting up
" Where are you going ?" He asked grabbing my hand
" at the bar . Enjoy your time " I told him and started walking away . It has been a while
since I was drunk . This time I want to be drunk to enjoy myself and not to point out my
problems . I sit one of the chairs and looked the bartender
" whiskey. The strongest one " I ordered and haven't pass a few minutes when Zane sat
next to me
" why are you drinking?" He asked
" I want to enjoy myself tonight . I broke the Marbas's whore hand " I answered to him
and the bartender placed the glass in front of me . I looked at Zane and his lips were twisted.
" I need to drink and to think a worst way to kill her " I said
" why do you want to kill her ?" He asked me
" this is a drama for another time . Do you have any family?" I asked him
" didn't had Sultan Suleiman ?" He asked me
" so I don't need to predict your family status and relationships " I said to him " why do
you like Azalea ?" I asked him
" because it is beautiful " he said looking at me and I looked away and took a slip from
my drink." You have loving issue " he said
" and you trusted issue " I told him
" karanlık bahçemde beyaz bir açelya gibisin. [ you look like a white Azalea in my darkness
garden] . He said to me
" what does mean Açelya ? " I asked him
" you smell " he said and I smirked
" like what ?' I asked again and he came near me and he found the way to my bare thighs
looking in my eyes .
" Açelyam gibi [ my Azalea] . He said again . That dam heat had started again . And
more now." I can feel your vagina asking for my attention Açelyam . " he whispered again,
moving his hand upwards . Exactly on my vagina. Over my pants . My back was curved over
the bar , my legs had itself opened welcoming him that now was standing between my legs ,
adjacent To me , with a finger on my pussy drawing a line between the folds , and the other
on my thighs. I could feel his erection too on my stomach. And that turned me on more .

" your pussy is asking for me Açelyam. You have wetted my finger by now even with your
pants on . And I can feel your walls asking me too. Also you can feel my penis on your
stomach right now . How hard it is for you . How much he wants to replace my finger . " He
whispered now in my ear and all I could do was tighten myself on the chair and breathe
deeply. The music and the people around me now have disappeared. All I can think is his
finger , his penis and him all over me .
" do you imagine feeling my bare penis inside you ? On your bare body ? Coming all over
you ?" He asked me and I can not take it anymore . Not this fucking pleasure. This feeling.
He makes me feel small , someone that should be protected. Around him, I am not myself.
" either give me something or leave " I whispered to him and he looked in my eyes .
" no here , no if I haven't taken you in my room first " he whispered but he didn't leave
with that . He took his finger away from my pussy and put it in his mouth. He licked it and
then smirked at me. " Delicious, " he said and took my glass. He drank it with end and
without knowing what happened he crashed his lips with mine , passing the alcohol down to
me . His fucking lips were fire . His kisses were like a blow up . It was perfect. The most
delicious kisses I have ever experienced .

Cranz pov

Kissing her was a mistake . Touching another mistake . Because I don't get enough from
her lips , kisses , body . It was a poisonous moment that poisoned me with her body , beauty
and her flirty words . Since the day I met her , she has been in my mind for different reasons.
But now , I am sure that she will keep staying for her . She is very confident for a young
woman . It seems she knows the world better than you can think . She is different and
beautiful. But dangerous and poisonous.

I took her in my arms and walked straight into her house . She had fallen asleep after two
bottles of strong whiskey and dozens of my kisses . I wonder how she would taste . Wipe
those thoughts for now Zane . You can think about them in your body.

" what… Azalea, is she okay?" Her father asked rushing towards me
" she is asleep and drunk " I answered serous
" I'll take her, " he said and he tried to take her . I thought for a second if I should put
myself in her bed or let her father . But if I put myself in her bed I would not keep my hands
for myself. So I let him take her from me . Only this time. Because the next time she would
be in my bed , with her body on me . " Thank you " he said and I nodded. I turned my back
and started walking out but as soon as I arrived outside I heard Zykov’s voice calling
" Cranz " he called and I stopped . With my hands on pocket I turned towards him
" what do you want ? I don't have time to talk shits with you .hell I don't talk shits with
my enemies " I told him
" stay away from her " he said to me very seriously and I was trying to understand whom
he was talking to. The last time I checked I was with Nolian not with Zykov .

" your daughter was next to you . " I told him
" I was talking about Azalea" he said to me and I took a step towards him " stay away
from her " he said again
" or what? Are you going to betray Nolian's deal ?" I asked him, smirking " or killing
me ?" I asked again " your power is lost now Zykov. You have been powerless since that
woman died . What was her name ? " u asked smirking
" d.don't you dare mention her " he said clenching his teeth
" Helena. Beautiful name . I am sure that she was beautiful too . " I said
" stay away from Azalea or I don't care that I am powerless but I will kill you " he said
grab me shirt
" You are no one to tell me what to do . You are Zykov and she is a Nolian. Even her
father hasn't complained like you fucking pervert " I told him
" he isn't her father, " he said irritated and I looked him confused.
" you stay away from my Flower or no one can stop me from hurting you in the worst
way than Helena did to you " I threatened him and with a last serious look I turned my back
to him and started walking .

" man The girl you saw in your boss' arms is the most terrible person in this house " I
heard one of the guards talking to my man .
" how can she be terrible ?" One my man asked and I stopped listening
" Saying terrible is fine but she is worse than the devil . Once she was a child and forced
one of us to put on fire one of the guards because she heard him telling that she was just a
girl . She sat in the chair and looked at him neutral as he was screaming and burning. " I
heard and I smiled. She is crazy.
" I heard That she poisoned Zykov’s daughter only because she said he was going with a
married man," he said and I frowned my eyebrow. She better has a good explanation. " and
made his wife kneel before her , apologize and kiss her shoes " he finished . This woman had
exceeded my expectations.
" if it wasn't for the boss' wife's, everyone would be a statue with hundreds of eyes, "
another said and I started walking. I stopped only when I was In front of the guards and
looked at them . They all are more afraid of her than their boss. This only the powerful
leaders can do . And she is . I need a cold shower or a quick fuck to remove her from my

" good morning" I said sitting on the table with a whole fucking pain in my head
" Cranz brought you home in his arms " Helena said smirking
" Because I told him, " I said, " where is uncle and the others ?" I asked when I saw that
the men weren't at the table .
" they are dealing with something that has come up " my aunt answered
" for example?" I asked again and she shrugged her shoulders
" I am not usually interested in your uncle's business beautiful " she said to me and I

" as a future leader you should be with them and not drinking " Alex said and I looked up
at him
" and you as a man you are should be with them and not with women " I told him simply
" We need to raise our security " I heard my uncle's voice. " beautiful you are wake " he
said kissing me Forehead and Mr Marbas looked hurt with that scenes
" yah , one night I went out and something happened " I said to him " what is it ?" I asked
" Mordions had found one of our whereabouts " he said to me
" How is that possible?" I asked shocked " no one knows our whereabouts besides you ,
me Uncle Teo and some our trusted man " I said .
" it seems that you don't have a trusted man " that bitch said
" now what? " My aunt asked
" I am sure that they are planning something big, " he said. " Who are they ?" My uncle
asked Uncle Teo and I turned to look that there are standing 5 man with him
" Cranz sent them for Azalea " Uncle Teo answered " your bodyguards now . " he added
" why did he send you ?" I asked them
" He wants to protect your life and to make sure that no one comes near you, " he said,
looking at Marbas direction.
" you can go now " uncle told them
" We take orders only from Miss Azalea and our boss . And we have strictly orders to be
there where Miss Azalea is " one of them said again
" is your boss okay ? When I said that his sarayi makes me feel like a true sultan I wasn't
saying that I need 5 bodyguards " I said to them
" I think he did the right thing " my uncle said and I looked surprised at him . This day
has begun straightly .
" are you okey uncle ?" I asked him
" you never give a right another man , especially about us " Helena asked surprised too
" We are in a serious situation, so I have to give him right . Now no one but no one should
leave the house . And when I say no one it means for you young ladies " he said pointing in
our direction. We both looked each other before speaking
" oh come on uncle/ oh come on father " we both said in the same time
" I need to go to Zane , training with him " I told him
" let's cranz came here " Mr Marbas said
" his house is better than ours " I told him
" it is dangerous Azalea" My uncle said
" Oh bullshit uncle. Every second of life is dangerous. This life is dangerous. We don't
know from where our death is coming " I told him and he exhaled " I have bodyguards now
and I will go every single day " I told him and MR Marbas looked at my uncle like he was
trying to say stop her
" do something about me " Helena whispered at my ear
" you darling sister, will have guards too . Three of you will be everywhere where my
sister go " I said to my guards

" But we have orders only for you ." Again one of them said
" and I am ordering you to . Your boss orders mine too . Now chose who is going to guard
her " I told them
" I said to go out , not to have guards " she said to me
" sorry , I can't help there " I told her " for aunt you can think something and everything
is fine " I told
" what about the others ?" My uncle asked
" I don't care about them . They aren't my blood or family. So let them burn " I said
smirking looking at their faces in front of me .


I walked to Zane office but the man standing there stopped me

" sir isn't inside " one of them said and I looked them
" he has changed location " I said chuckling " where is he ?" I asked them and they
hesitated for a second
" down , in the girls room " the other said and I rolled my eyes . That motherfucker. Men
definitely can keep it in their pants . I turned around and started walking to the Girls room .
He definitely has no idea what is going on outside , does he ?
I heard moaning and that made my body shivering in disgust. Hearing moaning of whores
is definitely disgusting. I opened the door and I saw the back of him with clothes on it
pumping inside his toy . Who fuck with clothes on ? Only Zane Cranz.
As he had felt my eyes on him he turned back his head and looked surprised seeing me
there .
" what are you doing here do early ?" He asked to get out of her and that bitch was naked
and looked angry that I interrupted her achieving her orgasm . And then she smirked at me
" boss " she called him but he was zipping up his pants
" if I had known that I was going to found you fucking your Cariyeler, then I would not
have came . Anyway who fucks with clothes on ?" I asked him as I was leaning on the door .
" because isn't an important fuck " he said to me as he was walking towards
" you better wash yourself with acid before you touch me " I told him and he chuckled
" breakfast?" He asked
" not anymore , your cariyeler's disgusting moans make me throw up " I told him and
walked away from him . I saw the table had been set up for breakfast and I sat there . I
wasn't in the mood to eat anymore . people know how to run my mood .
" why did you come so early?" He asked, sitting on top of the table .
" should there be a reason to come?" I asked him " did you wash yourself ?" I asked him
" you didn't say that last night " he said smirking at me
" There is a difference, sultanım . I am I and she is a whore . Make the difference " I
told him
" you are delicious " he said again smirking

" why have you built such a damn big sarayi , to live alone with your guards and
concubines?" I asked him . I haven't seen any other people besides the people who work
here .
" to remind myself that I am a sultan?" He said more in a question
" or to remind yourself that you are alone " I said smirking and he stopped eating and
looking at me
" what do you understand about the definition of alone ? You are growing up in a family "
he said to me serious
" and yet , alone like you " I said " don't worry we have time to tell each other's secrets.
Now , one of our whereabouts has been attacked. Thanks by the way for guards but I didn't
need 5 so 3 of them I put in my sister service " I told him smiling
" you don't understand, do you ?" He asked me
" I don't need 6 guards. My uncle is enough for me but anyway " I told him
" what is your relationship with zykov ?" He asked and I was taken back from his
question . Did he notice? Did he understand?
" why do you ask ?" I asked him serious
" no secrets , no betrayer and no cheating remember Açelyam " he said looking at me "
now what is your relationship with him , sultanım ?" He asked again
" again why do you ask ?" I told him
" he stopped me when I sent you home . Told me to stay away from you " he said and I
exhaled. That damn old man
" if you are asking about sexual releashonship don't worry . Yes I am into older man than
me but not into my father's age " I told him relaxing
" who is he for you ?" He asked again and I questioned myself too . Who is he for me ?
Answer . None .
" no body . My enemy's father . And my enemy " I told him
" He doesn't sound like an enemy to him " he said as I rolled my eyes .
" Here is when the drama starts . You are cleverer than that sultanım . Don't disappoint
me." I told him smirking and he looked puzzled . Like trying to solve in his head all the
drama. Man you need a therapist for this .


" mum , I found a way how to remove that bitch from out life " Aurora told her mother
smiling and showing her phone to her
" what is this ?" She asked
" if we cook oleander flower and she drinks it she will die or worse be paralyzed " she said
" Aurora, this is dangerous. If they found out they will not leave us living " her mother
told her terrified by the idea

" No one will suspect us . She drinks it in the evening and she will die in sleep or paralyzed
" she said, laughing evil . She took the phone from her mother and ordered a bucket of
oleander flowers.
Now no one is going to save you


" what about your whereabouts?" Zane asked me us I was going at my car
" you find a way and call me " I told him, turning my back to him but I felt his body
against mine . " are you trying to seduce me ?" I asked him
" is it working ?" He whispered at me ear and I turned to him
" no , not if I haven't with my eyes that you have washed your self " I told him smiling
" are you being jealous ,Açelyam?" He asked smirking
" Let's clarify something. I don't be jealous because being jealous means to want
something that you don't have . I don't have you because I don't want to . If you were mines ,
the whores would the one who will be jealous " I told him smirking " go wash yourself man "
I told him and I heard him chuckled
" mark your words Açelyam . A day will come and you will want me ." He said and I
waved him as I entered my car .

As soon as I entered the house I smelled the scent of a flower . Since then we have started
filling the house with flowers? It smells more like apricots.
" Fion " I called one of the maid and without wasting time she came
" yes miss ?" She asked
" Are flowers in the house ?" I asked her
" yes , Aurora bought several bunches of flowers, " she said and I nodded . This is not
good. " where are the others ?" I asked her
" sir has gone out with Mr.Marbas and Mr Ruslanovich. Miss Helena is out too with sir
permissions and Ms Nolian is outside with the ladies " she answered
" thank you " I told her and started walking to the garden . There is a fucking bed smell
from outside. What the hell is going one today ? As soon as I walked out I saw that bitch
with gloves and mask on her face and cooking something
" Are you a crazy bitch ? You are making all the place smelling " I told her
" I have permission " she told me and continued making her work . What the hell .
I saw my aunt sitting with the others away at the other side of the garden. I start walking
towards them confused .
" what the hell Aunt ?" I asked her
" what ?" She asked confused
" what the hell is that bitch doing?" I asked, pointing my finger towards her .
" ohhh , she had to do an experiment so Iet her" she told me

" she is in a musical school. There is no chemical experiment, " I told her . This isn't a
good thing . I have a feeling about it .
" Relax Lea " my aunt said to me, smiling.
" for some hours , I go out and look what happens " I murmured " what is this ?" I asked
pointing at the flower's besides them
" ohbh , Aurora bought them . Aren't they beautiful? " Ms Anastasia said smiling
" No they aren't, " I said and took a picture of them and sent them to Zane . I don't
believe her . It didn't pass 1 minute when my phone started ringing.

" Why are you using them ?"

He asked me and I looked at them

" What kind of flowers are they?" I asked him


" they are poisonous Aza . They can kill you . Makes you see hallucinations and many
others . Don't touch them or eat . Why the hell would you buy them?" He said and asked me
but I was shocked .

" I didn't. Zykov’s bitch bought them " I told him and I looked back to her " Zane , if
something happens she is the first person you need to torture " I said to him and her mother
went from normal to white sheet and pale. This is suspicious.

Just get rid of them Açelyam . Don't burn them , they will kill that way too . Just put them
in a bag and throw in garbage "

He told me and I nodded but I forgot that I was talking on the phone

" okey bye , talk to you later " I told him and end the call . " FIONA " I shouted at her
" Azalea what is going on?" My aunt asked
" yes miss " she said immediately
" take a big beg , put gloves on and throw these flowers into the garbage. And destroy
that bitch’s experiment " I ordered
" Azalea " My aunt called
" they are poisonous, aunt . If you touch them your skin will be irritated. These kinds of
flowers can cause death " I told her and she looked surprised and shocked " and that bitch
is trying to kill somebody. Probably me " I added .
" what do you think you are doing ?" She said running towards me
" you what do you think you were doing? these flowers are poisonous " I told her

" don't be reduciles " she said with a joking tone
" I think you need to listen to your mum . She is more terrified than you not for herself
but for yours " I told her and then smiled " you can never get rid of me " I said and then
walked away from her . One mistake bitch . Just one mistake , one little one and then would
be your end .


She saw that no one was looking at her and put in a glass a little bottle juice of poison and
immediately ran . She had heard that Azalea had asked something to drink and she
immediately took action .


Fuck , fuck . It is a hundred times that I am vomiting. I feel so tired I am feeling dizzy
too. Also I am feeling lethargic but I don't want to . It's too early to sleep. What the fuck
happened to me? Why am I feeling so tired and weak .
" Azalea " I heard my aunt's voice behind the door . " it is time for dinner" She said and
tried to open the door .
" Azalea " I heard a forgettable voice calling me inside my room . " Go eat my beautiful
daughter," she told me, smiling. It isn't true . She is dead . I am seeing things . I am sick .
My mum is dead . He killed her .
" you left me " I said looking at her as she was smiling
" Azalea with whom you are talking ?" I heard my aunt's voice . I can not let them see me
in this state . I just need to sleep and wake up healthy.
" I am fine, aunt . I don't want to eat . Maybe I will eat later . Right now I am talking on
the phone " I told her as I put my hand on my heart . It is like it isn't working properly.
What happened to me ?
" Azalea, my precious gift " I heard her voice again. No . No no . I am going crazy, that is
." When I cursed your father , I didn't want to curse you " she told me and I shaked my
head . It isn't true Azalea. It isn't. It is just your imagination. " I am waiting for you . I feel
so lonely " she said
" because you wanted to . We could be happy if you hadn't chosen him . I am not coming.
Not now " I told her and I shook my head with my hands . Suddenly, I heard my phone
calling . I took it immediately and I looked at who it was . Zane . I immediately opened "
Zane " and I called his name . I am ready to cry right now. Only him I can trust with my
" I think that you have traitors between your people " he told me and I had forgotten all
about the work

" I am not good " I told him immediately " Only you , I can trust right now " I added as
my eyes started filling with water.
"Azalea, what do you have ?" He asked me and I think I started hallucinating again
" I don't know . Since the afternoon I have been like this . I have close myself in my room
" I told him
" What do you have, Azalea?" He asked again
" I am feeling tired , lethargic, vomiting and seeing my mum " I told him " I am scared ,
help me " I said as I started crying
" it is normal to see your mum Azalea , you are living with her . Are you sure that you
don't need to go to a psychologist?" He asked and I would say that he was trying to make
jokes .
" she isn't my mum. She is my aunt . Helena's mother . We are cousins. My mum is
dead . She is.. is standing right here in front of me smiling. She is dead , Zane . I have seen
with my eyes putting her in the grave . And I saw the man I burned when I was child. I am
going crazy Zane. Help me please " I told him whispered and breathing hard after every
sentence I spoke . I heard him getting up and cursing
" Aza, did you eat oleander by mistake?" He asked me and I shook my head
" no , I ordered maids to throw them away . I just drink a glass of juice " I told him "
Zane , my mum told me she is waiting for me . I don't want to leave . No before I kill my
father " I told him crying again . This is the first time I have cried like this to a stranger .
" Azalea, listen to me carefully. I am coming to save you . Don't listen to that . She isn't
your mother . And you are not going anywhere. Okay , my little beautiful flower . Don't
drink anything or eat . I will save . I swear. " I heard his voice . But I keep crying. Who am I
right now ? The most evil person is scary as shit right now . And from who ? From some
hallucinations .

" faster " I ordered Xavier worried . My flower's life is in danger. My Azalea is scared.
Who dares to do something like that ? Who dares to hurt her ? I am going to kill every
single person if something happens to her . Oleander is considered as the second killed
flower. A huge amount of her can easily kill . Every part of her is poisonous. She can kill
you in 24 hours if you aren't lucky . You need to get your treatment immediately but Azalea
has consumed that poison for hours. I didn't believe her at first when she told me about her
mother . Her mother is alive . Or that way I thought but when she told me about the man she
burned when she was child I remembered the guards words . That moment I knew that she
was seeing hallucinations. And only some poisonous plants can have that effect. And based
on the early conversations I knew it that she had consumed Oleander.

Xavier parked the car in front of the house and I runned immediately inside . I heard people
in the living room and I ran there . All of them were sitting and eating but Azalea no .
" where is she ?" I asked
" what are you talking about ? Besides, how can you enter as if it was your house ?" That
man however he is asked me

" Azalea Where is it? Where is my flower ? " I asked them as I was trying to control myself
" she is at her room " Helena answered confused
" where the fuck is her room ?" I asked The man she came always
" second floor , come " he said and I started running for there . The others start coming
behind me but right now Azalea is important
" Xavier , the car should be ready " I told him and he nodded.
" what is going on ?" Elinor asked . I tried to open the door of her room but it was closed
with key
" Azalea " I called her
" GO AWAY . YOU ARE DEAD " I heard her . She thinks that hallucinations are talking
to her .
" help me to break the door, " I told the man beside me and he nodded. Both of us started
kicking the door . After 3 or 4 attentiveness the door was broken.

I entered inside and I saw her in the ground with her hands or her ear. Her eyes closed and
breathing deeply . Like she wasn't able to breathe properly.
" Aza , Azalea look at me . I am Zane " I told her, moving her hands from her ears .
" Azalea, what is it , beautiful?" Elinor asked, sitting next to her . She looked tired and
ready to pass out . I put my ear to her heart and I looked at my watch for a few seconds . Her
heartbeat had started slowly down.
" XAVIER CALL THE POISON CONTROL." I screamed at him and everyone looked
shocked. I took from my pocket a small bottle as Xavier put on speak the call
" how can we help you ?" The person in line asked
" My girlfriend, 19 years old, had consumed Oleander by mistake through her drink ." I
told him and everyone was shocked again.
" When did she consume it ?" The person asked
" In the afternoon, I don't know the exact time . Her heartbeat had started slowing. She is
ready to pass out " I told him " how much digoxin antibodies should I give her ?" I asked
" you have one ?' He asked surprised
" YES " I screamed " we are wasting time , how much I have to give her until we arrive
at the hospital?" I asked again " find me a syringe " I ordered the people in the room
" you said through her drink , so you have to give her 10gn or milligram, " he said and I
took the syringe from Xavier, opened it with my teeth and filled it with the liquid in my
head .
As soon as I filled it , I took my flower's arm and I stuck her arm with the syringe giving
her the antidote. After that , I took her in my arms and started walking out. Everyone was
panicked and asking after us but I didn't give a fuck about them . Her life is more important.


" Aurora, did you poison her ?" He mum asked immediately after Zane had took Azalea to
hospital and only them with Ruslanovich's members were in the house

" yes , I had took a small bottle liquid before she destroyed it " she said smirking but her
mother looked terrified
" you know what you did ? She told Cranz that if something happens to her , we are
suspicious, Aurora. If your father and her uncle don't kill us , he will . " she said scared and
she started being scared . One time she had achieved running from Cranz for not selling her
as a prostitute and now no one can help her . " she looked into my eyes telling him that you
bought those poisonous flowers Aurora and …...ughh , I told you not to do it . You have put
in dangerous all of us Aurora" she said walking in the room
" w...what do we do now mum ?" She asked terrified and shaked
" We are done, Aurora. We are done. If she dies ,they kill us , if she lives she kills us . The
end . Us dead . " she said and Aurora started crying " did someone see you putting the
poison in her juice ?" She asked her daughter and she shakes her head " hopefully is like
that " she said taking deep breath


" didn't I order you to protect her ? Uhhhh, DIDN'T I ? " I asked the stupid man in front
of me
" Cranz we are in hospital " Xavier said to me by holding me
" sir , she was fine , we didn't know that she was poison by a drink " one of them asked
and I was ready to rip their heads here in the middle of hospital
them again .
" Cranz , calm down " Xavier said again
" take those motherfucker and put them in dungeon, torture them and let's everyone saw
what will happen if they don't do what I order " I told Xavier and he nodded. With the
other guards he took those fuckers. I turned around and I saw her family crying and
worried about her . I saw the woman that was supposed to be her mother crying in her
husband's arms . If it was her husband's illegitimate child she would not have loved her so
much . He kept saying that she was her daughter.
Zykov was standing there with the doors and he looked miserable.

" Who dares to poison her , Elinor? Who dares to do it at her own home ?" He asked him
" there is only one bitch who dares to do something " I heard Helena speaking with hatred
in her face " no one dares to kill my sister " she said getting up and started walking but I
stopped her
" zykov isn't it ?" I asked her and she nodded. I let her and started walking towards
Zykov . I grabbed him from his shirt and punched him . I need this or I was going to kill
somebody in public . No that I care but because it isn't the time for jail .
" either you go and poison you blood with your hand or I will drag them by pulling their
hairs , order my man not one or two but more than 3 to abuse them sexually and mental.

Then I make you seem like a movie " I threatened him but he doesn't look in himself. He
was just standing there . I let him go and I saw Xavier coming with Helena too . It seems that
he stopped her .

" put everyone in their house asleep. I don't think that her family is going home tonight "
I told him and he was listening and Helena too . I looked at her and she was standing there
waiting me to speak
" continue , I would not move from here until I hear the punishment that you are giving
them " she told me
" your sister doesn't wants you to involve in this world " I told her
" this is before they hurt my sister in our house" she told me and I nodded
" put everyone asleep like I said. His wife and his daughter drug them . With Rohypnol.
Put 4 man for each other , first in the same room with her mother and then separately.
Record everything and every word . Then dress them again like nothing happened . " I
ordered them . I don't care if I look like a monster like now but no one messes with what is
mine . No one hurts them . If yes . They will pay . " you will take care of it by yourself " I
said pointing at him
" All right, " he said, unfazed by what I said . Because this isn't the first time I ordered
something like that .
" patient's family?" I heard the doctor and I walked at him
" how is my daughter?" I heard her aunt asking
" it is lucky. The antidote that was used saved her life too . Now she is resting but she will
stay in hospital for two days more. It isn't something that happens usually for a patient to
come here poisoned by a poison plant " he said I relaxed knowing that she is fine now . She
is safer here than at her home
" can we see her ?' Zykov asked
" one my one , but don't stay longer . She needs to rest . And this poison might somehow
affect her mind . So it will be better if she doesn't stay alone for a long time, " he added and I
nodded. I know what he is talking about . She saw hallucinations. Of course that will affect
her mind .


I am so sorry, my daughter. I am so sorry for not being able to protect you as a father .
Who dared to hurt you ? Fuck this word . I cannot do anything besides sitting here and
kissing her hand as she is asleep. Who did you take me from this fucking world? What is her
fault ? For being my daughter? I didn't her the door opened but Cranz voice made me
coming on my sens

" what are you doing here ? Get out before I lose my temper and kill you " he said to me
and I got up . If it wasn't for him my daughter will be dead
" Thanks for saving her ." I told him and he looked surprised for thanking him

" your family will pay for it. It was your daughter who bought poisonous flowers and
poisoned her drink . " he told me and right now I don't know who to believe . And I am
between my two flesh bloods . What should I do to her ?
" take care of her " I told him before leaving the room looking back at my daughter . If
Aurora did to her this , she is going to pay . Because Azalea is more important than
everyone. And I will not lose her for nobody .
" if your daughter did it I am going to kill it with my own hands Marbas " Elinor's wife
threatened me
" she will pay if she had finger " I told her
" like you did with my sister or like she did to my daughter ?" She asked sarcastically but
Elinor grabbed from my shirt and walked away from his wife
" Listen to me carefully Marbas because I am not going to repeat more than this time. I
want your daughter to pay for what she did to my daughter . Mines . I don't care if you Hit
her to death , I don't care if you close inside a dark cell . But you will do with your hands "
he said to me
" are you okay ? You are asking me to hurt my daughter?" I asked him angrily. If she
had a finger , she will pay for it but I would not .
" you are going to do it otherwise I will tell Azaleas who you are, shoot your wife between
her eyes , drag your daughter, cut her head and send Mordions or her alive . Enough is
enough. I swear for Helena's soul that I will do that. Because I had promised her that I will
take care of her daughter like mine . Now sit here and look carefully at what your daughter
did " he said before leaving by pushing me with his shoulder. I am so sick of everyone and
everything right now. On one hand my daughter is with the only woman I had love, on the
other the daughter I have raised . Maybe Azalea was right. She is like that because I raised
her . Was right that I wasn't able to be a good father either.


I sit in the chair next to her bed where she is lying asleep with breathing and heartbeat
aparatures on her . Even like this she is beautiful. Sleeping like an angel . But actually she is
much worse than the devil . How can one be so evil , heartless and attractive to one person at
the same time ? I have said before that touching and kissing her was a mistake because I am
not able to stop my dreams , my fantasies , my hands away from her . She is everything that
a man could ask women . When I was fucking the slut in the morning all I could imagine in
my mind was her . All I could do was moan her name in my mind. She has poisoned me and I
don't think that there can be any antibiotics about this kind of poison .
" here , I put in this USB, " Xavier said, extending a small USB at me . When did he come
in ? Probably when I was checking Açelyam's beauty .
" nothing can be suspicious?" I asked him ousting the USB in my wallet
" No, don't worry . What are you doing with the tape ?" He asked me and I looked at the
beautiful flower in the bed
" she will decide. I will tell her once she is out of hospital and fine " I answered " Bring 5
bouquets with Jasmines, calendula , lavender, pink rose and Gerbera Daisy " I told him and

he just nodded his head surprised. It is not an everyday thing that I order bouquets for a
woman. Well for this one yes .


" am I dead ?" I heard her voice and got up , sitting next to her in bed
" you are awake . What makes you think that you are dead ?" I asked her squeezing her
hand gently and affectionately
" there is a wonderful smell around here " she answered and looked around the room ,
seeing the boutiques on the nightstand beside her " they are beautiful " she whispered " are
they poison?" She asked looking back to me
" no , they are symbols of good health, " I said chuckling.
" you saved me . " she said again looking at me
" yes I did. You are not going to leave this world so fast " I told her smiling and she smiled
too . She is so beautiful.
" tell me that I was crazy and not having imagined it?" She asked
" about what? The hallucinations of your mother and the men you burned?" I asked,
raising one eyebrow and she nodded " it was the effect of poison Açelyam . You weren't and
are not crazy " I told her " let me call your aunt and father . Even now I don't understand
this family of yours " I told her and it is true. If she is her aunt, wasn't he supposed to be her
uncle ? And why did he called her his daughter? I got up and started walking towards the
door .

I opened the door and saw them sitting devastated about her . And Zykov was sitting there
with elbows on his knees and the head between his hands . " she is awake , come and see her
" I told them and their aunt came running in the room . She must love her so much . Like a

Azalea pov

" Lea , you scared us . Thank god you are okay now " my aunt said to me kissing all over
my face
" I am fine I don't die so easily " I told her smiling
" how are you feeling?" My uncle asked me to kiss my Forehead.
" alive and coming from hell " I said, making jokes .
" you are lucky that Cranz is your guardian angel " Helena said smiling as She was sitting
where Zane was before and squeezing my hand slowly.
" I was his angel protector first. '' I said, turning my gaze to Zante Where he was staying .
Laying at the wall with his arms crossed. Somewhere in the room was Mr.Marbas looking
miserable and smiling sad " what is he doing here ?' I whispered to my uncle

" he hasn't left the place . He was worried about you as much as we were " he answered
and just I nodded my head.
" Do you need anything? " My aunt asked kissing again
" I wasn't dying, Aunt . I was just Hallucinating my mum " I told her as a joke but she
didn't take it good .
" What ?' She asked shocked
" Poison has the effect of Hallucinating " Zane answered
" and you know what I discovered. That I am mad with my mum . I didn't realize it until
now " I said again
" Is this supposed to be a good or bad thing ?" Helena asked
" I don't know either . But she is waiting for me so when I meet her I ask " I said smiling
again and everyone looked like I was crazy except Zane.
" your Fantasy is great for horror movies " Zane said
" you need to rest Lea, " my aunt said to me and I nodded my head . I know that they
don't believe me right now or never . But it doesn't matter . I wouldn't have believed it
" When am I leaving the hospital?" I asked them
" you , young lady are going to stay here for another 2 days " my uncle said and I
writhed my eyelashes multimes to understand what he said
" Am I going to stay here as a sick person?" I asked him again
" you are a sick person right now, " my aunt said and I rolled my eyes .

Soon they left except Zane . He walked again inside and sat where he was before . Even his
sitting pose was sexy . Even in the hospital you are horny Azalea.
" Why are you not leaving ?" I asked him
" Do you want to ? Should I leave ?" He asked and I shaked my head
" no " I answered
" We have a deal . I need you alive, not dead. So I will protect you " he said to me laying
his body more and more on that damn chair " my face is up here Açelyam " he said
" If you aren't going to sit like you are accepting an lap dance , maybe I would see in your
face " I told him smirking too .
" are you feeling horny flower?" He asked, straightening his body and smirking yet too. "
are you wet , for me ?" He asked again and I think that I have breath problems because now
I was breathing with noise and mouth too . The air of the room wasn't enough.
" you narcissistic bastard sultan " I murmured under my breath and he started laughing .

I like to see her blushing in frustration. I like making her horny and seeing her horny
face .

" are you going to sleep in that chair ?" She asked lying on one side
" yep , " I answered looking at some documents of my clubs .

" you can come and lay with me in bed . There is enough room for both of us . I am not so
fat " she said and I laughed again . Even the common sentence she makes beautiful.
" are you trying to sleep with me Açelyam?" I asked getting up and smirking
" well , I have made a promise to you . If you impress me then I will let you fuck me " she
told me with the same smirk as mine . This is why I love her . She never goes against her
words or is ashamed for what she had said.
" We will see how fat you are ." I told her ,removing my shoes and the jacket in the same
time and carefully laying next to her .
" tell me about your family, " she said putting her head on my chest .
" tell me about your mum " I told her
" she is dead. She killed herself to punish the men that was supposed to be my father "
she told me emotionless
" I don't like those kinds of women, " I told her . And really I don't like them . There is a
massive way to punish them
" the love for him had blind her . I don't like them either . It makes them sound so weak.
There are hundreds or millions of ways to punish them . Like showing them how happy can
be without them ." She said to me, She is right. They think that death is the easy way to save
yourself. To kill innocent people to save yourself. " Tell me about yours . Do you have
siblings?" She asked me
" yeah a football team , with brothers and cousins " I answered at her
" how many ?" She asked again
" I don't know , if I sit and count them they arrive at 10 maybe " I said simply
" 10 brother and cousin " she said shocked looking up to me
" Yeah, I think . I don't remember their names either . Or who they are . I would ask
them who they are " I said again
" Is your mother a birth machine ?" She asked me and I shook my head
" I am a bastard like the others . My mother had only me . The other mistress have one or
two or more " I said simply .Again
" wait , wait " she said straight her body
" you are a bastard, like me ?" She asked confused
" I am a bastard, but you are an illegal child ." I told her smiling
" your mother is a mistress, and yet there are other mistresses?" She asked with open
eyes .
" yes my mum is a mistress, and they are less than 10 other mistress like my mother or
evil " I answered to her
" your father is a birth machine . He has thought himself really like Sultan Sylejman or
the others " she said and I laughed " Why are you the Cranz leader? The boss ? Do you
have sisters?" He asked again
" I am the first born so I took what is mine , like yours " I said simply " and I have 5
sisters, 4 bitches and the last one is an evil angel. I love her more than the others. Hell I don't
give a fuck about the others. If they are dead or alive . But she is the best . Her mother is like
mine . She got raped by my fucking father when he was drunk and she was so happy for

giving birth to a girl and not a boy . Everyone forget her that she is our sister but I don't. " I
explained to her
" if you die, there is another heir for your place" she said understanding the whole
" everyone except the call saying that I am dead or having done something that will cause
me losing my place " I said to her
" no a fucking men besides me is going to take your place " she said before sitting again
with her head on my chest and I laughed with her attitude
" I will meet you one day with the evil angle and I really hope she will be like you one day .
She deserves for all the humiliations that her and her mother had been through, " I said and
they truly deserve it . Her mother is like an aunt to me . She had and kept supporting me in
every decision I take and advice me like a mother " I told her .
" If I ever see your father I would make sure he sees the hell for what he had done to her "
she said and I chuckled with her words. I don't have a doubt that she isn't going to keep her
word . " What is your sister's name ?" She asked
" Oleandera " I said smiling
" Like the flower I was poisoned by?' She asked me and I nodded my head
" Yes . I named her . To be beautiful and poisonous in the same time when she grows up "
I said
" You have a thing for flowers. You are obsessed with them " she said to me
" with normal flowers or about the taste of the women that are like flowers?" I asked,
teasing her and smirking as I low my hand at her ass .
" I think with both of them, " she said, moving her body more than mine . With one move
I turned with her back to me to have a better access for what I want .
" if we weren't in hospital, you would be sleeping by the tiredness of sex however I will
give a hint of a small tiredness " I whispered at her ear , with my chin on her shoulder and
my hand on her vagina. She can be speechless in one thing . When I am touching her and
she is at war with her thoughts. Watching her face , her closed eyes , I moved her pants
away from my way from touching her . The second I touched the lips of her organ the
wetness there took my attention. She is wet . She is wet for Me. My attention. My cock.
Fuck . I can not quit, not having her all .
" you are so fucking wet. And for whom is Açelyam? For me and my dick ' I whispered at
her and she tightly held my arm as she started taking deep breaths . " Relax Aza , relax and
enjoy the pleasure that my fingers will give you " I told her, touching her more inside than
her lips . " Haven't you been touched before sultanım ?" I asked her as she was ready for
orgasm for so little touching.
" give that fucking shit that you started " she said shrugging her eyes and biting her upper
lip .
" I give it to you when I want , not when you want it . All the pleasure that you want , I
give it to you when I want " I said spanking her vagine . She immediately opened her eyes
and looked at me confused. I looked at her smirking.
" we are in one fucking hospital room . So you better give it to me " she said to me and
without giving her a hint , I plugged one of my fingers inside her . She immediately closed

her eyes, arched her body and bit again her lips. She was so fucking beautiful. Especially in
this position .
" Are you a virgin ?" I asked taken back from her tightly
" you bastard " she murmured as I slowly moved my finger inside her
" yes or no. Answer me or you will not achieve the pleasure I was thinking giving you " I
said to her touching her Clint with my thumb
" yes , you fucking bastard " she said literally screaming and I smiled. I smiled even
though I don't interfere with virgins women or with those that can give birth . I don't want a
bastard child . I don't a child like my father . I want children with my wife . With her .
" You are such beautiful women, " I whispered at her, moving my fingers a little fast.
Her body moved as a Crystal under my touch. I started raising the rhythm of my movements
inside her and at her Clint until she came. She wetted my fingers and all her organs . All the
time I saw her face . memorizing all her expressions from my fingers and the orgasm . There
wasn't enough. Not for me . I need to taste her . And she needs to be clean. I took the finger
in my mouth and tasted her . And again , again again until there wasn't a little cum of her in
her pussy
" you are crazy" she said to me and I smirked
"I needed you . I need to taste you " I said to her and with the other thumb I touched her
lips " do you want to taste yourself?" I asked her her
" With your lips , I think that I have a good taste," she said, smirking , and I laughed. She
is just a way to make me laugh. Without wasting any chance I kissed her . Like a normal
kiss. Slowly and yet very delicious. Our tongues danced together. Our lips completed each
other's. Like ourselves to each other .


I woke up alone in the hospital room and I was feeling sad today . I was feeling empty .
Like someone was missing from me . Remembering the hallucinations of my mother , made
me understand that I will never forgive her for the choice she had made . He is living his best
life and she destroyed us in the worst way .

Looking at my phone I saw the date and understood why I was feeling so sad and empty .
It is the day that has ended everything.


" Why is it so quiet and different today?" Mr Anastasia asked, looking at her husband who
just shrugged. Even the maids disappeared " Sonia, are you feeling okay ?" She asked her
as she looked lost
" I feel lost . I don't remember anything from last night after I went to bed . It is so
strange . And this quietness makes it more strange " she answered trying not to sounds
stupid or crazy

" it is terrified and shocked what happened to Azalea " Mr Anastasia said
" and strange. " Mr Ruslanovich said " let's just hope that Elinor doesn't end everything
with us fauling us too or we are all screwed. " he said looking at Sonia
" Why do you think that ?" His wife asked
" Only his niece was poised , we all live on the same roof and we are fine " he answered
" Everyone is suspected " they heard Helena's Voice at the step door " if my father doesn't
do nothing to kill all of you , I will make sure " she said with crossing arms " because no one
messes with my family. Not when we are providing food and shelter to save your ass " she
said serious
" Helena " she heard her father coming from outside with her mother who seems that she
had cried " your sister will deal with everyone once she comes back " he said to her and
" Elinor we don't have a thing with that' Ruslanovich said getting up
" my daughter will make decisions . She has proved more than once that cooperating with
both of you was the biggest mistake " he said to him .
" I am going to change El , if Azalea calls tell me " his wife told him
" Matteo is looking her from far " he told her
" Do not worry mum , you know that today she wants to stay alone " Helena said smiling
sadly and everyone looked confused about the day.

That day was the worst day of his entire life . Not even when his family died . Not when his
nephew died . Nor when his niece removed him from his life accusing him of being the reason
for her best friend and her brother .

Every year he closed himself in their room , drinking 10th or more bottles of alcohol and
crying endlessly looking at her beautiful photos . But now he was looking at their daughter's
photos and crying in her room .
" why are you continuing to punish me this way, love ? Why ? Why are you willing to hurt
me with our daughter? So much you hate me ?" He stood there looking at their photos. "
Even now I love you so much . Even now that you are punishing me in the worst way I love
you . I will always love you . "

" Where the hell is that damn woman ,Nolian?" I asked Elinor on the phone as soon as I
entered her room and there was no one . First I thought somebody had kidnapped her until I
made the security show me the cameras . And then I saw her walking on her feet with her
uncle . She knows how to fuck my mind . She knows how to make me angry and lose my
temper .
" she is safe . Today she usually stays alone . Don't search for her today . Let her alone "
he said to me and if I had him in front of me I would punch him in his face .
" she is my responsibility. She is mine. So you better tell me where she is , Elinor " I told
him, clenching my teeth. And there was silence on the other side .

" We have a deal , woman . You will have my guards and open my phone " I said
shouting as I was walking towards her and her uncle where they were sitting lying on a tree .
There was a grave there .
" how did you know I was here ?" She asked surprised looking at me
" I tracked your phone. Your uncle didn't tell me . It could save time " I told her ,
standing with my hands on pocket and looked at her and the grave
" what are you doing here ? Whose grave is this ?" I asked again
" Do you want to sit?" She asked me with her bent knees near her " don't we look
similar?" She asked again and looked at the photo on the grave . I read the name and the
year of her death . There was only one woman in the crime world that was famous until that
year . I haven't seen her photo but I had heard that she killed herself to punish her lover for
choosing another one. That was Zykov lovers.
" Helena " I whispered and looked back at Azalea. She was identical like her but younger
and her hair was bright brown not black .
" That is my mother . The woman that killed her own father , and her siblings " she said
smiling proudly and I looked at both of them shocked . I sat next to her hearing what she was
saying . Her father had cheated on her mother throughout their marriage. When she was
born he was sad because she didn't give him a son . But his mistress was happy because she
had given him a son and with that she could make him divorced his wife . Either his family
didn't support his wife. Only and only she gave birth to two girls. He divorced her and left
her with two children ,miserable . Until my mum grew up , started rebelling and entered
mafia words . She started working with my uncle . Like drug dealers . Secretly . She was his
best friend , his best employer and the most trusted one " she said to me smiling and I looked
at her .
" today is her death anniversary isn't it ?' I asked her throwing my arm on her shoulders
" today, 17 years early, she died leaving behind a child and a family that loved her . Only
because she could accept the pain of her lover choosing his wife . My mum wasn't a mistress.
She came after she came into life . I wasn't supposed to be an illegal child . She wasn't
supposed to be a mistress. But he made us the moment he married that bitch not after he
thought she died. " she said and I started making some connections
" you are a illegally child " I said to her
" I thought you were clever than this sultanım" she said smiling with sarcasm in her tone
" you are his illegitimate child " I whispered shocked looking at the grave and she
nodded her head .
" you can do whatever you want with this information. " she said to me
" why ?" I asked her
" the words she told me when I was hallucinating didn't leave my mind . She is waiting for
me . With me she wants to give him the last punishment and the worst pain ever " she said
looking at her mother . She sounds crazy but I know what she means . " and I swear that I
will hurt him in the worst way even if it includes hurting myself " she added and the worst
feeling that I had buried came alive . The one of losing someone important

" don't you dare even think about that . Fuck what you hallucinationed. You are not your
mother . You are a flower that can kill everyone with her beauty and smell . Understand?" I
said as I cupped her face with my hands and looking directly In her eyes
" weren't you going to send his illegal child to Mordions ?' She asked and I shook my
head .
" no , they entered the war with me and now there is no such thing that can save them .
Not even my Sultanım " I told her smiling and she smiled too .
" what are we ?" She asked and I chuckled
" I don't know . Whatever you want. But what we should know is that we are not our
families. We don't have that type of love they say " I told her putting her head on my chest .
She trusted me today . She told me her worst secret ,that can easily destroy 3 mafias with one
stone . But she is my sultanım, my flower. My dark paradise. And not only is going to take
her from me even if it means to be in war forever.
" my father's wife could give him a child. " I started giving her a piece from inside . From
my true identity " so they make a deal . He can have children and mistress as long their
children would be hers in public and not be in love with them . So my father took the
opportunity and saw the most beautiful angel . Tricked her and knocked her pregnant. She
didn't know that he was married . Only when I was born . Only to be part of my life she
accepted living in the save roof with his wife as a slave and not my mother. In every
document his wife is my mother not her . Growing up I had to act like she was my mum , like
I love her even in front of my mum . I never will forget the pain that she had been through
from them " I told her and only when I felt her finger on my face I understand that my eyes
were tearing.
" you were her beautiful force to live " she whispered me
" and her death . " I added " my father started feeling in love with her and that made his
wife jealous . He started fucking with others too but my mum he respected more . " I said
" like Sultan Suleiman and the others, " Azalea said and I chucked. Even in this sad story
she makes me to laugh
" yeah, after I turned 7 other siblings started being born by the other mistress. But his
wife's attention was on my mother . So she used me . She told me to help her to make my
mum a present. A beautiful one . And I accepted immediately. She gave me one box and
told me to put it in her room only where my mum hides things . I did it . Thinking that I will
make my mum happy. But the opposite happened . One day later , everything was chaos .
We had been betrayed by one of our people and his wife told him that my mum was the
betrayer. She told him to check my mum's room and he didn't hesitate. The thing that she
had given me was the proof that made my mum the culptur. And he killed her in front of my
eyes without hearing her." I finished and I felt her again but this time she kissing my tears.
" It wasn't your fault " she told me and I shaked my head . It was mine " it wasn't yours
Zane. She just used you . Even if you had said no she would use somebody else that could
make your mother torturing for death ." She said to me and for the first time in my life she
made me think that it wasn't my fault .
" you think ?" I asked her with hope in my eyes

" 100% . It wasn't yours . You were a child trying to make your mother happy . " she said
smiling and I kissed her . Now I understand that I needed her . Her poison to save myself
from those nightmares . " Since the first day I understand that you can understand my pain
Zane . Because we are both screwed. Because both of us grew up in pain . I always come
here alone on this day to remind myself that I am alone . But today , I am not alone anymore
and you aren't too " she said smiling looking straight in my eyes rubbing my face with her
thumb and then she kissed me again. Signed with her wonderful kiss her words . Making me
alive again .

" you like the stars with the moon " I heard him asking as i was looking up . We have been
talking to each other, staying in comfortable silence in each other's arms . Knowing each
other. Both of us have family issues. Daddy issues, mother issues.
" no , I don't like them . My mum liked them because he used to promise her on the shore
under their lights. But they remind me of all the broken promises. How she promised me
that she will be back but never did " I told him looking at my mum . I think that I will never
be able to forgive. No if alive . None of them . We could have been a family. A happy one
even with somebody else as my father and as her husband.
" what do you like ?" He asked again and I looked back at him
" the darkness. I like the darkness. I feel safe with it . Because I was born and raised
with darkness inside me " I told him
" you are a dark paradise. Benim karanlık cennetimsin " he said, circling my face with
his thumb .
" Do you think that mafia people can live happily?" I asked him and he chuckled
" are you ?" He asked me and I shaked my head
" I keep telling myself that I am happily but in the reality I am angry " I answered
" There is never a happy ending for us . For people in the mafia . Because there will
always be pain that would let that happen . " he told me
" or maybe because we don't deserve it . I was a child, a fucking child that I decided to
burn a man who disrespected me for being a girl " I told him " and I continued living as
nothing happened" I added . I never remembered him until last night . And it seems that
wasn't going to stop
" Do you know that monsters are created, not born ?" He asked and I looked back at him.
Children are not born evil and monsters, they are born like an angel . People made us evil,
monsters . Our blood " he said to me . I know it that he understands me
" you are like the violin that is the light in my darkness " I told him, smiling and he
smirked . This stupid man .
" will you ever leave the mafia ?" I asked him and he turned serious
" Remember one thing, Azalea. " he told me looking straight into my eyes " we are born
in this world. And there is no escape . This is not a fairytale. We can have some moments
like a normal person or like the stories but never , never can we escape this life . Alive no .
Dead yes. And that is the only way . You are Helena's daughter . The women that made a

history in the mafia world . And I. I Am the man who doesn't care If his hands are with
women's or children's blood " he told me and if somebody else would have seen his serious
face and listened to his words it would be frightening . But not me . Because the women's
blood and children's one day will be one my hands. Especially if I will stay beside him .

It was midnight when Zane decided to bring me home .I thought that Everyone should be
asleep but it was the opposite. As soon as I entered I was embraced in hugs from my aunt
and after her from Helena and my uncle .
" I am fine " I whispered to her and my aunt grabbed my face between her hands . I saw
her eyes with tears. She misses her sister as much as I miss my mum . I couldn't stop my
eyes watering. Not seeing her crying.
" don't leave me as my sister. You are the only thing that I have from her . I am sorry
that I wasn't able to protect you as your mother . Forgive me " she told me and I shook my
head .
" you were and are the best mother I could ever ask . Not only you but the uncle too . The
best parent . If it was someone to apologise that should be me . None of you, " I said as I
kissed her hands . She is my mother . He is my father . They are my parents . They are my
family. And that no one was able to change it. I embraced in a hug again my aunt , my
uncle and Helena and on top of the stairs I saw Mr.Marbas wiping his tears.

Chapter 12

It was still dark, and I wasn't able to sleep. I wasn't able to enter it without a light. Looking
at my room I was afraid. I was afraid to stay in darkness inside it . I was afraid that I was
going to see her again . That I was going to see her in my dreams . Maybe other nights or
days in years I dreamed to dream for her , prayed to see her and talked to her in my dream ,
now I was afraid . Afraid that I wasn't going to hug her but shouting at her .

I saw from the balcony Marbas staying outside looking at the stars . They really have have
thing about those stupid things. I walked to the door and opened it . There were two fucking
guards standing outside of it . I don't remember seeing them when I entered
" who are you and what are you doing here ?" I asked them
" Mr Cranz ordered us to follow until you entered this room . Wherever you go " one of
them told me and I nodded . It was going to be a lost breath if I was opposed. I started
walking to go outside with them behind me . I was going to poison him . With my words .
Where it hurts him more .

" you really have a thing for those stupid stars ?" I asked behind him and he turned his
attention to me getting up
" are you feeling okay ?' He asked worriedly. He really knows how to fake a face .
" okay ? I am feeling amazing thinking about the revenge that I am going to take on your
daughter " I told him and he exhaled sitting again with his hands on his face
" I don't know what to do . Why does she hate you ? She wasn't like this . " he said and I
set next to him
" this is because you didn't know her . They really can act . " I told him
" I am so sorry . " he told me

" your sorry it is like giving sand to fish " I told him
"I know . That is the only thing that I can do " he said and I chucked
" you are a weaker person . You and that man deserve to see all your blood dying in front
of you. " I looked at him with hate . Seeing him reminds me of the monster I am . And the
one I will become
" it is your mother's death anniversary today , isn't it ? " He asked and I narrowed my
eyes on him. " The whole house was different today . Even the maids didn't talk today " he
said looking the ground
" It was supposed to be their day today . I don't stay at home this day " I told him
" why ?' He asked me
" I will stay at her grave waiting if he has the balls to show himself on this day " I told
him, looking back at him . And it is true . I keep saying out loud that I will stay to spend the
day with her because it is her day but deep inside me , I will be sitting there from the first
light until at the last dark waiting. Maybe he would come , apologize to her , cry on her grave
. But he never did . He never came
" either I don't go at her grave on her anniversary " he told me
" why ?" I asked him
" because I am ashamed. I didn't go at her funeral, E.. her brother didn't let go near . I
didn't know where her grave was in the first place until late " he said ashamed and I
chuckled darkly . He doesn't deserve anything.
" we could be happy " I said looking the sky
" what ?" He said looking shocked
" we would be happy if she didn't die . She would have fallen in love with somebody else .
I would have a father , she would have a husband. We would be a happy family . Like him .
Like the man that was supposed to be my father " I told him " and your lover could have
been happier alive without you " I added looked at him
" your father , wasn't never happy. And he will never be " he told me
" how do you know ?" I asked him
" because I never was . And I will never be . Not as long as the women I love is dead and
the daughter hates me " he added
" because you deserve not to be happy " I told him
" can I hug you at least ?" He asked with hope in his face
" no , because you remind me that man and I feel ashamed for letting a cheater hug me
when he isn't a man as he should be . At least to stay beside her on her most lonely day . " I
told him and he nodded looking at the ground and I saw his tears dripping down . You don't
know how much I want to end a man like you .

I turned my back and started to walk inside even though There is no sleep. Not for now .
No if I don't make her terrified even to sleep .

I entered with guards in her room and signaled them with my head to catch her from arms
and legs . The moment they caught her , she opened her eyes and I immediately closed her
mouth with my hand .

" you thought that you could kill me bitch ?" I asked, smirking as she tried to move and
murmuring . " No one can kill me . Especially you . Ever . " I added again and pulled out a
little bottle. I opened it with my teeth and gave it to her . She tried to throw it but I closed
her mouth again with my head and made sure that she drank it . " There is no escape from
me . Not in this life , not in hell and not in the others " I whispered before the liquid I gave
her did its effect .
Only when her body stopped fighting with us , my man and I let her . I looked at her and
she looked lifeless. No one can save her from me . Not even her father .


" why have you been sleeping here Lea ?" My aunt asked me as I stretched my body . All the
bones of my body are sore . Like somebody had stepped over me with a truck . I didn't know
that sleeping in the sofa will be so painful
" It was safer than sleeping in my room " I answered her and I saw my shoes placed near
the sofa and a blanket over me . I don't remember doing it myself. I just sit here ,turn on the
TV . Probably the guards who were standing a few steps away from me . I will never sleep on
the sofa . Never again .
" Lea what is going one ?" My aunt asked again and I know that I will sound crazy if I tell
her . I am crazy even for believing in it .
" nothing aunt . I just fell asleep here watching TV nothing else that you should worry " I
told her kissing in her cheek
" are you okay? You runned from hospital the other day " she told me and I smiled
" stop worrying about me . I will not die so fast " I told her " is the breakfast ready? " I
asked her to change the topic
" yeah , everyone is sitting there because your guards didn't let anyone disturb you, " she
said to me, smiling . I laughed and looked at her . She is always trying to find a man for me .
And I have a strong feeling that Zane has won her heart
" I will give him an award for you . " I said, winking at her . My phone started ringing and
I saw that he was calling me .
" I do not have nothing to worry then " she said to me looking at the name I had
registered with him . Sultanım . But she doesn't know what that means.
" Good morning " I said, answering the 0hone and sitting at the table . I smiled at my
uncle who was looking at me trying to guess with whomever I was talking .
" Did you see any ghosts last night ?" He asked and I can say that he was trying to make
" you suck at jokes " I told him
" Whatever comes here I want to give you something."
Zane said in the other side and I nodded but forgot that I was talking at him on phone
" after I finish my breakfast " i told him and I heard him growling

" fine " he said and he sounded disappointed? Well man I am the queen of
" Bon appetit sultanım " I told him and then hung up on him .
" what will he give you ?" Uncle Teo asked smirking
" his dick no in the first place " I told him and he started laughing with Helena
" Azalea, " my uncle scrolled at me " we are in the table " he said to me
" it isn't something that anyone here doesn't have " I murmured under my breath and
that bitch walked towards us looking pale .
" Aurora, are you okay ?' Her mum asked her and she looked at me and I smiled to her
" you poisoned me last night " she said and everyone was looking at me and her
" you are the one who poisoned me . And I am the one who should ask you not you " I
told her crossing her arms
" what is going one ?' My uncle asked
" she came in my room , her guards hold me from moving and he gave me a liquid that
made me go unconscious " she said to her and I started laughing
" you have started seeing hallucinations. The cook of oleander made you crazy. If I had
come and your room , I would not make you go unconscious but killed you in the same way
you wanted me dead " I told her Smirking and she looked with widen eyes
"I had enough of you Aurora " I heard Mr Marbas saying
" but dad , I am telling the truth " she said
" and what she said is true. She had all the opportunity to kill you and yet you dare to
poison her " her father told her, surprising all of us . I didn't know that was so easy to
separate them
" I didn't do it " she said
" No one else has the death wish inside this house besides you Aurora " Clerk told her
and I smiled at him and smirked at her .
" you shut up " she shouted to him
" be careful you are exposing yourself " I said to her
" you are not allowed to go out your room"Mr Marbas told her and she opened her eyes
" you are believing her instead of your own daughter?' She asked him
" yes . She has earn my trust not like my daughter that I didn't know " he told her " Now
go at your room before I do something else . " he added
" Ouuuu , painful to hear those words from your daddy . " I said to her and she sent me
her hate
" this doesn't ends here " she said
" Neither for me. This is just the beginning " I told her, smiling joyfully. This day
started with pain in ass but it is going better . I took a deep breath and exhaled it . " bon
appetit " I said before I started eating in peace .


Every time I come to this sarayi, I feel very powerful . I don't know why . Maybe it is the
structure of the place or the movies I have seen . It is like I am the main character.

" good morning, " a girl said to me smiling.
" good morning ?" I said to her in question. It is strange that Zane 's cariyeler says good
morning to me instead throwing herself at me
" I am Sophia " she said extending her hand to shake
" Azalea " I said, shaking hands, looking at her suspicious.
" did you come to see cranz ? He is at his office " she said and I nodded my head . " you
have break so many hopes and futures with your present at Cranz life " she added smiling
and I raised one eyebrow
" why ?" I asked curious
" well you have taken the queen's place in the palace . No a person dared to have power
where his presence is " she told me as we walked to stairs
" there is a first time for everything " I told her Smirking and soon the guards saw me and
they opened Zane's office doors. I walked inside but the girls turned back . Inside was the
motherfucker talking with Zane. As soon as I walked inside they stopped talking
" you can continue " I told them sitting next to the desk
" Sen yap ne söylediğimi ( you do what I told you ) " Zane told him and he nodded his
head before leaving us alone
" ne dedin onun?( what did you say to him ?) " I asked him in Turkish
" hiçbir şey (nothing ) " he said to me
" Ozaman, why did you tell me to come ?" I asked him again
" what state are you able to see my punishment or better benim intikam ( my revenge) "
he asked me
" every state of revenge " I answered and he turned on his pc . Typed something on it and
turned it towards me . On it , a video started. At first I didn't understand what it was but
slowly seeing the person on it , I got it .
"Hehh " I moaned, shocked with my mouth open. I can not believe that he did that in my
house , with a mafia leader inside .
" I don't care if it is a woman or a child . I take my revenge in all ways . In the worst one
and most painful way . " he said but yet I could not believe him
" you drugged them and raped in my house ?" I asked him again, shocked. Who dares to
do something like that ? I slowly turned my eyes at him . He was watching me emotionless,
serious and without regards on his face
" I am a monster Azalea, for me no one is different if it is in this word " he said to me and
then the door was heard " come " he said and I turned my attention to the video which he
took it from me
" sir , one of the girls wants to speak with you" one of the guards of the door said
" Is it important to interrupt my conversation?" He asked and I was looking at him . I
hate rapists and yet I was working with one of them . I let him touching me , kissing me and
yet I am staying in front of him , doing nothing
" Bring her " he ordered and then he looked at me " are you still in shock?" He asked and
all my cells were frozen. If it was someone else , I definitely would kill him but I am doing
nothing to him . Hell, I have burn alive a man who dared to disrespect me for being a girl
and not doing nothing to the men who had ordered to rape somebody

" sir , I am pregnant " I heard an awful woman's voice that brought me to reality.
" What ?" I asked, turning my head as soon as I heard her . This is another shock for
today . Damn , I was sure that nobody wasn't going to destroy my day , but this bitch succeed
" pregnant " she answered again, smirking at me . Damn , I heard it correctly the first
time . I looked at Zane and he was just standing there watching her with his finger on his lips
" aren't you going to celebrate?" I asked him surprised by his reaction
" do I look stupid or dumb?" He asked me
" whoreman I would say " I told him
" I am not my father Azalea. I don't give a shit for a bastard . " he said, shocking both of
us . He is more than a monster.
" but sir …" she started speaking but him interrupted her
" that isn't mine. Or that is a lie . I don't get whores pregnant. If someone is going to be
pregnant with my child, it is going to be my wife . Not some whore " he said and she looked
" how do you know that she isn't pregnant with your child?" I asked him " in the end she
is your cariyeler. No one besides you can fuck her " I told him and he was looking at me
" I am not sultan suleiman Açelyam. Ben sultan Zane . " he said smirking " guards " he
called him and both of the guards entered inside " take her to the cells . Kill her and take
out of her her reproductive organs " he ordered making me opening my mouth
" sir , sir , don't do it , I beg you . I will do everything you ask " she started crying and
begging in her knees but guards took her
" and sent it to that woman " Zane finished and the guards nodded. They walked out with
her begging and screaming for mercy. Now I understand why he has that reputacion and
that power . " Azalea " he called me
" how can you be so sure ?" I asked him again
" I told you . And when I fuck them I use condoms, and I never finished inside them .
None of them . Besides that , every girl that I use her reproductive organs are frozen . Or
some can not bear a child. I don't go and fuck around getting every one pregnant like my
father " he explained. Damn he is very clever . And a monster too .
" then why did she lie ?" I asked him
" she wants somebody to control me . " he answered simply and I understood who she
" then I am not going to ask you how did you get to rape them " I said
" I told you that I am a monster, " he said, looking at me . But this time there was a
different look . A look that he was telling me that he was ashamed of being a monster? Or
maybe not to see him as a monster? But for sure this look was different. I got from my seat
and I walked towards him .
I placed myself in front of him. I was standing and he was in his chair. I put my hands on
his face and looked him straight into his beautiful eyes. None of this can take the beauty I
see in his eyes .
" I am as much a monster as you are . We are both monsters, Zane . If you are a monster
for ordering something like that , then I am a monster too for watching it , not doing
anything to you and not feeling any guilt inside me for them . contrariwise for feeling happy

that they got something painful " I told him and the look that was before was disappeared
and in his face was a small smile
" you are a true devil and villain Azalea " he said to me
" not as much as you " I told him smirking and for a second I found myself on his desk
" gerçek sultanım buldum ( I found my true sultanım) " he said smirking and then he
kissed me . His perfect lips were on mine while he started to low my blouse on my shoulders .
Damn. He knows how to work with his lips and hands .
" I don't think that your first time will be amazed on my desk " he whispered in my ear as
he started to kiss the collarbone. A moan left my lips in pleasure . With a move, I was
placed on his lap now and my blouse was under my chest . My small boobs were in show for
him . With one hand he started playing with them and the other holding my neck while he
was kissing my lips .
More than a moan had left my mouth for minutes now . His rough voice as he kept playing
with my tits and my neck made me go on edge. For him .
"seni arzuluyorum Açelyam .( i desire you ) " he said something looking at me with his
lustful eyes and with his mouth on mine . Just looking , until that motherfucker burst into
the office without knocking.
" Zane, one of …. Sorry " he said and I could see the anger on Zane's face . Hell , I was
ready to kill him right now . I put my blouse again on Zane's lap until I was dressed
" How dare you enter without knocking?" Zane asked him clenching his teeth
" it isn't the first time I enter without knocking while you were having sex " he said
smirking looking at me as I fixed my hair
" o bir fahişe değil ( she isn't a whore )" Zane said to him with a loud voice . That is hot
and sexy too .
" you rather start thinking about your relationship with my sister, otherwise I will give
you that smirk " I told him with an evil smile in my face .
" why did you burst inside ?" Zane asked him
" Zykov’s and Ruslanovich club and other property were attacked " he said
" that doesn't concern us " I said simply and Zane nodded his head
" yours too . A warehouse and other criminals' houses too . Some of their members are
dead and the girl kidnapped " he said and I looked at Zane who looked at me at the same
time . This can not be a coincidence. There isn't a coincidence in other worlds.
" this Is long planned. It isn't a moment decision " I said and Zane nodded in the same
" that means they are more powerful than we thought " he said " make me a list with
families who are attacked and no " he ordered That motherfucker
" I am going back . See who can I destroy for always " I said smirking
" Are you going to attack the families who have been attacked?" Clerk asked shocked
" did you think that I was going to help them? I am not mother Teresa " I said to him "
after you make the list come and plan something. Because I believe that we are the next one
who is going to be attacked " I said to Zane and started walking not before he kissed me
another time which took me by surprise. What the hell? I know that a few minutes before

we were literally fucking each other, but this . This is too intimate. What the fucking fuck
we are ?


" where is uncle ?" I asked my aunt who was standing with that bitch and Aurora.
" on his office . " she said looking at me " did something happened ?" She asked again
worried but I shook my head
" no don't worry " I told her and start walking
" what did Cranz want ?" I heard Uncle Teo asking as I was walking on stairs
" something that can destroy Zykov’s female reputation " I answered smirking and he
was smirking too .
" You know whom to work with, " he said with a proud face . And I smiled to him . If only
you were my father uncle . I shook my head again and opened the door . There was standing
my uncle talking with zykov and Ruslanovich. There were Clerk and Alex too .
"Lea " my uncle said
" did you hear the latest news?" I asked him and he nodded
" Zykov and Ruslanovich had lost many people" my uncle said and I rolled my eyes
" I wasn't talking about them. They don't concern us . I was talking about our warehouse
and those families who had been attacked " I said to him
" Zykov and Ruslanovich will contribute to our warehouse by letting them stay here .
And for other people we can not do nothing " he said and I think my uncle have started
being too soft .
" we can not risk by helping another family " Ruslanovich said
" but we are helping you " Uncle Teo said to him
" I have lost too much . I can't " Marbas said
" have you had something of yours in the first place ?" I asked him " I wasn't talking
helping them uncle " I told him
" about what you were talking then ?" He asked with a suspicious look and I smirked
" you want to invade them don't you ?" Clerk asked and I looked at him
" you have started knowing me " I said to him
" you want to invade another mafia family?" uncle asked
" what makes too much surprised this decision? Somebody else had weakened them , we
will destroy them . More power for us' I told my uncle
" I am in " uncle Teo said
" ARE YOU CRAZE ?" My uncle shouted at him " you are supporting her for being in
war with another mafia ?" He asked again
" there will not be another mafia if we attack now . There will be a number less " I said
" you are not normal now " he said " did that fuxking man put it in your mind ?" He
asked for Zane
" no, I put it in his mind . " I said smirking
" of course, who can be crazier than you " he said

" Cranz " I answered " look uncle . Only Cranz is powerful now . After him , we are .
Zykov and Ruslanovich had fallen . After this war , I will make sure that there will not be a
name like Zykov or Ruslanovich " I told him
" are you threatening us, you evil women ?" Alex asked
" sit there and listen to the powerful leader boy . I had made it clear . That I will take your
power. This partnership with my uncle is going to cost your family. I am not him . I am
evil . Evil than the devil . " I told him, smirking and I looked at Ruslanovich who was looking
at me . Analyzing me . I know what is going through his head . A man wants power . And I
am a woman . " I am going to invade another mafia uncle , with or without you . Decide" I
said looking back at him .

" what ? Did you hear yourself dad ?" Alex asked his father literally with a loud voice
" she is powerful. If you want to live you do what I ask " his father told him
" honey , should we sacrifice our son to the devil ? Don't do this, " his wife told him.
" she is going to kill us after this is over . If our son would be able to win over her it's
okay . But no our son isn't capable of what she is " he said looking at both of them " so to
save all of us , you have to marry her " he said
" what makes you think she will marry me ? She is into Cranz " Alex told him father
" then make her fall in love with you . I hope you can be that much capable, " his father
told him, " forget that angel girl and make the devil yours . " he said the last words to his son


" We didn't have a chance to speak after what happened to you " I heard Clerk behind
me and I turned towards him . Besides me Uncle Teo frowned. He really can not stand them
" how is your sister ? Is she missing the outside world ?" I asked him
" I think she does " he said smiling
" what do you want ?" Uncle Teo asked
" I just want to talk with her . As friends " he said smiling to him too . This boy just keeps
smiling around me .
" friend my ass " uncle Teo said
" it's okay . He can not harm me ." I said
" I will never harm you Azalea " he said to me and I saw sincerely in his eyes for those
" and why is that ?" Uncle Teo asked again and Clerk frowned
" because I remember him his other sister " I said removing my look from him and Uncle
Teo looked at me
" I have something to do and you Lea do not believe his words. At the end of the day he is
a Zykov. Brother of your enemy " he reminded me and I smiled to him

" I haven't done nothing to accuse me as a enemy " Clerk said with irritated voice and I
" your family has " I reminded him " don't worry about my uncle. He is very protective
when it comes to me " I said to him
" do not get as a offense, but I think your uncle loved your mother " he said to me looking
back where Uncle walked
" yeah, he loved her . If she had loved her only a little we would be a happy family today "
I said with said smile in my face
" you will never accept your father would you?" He asked me and I looked back to him
" maybe you would forgive the person who killed your mother but I , I never " I told him
" when all this is over , can we stay friends? Maybe best friends?" He asked again looking
with a smile and hope in his face
" are you trying to follow the saying ' keep your friends closer but your enemy closer ' "?
I asked him and he shook his head
" I am not your enemy, and I will never be . I just want to be friends. Best friends . " he
said again and I narrowed my eyes at him
" AZALEA CRAZ IS HERE " uncle Teo shouted from inside
" first , hope to live , second go and be friends with your sister if you survive, " I told him
before turning my back to him and starting walking inside. He looks innocent but uncle Teo
is right. He is a Zykov in the end . Her brother and her son. I will not let my walls down for
some beautiful words .

" it didn't took you long " I said smiling at him

" I am a Cranz sultanım, " he said smirking
" sultanım eeee" I heard Helena's Voice and I looked at her and she was smirking at me .
" find a work to do Helena , your fucker will be busy " I told her Smirking and I started
walking to the stairs with them behind me
" where is Zykov’s whore ? I am not seeing her?" Zane asked
" Marbas had punishment her by closing her in room " I said rolling my eyes
" childish play " I heard him saying
" tell me , I would prefer her hand on the table, " I said, smirking as I opened my uncle's
office door . They were there yet , discussing, probably about what have happened
" Cranz , is there something that we can help you?" My uncle asked him and I rolled my
eyes and Zane made himself as in his home
" he doesn't like the man around his daughter " I told Zane smiling
" well , I hope he starts liking me because I am not moving away from his daughter, " he
said, looking in my eyes and smiling . I heard a laugh na I looked back , it was Uncle Teo
who was laughing
" I had told you " he said and then Marvas made a fake cough
" To tell us this , you have come here ?" He asked him
" If you don't like it , Zykov, you can walk outside. I am not here for you " he said and I
smiled . This man is special I can see it
" Cranz for what are you here?" My uncle asked again

" you know about the other mafia families who had been attacked?" Cranz asked and
my uncle nodded " well , we will be the next one " he continued
" How will we be the next one ?" Ruslanovich asked
" like them , some dead , some kidnapped " Zane answered simply and looked back to me
" what makes you think that we are the next ?" Alex asked him
" let me talk with mature people for this job. Go and play with girls " Zane told him and I
" Azalea " My uncle scolded me
" because there wasn't just a Mafia family there were some of them . And this is long
planned " I said
" this is what I was talking about " Zane said nodding at me " Do you have a plan?' He
asked me
" How were the other families attacked?" I asked him
" this is the plan that Mordinos had made . They all were attacked at the same time . The
man weren't at their home at that made them easy to kill some and kidnap the girls " The
motherfucker said
" He will do the same with us. " I said
" you think ?" Ruslanovich asked
" I am sure . " I answered him,'' This house is full of women , three families living under
a roof . He will take your attention and then attack us " I said simply
" you doesn't surprise me , neither disappointed me " Zane said smiling
" my pleasure " I said to him
" What is the plan ?" Uncle Teo asked
" He can not harm me . He can only kill some maids and whores . And destroy my
beautiful sarayi . So think about yourself " Zane said quiet normal
" Azalea " uncle Teo asked again
" I want some trusted guards to live outside the mansion but not far . If they attack us
when no man is here , with our guards outside they will be trapped inside and we survive " I
said and Uncle Teo asked
" how would the guys outside know that we are being attacked?" Uncle asked
" the main road is only for us . Uncle Teo I want someone to guard our road and if any
other cars except ours and Zane's he would alarm us and the guards outside " I said and he
nodded. I looked at the others and they just looked surprised by my plan . And Zane was
smiling and with another look that I didn't know that if I saw that in his face I would be
happy . A proud look.
" one more time you have made yourself known that you are your mother's daughter and
that you deserve my place " uncle said smiling to me
" You are welcomed " I told him
" I will give some mine man too " Zane said
" Cranz, thank you for working with us and helping us " Ruslanovich said to him
" I am not working with you and not helping you . I am working with her and helping her
" he said pointing at me

" I feel honored sultanım " I told him, smirking. Smiling he took out from his pocket a
letter and held it to me
" this is one of the mafia families that has been attacked .His sons are dead . His daughter's
are kidnapped and some other family members live only . With himself too " he said to me
and with a look I understood what he was talking about.
" what about him ?" My uncle asked
" he is the first mafia that we are going to invade " I said, smirking and he nodded,
smirking too .
" Are you going to do it ?" That motherfucker asked him " what about his girls when they
will be saved ? And the other innocent people ?" He asked again
" since when have I started thinking about the girls and the innocent people, Clark ?'
Zane asked him
" But what about his girls ?" Marbas asked
" if the live, they can work at one of my strip clubs , if not go at their mother " Zane said
simply and I smirked
" you Have found each other, " Alex said, looking at us with disguising face .
" if you want to invade them ,invade , my daughter is going nowhere with you " my uncle
said to him
" Uncle " I called him
" I am not sending you to your mother so young . So no . You are not participating " he
said to me
" He is right. You would not participate. You are for chair Açelyam not in war " Zane
said to me and I narrowed my eyes to me
" and how would I invade them if I didn't participate?" I ask him crossing my arms
" your best uncle will participate , won't you ?" He asked towards Uncle Teo who looked
at me
" If Azalea said yes , I will " he said
" I am your boss " my uncle said to him
" technically she is " he said smiling
" deal , he will go with you and come back alive " I said looking at them
" Merak etme Açelyam. Yaptığımız anlaşma anlamadan ölmeyi planlıyorum (do not
worry my Azalea. I do not plan to die without realizing the deal we made)" he said
smirking and I started thinking what is the deal . We haven't made any other deal besides
the contract.

If you impress me I would let you fuck me

I remembered what I had told him and I looked at him . He was yet smirking and I think I
got for what he was talking
" with pleasure that I don't have a doubt that you will not give me " I told him smirking
and my uncle made a fake cough to remind us that they were there too .
" Mind to accompany me until the door ?" He asked me but throwing winning glare at

" no at all " I answered as I started walking with him and when we were outside the office
I asked him " Why were you throwing that glare at Alex?"
" what Glare ?" He asked playing that childish play
" the glare that you wanted to tell him ' I win '" I told him
" He doesn't like me , I don't like him . " he said simply and I turned to watch him .
" tell me " I asked again crossing my arms
" fine " he said frowning and took a step near me . " he was certainly jealous for you and
me " he said
" what are you and me sultanım?" I asked him closing all the space between us
" soon çiçeğim, soon " he said smirking
" Mr Cranz, do you want to stay for the launch?" We heard my aunt saying from
nowhere and we turned to look at her and she was standing a few steps from us smiling with
" Thank you Mrs Nolian." He said with respect that made me laugh with Zane and
respect. Like my ass .
" What is so funny ,Açelyam?" He asked looking at me
" your respect " I answered
" your aunt respected me and I did the same " he said simply " Again thank you Mrs but
I don't have time . Maybe next time . I will make sure not to decline again your offer if is
going to be available " he said to her shaking her hand
" I have heard that Italian man are very respectful and romantic but it seems that Turkish
one had won over them " Helena said smirking
" than I wait for the next time to see each other Mr Cranz " my aunt said again
" what is going on here ?" My uncle asked putting his hand on my aunt's wrist
" Oh nothing, mum was inviting Cranz for lunch " Helena said smiling and he looked at
aunt with widened eyes . I took Zane by his arm and moved a little way from then
" well that was surprising. You know how to impress me sultanım " I told him
" this is nothing " he said to me smirking
" when are you planning to attack?" I asked him
" I don't know , tell your uncle to come to me to plan " he said to me and I nodded " stay
away from this . I accepted it only if your uncle is involved not you " he told me
" did you forget our deal ? Together in everything " I told him
" yeah , and I want you alive unharmed not like the other time that you throw yourself in
front of a war with gunshots " he told me , literally scolding me like a five fucking yeas
child .
" don't scold me " I told him
" then stay at home " he said " I have to go . Keep your phone next to you . " He said,
kissing my Forehead and then my lips before leaving and letting me freeze. What the hell
has happened with him? The first time he didn't want to see me, now he is kissing me like a
precious thing ? I need a therapist.
" well that was surprised from a work partner " I heard Helena saying next to me
" I need a therapist now " I told her grabbing her hand

shouted on top of her mouth to let him known
" you bitch " I told her
" but a hot bitch " she said, smiling " how the karma works . Until yesterday I was asking
for a therapy session. Now we are preparing your therapy session " she said smiling again
and I think she is very happy about this state of me that I don't feel like myself.


" what happened? Did you actually had sex with him ?" Uncle Teo asked smirking as soon
as he entered in my room
" you need a girlfriend for yourself " I told him
" did you?" Helena asked
" no , I hadn't sex with him " I told them
" fake alarm " Helena told him and I rolled my eyes dropping my body on bed
" so what kind of therapy do you want ?" Helena asked again and I shrugged. I don't
know what I want . I want something but I don't know what it is
" Zane wants you to go to him and talk " I said looking the ceiling over me
" me ?" Helena asked shocked
" not you bitch , him . You uncle Teo " I said without looking and I heard a moaning of
relief from Helena. It seems that she fears him
" so you don't want to speak in my presence. It's okay . We have other secrets " uncle
Teo said wicking
" Lea "
" work Helena, about work , however he is too old for other stuff " I said smirking at him
" and yet I look like a Greek God " he said
" Keep dreaming, " I said to him before he left my door .
" start talking " Helena told me
" about what ?" I asked her
" about what you feel . About what is going on between you " he told me and I frowned
" I don't know okey. It is confusing. Before this he would even want to spend time with
me , now he acts differently. Treats me differently. Kiss me differently " I told her
" You kissed ?" She asked happily
" yeah , and it's not a big deal " I told her
" Sorry , continue, I just went a little overreacting about your kisses " she said smiling
and giggling. Disgusting
" What other ? He keeps saying things that point me differently from his whores. Or I
took like that "
" like what ?" Helena asked
" that you don't need to know " I told her
" you like him , don't you ?" She asked smirking and I looked at her
" Is this calling liking a person ?" I asked her

" why do you ask like you aren't a human?'She asked pinching my arm
" auch , it Hurts
" and you are falling for him " she added smiling too
" Am I? Shit " I cursed getting by body up " I should even started to think no to start
falling " I said
" but why ? It is beautiful " she said
" but what if things change Helena?
" for example?" She asked
" I don't know , I don't even want to know " I said to her getting up completely from bed
" you are scared " she mumbled
" yes , I am scared . What if it turns out like that man that was supposed to be my father ?
What if I turn out like my mum ? What if we turn out like them? I don't want that . I don't
want another man like him and I don't want to be like my mum at this point " I told her,
freaking out only imagine in my mind all this .
" Lea , calm down . You are freaking down . Not everyone will turn like them . You are
not my aunt . He is not your father. Maybe my aunt gave you birth but my mum is your
mum . She raised you. And your father is my father . So calm down and enjoy that beautiful
thing that will happen . Because who knows that will happen only once" she told me holding
my hands
" if it does not happen like you say ?" I asked her like a child
" Then we hurt him , there it hurts him more " she said to me smiling " now tell me , did
something else happened besides the kisses ?" She asked smirking
" get out , the therapy session ended " I told her
" you bitch " she said throwing me pillows
" a classy bitch " I told her Smirking again as I tried to avoid her
" classy my ass "

Chapter 13

It has been two days since the last day that I have seen Zane and Uncle Teo . Two days to
invade a damn weak family? Probably planning something else and right now I sound like a
jealous bitch . Lord , help me to find a middle way in this fucking mess . And it has been two
days since Alex started to talk and behave differently with me .

" Are you lonely?" I heard him sitting next to me smiling. All I want right now is to slap
that fucking fake face . I can believe that I had a crush on him on the first day .
" What do you want ?" I asked him
" nothing just to speak with you like friends. " he said keep smiling
" surprised that everyone wants to be my friend today " I murmured
" So what do you want to do today? " He said to me
" go fuck that bitch and let me alone " I told him walking away from him . Bastard, you
think that I don't know what plane you had . Why are you talking to me .
I took my phone and started to call that fucking men who seems to be busy for two days
" now what ?" He asked
" loose that fucking attitude with me you fucking men . I am bored and that fucking
Ruslanovich's baby keep talking with me " I told him and I heard a groan on the phone that
made me smiling . Good he is jealous
" today we are planning to attack them " he said
" you better have a glorious win " I told him
" why ?" He asked
" because it took you two fucking days for this stupid attack " I told him
" I wasn't the one who suggested it " He said to me and I groaned.
" I am bored " I said to him again
" go and kill that baby " he said to me and I rolled my eyes
" I have a feeling " I told him
" about me ? You love me ?" He asked with a playful tone
" keep dreaming, but I have a feeling for today" I told him
" should I be worried ?" He asked
" I don't know , keep your phone with sound otherwise I will kill you " I told him

" don't worry sultanım, I will live for you " he said and I am sure that he was smirking
right now
" kapat " I told him and I hung up. Ugh as I wish to read his mind
" Azalea, " I head my uncle calling and I walked at him
" yes ?" I said but I saw him putting his gun on his wrist that he usually don't do it inside
the house
" something happened one of our whereabouts " he said and now It was my turn to react
" let's go then " I told him but he grabbed me from my shoulders making me standing in
my place
" We are going , " he said to Ruslanovich and Marbas that were behind him " you are
staying here " he told me . And no way I was going to miss another mission
" no noo…."
" you are my only person that I trust Azalea, " he interrupted me " You are the only
person that I know and I can trust with my family's life . You stay here like the queen you
are . For everything you call me . And remember, do not hesitate to pull the trigger. " He
said, like he feels that something is going to happen. He kissed my Forehead and started
walking. Mr. Marbas stopped in front of me , smiled and I think that he was fighting with
himself to hug me or no .
" Be careful " he said, smiling sadly and just nodded. I hate this day and this feeling. It
isn't going to end well.


As we were all sitting waiting impatiently and anxious for any news about my uncle , my
phone started ringing and my aunt looked at me with worried eyes . This is what she had
experienced all her life in this world
" yes " I answered looking at her
" miss … I think that we are being attacked " the man who called me said, panicking .
My eyes went wide, conceiving what he meant with that and only when I heard a gunshot I
came to my senses . They killed him . And I am fucking alone here protecting the others . I
need to protect my sister and my aunt . The others let go in hell .
" ALARM THE GUARDS OUTSIDE " I shouted at my man that Zane had put in my
" Azalea what is happening?" My aunt asked in panic
" We are being attacked. This was all planned. I said running to the stairs " stay away
from windows . Call uncle . " I ordered her and I ran to his office .

Took a key under his desk and then opened a drawer that had guns . I took all of them and
with difficulty I started calling Zane .
" opened that damn phone " I murmured running again down stairs

" Why don't we leave ?" Alex asked
" where the hell do you want to go ? We are surrounded " I told him throwing a gun and
than called again that bastard
" I am basically busy right now, Aza . I can not talk " he answered
" we are being attacked " I said and then gunshots started
" shit " he murmured
" Azalea what do we do ?" Helena asked
" I am coming " Zane said and then I throw my phone somewhere
" take this , and shoot If it is necessary . I will not let anything happen to you " I told her
and she nodded but an unfamiliar voice made me shiver in fear . Not for myself but for her
" that isn't necessarily because you would not be able to save yourself " he said and I
turned to look at who I was going to kill with my bare hands. His man surrounded us with
guns pointing at our heads . There was standing a fifty years old man probably and a young
man on his 20
" hello love " the young man said to Aurora that she was hugging her mother in fears
and Alex reacted angrily
" you fucking Bitch . If they don't kill you, I am going " I said looking at her and the
young man looked at me
" who are you ?'' He asked me
" who are you? You are the one who attacked my house " I told him
" feisty. Now I understand why Cranz likes you ." He said looking up and down " what is
your name ?" He asked and I didn't answer but he nodded his head and one of his man hit
" Azalea. AZALEA NOLIAN " I shouted in fear .
" Elinor's daughter huh " he said smirking and he started walking towards . I felt my
daggers and started planning the plot .
" nccc Helena's daughter. " I said smirking
" Azalea enough " my aunt said with tears in her eyes
" Helena's ?" The old man said looking me suspicious
" the one that ended the Mordions once " I said smirking again and he narrowed his eyes
at me
" Unbelievable " he said " you are his daughter too " he said and then started laughing " I
came for one stone but I am getting a diamond" he said and I looked at the man near me
who was looking at the old man . Only one chance with one movie or all dead . I looked at my
man and I showed them my arm , I just need them to distract them a little bit
" Cranz will not leave you alive for pointing a gun at his future wife " one of my men said
and then was my Chance .

Seeing that he wasn't looking at me , I grabbed the young man by his throat putting him
as shelter before me even though the guns were behind me
" not a fucking move or I cut his throat " I threatened looking straight in the old man's

" with what ? Your bare hands ?' He said and then started laughing again
" I am Helena's daughter " I said, smirking, hitting him behind his knees, dropping him
on his knees and showing the old man my dagger on his throat. I saw all the guns pointing
at me now and my guards hit the man around them by taking their guns and pointing at
both of them
" drop your knife or I will kill all of them " the old man said and I put pressure on my
dagger making the man in my head moaning I fear
" It is poisonous. With the poison of a snake that gives you death . A cut or stab in his
body , he started dying. " I said smirking and took from my shoes another small dagger
pointing in the man's heart " but if I stab him here he dies immediately " I added and I saw
frustration on his face . The gunshots outside had stopped
" what makes you think that I am not going to kill her for him ?' He asked pointing the
gun at Helena but I had to act Cool .
" are you sure ?" I asked again, cutting his throat. The gunshots started again and my
smirk widen more in victory " you had to do it before it was to late " I said and the guards
dropped his gun letting him unprotected
" all of you drop the guns or they die " my man said to his man that had guns " Now " he
ordered again
" do it " the man in my hand ordered and I looked at him smiling . After all of them
dropped their guns , the other man shoot them and all started shouting
" AAAAAAAAAAAA" they shouted in fear as they hugged each other.

After his men were dead , his phone started ringing and I think that is time to introduce
with the Mordions. My man took his phone and put it in speaker
" did you finish the job ? Are the girls in our hands ?" An old voice of a man came from
the other side of the phone
" we are not but maybe this young man and this old one , are " I said smirking and
silence captured the place
" who are you ? What do you want?" He asked .
" you ordered them to attack my family , my home and you ask me what do I want ?" I
said getting angry
" you are making the worst mistake of your life " the old man said clenching his teeth
" Am I? Because I don't see it from this angle. Probably because this head of this young
man is preventing me " I said
" what do you want to let him go ?" The man on the phone asked
" you started the war with Nolian and I will end it . my deepest condolences for the future
package I will send " I said and I nodded at the guard to end it . " no one , but no one dares
to attack my FAMILY " I said looking at the man eyes as I cut the young man throat
" NoNOOOO " he screamed as the blood was running from the dead body that was yet in
my hand
" NO ONE DARES TO POINT MY FAMILY GUN " I said to him but stabbing again in
his heart " because I took my revenge in the worst way " I say throwing the body in the

ground. My eyes were poised by darkness, by revenge that I hadn't seen that I took a life
with my own hands . That I actually cut someone's throat .

After I realized what I had done I dropped my daggers on floor and saw my hands with
" are you okay Miss ?" One of the man asked
" thank good " Helena's Voice came so far from me but only when I felt her body hugging
me , I came in myself. I pushed her away from me immediately
" Lea?" She asked shocked by my gesture
" I am with blood . Someone's blood " I told her
" I don't even care " she said hugging me again" you protected us " she whispered in my
ear and I felt somebody else hugging us and I knew it was aunt . Her arome can easily be
recognized in the middle of a war
" HELENA, AZALEA " we heard Uncle's voice shouting again and again our names.

As soon as they entered inside they runned at their loves , including even him . Uncle ran
towards us hugging three of us first and thanking God under his breath
" are you okay ? Are you hurt ? Did you get hurt ?' He asked checking aunt first all over
her face and body , then Helena and then me . " Azalea, why is blood in your face and hands
?" He asked checking my face carefully and looked if I was shoot somewhere and then
Marbas ran at me checking all over me like Uncle did
" I am fine, " I answered, looking at the body on the floor . The old man was still on his
knees with guards guarding him with guns all over him . Following my gaze they turned and
looked at the dead man on the ground. " I killed him with my hands" I murmured and I
think that Uncle heard me because I saw myself in his chest and I was ready to cry . I don't
know why, but I was going to cry .
" Azalea " I heard Zane's voice and everyone turned to him
" Azalea are you okay ? Are you hurt ?' Uncle Teo asked me to run towards me and
nodded my hand . I felt him checking again but I just wanted to cry for some second
" put him in cell, I want him alive " I said to guards and started walking outside with
blood in my face and hands
" AZALEA " I heard my aunt's voice but I didn't stop . Now I really want to be alone
" she wants to be alone" I heard my uncle saying this to someone but I climbed in my car .
And as I was about to driving the passenger's doors opened and inside entered Zane
" Drive " he said without looking at me and I did . I gave gas as soon as I put my foot on
the gas.

I kept clinching the steering wheel so I would not break down. Yet. I was just driving
somewhere that rarely passes a wheel . Zane didn't say a word and neither did I .
" pull over " he said and I did as he said . I pulled over and then put my hand on the
steering wheel

" I killed somebody" I said and he stayed in silence " my eyes were so posed by the
darkness that the only thing that I saw and wanted was blood . Only their blood in my hands
" I said to him
" it is just the beginning " he said again
" I didn't even have control over my body that moment " I said again
" you will . But this time was different . It was the first one that you took someone's life . "
he said and I could feel his eyes on me
" with my hands . " I said, making a little sound of chuckling. "I killed somebody " I said
and tears started rolling from my eyes . " I was afraid " I said again now letting the sound of
crying being loud
" Come here " he said by taking me in his arms" cry , no one is seeing you crying. No one
is seeing you breaking down. And no one is hearing you of being afraid " he said to me and
that made me cry more . His care made me cry more . His gesture, touching my hair
carefully and slowly made me cry more . The fact that he was with me at this moment made
me cry more . The fact that he didn't leave me alone but chose me. The fact that I felt his
first priority when I was second at the others .
" I killed somebody and I don't regret it " I said suddenly and I went from crying to
laughing like a psychopath.
" and the psychopath part came back " he said to me smirking and I looked at him " your
face doesn't need tears . You have to cause them " he told me wiping my tears from the face
" what are you doing to me ?" I asked looking at him
" the same thing that you are doing to me " he mumbled, looking at my lips first and then
looking back at me . He closed the space between us until our face were enough to touch "
bugün beni korkuttun ( you scared me today ) " he mumbled again
" why ?" I asked, literally whispering, closing my eyes and enjoying his touch on my neck
and my face .
" soon , Açelyam, soon,'' he whispered to me, touching my Forehead with his . After that ,
I felt his lips on mine but I pushed him away . When I looked at him he was looking at me
" I am with blood in my hands and face " I answered to his confused face that changed in
a second .
" I don't give a fuck " he said putting me towards his lips by my neck . Never in my life
have I thought that I would like the sounds of kissing. And now , I am loving hearing it and
it's turning me on .
My phone started ringing which made us separate from the kiss . I looked at Zane before I
looked at my phone. It was my uncle calling
" it is my uncle. We better go back " I told him but he stopped me again and started to
remove his jacket from him
" undress, your blouse is covered with blood . Wash your hand first and wear my blazer "
he said and I just stood there watching him confused. He knows how to mess with my body
and mind .


The first thing that I did as soon as I entered was slapping that bitch and she fell down
" Azalea " My uncle tried to stop me
" NO ONES TO INTERFERE " I shouted look at her .
" dad " she called him crying as I grabbed her by her hair .
" for you mistakes my family was in danger bitch " I told her as I slapped her again
" Are you crazy? Not only your family but all of us , and she was in danger " Alex said
trying to be a man
" Alex shut up " his dad said but then I turned towards him
" you little punk . You are nothing and yet you dare to speak to me like that . Until today
you were coming after me like a dog , why ? because you don't have any balls and you need
me to live " I said to him and looked taken back
" don't you dare to speak to me like that " he said with emberessmand face clenching his
" or what ?" I heard Zane asking as he walked near us . " you are dead ,puppy. One word
, one shoot , one bullet and dead as a meat " Zane told him with hands on his pockets " so sit
there as a puppy and don't dare to raise your voice to her, because I will not hesitate to give
you a bullet between your eyes " Zane said to him and he looked too embarrassed in that
moment .
" Do you have the dagger I gave you?" I asked Zane looked at bitch who was standing in
the ground crying with the hand on the face I slapped her
"benim tılsım mı o . (Is my talisman) "he answered smirked as he gave it to me
" dad , dad d…ad " she started calling him but Uncle Teo was holding him
" Azalea calm down " my uncle said
" I had enough from her . She should die long ago " I said grabbing her hand
" DAD , DAD HELP ME " she screamed on top of her mouth
" Azalea calm down and talk " he said by I didn't listen no one as I stab her hand with
" AAAAAAAAA, Ahaaaa"
Her screaming filled the house . Her face was covered with tears and the table where I
stabbed her hand was covered with blood
" you are not going to die so easily. I have other plans for you . " I said with a low voice
to hear only her . " maybe Mordions will have been you escape from me " I told her
removing the dagger from her hand
" Aurora, Aurora " her mother called her running to her
" He was my first victim, you two will be the next " I told her mother and then I turned to
look at the man behind me " gather all the men . All of them " I looked at Uncle Teo who let
Marbas to go and nodded to my eyes
" what kind of si…." That manipulated bitch started talking to me
" Enough, sent Aurora at her room " Marbas interrupted her
" Azalea go and rest for a little " my aunt said to me
" after I kill those men who didn't take my order seriously, " I said, walking out from
there . I want just blood, the ones that cause my family terror.

I walked outside and all the man were lined up with Uncle Teo present on top of line
" I will ask only one time and I want answers before I kill all of you at the same time " I
said to them angrily " who is the traitor? Who sabotaged my plan ?" I asked them and no
one talked , just standing there watching the ground " WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT
MOTHERFUCKER?" I shouted in top of my mouth
" miss …. Eric said that was fake alarm " one of them said and I looked at him
" who is Eric here ?' I asked again
" he is dead , they killed him " another one said and I looked back at him . He was fine for
a member of a gang that has been in a war with guns.
" this will not stop here " I said turning my back to them and I walked at Uncle " find me
his weakness " I told him
" you think that he is a traitor?" Uncle Teo asked
" He is ... he knows how his partner was killed and he is alive. Bring me his weakness, it
doesn't matter if it is a woman , a child or an old age . I want whoever it is to be his
weakness. I will show everyone what it means to betray me " I said and I started walking
with a straight face ignoring all the faces , all the looks that everyone was giving me . No one
deserves my mercy .

My sister was about to die if I was prepared for this day . The women who raised my was
about to die if I haven't learn how to survive
Everyone was shaking in fear and I wasn't the person who caused that fear . No one was
going to show mercy on them or me if I haven't trained to be a leader . Hell no one was going
to leave us to live if I wasn't Helena's daughter.

I opened the shower and started to strip off my clothes. Right now the shower sounds like
heaven to me . The water It's like somebody is embracing me . I need this time alone . To
think about how I have to take my revenge. How I have to turn off that humanity part of me
and kill everyone.
to think who I haven't killed that bitch yet . Or her mum . Why do I hate them so much ?
Why do I miss my mum right now? I wish that she would embrace me and cry in her arms . I
wish just now to be my father 's princess. The first person after my mum . I wished to cry in
their arms and not on the bath's floor. I wished they were the one instead of Zane , my
uncles and my aunt .


This is just a dream of a little girl who used to love being a princess. But now, seeing my
reflection in the mirror, I want to be the evil queen because only being evil can forget what
is the dream . Only then , you can do whatever you want and nobody will judge you because
you are the villain. And only then , you can not feel pain . And Only then, you can protect
what is yours.

I walked out of bathroom with a bathrobe on me and a towel on my hair when I saw Helena
and my aunt sitting on my bed
" that is unexpected " I said making a fake smile
" come , let me do your hair," my aunt said, smiling at me but I saw tears in her eyes . I
nodded at her as I walked towards the bed .

I sat on bed crossing legs as she got up for better access behind me .
" I never saw her taking a life " he started speaking as she started brushing my hair " but
she always had that look of yours when you did . And that moment, when you took his life , I
saw your mother , my sister " she said and my eyes started tearing
" I am her daughter after her " I said trying to joke
" you are much worse than her , Azalea. She did not stab or hurt our other siblings on
herself but you ,you can , want to kill them or her with your own hands . You will burn the
world for those you love . You Azalea are the nightmare of them and every man who thinks
that can be more powerful than you. You are Helena's daughter. A drug dealer's
granddaughter, the first born of a mafia leader, also the daughter of Elinor Nolian. The
leader of two mafias " she said as we had connected our looks on the mirror in front of us .
" should you be angry with me ?" I asked her
" I will never be angry with you . You are my sister's gift . You are my daughter. And
most importantly, you are Nolian's leader . When I married your uncle , I made my fate .
One of my children will be the one who will have blood on his or her hands . And you
Azalea, are my daughter " she said to me and I hugged her so tightly that I didn't know that
I needed a mother's figure to hug me . " and I will never let you have your mother's fate . I
will never let you sacrificed yourself for a man " she said kissing my head
" and I will never let you leave me without a sister " Helena spoke for the first time and
hugged us . " you are my protector Lea . I love you so much that I cannot imagine living a
life without you " she said during the hugg
" I am not dying , I am killing other people " I said joking
" some words to remember before you do something for Cranz " my aunt said and I
looked at her " he hasn't left the place yet . Is dealing with the orders you had given " she
said looking in my eyes and a creepy smile appeared in my face hearing those words .
" Remember, you might be an evil bitch but I will kill him if ever , ever hurts you "
Helena said with a serious face and I laughed at her . I love her so much that even I can't
imagine a life without her , my soul mate

Chapter 14

I was walking to the downstairs of the house where the worst place for an enemy could be
. Not like the other mafia's underground basement that is dark and guards guarding it ,
our underground was red , as blood. There weren't any guards if it wasn't somebody locked
up . They do not need to guard because none of the people that got the luck to be caught will
survive more than hours .
The walls are anti-sound proof. The whole place is covered with cameras . And high tech .
All this was my idea . I grow myself watching shows about crime , movies , documentary and
all the others that is related murders, surviving crime , mafia and others .

The guards that were now positioned in their place opened the door where the man was
staying. As soon as I walked all the eyes were on me . All the man were looking at me when
Zane was sitting on a stole with his sleeving up torturing him with electric and water .

" what are you doing here ?" My uncle asked looked at me
" putting on work my ideas " I answered him" really , water and electricity?" I asked
Zane crossing my arms

" I was waking him up . And waiting for your presence " he answered getting up.
" you look hot " I said him checking him up
" not now with a room full of man çiçeğim " he said smirking at me
" Azalea go up " my uncle said to me
" the devil has been released now " I said sleeving my sleeves up as I walked towards the
table that was in the corner
" you bitch . You are going to be dead . Like your mother " the man said to me and I
heard growling from someone and I saw that Uncle was holding Marbas
" maybe , maybe not . But one thing was for sure . I am not going to die like her , I am
going to kill everyone like she did " I said to him, getting the knife in my hands and walking
towards him " who wants to be my assistant now ?" I asked sitting
" me with pleasure " I heard Zane and I was sure that he was smirking
" Bring me salt " I ordered him and started undressing his shirt
" boss will find you and tortured you in the same way that our family did your mother "
he said smirking and I remind silent but Marbas wasn't . He kept growling like an animal
" I am going to tortured you motherfucker " he said
" either you stay and watch in silence or get out . Stop growling like a dog " I said to him
and I dig the knife in salt and then smirked
" you are lucky that I am not I man because raping you and your blood will be the first
thing " I said to him and without thinking twice I dig the knife with salt in his eyes . His
screaming filled the room . Blood was coming from his eyes and that is only the beginning
" y-you aren't g-getting anything from me " he said between the pain
" who said that I want something from you? I am making myself known by you . Zykov
and Ruslanovich are watching what kind of monster I am . Cranz is beside me . Mordions
are on their way to learn and everyone in the crime world would know me . Not as a mafia
princess . Not as a mafia daughter. Not as Helena's daughter. Not as someone's wife . But as
Azalea Nolian. " I told him as I started ripping his chest skin with the knife

The door opened again and Inside walked one of our man and whispered something to Uncle
Teo who nodded
" Azalea they found two his " Uncle Teo said and I get up
" Bring them here and him too " I said, cleaning my hands . Zane was leaning on the wall
with his crossed arms on his chest and looking me
" Why is this place red and not dark ?" He asked me and Uncle Teo entered with a child
and a woman who was being held by guards .
" you will learn it in a few seconds, " I answered looking at the girl in front of me . " Bring
me the bitch too " I ordered one of the guards
" Azalea enough " my uncle said to me
" I haven't started yet " I told him and kneel in front of the child .
" what do you want from us?" The women asked looking at my uncle and the others
" them nothing , me whatever I want " I spoke and the man that I was waiting for entered.
At first he looked confused but when he saw the women on the floor and me kneeled to his
daughter, shock and fear was created in his eyes

" honey , h-honey " the women said towards him
" m-miss w-what are they doing here ?" He asked me and I got up, putting the girl in front
of me .
" dad , Dad help me " I heard That bitch screamed as she entered inside crying again
" Azalea " Marbas said to me
" put her in the corner " I said to the guard that was holding her " and if she doesn't shut
put , put your dick on her mouth shutting up " I ordered him looking straight in her eyes
" Azalea come in your sens " my uncle said to me
" I have lost it with time uncle " I said and I signal the guard behind the traitor to hit him
" do I look like a fucking fool or stupid?" I asked him as the guard catch him from his hair
to look me
" I-I am sorry, they threatened me to kill them " he said looking at the man in chair
" what makes you think that I am not going to kill them ?" I asked him , taking my dagger
out at pointing over his daughter head
" AZALEA " My uncle shouted at me " we don't kill children " he said to me
" maybe you don't, me without an hesitation" I told him
" p-please I beg you , p-please l-let my daughter " he and his wife started begging
" you put my family in danger, you betrayed me and you think that I will show mercy ?' I
asked him " we children darling , we pay for our parents sin " I said, looked at her and she
looked at me and turned towards Zane as I let the girl and she runned to her mother " is
there any limit of yours for killing?" I asked him and he took out his gun and pointed at
them and a shot was heard screaming too . Both of them and that bitch .
" did that answer your question?" Zane asked smirking after he shot the girl on the
head ,leaving her lifeless body on her mother's arms who was crying, shouting at me
" did the blood answer your question ?' I asked him looking at the blood on the floor
" your daughter is a monster " I heard Ruslanovich telling uncle who was looking at me
shocked , like didn't know me
" you haven't seen the monster yet " I said to him " rape her " I ordered the guard and
everyone looked more shocked
" w-what ?' I heard Marbas whispered
" rape her in front of his eyes" I ordered again
" STOP " uncle shouted at him " have you gone insane ? What does it means to rape
somebody Azalea?" He asked me
" to make her experience the same thing that my mum experienced, am I right old man ?'
I asked the man in the chair
" you monster " he said to me and I smirked at him
" wait and see other things " I told him and looked at the women " I will give you an easy
death too " I told her and shoot her on her head too with Zane guns . " put bodies on
something and put them on the garden . Uncle Teo you will announced at every single person
that works with out that this is the easy way for those people who decided to betray me " I
told him and he nodded.

I walked towards the bitch who was standing in fear

" don't touch her ' Marbas said
" or what ?" I asked without looking at him as I grabbed her from her jaw, squeezing
her. " did you see what I can do ?' I asked her and she nodded " good because you are
nothing to me . If I ordered to kill a little innocent child , I easily can kill you. So stay in your
place , as long as you stay in my house , I don't want to hear your irritated voice .
Understand?" I asked her again and she nodded " good , welcome in my hell " I sat her and
let her go . " show me some masterpiece to see tomorrow " I said looking at Zane
" when I have disappointed you ?' He asked me ,smirking and I started walking out and I
heard other steps behind me .

As I was walking out of there a hand grabbed me , turning towards them . It was my uncle
and after him marbas Ruslanovich. He looked at me with pain in his eyes . He looked at me
like he was seeing someone else and not the daughter he had raised .

" how could you do that Azalea? A child ? An innocent one ? Did I raise you with hatred?
How ?" He asked me
" I raised myself with hatred uncle " I answered him
MOTHER HAD EXPERIENCED " I shouted at him and he let my arm
" how do you know about your mother ?" He asked me
" you raised me with a perfect figure of my mother's, you raised me with humanity but
Uncle I was born without it . I can not have something that I was born without . I can not
pretend to have it if I don't have one . And I am not stupid . There is a reason why they are
alive . There is a reason why I don't kill that bitch . There is a reason why I don't kill that
family that was supposed to be mine . And there is a reason for everything " I told him " if I
haven't made myself the monster you saw , you will not have been with them today. But it's
okay . My aunt had made you too soft " I said to him chuckled as tears had gathered in my
eyes , turning my back to him and walked away
" At least I have someone who doesn't see me as a monster, " I whispered to myself
walking to my room .


" you are like me Azalea " I heard an unfamiliar voice in the darkness . I turned around to
know where the source of the voice was coming from. " You are exactly like me, my
daughter. Killing the only weakness for punishment " I heard it again
" mum ?" I called her more as a question " I am not like you . I will not die like you . I kill
for those I love . I don't kill to punishment those I love " I said looking around

" you are my daughter Azalea. You will have my fate . You have started falling in love
with a monster exactly like your father was once . " he said to me and I saw a woman in
front of me like in the picture I had . Older than me
" Zane isn't like him " I said immediately " and yours wasn't love , it was obsession . If it
was love you would let him go . You would stay with me , fall in love again " I told her and
she smiled again
" I am a selfish person, Azalea . Exactly like you . I am only saying that I have waited
enough for my flower. " she said to me
" wait for whom ?" I asked her
" my family. Your father and you " she said to me making me laughing
" That man may come but me no . don't wait for me " I told her
" Azalea, there is a curse for his children. Once you fell in love you die " she told me
" you cursed me ? What kind of mother cursed her child ?" I asked her
" I cursed his children but I forgot that you are his too " she said with a sad smile .
" I hate you . You make me the monster I am . You tell me that once I love someone I will
die like you ? I hate YOU " I screamed at her as I started to move from her
" Azalea, Azalea wait . Azalea " the female voice started to mix with a male voice and I
felt my body being shaked .
" Açelyam uyan ( wake up ) " I heard that voice again and I opened my eyes. Zane was
over mine watching me with concern and I got up from my position and looked around . I
was in my room and there was a lamp on , on the nightstand " are you okay , you were
shouting " he said to me and I looked at him . He had a glass of water on his hand which he
gave to me .

I drank it and exhaled. That fucking dream . This fucking room has started being hunted .
I rubbed my face as Zane sit next to me
" It was a dream, " he whispered next to me . Moving my hair from my neck and feeling
his breath , his small kisses on it
" it was more as a message " I whispered looking at him
" lay down . On me " he said to me laying himself first and then me on his body . My head
was on his tummy , my back on his thighs, and my thighs between his legs . " what message
was it?" He asked me stroking my hair
" my death probably." I answered looking at the wall in front of me
" you are not going to die, Azalea . Ben buna izin vermeyeceğim ( I will not allow it ) " he
said to me
" well I said the same thing to my mother . Let's see in the future " I said to him .
" Have you been seeing nightmares since the poison?' He asked me
" tonight was the first time . I haven't been sleeping here since that night " I told him
" where have you been sleeping?'
" on the couch in the living room , or with Helena "
" why haven't you come to me ?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders . He extended
his arm to turn off the light bit I stopped him
" don't " I said taking his arm and putting on my stomach

" why? You like the darkness 'He asked me
" because there is no violin in background " I said to him
" that means …..
" violin is like the light in the darkness " I told him
" Do you play the violin ?"
" YES , I play . I am the girl that play it at Iono's club " I said to him smiling
" no way "
" Yes "
" damn it , I have been having the masterpiece along with me all the time " he murmured
to himself but I heard him . " you are very talented . Glad that you are mine " he said
" why do you like the violin ?" I asked him
" my mum liked it . It was her dream " he answered and I smiled in the dark " tell me
your dream " he said
" being a person that everyone will have afraid "
" your childish dream " he asked
" I don't know , to have a mum and dad " said " yours ?' I asked
" being a normal child with a normal family " he said " your adultish dream ?" He asked
" I couldn't say adultish but I was so into sultanlık clothes , jewelry and power . I
wanted to be like Hurem or Kosem Sultan . Maybe living a day like them, " I told him .
"You ?" I asked
" I don't, maybe killing that bitch in the worst way " he said " have you had nightmares
before? Or when you were a child ?" He asked me and I stayed in silence for some seconds
before taking a deep breath and start speaking
" I used to , when I started reading my mum's diary. What they did to her . They hunted
me . I would wake up by my aunt and uncle because I would scream . They started sleeping
with me but …."
" but what ?"
" but I felt like I was taking uncle and aunt away from Helena and I requested to move
with the room away from them , to this I am today . I didn't stop reading my mum's diary
but I stopped sleeping at night when I read it . " I explained
" you pushed away your uncle and aunt because you felt that you were taking away your
cousin's parents from her ?" He asked me and I nodded " Azalea, they are your parents too .
That man and woman see you like their daughter . Nothing less and nothing more " he said
to me " this is the reason why you don't call them father and mother ?" He asked
" no , I didn't call them parents because I thought that my parents would be disappointed
in me . I thought that that man would be sad if I called someone else father because I would
be sad if someone else called him father " I explained one of my feelings. I had such a
beautiful figure of him when I was a child and before I read my mother's diary .
" he doesn't deserve you " Zane told me as I cuddled
" I know " I whispered before his aroma calmed me and sent me to my dream world with
him this time .

But this declaration kept breaking the man that decided to see his daughter. He didn't
know that his daughter had loved him so much and not given someone else his title .

He sat down behind the wall listening to their conversation with his elbow on his knees and
his hands on his face crying on his daughters' pains , words . Hitting himself for being what
he was . For his choices . He was the reason for his daughter's nightmares .
Another man was comforting her in his place and for his mistake . And he was right . He
doesn't deserve her , her love or her forgiveness.

Chapter 15
After a day and half . He started walking in their house like he was his . He would ask his
guards to ask for his sultan where she was or walk directly to her room. Like he was doing
at the moment.
He walked straight to her room without paying attention to anyone.
" don't give me shit news " she said to him as soon as he opened the door and entered
" unfortunately yes poisonous flower " he said to her unbuttoned his suit jacket
" that motherfucker " she murmured " did you put someone to give a look at the
place ?" She asked him
" yes , there is the only place he can take his son's body " he told her and sit on her bed
" My soul wants blood right now . I want to kill somebody and try to find that
motherfucker because I am not killing some useless dogs " she told him and he just stood
there with a different look . With admiration in his eyes .

Someone else would see her like a monster, or disgusting human but he was looking at her
with admiration. Because she was the first female he knows that she can take care of herself,
step over every man, trust her , and love her .

" welcome at the bloody party vampire " Xavier told her where he was standing in the
corner of the room
" do yourself a favor . Speak one more world and to the other side of the sun " she
threatened him and he looked at her with narrowed eyes . He knows that he should play with
her anymore .

" let's go to the other deal . " she said

" Which one ?" Her uncle asked
" breaking that bitch . It's time to break their relationship " she said smirking
" what do you have in mind ?" Zane asked her, not breaking his look from her .
" her honor is everything, and yet she lost it . We will do something that everyone will
see that she isn't a angle by exposing herself " she answered
" why we discuss this here instead in the office?" Xavier asked again
" because we don't want to infern my uncle in this. He has enough with me " she
answered him and only Zane was understanding her feelings about her uncle .
" go out , the meeting ended " Zane said towards his man who raised one eyebrow to his
boss but with a serious look from him , he got up exhaling
" anyway , I have better work to do " he said before walking out
" I am going to check everything and everyone" her uncle said smirking before walking
out too .
" I never knew that being a leader it is so tired" she said walking towards him

" well ask me Açelyam " he said putting his hands on her wrist " you know that you had
promised me something if I impress you?" He asked her looking in her eyes with a devilish
" right now? Are you sure , sultanım? Because you will be disappointed if someone
interrupted us " she said to him passing her hand on his shortest hair .
" fuck you are right " he mumbled putting his head on her chest and closing his eyes
" what are you doing ?" She asked him
" keep doing it . I need sleep . This situation makes me tired, " he said, throwing her on
the bed which made her escape half moaning and half scream . He put his body over her and
put his head on her breast .
" you are too big and heavy " she said which made him chuckle with her statement but
quickly disappeared by the door being opened. He straightened his body to see who dared to
open the door and saw Marbas who was looking at him suspiciously.
" what are you doing here ?" He asked him with a serious look
" you what are you doing? Entering at someone's else room like it is your daughter's room
" Zane said to him to provoke
" because it i…" he answered ready to explore the secret he has been hiding
" I am not in mood for your therapy session " Azalea said staying on her back and
looking up on cell
" I– just heard something and I wanted to make sure you are alright " he said to her
" When she is with me , she is more than fine " Zane told him " leave " he ordered him
before going back to her " you were right sultanım, here it is impossible to do something
together " he whispered as she started touching his head.

Slowly, with her touch and her heart beating, he started to fell asleep before the door was
opened again making him cursing aloud and showing his gun
" NOW what?" He asked
" Cranz, there is a problem at the mansion . Your dad called and sent a man to talk with
you . He didn't say much " Xavier told him with a serious face
" Lanet baba " ( fucking father ) he whispered as he looked back at Azalea and got up "
get ready , we are leaving " he ordered Xavier without looking behind and he nodded
leaving without a word " come at my sarayi , Sultanım. Whenever you want okay " he said
to her and she nodded looking at his eyes with a smile on her face
" definitely I will come . That sarayi makes me a sultan. Haseki sultan . She said
" Benim Haseki sultanım " he said, kissing her lips and giving small kisses on her lips . "
come and maybe I might give you a hint or a title of what we are " he said smirking at her
" I thought you had given it long time ago " she said to her
" benim Kalp, yes. Generally, you think " he said to her smiling , giving a last kiss to her
and mov from her . " I will be waiting," he said, winking at her before he walked out of her
room . Letting her in her room ,smiling and touching her lips .

" In the end , I could find you alone . That man doesn't let you alone if you are around him
" I heard Helena talking as she entered my room and closed the door .

" it makes to fall for him " I said to her
" if you haven't fallen already. ``He protected you yesterday was hot as fire " she said to
me smirking . " and Xavier took care of me as he stayed here. Hidden from father of
course " she said
" I am thinking kill him " I said to her
" and I kill yours " she said to me and I rolled my eyes " What you see at him? You didn't
want to be in the mafia ?" I asked her curious
" What do you see at yours ?" She asked me
" a sultan, a king . A monster. A very handsome hot sexy man . A Greek good . A man .
A true man " I list with a smile on my face as I imagine Zane in front of me . And she rolled
her eyes
" And I see the same thing as Xavier except for a monster, " she said to me . " as for the
last question, in love should be some sacrifices " she said smiling and I narrowed my eyes at
" and why should you be ?" I asked her
" what do you mean ?" She asked
" why don't he sacrifice for you ? Getting out of the mafia world ?" I asked her and she
went quite for some minutes
" This is the only way for him to survive, Lea . He doesn't know anything else like me .
Like a normal person " she said to me but I noted in my mind to deal with that
motherfucker too . I don't have a sister to die just for him . He should be the one to sacrifice,
not her. Being born in the mafia was enough for her .
" anyway, I need you to help me with something " I told her and she raised her eyebrows
" with what? Or better, whom?" She asked me and I smirked.


Clerk saw Alex drinking somewhere away from the others and went to him .
" Rough day ?" He asked him , sitting next to him but it sounds more like a statement.
" Because of that bitch and that Turkish bastard," he said while drinking. He felt so
hummitied from Azalea and Zane so he wanted to destroy both of them . His father had hit
him for the first time because of them . Calling him a pussy and a disappointment to him
" Together they are so powerful, " Clerk said . " but it seems that Cranz likes her too. Like
he is in love with her . Their children will be monsters too. " he added without looking at him
. And Alex was boiling from inside. From jealousy . For him having her and not him . Now
he was understanding his father's words for having a powerful person next to him .
" what is the best way to destroy someone? To hurt their pride ?" He asked drunk
" betrayer . If a man have everything and his women betray him , there is no nothing more
painful than this " Clerk said " do not say that you heard this from me but I heard that
Azalea was going to spend the night with Cranz tonight in the hotel " he said to him and
Alex's eyes wide and a idea snapped in his mind.
" which hotel? What time ?" He asked immediately

" at the luxury one in the center of the town . I heard him saying to wait for him in the
middle of night at suit number 2222 " Clerk answered And he got up and started walking "
where are you going?" Clerk asked him but he didn't take an answer from him. And he was
too drunk to think properly.

As soon as Alex was left , Clerk got up and nodded at Azalea who was looking at him away
from him and nodded her head and smirked.
" Now is our time, " she whispered to Helena, smirking .

Next day .

She waited for one of her guards outside for him to come and take the "key" that will
humiliate her angelic facade. Her plan had gone as she planned and better than that .

She walked in her daughter's room and removed the blank over the "body" and saw that
they were pillows. She immediately panicked and started walking in the bathroom.
" Aurora " she called her but nothing. She started looking around and saw the window
open and from there , Azalea gave money to the guard and smiled in victory. The terrible
idea came to her mind as she started running to her husband.

Their realiaship was never fixed since they step in that house .
"M-Marbas " she called him screamed as she was crying and unable to breath properly
" Sonia ? What is it ? What —?" He asked her, looking at her state .

It was early morning but from her scream everybody started waking up , confused about
what was happening.
" A- Aurora isn't here . S–she isn't in h-her room " she said looking at her
" calm down ." He told her
" HOW TO CALM DOWN? MY DAUGHTER ISN'T HERE " She screamed at him.
" what is happening?" Elinor asked them
" My daughter isn't here . Isn't in her room " Marbas told him which he had started
" your daughter did it . You daughter disappeared my daughter " Sonia accused Elinor
which he narrowed his eyes at her
" Do you know who you are accusing ?" Elinor said to her
" she sold my daughter at our enemy " she said crying
" SONIA " Marbas screamed at her " don't you d–" he started screaming at her but she
" do what ? Accuse your daughter?" She asked and all heard a shocked whisper .
Helena was listening to them on top of the stairs

" or telling the truth about your illegal child? She did it . I saw her giving money to the
guard , smiling. She had done everything to hurt Aurora since the day she had come here "
she said shaking him , who looked at Elinor
" Azalea didn't do such a thing " Elinor said convincingly.
" she killed a child Elinor , ordered to rape the woman. What makes you think that she
didn't sell her enemy?" Ruslanovich asked him which made Marbas lose his temper and his

The mansion's door opened and inside entered Azalea smiling and Mattoe with her but
stopped on spot when she saw everyone wake and look at her .
She saw Sonia crying and Marbas looking at her with a different look. With anger mostly.
She looked at everyone and saw Helenan looking shocked .
"What is g–...?" She started speaking but was interrupted by the Marbas blow towards her .
" What did you do my daughter? Where did you send her ? HOW COULD YOU ?" He
asked her, shaking her by the arms . Mateo and Elinor intervened immediately to move him
from her but were unsuccessful.

He grabbed her with force , shaking her as she was frozen by his reaction. He kept asking
her, shouting at her by naming his daughter every time.

His look , his words had hurt her more than the force he had grabbed her . More than a
real stab on her body . More than a shot. Every hope she had , every smallest percent to
accept him was destroyed at that moment.
" ENOUGH " Her uncle shouting as he moved him from her had brought her alive but yet
her body, mind and eyes were frozen at him . " Azalea tell them that you didn't do nothing
to their daughter" her uncle said looking at her but her voice was lost
" SHE DID . SHE CAN EVEN LIE " Sonia shouted
" I ---d-didn't–do-anything to her " he managed to say
" DONT LIE " Marbas shouted at her
" I AM NOT LIYING YOU FUCKING CHEATER " She shouted at him and at the
moment the door opened again and inside entered two guards with Aurora and Alex with
them .
" Boss , they tried to sneak inside by the back door " one of the guard said
" D- dad I am sorry " she said crying and Sonia run at her hugging
" My daughter doesn't lie you bastard." Elinor said to Marbas who had frozen in spot
" Where have you been ?" He asked her as she sit her head down
" fucking Alex .on the hotel " Azalea said making Aurora to look at her confused . " when
you were accusing me for her escape she was fucking him . Or isn't it true kardeşim?" She
asked her , trying to control herself not from her demons but from her weakened self .
" A-azalea I apologize with all –" marbas started apologizing her but she interrupted him
" this is the reason why my mum never told you about me " she said shocking everyone
with her statement
" Azalea…" Elinor started talking

" She knows that you can never be a man . You can never protect me from those
manipulated whores. She knew that you were nothing , just a toy " she told him as tears
were creating in his eyes .She knew that you never deserve being in my life ." She said as she
had taken small steps towards him. "She would be ashamed of herself for loving you . For
choosing that way of punishment for you . Because you deserve to be alone "
" H- how long?" Clerk asked her when all the place was in silence
" Since the first day, Clerk . Or should I say my brother. I am not your sister, that is just
an manipulated bitch. I knew it from the first day when I learned your mother's name . And
yet I played as I didn't know , uncle" she said chuckling darkly.
" why?" Marbas asked as he looked at her eyes with tears dropping .
" because I wanted to know if I can ever forget you . If I ever can accept you and today
you destroy every smallest chance . she said to him with a low voice but enough for him to
hear " you made me sit and eat at the same table with them uncle and I will never forgive
you . Never . You had betray me in that way that I never expected from you " she said
turning towards him with tears on her eyes
" Azalea I am so sorry " he apologized taking a step towards her but she stopped him
" you broke my trust . You were the only man who I trusted and now I don't know if I can
stay here and keep looking at you like I have done for the past months " she said to him
" AZALEA NO , NO PLEASE DONT . Don't leave " her aunt pleased her by running
towards her and hugging her
" I am so hurt right now aunt and I don't know that this is a place that can heal me . Not
after this. Not after today " she whispered to her in her ear, hugging her aunt back .

After she hugged her aunt , she turned back to leave but stopped once in front of him
" The day that I would call you father , it will be the day that I am in my last breath. Only
then ,before I close my eyes forever, would you hear that title from me . Every time you are
called by that title , imagine my last breath. Let it be my curse " she said to him and started
walking without turning her back for no one .
" than I hope that day never comes " he whispered only for himself to hear
Not for her aunt's voice telling her to come back. Not for her sister shouting her name .

She felt so betrayed now than when she understood who they were . She lost every single
trust in her family. And the only man who hadn't betrayed her yet was him .


" Dad , what was she talking about?" Aurora asked him, getting all of them out of shock .
He looked up at her and walked towards her. " D-dad " she asked scared by his look
" M-marbas I am sorry " Sonia told him but a slap shocked her .
" I never raised a hand over you but now I wished I was a monster like her and killed you
" he said to her darkly

" dad " she shouted at him but he slapped her too with such force that she was on the
ground .
" BECAUSE OF YOU " he shouted at her . He had lost himself. Her words . Her look.
Her heart had turned him into a terrible person. " I don't have a daughter anymore " he
said to her
" grab your shits and leave this place. All of you . From now on we are enemies. You will
leave my place unharmed but once I see you again , near my family or try to do something
you are all dead. " Elinor told them with his wife in his arms "Mateo grab them and threw
them in the road." He ordered him

Chapter 16

" boss you need to come " the guard at the door called Zane, hearing Azalea screaming
" What is it ?" He asked in the other side of the phone
" miss Azalea, doesn't look well . She is screaming and throwing things in your room " he
said and he could say that Zane was cursing in his language .

" I AM YOUR DAUGHTER. I AM YOURS TOO " she kept smashing everything that
could get in her hand . Her face was wet from her tears . If she had make up she would look
like a dark witch from the tears . " I am your daughter too . I was the one that was supposed
to be . I should be the one you had to defend and worry about " she said, dropping to her
knees crying like never before. He really had broken her . That pain was going away
whenever she continued to remember their good time .


After some time crying more than destroying things , the door opened and inside walked
Zane untying his tie but stopped looking at his room . Glass , curtains, pillows , things
everywhere in the floor

" Damn Açelyam. You can come and go as you wish but that doesn't include destroying
my room, " he said, moving the pillow with his feet from the way . He looked over at Azalea
who was in his bed, and didn't reply back . " Açelyam, my poisonous flower, what is ?" He
asked her while walking and sitting behind her " are you crying Açelyam?" He asked again
as he saw her body moving from crying. " Who made these beautiful tears of yours ? Tell me
and they are not going to live for the next day " he said touching her hair .

She started crying more as she turned with face towards him but hiding her face on his
chest . Like he was the only peaceful place of hers .
" h- he accused me for his daughter disappearance when she was fucking that dog " she
said on his chest whele he was listening to her" he kept shaking me and shouting on my face
his daughter his daughter. Like I wasn't his . I am his daughter too for the good sake " she
" He doesn't deserve you. They don't deserve your crystal tears, My dark paradise. He is
just a dog like the others . " He comforts her by stroking her hair and rubbing her back .
" but it hurts " she whispered
" I know my flower, I know love . But you are the most powerful and strongest woman in
this world. You don't need him . You have your uncles , and you have me . I will never hurt
you or leave you . Because Açelyam you are my dark paradise . " he whispered at her kissing
on top of her head

Slowly, she raised her head and looked in his eyes and saw sincerely in them ; started
kissing him. He didn't hesitate to answer her kiss but he did when she started kissing him on
his neck.
If they were in a different situation he would not hesitate for a second; he thought with
" please " she asked him looking again in his eyes
" y-you are not okay right now my flower " he said to her despite his erection and his lust
for her
" Give me the pleasure please, Zane . Make me forget this pain. Everything . Everyone .
Just you and I. " she asked him again with pleasant eyes . He looked in her eyes this time .
He wanted to see a hesitate in her eyes to stop . He wanted to see something that would make
him to refuse her but he see none of them .
" You have to pay for what you made in my room" he said smirking , rolling her under
him and kissing her lips one more time before he spread her legs around his wrist . " I swear
you I will never hurt you " he whispered at her ear as he was unzipping her pants
" Just don't break my trust Zane . Because you are the only one now that I trust " she
whispered to him
" Never " he said before kissing her again and started to undress her completely.

After he took of her pants , her blouse and her underwear kissing her body after every
action he took to undress her
" I never had a doubt that you would not be beautiful, but this scenery in front of me my
paradise is a masterpiece " he said looking at her naked body as she stood in his bed .
" I can not say the same thing for you " she said and he chuckled as he started undressing
himself" a mirror above the bed?" She asked looking the mirror over her as she saw herself
" I put it on after I started carving for you and taking care of myself. Imagining you on
my arms as I looked the ceiling , made me to fantasy this way . " he said standing completely
naked and she turned her look at him
" Hell no , your dick is too big for me " she said looking at him and he laughed jumping
over her as a predator over his prey .
" Now I can be even more proud of my big dick" he said, smirking as he started rubbing
himself over her . " Look at the mirror Açelyam. Look how perfect we puzzle ourselves " he
whispered to her with a dark voice as he was kissing her and biting on her nipples.
He was giving her the pleasure with torture but she was enyouing it . He was taking time to
explore every bit of her body
" I need you to be inside of you My flower before I be too hard for you and will hurt you
more " he said to him and she looked him confused
" isn't hard that dick of yours?" She asked him and he smirked
" Wait and see, '' he said to her as he put the head of his dick in her entry and slowly
pushed it inside her . " take breath, calm down , take your mind of the pain " he said to her
looking in her eyes " keep them open "
" easily for you to say " she said clenching her teeth
" I stopped , calm down , because you are going to be more in pain than in pleasure if you
don't calm down " he said again
" It's my first time you bastard . " she shouted at him and he laughed " how many girls
have you instructed?" She asked
" None, " he said, pushing down without telling her . And she let a scream of pain before
she hit him
" You bastard , I am going to cut that dick of yours " she said and he started moving
slowly inside of her . Back and forward . Rubbing his hips over hers as the pain slowly
started disappeared leaving the place the pleasure.
" if I told you you were going to be more scare" he told her as he kissed her " how do you
feel " he asked and as a answer he took a pleasant moan from her " I am glad " he smirked
at her
" w-what do you mean , oh my good . …?"
" Mean, what Açelyam?" He asked taking one of her niple on his mouth
" with n-none?" She asked
" I don't fuck or do love at virgin woman Açelyam. You are the first and the last " he
answered to her as he started to reduce his speed
" f-fast ahhh " she moaned

" Together , and understand our relationship my dark paradise " he whispered at her ,
and then started kissing her as he raised his speed with her body moving in the same time
with him . Syncing their body. He was making love to her . He was giving love to her for the
first time . And he was doing love too for the first time in his life .

That day none of them left his room . Moaning, cursing , loving words , laughter had filled
that room for the rest of the day . The night had come and found them together hugging in
their arms as they looked in the mirror and laughed .

The morning came and for him was one the best days of his life. Because he hasn't woken
up alone but with his future in his arms .

He opened the door like he had slept all night with her and the guards looked back to see
who was and immediately turned like they were before.
" Tell the maid to bring my coffee and a good breakfast with juice " he ordered before he
closed the doors again , slowly and without making a noise .
He looked over at the woman who was sleeping with a stomach and his sheets dressing her
body , and smiled.


" The boss asked for his caffe and a good breakfast with juice in his room. ``One of the
guards of his room ordered in the kitchen and maids started immediately.
" Did one of you have seen the Boss ? Has the bitch left the place?" The bitch that had
named herself as his personal favorite woman asked walking in the kitchen
" We are cooking for him now . He wanted it in his room " on of the maid said to her
smirking and she started smirking too . Hoping .
" the bitch that you said had not left his room " the guard said to her smirking as her
smirk started falling down
" What do you mean 'hasn't left his room'?" She asked angrily
" She hasn't left. Boss was naked . Make the connection " he said to her
" You are lying. He never fuck anyone in his room . Never in his bed " she said shouting
at him
" Well he did with her . I don't have to lie . Not only I, everyone on the floor could had
listen them " he said again unfazed about her and everyone had stopped and listened to them
" I don't believe you " she said
" Well , when I sent the breakfast, come and look away from the truth " he said,
smirking at her as she stood there irritated and angry.


She saw Azalea in his bed when the guard went inside and sent the breakfast but she never
accepted it . Even if she saw it . When the maids asked her she told them that the guard was
lying but she was boiling inside of her .

She had stayed and pleased him for years but never had spent a night with him or in his
bed . She never went into his room because he would have killed her . He only would fuck
her for five minutes and leave but with her he had let her inside of his room , in his bed and
spend a night with her .


She woke up , with a sore body and pain down there but what she noticed more was his
" Zane ?" She called him
" efendim sultanım " (yes my sultan) . He answered her walking inside naked from the
balcony with his cup of coffee in his hand
" like that you were outside?" She asked him moving feeling the pain between her
" yes " he answered
" I am cutting your dick . He had torn me apart. I am in pain right now " she said to him
and he laughed
" a morning fuck or love will reduce the pain " he said to her standing in fron of her
" forget because I am not taking that monster inside of me again " she said to him and he
laughed a loud
" I am preparing the bath for you while you eat because I don't think I am in mood to
leave this room " he said winked her and smirking
" Motherfucker " she shouted at him as she took from the nightstand the breakfast as he
was laughing with her words .
If it was someone else calling him a bastard or motherfucker like her he would cut their
tongue and their head too . But from her mouth were like honey .

After he prepared the bath , filled with hot water, and roses petals , a bath bomb too with
wonderful aroma and turned on the candles.
While she had finished and just staying in his bed waiting for him
" you know, I think I like your balls more than you dick " she said to him as he walked
with all his glory
" why ?" He asked looking down at him
" I don't know, maybe because I can play with them. They fill my hands " she said
smirking at him
" You little poisonous flower, " he said, walking to her and kissing her lips as he started
playing with the tips of her nipples. " I like them too . They fit perfectly in my finger " he

said in her mouth and she replied with a moan too . " Time for a bath " he said smirking and
sitting up .
" you little shit . You punk " she said to him
" guard " he called taking her in his arms in a bridal way
" yes boss " on of them said
" call the maid to clean the room . Tell them not to touch the bed " he ordered and walked
in the bathroom without waiting for their replies
" you know how to be romantic?" She asked him looking the bathroom
" I don't only kill people, flower. I can be a romantic if I want " he said putting her
carefully in the big bath .
" I love this place . " she said relaxing as he entered inside too
" it can be yours too " he said to him sitting in front of her and she looked at him
" What do you mean ?" She asked and he took her from her head bringing him over him
" I want you Açelyam. Not for a night stand. Not for a quick fuck . For as my wife , my
future, my family, my reason of everything " he told her
" don't " she said to him with her Forehead on his " don't make promises . They would
broke " she said to him but he took her face in his hand
" Azalea I don't promise, I swear " he said to her using her name to show how serious he
was and looking into her eyes " and I swear Azalea, over my dead mother to everything I
had said to you . I don't want to be like my father. I don't want other women . I don't want
children with them. I want you . And children only with you " he said to her
" what If I can give you children ?" She asked
" Then we adopt one . I will never get another woman pregnant. I will get steril too ." He
said and she started laughing but he was staying serious " I swear Azalea " he said again and
her laugh died slowly " I love you . You came to me as a illness, as a poison without notice
and now you have infected me for all my life " he said to him
" isn't too soon for those words?" She whispered slowly
" it is never soon when It comes to good things and to you . Apparently we are late " he
said kissing her
" aren't we moving too much or soon ?" She asked again
" ncccc, never " he answered again " are you going to give us a chance ?" He asked
" don't tell me you have read books to be Romantic?" She asked him smirking
" I have seen films too when I was an adult . Hidden " he answered and looked at her for
his answer
" let's see how long you can be romantic " she answered smiling
" with you forever " he said smiling and kissing her " jump in my lap and ride me
Sultanım " he said to her .
" Be my instructor sultanım " she said to him, doing what he told her without removing
herself from his lips.


" Ambra lied , she was inside. Taking a bath together. And then, we started hearing
moaning from both of them " one of the maid that had clean the room , said in the kitchen
when all the other maids and whores were gathering
" I never doubt that he isn't going to fall in love with her . " one of the girls said . To be
more specific the girl that once had spoken to her
" what are you all talking about ?" Xavier interrupted them entering the kitchen.
" We are talking about sir and miss . He hasn't left his room with her " one of the maid
" I will be surprised " he murmured " did anyone know if they fucked ?" He asked,
" yeah , the guard at his door , said that they had" the first girl answered again
" Look at the bastard. He didn't lose the chance, " he whispered, smiling like an idiot . "
go back to work . I don't think he is going to come out of his room either today, " Xavier
added, turning serious.

He walked out of kitchen and started walking towards his room writing in his phone

Don't worry , Cranz is taking good care of her . They haven't left his room yet

He wrote smiling on the phone

" did you finish inside me?" She asked him as soon as they finished in the same time
" now are you noticing it ?" He asked smirking
" what do you mean by now ?" She asked him confused
" I have been finishing inside of you sultanım, since the first time I entered inside you .
Yanı, since last night " he answered simply and smirking
" you bastard of hell . I am not on pill " she said slapping him across his face
" I know " he said doing nothing about her slapp
" and yet you are finishing inside me ?" She asked him
" I told you that I want a family with you " he said
" for good sake Zane , I am turning just 20 next month and you are getting me pregnant "
she said to him moving her body from him but he didn't let her . He moved her even more on
his body when his genital was still inside of her .
" and I am turning 35 Açelyam. Do not worry , I will rise you and our baby in the same
time " he said smiling to her and kissing
" you are not alright, you need a check up " she said looking at him smiling like he got
the biggest surprise. But seeing him smiling made her heart beating more from the happiest

" cranz " Xavuer called him from outside the door of bathroom.
" what do you want?" Cranz asked him giving kisses on her lips
" Your father’s man is giving us a hard time . He keep interfering because your father
had told him" he said and Zane exhaled exhausted from that man and his father

" cut his head and send it to my father . Telling him that he is not anymore on top of the
empire. I am" Zane ordered as Azalea hugged him and put her head in his chest .
" Alright, enjoy your free day . And Azalea, thank you . Because of you Your sister has
started calling me more " Xavier and she can bet that he was smirking behind those doors .
" I will k8ll that motherfucker one day " she murmured, staying on top of him and he
smiled." I feel so good for you . You made me feeling so good" she whispered kissing his
" expressing our feelings, aren't we my dark paradise?" He asked her, chuckling and
kissing on top of her head.
" We have to try, haven't we? " she said by closing her eyes and enjoying the peace , the
moment around them .

Chapter 17

" what is going on ?" Azalea asked walking out of Zane's room , as she saw people
entering and walking out
" sir had put some other rules " the man next to her said as she never saw him before
" what rules ?" She asked
" all the girls , besides the maids, will move from the palace . They will transfer
somewhere else and never put their feet here " he answered and she looked surprised.

Like that , confused and surprised she started walking to his office . She didn't expect that
he would react like that as soon as she accepted.

" Zane " she called him entering in his office without knocking
" yes , benim sultanım?" He asked him without looking at her
" I heard That you had remove your cariyeler from here " she said to him and walked
towards him
" yeah , I did . I should have done that long ago but I was busy thinking about you " he
said to her this time looking at her .
" but , what if you need them ? I mean , if we break ?" She asked him and he turned
serious and set her on his lap
" Sultanım, I am not your father , nor my father . I am yours . Forever now . Dead or alive
. We will not break . Even death can not tear us apart . If you die ,I am after you. If I die ,
you are after me " he said to her caring her face
" you are full of yourself. Especially at the last one " she said to him smiling
" well , the key of power is confidence. And I am confident about us " he said kissing her
" you better keep your word or else death will be your savior " she told him which made
him smiling between her kisses .

" AZALEA YOU BITCH " she heard Helena's Voice and both of them turned looking at
her where she was standing with her arms crossed

" a classy bitch for god sake " Azalea answered her " how did you come here ?" She asked
" you are not the only one who has a readership with Cranz empire " she answered
looking at her
" you are just signing his death " Azalea told her getting up and walking towards her and
" I miss you . " Helena told her
" I was away for one day Len " she told her
" yet , I missed you . My mum misses you. We all miss you " Helena told her again
" I will come after I gather myself to see them " Azalea told her as she sat her at one of the
" Dad had thrown them . He say that they are officially enemy " Helena told her and
Azalea looked towards Zane
" I will let you both stay with each other. Açelyam, don't think about going back . For at
least some days " He said to her kissing on her lips before leaving his office and a confused
" I know that you were touchy with each other , but being like a lovely couple?" She asked
" maybe we are " Azalea told her hiding the small smile on her face
" you are what ? How did you become? Why didn't that motherfucker say anything about
it ? I am going to kill him " she asked her with one breath .
" calm down. Zane asked me or might he have expressed his feelings for me , and I don't
have anything to lose . So I accept it " Azalea told her and Helena narrowed her eyes on her .
" because you don't have anything to lose?" She asked Azalea suspicious
" My trust is already broken, Len . " Azalea told her
" you accepted him because you trust him. Your trust might be broken over your father or
my dad , but you have full trust in him . Like he has over you. He let us sit in his office. "
Helena told her
" your therapy session isn't as good as mine " Azalea told her
" probably, because yours are only about murder " Helena told her " how did you
discover that he was your father ?' She asked her and Azalea took a deep breath
" his look , my mum had described him and from his bitch's name . I know it that he was a
mafia and how his wife was called so I took a little search and turned that Zykov was
supposed to be mine " Azalea explained serious
" and you played your role very well . You make everyone looked stupid. Especially them
" Helena said chuckling a little bit
" you don't have any idea how hard it was . There were moments that I just wanted to
take my dagger and kill him or his son but I have to play it . Until I didn't take it anymore "
Azalea said looking at one spot of the room
" if it makes you feel better , he had slapped her and said that it was her fault . He really
told her hurtful words " Helena told her
" It is his fault. That good part of him. That humanity that he wanted in this world , led
him where he is today . He deserves worse than this " Azalea said now with all her humanity
of towards him

" come back home Lea " Helena told her and she looked back at him
" I will but not right now . I will stay some day with Zane . " she answered and Helena just
nodded. She understood that her sister needed time to think and trust again to her father .


After Helena left with Xavier , she sat down at Zane's chair and opened his laptop. She
wanted to see where he was on that whole sarayi .
She saw him torturing the man that had attack her family . She saw every torture without
a blink and she enjoyed it . She enjoyed listening to the screams . She enjoyed looking at the
miserable actions . And she finds him so sexy at the moment. Seeing his dark side , made her
more horny about him and once she found him in his bathroom, she shut down the laptop
and started walking there .

Opening the bathroom door, she saw him naked ready entering in the shower , so she just
ran at him , hitting his back to the wall and kissing him hungrily.

First he was surprised by her but the other second he grabbed her ass , pushing her
towards him as much as possible, answering her kisses with hungry kisses too.
" Miss me ?" He asked whispering between the kisses
" I found, ahh , myself horny about you " she answered him, kissing his neck like it was a
food .
" Good, because I am hard as a rock for you, " he said, dropping to his knees and
undressing her black pants with her underwear " undressing my shirt sultanım. I want all
your naked body over mine " he said with a husky voice , looking up to her as his face was
between her thighs.
" As you order sultanım " she said, removing his shirt before starting and moaning from
his mouth. " hell, y– your mouth , a-ahhh , is good as in my mouth " she said between her
moaning and he smiled in her vagina as he licked , eating her as a delicious meal, beating
her Clint.
" Z-zane , I can't t-take anymore " she whispered as she grabbed his shoulder with one
hand for her balance and the other at the wall
" come at my face as I fuck you with my tongue Açelyam," he said looking for a second up
to her and starting really fucking her with his tongue.
It didn't last a minute longer when she finished on his tongue and face but that didn't stop
him , not until her legs were shaken and she came for the second time.

She had run of her breath, when he got up ,locking his lips ,
" are you okay ? Did I take it too far ?" He asked, stroking her face and climbing their
bodies together. He could feel her hard nipples and her beautiful and delicate body over

his . And she could feel his hardest on her stomach . She looked down and saw a pre cum on
it but hard as before
" I- am fine , that was incredible. " she answered, looking up to him as she stroked his
dick on her head . His mouth opened and closed again as it wanted a moan to escape from
there " moan Zane, I want to hear you . Like you heard me " she whispered to his ear and
kissed it and his neck.
" I - I need inside you now " he said with closing eyes and open mouth
" no before you moan and you come in my hands " she said and he opened his eyes ,
instinct moving his hips over her for more .
" I am the one who dominate here Açelyam " he said looking at her
" as much as I dominate too . Now obey Cranz, or you are not going be inside me for
today " she threatened him as she started raising her speed on his dick
" ohh, you fucking monster " he moaned before slapping his lips over her " fuck , more
Açelyam " he groaned throwing his head on the wall , enjoying her kisses over his body and
her head over his dick .
" if you ever betray me Cranz, I am going to get you hard and than cut it in half " she
threatened in his ear as she felt that he was going to come
" fuck, t-that was hot ,oghh , I a-am coming " he whispered with moans as she felt a
liquid in her head .
He opened his eyes and smiled at her .
" that was incredible " he whispered and she laughed " you are not leaving, aren't you?'
He asked her , serious
" not for some days for sure . Then I will see . If you miss me as much to come at my room
or stay without me " she answered at him smirking
" you monster, I am going to punish you . " He said, taking her in his hands . "
conversations during the sex?" He asked smirking
" hell yeah " she answered, smiling at him before slapping her lips over his .

Chapter 18

" you daughter is burning us alive Marbas " Ruslanovich today him
" what are you talking about? It is your son who could keep his dick inside " Marbas told
" no , no , I am not talking about that princess. She is useless. I am talking about your
real daughter of yours . The true one . That devil child" Ruslanovich said but his words
angrily to Aurora who was just staying in the corner of that house that they are using.
" what about her ?" Marbas asked worriedly that maybe something had happened to her .

" My 3 businesses were taken down overnight by Cranz people . And your daughter's
too . So she gives me problems it means you give me " Ruslanovich said to him
" what do you want? We are working together on this ?" Marbas asked
" Apparently I am working alone . You are not as strong as you used to be . Your name is
forgotten long time ago " he said
" what do you want ?" Marbas asked again
" marriage. Married her to my son " Ruslanovich said shocked everyone
" what did you say ?" Marbas asked tried to register if he heard right
" Dad , no . What are you saying " Alex said immediately
" shut up , I told you to make her fall in love but you couldn't do half of the things that
Cranz did . And look at her now , she is more powerful than all of us . " Ruslanovich said
looking at her
" Forget it . I will not marry my daughter to your son. She is a Nolian and soon to be
Cranz like you say . I don't have any right over her . And Elinor will never marry her to him
. " he said but the truth is burning him inside , especially when it got from his mouth .
" you are not in place to refuse " Ruslanovich said and Marbas grabbed him from his
" I had lost everything before and yet I stayed on my feet . I have lost what is important
to me and I will stay on my feet . So the only person who will marry your son will be Aurora.
And you can not refuse since Alex fucked her . " Marbas told him angrily.
" I am not going to marry. We were drunk " Alex said without looking at Aurora who
was happy about the marriage but irritated how Alex refused.
" you had to thought that before fucking her . So now there is no backup . There is a rule in
our world if you know . Once you make a woman yours , it is yours " he said looking at
Ruslanovich who was angry at his son. Angry because he couldn't be as powerful as Cranz
or Elinor. Angry because his son was incapable of what a woman can do.


" Cranz, our man notified us that Ruslanovich and Zykov are gathering their forces by an
arranged marriage. Their children will be married" Xavier said to Zane and Azalea who
were working together in his office .
" those punks " Azalea murmured under her breath
" what do you think ? What do you want to do?" Zane asked looking at her who was
standing in his lap
" Let them marry . Our present will go the second they say I do " Azalea answered looking
at him
" as you wish " he said kissing her
" but there is something else " Xavier said and both of them looked at him " Ruslanovich
wanted Azalea to be the bride " He said
" WHAT ?" Zane asked literally shouting and slapping the table which made Azalea to

" for my sake . Calm down " she whispered at him by putting her hands on his face . " I
am not into puppies . " she said to him smiling before kissing him and turning towards
" and ?" She asked
" Marbas had refused immediately. He had said that you are a Nolian and soon to be
Cranz . And that he has no right over you . And that Your uncle will never marry you to him
. " Xavier said and she rolled her eyes in annoying
" looks like my father in law had accepted me" Zane joked and she looked him with a
disgusting face that made Zane to laugh " now I need the real father in law to accept me "
he said for Elinor
" you guys are the most ununderstanding couple " Xavier said looking at them
" We understand each other. We don't need for others to understand us " Azalea said to
him and he rolled his eyes
" what about the shipment?" Xavier asked
" what shipment?" Azalea asked
" the one I told you that is coming from Spain with drugs " Zane said to her and Xavier
looked at him with open eyes
" Why am I surprised now ?" He murmured with low voice
" what about it ?" She asked
" the last time the shipment disappeared before my man went to take it . It cost me
millions of millions " Zane answered
" you want to make sure that this time is in your hands?" She asked and he nodded " well
, tell the captain to come a day before, the actual date . Take your trusted man , don't tell
anyone. My uncle and my trusted man will be with you too . There is impossible for someone
to take your shipment if it isn't a spy here " Azalea said and he looked at him
" Why didn't you think of it before ?' Zane said and she shrugged her shoulders " you are
the best thing that had happened to me " he whispered in her ear smiling before turning
towards Xavier " make the plan Xavier. Contact the Captain, tell him now to say a word to
anyone , but to do it secretly. No one will know about this , besides us three and Mateo. Us
four are enough " Zane ordered him
" this way we will see who is the spy . And I think you know who might be after this "
Xavier told him
" that women's end will come soon " Zane said with hatred
" I hate stepmother, so I am in " Azalea told him
" I can not think of a better person who can end her " he said smirking " you might leave
Xavier " He said to him looking at Azalea.
" I got it , you are going to be naked In five seconds " he said smirking before leaving


He reached for her blouse and took it off while looking in her eyes . She let it happen and
kissed him
" I am on my period " she whispered him smiling

" When ?" He asked confused
" in the morning " she answered as she unbuttoned his shirt
" let me check , " he said opening his laptop again and started typing
" what are you typing ?" She said trying to turn back and look
" if it is okay to do it . Here says that it is okay , so let's do it " He said shutting down the
" are you serious? It is disgusting " she said
" for me it isn't. Is it for you ?" He asked her
" how do I know , I am not anymore virgin " she said looking at him
" Let's go , we are going to try it. If you don't like we will stop okay " he said getting up
with her in his arms
" and conversation during sex?" She asked smirking
" hell yeah " he answered the same words that she had answered before

They entered his room and he threw her in his bed and remove his open shirt .
" how the hell you don't have a single her in that beautiful body ?" She asked looking at his
body and he laughed with her words
" laser flower " he answered by undressing his pants with his boxes too.
" damn I didn't know that man used lasers too." She said to him by touching his chest
and abs " you know that you look so delicious right now " she added and he smirked while
he was undressing her pants
" After you said that , now I believe, " he said, kissing her belly . " if the period makes you
such a horny girl , I wonder what pregnancy hormones can do to you " he said to he kissing
her body up after every word.
" you are not stopping until I get pregnant aren't you?' She asked him spreading her legs
around his hips
" Looking at your big belly with my child in it , touching it , kissing it , filling this damn
building with voices and screaming, making this place our home , is my biggest goal. And
there isn't something that we don't achieve " he said looking at her as he entered inside her "
fuck you are so tight flower " he whispered at her ear
" damn , Zane , you are too big " she whispered at her
" something to be proud of, sultanım " he said before he kissed her while starting to
pumping inside her more .
" ohh, ZANE fuck " she literally screamed his name and she could feel him in her belly
" oh fuck , Açelyam , fuck " he kept whispered trying not to lose his mind .
He finished inside her at her G spot at the same time with her and yet didn't stop .
Whispering to her how amazing was she feeling that made her forget that she was on period.

After 4 rounds straight finishing inside her , he dropped his sweater body over her and both
of them were breathing deeply.

" w-well , I am thirsty " she said after a deeply silence

" after all those screaming I am not surprised " he said chuckling and getting out of her
and getting up to bring her water
" Do you use glasses?" She asked him that made him looked surprised at her
" No, why ?" He asked giving her a water glass by sitting next to her until she was done ,
letting the glass at the nightstand and lying up to her by entering again inside her
" because I want to know how sexy you can be with glasses . And I am not able anymore
for your big dick Zane " she told him and he chuckled again
" I know, but let me stay inside you ." He said and she started rubbing his head
" if your dick start twitching more than it is , you get out " she said to him
" sorry Sultanım, mission impossible " he said

" why do you have so few tattoos?" She asked him traveling her hand on his back
" I don't want to wear tattoos. I have only there were deep wounds " he answered
" and that name above your heart ?" She asked
" my mum's name. I wrote it above because at my heart I wanted to write the only one
that my heart can have " he said
" such a romantic mafia man " she said smiling " and what are you going to write ?" She
asked him
" I am going to print your finger on it , then our children's finger " he answered and she
was taken back from his words
" When do you plan all this ?" She asked him and he look up at her smiling
" right now . With you ." He answered " Do you want to have a tattoo? I haven't seen one
in your body besides the Mordions symbol " he asked her
" I wanted to do something that had the deepest meaning to me . Something happier. If I
did something about my mum , it would have reminded me of things maybe I had tried to
forget. So I give up on that idea " she answered him and he kept looking at her . " but I think
that in future you will change my mind " she said to him
" So you have decided to have a future with me and not just try?" He asked her but it was
more like an statement
" if you only keep impressing me " she said to him
" Impressing you is the only thing that I can do with my all desire " he said before kissing
" no sex anymore so you better keep your dick in place " she whispered at him
" he is in his place " he said back smirking

" me ke lodhur aq shume saqe edhe per te folur nuk po kam fuqi . " I tha ajo dhe ai qeshi
me fjalët e saj

" sultanım, te tjerat ankohen se nuk lodhen kaq shume , ti ankohesh se je lodhur kaq
shume " I tha ai

" Zane jam edhe ne perioda, keshtu mos kerko vetëvrasje " I tha ajo duke I gjuajtur ne
" te kerkoj ndjese pra sultanım. " I tha ai " cfare do per ditëlindje?' E pyeti ai duke
ngritur koken dhe duke e shikuar perseri

" me surprizë, me le përshtypje " I tha ajo duke I shkelur syrin dhe ai filloi te mendonte
teksa shikonte ate dhe pastaj dhomën e tij

" e di se me cfare mund te tsuprizoi " tha ai duke I shkelur syrin

" me trego " I kerkoi ajo

" no , surprizë Açelyam " I tha ai duke I pene nje puthje ne buze here e pare por ne
momentin qe bashkoi buzët e tyre per here te dyte , filloi ta puthte me plot epsh , deshire
dhe ndjenja .

Chapter 19

" Azalea, te kerkoi shume ndjese . Nuk doja qe ti te zhgënjehesh tek une por doja te
mbroja ashtu siç mbroj Helenen . Ti je vajza ime " I tha Elinor me duart e tij ne faqet e saj

" e kuptoj xhaxha . Le te themi se zgjodhe nje rruge te gabuar por ajo cfare u be , u be "
I tha Azalea duke I buzëqeshur atij qe ti tregonte qe ta linin pas por ajo plage , ai besim per
tek ai u thye nje here dhe ajo ishte e sigurt qe thelle mbrenda vetes nuk do ishte si me pare.

" pas disa ditësh do jete ditëlindja jote. Cfare do per dhurat ?" Pyeti Helena duke I
buzëqeshur djallezisht dhe duke I shkelur syrin

" te njejten gje qe kam bere nder vite " iu pergjigj Azalea duke I nxjerr gjuhen

" jo , jo , kësaj rralle ti mbush 20 kështu do dalim ne club dhe do festojmë " tha Helena

" Lena do nje denim e dashur , kot keshtu gabimisht ?" E pyeti Elinor ate dhe Azalea I

" Cranz e di ?" Pyeti tezja e saj dhe Azalea pohoi me koke " thirre te vije pra, me ka
premtuar se do rrije nje dark . " I tha Tezja e saj duke e përqafuar

" jo dhe jo " ndërhyri Elinor " ne gjithmonë e kemi festuar familjarisht Lea apo jo ? Nuk
kemi nevoje për te panjohur te marrin pjese ne gjera familjare " tha ai duke shikuar nga
Azalea e cila po mbante te qeshurën teksa I kujtohej se cfare kishte bere me Zane ndërsa
xhaxhai I saj e quante te panjohur

" veq ty te kam pare keshtu Elinor , me quajt dhëndrin e ardhshme te panjohur " u dëgjua
Matteo duke ecur drejte tij

" ku ishe ti ? Nuk kapesh dot " I tha Elinor dhe Matteo I shkeli syrin duke hedhur njerën
dore ne supin e saj

" duke përgatit dhuraten e dhëndrit per vajzën tende " u pergjigj ai

" vertet ? Cfare po planifikon?" Pyeti Azalea me entuziazëm

" durimi qelsi I suksesit " u pergjigj ai

" nuk kam dashur ndonjëherë te vras nje lider madje kaq shume se sa dua te vras ate"
mermerit Elinor dhe gruaja I tij e përqafoi duke buzëqeshur

" je akoma ne fazat e para El . Do ta duash akoma kur te shohësh nipërit neper kembe " I
tha ajo dhe Ai shtrembëroi fytyrën

" kjo ceshtje shkoi thelle " tha Azalea

" sikur nuk e Don ti ' I tha Helena duke e provokuar

" une s'dua, ai do " tha Azalea dhe Helena përplasi duart me entuziazëm

" I eshte kunati im I preferuar, dhe nipërit e mi do jene fëmijët te llastuar " tha ajo

" sikur ke pas shume Azalea qe me zgjedh mes tyre " I tha Mateo Helenes

" kjo teme nuk asht aspak e këndshme " ndërhyri Elinor

" fillohu e mësohu babi I dashur . Mam une personalisht do e ftoj njërin nga dhenderrat "
tha Helena duke qeshur nga ajo

" NJERIN NGA DHENDERRAT ?" bërtiti Elinor dhe Helena buzeqeshi si e pafajshme

" asgjë qe te ben te shqetësohesh babi " tha Helena

" si Ban edhe ti Elinor. Njera duke bere 20 tjera per 18 dhe mendon ti se janë te
virgjëra?" E pyeti Mateo dhe Helena filloi te shikonte ne vende te ndryshme për te mos
hasur ne shikimin e te atit dhe Azalea vendosi telefonin perballe .

" po , apo jo vajza?" Pyeti ai dhe duke pare se asnjera nuk po e shikonte I thirri te dyja "
HELENA NOLIAN ?" bërtiti ai

" nuk e mbaj mend , mund te jem dhe mos te jem . Kam qene e pire ," u pergjigj ajo

" je e dënuar përjetësisht " tha ai drejte saj " AZALEA NOLIAN " beriti ai emrin e saj

" cfare ?" Pyeti ajo duke bere sikur nuk e dëgjoi

" je apo nuk je?" Pyeti Elinor

" cfare jam apo nuk jam ?" Pyeti ajo duke munduar te ikte çështjes

" je e virgjër apo jo po pyet ai ? " tha troc Mateo dhe Azalea I gjuajti atij ne krahe

" çështja eshte keshtu xhaxha ." Tha ajo duke u drejtuar dhe duke u bere serioze "
premtim asht premtim " tha Azalea serioze

" E FITOVA BASTIN " bërtiti Helena e gëzuar " hidhi lekt "I tha Mateos duke qeshur
fitimtare duke I zgjatur dorën

" IRENE " bertiti Elinori drejte gruas se tij

" cfare faji kam une se I kane ngjare Helenes " tha ajo

" teknikisht fitova edhe une " filloi Mateo duke u zene me Helenan

" kjo nuk eshte gje e hajrit " mermerit Azalea duke u ngritur ngadalë nga aty ku ishte per
tu larguar pa vene re teksa xhaxhai I saj 'zihej' me tezen e saj dhe Helena me Mateon .

Nxorri telefonin dhe filloi i telefonoi Zane.

" po sultanım " u pergjigj ai

" si shkoi ?" Pyeti Azalea teksa dilte ne kopsht

" ndonjë dyshim per jo ?" E pyeti ai dhe Azalea mund ta imagjinonte ate mendjemadhësi
ne zerin e tij

" patjetër, plani I kujt ishte ne fund te fundit " tha ajo me krenari " tezja tha qe I ke nje
premtim bosh per darken qe I ke refuzuar " I tha Azalea duke buzëqeshur

" kur dëshiron tezja jote qe te mbaj fjale?" Pyeti ai

" per ditëlindjen time " u pergjigj ai

" okey , vetëm nëse xhaxhai jot te jep tek une per darke " I tha ai

" xhaxhi tani te ka ne maje te hundës gati per te vrare . Nxjerr leje tek tezja " I tha Azalea
duke qeshur

" cfare do thot te keqe fuqi gruaja " tha ai dhe ajo qeshi me ze ndërsa Zane ndaloi se
foluri per te dëgjuar te qeshurën e saj

" nuk eshte se eshte keq nga këndvështrimi im " I tha ajo

" do vish sonte ?" Pyeti ai

" jo " u pergjigj ajo

" pse ?" Pyeti menjëherë I zhgënjyer

" me ka dënuar xhaxhai " u pergjigj ajo dhe ai shfryu

" arsyeja ?" Pyeti serisht

" ti . Se cfare kemi bere bashke dhe keshtu " u pergjigj ajo duke qeshur

" atëherë xhaxhai jot nuk duhet te ankohet fare pasi jemi ne fillim fare " tha ai dhe Azalea
ktheu koken pas duke shikuar familjen e saj me buzëqeshje ne fytyre teksa ato po ziheshin


Teksa njera vajze e tij po priste ditëlindjen e saj si nje person normal, tjetra po gëzohej
per fejesën e saj . Vetëm ajo ishte e lumtura ne mes . Alex ishte sikur po e dërgonin ne lufte .

Ne ate gjendje, situate te gjitje nxorren fytyrën e vertet . Qe ishin te etur per pushtet . Qe
fshiheshin pas fytyrës engjëllore .

I ulur ne nje cep te asaj shtëpie te vogël qe po fshiheshin , me foton e Helenes ne dore dhe
vajzës se tyre, mallkonte veten cdo minut per shkatërrimin e tyre .

" babi " e thirri Clerk por ai nuk I ktheu përgjigje dhe u ul pranë tij " te mungon?"
Pyeti ai duke shikuar foton e tyre

" cdo sekond te frymës time " u pergjigj ai

" per disa dite eshte ditëlindja e Azaleas " tha ai duke shikuar foton e saj dhe Marbas e

" nga e di ti ?" Pyeti I shokuar dhe njëkohësisht I vinte qe te rrihte veten qe nuk dinte
ditëlindjen e vajzës se tij

" mund te kem gërmuar nje cik kur jetonim me te " u pergjigj Clerk duke buzëqeshur "
dua te shkoi tek ajo . " tha pas pak ai

" nuk mendoi se dëshiron te shohe me sy Clerk. Asnjeri nga ne " u pergjigj Marbas

" ate ma ler mua ne dore . Vetem me jep leje. Dua te jem pjese e jetes se saj babi . Ku I
dihet jetës. Dhe duke e ditur se kush jemi ajo u sjell fiks si nje moter e madhe " tha Clerk
dhe Marbas nuk I ktheu përgjigje por nxorri poshtë bluzës se tij nje varse te bukur qe ishte
nje yll por akoma kishte disa pika te kuqe qe ishin gjak. Gjaku I saj .

" jepja ketë, mos I thuaj qe e ka nga une . Eshte e mamasë se saj . Ajo I preferonte yjet
sidomos ato qe binin " tha ai duke shikuar varësen ne dorën e tij

" do sigurohem qe te e vondose baba " I tha ajo duke e përqafuar " ajo meriton gjithçka "
peshperiti duke marre varësen nga ai dhe e futi ne xhep . " do e thërrasësh ne fejesën e
Aurores ?" E pyeti ai

" qe duket me tepër si varrim? Jo , edhe pse kam nje ndjenje qe ajo fejese nuk do behet "
tha Marbas

" ne nje mënyre apo ne nje tjetër mendon ti se do hakmerret ajo ?" Pyeti Clerk

" hakmerret ? Ajo do djege per hakmarrje . Eshte e bija e Helenes . Shife ku jam dhe ne
cfare gjendje jam prej hakut qe Helena mori . Imagjino te Azaleas " tha ai por qe ne tonin e
zërit te tij ndihej krenaria qe kishte per te .


" pse nuk me tregove ?" E pyeti Helena teksa qëndronin ne krevatin e Azaleas te shtrira
gati per gjume

" cfare ?' Pyeti Azalea

" per seksin tende me sulltanin " tha Helena

" pse diçka per tu treguar asht ? Une nuk pyes ty kur e Ban me ate motherfuckerin " I
tha Azalea

" kam qene duke prit de se kur e Ban ti qe te mbaja bastin . Prandaj po te pyes pse nuk
me tregove . Bitch . Dhe sa per dijeni do e bej never une me te " tha Helena Azaleas

" je e dënuar " tha Azalea

" ku I dihet me vjen si hero tek dritarja " tha Helena duke buzëqeshur djallezisht

" atëherë behu gati te qash ne varrim te tij . Do sigurohemi une qe te keqe nje vdekje te
dhimbshme " I tha Azalea dhe Helena e goditi ne krahe teksa te dyja dëgjuan derën te hapej
por nuk e shikuan se kush ishte pasi dhoma ishte ne errësirë

" mam " thirri Helena por asnje përgjigje prandaj Azalea nxorri thikën e saj nen jestek
dhe e gërvishti personin qe kishte hyre ne dhomën e saj , ne anën ku ishte ajo

" fuck Açelyam. Dëshiron te me vrasesh pa bere fëmije " dëgjuan zërin e Zane dhe Azalea
ndezi driten menjëherë

" cfare ben ti ketu ne mes te natës more djalë?" E pyeti ajo duke u drejtuar

" djale? Djale te dukem une ty ?" E pyeti ai

" direkt tek babi ," tha Helena por Zane e shikoi serioz dhe frikshëm

" mos e shiko ashtu " I tha Azalea duke e gjuajtur " te gervishta shume?" Pyeti pas pak
duke shikuar krahun e tij

" nccc , jo diçka qe ti nuk mund te kujdesesh " tha ai duke I shkelur syrin

" cfare di ketu ? " Pyeti ajo perseri

" nuk mund te flija pa ty " u pergjigj ai me peshperitje dhe pastaj u kthye nga Helena "
cfare pret ? Dil " tha ai drejte saj

" jo ,une do fle me Azalean " tha ajo duke kryqëzuar duart

" Açelyam, nxirre jashtë " I tha ai asaj

" Lea , I love you so much. Nuk e ben ti apo jo . Dua te fle me motrën time . Kemi kohe
pa fjetur bashke" tha Helena duke I kapur krahun Azaleas

" ajo cfare thot Helena eshte e vertet . Nuk e bej " tha Azalea drejte Zane I cili ngrysur
vetullat" flejme te tre bashke " tha Azalea duke mbajtur te qeshurën prej fytyrës se Zane

" Azalea nuk flej me nje femër tjetër ne krevat dhe aq me pak me motrën tende " tha ai
duke bere nje fytyre te shpifur " prandaj zonjush largohu " tha ai drejte Helenes

" jo dhe pik . " tha ajo këmbëngulëse

" Allah yardemet " mermerit me vete "mj vajze shko ne dhomën tende se po te pret
Xavier " I tha ai dhe syte e saj ndriçuan

" vertet ? Po fol qe ne fillim. Natën e mire dhe mos bëni shume gili vili " tha ajo teksa
ngrihej nga krevati e entuziazmuar

" Helena , sille bythën ketu tradhtare e dreqit " pëshpëriti Azalea por si përgjigje mori
mbylljen e derës. " nuk mund te vish ne mes te natës dhe te me nxjerresh motrën time nga
dhoma ime " I tha ajo duke I gjuajtur ne krahe

" e po e bera" tha ai fitimtar

" si hyre njëherë? Duket qe jemi edhe ne rrezik" tha ajo teksa ai hoqi xhaketën dhe
këpucët njëkohësisht dhe u shtri pranë saj duke e marre ne perqafim

" rojet e tua me lane. Sidoqoftë jam burri yt . Edhe po te kundërshtonin nuk eshte do ishte
ndonjë problem I madh . Një plumb koke dhe mbaroi puna " u pergjigj ai dhe Azalea qeshi

" Clerk me shkruajti sot pasi folem bashke , dëshiron qe te marre pjese ne ditëlindjen time
" I tha Azalea teksa iu kujtua biseda qe kishte folur me Clerk

" dëshiron?" Pyeti ai

" nuk kam gje me te . Ai mund te jete me I pafajshmi mes tyre . Madje me ndihmoi
kundër motrës se tij. Keshtu qe mendoi se po . Cfare thua ti ?" Tha ajo dhe e pyeti

" nëse ti mendon për po atëherë per po te jete . Mua me ke pas cdo mendimi . " tha ai
duke e puthur ne koke dhe Azalea e shtrëngoi ne përqafim

" mos me ler kurr " peshëeriti ajo me te vogël por ai e dëgjoi

" as ne vdekje " I tha ai duke buzëqeshur.

Chapter 20

Pas disa ditësh.

Te ulur ne tryeze duke qeshur dhe duke biseduar se bashku me familjen e saj , Zane dhe
Clerk . Buzëqeshte duke shikuar sa nga njeri sa nga tjetri .

Buzëqeshte kur shikonte xhaxhain e saj duke shprehur dashurinë gruas se tij dhe kur I
dërgonte shikime vdekje prurese Zane . Buzëqeshte me mirësjelljen e Tezes se saj ndaj Zane
dhe Clerk . Buzëqeshte kur shikonte qe Clerk e ndjehte veten jo te huaj dhe I mirëpritur.

" a shkojmë tek pjesa e dhuratave ?" Pyeti Helena ne mes te nje bisede . Ajo dhe Mateo
kishin qene te paret qe ia kishin uruar ditëlindjen me nje torte fytyrës sapo kishte hapur

Zane I dyti me nje telefonate romantike duke I thene qe do jetonte ne përralla ate nate .
Xhaxhai dhe Tezja ia kishin uruar me përqafime dhe puthje si gjithmonë.

" une filloj e para " tha Helena perseri duke u ngritur dhe duke vrapuar per te marre
dhuraten e saj .

" te betohem Helen se nëse janë prezervativa perseri do te kepus koken " tha Azalea me ze
te larte ler ta dëgjuar por qe I shkaktoi te qeshura Zane

" shise si qesh . I duket qesharake " I tha Elinor gruas se tij duke shikuar Zane

" ato do ti jap me vone . Hidhi ato qe ke . Te kam marre numer te madh kësaj radhe " tha
ajo duke u shfaqur ne tavoline me nje tablo te madhe sa ajo ne kembe e mbuluar

" ajo cfare eshte ?" Pyeti Azalea duke u ngritur dhe iu afrua tablos

" diçka qe ta shohësh cdo dite dhe te mos harrosh se ke nje mother kur te martohesh "
tha ajo duke qeshur dhe I shkeli syrin

Hapi tablonë dhe shikoi pikturen me te bukur dhe me origjina qe kishte pare njëherë. Ajo
ne krye te nje familje qe ishte pikërisht e saja me nje kurore ne koke dhe figurën e nje lideri .
Xhaxhai dhe tezja e saj perkrahe saj si prindërite saj . Mateo ne anën e djathtë te saj nje
mburoje , nje mbrojtes I vertet dhe Helena me nje poze qesharake si fëmija ne pjate te
argjende . Dhe Iono afer motrës se tij

" eshte shume e bukur " tha Azalea duke e prekur

" ti je e ardhmja e Nolian Azalea . Ke qene ,je dhe gjithmonë do jesh " tha Xhaxhai I saj
dhe ajo shkoi tek ai dhe e përqafoi.

" kjo eshte prej te tre neve se bashke " tha Helena duke vendosur tablon anash dhe nxorri
nje kuti te vogël qe ishte një byzylyk qe shendriste nga diamantat por thënia e saj kishte
shume vlere

Ishte nje byzylyk me nje lule azalea por rrethi I saj ishte nje fjali . Motra si qelizat ne trup .

Nje metafore e pazakontë dhe qesharake por shume domethënëse .

" shume , shume faleminderit " peshperiti Azalea duke e përqafuar " te dua shume " I tha
duke e puthur

" edhe une. Ti je gjithçka " I tha Helena dhe te dyja filluan te qeshnin dhe te pulisin sytë.
" le te e bejme tradite . Te njenten byzylyk do ia vendosin vajzat tona njera - tjetëres . Ne
rregull ?" I tha Helena duke hequr byzylykun nga kutia dhe duke ia vendosur Azaleas

" le te e bejme " peshperiti Azalea duke shikuar byzylykun .

" mjafte me pjese te ndjeshme " I ndërpreu Mateo duke iu afruar Azaleas dhe nxorri nje
kuti dhe I dha asaj . " e di sa te pëlqejnë gjerat historike keshtu te mora te preferuaren
tende" tha ai dhe Azalea e hapi dhe kësaj rralle ishte nje arme e zeze , perfektë me te qe
kishte te shkruar emrin e saj , inicialin e Nolian dhe Cranz poshtë saj

" c pse ti idiot ?" E pyeti Elinor

" mbiemri I burrit te saj " tha ai duke qeshur dhe Azalea e përqafoi duke buzëqeshur dhe
duke e falënderuar ate .

Pastaj iu afrua Clerk me frike qe ajo do refuzonte dhuraten e tij edhe pse gjate gjithë
mbrëmjes ajo vetem sa e kishte mirëpritur si vëlla .

" e di se nuk kemi nje lidhje te veçante por do doja shume qe ta krijonim nje te tille . Me
pate pyetur njëherë se cfare do doja qe te beja po te mos isha ne mafje dhe te isha përgjigjur
se nuk e dija . E mban mend ?' E pyeti ai dhe ajo pohoi " tani e di se cfare dua te bëhem.
Dua te behem nje vëlla per Azalea. Daja I fëmijëve te ty . Dua qe te le bote qe te përket ty
dhe te shkruaj një histori . Nje histori qe bota te njohe sa femër e forte je. Dhe nje moter e
mrekullueshme, nje vajze e ndenje " tha ai duke I buzëqeshur dhe Azalea e përqafoi

" do ndihesha e nderuar qe te njihem nga nje shkrimtar I njohur " tha ajo duke I
buzëqeshur " mbase me kohen mund te e krijome ate lidhjen e veçante per te cilen po flisje .
Vetem nëse persona te tjerë nuk ndërhyjnë " tha ajo dhe ai pohoi me koke

" askush nuk te zëvendëson ty " I tha ai " te kam sjellë edhe nje dhurate tjetër. Nuk e di
nëse do te pëlqeje por mendoi se do doje te kishe dicka me tepër qe I përkiste mamasë tende
" tha ai duke futur dorën me xhep dhe te gjithë ngrysen vetullat " e mora tek gjerat më me
vlere te babit " tha Ai duke nxjerrë varësen qe Marbas Ia dha dhe donte te I thoshte tek
zemra e tij.

" varësia e Helenes " mermeriti Irene " ia kishte dhuruar ai dhe kurrë nuk e hiqte "
peshperiti pastaj

" te kuptoi nese nuk e dëshiron…." Tha Clerk por Azalea e ndaloi

" eshte dhurata me e mire qe mund te me beje Clerk . Eshte e mamasë time ." Tha ajo
duke e marre

" gjak janë ato pika ?" Pyeti Helena

" si duket babi nuk e ka lare " tha ai dhe Azalea pohoi me koke duke prekur varësen

" mund te ma vendosesh?" E pyeti ajo duke I buzëqeshur dhe syte e tij shkëlqyen . Ktheu
koken ngadalë duke I mbledhur me dore teksa Clerk për I vendoste

" edhe pse eshte prej atij bastardi , te shkon . Pikërisht si Helena " tha Tezja e saj teksa
perfyteronte motrën e saj ne vend te Azaleas . Nuk eshte se kishin nje ndryshim perveq
ngjyres se flokëve.

" ku eshte dhurata jote ?" Iu drejtua Helena Zane I cili mori nga tavolina nje kuti katrore
dhe iu afrua asaj ngadalë duke e hapur

" kjo eshte vetem per sipërfaqe. iyi ki doğdun my dark paradise " ai I tha teksa ne kuti
ndodhej nje gjerdan qe shkëlqente ne drite .

" I lodhuri. As nje dhurate domethënëse nuk di te beje . Azalea nuk I vendos ato " tha
Elinor duke shikuar nga ai

" thash se eshte per sipërfaqe kjo Nolian. Never pyete vajzën tende per dhuraten e vertet
" I tha ai dhe I shkeli syrin

" shume e bukur Zane por ne raft e ka vendin . Nuk I vendos keto. Dhe duket se qenka e
rende " tha ajo duke e prekur

" je nje specie e veçante Aceylam " tha ai duke e kthyer me shpine nga ai dhe I ktheu
flokët ne njeren ane " sonte do te shkoje " I peshperiti afer veshit derisa Elinor u kollit per ti
marre vëmendjen . Mori gjardanin dhe e vendosi ne qafen e saj .

Teksa ndjente ftohtësinë e gjardanit te prekte lëkurën e saj , nje fryme te nxehte ndjehu
perseri tek veshi .

" përshëndetu. Do vish me mua sonte " I peshperiti ai dhe ajo pohoi duke buzëqeshur

" aiii, dua dhe une nje turk romantik " tha Helena duke shikuar ato te dy me dashuri

" me jep durim me keto vajze " mermeriti Elinor.


Mberriten ne vilen e tij dhe zbriten nga makina teksa Azalea po shikonte përreth .

" ku janë te gjithë?" Pyeti ajo per rojet pasi nuk po shikonte asnje

"Eja " I tha ai duke I kapur dore dhe filluan te ecnin drejte hyrjes. Shtyu dyert dhe
vetem zhurma e saj dhe e ecjeve te tyre dëgjohej.

" edhe sherbetoret I ke larguar ?" Cfare po planifikon seks ne te gjitje sarajin?" E pyeti
ajo me nje pyetje djallëzore

" nuk eshte ide e keqe dhe as nuk e refuzoi " tha ai duke I kthyer me te njejten
buzëqeshje . " le te shkojme ne dhomën tone " tha ai dhe zemra e saj fillonte te rrihte me
shpejte nga fjala 'jone'

" jone?" Pyeti ajo teksa ai e kapi per dore perseri dhe filluan te ngjisnin shkallet

" po . Ti je gruaja ime e ardhshme . Sutanesha ime . Nena e fëmijëve te mi . Cfare eshte e
imja eshte edhe jotja . E kemi nënshkruar me gjak nëse e mban mend " tha ia teksa arritën
përpara dhomës se tij

" kisha harruar fare per te " tha ajo duke buzëqeshur por truri I kishte ngelur tek fjalët e

" përmendu sultanım. Tani fillon dhurata ime e ditëlindjes " tha ai duke I shkelur syrin
përpara se te hapte derën dhe u anua qe ajo te hynte.

Përpara saj qëndronte nje manekin me nje veshje prej sulltane. E kuqe me nuanca gold .
Nje model akoma me I mire se atyre qe kishte pare neper filma . I ngjitur tek krahet deri tek
mberryli por cope e kuqe e përzier me gold e lirshme deri ne fund te kombeve.

Tek gjoksi kishte nje prerje perfektë busti qe I nxirrte pjesën e sipërme te gjoksit perfekt
dhe ne pah. Nuk I ishte I ngushte saqe te mos merrje fryme por as I lirshme jo . Taman per
trupin e saj . Ishte nje miks midis veshjeve te Mbretereshes Mary te skotlandes dhe
sulltanesh Hatixhes.

Ne krevat kendronte nje varse koke qe as nuk kishte kurore por as zbukurim . Nje tiare qe
kombinohej me veshjen e saj . Shikoi varësen dhe kuptoi se edhe ajo I pershtatej .

" te pelqen ?" E pyeti ai duke e rrethuar me duart nga pas .

" e pelqej ? E adhuroi . E dashuroi . Nje nga dhuratat me te Mira qe kam marre ne jeten
time " tha ajo duke u kthyer nga ai dhe e puthi me plot passion .

Pasi u shkeput prej puthjes pas disa minuatash u mat te I thoshte por u ndal. Sikur e kishte
ne maje te gjuhes por goja nuk po I nxirrte . Por ne vend te saj I tha" te adhuroi "

" edhe une . Tani vishu " tha ai duke I lene nje puthje te shkurte teksa e ktheu me fytyre
nga manekini.


Pasi u vesh dhe e adhuronte veten para pasqyrës me ate fustan u kthye nga Zane I cili po e
shikonte sikur ajo te ishte gjeja me e cmuar ne ate dhome . E shikoi nga këmba tek koka dale
e ngadalë duke e analizuar dhe nuk kishte fjale te përshkonte bukurinë e saj përpara tij.

" si dukem ?" Pyeti duke u rrotulluar dhe ai e shikoi me nje shikim qe Azaleas I dukej si
shikimi qe xhaxhai I saj shikonte tezen e saj .

" diamantet nuk kane bukuri , rubinet jo , as hena me djellin nuk krahasohen dhe lulet e
humbasin bukurinë e tyre përpara bukurise tende " tha ai duke bere qe Azalea te
buzëqeshte e lumtur .

Iu afrua krevatit dhe mori tiaren dhe ia vendosi ne koke Azalea me përkujdesin me te madh

" je sulltanesha me e bukur qe mund te kete ekzistuar ndonjëherë " I peshperiti ai duke e
shikuar ne sy dhe pastaj beri nje hap mbrapa. " le te shkojme. Dhurata nuk mbaron ketu "
tha ai duke I zgjatur dorën dhe ajo vendosi siper te tijes.

Me njeren dore duke mbajtur veshjen dhe me tjetren duke mbajtur dorën e tij zbriten
shkallet dhe here pas here duke shikuar njeriu tjetrin ne sy .

Hyren ne dhomën e ndenjes dhe shikoi se tek vendi mbretëror ishte shtruar ushqim . Per
disa sekonda nuk e ndjeu dorën e tij ndërsa nje muzike e bukur per cifte pushtoi vendin .

" pranon te kërcesh me mua sultanım?" I tha ai duke e shikuar me dorën e zgjatur dhe ajo
pohoi me koke duke I dhene dorën me buzëqeshje ne fytyre ne pamundësi për te folur .

Vendosi njeren dore tek beli I saj , tjetrin I kapi dorën ndërsa ajo njeren dore te saj e
vendosi tek shpatulla e tij . E afroi afer vetes dhe filluan te kërcenin ngadalë duke shikuar
njeri tjetrin ne sy.

Fjalët qe nuk mund ti nxirrte nga goja po ia thoshte me sy teksa syte e tij po ia pranonin
ato fjale me shkëlqimin me te madh dhe duke ia kthyer po me te njejten mënyre rrëfimin e
fjalëve te tij .

Nuk po priste qe ajo te ia thoshte e para po priste qe ajo te e besonte plotësisht, qe ajo te
ndihej e sigurte tek fjalët e tij . Te e kuptonte se nuk do jete gënjeshtër apo nje premtim bosh
ato fjale .

Kenga my dark paradise kishin pushtuar dhomën dhe asnjeri prej nuk kishte ndaluar . E
rretulloi dhe e afroi perseri pranë vetes.

" te betohem qe do te plotësoi cdo enderr " I tha ai dhe ajo e puthi perseri

" e di te besoi " I tha

" mund te behem edhe your daddy " I tha ai Mr mje buzëqeshje provokuese

" nccc, preferoi me tepër sultan " tha ajo duke mbajtur lojën e tij dhe ai e rretulloi
perseri dhe po te mos ishte per duart e tij qe e mbanin, do rrezohej . E qeshura e saj me u be
miks me muzikën ne sfond qe kësaj radhe ishte nje muzike violine

" do me rrezosh " I tha ajo pasi ai e ngjiti perseri me trupin e tij

" asnjëherë " tha ai duke e puthur . Vendosi edhe dorën tjetër tek beli I saj dhe ajo tek
qafa e tij dhe vazhdonte te e puthte teksa te dy po kërcenin ne sinkronizim

Vetem kur kishin nevoje per ajer u shkëputen duke mbështetur ballerat e tyre dhe duke
mos ndaluar per asnje moment .

" si thua te e ndalojmë ketë zhurme dhe te luaje violonistja e vertet live ?" E pyeti ajo me
syte e mbyllur

" do ndihesha me se I krenuar " u pergjigj ai duke ndaluar dhe duke u shkëputur prej saj
" ulu ti derisa te sjell violinen " i tha ai dhe ajo pohoi me koke .

U ul ne vendin ku ushqimi ishte I gatshëm dhe filloi te hante . Ndihej e lumtur . Po e

festonte ndryshe. Po jetonte qofte edhe per disa ore ne ëndrrën e saj .

Ngriti shikimin dhe shikoi ate qe po vinte me violine ne dore drejte saj

" e kujt eshte ajo ?" Pyeti ajo

" e askujt , dhe e jotja qe tani e tutje " tha ai duke u ulur pranë saj kembekryq , siq ishte
ulur dhe ajo " shkelqe me talentin tende e dashur " tha ai duke I zgjatur violine dhe ajo e
mori duke buzëqeshur . Ai ishte nje prej personave qe arrinte te vendoste buzëqeshje ne
fytyrën e saj .

U pozicionua dhe filloi te I binte teksa ai po e shikonte me vëmendje, adhurim dhe pasion.
Si nje goodness perballe tij .
Melodia e saj ishte e bute dhe me nota lumturie mbrenda tuaj. Nuk mund te e besonte qe
femra qe kishte perballe tij ishte me shume se nje femër.

Nje luftëtare, nje përbindësh, nje njeri I mire , nje talentuase e shkëlqyer, nje mbrojtëse e
mire , nje mbretereshe . Nje femër perfektë per syte e tij.

Duke shikuar ate me vëmendje dhe me buzëqeshje ne fytyre kuptoi se kishte rene ne
dashuri me te . Kuptoi se ajo kishte sjelle ngjyra ne jetën e tij . Muzike dhe lule ne jetën e tij .
Kuptoi se nuk shikonte dhe mendonte te ardhme pa te ne krahe . Kuptoi se kishte rene keq
ne te .

" je e mija Açelyam " I peshperiti ai dhe iu afrua dhe e puthi ne sup teksa ajo I binte .


Kësaj radhe ishte ajo qe I zgjua e para ne krahet e tij , ne përqafimin e tij teksa trupat e
tyre te zhveshur ishin sinkronizuar se bashku si pjesa pazulli .

Qendroi per disa kohe duke shikuar ate teksa flinte I qete me te ne krahe . Duke e
analizuar cdo pjese te fytyrës se tij sikur po e memorizonte fytyrën e tij . Teksa rrezet e
diellit mbinin ne fytyren e Benin ate akoma me te pafshem.

" morning paradise " ai mermeriti teksa kthehej me bark dhe duke e afruar akoma me
shume afer vetes " si ndihesh si nje 20 vjeçare?" E pyeti ai akoma me syte e mbyllur

" si ndihesh si nje 35 vjeçar I ardhshëm?" Pyeti ajo duke e provokuar dhe ai ngriti paksa
trupin e tij dhe e shikoi me syte e hapur

" po me provokon Aceylam sepse jam mese ne qef te tregoi se nuk jam aq I vjetër sa
numrat me japin " tha ai duke e shikuar

" keshtu per bukuri je marshalla si me qene nje 30 vjec jo si nje 35 vjeçar I ardhshëm " I
tha ajo me buzëqeshje " edhe ai krenaria jote po ashtu , por forca ketë nuk e dimë "
provokoi ajo perseri dhe ai shtrëngoi aty ku ai po mbante dorën e tij

" mesa duket mbreme kur ulërisje emrin tim nuk ankoheshe per force Sultanım " I tha ai
dhe Azalea ngriti koken dhe e puthi

" siq the dhe vete , isha tepër e zene per te matur forcen tende " tha ajo duke e provokuar perseri

" epo mate tani " I tha ai duke u vendosur sipër saj dhe vendosi këmbet e saj rreth tij.

" veq te e shihja babi se si I shkëlqyen syte kur I nxorra varësen " tha Clerk te atit duke I
buzëqeshur teksa I tregonte per natën e mbrëmshme atij . Nje buzëqeshje e trishte u shfaq
ne fytyrën e tij teksa dëgjonte per vajzën e tij nga djali I saj .

" Elinor cfare dhurate I ka bere ?" Pyeti ai me nje hint xhelozie ne fytyrën e tij

" ai dhe gruaja I tij I beren nje vile dhe nje potret familjar . Matteo I beri nje arme me
inicialet e saj , mbiemrin e saj dhe te Cranz " tha ai dhe xhelozia u rrit me tepër mbrenda
tij . Duhet te ishin inicialet dhe dhurata e tij dhe portreti I tyre .

Duke dëgjuar te atin dhe te vëllanë teksa flisnin per te e beri Auroren te zihej nga xhelozia ,
inati dhe verbimi . Sipas saj Azalea kishte arritur te I merrte babain dhe vellain pa e
menduar se ato duhen te ishin te saj .

Chapter 21

Siq po qëndronin familjarisht duke ngrenë mëngjes, nje roje u shfaq pranë tyre duke iu
drejtuar Azaleas

" zonjush , Aurora Zykov ndodhet ketu dhe dëshiron te flasë me ty " I tha ai dhe te gjithë
ngrysen vetullat te habitur dhe Azalea u ngrit menjëherë. Donte te e ndinte pse ajo e
mallkuar do vinte deri tek dera e saj .

Hapi derën dhe shikoi ate teksa qëndronte e rrethuar para rojeve , e veshur me klas por
Azalea qeshi djallezisht me mundimin e saj per tu bere me klas .

" cfare e keqe nga une te solli ne derën time perseri kurve ? Qenke edhe munduar te
visheshe me klas kur jeton ne nje vend te varfër " I tha Azalea djallezisht duke kryqëzuar

" kësaj radhe kam ardhur per te miren qe me bere. Dhe se shpejti do transferohem ne vile
. Pasi dy fuqi do bashkon " tha ajo dhe Azalea vazhdoi te qeshte me te .

" fuqite e parpanices time . " I tha Azalea dhe Aurora nxorri nje ftese dhe ia hodhi asaj

" do fijohem pas neser dhe nje martese dhe do doja qe te kisha edhe motrën time pranë
meje . Sidoqoftë ajo e mundësoi kete " tha Aurora me sarkazëm dhe duke qeshur Djallezisht
por nuk I zgjati shume pasi Azalea nuk e hoqi prej fytyrës buzëqeshjen e saj

" shijoje sa e ke te gjate . Mos u shqetëso do marr pjese ne ditën me te lumtur te motrës
time . Kam nje dhurate perfektë. Por nuk e di a do përfundojë e lumtur ajo dite apo e
hidhur " I tha Azalea duke marre ftesën dhe duke qeshur

" guxo…." Tha Aurora duke bere mje hap drejte saj e inatosur por ndaloi ne vend dhe se
foluri kur rojet ngritën armen drejte saj

" po thoje?" Pyeti Azalea dhe iu beri me koke qe te e kapnin

" me lëshoni ju te poshtër " tha ajo duke u përpjekur ne duart e tyre .

" hidheni ne biren e saj dhe te familjes se saj . Dhe dergoju te fala " iu tha Azalea atyre
dhe iu ktheu shpinën duke hyre mbrenda teksa mbante dje shikonte ftesën e saj duke lene
ate te iu bërtiste rojeve te saj . " Do te ta kthej ne helm ate dite Aurora. Vetem prit dhe
shiko . As Ruslanovich dhe as Zykov nuk do ketë me " mermeriti me vete Azalea djallezisht.

" ky vend duket pak I merzitshem . Disa rregullime dhe perfekt . Mos u shqetëso Zane .
Do e rregulloj une . " nje grua ne te mesmet e saj e veshur si zonje , me tipare te errëta tha
duke shikuar rreth e rrotull. Asnje nuk e kundërshtoi teksa ne tavolinën e gjate ndodheshin
me shume se 15 vete . Nje burre I moshuar . Ajo dhe nje tavolinë e mbushur me djem dhe
vajza te rritur .

Zane nuk iu kushtoi vemendjen fjaleve te saj . Por as nuk I ktheu përgjigje. As nuk do e
lejonte te ndryshonte as gjene me te vogël pasi Azalea e kishte pëlqyer aq shume ate vend .
Dhe aq me pak pa dijeninë e saj .

" kur do kesh nje trashëgimtar?" Pyeti burri I moshuar por Zane nuk ia vuri veshin "
nderro femër mese ato nuk te kane dhene dot nje mashkull " tha ai dhe Zane mendoi vetëm
te e dinte se cfare kishte bere ai qe te mos linte asnje nga ato shtatezene.

" mos u shqetëso Haruk. Kam nje zgjedhje perfektë per te qe I jep nje mashkull
trashëgimtar" tha ajo duke buzëqeshur sa nga ai dhe femra përkrah saj por qe Zane arrinte
te dallonte djallezine .

" mos u lodh . Kur dua te kem fëmije e vendos vete " tha ai duke theksuar fëmije dhe jo

" je ne 35 e akoma pa trashëgimtar. Sa ti une I kam pasur 5 " tha I ati

" qe asnjeri nuk do mbijetoje po I zgjati dorën drejt thronit tim . Thash e vendos vete per
familjen time . Nuk jam ne aq gjendje te mjerueshme sa te marr leksione nga nja mashkull
qe ka 10 fëmije me dashnore. " tha Zane duke shikuar drejte tij kësaj radhe dhe u ngrit prej
tavoline .

Dera e hyrjes u hap dhe te gjithe kthyen shikimin se kush hyri mbrenda ashtu sikur e
zotëronte vendin pasi kishin nje pamje te mire .

Si gjithmonë hyri mbrenda sikur nje sulltanesh por kësaj rralle me ftesën ne duar dhe e

" ajo kurve e mutit vjen ne shtëpinë time dhe me hedh ftesën e tyre sikur kishte fituar
ndonjë gje " tha ajo teksa hodhi ftesën ne tavoline pa e pasur vëmendjen se ishin persona te
tjerë aty .

" Azalea mund te qetesohesh ?" Pyeti Xavier duke I bere me shenje

" isha une qe e mundesova dhe ajo guxon te me qeshe ne fytyre " tha Azalea duke shfyre
inatin dhe siq po lëvizte koken vuri re tavolinën e mbushur me njerëz qe e shikonin si nje
alien dhe me inat " Kush jeni ju ?" Pyeti ajo pa e vrare mendjen

" Aceylam kjo eshte familja ime e dashur " prezantoi Zane duke vendosur dorën e tij tek
beli I saj .

" Açelyam ?" Perseriti njerka e tij me vetullat e ngrutur " kimsin sen hatun ?" Pyeti ajo
dhe Azalea kryqëzoi duart dhe ngriti njeren vetull . Ndërsa Zane ishte gati te ulej dhe te
shijonte nje film te bukur

" kush je ti femër qe je pleksur me djalin tim?" Pyeti I ati I atij

" Azalea. Azalea Nolian. E lindura e pare dhe me e madhja e Nolian . Trashëgimtarja e
Nolian dhe nje mafje tjetër. Djalli mbi toke dhe sulltanesha e Cranz " u pergjigj ajo me nje
djallëzi ne fytyrën e saj

" duhet te jesh me shume se nje princesh per tu bere sulltanesh në Cranz . Se pari duhet te
lindësh nje mashkull ." Tha njerka e tij dhe Azalea beri nje nen qeshje

" tıpkı senin gibi?" Ia ktheu Azalea ne turqisht duke e shikuar ate . " nuk shoh se ke lind
nje mashkull " tha Azalea duke e inatosur ate

" si guxon te flasësh keshtu me mua? ROJE " beriti ajo duke u ngritur dhe pas saj te gjithe
ne kembe .

Tre roje u paraqiten ne dhome e ndenjes dhe menjëherë pas tyre te Azalea's me xhaxhin e
saj dhe te Cranz

" merreni kete te paedukuaren dhe edukojeni mir " urdhëroi ajo djallezisht dhe sapo ato
te tre beren hapin e pare , tre plumba nga tre arma te ndryshme përfunduan ne lulen e ballit
te tyre . Nga xhaxhai I saj , Nga Zane dhe nga ajo vete .

" si GUXON te mos respektosh fjalën e mamasë tende ?" Iu drejtua I ati duke u ngritur
ne kembe dhe Matteo I drejtoi armen atij . Dhe asnje nga rojet nuk lëvizi.

Ajo rojeve .

" nuk eshte ai lideri I Cranz. ZANE Cranz eshte lideri , sulltani I Cranz. Ato janë nën
urdhrat e tij dhe te mijat " tha Azalea drejte saj dhe nxorri thikën e saj dhe rretulloi ne dore
. " le te kuptojmë dicka drejte. Ne histori sulltani I mëparshëm duhet te vdesë " tha ajo
duke shikuar nga I ati I Zane I cili kishte ngelur dhe Matteo e karikoi edhe nje here armen
per te gjuajtur " por gjithsesi jemi ne kohe moderne ." Shtoi ajo dhe ktheu shikimin nga
njerka e tij .

" senin devran bitti, benim devran başladı. Senin bit sultan yok artık. az bir valide sultan.
Ben bir sultan, haseki sultan ve Valide sultan iher istiyorum " Azalea i tha asaj duke i bere
hapa te vegjël drejt saj . " Sen kudret burda yok artık " i shtoi dhe i vendosi thikën ne qafe .
" mund te ju vras te gjitheve tanı pa pike meshire. Ne gjume apo te iu helmoi deri ne vdekje
dhe askush nuk me dalon mua" tha ajo duke e prere paksa .

" le te e marrin vesh te gjithë asnje vëlla i Zane Cranz nuk e trashëgon fronin . Si duke
qene une gjalle , si duke qene vdekur . Kush guxon , nuk hezitoj aspak te ia Kepus duart dhe
te bej te tjeret te e hajne. " kërcënoi ajo meshkujt qe ndodheshin ne tavoline .

" Xavier sistemoi mysafirët tek kati I sherbetoreve " urdhëroi ajo drejte tij dhe ai pohoi
me koke teksa te gjithe kishin ngelur te shokuar nga ajo

" bu benim sultanım " Zane tha duke I puthur dorën. " shkojme e te flasim ne privatësi
per shkatërrimin e motrës tende " tha ai duke bere qe ato te e kuptonin se as motrën e vete
ajo nuk e llogariste lere aq me pak ato .


" ajo do e pa…." U ndërpreu nga përplasja e trupit te saj per dere dhe prej buzëve te tij
mbi te sajin . E ngriti duke bere qe kembet e saj te e rrethonin ate . Duart e saj ne koken e tij
duke e shtrënguar.

E largoi nga Der por akoma duke u puthur , derisa arriti tek tavolina dhe e vendosi ate sipër
duke larguar me njeren dore te gjitha gjerat qe ishin mbi te .

" deminanca jote me ka ndez kaq shume tani sa mezi po e kontrolloja veten " peshperiti ai
tek buzet e saj teksa zbërthente pantallonat e tij

" nuk me tregove se do vinin " I tha ajo teksa ai po e puthte neper qafe

" as vete nuk e dija ." U pergjigj ai teksa largonte pengesat e tij prej rruge .

" do kujdesem une per to , sultanım " I tha ajo duke e shikuar ne sy

" dhe une per ty , sultanesha ime " I tha ai teksa hyri mbrenda saj . Renkimet e dyve ,
efshat , emrat e tyre te përzier me ndjenja mbushen zyrën e tij.


" me trego per problemin tende " I tha ai duke mbërthyer pantallonat pasi mbaruan te
dy .

" kishte fytyre te vinte ne shtëpinë time , te zgerdhihej si fitimtare teksa une e
mundesova . " tha ajo dhe ai filloi te kujdesej per te.

" cfare do besh ?" Pyeti ai teksa I mbërthyer pantallonat asaj dhe I rregulloi bluzën e saj .
Edhe me rrobat me te thjeshta ajo perseri dukej si nje perendeshe perballe tij

" te bejme te ditur praninë tone sultanım " tha ajo duke qeshur djallezisht

" me gjithe qef " tha ai duke prekur buzet e saj me gishtin e tij te madh dhe pastaj e puthi

" sen ve ben tüm dünyaya karşı " I tha ajo por qe tingëlloi ne forme pyetje .

" sen ve ben tüm dünyaya karşı sultanım. Sadece sen ve ben " ai i pëshpëriti ne forme

" dëshiron te ta vras njerken ?" Pyeti ajo dhe ai qeshi me ze

" nuk eshte ide e keqe . Tashme si sulltanesh qe je mundesh . Por frikësojë përpara.
Tregoi cfare përbindëshi je " I tha ai djallezisht dhe ajo picerrou syte duke harkuar buzen

" ke ndonjë shpate ? Cfare bere me spiunin ?" Pyeti ajo

" shpat jo . Ai akoma gjalle . Duke u frikësuar se cfare do ndodhe " u pergjigj ai

" si ka mundësi, sulltan pa shpate . " tha ajo duke rregulluar syte " dua nje shpate . Te
mprehtë " tha ajo ne forme urdhri

" si urdhëron " pranoi ai pa kundërshtuar fare " kur do vish?" Pyeti paspak

" te vi ku ?" Pyeti ajo konfuze

" tek une . Te shpernguëesh ketu . Dua qe te tkem ne krevat kur te zgjohem dhe kur te
ulem . Nuk dua qe te biem te flejme nepermjet telefonit por ne krahet e njeri - tjetrit " I tha
ai dhe ajo ngeli me gojën e hapur

" une mendoja qe kisha probleme me fiksim pro dole ti me keq se une " I tha ajo

" Nuk eshte fiksim, por dashuri " deklaroi ai duke bere ate qe te pertypej ne veshteresi

" neser ne dark jam me ty pra . Nuk mund te tpremtoi gje sepse duhet te bind xhaxhain .
Nuk mendoi se do lejoje . " tha ajo

" nese eshte e nevojshëm shperngele edhe ate ketu . Mjafton te tkem cdo nate , cdo
mëngjes dhe cdo dite " përfundoi ai dhe Azalea po shikonte me admirim mashkullin per
para saj qe I kishte shprehur dashurinë.


Nuk kishte shume qe Azalea ishte larguar nga aty dhe tashme ai ishte I detyruar te ulej ne
te njëjtën tavoline me to .

Nje qetësi e madhe saqe vetem zhurmat e thikave e pirunjve dëgjohej derisa babai I tij
vendosi te e thyente dhe te I kërkonte llogari per ngjarjen e mëparshme.

" qe kur sulltani I Cranve ka filluar te merrte urdhra nga nje femër? Qe kur ja filluar te I
dilte kundra nenes dhe babait te tij duke I ulur? Dhe aq me pak qëkur ai ka filluar te
bashkëpunonte me to?" Pyeti ai dhe te gjithe ndaluan se ngreni perveq Cranz

" qëkur ajo e detyroi vete sulltanin " iu pergjigj ai duke e shikuar me nje buzëqeshje dhe
fytyrë krenare per Azalean

" e ke idenë se cfare po flet ?" E pyeti njerka e tij

" jam mese I vetëdijshëm zonje " tha Cranz drejte saj

" mos iu drejtua ashtu nenes tende " I tha I ati dhe Cranz ndaloi

" ajo nuk eshte nena ime. Nese do te ta kujtoj se kush ishte nena ime dhe cfare I bere " I
tha Cranz atij me nje ton kercenues .

" MJAFT " bërtiti ai duke I rene tavoline

" kujdes , ketu je ne sarajet e mija, ne pronësi time , ne mbreterine time . Nuk je me as
mbret e as sulltan " I tha Cranz I qete

" TI BASTARD….." bërtiti ai perseri duke ngritur dorën te e gjuante por rojet menjëherë
qe ndodheshin ne katin e sipërme, rreth tyre dhe Xavier I drejtuan armen dhe Zane beri nje
nenqeshje, teksa thikën qe ishte dhurate nga Azalea e kishte te drejtuar anash tavolinës tek
barku I saj .

" te thashe je ne mbreterine time . " tha ai dhe I ati u ul I zverdhur

" me sa shoh kurva po te jep fuqi " tha njeri nga vëllezërit me tallje qe ishte me afer tij

Nga askundi , e bërtitura e tij mbushi vendin. Te gjithe shikuar te shokuar , thikën e tij qe
ia kishte drejtuar te atit ne dorën e vëllait të tij .

E uleritja e te emes dhe te tijen nuk I bene përshtypje fare por vazhdoi . I kapi gjuhen dhe
ia preu duke bere te gjithe te zverdheshin.

Ia preu gjuhen dhe ia hodhi përpara , fshiu thikën dhe u ul ne vendin e tij

" ju befte mire " tha ai krejt I qete sikur asgjë te mos kishte ndodhur teksa te gjithe kishin
ngelur te ngrire ne vend .

Chapter 22

Te dy po bëheshin gati ne dhomën e tij per te marre pjese ne fejesën e ashte quajtur
motrën e saj

Siq ishte I ulur ne fund te krevatit duke lidhur kepucet , vete ajo I bllokoi driten qe
ndriçonte vendin . Ngriti syte dhe shikoi ate te veshur me nje fustan te kuq si gjaku teksa
puthte ne disa vende . Lëkura e saj nga mbrapa e deri tek fundshpina I dalur ne pah si nje
diamant . Gjoksi I saj e gjerdanin e tij ne te si qershia mbi tortë.

" si dukem ?" Pyeti ajo duke u rrotulluar teksa ne dore mbante taket per ti veshur

" si nje perendeshe " u pergjigj ai duke e tërhequr pranë tij dhe duke I marre këpucët e
saj ne doren . J vendosi ato ne krevat dhe mori njeren kembe te saj dhe e vendosi mbi gjurin
e tij " perendesha me seksi . E gjithe vëmendja do jete tek ti " I tha ai teksa filloi te ia
veshte këpucët

" por e imja do jete tek ti " I tha ajo teksa kalonte doren e saj ne flokët e saj . Pasi ia veshi
te dyja taket , njeren kembe e bajti akoma mbi gjurin e tij . I largoi pjesën e care te fustanit
qe ishte deri tek pika me e larte e kofshës dhe filloi te e puthte duke e shikuar ne sy . Dhe
teksa duart e tij shkonin deri tek fundi I te cares ku ndodheshin pjesa e te mbrendshme .

" jam aq ne forme sot te vras cdo kënd " tha ai duke lene puthje te vogla ne pjesën e
mbrendshme te kofshëve te saj dhe pastaj e kafshoi duke I lene nje vule

" auch ." Renkoi ajo

" le te e shohin se je e imja " tha ai dhe duart I hasen ne nje gje metalike " edhe e pajisur
sultanım " I tha ai duke prekur thikën e saj

" ti përdor armen , thikën e përdor une " tha ajo duke I shkel syrin dhe u ul ne prehrin e

" kemi kohe ?" Pyeti ai duke I prekur qafen me gishtin tregues .

" kur te e kthejmë fejesën ne mort atëherë po " tha ajo duke u ngritur

" prit , kam porositur dicka " tha ai duke u ngritur dhe shkoi drejte sirtareve tek dhoma e
dollapit dhe u kthye me nje tiare flokësh vezullues. Flokët e saj kafe dhe ajo gold nje mix I

" qenka shume e bukur " tha ajo duke e prekur

" jo aq sa ti " I tha ai duke I vendosur ne koke . Diamanta te vogla qe binin ne ballin e saj
dhe fijet e goldit neper floke . Perveq asaj dhe varses te se emes I vendosi edhe nje tjetër qe I
binte ne shpine në nje varge .

" tani jemi gati , sulltanesha ime " I tha ai duke I puthur doren .

" ahhhiii, me te vërtet po ndihem nje sulltanesh " tha ajo duke buzëqeshur e lumtur me
endrren qe ai po ia plotësonte dita ditës .


Ne nje salle hoteli luksoz , I mbushur me njerëz, qeveritar te korruptuar me dashnoret e

tyre personale krah , mafioza me bashkëshortet e tyre , qe ishim mbledhur per te pare se ku
ajo nate do dërgonte; ato te dy ishin cifti qe mbante me shume dhe e tregonte fuqinë vetëm
me hapin e tyre .

Dora e saj e futur tek krahu I tij teksa ai qëndronte neutral dhe serioz me 10 roje rreth tij
dhe saj . Syte e te gjithëve ishin te ato . Disa te habitur , disa me xhelozi dhe per disa te

Secila femër aty ishte munduar te ishte sa me e bukur se tjetra me make upin e shumte te
vende dhe me modelet e tyre te fustaneve por ajo ishte si dhe binte sy si rubin ne gure.
Sidomos tiara e saj qe nuk e shikoje vazhdimisht .

" Azalea, cfare po ben?" E pyeti Anastasia dhe ajo shikoi nga Aurora e cila po e shikonte
e xhindosur . Ajo duhej te ishte vëmendja dhe me e bukura e natës por Azalea ia kishte
marre te dyja .

Hodhi syte nga Aleksi dhe e shikoi se si ai po e analizonte nga këmba tek koka sidomos me
fustanin e saj qe te bënte te ishte endrre e cdo mashkulli .

Nuk ishte mësuar te e shikonte te veshur ashtu perveq rrobave te thjeshta dhe përditshme.
Por duke e shikuar ate ne ate fustan e krahasoi me Auroren ne mendjen e tij duke bere qe te
behej pishman per zgjedhjen e tij

" cfare ndodhi Qenush ? Tu ngrit ?" E pyeti Cranz me nje shikim djallëzore teksa mbante
fytyrën neutral.

" kush te ka thirrur Cranz ? Nuk je I ftuar . Sidomos sonte " I tha Ruslanovich dhe Zane
nxorri prej xhepit te xhaketës ftesën qe Aurora ia kishte dhene Azaleas

" por une jam e ftuar . Motra ime e dashur me ftoi . Dhe Zane eshte shoqëruesi im .
Partneri im . Ku jam une eshte edhe ai " u pergjigj Azalea duke iu buzëqeshur atyre teksa te
gjithe shikuan nga ajo

" nuk ma morre mendja qe do vije" tha Aurora me urretje ne fytyre

" Helena " dëgjoi zërin e te atit dhe u kthye nga ai . Duke pare te profilin e saj nga nje cep
se bashku me një tjetër lider I nje mafie , iu duke sikur po shihte ate . Ishte akoma esëll por
gota e pare e alkoolit e kishte duhur sistemin e tij mendor pasi kurrë nuk mendonte se vajza
e tij do vinte aty . " Azalea " thërriti ai tashme me nje buzëqeshje te vogël. " dukesh shume
bukur, si mamaja jote " tha ai dhe ajo nuk I foli fare por ktheu shpinen

" Azalea, cfare je duke bere ti ketu ? Dëgjoi Sonian te e pyeste dhe syte e saj u ngulen tek
varesja qe ajo mbante ne qafe . " ajo… eshte e Marbas " tha ajo dhe Azalea preku Varesen
dhe I buzeqeshi asaj qe nuk ishte aspak miqësor

" Eshte e mamasë time. Tashmë e imja . Dhurat nga burri yt . Per te dyja ne . " tha ajo
dhe Sonia shikoi nga Marbas por ai nuk reagoi fare ndaj saj " mund te jete lënduase per ty .
Si grua e tij e ligjshme te mos marrësh asnje dhurat prej tij gjate gjithe jetes tende " tha ajo
djallezisht drejte saj

" mjafte " peshperiti Sonia

" Azalea mos shkakto probleme " tha Ruslanovich perseri

" urime ne shkatërrimin e jetes tuaj " tha ajo duke I shikuar te gjithe me rend dhe te
gjithe e shikuan konfuz dhe u kthye drejte te atit " ti do jesh personi I fundit nga keto qe do
lëndoi. Pikërisht si mamaja ime " I peshperiti ajo ne vesh

" Cranz , paske sjelle me vete per here te parë nje nga ato tujat. Por kjo qenka diamant "
dëgjoi nje ze te trashe burri Zane dhe I u sjell mbrapa se bashku me Azalen , I cili mashkull
qe foli rreth te 50 po shikonte si nje pre dhe duke e zhveshur me sy .

" takohu me ortaken, partneren time " prezantoi Cranz dhe ai sjelli shikimin nga Zane I

" qëkur paske filluar te bashkëpunosh me te tjerët dhe te kesh ortak ?" Pyeti ai dhe pastaj
u kthye nga Azalea " kush je ti bukuroshe?' E pyeti ai

" dhe gruan time te ardhshme " shtoi Zane duke bere qe ai te suprizohej me shume

" Azalea Nolian " u prezantua ajo

" Nolian ? " Pyeti ai me vetullat e ngrysur " nuk e dija se Nolian ka nje femër kaq te
bukur ." Tha ai " me sa di une Nolian ka vetem nje trashëgimtar. Cfare lidhje ke ti me
Elinor Nolian ?" Pyeti ai dhe Kesaj radhe Zane ngrysi vetullat

" une jam trashëgimtari " tha Azalea duke buzëqeshur djallezisht " jam vajza e vetme
dhe fëmija I vetem I Elinor Nolian " u prezantua Azalea dhe ai filloi te qeshte

" paskem ardh ne lidhjen e gabuar atëherë . Nolain gjithemone ka qene I zgjuar por kësaj
radhe e vulosi . Duke lidhur trashëgimtarin e veten te tij me Cranz eshte nje arritje qe duhet

te fitoje . Pse nuk kam dëgjuar dicka te tille ?" Pyeti ai Ruslanovich u ndje I ofenduar nga
fjalët e tij

" ne festimin e bejme me beme " u pergjigj Zane duke mos shfaqur habine nga fjalët e

" si thua zonjush te leme nje takim te gjithe bashke dhe me babain tende ?" Pyeti ai
Azalea e cila nenqeshi

" nuk mendoi se babai im do kete ndonje ide per ndonje aleance te re . Sidoqoftë ai e ka
aleancen me te madhe tashme . Cranz dhe vajze e tij " iu pergjigj Azalea duke lene ate te
habitur me përgjigjen e saj mjafte te drejte per drejte per nje princesh drejte nje mafiozi

" tani me lejen tende na lejo qe te marrim pak fryme " tha Cranz duke I e shtyre ate dhe
duke ecur se bashku me Azalean larg prej tij dhe atyre.

" u lodha dhe u mërzita. Kur kryejnë pune keto" u ankua Azalea duke u ulur ne njeren
prej tavolinave larg tyre .

" nuk eshte se te lodha shume përpara se te bëheshim gati " I tha Zane me nje buzëqeshje
perverse teksa po hidhte shampanjën ne gota .

" cfare pret prej nje 35 vjeçar?" E provokoi ajo dhe ai e shikoi me nje fytyre qesharake
dhe ajo I shkeli syrin

" cfare do thoje me femijen e vetem te Elinor ? Jashtë e quan baba ?" Pyti ai duke I
vendosur gotën përpara

" kur bere kërkimet per mua ne fillim zbulove ndonje femije tjetër ne sistem?" Pyeti ajo
dhe ai ngrysi vetullat duke u munduar te kujtonte .

" jo , sepse nuk jane te regjistruar " u pergjigj ajo

" si ?" Pyeti I habitur.

" tezja nuk ka lind ne spital, as mamaja ime . Kur Iono dhe Helena kane lindur une isha
akoma femije nuk e kuptoja . Deri sa fillova te e kuptoja xhaxhai I kishte fshehur mire " tha

" dhe ai fshehur femijet e tij duke vene ty ne rrezik " shtoi ai

" nccc, nuk e beri ai . E bera une . Xhaxhai Teo me pat shpjeguar rrezikun dhe gjerat e
tille dhe si e zgjuar erdha me përfundim qe kushdo qe te kërkonte per Elinor Nolian une te
dilja vajza e tij e vetme . Femija I tij I vetëm. " u pergjigj ai

" Helena dhe Iono ?" Pyeti konfuz ai

" sado qe te germoje dikush mbi to nuk tregon asnje lidhje qe kemi . Helena rezulton si
nje femije sherbetoresh prindërit e te ciles janë te varfër dhe ne qe I kemi ofruar shkolle dhe
strehim falas . Iono rezulton jetim , prindërit e te cilit kane vdekur . Kështu kushdo qe do te
me lendoje ose kercenoje nuk kane asnje prove per te përdorur ato kundra meje " tha ajo
duke buzëqeshur

" dhe Elinor e lejoj dicka te tille?" Pyeti Zane I habitur me zgjuarsinë e saj

" u inatos aq shume ne fillim saqe vendosi te me fshehte edhe mua si ato " tha ajo duke
bere nje nen qeshje

" por ato e dine" tha duke shikuar nga Zykov dhe Ruslanovich qe ishin se bashku perballe

" kush te tha se do jetojnë gjate ato qe te e shfaqin nje sekret te tille " tha ajo duke qeshur

" cfo dite e me shume me surprizon sulltanesha ime " tha ai duke I puthur doren dhe
pastaj I la mje puthje te vogël

" as ti nuk je mbrapa " I tha ajo duke I vendosur doren ne faqe dhe duke e puthur duke e
lene te nenkuptonin te gjithe se ai ishte i saj dhe ajo e atij.


" zonje jeni te ndaluar ne kete kat " I tha roja njerkës se Zane e cila ndodhej perballe
zyrës se tij

" e di ti se kush jam une ? Kush mendon ti se me ndalon mua " tha ajo me nerva duke e
shtyre dhe duke tentuar te hynte mbrenda perseri

" zonje kemi leje te qëllojmë dhe te ju burgosim nese kundërshtoni urdhrat tona " tha ai
duke e ndaluar perseri por kësaj rralle duke nxjerre armen

" Zane e di me mire se kushdo tjetër se gruaja e babait te tij , Cranzit te mëparshëm nuk
preket nga ai apo nje mashkull . Ke mendon se po mashtron ti ?" E pyeti ajo perseri duke I
shtyre oer te treten here por kësaj radhe ai I vuri armen kokes

" kemi urdhër te drejte per drejte nga zonjush Azalea dhe Zoteria ka miratuar cdo
urdhër te saj " tha roja dhe ajo sa vinte e shokohej prej saj . Azalea nuk ishte kurre ne
planin e saj si pengese . Me te përkrah Zane nuk do ishte kurre nen urdhrat e saj . Per kete
arsye vendosi qe te planifikonte dicka qe te e hiqte qafe ate . Dhe pse jo si te emen e tij .


Teksa te gjithe duartrokisnin per bashkimin e dy mafjeve , Azalea qëndronte atje duke
rregulluar syte . Shikoi nga Zane duke I pohuar me koke dhe ai ia ktheu ne te njeten
mënyre . shikoj oren duke buzëqeshur djallezisht dhe dritat u fiken duke alarmuar cdo kënd
por nje proxhektor me nje foto, te Alesit duke puthur Azalean qe Helena I pate fotografuar
shikoi te gjithe .

Ne foto Azalea nuk dukej mire por ajo , Dhe te gjithe e dinin se kush ishte .

" shpresoj te I kesh lare mire buzet ate nate " I peshperiti Zane duke mbajtur xhelozinë
ne kufinj

" ti e di qe po " I peshperiti ajo

" nuk e di se cfare eshte ajo " dëgjoi Aleksin te thoshte . Pas asaj , dole video qe Azalea ia
kishte bere me Eskortën e paguar duke lene te shokuar edhe ate vete . Shikoi nga Aurore dhe
I buzëqeshi djallezisht dhe pavarësisht errësirës ajo mund te shikonte fytyrën e saj te
mërzitur dhe te inatosur dhe te kundërtën.

Nuk vonoi shume , qe kësaj radhe te shokoheshin te gjithe me rend akoma me shume me
videon e radhës. Te poshteroheshin akoma me shume si familje . Video qe Zane I kishte
urdhëruar te iu benin Aurores dhe te emes kur kishte helmuar Azalean u shfaq duke bere qe
ato te dyja te zverdheshin .

" .jo …jo . N.nuk eshte e vertet . MARBAS ESHTE E MONTUAR TE BETOHEM "
dëgjoi njerken te bërtiste teksa kishte rene ne gjunje dhe ai kishte ngelur I shtangur .

" familje kurvash" tha Ruslanovich dhe Alex shtyu Auroren qe ishte pranë tij

" Alex te betohem se nuk eshte e vertet " tha ajo duke j kapur krahun

" mos me prek e mallkuar. Edhe hiqesh si engjëll " tha ai duke e shtyre

" jo , jo te lutem . " tha ajo duke e kapur perseri" ajo e ka bere , te betohem qe Azalea e
ka bere . Ajo e mallkuara . " tha ajo dhe Azalea po kënaqej me pamjen përpara saj

" une kam qene ne spital kur ti po qiheshe me 3 vete " tha Azalea duke kryqëzuar duart

" ti e mallkuar , ti e bere " tha Aurora me urrejtje teksa u nis drejte saj per ta goditur por
Zane dole përpara Azalea dhe I ati I saj e ndaloi duke e goditur me shuplake .

Siq ishte gati te thoshte dicka te shtëna armësh u dëgjuan dhe thyerje xhamash pushtuan
vendin . Zane menjëherë vendosi poshte vetes Azalean duke e mbuluar me trupin e tij teksa
rojet e tij I rrethonin .

" Zane je mire ?" Pyeti Azalea duke ngritur koken

" une mire jam , je mire ti ?" Pyeti ai duke e shikuar dhe ajo pohoi me koke dhe ai nxorri
armen nga brezi I tij dhe ia la ne dore

" ku po shkon ti ?" Pyeti ajo duke I kapur doren

" te vras njerëz " tha ai sikur te ishte gjeja me normale

" nuk je duke ikur askund Zane , por ketu me mua po qëndron " tha ajo duke e ulur nën
mbrojtjen e tavolines

" sulltanesha ime , parajsa ime e erret do vdesim nese nuk qëllojmë kende " I tha ai

" vrit nga ketu " I tha ajo dhe ai tundi koken

" Allah Allah " mermeriti ai për duke mos lëvizur sot . Duke pare ate dhe duke I dëgjuar
dhe marredhenien me te bijen u sigurua qe ajo do ishte me e lumtur dhe e sigurte me
mashkullin qe kishte per krah

" XAVIER, MBLIDH NJEREZIT " I bërtiti atij dhe ai pohoj me koke . Per disa minuta te
gjata te shtënat vazhduan pa pushuar .

Shikoi se ato disa njerëz iu kishin drejtua armen Marbas dhe nuk ngurroi qe te e

Ktheu koken per te e shikuar nga kush e kishte shpëtimin dhe u habit qe ishte prej tij .

" faleminderit " i tha Marbasi

" nuk eshte detyra e tyre te ttvrasin por e Azaleas


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