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The case is extracted from the actual case of the resource person, even for educational purposes, the
data and information are changed to protect the confidentiality of the case. Thus, reproduction is
strictly prohibited.

On August 31, 2019, Dado was apprehended in Purok Lemonsito, Lumbia, Dipolog City for an
alleged rape to a 13-year-old victim. He was turned over by the police for custody to the CSWD of
Dipolog City. He was then temporarily sheltered at the Children’s Center in Layladi, Dipolog City.
While an ongoing inquest case was filed to him, a social worker conducted a discernment
assessment using the discernment tool that obtained an average result which means he acted with
discernment. Despite the result, he persistently kept on denying the allegation and always
emphasized that he was the one invited by the victim for a drinking session together with the victim’s
friends in a local beach in their area.

Dado’s family reached out to the complainants, the victim’s family, but to their dismay, they were
vehemently told that they will pursue the case and will just withdraw if they can pay a hundred
thousand pesos. On another note, while Dado was in the center for several months while case was
still in ongoing trial, he had stopped his schooling. His paternal grandmother and aunt regularly
visited him, while his parents seldomly did since they are residing in Donsol. Later, his family
requested to transfer the custody of the minor in Donsol, Zamboanga del Norte but was not
approved by the court due to the absence of a temporary shelter appropriate for a CICL.

In February 28, 2020, during his arraignment, where he pleaded not guilty before the Court, the
Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth in Anastacio, Polanco, Zamboanga Del Norte was
subsequently ordered by the court to receive Dado under their temporary custody pursuant to the
provision of R.A. 9344 and Article 192 of P.D. 603 as amended known as the “Child and Youth
Welfare Code” in lieu of the absence of Bahay Pag-Asa for the Province of Zamboanga del Norte.
He was admitted in the RRCY on March 13, 2020 at 11:59 in the morning still under awaiting trial

Thereafter, Dado was thoroughly oriented about and served to him the center’s programs and
services, rules and regulations that includes the Therapeutic Cardinal rules for his easy adjustment
while cooperating for his rehabilitation. Psychological testing and physical assessments were
administered in order to gauge his readiness and cooperation of the rehabilitation processes. He
further went through series of structured activities that is highly rehabilitative and preventive in
nature which upon admission was agreed by him as his rehabilitation plan. On regular basis, the
agreed rehabilitation plan was reviewed and gauged in preparation of his eventual discharge from
the institution.

On August 11, he was up for his re-arraignment through a video conference, duly assisted by his
attorney. During the re-arraignment, Dado pleaded guilty on the offense charged against him. Thus,
because of his plea, the Court finds him guilty beyond reasonable doubt of rape defined and
penalized under Article 266-A in relation to Article 266-B of the Revised Penal Code. He was
sentenced to suffer the indeterminate penalty of eight (8) years and one (10 day of prison mayor
medium as minimum to fourteen (14) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day correction temporal
medium as maximum. He has been ordered to pay the private offended party in the amount of
P75,000.00 as civil indemnity, another P75,000.00 as moral damages and P75,000.00 as exemplary
damages with 6% interest per annum from the finality of the judgement until fully paid. However,
after taking into consideration the privileged mitigating circumstances of minority, pursuant to Sec.
38 of R.A. 9344, his sentence was suspended, and he was ordered to continue his reformation
process at the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY). The suspension of the sentence
required Dado to comply on the condition that he must conduct himself positively in the center and
to make sure to gain positive outcomes in his rehabilitation. As duly observed and assessed by the
center. the outcomes will be their basis for their recommendation that will be known to the Court as
basis for the disposition of the case.

Thereafter they continued and strengthened the implementation of the rehabilitation plan of Dado
with their programs and services. And on December 18, 2020, the RRCY had submitted to the Court
their first progress report re: Dado’s case, containing the holistic improvements of Dado and their
initial recommendation to discharge him in the second quarter of the year 2021. They further
recommended the CSWD of Dipolog in assisting the family of the social service intervention they
needed that will ascertain the readiness of the family.

In the case conference, with the Rehabilitation Team for discharged planning, the Case Management
team was in consensus of recommending the client for final discharge considering his over-all
favorable/positive behavior presentations while undergoing the reformation process, being able to
comply for the rehabilitation goal requirement of his suspended sentence, and have shown his
capacity to be a contributing member of his family and community, as well as the report and
recommendation of his social worker handling the case in the community. Aftercare intervention
plans were also agreed with the client, MSWDO of Donsol, and the rehabilitation team. Hence, these
recommendations were presented to the Court. Dado was finally discharged from RRCY and
released to the custody of his parents, who are residents of Purok Mamsa, Memeh, Donsol,
Zamboanga del Norte.

1. As a social worker, what is the most ineffective way to handle the community integration of the
I. Provide after care activities for the client as it is mandated by the law.
II. Provide after care activities and services to the client once ordered by the court.
III. Let the client decide what is best for him since he has given already the right interventions
in the center.
IV. Provide the aftercare services to the client by working with the family and the community.

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. IV only E. None of the above

2. As a social worker, how will you ineffectively assess the situation?

I. Focus on the psychological factors of the client
II. Include sometimes the family in the assessment.
III. Community assessment is somehow relevant
IV. Biopsychosocial and spiritual being of the client must be considered.

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. IV only E. All except IV

3. If you are the only social worker in the CSWDO, how will you effectively handle the case? Given
that the both are minors (victim-survivor and the CICL) but the CICL was referred to your office
first before the victim-survivor?
A. Case manage both cases since they are both your constituents.
B. Case manage the CICL and refer the minor victim-survivor to the PSWDO or
C. Case manage the victim-survivor because she needs your intervention most and refer
the CICL.
D. Do not case manage the cases due to conflict of interest.

4. Provided that you have a co-worker who can handle the case, if you are a male social worker, how
will you effectively handle the case?
A. Refer the victim-survivor to the female co-worker
B. Refer both clients to other social workers to avoid conflict of interest.
C. Consult the head of office before entertaining the client.
D. Consult the LCPC members for possible advise giving.
5. If you are the social worker handling the case of the CICL, how will you ineffectively manage the
A. Share updates to the case manager of the victim-survivor so you will come up for
a win-win solution of the case.
B. Do not disclose any information about your client especially to those who are not part
of the case management.
C. Work with other agencies in providing services to your client.
D. None of the above.

6. All are applicable in CICL case management, except?

A. Rights-based Approach.
B. Gender-sensitive Approach
C. Developmental Approach
D. None of the above
E. A & B

7. Social Workers are the only case managers of CICL as they are authorized and mandated by law.
A. True, because we are registered social workers.
B. True, because we are professionals who can understand these children.
C. No, because case management of CICLs is also the concern of other professionals
D. No, because some CICL cases are for barangay case management.

8. What is the principle of justice is applied to the cases of CAR and CICL?
A. Restorative Justice
B. Developmental Justice
C. Retributive Justice
D. Social Justice

9. Dan is working as the only social worker in the social welfare agency. An alleged rape transpired
(both minors) on the day of his assumption to office after the former head of the agency and the only
social worker resigned. If you are in the case of Dan, how will you manage the case?
A. Refer the clients to the concerned agency since you are a newly hired social worker.
B. Case manage the CICL and refer the victim-survivor client to another agency.
C. Case manage the victim-survivor as she is the first client to visit your office.
D. Case manage the client and advise them not to file the case.

10. Refer to the situation of item no. 9. Given that the female-survivor came first to your office, if
you are in the situation of Dan, how will you effectively handle the case using gender-sensitive
A. Tell the client that she doesn’t have to worry because you are trained enough to handle
cases of rape, and other similar cases.
B. Tell her not to worry because this is not the first time to handle gender-related cases.
C. Show her that she is safe because you are gay, and you can never be attracted to women.
D. Refer the client to another agency.

11. Refers to an alternative, child-appropriate process of determining the responsibility and

identifying ways of managing a child in conflict with the law without resorting to formal court
proceedings. Diversion is resorted to when the CICL is above 15 but below 18 years old, is assessed
to have acted with discernment, and has allegedly committed a crime with imposable penalty of not
more than six years.

A. Diversion B. Intervention C. Diversion Proceedings D. Case Management

12. This process includes conduct of diversion proceedings, formulation of diversion program,
contract signing, implementation of the diversion program, monitoring and supervision of the CICL
undergoing diversion, and termination. The CICL, his/her family and the community must
participate during the whole process, that is, from formulation to implementation and termination of
the diversion program. The victim and his/her family are also encouraged to participate to better
facilitate behavioral change and when possible, reconciliation.
A. Diversion B. Intervention C. Diversion Proceedings D. Case Management

13. Refers to the community-based program that the CICL is required to undergo after she/he is
found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings.

A. Diversion Program B. Diversion Projects C. Diversion Activities D. Diversion

14. Refers to the person in authority such as police and barangay tanod.

A. Law Enforcement Officer B. LEO C. LEA D.Law Enforcement Authority

15. Refers to offenses where there is no private party offended.

A. Victimless Crime B. victim C. Crime D. Crime Against Property

16. The following factors shall be considered in formulating the diversion program:
1. The child's feelings of remorse for the offense committed.
2. The parents' or legal guardians' ability to guide and supervise the CICL.
3. The victim's view about the propriety of the measures to be imposed.
4. The availability of community-based programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of
the CICL as well as the availability of support from peers.
5. Record of prior offense, if any.
6. The CICL's circumstance including but not limited to his/her health condition, physical
capacity as well as economic, cultural and religious circumstance.

A. 1, 2,3,4,5
B. 1,3,5,6
C. 1, 4, 5, 6
D. All of the above
E. It depends on the offense committed

17. Jopla is 19 years old and is suffering from autism. Is she still covered with RA 7610 once
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. It depends on her disability

18. Birth Simulation is prevalent to couples who opted to have a short process of using their family
name over the child instead of going through the process of legal adoption. When was RA 11222
passed into law?

A. 2019 B. 2020 C. 2021 D. 2022 E. 2023

19. What is the amendment of RA 9344?

A. 10360 B. 10630 C. 106300 D. 10360 E. 10660

20. Catherine is an active member of the LGBTQI Community and identifies himself as lesbian. He
has an intimate relationship with Sinforiana for 6 years. Unfortunately, the relationship did not
prosper, and they come to the point that Sinforiana is physically, mentally economically abused by
Catherine. Considering that they are both female, is VAWC applicable to Sinforiana’s case?

A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. It depends on the situation.

21. VAWC case is a private crime. Thus, it is only the victim-survivor who may file the case as this
is a couple-related issue same with adultery and concubinage.
A. True
B. False
C. True, because it is still the decision of the partner.
D. True, because we have to acknowledge the confidentiality of the case.
22. All assistance to the victim-survivor should proceed on the basis of her full and informed
consent. It is incumbent on the service provider to explain relevant actions, policies and procedures
from the initial contact with or admission to the agency until the termination of the assistance, in
such a way that the client understands before seeking consent to any action or proposal. If necessary,
an interpreter of the same sex should assist the client. For a child, their views and opinions must be
heard and taken into account. Information must be given to the child appropriate to his/her level of
maturity and understanding. It is recommended that the client indicate his/her consent in writing.
The client shall sign documents in behalf of her child after considering the child’s opinion on the
In case management, the statement is a definition of what guiding principle?
A. Case Management Consent
B. Informed Consent
C. Gender Sensitivity
D. Non-Discrimination
23. This refers to the ability of people to seek and obtain a remedy through formal or informal
institutions of justice and in conformity with human rights standards. The victim survivors must be
provided legal counseling and information on the various legal options, processes, procedures and
timelines in seeking protection orders, filing complaints, witness protection and compensation and
understanding the justice system, among others.
A. Right to Equal Justice
B. Right to Access to Justice
C. Right to Justice
D. Right to Served Justice

Individual treatment and care. While recognizing that victims-survivors share a number of common
experiences and circumstances, the service provider should consider the individuality of each client
not only in terms of age and sex but also socio-cultural and family background, personality
characteristics and experiences before, during and after the violent incident/situation. Provision of
services must be appropriate to the individual needs and circumstances of the client based on an
assessment conducted by the referring and/or receiving agency. Special consideration must be
undertaken for children considering their level of development and needs.

24. What case management guiding principle is meant by the above statement?

A. Care B. Individual Treatment

C. Individual Treatment and Care D. Treatment Plan E. None of the Above

25. Given the above statement, what Social Work Principle can be applied?

A. Participation B. Individualization C. Self-determination D. Confidentiality

26. A holistic approach is necessary to guarantee an effective recovery and reintegration of the
victim-survivor of violence. As such, a comprehensive continuum of care in accordance with the
economic, physical, psychological and social condition of the client should be made available in
collaboration with other agencies/organizations. A referral mechanism must be in place to assist the
client gain access to all available services and resources in the community. Programs and services
must be child-sensitive and gender-responsive to the specific needs of women and their children.

A. Comprehensive Continuum of Care

B. Comprehensive Continuum of Aftercare
C. Comprehensive Continuum of Intervention
D. Comprehensive Continuum of Diversion
27. Refers to a social worker/focal person of the social service provider who is responsible for the
provision and monitoring of services of a particular woman victim-survivor of violence. She/he
ensures that services needed by the victim-survivor are provided by the agency or by other agencies
in the referral network. She/he is in-charge of case management.

A. Case Manager B. Social Worker C. Manager D. Case Supervisor

28. Ideally, VAW and VAC cases must be handled first at the barangay level. However, these cases
shall not be mediated at the barangay level as these are public crimes. Thus, the role of the barangay
is to intake, initial interview, and refer the client to other agencies like the social welfare agency,
child placing agency or to the law enforcement agency.

In the cases of VAWC, one of the salient features is the authority given to the barangay in the
issuance of Barangay Protection Order (BPO). Once issued and served, how many days will be its

A. 15 Days B. 30 Days C. 60 Days D. 35 Days

29. BPO is “No Contact” policy. This means that, once served, the alleged perpetrator is prohibited
from stalking, and or disturbing the victim-survivor be it in the shelter, center, workplace or at home.
Once violated, do the law enforcement officers such as barangay Tanods can apprehend the

A. Yes
B. No, because they are just barangay tanods and the police officers are the sole enforcers of
the law.

C. No, because this is not their scope of work

D. No, because they are just working as peace keeping officers in the barangay and they are
mandated to maintain curfew or regulated hours.

30. This is a case management approach where social workers see to it that the following rights of
children are taken into consideration: Development, Participation, Protection, and Survival Rights.

A. Developmental Approach
B. Rights Based Approach
C. Rights of the Clients Approach
D. Holistic Approach

31. The following are considerations in the evaluation of the referral system, except?

I. Ensure the privacy, confidentiality and safety of the participants. Special attention should be given
to the victims-survivors who may be involved in the evaluation which may jeopardize their
II. Involve the stakeholders. It is not that important that all the stakeholders or those concerned are
part of the evaluation.
III. Frame the evaluation as informative and not threatening. The questions must be framed in such
a way that it does not put the respondent in a defensive stance.
IV. Focus the evaluation on the system, agency or programs and services and not on the individual.
The individual service provider is not the one being evaluated but the agency’s programs and
services or the referral system itself.
V. Create an evaluation plan consistent with its resources, reality and philosophy. The evaluation
must not be too expensive considering the network’s or agency’s financial and technical

A. I Only B. II Only C. III Only D. IV Only E. None of the Above

32. Upon receiving the VAW client to the office of the social welfare agency like MSWDO, case
management is an intermediate function of the office or of the case manager. The following are the
specific functions of case management, except?
I. Work with family & community including the barangay officials on client’s needs and resources
for reintegration.
II. Assess client’s readiness for reintegration and review/adjust initial plans.
III. Conduct individual/ family counseling and provide or refer for other support services like
psychosocial interventions, educational assistance, vocational/skills training, livelihood, self-
employment, etc.
IV. Document referrals made; follow-up results & assess actions taken with client
V. Prepare & accompany client to attend court hearings.
VI. Provision of after-care services after discharge from the women’s center
VII. Work on the rehabilitation of the perpetrator, if indicated.

A. I Only B. II Only C. III & IV Only D. VII Only E. None of the Above

33. The following are the prevention functions of the case manager or social worker in managing
VAW and VAC cases.

I. IEC/advocacy on women & children’s rights, anti-VAW laws & other related laws and policies
II. Alliance building, networking & mobilization of community (P/C/ MIACAT-VAWC and RN) for
prevention of VAW and improved response to victims survivors
III. Organize support groups of Men Opposed to Violence Against Women Everywhere (MOVE)
IV. . Conduct/coordinate capacity-building programs for service providers & other stakeholders
V. Coaching and mentoring other service providers on gender-responsive case management
VI. Develop a social marketing plan for resource generation and community support.

A. I Only B. II Only C. III & IV Only D. VII Only E. None of the Above

34. Recently, the issue of ISIS inspired groups in Lanao del Sur specifically in the municipality of
Marogong. Numbers of families flee amid security threat among local in the said community. In
situations like these, children sector is one of the most vulnerable and devastated, worst scenario is
that children are recruited by the terrorist and used for armed struggle.

If you are the social worker working with these children, how will you ineffectively manage the case?

A. Let the law enforcers like the Philippine Army do their job as this is a matter of national
B. Work with various agencies to ensure that the rights of these Children in Armed Conflict
(CIAC) are upheld.
C. Let the DSWD do their job because you are not knowledgeable in handling CIAC.
D. Integrate immediately the client to the family.
E. All, except B.

35. The following are the rights of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict.

I. The right to life, survival and development.

II. The right to special respect and protection against anu form of abuse, neglect and
exploitation and violation.
III. The right to be treated as victims.
IV. The right to be protected from illegal recruitment into government forces or armed
groups and from participation in armed conflict including the right to be protected from
torture or any cruel, inhumane or degrading practices.

A. I Only B. II and III C. III and IV D. IV Only E. All of the above.


36. Myla, one of the group members, expressed her concern about the group’s dwindling attendance
and seeming display of confusion of the group’s purpose. She suggested that fines will be imposed
to those who would fail to attend particularly to the group’s important events such as community
outreach, celebrating birthdays of co-group members and the like. She reminded the group of the
activities that they have agreed upon to carry out from the start. Myla is demonstrating such
particular role.
A. Task-related or instrumental roles
B. Maintenance roles
C. Expressive roles
D. Leadership

37. In terms of the phases of group development, these scenarios are reflective of issues during:
A. Pre-affiliation
B. Power and Control
C. Intimacy
D. Differentiation

38. After the lockdown and in-person classes were already allowed, Alex, a nine-year-old pupil has
been observed to be initiating trouble in class. He was also reported to her teacher for bullying his
classmates. If Alex has to join in a group, the approach that can best guide the group helping
process would be:
A. Interactionist
B. Developmental
C. Remedial
D. Modification of the environment

39. In handling a group of children survivors of OSAEC, which of the following is not considered as
trauma-informed care strategy?
A. If you can't remain calm, take time out.
B. Criticize behaviour, not the person.
C. Never apologize, it may create a negative impression.
D. Listen and empathize with the feelings/views that are being expressed, even if you don't agree.

40. Such principle in Trauma-informed Care refers to partnering and levelling of power between the
survivors and staff which demonstrate that healing happens in relationships and a meaningful
sharing of power and decision-making.
A. Collaboration and mutuality
B. Empowerment, voice and choice
C. Peer support
D. Trustworthiness and transparency

41. When one of the survivors in the residential setting would share during a group session, “It’s so
lonely here in the center and I want to be with my family, I felt like I’m a prisoner,” this implies such
therapeutic factor in treatment group:
A. Imitative behavior
B. Catharsis
C. Existential factors
D. Universality

42. In the treatment plan for sexually abused children, which objective is of least importance?
A. To provide a safe and accepting environment where the survivors can share their thoughts and
B. To help the survivors learn strategies to overcome feelings of powerlessness, shame and guilt.
C. Help the children learn about normal human sexual development.
D. None of the above.

43. A group of seven women who are mostly homemakers decided to maximize their time by
suggesting to the group worker that aside from focusing on improving their parental role, they would
also engage in activities that would lead them to develop their skills in preparing native delicacies,
rag making from used clothing, and learning strategies on how to eventually market their products.
In this way, the group members are demonstrating such particular role of:
A. Task-related or instrumental roles
B. Maintenance roles
C. Expressive roles
D. Leadership

44. From the case above, to materialize the expressed needs of the group, the social group worker
will have to demonstrate such particular skill.
A. Skills in dealing with group feeling
B. Skill in differential diagnosis and treatment
C. Skill in using agency and community resources
D. Skill in evaluation

45. Referring to the case above, what particular skill of the group worker could have motivated the
group to come up with those proposals?
A. Skill in dealing with group feeling
B. Skill in analyzing the group situation
C. Skill in effecting meaningful participation in the group
D. Skill in establishing purposeful relationship with the group

46. For more than a month now, Lila and her family together with eight other families have been
staying in the makeshift shelter they have constructed after they were left homeless when their place
was badly hit by typhoon Odette. They survived from the relief goods that were rationed to them
from time to time, either by concerned individuals and from the local government. As a member of
the women’s group in their community, she voiced out their common concerns during one of the
sessions. Lila is demonstrating such particular role.
A. Task-related or instrumental roles
B. Maintenance roles
C. Expressive roles
D. Leadership

47. Referring to the same case above, the group worker designed a session wherein all their needs
would be heard and thereby carefully considered. Also, the worker guided the group in developing
courses of action or program such as formulating a proposal so that their needs can be met. In this
case, the worker is demonstrating such particular skill.
A. Skill in differential diagnosis and treatment
B. Skill in program development
C. Skill in evaluation
D. Skill in dealing with group feeling

48. Rehabilitation programs that involved family during therapies accordingly were found to be
effective as they were provided with adequate support in overcoming the impact of the abuse. A
recent study, however, revealed that families usually do not prefer to go through a problematic
criminal proceeding; instead, they wish to settle the sexual exploitation cases unobtrusively. Should
the families’ wish be supported? What could be its implications?
A. Yes, since case management would be costly and most agencies are already operating on tight
budget and are faced with time constraints with only few personnel to engage in inter-agency
B. Yes, the family’s decision has to be respected (principle of self-determination).
C. No, since this may lead to a cycle of continuing abuse if specialized care and counseling needs
were not met.
D. No, the families should pursue justice so that the opportunity to learn from this case would not be

49. Eli, 15 years old, was a victim of OSAEC perpetrated by a family member. She was the typical
product of a family disintegration of a large and poor family headed by a single parent. It was
already her third time to be transferred to another residential facility for sexual abuse victims. She
just cannot learn to adjust and is reported to bully her peers in the center and tends to defy rules.
The house parents employed various strategies in dealing with her explosive behavior. The workers
understood that she has a painful childhood and has gone through a lot of ordeals in her life. They
were also wondering if they can just refer Eli to another facility that can best cater to her needs
although it seems like that their center is her last option. What course of action is of utmost priority?
A. Reintegrate Eli with her relatives, after all, they’ve tried their best to facilitate her recovery.
Perhaps, healing can be facilitated better with them.
B. Revisit the treatment plan, evaluate and explore on more appropriate mode of intervention.
C. Check on the adequacy of the services and the competence of the workers of the facility.
D. All of the above.

50. In one of the group meetings among the beneficiaries of a national poverty alleviation program
who were also mostly rural women farmers, one of the problems that they have identified was on the
lack of access to agricultural technologies and capital for farm inputs. They understood that their
limited education deterred them from joining producer groups, too. The recent inflation motivated
them to do something and be productive to supplement the income of their families. The worker’s
stance in this case is:
A. Flexible stance
B. Permissive stance
C. Facilitating stance
D. Direct stance

51. If not feasible in that same session, possible objective to be tackled in the succeeding
development session would likely focus on:
A. Strengthening their roles as parents
B. Making sure that they can achieve complete attendance based on the prescribed modules
C. Undertake SWOT analysis to identify ways forward to respond to their expressed needs and
D. Refer them to appropriate agencies that can cater to their needs

52. The group will engage in new set of activities as they are guided by the following assumption
about helping process:
A. Evaluation in groupwork could mean regular or periodic evaluation which means the on-going
evaluation of actions taken during the period of plan implementation which provides feedback and
enables the worker and client to consider the progress in their efforts and modify these efforts if
B. It is proper for the worker not to go against the wishes of the members since ‘pakikisama’ is
important in building their trust and confidence.
C. It should be guided by the principle of progressive program experiences.
D. A & C only.

53. After typhoon Odette hit some parts of Mindanao, upon returning home, the residents found out
that their homes were totally damaged beyond repair. Being located on easements, they were met
with signages bearing “no build zone” on the spots where their houses once stood. Those who lost
their loved ones also have to contend with the loss of their sources of livelihood. Women are usually
those who feel the burden of the impact of the disaster. The women then formed into a group to
ensure that their own well-being and that of their families are not left out. Which of the following
groupwork objectives would you consider as not of most immediate concern?
A. To ensure sustained availability of emergency water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure
supplies, and services
B. To exert pressure among the concerned authorities to prepare relocation sites so that they can
rebuild their lives.
C. To ensure adequate nutritional status and continuity of learning among the children
D. To avail of skills development opportunities and livelihood support.

54. Sittie, a fresh graduate and who have just earned her license was assigned to look after the well-
being of the children in an evacuation center whose families were uprooted from their dwelling due
to an armed conflict, a protracted crisis that has been going on for a long time. In fact, the conflict
has already cost some of the lives of most of the family members and relatives of these children,
most of whom are civilian casualties although some of them also died as recruits of the armed group.
Children therefore have experiences of loss and grief aside from the trauma from fear of being
caught in the crossfire while fleeing from their own communities along with their relatives. They
also have to contend with the limited support of their basic needs while in the evacuation center, as
most families scurried for safety without bringing any valuables with them.

She organized a group of ten female children whose age ranges from 9-15 years old. She is
aware of the impact of the disruption of the social networks and primary relationships crucial in the
children’s physical, emotional, moral cognitive and social development. Because of the conflict,
they cannot go to school anymore and their daily routine were reduced to staying in the center for
safety save for some errands to take turns in caring for their younger siblings or to play with other
children. Their families also lost livelihoods as the rice fields became the battleground of the
encounters between the armed group and the military.

In one of the sessions, three among the ten members disclosed that they experienced
disturbing and life-threatening episodes which left emotional and psychological trauma in them. Bai
said, “When the government troops entered our place with guns and tanks, I was shaking with fear. I
was so scared thinking I might be hit by a stray bullet.” “A military helicopter was hovering our
place and a family member was hit by a falling debris from it,” said Amaya. “I panic every time I
hear gunshots,” Joana shared. At times during late evenings, they were awakened by loud sounds of
explosions such that they experienced an overwhelming feeling of being unsafe. The worker made
sure to make individual case assessment, summary recording of group sessions and took notes on
member’s sharing beyond group sessions.

55. When Sittie prepares the necessary materials such as play therapy and audio-visual aids for the
children’s activities, such logistical support has to be prepared during:
A. Pre-group phase
B. Assessment
C. Implementation
D. Termination

56. To help these children survivors deal with their traumatic experiences and develop healthy
coping mechanism, the following approach can help guide them in the process:
A. Psychological First Aid (PFA)
C. Environmental modification
D. All of the above.

57. The target person complies because he or she believes the agent has the right to make the request
and the target person has the obligation to comply. When the group members showed no hesitation
to participate in the group activities in the presence of Sittie, they see her as a person with:
A. Expert power
B. Referent Power
C. Reward power
D. Legitimate power

58. CISD is employed to achieve the following purpose, except:

A. Assist victims to deal positively with the emotional effects of a severe stress-producing event.
B. Provide education about current and anticipated stress responses.
C. Provide information and support for coping and stress management.
D. Build on strengths rather than analyzing weaknesses, with ways of more effective coping rather
than explanations of defenses.

59. For crisis intervention to be effective, it must be readily available and properly timed; such that
help be made accessible within:
A. 12-24 hours of the request
B. 24-48 hours of the request
C. 24-72 hours of the request
D. It actually depends on the availability of responders.

60. The group worker’s stance in this case would likely be:
A. Direct stance
B. Facilitating stance
C. Permissive stance
D. Flexible stance

61. Which of the following is the most important objective that the group would likely aim to
A. To provide members with the avenue to share their thoughts and feelings about their present
B. To be able for the group worker to provide advice and advocate for a course of action for a
particular member who is feeling overwhelmed.
C. To provide group experience that will help the survivors advocate for a “call for help to stop the
D. To capacitate the parents so that they can help their own children overcome their traumatic

62. Recorded narrative of interviews outside of the group session also means:
A. Record of marginal interviews
B. Record of collateral interviews
C. Evaluation records
D. All of the above.

63. A group of 15 solo parents decided to make use of the sizable idle land owned by the BLGU to
supplement their family’s income. They realized that they need loans to pay for inputs and labor and
the impossibility of the prospects of coming up with capital are some of the problems that they have
to resolve. There is also a lack of financial services in their community and it would possibly be
their first time to enlist the help of the Municipal Agriculture Office. Together with the group
worker, they consulted the village chief about their plan and upon reviewing the Barangay
Development Plan, economic productivity was not also among its priority. With the help of the
group worker, what model can best guide the group in this scenario?
A. Interactionist Approach
B. Remedial Model
C. Developmental Model
D. Direct Provision

64. Ana has just attended her classes in junior high school in their new home town. They’ve been
transferring a lot due to her father’s constantly changing job assignment. She finds the food,
language, the mode of dressing and quite everything as new to her. She does not feel a sense of
belonging. In group work, this can be described as:
A. Social group
B. Primary group
C. Out-groups
D. Discrimination
65. Liza, after almost a year of handling a group of beneficiaries of a particular poverty alleviation
program was contemplating of not renewing her contract anymore. Of the more than 40 households
who are mostly represented by a mother/wife who usually attended the regular sessions, more than
half of them were reported to be not consistently providing for the educational needs of their
children, kind of feedback she got from the teachers. Absence is common during meetings.
Whenever they are present, their participation lacks enthusiasm. This greatly affected Liza’s
motivation. What could be our first step to improve the situation?
A. Liza could be ‘quiet quitting’ and she just might need to consider looking for another job
so that the agency can hire fresh graduate who is more dynamic and passionate.
B. Limit the number of group members during conduct of sessions by creating sub-
groupings with manageable size of group members. She will try to meet each of these
groups on a separate session.
C. Negotiate with the funding agency to increase their budget to provide sufficient support
for the program.
D. Hire someone external to the organization to do process audit.

66. In this case, if Liza would encourage individual members to assume responsibility in the group,
and with the group and each other and promotes exchange of ideas, clarifies and focuses problems,
she is demonstrating:
A. Facilitating stance
B. Permissive stance
C. Direct stance
D. Flexible stance

67. When Liza undertakes on-going evaluation of actions taken during the period of plan
implementation from which feedback would enable her and the group to consider the progress and
efforts and to modify these efforts as necessary, this means they are doing:
A. Regular evaluation
B. Terminal evaluation
C. Process evaluation
D. Summative evaluation

68. Riza is 12 years old and is an only child. Most of her peers see her as aloof although she appears
to be warm and caring to those very few whom she already knew in her neighborhood. After the
lockdown and when the schools were finally allowed to conduct in person classes, clubs were
formed but Riza did not show interest to be part of any of the school’s organization. During group
activities in some of their classes, she showed difficulty in getting across her message as she was too
timid to share let alone initiate a conversation. What type of group do you think can best help Riza?
A. Education group
B. Growth group
C. Support
D. Socialization

69. Leo has observed the declining interest of the senior citizens on the activities that he believed a
product of their consensus. But upon marginal interviews of the supervisor among the senior citizens,
she learned that during the orientation, Leo just presented the menu of programs that their agency
has designed for the elderly. With this, Leo contended that they did not have objections about it
anyway. Then in the subsequent meetings, the group embarked on doing the various activities.
Which values in group work did Leo fail to consider or maximized?
A. Understanding, respect, and camaraderie among people from diverse background
B. Right to be involved in the decision-making process
C. Solidarity and mutual aid
D. Respect and dignity

70. Groups can be a potent force for change to occur in an individual. Which of the following is not
considered as limitation/s in using groups?
A. Groups can become self-obsessed wherein, the main concern becomes the group itself: its
survival, reputation, its cohesiveness and control over its members
B. The individual is likely to get less undivided attention
C. No guarantee of confidentiality
D. Groups meet personal and social needs

Situation 1 – The Mamanwa of Surigao del Norte were among the victims of Typhoon Odette.
Prior to the typhoon in 2021, their settlement was part of the area coverage of the Small
Integrated Development Approach of an NGO. This NGO is composed of
young professionals that believes in a holistic approach in helping impoverished people in
recognizing and exercising their power in re-shaping their destiny. The Mamanwa are
traditionally closely knit. Being patriarchal, family members are duty-bound to pay respects to
their elders, particularly the male ones. Decision-making within the household is still within the
father’s role although the women claimed they are consulted in matters concerning discipline of
their children.

71. The most immediate need of the Mamanwa, being victims of Typhoon Odette was:
a. income and Employment c. relief and rehabilitation
b. communal farming d. rebuilding of the settlement

72. The Mamanwa have a history of self-organizations. With the help of the partner NGO, what
would you consider their organization?
a. lobby group b. civic organization c. people’s organization d. interest group

73. What CO model of C.O is most appropriate in working with these people?
a. social action b. community development c. social planning d. social research

74. In rehabilitation work, food for work was introduces. What trait of the Mamanwa was
tapped to undertake group projects?
a. closely-knot family b. very shy c. peace-loving d. non-confrontational

75. With the displacement of the Mamanwa, the following are goals which the C.O worker had
discussed with the group except one:
a. access to resources necessary in rebuilding the settlement
b. resumption of farm activities
c. organizes the people as part of the empowerment process
d. rehabilitation plan for the community

Situation 2 – Barangay Talamapas is a village in a Southern town. It is known to have many of

its men folks as wife beaters, Studies made on the dynamics of this phenomenon revealed that
men perceived dominant (including those considered “violent”) behavior as indicators of being
“macho”. This domestic violence inevitably also leads to child assembly to discuss this problem.

76.When you help people in this community to identify their common problem-develop their
capacity to solve these, you are playing the role of:
a. enabler b. planner c. catalyst d. helper

77. As a C.O worker assigned in this community in attending the assembly, your
objective will be to:
a. raise level of consciousness of the community on the problem
b. recommend sanction to abusers
c. refers victims to police authority for filing of complaints
d. organizes the women to protect themselves against further abuse

78. What model of C.O practice would be appropriate in pushing for legislative measures
against domestic violence:
a. social planning b. social action c. community developmentd. research

79. Women’s right are basically human rights. The women victims in this barangay
therefore can consider abused in terms of their:
a. right to life, liberty, security of person c. right to freedom of thought and
b. Right to Freedom d. Right to join an organization

80. In the Philippines, under our present laws, wife beating can be prosecuted under:
a. physical injuriesb. acts of lasciviousness c. rape d. estafa

Situation 3 – Peace and order used to be a major problem in the area on the 1960 to the late
1970s. Outsiders dared not visit for fear of getting into gang fights that constantly erupted
between the northern and southern side of the community. The north side used to know as the
“Visayan Island” named for the place of origin of its residents. The eats side residents came from
different provinces dominated by Bicolanos. Along this division gangs have been formed to lead
the defense and attacks the members when felt necessary. Time, however, have apparently dulled
differences and memory. The gang wars gradually disappeared. The youth of that period could
now barely recall why animosity ran so high nor why specific fights started.
Peace and order, however, did hit cease to be a concern of the community. Petty crimes against
persons property, unruly drunks and rowdy parties, and open gambling are kept to a minimum by
the Tanod bayan (volunteer village guards). The Tanod bayan with about 100 all male volunteers,
currently has at least seven teams that take turns in peace-keeping specially during late nights
and early mornings. Team leaders are selected and authorized by the Barangay Captain. The
Kabataang Barangay, another youth organization have about 27 members that takes on one day a
week of the Barangay Tanod’s work. The latter though is not very active organization. At some
enthusiastic. Some attribute these periods of inactivity to times when volunteers are fully
employed. Others attribute it to team leaders who do not want to work with each other. But in
any case, it is one area of community work where male members of the community are required
and expected to be visible and constantly active.

81. It is apparent that this community has multi-faceted problems. But over and above solution
of problems, the C.O worker must consider the following except one:
a. re-orient values important in a viable community life
b. project positive image for the organization
c. enriches knowledge and skills in problem management
d. enhances people’s human worth and dignity

82. Barangay Council structure is oftentimes the point of entry in communities. In this urban
poor community, the Barangay Tanod is part of the Barangay’s committee:
a. executive b. health c. education d. legislative

83. Organizing the people for the problem on peace and order, a temporary committee may be
created for the special task of studying, planning and taking appropriate action by the barangay
council. This is called:
a. Ad Hoc Committee b. Special task force c. Work group d.
Planning Committee

84. All, except one, are knowledge which should be possessed by the C.O worker in dealing
with this community:
a. situation analysis b. research c. use of inter-group relationship d. group

85. The following are skills required of the C.O worker working in this community except one:
a. budgeting b. leadership c. working with people d. organizing
Situation 4 – This urban poor community, in the early 1980s, teemed with people housed in
make-shift shanties. Its alleys are oftentimes dark and muddy. Families were hand-to-mouth
existence. Some were recipients from dole-outs from better-off relatives of from the government.
There were no community facilities such as health centers, day care centers, barangay hall,
chapel. Most houses tapper power connections from nearby residences. More than 10 years later,
notable physical transformation and changed the community. The changes were the result of
many factors but it clearly demonstrated what community self-help meant and what it could
possibly achieve, if people willed themselves into it.

86. Readiness to change could have been brought about by the following, except one:
a. information-dissemination b. consciousness-raising c. education d. legislation

87. Promotion of social & economic well-being of this are within the period of 3 years is an
example of:
a. skills b. program c. objective d. strategy

88. When formulating an objective for this urban poor community the social worker is guided
by her professional values. Examples of these are the following, except:
a. people cannot and should not be trusted
b. commitment to enhance people’s total well-being in accordance with their capability
c. people have potentials and can improve their life situations given the opportunity
d. people have worth and dignity and should therefore be given due respect

89. The following, except one are some of the social and human welfare programs that
addressed specific community needs:
a. health center b. day care center c. chapel d. radio program

90. What values in C.O as a method in Social Work can you attribute these changes?
a. belief in resource-sharing c. beliefs in the capacity of people to change
b. belief in democratic process d. beliefs in the Almighty

Situation 5 – When the volcano erupted the people were confused. They gathered their
belongings and ran, not sure when they were going. Some found themselves in the church while
the others went on the highways expecting that they will be rescued. Finding a several people
walking, they joined the exodus. Most people were in a daze.

91. In disaster preparedness and mitigation, the objective is to:

a. increase vulnerability and capability
b. reduces vulnerability and capability
c. reduce vulnerability and increase in capability
d. increase vulnerability and decrease capability

92. After responding to the emergency needs of evacuees, the next stage is:
a. evacuation b. rehabilitation c. mitigation d. prevention

93. Confusion, panic, aimless walking. This re-indication that the people were inadequately
prepared for this disaster. When the volcano erupted, the most immediate response should be in
coordination with the local disaster coordinating council:
a. rehabilitation b. emergency feeding c. stress debriefing d. search & rescue
94. In disaster management, families are displaced, with the destruction of their houses, crops
and other belongings One program that helps them build new permanent communities is:
a. emigration b. immersion c. resettlement d. evaluation

95. When people in the community are informed of warning signals, given the evacuation
drills on what to d and where to go when disaster strikes, we say that there is:
a. disaster mobilization c. disaster evacuation
b. disaster rehabilitation d. disaster preparedness

Situation 6 – The landless tobacco farmers have been at the mercy of influential money lenders
or usurers for years. Each planting season, they practically beg for loans to buy needed farm
inputs. Their incomes are no enough for their basic needs. It is an endless struggle for several.
However, with the help of an NGO, they begun organizing themselves, into a people’s
organization. They started to learn about the roots of their dependence and new possibilities for
improving their lives. One of the major activities initiated by the group is to demand that the 20
hectares be subjected to land reform. Dialogues have started with local agency officials. Their
NGO partner is relatively new in social development work.

96. After initial training and when an adequate number of people have been attracted to their
common objectives, then the organization can be formulized into a:
a. civic organization b. NG c. political organization d. sectoral organization

97. What do you call the initial group of people to be organized?

a. core group b. pressure group c. lead group d. interest group

98. This particular government agency should be directly responsible in assisting the farmers
with their tenancy problem:
a. DAR b. DENR c. Dad d. DPWH

99. In organizing themselves, the tobacco farmers must undergo training in leadership and
organizing. Training should include:
a. project visitation c. assessment and reflection sessions
b. public relations d. fiscal management

100.Formalization of the organization involves the following except one:

a. creation of committees c. lobbying
b. planning a general assembly d. election of officers

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