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Ques 1: What are your career goals, ambitions and aspirations? How does JLR TBSI fulfill them?

- To succeed as a software engineer is my career goal. JLR TBSI offers a dynamic environment that values
innovation, cutting-edge technology, and a robust GSET programme, which perfectly aligns with my
aspirations. I'm thrilled to be a part of JLR's dedication to pushing the envelope, particularly in AI and machine
learning, which makes it the perfect place to change the automotive industry.

Ques 2: More specifically, what are your near term (0 – 3 years) and mid-term (3 – 6 years) career

- In the next 0-3 years, I want to finish the GSET program at JLR TBSI, learn a lot, and work on real projects.
In the following 3-6 years, I aim to take on bigger roles, contribute more to creating advanced software for
cars, and be a key part of JLR TBSI's future vehicle programs.

Ques 3: How can you demonstrate your passion for the automotive industry and JLR TBSI in
particular? (e.g., any projects, internship, research paper or anything else)

- My enthusiasm for the automobile industry has been created by my projects coursework. My intense interest
led me to continuously pursue coding projects with emphasis on automotive applications. Being able to
develop my abilities and pursue my passion as a Graduate Software Engineer Trainee at JLR TBSI excites

Ques 4: What’s your area of preference (mention order) among the following areas? Please explain the
reasoning behind the prioritization (1 line each).

1. Electrification (Electric Vehicles)

2. Connected Cars (Connected refers to the electronic connectedness or connecting of cars, Includes V2V
(vehicle-to-vehicle) V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) V2P (vehicle-to-pedestrians) referred to all of those V’s as
V2X, Over the air (OTA) which refers to being able to download data and software updates into a car from the
cloud, along with uploading data from car into cloud, infotainment system, data analytics, phone application
development etc)
3. Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) or driverless car

- My preference : -
1. Connected Cars : Interested in how cars can talk to each other and share data for smarter driving.

2. Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) :Excited about cars getting
smarter to help drivers and the idea of cars driving themselves.

3. Electrification (Electric Vehicles) : Important, but right now, I'm more into making cars smart and connected.

Ques 5: What impact will you bring to JLR TBSI? In other words, why should we hire you?

- I'll bring enthusiasm, teamwork, and a knack for technology. With a track record of collaborative projects, I'm
keen on contributing to JLR TBSI's success in making innovative software for cars. Hiring me means adding
someone eager to help and learn while bringing a positive vibe to the team.

Ques 6: Anything else you would like us to know about you?

- I am a proactive individual with a strong passion for technology, adaptability, and dedication to lifelong

Yashashvee Meena

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