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J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci]

J DOI 10.1007/s11596-014-1235-y
Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci] 34(1):2014 81

Clinical Characteristics, Cytogenetic and Molecular Findings in

Patients with Disorders of Sex Development
Li TIAN (田 莉)1#, Ming CHEN (陈 明)1, Jian-hong PENG (彭剑鸿)2, Jian-wu ZHANG (张建武)3, Li LI (李 黎)3
Department of Blood Transfusion, 2Center for Gene Diagnosis, 3Department of Clinical Laboratory, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan
University, Wuhan 430071, China

© Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Summary: The clinical characteristics of patients with disorders of sex development (DSD), and the diag-
nostic values of classic cytogenetic and molecular genetic assays for DSD were investigated. In the en-
rolled 56 cases, there were 9 cases of 46,XY DSD, 6 cases of Turner syndrome (TS), one case of Super
female syndrome, 25 cases of Klinefelter syndrome, 14 cases of 46,XX DSD, and one case of autosomal
balanced rearrangements with hypospadias. The diagnosis of sex was made through physical examination,
cytogenetic assay, ultrasonography, gonadal biopsy and hormonal analysis. PCR was used to detect SRY,
ZFX, ZFY, DYZ3 and DYZ1 loci on Y and X chromosomes respectively. The DSD patients with the same
category had similar clinical characteristics. The karyotypes in peripheral blood lymphocytes of all patients
were identified. PCR-based analysis showed presence or absence of the X/Y-linked loci in several cases.
Of the 9 cases of 46,XY DSD, 6 were positive for SRY, 9 for ZFX/ZFY, 9 for DYZ3 and 8 for DYZ1 loci.
Of the 6 cases of TS, only 1 case with the karyotype of 45,X,/46,XX/46,XY was positive for all 5 loci. Of
the 25 cases of Klinefelter syndrome, all were positive for all 5 loci. In one case of rare Klinefelter syn-
drome variants azoospermia factor (AZF) gene detection revealed the loss of the AZFa+AZFb region. In
14 cases of 46,XX DSD, 7 cases were positive for SRY, 14 for ZFX, 7 for ZFY, 7 for ZYZ3, and 5 for
DYZ1. PCR can complement and also confirm cytogenetic studies in the diagnosis of sex in cases of DSD.
Key words: disorders of sex development; Turner syndrome; Klinefelter syndrome; SRY; azoospermia

The development of a mammalian embryo into ei- precise karyotyping and determination of the X/Y material
ther female or male is primarily dependent on the sex in these subjects.
chromosomal constitution, being XX and XY respectively.
In the absence of Y chromosome-derived information, 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS
ovaries are formed, resulting in a female phenotype. The
essential step in normal male sexual differentiation re- 1.1 Patients
quires Y chromosome-derived information. Testis devel- Fifty-six patients were enrolled from Zhongnan Hos-
opment requires the activation of a cascade of both auto- pital of Wuhan University from Jan. 2000 to Dec. 2012,
somal and Y chromosomal genes. Originally, the putative and they were all unrelated, with ages ranging from 5 to
gene on the Y chromosome that causes the bipotential 32 years. Written consents were obtained from the patients
gonad to develop as testis is named testis-determining and the study was approved by the institutional review
factor (TDF). After TDF is mapped to the short arm of the board of the hospital. The patients included had hypoplasia
Y chromosome[1, 2], the candidate region is subsequently of the external genitalia and delayed puberty.
narrowed down to a 35 kb interval on the Y chromosome Some subjects also had gynaecomastia and obesity,
adjacent to the pseudoautosomal boundary, named pubertal hypogonadism, testicular atrophy, and azoosper-
sex-determining region Y gene (SRY)[3]. Discordance in mia. Thirty-nine of them were ultrasonographically ex-
chromosomal sex can lead to disorders of sex develop- amined. Clinical details of each subject are presented in
ment (DSD). table 1. The control DNA blood samples were obtained
The cytogenetic analysis is a conventional method, from a DNA bank of endocrinologically normal individu-
which can not only identify sex, but also detect other als, with no phenotypic abnormalities.
chromosomal aberrations. It is non-invasive, inexpensive 1.2 Cytogenetic Analysis
and rapid, but mosaic karyotypes with small marker Cytogenetic analysis was performed by standard cy-
chromosomes have been a challenge for cytogenetic togenetic techniques using metaphase chromosome prepa-
analysis. However, the combination of cytogenetic and rations from PHA-stimulated peripheral blood lympho-
molecular techniques enables this problem to be solved cytes. Dividing cells were arrested at metaphase stage with
quite efficiently and the origin of markers in patients with colchicines and fixed in methanol:acetic acid (3:1). Fixed
chromosomal DSD to be established. In this study, we cells were dropped onto glass slides and allowed to air dry.
used this approach to examine 56 patients with DSD for Chromosomes were G-banded by treating the preparations
with trypsin followed by staining with Giemsa. A total of
# 100 metaphases were analyzed to look at any heterozygos-
Corresponding author, Li TIAN, E-mail: ity among the cell populations.
82 J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci] 34(1):2014

Table 1 Clinical, cytogenetic and molecular findings in patients with DSD

Case Sex Age Height Clinical features Karyotypes PCR results
no. (year) (cm) SRY ZFX/ZFY DYZ3 DYZ1
1–9 F 14–22 165–171 Physically resembling a normal female, with 46,XY +(6) +/+ + +
normal external genitalia, absence of uterus or –(2) +/+ + +
ovaries, vaginal echo present –(1) +/+ + –
10–11 F 5–19 81–131 Short stature, webbed neck, shield-like chest, 45,X – +/– – –
primary amenorrhoea, small uterus
12–14 F 13–21 125–136 Short stature, webbed neck, primary or secondary 45,X/46,XX – +/– – –
amenorrhoea, atopic vagina, sparse auxiliary pubic
hair, small uterus
15 F 27 158 Primary amenorrhoea, poorly developed SSC, 46,XX/ – +/– – –
absence of uterus,dysgenic gonads 47,XXX

16 F 15 151 Primary amenorrhoea, no breast or pubic hair 45,X/46,XX/46,XY + +/+ + +

development, underdeveloped external genitalia,
extremely hypoplastic uterus under USG
17–30 M 16–29 140–170 Gynaecomastia, small testes, small penis, cryp- 46,XX –(7) +/– – –
torchidism and hypogonadism +(5) +/+ + +
+(2) +/+ + –
31–40 M 17–35 176–182 Small testes, sparse body hair, gynecomastia, 47,XXY + +/+ + +
41–52 M 14–42 172–186 Small testes, sparse body hair, gynecomastia, 46,XY/ + +/+ + +
hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, infertility 47,XXY
53 M 33 184 Small testes, sparse body hair and auxiliary pubic 46,XY/ + +/+ + +
hair, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, absent 47,XYY
54 M 19 169 Testis/streak, bilateral fallopian tubes, right epidi- 45,X/46,XY/47,XXY + +/+ + –
55 M 28 179 Sparse body and auxiliary pubic hair, gynecomas- 46,XY/47,XXY/48,X + +/+ + +
tia, obesity, small testes, absent spermatogenesis XYY/49,XXXXY

56 M 17 141 Poorly developed SSC, hypospadias 46,XY,t(4;7)(p15; q21) + +/+ + +

M: male; F: female; SSC: secondary sexual characters; USG: ultrasonography; (n): positive or negative number of cases

1.3 Molecular Analysis (sY84, sY86), AZFb (sY127, sY134), and AZFc (sY254,
DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leuko- sY255) were amplified by PCR to look for the pres-
cytes of the patients with DSD, and DNA samples were ence/absence of these genes. Primers specific for the
quantified spectrophotometrically by measuring the ab- spermatogenic genes were taken from our earlier stud-
sorbance (A) at 260 nm. A set of oligoprimers represent- ies[4]. The reactions contained 100 ng of DNA, 1.5
ing five different loci (SRY, ZFX, ZFY, DYZ3, DYZ1) mmol/L MgCl2, 200 pmol/L dNTPs, 10 pmol of each
of the X and Y chromosome encompassing both the arms primer, and 1 U of Taq polymerase in a final volume of
were used for PCR amplifications. For the SRY locus, 25 µL. Amplification conditions consisted of initial de-
two sets of primers were selected for typing all the sam- naturation for 5 min at 94°C, and 30 cycles for 20–30 s
ples. The other set of primers encompassing the HMG at 94°C, 30 s at 52–65°C, and 30–45 s at 72°C, with a
box was used for analyzing the DNA from the pheno- final extension for 5 min at 72°C. After electrophoresis,
typic females positive for all the 5 Y-linked loci. The PCR products were visualized under a UV transillumi-
details of the PCR primers, and size of the expected am- nator on a 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide
plicons are given in table 2. Spermatogenic genes AZFa (fig. 1).
Table 2 Specific primer pairs used in the PCR analysis of genomic DNA
Genes Primer sequences (5′–3′) Product size (bp)
J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci] 34(1):2014 83

chromosome as well as the SRY gene. DYZ3 was found

2 RESULTS to be present in the maximum number of cases, suggest-
ing its more stable nature and important biological roles.
The clinical characteristics, social sex, age, karyo- One sample (case 55) represented azoospermia, with
types and histology of the gonads at biopsy or gonadec- rare 46,XY/47,XXY/48,XXYY/49,XXXXY Klinefelter
tomy in all DSD patients are listed in table 1. syndrome variants (fig. 2). PCR-based Y-microdeletion
In a total of 56 cases of DSD enrolled in this study, analysis was performed in the Molecular Genetics Labo-
the karyotypes of the chromosomes from the peripheral ratory. Multiplex PCR was used to detect AZF-candidate
blood lymphocytes were determined. There were 32 genes as follows: sY84, sY86, sY127, sY129, sY134,
cases of sex chromosome DSD, including 5 cases of sY254, sY255, sY242 and sY152. The deletion sites were
45,X Turner syndrome (TS) and variants, 24 cases of sY86 and sY127, and AZFa+AZFb deletion of AZF re-
47,XXY Klinefelter syndrome and variants, 2 cases of gion was identified (fig. 3).
45X/46XY mixed gonadal disgenesis (MGD), and one
case of choromosomal ovotesticular DSD. There were 9
cases of 46,XY DSD. These patients were characterized
by ambiguous or female external genitalia. There were
14 cases of 46,XX DSD. There was one case of auto-
somal rearrangements.
PCR-based analysis showed the X/Y-linked loci in
several cases where the Y chromosome was not detect-
able cytogenetically. Of the 9 cases of 46,XY DSD, 6
were positive for SRY, 9 for ZFX/ZFY, 9 for DYZ3 and
8 for DYZ1 loci. Of the 6 cases of TS, one case of
45,X/46,XX/46,XY was positive for all 5 loci, and the
rest 5 cases were found to be negative. Thus, the major-
ity of the patients with TS showed varying levels of ab-
errant Y chromosome. Of the 14 cases of 46,XX DSD, 7
were positive for SRY,14 for ZFX, 7 for ZFY, 7 for
Fig. 1 Gel electrophoresis of the PCR amplicons of the SRY
DYZ3 and 5 for DYZ1 loci. Seven samples were nega- gene
tive for 4 loci. Of the 25 cases of Klinefelter syndrome A: SRY amplification with the first set of the primer
and variants, all of samples were positive for all 5 loci. (237 bp); B: SRY amplification with the second set of
The case 56, an XY autosomal balanced rearrangements primer (585 bp). Lanes 1–9: peripheral blood DNA
male representing hypospadias, was positive for all the from patients; Lane M: 100–600 bp ladder; Lane 10:
Y-linked loci. Of all the Y-linked loci studied, DYZ1 blank control
corresponded to the pericentromeric region of the Y

Fig. 2 Karyotyping of Klinefelter syndrome variant in peripheral blood lymphocytes detected by using conventional G-banding
A: 48,XXYY karyotype (56%); B: 47, XXY karyotype (30%); C: 46,XY karyotype (12%); D: 49,XXXXY karyotype (2%)
84 J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci] 34(1):2014

Fig. 3 Gel electrophoresis of the multiplex PCR amplicons of the AZF genes
A: AZF amplification with the first set of the primer (ZFX/ZFY, SY254, SY86, SY127); B: AZF amplification with the sec-
ond set of the primer (ZFX/ZFY, SY134, SY242, SY255); C: AZF amplification with the third set of the primer (ZFX/ZFY,
SRY, SY152); D: AZF amplification with the fourth set of the primer (ZFX/ZFY, SY84, SY129). Lane 1: a normal male; Lane
2: a patient; Lane 3: the patient’s father; Lane 4: the patient’s mother; Lane 5: a normal female; Lane 6: blank control; Lane M:
100–600 bp ladder

the Y-chromosome in TS patients is correlated with an

3 DISCUSSION increased risk of developing a germ cell tumor/cancer
(GCC)[14, 15], but the actual percentage of Y chromo-
Sex chromosome DSD is associated with a numeri- some-bearing cells in the neoplastic tissue remains un-
cal sex chromosome abnormality leading to abnormal clear.
gonadal development[5–8], including 45,X TS and variants, Bashamboo et al used DYZ1 repeat fraction as
47,XXY Klinefelter syndrome and variants, 45X/46XY probe for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and
MGD, and choromosomal ovotesticular DSD its core sequences for DNA typing[16]. The high copy
(46XX/46XY chimeric type or mosaic type). Sex chro- number of DYZ1 (2000–4000 copies per Y chromosome)
mosome DSD was formerly termed as gonadal dysgene- facilitated the detection of the Y chromosome even in the
sis in most of the patients. If patient’s testis is poorly aberrant forms. Y chromosome mosaicism in TS cases
formed, it is called a dysgenetic testis, and if an ovary is was found to be about 57%. Cryptic mosaicism of the Y
poorly formed, it is called a streak gonad. Klinefelter chromosome has been reported to be a rare event and
syndrome and TS are the most frequently encountered may be less than 1%[17]. Shahid et al described a mosaic
sex chromosomal abnormalities[9–11]. TS patient, with gonadoblastoma, having a frameshift
TS is characterized by gonadal dysgenesis, short mutation in SRY which was inherited from the father[18].
stature, and dysmorphic features (neck webbing amongst The patient was found to be mosaic for the SRY mutation
others). In this study, cases 10–14 have similar clinical and had oligoasthenozoospermia and a testicular GCC,
characteristics. The case 16 with chromosomal DSD as a which are signs of mild testicular dysgenesis syndrome.
result of a 45,X/46,XX/46,XY karyotype presented with However, the study by Cools et al revealed no clear cor-
a wide spectrum of phenotypes ranging from normal relation between peripheral blood karyotype and gonadal
male through ambiguous genitalia to female with a TS karyotype, or between the gonadal karyotype and differ-
phenotype. Only in this case all 5 loci were positive. This entiation pattern found in the gonads[19]. Two subsequent
type of MGD is characterized by the presence of dys- case reports and analysis of a larger series of samples
genetic testis and/or streak gonads, with persistence of show no correlation between the degree of gonadal mo-
the Müllerian ducts and inadequate virilization. saicism and differentiation pattern.
Y-chromosome mosaicism may lead to virilization and Klinefelter syndrome is characterized by a progres-
modifications in the female phenotype of TS patients, sive testicular failure causing small testes, androgen
although a direct correlation between presence of the deficiency, and azoospermia. It is the most prevalent
Y-chromosome and gonadal differentiation pattern has chromosome aberration occurring in w1 in 660 newborn
not been clear[12, 13]. The presence of a specific region of males[20]. It is one of the commonest congenital chromo-
J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci] 34(1):2014 85

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