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The Legend of the Lost Ark of the Covenant

Written by: Camila Rodríguez

In the year 1050 B.C, there was a king in the nation of Israel called David, who was
and is still considered the best king that Israel could ever had. During his reign, the
fate of king David was not only being a king and a God’s worshipper but also a
warrior who had to defend his nation against of the Philistines. One of the most
appreciated objects that David possessed was the Ark of the Covenant (Also
known as: The Ark of God), which at that time, represented the place where the
Holy Spirit dwelled.
According to the story, the Philistines had possessed the
ark before during the time of the Judges in Israel until the
ark was returned to the Israelites, for they could not feel the
presence of God there. As a result, they gave it back to the
nation of Israel; furthermore, king David brought the ark to
his tabernacle, and the ark inhabited into the tabernacle for
40 years.
Until one day, David made a question to God, which was if
he could build a temple to bring the Ark there in order to
worship God’s presence into that place. However, God
through prophet Nathan said to David that building a temple
was an improbable plan because, as I said, David was a
mighty warrior; consequently, God did not want David
staining his presence with the blood of his enemies that he
brought from different battles.
When king David died, the ark passed to his son, Solomon. Nevertheless, when
king Solomon died, the Babylonians invaded the nation of Israel and robbed the
ark of the covenant.
Since then, nobody has known the location of the ark. Some people claim that it
was taken to a secret cave on Mount Nebo, where Moses first saw the promised
land, yet its location is currently a huge mystery among human beings.

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