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Lesson Plan

Date(s): n/a Topic: Bullying 101 – What is Bullying?

Grade Level: Grade 4 Time(s): 1 fifty minute period

Curriculum Expectations:
Language Arts – Reading
1.6 – Extending Understanding – extend understanding of texts by connecting ideas in them
to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to other familiar texts, and to the world
around them

Assessment Strategies:
Rubric – see attached. This is a formative assessment to help evaluate their understanding
of the lesson.
Accommodations and Modifications:
The final self-reflection sheet allows students to illustrate their experiences with bullying,
which will help students that have trouble expressing themselves in written form. I will
scribe for one of the students who is on an IEP for language arts.
Resources: Outline:
This lesson introduces the topic of bullying and lays the groundwork
for the rest of the unit. By the end of this lesson students will
understand what bullying is/isn’t, identify different forms of
bullying, and be able to relate these concepts to experiences in their
own lives.
-“Bullying: Deal Introduction: 20 mins.
with it before push I will introduce the lesson by reading pages 1-7 in the book,
comes to shove” – “Bullying, Deal with it…”. We will discuss instances of bullying,
by Elaine Slavins and different forms of bullying (ie/ direct, indirect, sexual, and
racial). We will discuss the 2 criteria for necessary bullying to
occur: 1) when a person has more power than the other; and,
2) when the less powerful person gets hurt in some way.

-30 photocopies of I will have the students form groups in groups of 2-3. I will explain
“Bullying 101 Quiz” that each group will have 5 minutes to read their scenario and decide
pgs. 8-9 of whether it is bullying or not (there are 10 different scenarios). After
“Bullying: Deal with group work, we will take them up as a class. Each group will read
it…” their scenario and tell the class whether they thought it was bullying
or not and why.
Middle: 10 mins.
-“New Kid on the After the class discussion, I will invite the students to the carpet and
Block” by Jack read the poem, “New Kid on the Block”. I will make the students to
Prelutsky from book make inferences and connections with the book.
(pg. 8), “Bully-  Before I read the last line of the poem, I will ask the students to
Proofing Your visualize what the bully looks like? (boy/girl?)
School” by Garrity,  How is girl bullying different from boy bullying?
Jens, Porter, Sager,
and Short-Camilli I will once again review the different forms of bullying and the
criteria for bullying.
-30 photocopies of Students will complete the worksheet, “My Experiences with
“My Experiences Bullying Behaviours”.
with Bullying I will explain the criteria as outlines in the rubric.
Behaviours”, found  Students’ examples must highlight situations of bullying (ie/
in book, “Let’s Stop meets the 2 criteria for bullying), and explain why/how the
the Bullying: A person was more powerful, and how the victim was impacted.
Resource for  Students must identify what form of bullying their examples
Elementary School represent (ie/ direct, indirect, gender-bias, racial)
Communities 2004  Each examples must have at least 3 sentences attached to the
(2nd ed.)” diagram (1 describing why/how the bully had more power, 1
describing how the victim was impacted, 1 identifying the form
of bullying)

Conclusion: 20 mins
Students will have the rest of the period to complete the worksheet.
I will have students raise their hands as they are done and I will
collect them at the end of the period.

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