Classroom Activity Calendar Section 2D

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2nd Semester, SY 2022 – 2023


1/30/23 Lecture & Subject Growth and Development 2 Hrs. Q1: Principles of
(Mon) Quiz 1 Instructor 7:30 – 9:30 G&D
(25 item) am 1/30/23
10:00 – 10:25am
1/31/23 Group Work Group 1 A. Newborn 1 hr. & 30 * No schedule of
(Tue) Presentations 1) Profile mins. (Max) quiz after the
(Grp. 1 & 2) 2) Vital Statistics 7:30 – 9:00 presentations of
3) Vital signs am Grp. 1 and Grp. 2
4) Mechanisms of heat loss on this day.
5) Physiologic functions
A. Cardiovascular
B. Respiratory
D. Urinary
E. Immune system
F. Neuromuscular
G. Senses
6) The Appearance of A Newborn
A. Skin
B. Color
C. Birthmarks
D. Vernix Caseosa
E. Lanugo
F. Desquamation
G. Milia
H. Erythema Toxicum
I. Forceps Marks
J. Skin Turgor
7) The Head
8) The Eyes
9) Ears
10) Nose
11) Mouth
12) Neck
13) Chest
14) Abdomen
15) Anogenital
16) Back
17) Extremities

Group 2 B. Infancy (Chap. 29) 1 hr. & 30

PART 1 mins. (Max)
1) Physical Growth 9:00 – 10:30
A. Weight am
B. Height
D. Body proportion
E. Body systems
F. Teeth
2) Motor Development
A. Gross Motor
B. Fine Motor
3) Growth and Developmental Milestones
A. Language
B. Play
4) Development of Senses
5) Emotional Development
6) Cognitive Development
2/6/23 Grp. 3 & 4 Grp. 3 PART 2 (Infancy) 1 hr. (Max) Q2: Newborn
(Mon) Work 7) Health Promotion 8:00 – 9:00 2/6/23
Presentations A. Development Task am (Mon)
Quiz 2 B. Promoting Safety 7:30 – 7:55 am
(25 item) 1. Aspiration prevention
2. Fall prevention
3. Car safety
4. Safety with siblings
5. Bathing and swimming
6. Childproofing
8) Promoting Nutritional Health Of An Infant
1) Recommended Dietary Allowances for Infants
2) Introduction of Solid Food
‒ Tips To Help Introduce Solid Foods To Infants
9) Promoting Infant Development in Daily Activities
10) Promoting Healthy Family Functioning
1) Teething
2) Thumb-sucking
3) Use of Pacifiers
4) Head Banging
5) Sleep concerns
6) Constipation
7) Loose Stools
8) Colic
9) Spitting up
10) Diaper Dermatitis
11) Miliaria
12) Baby-Bottle Tooth Decay Syndrome

Grp. 4 C. Toddler (Chap. 30) 1 hr. & 30

1) Physical Growth mins. (Max)
A. Weight, Height, Head Circumference, and Body Mass Index 9:00 – 10:30
B. Body Contour am
C. Body Systems
D. Teeth
2) Developmental Milestones
A. Language Development
B. Emotional Development
C. Cognitive Development
3) Promoting Toddler Safety
A. Health Maintenance Schedule, Toddler Period
B. Unintentional Injury Prevention Measures For Toddlers
4) Promoting Toddler Development In Daily Activities
5) Toilet Training
6) Ritualistic Behavior
7) Negativism
8) Discipline
9) Separation Anxiety
10) Temper Tantrums
2/7/23 Grp. 5 & 6 Grp. 5 D. Preschooler (Chap. 31) 1 hr. & 30 Q3: Infancy
(Tue) Work 1) Physical Growth mins. (Max) 2/7/23
Presentations A. Weight, Height, Body Mass Index, and Head Circumference 8:00 – 9:30 (Tue)
Quiz 3 B. Teeth am 7:30 – 8:00 am
(30 item) 2) Developmental Milestones
A. Language Development
B. Play
3) Emotional Development
A. Initiative
B. Imitation
C. Fantasy
D. Oedipus and Electra Complexes
E. Gender roles
F. Socialization
4) Cognitive Development
5) Moral and Spiritual Development
6) Promoting Preschooler Safety
‒ Common Safety Measures to Prevent Unintentional Injuries to
7) Promoting the Nutritional Health of a Preschooler
8) Promoting the Development of the Preschooler in Daily Activities
A. Dressing
B. Sleep
C. Exercise
D. Hygiene
E. Care of teeth
F. Discipline
9) Parental Concerns Associated with the Preschool Period
A. Common Health Problems of the Preschooler
B. Common fears of preschooler
C. Behavior Variations
D. Preparing for a New Sibling
E. Sex Education
F. Preparing a Child for School
G. Broken Fluency
H. “Bathroom Language”

Grp. 6 E. School-Age Child (Chap. 32) 1 hr. & 30

1) Physical Growth mins. (Max)
2) Sexual maturation 9:30 – 10:30
3) Teeth am
4) Developmental Milestones
A. Gross Motor Development
B. Fine Motor Development
C. Play
D. Language Development
E. Emotional Development
F. Socialization
G. Cognitive Development
H. Moral & Spiritual Development
5) Promoting School-Age Safety
‒ Common Safety Measures to Prevent Unintentional Injuries During
the School Years
6) Promoting Nutritional Health of a School-Age Child
A. Fostering Industry and Nutrition
B. Recommended Dietary Intakes
7) Promoting Development of a School-Age Child in Daily Activities
A. Dress
B. Sleep
C. Exercise
D. Hygiene
E. Care of teeth
8) Promoting Health Family Functioning Cont.
9) Common Health Problems of the School-Age Period 2/13/23
10) Concerns and Problems of the School-Age Period (Mon)
A. Problems Associated with Language Development 8:00 –
B. Common Fears and Anxieties of a School-Age Child 8:30 am
C. Homeschooling
D. Children Who Spend Time Independently
E. Sex education
F. Stealing
G. Violence or Terrorism
H. Bullying
I. Recreational Drug Use
2/13/23 Continuation Grp. 6 E. School-Age Subtopic #7 to #10 Cont. Q4: Toddler &
(Mon) of Grp. 6 and 30 mins. Preschooler
Grp. 7 Work 2/13/23 2/13/23
Presentation (Mon) (Mon)
Quiz 4 8 –8:30 am 7:30 – 8:00 am
(25 item)

Grp. 7 F. Adolescent (Chap. 33) 1 hr. & 30

1) Physical Growth mins. (Max)
2) Teeth 8:30 – 10:00
3) Sexual Maturation in Adolescents am
4) Developmental Milestones
A. Play or Recreation
B. Emotional Development
1. Early Adolescent Developmental Task: Identity Versus Role
2. Late Adolescent Developmental Task: Intimacy Versus Isolation
3. Socialization
C. Cognitive Development
D. Moral and Spiritual Development
5) Promoting Adolescent Safety
‒ Measures to Prevent Unintentional Injuries in Adolescents
6) Promoting Nutritional Health for an Adolescent
7) Promoting Development Of An Adolescent In Daily Activities
A. Dress and Hygiene
B. Care of teeth
C. Sleep
D. Exercise
8) Concerns Regarding Sexuality and Sexual Activity
9) Stalking
10) Concerns Regarding Hazing or Bullying
11) Concerns Regarding Substance Use Disorder
12) Concerns Regarding Depression and Self-Injury
2/14/23 Lecture & Subject Infertility Q5: School -Age
(Tue) Quiz Instructor & Adolescent
7:30 – 8:00 am
2/21/23 Capping and Badging Investiture
2/22 -
24/23 Prelim Long Term Exam

Mechanics of the Group Work Presentation:

1. Create a PowerPoint Presentation about the topics assigned to your group:

a. Group 1 - Newborn
b. Group 2 - Infancy (Part 1)
c. Group 3 - Infancy (Part 2)
d. Group 4 - Toddler
e. Group 5 - Preschool
f. Group 6 - School-age
g. Group 7 - Adolescent

2. The PowerPoint slides must include the following:

A. Introduction
1) Title
2) Group Members’ complete name with clear picture
3) Outline of topics to be discussed
4) Objectives that can measure KSA
a. Knowledge (2)
b. Skills (2)
c. Attitude (1)
B. The Body
1) Presentation of all the information per developmental stage.
C. Conclusion
1) Summary of the key points
2) May have interactive activities to evaluate the understanding of the learners.

3. Know the guidelines for structuring a PowerPoint presentation.

4. Each group has a time allotment for the presentation. The subject teacher will stop the presentation when time is up even if the group
presenter has not finished. The group may finish less than the given maximum time.
3. It is highly recommended that the next group presenters should get ready in advance. Immediately share the presentation material on
the screen and start the report after the group that preceded has ended.
4. COOPERATION from each group member is a MUST. Any member who refused to cooperate will be given a grade of 5.0 for this activity.
5. Each presentor must wear an ID tag visible enough for easy identification by the clinical instructor.
6. Absent student in the group will be marked a grade of 5.0.
7. Please be guided accordingly.

Grading Rubric for Power Point

5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is accurate and Content is accurate but Content is accurate but Content is questionable. Content is inaccurate.
all required information some required some required Information is not Information is not
is presented in a logical information is missing information is missing presented in a logical presented in a logical
order. and/or not presented in a and/or not presented in a order, making it difficult to order, making it difficult to
logical order, but is still logical order, making it follow. follow.
generally easy to follow. difficult to follow.
Slide Creation Presentation flows well Presentation flows well. Presentation flows well. Presentation is Presentation has no flow.
and logically. Tools are used correctly. Some tools are used to unorganized. Tools are not No tools used.
Presentation reflects Overall presentation is show acceptable used in a relevant manner.
extensive use of tools in interesting.
a creative way. understanding.

Slide Transitions Transitions are smooth. Smooth transitions are Smooth transitions are Very few transitions are No transitions are used.
Transitions enhance the used on most slides. used on some slides used and/or they distract
presentation. from the presentation.
Pictures, Clip Art Images are appropriate. Images are appropriate. Most images are Images are inappropriate. No images
Background Layout is pleasing to the Layout is cluttered. appropriate
Mechanics No spelling errors. No Few spellings error. Few Some spelling errors. Some spelling errors. Some Many spellings and or
grammar errors. Text is grammars error. Text is in Some grammar errors. grammar errors. Most of grammar errors. Text is
in authors’ own words. authors’ own words. Text is in authors’ own text is in authors’ own copied.
words. words.
Presentation Well-rehearsed. No General level of Acceptable level of Low level of rehearsal. No rehearsal indicated.
Skills pronunciation errors or rehearsal. Few rehearsal. Some Numerous pronunciation Too many pronunciation
other mistakes. pronunciation errors or pronunciation errors or errors or other mistakes. errors or other mistakes.
other mistakes. other mistakes.

Rubrics for Grading: Group Presentation

Advanced Proficient Working Towards Needs Improvement

Criteria 5 4 3 2
-Group members had a - Most of the group members - Group members had only a -Group members had little to
Content stronghold on the content and has a solid understanding of superficial understanding of no understanding of the
content was thoroughly the content. Content missing content. Several mistakes content addressed in the
addressed. No mistakes were minor elements or contained were made during the presentation.
made with regard to content minor errors. presentation.
Method of Presentation and - Includes a -Some teaching strategies -Teaching - Teaching
Effective use of materials / variety of teaching strategies included with use of MI strategy not clear or MI strategy not clear or
technology using Multiple; Intelligences theory; Some methods of theory not evident; Limited MI theory not evident;
theory; used multiple student inquiry listed; some methods of Methods of student
methods or inquiry for open-ended questions student inquiry used; inquiry not evident;
student learning included; appropriate use of lower-level questioning; lower level
incorporating Bloom’s technology. average ability in utilizing questioning; limited/poor
taxonomy; effective use of technology. ability in
technology. utilizing technology

-Vocal quality and eye contact -Few problems with vocal - Some problems with - Volume of voice
Mastery and Delivery appropriate. quality and eye contact. volume and eye contact. inappropriate. No eye
--Summary provided to -Held audience attention. -Little enthusiasm for contact.
reinforce learning and link to --Some summary provided to subject. -No enthusiasm
future learning. reinforce learning. -Limited use of summary for subject.
-Obvious - Adequate knowledge of to reinforce learning. -Summary not evident
knowledge of subject and content. -Some problems or does not reinforce
enthusiasm for topic. with knowledge of content learning.
- Major
problems with content

Audience -Introduces technical or -Well executed performance. -Lack attention to some -Ignores performance
engagement/participation performance elements that -Captures and engages details in the presentation or context due to lack of
And Time Management captures audience’s attention audience awareness of audience preparation.
and participation -Creative use of audience participation. - Objectives are not
- Objectives are accomplished interaction. - Objectives only partially accomplishable for most
by all students in time frame. - Objectives accomplished by accomplished. Lesson did students in allotted time.
No wasted time. almost all students in time not fit time frame. Did not use time wisely.
frame. Good use of time. Lesson too long or too
Teamwork/ members’ The group worked very well The group worked well with Group communicated Group did not work well
Participation with each other and the each other and relatively well with a few together. There were obvious
presentation was shared communicated well. Some lapses in the presentation; miscommunications and
equally among the group members participated slightly some students dominated lapses in the presentation.
members. more than others. the presentation and others
did not participate much.
Visual Presentation Visual aids used were used Visual aids used were Visual aids used did not Visual aids were not used at
effectively throughout somewhat effective, but support verbal presentation. all.
presentation. Group members weren't used consistently They lacked information, or
used visual aids as a throughout the presentation. groups members read from
supplement, not as a crutch. them.

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