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Student B (Buyer): Hello! I am interested in purchasing some products at the bakery.

Could you
give me information about the products you have?

Student A (Salesperson): Hello! Sure, I'm here to help you. We have a variety of products. We
have wheat bread, rye bread, croissants, muffins and baguettes. Is there something specific
you're looking for?

Student B: Well, I would like to know how many flavors of muffins they have and what they

Student A: We have muffins in three flavors: blueberry, chocolate, and vanilla. They are very
popular. Would you like to try any in particular?

Student B: Yes, I would like to try the chocolate muffins. How much they cost?

Student A: Chocolate muffins cost S/.2 each. We also offer a special offer: if you buy three,
we'll give you one free.

Student B: Perfect, I'll take three then. How much is it in total?

Student A: In total it would be S/.6, but since you have three, we will give you one more. So it
would be S/.4 in total. Alright?

Student B: Yes, okay. Do you accept credit cards?

Student A: Yes, we accept credit cards. You can pay by card without problem.

Student B: Great, I'll use my card then. Can I have my receipt please?

Student A: Sure, here's your receipt. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Student B: No, that's all. Thanks for your help. See you later!

Student A: You're welcome, it was a pleasure to help you. Have a good day!

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