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Fourth Evaluation Exam

1) Put the verb between brackets in present simple or continuous for future:

1) ___________________ (do/you) anything later? I thought we could go out.

2) The lesson_____________ (begin) soon so we need to get back to college.

3) Susan __________________ (meet) me for lunch later.

4) The match _________________ (start) at 3.00.

5) I _____________(finish)work early today as I have an appointment at the dentist.

Fourth Evaluation Exam

2) Put the verb between brackets in present simple or continuous for future:

1) ___________________ (do/you) anything later? I thought we could go out.

2) The lesson_____________ (begin) soon so we need to get back to college.

3) Susan __________________ (meet) me for lunch later.

4) The match _________________ (start) at 3.00.

5) I _____________(finish)work early today as I have an appointment at the dentist.

2) Write a paragraph about your plans for future?

2)Write a paragraph about your plans for future?

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