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Presentation of

English project

History of
ghosts and
everything you
need to know
about them
By: Saray Donado
The belief in revenants, ghosts, souls in Purgatory, banshees, wraith, yūrei,
strigoi, wandering souls or ghosts has generated a wide literature (gothic or
horror novels), inspires cinema and theatre and has generated innumerable
legends and myths, if these, on the contrary, have not originated it; Science
considers belief in ghosts to be a type of superstition that is deeply rooted in
human nature, because it feeds on the need to believe in eternal life, like
religion, and sublimates unacceptable death through the apotropaic act of
believing that consciousness survives after death. Recent studies indicate
that many Westerners believe in ghosts; in societies where religion is very
popular, such as the United States, a survey showed that 32% of its
inhabitants believe in the existence of ghosts and in life after death or
Since ancient times, mythology, religion and other manifestations have been
of Foklore or literature have believed, or pretended to believe, in the
existence of supernatural entities

Ghosts have a sense of humor and like to hear humans laugh.

Ghosts can appear in the dreams of people who are still alive
In some cultures it is believed that ghosts can see the future and use
dreams as premonitions or to warn about something bad that is going to
Ghosts cannot stay in the last place they lived for more than 12 days, so
they are forced to haunt other places
In most contemporary cultures, ghost appearances are associated with a
feeling of fear and are an important source of study of newborn
pseudosciences, such as parapsychology.
¿What are ghosts?

Some books define it as "a figure of a dead person who appears unexpectedly
before living beings." However, the word has acquired other meanings, such as
"intoned or presumptuous person" or "image of an object printed in fantasy."
Frederick W. H. Myers, one of the first psychic researchers, was referring to
the notion of "vestige" that the concept of ghost possesses, when he
characterized them as "a manifestation of persistent personal energy", a
conclusion he reached after studying a large number of data.

There is much evidence that seeing and hearing a ghostly presence is a very
common experience. In 1889, the Society for Psychical Research, of which
Myers was a founding member, began an investigation of apparition
experiences, based on the following: Have you ever, thinking you were awake,
had the distinct impression of seeing or being touched by a ghost? living being
or an inanimate object, and that impression, as far as you know, was not due
to any external physical cause? The answer is not obvious... About 10% of the
17,000 respondents were affirmative. Other surveys in several countries
confirmed this percentage.
¿Still don't
believe in
Throughout history, many cultures have believed in the existence of ghosts,
and each has their own interpretation of what they are and how they behave.
According to some popular beliefs, ghosts can be seen as a fog, a light, a shadow
or even a solid figure.
It is said that ghosts can be detected by temperature, since it is believed that
their presence can cause a decrease in the temperature of the environment.
Many people believe that ghosts can communicate with the living through
dreams, visions, or even by manipulating physical objects.
Although there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of ghosts,
there are many stories and testimonies from people who claim to have had
encounters with them.
In some cultures, it is believed that ghosts can be freed from their earthly
existence through special rituals or ceremonies.
Ghosts are a popular theme in popular culture, and have appeared in
many movies, television shows, and books.
There are different types of ghosts that have been described in folklore and paranormal
studies. Below are some of them:
Residual ghosts: These are visions that perform repetitive acts and lack a communicative
attitude or interaction with observers.
Conscious ghosts: These are those who can communicate and interact with observers
Lasting enchantments: These are specific places where one or more ghosts have manifested
for a long time.
Human-shaped ghosts: They are those that have an appearance similar to that of a human
Translucent ghosts: These are those that have a blurry or diffuse appearance
Shadows: They are ghosts that feed on negative emotions and feelings and are associated
with evil.
It is important to keep in mind that descriptions of ghosts vary widely and that the
presence of a ghostly entity can be due to different factors, such as suggestion, another
person's beliefs or the presence of visual, acoustic, olfactory, thermal or sensory
manifestations that are perceptible through the senses or with measuring devices
See you next time...!!

thank you so much!!

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