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IMMUNOLOGIC DRUGS azotemia, flushing, dizziness, ataxia,

Peptides paresthesia, urticaria, fever. Nephrotoxic,

 These are broad-spectrum, powerful defenses that neurotoxic and superimposed infection
kills parasites, fungi and viruses.
Metronidaz Antibacterial peptide, amebicide, reduces
 Peptides are derived from cultures of Baccilus
ole development of drug-resistant
 bacterial cell membrane function causing cell death microorganism. Produces, anti-
 The two group of peptides used as antibiotic are inflammatory, immunosuppressive effects
polymyxins and bacitracin when applied topically.

 Polymyxins- are polypeptide antibiotic that consists METRONIDAZOLE
of five different chemical compounds. Polymyxins C antiprotozoal., antibiotic
A to E. polymyxins produce a bactericidal effect by
H Treatment with infection
interfering with the cell membrane
 Bacitracin- acts by inhibiting bacterial wall synthesis E Best taken with food
and damaging the cell wall membrane, which results
in cell death. It is effective for most gram bacteria C Avoid alcohol, report GI upset, turns urine brownish
and some gram-negative bacteria
K Interacts with disulfiram(Antabuse) to cause
Additional anti-infective agents psychotic reaction. The drug is teratogenic, it can
 METRONIDAZOLE- is a synthetic antibiotic and cross placental-fetal barrier as well as plasma-milk
anti-protozoal that works by disrupting the barrier
bacterial DNA and inhibiting cell synthesis, which Instruct the patient to take entire recommended dose.
cause cell death.
 Metronidazole as protozoal treats Trichomonas
vaginalis, amebiasis, and giardiasis; as an Pentamidine Isothionate
antibiotic, it is used for anaerobic bacteria C Antiprotozoal, used in treatment and prevention
including H. Pylori. of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
 Additionally, this drug has immunosuppressive and
H Treatment for infection
anti-infective properties that treat rosacea. This
drug is added to multidrug regimens to reduce
E Take the medication as prescribed
antibacterial resistance.
Peptides Available topical ointment, ophthalmic C Change position slowly
Bacitracin ointment on eye infection, IM for pediatric
staphylococcus infection. Use caution with K Check the BP, blood test and blood sugar
renal impairment. Monitor BUN creatinine levels(decrease)
at baseline. Adverse reaction includes
injection site pain, rash, proteinuria,
azotemia and diarrhea
Nursing consideration
 Instruct the patient to check signs of superinfection
Colistimeth For gram-negative infections. Adverse
ate sodium reaction include dyspepsia, tingling, slurred  Describe urinary signs that indicate impairment,
speech, vertigo, paresthesia, decrease urine such as decrease urinary flow
output, elevated BUN creatinine. Use with  Use safety measures during activities of mobility
caution with renal impairment, pregnancy,  Encourage self-management skills, reporting sign
concurrent use of nephrotoxic agent effects and adverse reactions.
Polymyxin Indicated for the treatment of infection of  Inform patient to take all prescribed medication
B the urinary tract, meninges, blood-stream,  Monitor patient for altered level of consciousness
cause by susceptible Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. Use with caution in patients
with renal impairment, concurrent use of
nephrotoxic agent. Adverse Reaction
include albuminuria, urinary casts,
Immediately report bleeding from gums, nose,
Immunologic drugs rectum
HIV Advise patient to have dental works before
 HIV is spread via intimate(oral, anal, vaginal sex) therapy of after blood counts have returned to
contact with blood (shared needles, blood normal
transfusion), mother-to-child contact through shared Adverse effects: neutropenia, severe anemia,
lactic acidosis, severe hepatomegaly with
fetal maternal blood circulation, direct blood contact
during delivery and breastmilk.
K During therapy, administer the drug with caution
 The HIV viral load is indicative of the level of virus
to patients with bone marrow compromise and
circulating in the blood and the best determinant of renal and hepatic conditions
treatment efficacy. A key goal is to achieve and Arrange for frequent blood test because it may
maintain a viral load below the limits of cause bone marrow depression
 Goals of initiating Anti Retroviral Therapy Indications: HIV/AIDS
- Reduce HIV-associated mortality and morbidity Contraindications: Bone Marrow suppression, hepatic
- Prolong the duration of quality of life dysfunction
- Restore and preserve immunologic function TENOFOVIR (VIREAD)
- Maximally and durably suppress plasma HIV C Treatment for HIV-1 infection together with at
viral load least 2 other retroviral drug, treatment of chronic
- Prevent HIV transmissions hepatitis B in patients with hepatic disease

CLASSIFICATIONS OF ANTIRETROVIRAL H Decrease viral load, increase CD4 cell count

1.Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors(“nukes”) E Maybe taken without regards to meals
2. Nucleotide Analogues
3. Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors C Given with high-fat meal to increase absorption
4.Protease inhibitors Adverse reaction: lactic acidosis, severe
hepatomegaly with steatosis
5.Fusion Inhibitors
6.CCR5 Antagonist
K Report persistent abdominal pain, nausea,
7.Integrase Inhibitors vomiting
Classification #1:Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Do not mix with liquid, only with soft food
Indications: HIV/AIDS, Prevention of maternal
transmissions (Zidovudine) Classification #3: Non-nucleoside reverse
Contraindications: Pregnancy except Zidovudine; use transcriptase Inhibitors
with caution in patients with hepatic dysfunction, severe Indications: HIV/AIDS
renal impairment, bone marrow suppression Contraindications: Pregnancy(use with caution),
ZIDOVUDINE children(delavirdine only)
C Treatment for HIV infection (together with at
least 2 other anti retroviral agents) and C Treatment for HIV-1 infection together with at
prevention of feto-maternal HIV transmissions by least 2 other retroviral drug
slowing down HIV replication H Decrease or undetectable viral load
H Absence of fatigue, irritability, pallor, E Best taken with meals to optimize absorption
paresthesia, and headaches,
Improve level of serum ion, total-binding C Advise continued safe sex practices
capacity, reticulocyte count, Hgb, ferritin Side effects: Prolonged QT interval
E Maybe taken without regard to food however, Redistribution/accumulation of body fat
doses may be spaced round the clock (lipodystrophy)
C Keep capsule in a cool dry place and protected K Administer antacids 2 hours before or after 4
from light\ hours rilpivirine
Instruct the patient to maintain an upright H2-receptor antagonist 12 hours before or 4
position to prevent esophageal ulceration hours after rilpivirine
motor skills until response to drug is established. Side
Classification #4:Protease Inhibitors effects include URTI
Indications: HIV/AIDS Adverse effects: MI, ischemia, unstable angina,
Contraindications: Pregnant women(except Saquinavir), coronary artery disease, CVA, hepatic
lactating mothers, hepatic dysfunction, patient taking failure/cirrhosis, neoplasm
antidiabetic drugs(darunavir only) Possible drug-induced hepatotoxicity with allergy-
FOSAMPRENAVIR (Levixa) type features reported
C Treatment for HIV infections together with at
least 2 other retroviral drug K Practice caution when giving drugs to patients with
mild/moderate hepatic/renal impairment, history of
H Decrease or undetectable viral load orthostatic hypotension, hepatitis B or C, concurrent
medication known to lower blood pressure, patients at
E Maybe taken without regard to meals but should increased risk of cardiovascular events
be evenly spaced (more preferred for children to
take with foods while adults without food)
C Asses for opportunistic infections(onset of fever, Classification #7: Integrase Inhibitors
oral mucosa changes, cough, other respiratory Indications: HIV/AIDS
symptoms) Contraindications: Use with caution in pregnant and
Side effects: severe or life threatening patients at risk for rhabdomyolysis or myopathy
dermatologic reactions such as Steven-Johnson DOLUTEGRAVIR (TIVICAY)
K Practice caution when administering the drug to
patients with hepatic impairment, diabetes C Treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults and children
mellitus, elderly, sulfonamide allergy, age 12 yrs and weighing at least 40KG, in
hemophilia, hepa B or C combination with at least two other antiretroviral
Classification #5: Fusion Inhibitors
Indications: HIV/AIDS H Decreased or undetectable viral load
Contraindications: pregnant and lactating women
E Maybe taken without regard to meals
Administer at least 2 hours before or at least 6 hours
after giving medication containing aluminum,
calcium, iron, magnesium (supplements, antacids,
C Advise patient not to breastfed due to risk of post-
natal HIV transmission
Instruct about safe sex using barrier methods or
Classification #6: CCR5 Antagonist Adverse effects: hypersensitivity(rash, fever,
Indication: HIV/AIDS angioedema, difficulty breathing, skin
Contraindications: Pregnant women and lactating blistering/peeling, arthralgia, lethargy), immune
mothers, renal impairment recovery syndrome, lipodystrophy
Drug resistance may result from interruption of
therapy even for a short period of time

C Treatment for HIV infection in patients infected only K Monitor lab test (CBC,CMP, CD4 count, viral load,
with detectable chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5)- tropic lipid panel, lipase) and assess patient before the
HIV-1, with evidence of viral replication medication

H Decreased or undetectable viral load

Nursing Considerations
Educate patient about the adherence to the
E Maybe taken without regard to meals therapeutic regimen by providing information on drug
C Advise against activities that require alertness and
and a time table of dosing in patients preferred method Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors:
of learning Mycophenolate mofetil blocks synthesis of purine
Explain common emotional responses nucleotides thereby preventing the proliferation of T-
For patients with childbearing age, explain how HIV cells and lymphocytes and preventing the formation of
transmission ot the unborn baby can occur antibodies from B cells; it also inhibit recruitment of
Teach about safe sex practices, and other ways to leukocytes to inflammatory sites
prevent HIV transmission
Assists patient in developing a system taking the
correct dose of the correct drug at the correct time. C Immunosuppressant
Counsel patient about the importance of having an
adequate supply of drugs to avoid interruption in the H Prevents organ rejection and relives symptoms of
dosing schedule. Omission of drugs may result in psoriasis and arthritis
deterioration of the patients condition E Administer as prescribed
To decrease risk of exposure to infection,
emphasize protective precaution as necessary, such as C Provide oral hygiene to prevent problems related to
frequent handwashing, avoiding crowds, and receiving gingival hyperplasia
influenza vaccines. Advise against taking grapefruit products because it
could increase the concentration, and St. John’s
Transplant drugs worth because this can decrease the concentration of
(Immunosuppressant) drug
Organ Transplantation For ophthalmic route, remove contact lens before
1) Cadaveric transplant: a healthy organ donated administration
at a time of a person's death is transplanted into Maintain trough levels immediately prior to next
a body of a patient with end-stage organ failure dose
2) Living-donor transplant: a kidney or a portion  Therapeutic serum level: 50-400ng/ml
of a liver donated by a living person is  Toxic serum level: greater than 400ng/ml
transplanted into the body of a patient with end
K Monitor blood pressure for evidence of hypertension
stage kidney or liver disease.
Monitor serum potassium for possible hyperkalemia
3) Transplant rejection: occurs when immune
Monitor serum BUN, creatinine, bilirubin, ALT,
system of the transplant recipient attacks a
AST, LDH levels for signs of
transplanted organ. This happens because the
immune system recognizes foreign tissues and
attempts to destroy them. Neutropenic precautions(prevent infection
Principles of Immunosuppression Clean hands frequently
Is to use multiple drug that alter different aspects of Try to avoid crowded places
the immune system thereby reducing the chances, of Do not share food, cups, utensils and other personal
transplant rejection and enabling the use of lower doses items
of individuals drug which reduces the likelihood of drug Shower or bathe daily
toxicity Cook meat and eggs all the way
Maintenance therapy: Carefully wash raw fruits and vegetables
Calcineurin Inhibitors-suppress the immune system by Protect your skin from direct contact with pet bodily
binding to cytoplasmic proteins that inhibit calcineurin waste by wearing vinyl or household cleaning gloves
phosphatase, ultimately resulting in inhibition of t- Clean your teeth with soft bristle toothbrush
lymphocyte proliferation Try and keep all household surfaces clean
Tacrolimus- for prophylaxis of rejection in heart, liver, Get seasonal flu shots as soon as it is available
kidney transplant. If you go to an emergency room, do not sit in the waiting
Costimulation Blockers-it inhibits T-cell activation and room for a long time, tell them right away that you are
proliferation thereby inhibiting T-lymphocyte receiving immunosuppressant drugs.
proliferation and production of inflammatory mediators Know the sign and symptoms of infection
mTOR inhibitors: it inhibits T-lymphocyte activation
and proliferation and inhibits antibody production ANTI- TUBERCULARS
 Prescribed to people with active TB or exposed to neurotoxic effects.
TB streptomycin.
 TB is caused by acid-fast bacillus Mycobacterium Contraindicated with patients with
tuberculosis that can be transmitted from one person history of alcohol abuse, severe
to another by droplets anxiety, major depression,
 Not everyone infected with TB will develop psychosis, severe renal disease
manifestations, rather some will harbor the and seizure disorder
microorganism that will have what is called latent
tuberculosis infection Streptomycin Inject into a large muscle mass,
 Single drug therapy is ineffective in the treatment of sulfate contraindicated with people with
TB due to drug resistance. Combination has shown aminoglycoside sensitivity,
to decrease drug resistance and lessen treatment monitor for ototoxicity,
from 2 years to 6-9months nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity

CONTRAINDICATIONS Nursing consideration

 All except streptomycin: Active hepatic disease
 Pyrazinamide contraindication: porphyria  Direct patients to take antitubercular drugs as
 Streptomycin contraindication: auditory impairment, prescribed. Ineffective treatment and development
myasthenia gravis and pregnancy of drug resistance might occur if drugs are taken
 Ethambutol contraindication: pre-existing optic intermittently or discontinued when s/s are decreased
neuritis or disappeared. Adherence to the drug regimen is
essential to prevent the spread of drug resistant M.
First line treatment
 Advise patient to keep medical appointments an to
Amino Administer as a suspension mixed participate sputum testing to monitor the
salicylate in acidic liquid (yogurt, effectiveness of the drug regimen.
sodium applesauce, tomato, orange juice)  Warn patients contemplating pregnancy to first
without chewing. Nonacidic foods check their health care provider about taking the
will dissolve acid-resistant coating drug ethambutol and rifampin
of the granules. Most common
side effects include nausea,  Advise patients who have active TB that the family
vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal members should get a TB testing test and may
pain receive a prophylactic drug for 6 months to 1 year
 Provide written sheet for drug and treatment
Capreomycin Inject into a large muscle mass. regimens in the language that patient speaks. Explain
Because of the possibility of the importance of good hygiene
nephrotoxicity, use caution when
administering to patient with renal  Guide patient to report any numbness, tingling or
impairment. Also cause burning of hands and feet. Vit B6 prevent peripheral
ototoxicity neuropathy
 Encourage patient to avoid direct sunlight.
Ethionamide Contraindicated in sever hepatic
impairment, an ophthalmologic
exam should be done and blood ANTI FUNGAL DRUGS
glucose level should be monitored  Also called antimycotic drugs and are use to treat
periodically as well as hepatic fungal infections. Typically, antifungals are
function fungistatic or fungicidal
 Classifications
1. Polyenes: for systemic fungal infection
Cycloserine Maybe taken without regard to
2. Azole antifungals: for candidiasis,
food. Pyridoxin can prevent
coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis
3. Antimetabolites: drug that converts drugs into Echinocandins For Candida infections. Patient
fluorouracil (antimetabolite that disrupts fungal : Micafungin with HIV coinfection may require
DNA & RNA synthesis) higher dose. To minimize
4. Echinocandins: newest class of antifungal that excessive foaming, do not shake
inhibits biosynthesis of essential components of vigorously the vial, Infuse slowly
fungal cell wall which inhibit growth of candida over 1 hour. Rapid infusion may
and aspergillus species cause histamine mediated
Polyenes: For variety of systemic fungal reactions
amphotericin infections. May require
deoxycholate pretreatment with an analgesic,
antihistamine, antipyretic or NYSTATIN
corticosteroid for pain, fever
C Antifungal, antibiotic
chills or rigor. Electrolyte loss
and nephrotoxicity can occur. H Treatment for candidiasis
Protect drug against light and
infuse slowly via in line filter. E Administer as prescribed
C Report development of pruritus, urticaria,
Azole For variety of fungal infections.
rash, hyperglycemia
antifungals: Take with empty stomach.
Itraconazole Contraindicated for pregnancy K Assess for angioedema, bronchospasm, sinus
and those who are planning for tachycardia
Ketoconazole Treatment may last 1-6 months NURSING CONSIDERATION
for systemic infections. Take with  Advise patients to take drugs as prescribed.
food to avoid GI discomfort. Compliance is of the utmost importance because
Higher doses can inhibit adrenal discontinuing the drug too soon may cause relapse
cortisol synthesis  Advise patient not to consume alcohol
 Teach patient to avoid operating hazardous
Posaconazole For oral candidiasis and equipment or motor vehicle when taking antifungals
prophylactic treatment of invasive that may cause visual changes, sleepiness, dizziness
Aspergillus and Candida or lethargy
infections in immunosuppressed  Encourage the patient to report side effects such as
patients. Do not chew, divide, or nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, rash, tinnitus,
crush delayed release tablet. edema and flatulence.
Administer with food or as an IV ANTI MALARIALS
infusion via a central line with an  Drug that provide treatment and prophylaxis
in-line filter  Malaria is caused by Plasmodium that is carried by
Voriconazole For Aspergillus, candidiasis, infected Anopheles mosquitos.
fusariosis and sceposporiosis. Chloroquine Treatment and
Patient with HIV infection may phosphate prophylaxis of malaria.
need higher dose. Grapefruit juice Malaria prophylaxis:
should be avoided. Take PO does begin therapy 2 week
on empty stomach before entering endemic
area, then continue for 8
Antimetabolite Usually given inconjunction with weeks after leaving
s: flucytosine amphotericin B to decrease the endemic area
development of resistance to Contraindications:
flucytosine. Fungal resistance cardiac, renal disease,
occurs if drug is given alone. psoriasis, ocular disease
Monitor liver transaminases and Avoid use with food
renal function Side Effects: anorexia,
vomiting, diarrhea, Quinine Sulfate Use to treat malaria
abdominal cramps, (chloroquine- Combination with drug
fatigue, pruritus, resistant malaria) therapy includes
headache, nervousness, tetracycline, clindamycin,
photosensitivity or doxycycline,
Avoid patients with
Hydrochloroquine Use to treat and prevent hepatic or cardiac
sulfate malaria and an alternative impairment,
to chloroquine sensitivity. hypoglycemia (blood
Administer with milk or glucose levels should be
meal to reduce GI distress monitored bec. It
Monitor blood count, stimulates insulin);
ECG, and opthal exam monitor platelet count
Caution: renal, hepatic, (thrombocytopenia)
and ocular disturbances,
history of alcoholism
Can cause sensorimotor Nursing Considerations:
neuropathies,  monitor renal function by checking urine output
hypoglycemia and  Report if liver enzymes are elevated and if renal
cardiomyopathy function test are abnormal
 Advise patient travelling to malaria-endemic area to
Mefloquine Use to treat malaria receive prophylactic doses of an anti malarial drug
hydrochloride Contraindication: people before leaving, during the visit and upon return
with cardiac conditions,  Teach patient to take antimalarial with food if GI
seizures, psychosis, upset occurs
hepatic disease.  Monitor patient returning from malaria endemic area
Adverse reaction: nausea, for s/s of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, pruritus, visual changes and dizziness
diarrhea, anxiety, paranoia  Provide patient with information that herbal
-Is secreted in breastmilk supplements may be harmful when taking prescribed
Primaquine Use to treat malaria and ANTI HELMINTIC DRUGS
phosphate prevention of relapse
Adverse reaction: GI
distress, rash, WBC
(granulocytopenia), cute
hemolytic anemia in
patients with G6PD
Contraindications: cardiac
disease, SLE

 Discuss benefits of handwashing before eating and
after working in the soil with animals
 Monitor patient for fluid and urinary output during
anthelmintic medication checking for fluid loss
 Collect stool specimen in a clean container. Avoid
having stool that come in contact with water, urine,
 Monitor adverse reaction that includes wheezing, drug that is bacteriostatic sch as tetracycline are used
abdominal pain and distention and high fever together( desired effect will greatly reduced)
 Advise the patient to take daily showers and not
baths Mechanism of action
 Encourage the patient to change sheets bedclothes, Gentamicin
towels and underwear daily
 Warn the patient that drowsiness may occur and that C Aminoglycoside: bactericidal
operating car or machinery should be avoided.
 Emphasize the importance of taking the prescribed H Treatment for infection
drug at designated time and keeping appointments E Administer as prescribed
Antibacterial and antimicrobials C Increase fluid intake; tinnitus indicates
 Substance that inhibit bacterial growth and other ototoxicity
 Antibiotic refers to chemicals produced by one kind K Monitor for s/s of ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity
of microorganism that inhibit the growth of or kill and neurotoxicity. Obtain specimen for peak
another and trough levels. Specimens for peak level is
 Antibacterial do not act alone in destroying bacteria obtained 15-30 minutes after drug
administration. Specimen for trough level is
Classification #:Aminoglycosides obtained 15-30 minutes before the next dose
 Aminoglycosides: act by inhibiting bacterial growth
synthesis. Neomycin Sulfate
 They are used against gram-negative bacteria such
as E. Coli and Proteus and Pseudomonas species.
C Aminoglycoside; used to reduce ammonia
They cross the blood brain barrier in children but not
forming bacteria in the GI tract of a patient in
in adults
hepatic coma
 Indications: infections caused by gram-negative
aerobic bacilli H Treatment for infection, decreased ammonia
 Contraindications: allergy to aminoglycosides, renal levels in patient with hepatic encephalopathy
or hepatic disease, preexisting hearing loss, MG or
parkinsonism, lactation E Administer as prescribed
C Report hearing changes or tinnitus
Resistance to Antibacterial
 When bacteria are sensitive to a drug, the pathogen K Assess the patient for patient for s/s of
is inhibited or destroyed; if bacteria is resistant, the neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and ototoxicity
pathogen continues to grow despite administration of
 Use of antibiotic combination: usually a single
antibiotic will successfully treat a bacterial infection; C Aminoglycoside; used to destroy the vestibular
however, when severe infection persist and is of an apparatus to decrease vertigo in a patient with
unknown origin or has been unsuccessfully treated Meniere's disease
with several single antibiotic.
 Before beginning therapy, a culture should be taken H Treatment for infection
to verify the bacteria
E Best taken after meals to decrease GI upset
 Additive effect: is equal to the sum of the effects of
2 antibiotics C Report oliguria; indicates nephrotoxicity
 Potentiative effect occurs when antibiotic
potentiates the effect of the second antibiotic K Increase fluids
increasing its effectiveness Monitor BP and Pulse rate
 Antagonistic result is achieved when a combination The drug causes ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity and
of drug that is bactericidal such as penicillin and a neurotoxicity
Amikacin For treating meningitis, septicemia, nausea, pruritus and superinfection
sulfate bacteremia and respiratory, urinary
bone/joint and intraabdominal cefuroxime For meningitis, Lyme disease, otitis
infection. May cause fever headache, media, gonorrhea, septicemia,
rash, nausea, vomiting anemia and pharyngitis, tonsilitis, bone/joint
superinfection infection. May cause rash, phlebitis,
vaginitis, injections site reaction and
Tobramycin For treating bacteremia, septicemia, superinfection
meningitis and respiratory, urinary
tract, intraabdominal, skin, bone/joint Third gen: For treating bacteremia, septicemia,
infection. May cause headache, Cefotaxime meningitis, typhoid fever, gynecologic
dysphonia, weakness, chest painfever, rash, pruritus, fever, vomiting,
pharyngitis, rhinitis, hemoptysis and diarrhea, colitis, injection site reaction
superinfection and superinfection
ceftriaxone Treating otitis media, appendicitis,
Nursing Considerations gonorrhea, septicemia, surgical
 Send a sample from the infected area for culture infection prophylaxis, skin, bone/joint
 Monitor intake and output. Urine should be at least infection, intrabdominal and UTI.
600ml/day. Immediately report decrease urine output May cause, dyspepsia, dysgeusia,
 Check for hearing loss (ototoxicity) stomatitis, vomiting, abdominal
 Monitor for s/s of superinfection: stomatitis, genital cramps, edema, injection site reaction,
discharge(vaginitis) and anal and genital itching diaphoresis, pruritus, vaginitis.
 Direct patients to use sunblock and protective Epistaxis, chills.
clothing during sun exposure bec. Aminoglycosides
Fourth For treating, bacteremia, respiratory,
can cause photosensitivity
gen: skin, abdominal, UTI. May cause
cefepime headache, pharyngitis, rhinitis, rash,
CLASSIFICATION #2:Cephalosphorins
nausea, pruritus and superinfection
 Indication: wide range infections(caused by gram
positive and gram negative bacteria) Fifth gen: For treating intraabdominal pain, and
 Contraindications: allergy to cephalosporins, ceftolozane UTI May cause headache,insomnia,
hepatic, renal impairment and nausea, vomiting, fever,
 First generation: effective against most gram tazobatam superinfection, hypokalemia,
negative bacteria and are destroyed by beta
 Second generation: effective against gram positive CEFAZOLIN (Ancef)
and some gram negative bacteria
C antibiotic
 Third generation: resistant to beta lactamases
 Fourth generation: highly resistant to beta H Treatment for infection
lactamases and has good penetration to CSF
 Fifth generation: broad spectrum drugs against E Administer per IV or IM
MRSA C Report development of rash
First gen: For treating pharyngitis, tonsilitis,
K Assess s/s of nephrotoxicity. It is given per IV
cefazolin UTI, skin infections. May cause rash,
or IM. It is not administered by IV push
pruritus, nausea, vomiting,
superinfection, well absorbed in the
Gi and not affected by food CEPHALEXIN (Keflex)
Second For pharyngitis, tonsilitis, otitis C antibiotic
gen: media, skin and skin structures,
Cefaclor respiratory and UTI. May cause H Treatment for infection
headache, pharyngitis, rhinitis, rash,
E Usually taken with or without food every 6-12
hours for 7-14 days  Contraindications: allergy to penicillin and
cephalosporins, renal disease
C Avoid alcohol
Complete full course of the drug
Report severe diarrhea, dyspepsia and bleeding AMPICILLIN
K Assess for severe diarrhea, difficulty of
C Antibiotic
H Treatment for infection
CEFOXITIN SODIUM (Mefoxin) E Best taken on an empty stomach

C Antibiotic C Report development of rash

H Treatment for infection K Perform a sensitivity test before initiating a

E Injected intravenously every 6-8 hours Probenecid, increase the effect of the drug
C Report development of rash, severe diarrhea, Give it around the clock
Pain at the injection site PENICILLIN
K Probenecid may inhibit excretion of the drug.
Ave vitamin K at the bedside if prothrombin
Monitor renal status; I&O, serum creatinine
Ceftriaxone sodium(Rocephin) C REPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RASH
C Antibiotic
H Treatment for infection BEDSIDE
E Administer as prescribed NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
 Teach the patient to always take the entire prescribed
C Avoid alcohol penicillin product
Stomach upset and diarrhea may occur  Advise patient to carry a card that indicates
K Discontinue if hypersensitivity reaction occurs. penicillin allergy or wear a medical alert bracelet
Keep epinephrine at the bedside  Encourage the patient to increase fluid intake; fluids
can aid in regulating body temperature and in
Nursing considerations excreting the drug.
 Culture infected area  Warn the parent of the patients that chewable tablets
 Report signs of superinfection must be chewed or crushed before swallowing
 Advise patient to ingest buttermilk, yogurt or an  Advise female patients of childbearing years to use
acidophilus supplement to prevent superinfection of an additional form of birth control while taking
the intestinal flora penicillin
 Instruct patient to complete course of treatment even Classification #4: Sulfonamides
if s/s of infection have ceased  They inhibit bacterial synthesis of folic acid, which
 Infuse cephalosporins over 30 mins as ordered to is essential for bacterial growth. Humans do not
prevent pain and irritation synthesize folic acid, rather they acquire it through
 Observe hypersensitivity reactions diet, therefore sulfonamides selectively inhibit
bacterial growth without affecting normal cells. This
Classification #3: Penicillin and Penicillinase- are alternative drug for patient who are allergic to
resistant antibiotics penicillin
 Indications: Streptococcal infections and  Indications: UTI’s, STI’s
meningococcal meningitis
 Contraindications: Allergy to sulfonamides,  They are called broad spectrum antibiotics.
sulfonylureas or thiazide diuretics, renal disease,  Macrolides can be administered orally or by IV
pregnant women, lactating mothers (slowly) bit not intramuscularly because it is too
 Indications: Wide range of infections
SULFASALAZINE(AZULFIDINE)  Contraindications: Allergy to macrolides,
contamitant administration with astemizole,
C Antibiotic; used as a treatment for ulcerative cisaprode, primozide or terfenadine(leads to fetal
colitis cardiac arrhythmia.

H Treatment for infection ERYTHROMYCIN

E Best taken with meals to decrease GI upset C Antibiotic

C Report blood in the urine, rash, ringing in the H Treat for infection, drug of choice for
ear, sore throat. Wear protective clothing, the mycoplasmal pneumonia and
drug causes photosensitivity. Turns the urine Legionnaires disease
orange yellow E Best taken on an empty stomach
K Discontinue immediately if hypersensitivity C Report development of rash
Increase fluid intake K Monitor liver function
Administer round the clock
Assess for sign and symptoms of secondary
Cotrimoxazole (Bactrim) infection
C Antibiotic
H Treatment for infection Azithromycin

E Best taken before meals C Antibiotic

C Changes in color of the urine to red orange H Treatment for infection

Report signs of rash E Can be taken with or without food
K Assess for signs and symptoms of C Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
nephrotoxicity abdominal pain, anemia, rash
Adverse effect: hepatotoxicity, angioedema
Nursing Considerations: Check: AST, CBC. ALT
 encourage patient to increase fluid intake to avoid Report: sore throat, fever, diarrhea, fatigue
 Advise pregnant patient to avoid sulfonamides K Monitor for signs of superinfection (diarrhea,
during pregnancy perineal itching, oral ulcers)
 Counsel patients NOT to take antacids with
sulfonamides because antacids decrease Chloramphenicol
absorption rate of sulfonamide drugs
 Instruct patient to report bruising or bleeding that C Antibiotic
could be a result of drug induced blood disorder.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of sulfonamide therapy by H Treatment for infection
determining whether the infection has been E Best taken on an empty stomach
alleviated and the Blood count is within normal
range C Report sore throat and tiredness
Classification #5: MACROLIDES
 Active against most gram positive bacteria and are K Antagonizes the bacterial action of penicillin
moderately active against some gram negative The drug may depress the bone marrow
superinfection, such as sore throat, fever, or
Rifabutin fatigue appear

C Antibiotic, used for prevention of disseminated

OTHER Classifications
mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease
 Fluoroquinolones(quinolones):this group of
in patients
antimicrobials are effective against some gram-
H Treatment for infection negative and some gram-positive organisms such as
S. pneumoniae, and H. Influenzae, P. Aeruginosa,
E Take once daily with or without food Salmonella and Shigella species. This group of
C Report nausea, vomiting, diarrhea to the health antibiotics is useful in the treatment of UTI, bone
care provider. Body fluids may turn reddish; and joint infection, bronchitis, pneumonia,
contact lenses may be stained gastroenteritis and gonorrhea. Ciprofloxacin and
Moxifloxacin , Levofloxacin are examples of drug
K Monitor CBC; it may cause bone marrow that belongs to this group
depression Nursing Considerations
 Teach patient to drink at least 6-8 glasses if fluid
Sulfamylon (Mafenide)
 Encourage patient to avoid caffeinated products
C Antibiotics; used to prevent and treat wound  Inform patient that photosensitivity is one of the side
infections in patient with sever burns effects. They should wear sunglasses, sunblock and
protective clothing
H Treatment for infection  Direct patients to avoid operating motor vehicles
because of drug related dizziness
E Apply every 6-8 hours usually at the same time
 Encourage patient to report dizziness, nausea,
each day as directed
vomiting, flatulence, abdominal cramps, tinnitus and
C Cover burns at all times with the drug tendon rupture(very rare)

K Apply the debrided wound with gloved hands NITROIMIDAZOLES

Monitor toxicity (nephrotoxicity, bone marrow  This are used as prophylaxis for surgical infections
depression, metabolic acidosis) and treat CDAD(difficile-associated disease),
anaerobic infections, amebiases, trichomoniasis,
Vancomycin bacterial vaginosis, and acne rosacea.
Metronidazole and tinidazole are two of the most
C Antibiotic; drug of choice of MRSA(methicillin effective drug available to treat anerobic bacterial
resistant staphylococcus aureus infections.
 Side effects include headache dizziness, insomnia,
H Treatment for infection diarrhea, tongue/urine discoloration and
E Administer per IV superinfection
 Most serious reaction are leukopenia, seizure, Steven
C Report ringing in the ears, difficulty voiding, Johnson syndrome and disulfiram-like reaction.
rash and flushing. May cause nausea and Disulfiram like reactions include flushing,
hypotension throbbing, headache, visual disturbances, confusion,
dyspnea, tachycardia, syncope and circulatory
K Dilute contents of 500mg vial injection in 30
ml of water of oral or gastric tube
Monitor: Renal function test with prolonged
therapy for signs of “red neck” or “red man
Syndrome” (sudden and profound fall in BP,
fever, chills, paresthesia's, erythema of the neck
and back. Give antihistamine if this occurs
Notify the health care worker if signs of

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