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Curso : Ingles IV

Profesor Titular del Curso : Tejada Ramos Ronal Alonso

Nombre de la actividad : Predictions

Semana : Semana 12
Código de la Clase : 20877


APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (1) : Gómez López Jeremy Jeanpierre

CÓDIGO (1) : U21309865

APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (2) : Zapata Otoya Linda Samantha Marlé

CÓDIGO (2) : U21302658

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Samantha: Hey Jeremy! This video call was a great idea!

Jeremy: Yeah, I sometimes miss having face-to-face meetings with friends.

Samantha: Definitely, things have changed a lot. I think in the future, students will rely even more on
online resources for their studies.

Jeremy: You're right, Samantha. And I believe some traditional jobs will probably undergo significant
transformations too.

Samantha: Absolutely. I also heard that there will probably be a surge in demand for remote work

Jeremy: That makes sense. And entertainment venues will definitely implement more virtual
experiences, don't you think?

Samantha: For sure. It's fascinating to think about how different things will be.

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