Apocalyptia Beta 20

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FM 14-01




Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Dedicated in loving memory to Topher.
A true Comrade who left us too soon.
November 22, 1991 – February 11, 2013

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 1 DICE RULES 7
Chapter 3 TRAITS 10
Section a Agility (Speed)...................................... 10
Section b Brains (Experience).................................. 10
Section c Constitution (DMG Mod, Health, Load)................. 10
Section d Demeanor (Comrades, Luck)............................ 10
Chapter 4 SKILLS 11
Section a Acrobatics (Dodge, Jump, Tumble)..................... 11
Projectile (Archery, Guns, Throw).................... 11
Stealth (Hide, Sneak)................................ 11
Trick (Conceal, Pick, Steal)......................... 11
Section b Build (Customize, Repair, Salvage)................... 11
Medicine (First-Aid, Surgery, Transfuse, Treat)...... 11
Perception (Loot, Search, Track, Wake)............... 11
Science (Bombs, Drugs)............................... 11
Section c Athletics (Climb, Dive, Rappel, Swim)................ 12
Drive (Stunt)........................................ 12
Melee (Block, Unarmed, Weaponry)..................... 12
Survival (Forage, Kindle, Navigate).................. 12
Section d Entertain (Distract, Inspire)........................ 12
Leadership (Coordinate, Encourage, Intimidate, Plan). 12
Socialize (Discern, Inquire, Persuade)............... 12
Tame (Ride, Train)................................... 12
Chapter 5 COMBAT 13
Movement............................................. 13
Actions (Fast Action)................................ 13
Attack (Location).................................... 13
Defense (Reflex)..................................... 14
Damage (DMG Mod, Cold Damage, Fire Damage)........... 14
Health (Armor, Bleeding, Pain)....................... 14
Recovery............................................. 14
Death................................................ 14
Chapter 6 MANEUVERS 15
Section a Defensive 15
Block................................................ 15
Distract............................................. 15
Dodge................................................ 15
Protect.............................................. 15
Reload............................................... 15
Run.................................................. 15
Section b Offensive 15
Aim.................................................. 15
Ambush............................................... 15
Called Shot (Disarm, Knockout, Trip)................. 15
Charge............................................... 15
Dual-Wield........................................... 15
Grab (Break, Hold, Tackle)........................... 16
Shove................................................ 16
Thrust............................................... 16
Section c Weapon Properties 16
Auto................................................. 16
Blast................................................ 16
Chop................................................. 16
Rapid................................................ 16
Scatter.............................................. 16
Slam................................................. 16
Chapter 7 SITUATIONS 17
Bleeding............................................. 17
Cover................................................ 17
Fatigue.............................................. 17
Fear................................................. 17
Friendly Fire........................................ 17
Grabbed.............................................. 17
Hunger............................................... 17

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Pain................................................. 17
Prone................................................ 17
Radiation............................................ 17
Range (Short, Long).................................. 17
Reflex............................................... 17
Stealth.............................................. 17
Stun................................................. 17
Suffocation.......................................... 17
Terrain (Mushy, Slick, Tangled)...................... 17
Thirst............................................... 17
Unarmed.............................................. 17
Unstable............................................. 17
Visibility (None, Poor, Low)......................... 17
Chapter 8 ABILITIES 18
Chapter 9 GEAR 19
Section a Melee................................................ 19
Section b Projectile........................................... 20
Section c Armor................................................ 21
Armor Layers......................................... 21
Destroyed Armor...................................... 21
Resting in Armor..................................... 21
Section d Ammunition........................................... 22
Section e Storage.............................................. 22
Section f Bombs................................................ 23
Section g Drugs................................................ 23
Section h Consumables.......................................... 23
Section i Equipment............................................ 23
Section j Vehicles............................................. 25
Driving.............................................. 25
Vehicle Combat....................................... 25
Occupants............................................ 25
Tires................................................ 25
Repairs.............................................. 25
Chapter 10 THE WASTELAND 26
Section a Example Difficulties................................. 26
Section b Environment (Weather, Climate)....................... 26
Section c Time Management: Mission............................. 27
Section c1 Travel............................................... 27
Section c2 Scavenging (Foraging, Hunting)....................... 27
Section c3 Diplomacy............................................ 27
Section d Time Management: Preparation......................... 28
Section d1 Crafting............................................. 28
Section d2 Healthcare........................................... 28
Section d3 Watch................................................ 28
Section e Base (Base Features)................................. 29
Section f Settlements (Settlement Features).................... 30
Section f1 Politics............................................. 30
Section f2 Commerce (Exchange Rate)............................. 31
Section f3 Slavery.............................................. 31
Section f4 Factions (Faction Relations)......................... 31
Section f5 Settlement Encounters................................ 32
Section g Areas and Encounters................................. 33
Section g1 Rural Areas and Encounters........................... 34
Section g2 Urban Areas and Encounters........................... 35
Chapter 11 EXTRAS 36
Section a Types of Extras (Turning)............................ 36
Section b Humans (Humans and Attitudes)........................ 37
Section c Animals (Native Animals, Zoo Animals)................ 45
Section d Robots............................................... 48
Section e Zombies.............................................. 49
Chapter 12 LOOT 51

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Apocalyptia is about the end of the world as we know it.
Major cities have been nuked off the map. Most of the former human
population has somehow been transformed into hordes of zombies. The
infrastructure crumbles with each passing day of neglect. The
climate has become extremely severe and unpredictable. And military
robots are on a mission to exterminate humans and zombies alike.
The details of what exactly causes human civilization to
collapse are left to the Game Master (or GM) who creates a general
outline for the game. The other players will make characters to
interact in the world that the GM has created. The characters form
a survival group referred to as the “Team.” The GM will control the
people and creatures (referred to as Extras) which the Team will
encounter as they explore the Wasteland.
If you are new to role-playing games, it may be hard to
conceptualize how the game is actually played because it is so
different from any other form of tabletop gaming. Think of it as
collaborative storytelling where the GM and the players take turns
improvising descriptions of events going on in the story. Role-
playing games develop as a back and forth process that can be
roughly described as the following chain of events:
1. The Team decides amongst themselves what they want to do.
2. The GM presents the Team with a challenge to overcome.
3. The players discuss how their characters will attempt to
deal with the challenge in order to accomplish their goal.
4. The GM tells the Team how the rules apply to the solution
they want to attempt and, if a roll is required, sets a
Difficulty (#) which the players must achieve to Succeed.
5. Players make their rolls on a six-sided die (d6) adding the
character's relevant modifiers to the roll. Roll equal to or
above # to Succeed, anything less is Failure.
6. The GM describes the consequences of the Team's efforts and
the story progresses on to the next set of events.
A role-playing game can be a one-shot event lasting a few
hours, like any board game, or it could be a continuing storyline
(or “campaign”) which is played in sessions on a regular schedule
like episodes in a TV show. The advantage of a one-shot event is
that players can have fun with the game without having to worry
about finding a time when every player is regularly free to play.
The advantage of a campaign is that it gives players time to build
upon their characters and to see their long-term plans develop.
However, the Wasteland is a dangerous place and even the most
weathered veteran character could die at any time, so maintaining a
healthy level of detachment is always a wise policy.
To make things as easy as possible on the GM, many tasks
required to run the game have been semi-automated with random
tables that the GM may use to quickly generate spontaneous game
content. Some tables in Chapters 10, 11, and 12 (collectively
considered the GM Section of this book) assume a few things about
what the Wasteland is like now. There are no governments anymore.
Almost everyone has been Turned into a zombie. Advanced electronics
are unusable. Basic necessities are extremely scarce now which has
driven many desperate people to do terrible things to survive.
The core game mechanics can be used to run a game set in any
sort of doomsday scenario. The content of the GM Section can easily
be tailored to fit the needs of any post-apocalyptic story that the
GM wishes to tell. The Area and Encounter tables in Chapter 10 are
core GM tools designed to be modular and generic enough for most
scenarios. If the GM rolls something that is inappropriate for the
game, roll again or substitute the result with something that makes
sense. Feel free to make changes. Be creative and do not be afraid
to try things. The only purpose for the rules is to facilitate the
fun. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

d6 One six-sided die. The only dice needed to play.
# Difficulty number you must achieve to Succeed.
6 / Explode Re-rolling 6's, and adding all rolls together.
S / Success Rolling at or above #.
F / Fail Rolling under # or rolling a 1 on the die.
1 / Botch Rolling 1 twice in a row. This is always very bad.
Ability Character upgrades that are bought with XP.
Action One significant thing a character does in a round.
AR Armor Rating. Reduces normal DMG.
ATK Attack. Can be MATK or PATK. Roll vs DEF.
CDMG Cold Damage. Usually from weather.
CR Cold Rating. Reduces CDMG.
DEF Defense. Can be REF, Block, or Dodge. Roll vs ATK.
DMG Damage. You die when your Head or Torso HP = 0.
Extras Non-player characters and creatures.
Fast An action that takes only a split second.
FDMG Fire Damage.
FR Fire Rating. Reduces FDMG.
GM Game Master. The player who controls the game world.
HP Health Points. Maximum DMG that a Location can take.
Location Body parts: Head, Torso, Arms, or Legs.
Maneuver A special kind of combat action.
MATK Melee Attack.
MGL Master Gear List. Table with every piece of Gear.
Morality Self-assessment of behavior. 1 is Good. 13 is Evil.
PATK Projectile Attack.
REF Passive DEF = Perception (cannot exceed Dodge).
RNG Range. Short (1-30yds) or Long (30-100+yds).
rnd Round. 3 seconds of in-game time, usually in combat.
Situation Circumstances that modify an action.
Size Item mass. Number of “Slots” required to put in Storage.
Skill 16 different types of actions dependent on their Traits.
A Skills Acrobatics, Projectile, Stealth, Trick
B Skills Build, Medicine, Perception, Science
C Skills Athletics, Drive, Melee, Survival
D Skills Entertain, Leadership, Socialize, Tame
Specialty A Sub-Skill that can increase independently.
Stats All Trait-derived properties.
• Comrades Allies = D who benefit from D Skill bonuses.
• DMG Mod = (C/3)-2. Modifies MATK DMG and Throw DMG.
• Load = Cx5. Maximum total Size you can carry.
• Luck = D/2 per session. Spend for various effects.
• Speed = (A+C)/2yds. Base Walking speed.
• XP Experience Points = B earned each session.
Traits Agility, Brains, Constitution, and Demeanor. 1 to 12.
• A Agility Trait. A rolls are shown as A#.
• B Brains Trait. B rolls are shown as B#.
• C Constitution Trait. C rolls are shown as C#.
• D Demeanor Trait. D rolls are shown as D#.

Bold Text A game symbol, term, or abbreviation.

Bold/Italic Text A Table.
Bold/Underlined Text A Chapter.
Italic Text An Ability, Maneuver, or Situation.
Underlined Text A Skill.
(Parenthetic Text) A Skill Specialty or Sub-Maneuver.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 1: DICE RULES
Most rolls are made using just one six-sided die, referred
to as a “d6.” The way you calculate the final result of a roll is
as follows: d6 roll + Trait or Skill ± modifiers = result.
When a player is considering what they want their character
to do in stressful, high-intensity circumstances, they should act
swiftly and be brief, asking the GM for only the most critical
information that they must have before making their decision.
Forcing quick choices is essential to maintaining the survival-
horror atmosphere of this game. If a player is taking too long to
chose, the GM should skip them and say that their character
hesitated and choked under pressure.
Players should keep in mind that they are members of a Team.
The game is designed to encourage teamwork. Taking advantage of the
various mechanics that rely on cooperative play will drastically
increase the characters' chances of survival. This allows the Team
to be much greater collectively than the mere sum of its parts.

Success (S): Rolling and achieving a result equal to or higher

than a target Difficulty (#) is called a Success. Unless the GM
wants to know your exact result, simply tell the GM “Succeed” or
“Fail” after adding up the result of your roll.
Auto-Success: If your bonus alone (before rolling your d6)
is equal to or greater than the #, and the circumstances are not
stressful (such as in combat or when Failure could have serious
consequences or cause DMG), Success is automatic.

Fail (F): When the result is

less than the #, your attempt
did not work. This is not
usually catastrophic but rather
just a temporary inconvenience
in most cases.

Botch (1): If you roll 1,

you automatically Fail no matter
what your modifiers may add up
to and you must re-roll to check
for a Botch. If 1 is rolled
again, something very bad
happens. You cannot Botch on an
Explode roll. Skills usually
list their Botch effects. The GM
may add more negative effects
due to particular circumstances
surrounding the Botch.

Explode (6): When a 6 is

rolled on a Trait, Skill, DMG,
or Luck roll, roll it again and
again, as long as you keep
rolling 6's. This is called
Exploding. Add each roll
together with any modifiers for
your final result. Rolling 1 in
a series of Exploding rolls is
not considered a Botch (1).
Rolling an Exploding ATK multiplies the DMG your weapon does
to your opponent, assuming you hit. If the final result of your ATK
is equal to or greater than your opponent's DEF, multiply the DMG
you deal by the number of Explosions for that ATK (minimum 1x).
For example, if you ATK and roll a 6, a 6, and a 3, your ATK
result will be 15 + your Skill (say 4) + any modifiers (say 2) for
a total result of 21. This ATK will hit an opponent with DEF 21 or
less. If your weapon does 5 DMG, multiply 5 x 2 (since you Exploded
twice) to do 10 DMG for this ATK. DMG is then reduced by the
target's AR (if any) as normal. See Ch:5 for details on Combat.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Decide Height, Weight, Skin, Hair, Gender, Age, and brief history.
All numerical character properties are derived from four Traits:
Agility, Brains, Constitution, and Demeanor. Human Trait scores
range from 1 to 12. You have 30 points to divide between Traits,
minimum 4, maximum 9 at Character Creation. Additionally, females
get +1 Agility, males get +1 Constitution.
Skills start at 0 by default. You have 60 Skill points to divide
among your Skills. The maximum Skill points you can put in a Skill
is equal to the Skill's parent Trait. This limit is on Skill points
only and does not count Gear, Skill Specialties, or other bonuses.
Agility Skills: Acrobatics, Projectile, Stealth, Trick
Brains Skills: Build, Medicine, Perception, Science
Constitution Skills: Athletics, Drive, Melee, Survival
Demeanor Skills: Entertain, Leadership, Socialize, Tame
Calculate your Stats. Always round down.
• Comrades = Demeanor
• DMG Mod = (Constitution /3)-2 DMG bonus to MATK or Throw.
• Luck = Demeanor /2.
• Speed = (Agility + Constitution) /2yds.
• XP (Experience) = Brains.
• Defenses
• Block = Melee(Block)
• Dodge = Acrobatics(Dodge)
• Reflex = Perception (cannot exceed Dodge)
• Health
• Head, Arms, and Legs = Constitution /2
• Torso = Constitution
• Weapon ATK = Melee or Projectile + any modifiers
• Load = Constitution x5 Size.
• Morality = Track your own behavior. 1 = Good. 13 = Evil.
You may buy Abilities with starting XP = Brains.
Starting: Basic clothes, Backpack, Knife, d6 Food, Water Bottle.
Roll: 1 Armor, 1 Melee, 1 Projectile & Ammunition of that caliber.
Make rolls on the MGL = Luck. Buy extra MGL rolls for 1XP each.
Armor Melee Weapons Projectile Weapons
1 Athletic Pads 1,2 Axe 1 AK-47
2 Army Helmet 3,4 Baseball Bat 1 2,3 AR-15
1 1
3,4 Bicycle Helmet 5 Brass Knuckles 4 Benelli M4
5,6 Blue Jeans 6 Cane 5,6 Browning A-Bolt
1,2 Coveralls 1 Cleaver 1 Colt Python
3,4 Denim Jacket 2,3 Crowbar 2 2,3 Compound Bow
2 2
5 Elbow Pads 4 Hatchet 4,5 Crossbow
6 Firefighter Suit 5,6 Hammer 6 Glock 17
1 Flak Jacket 1 Ice Axe 1 H&K MP5
2,3 Hiking Boots 2,3 Knife 3 2,3 Henry Golden Boy
3 3
4 Interceptor Armor 4 Machete 4,5 Kimber 1911
5,6 Kevlar Gloves 5,6 Metal Club 6 MAC-10
1 Kevlar Vest 1 Pickaxe 1 Marlin 1894C
2,3 Knee Pads 2,3 Pitchfork 4 2,3 Mossberg 500
4 4
4,5 Leather Jacket 4,5 Police Baton 4 Norinco SKS
6 Motorcycle Armor 6 Riot Shield 5,6 Ruger 10/22
1,2 Motorcycle Helmet 1,2 Screwdriver 1,2 Remington 700
3 Riot Helmet 3,4 Shovel 5 3,4 Remington 870
5 5
4 Shinguards 5 Sledgehammer 5 Ruger Mk.III
5,6 Sports Helmet 6 Spade 6 Savage Mk.II
1 Steel-Toe Boots 1 Spear 1,2 SIG Sauer P290
2 Undercover Vest 2,3 Staff 3 Springfield M1A
6 6 6
3,4 Winter Coat 4,5 Tire Iron 4,5 Taurus 94
5,6 Work Gloves 6 Torch 6 Winchester Lupara

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 .22 FMJ (d6x10) 1 .357 FMJ (d6x5) 1 .308 AP (d6)
2 .22 FMJ (d6x10) 2 .357 FMJ (d6x5) 2 .308 FMJ (d6x3)
1 3 .22 JHP (d6x10) 1 3 .357 FMJ (d6x5) 1 3 .308 FMJ (d6x3)
2 4 .22 JHP (d6x10) 2 4 .357 JHP (d6x5) 2 4 .308 JHP (d6x3)
5 .22 Match (d6x5) 5 .357 JHP (d6x5) 5 .308 JHP (d6x3)
6 .22 Tracer (d6x2) 6 .357 JHP (d6x5) 6 .308 Match (d6x2)
1 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 1 5.56 AP (d6) 1 12g Birdshot (d6x3)
2 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 2 5.56 FMJ (d6x3) 2 12g Birdshot (d6x3)
3 3 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 3 3 5.56 FMJ (d6x3) 3 3 12g Buckshot (d6x2)
4 4 9mm JHP (d6x5) 4 4 5.56 JHP (d6x3) 4 4 12g Flare (d6)
5 9mm JHP (d6x5) 5 5.56 Match (d6x2) 5 12g Sabot (d6)
6 9mm Match (d6x3) 6 5.56 Tracer (d6) 6 12g Slug (d6)
1 .45 FMJ (d6x5) 1 7.62 FMJ (d6x3) 1 Broadhead Arrow (d6)
2 .45 FMJ (d6x5) 2 7.62 FMJ (d6x3) 2 Broadhead Arrow (d6)
5 3 .45 FMJ (d6x5) 5 3 7.62 FMJ (d6x3) 5 3 Broadhead Arrow (d6)
6 4 .45 JHP (d6x5) 6 4 7.62 JHP (d6x3) 6 4 Target Arrow (d6)
5 .45 JHP (d6x5) 5 7.62 JHP (d6x3) 5 Target Arrow (d6)
6 .45 Match (d6x3) 6 7.62 JHP (d6x3) 6 Target Arrow (d6)


1,1,1 3 .22 Ammunition (4) 3,1,1 6 Flak Jacket 5,1,1 1 Poncho
1,1,2 3 .308 Ammunition (4) 3,1,2 3 Flare Gun 5,1,2 3 Quiver
1,1,3 3 .357 Ammunition (2) 3,1,3 1 Flashlight 5,1,3 3 Rat Trap
1,1,4 3 .45 Ammunition (3) 3,1,4 3 Flask 5,1,4 3 Remington 700
1,1,5 3 12g Ammunition (5) 3,1,5 3 Flippers 5,1,5 3 Remington 870
1,1,6 3 5.56 Ammunition (5) 3,1,6 1 Food 5,1,6 9 Riot Helmet
1,2,1 3 7.62 Ammunition (2) 3,2,1 1 Fuel Can 5,2,1 9 Riot Shield
1,2,2 3 9mm Ammunition (3) 3,2,2 6 Gas Mask 5,2,2 3 Road Flare
1,2,3 3 Air Horn 3,2,3 6 Ghillie Suit 5,2,3 3 Rollerblades
1,2,4 6 AK-47 3,2,4 6 Glass Cutter 5,2,4 1 Rope
1,2,5 6 Animal Comrade (18) 3,2,5 6 Glock 17 5,2,5 6 Ruger 10/22
1,2,6 3 Athletic Pads 3,2,6 3 Goggles 5,2,6 6 Ruger Mk.III
1,3,1 6 AR-15 3,3,1 6 Grappling Hook 5,3,1 1 Running Shoes
1,3,2 6 Army Helmet 3,3,2 3 Gun Cleaning Kit 5,3,2 6 Saddle
1,3,3 3 Arrow Ammunition (2) 3,3,3 9 H&K MP5 5,3,3 6 Saddle Bags
1,3,4 3 Axe 3,3,4 1 Hammer 5,3,4 6 Savage Mk.II
1,3,5 1 Backpack 3,3,5 1 Hammock 5,3,5 3 Scope (2)
1,3,6 1 Bandage 3,3,6 3 Hand Radio 5,3,6 1 Screwdriver
1,4,1 1 Bandana 3,4,1 6 Handcuffs 5,4,1 3 Shinguards
1,4,2 3 Bandoleer 3,4,2 3 Hatchet 5,4,2 3 Shovel
1,4,3 1 Baseball Bat 3,4,3 3 Headlamp 5,4,3 6 SIG Sauer P290
1,4,4 1 Baseball Cap 3,4,4 6 Henry Golden Boy 5,4,4 3 Skateboard
1,4,5 3 BDU Jacket 3,4,5 1 Hiking Boots 5,4,5 3 Ski Mask
1,4,6 6 Benelli M4 3,4,6 6 Holo Sight 5,4,6 3 Sledgehammer
1,5,1 3 Bicycle (2) 3,5,1 1 Hoody 5,5,1 1 Sleeping Bag
1,5,2 1 Bicycle Helmet 3,5,2 3 Hydration Pack 5,5,2 3 Slingshot
1,5,3 1 Binoculars 3,5,3 3 Ice Axe 5,5,3 3 Snorkel
1,5,4 6 Bipod 3,5,4 9 Interceptor Armor 5,5,4 6 Snow Skis
1,5,5 6 Bit and Bridle 3,5,5 6 Kevlar Gloves 5,5,5 1 Soap
1,5,6 6 Blood Pressure Cuff 3,5,6 9 Kevlar Vest 5,5,6 3 Solar Lamp
1,6,1 1 Blue Jeans 3,6,1 6 Kimber 1911 5,6,1 3 Spade
1,6,2 1 Bobby Pin 3,6,2 3 Knee Pads 5,6,2 3 Spear
1,6,3 3 Bolt Cutters 3,6,3 1 Knife 5,6,3 3 Speedloader
1,6,4 9 Bombs (6) 3,6,4 1 Lantern 5,6,4 3 Sports Helmet
1,6,5 3 Boonie Hat 3,6,5 1 Leather Belt 5,6,5 1 Spray Paint
1,6,6 1 Brass Bell 3,6,6 3 Leather Jacket 5,6,6 6 Springfield M1A
2,1,1 6 Brass Knuckles 4,1,1 3 Laser 6,1,1 1 Staff
2,1,2 3 Breath Mask 4,1,2 6 Lifejacket 6,1,2 3 Steel-Toe Boots
2,1,3 6 Browning A-Bolt 4,1,3 1 Lighter 6,1,3 6 Stethoscope
2,1,4 6 Cage Trap 4,1,4 1 Lock, Combination 6,1,4 1 Sunglasses
2,1,5 1 Candle 4,1,5 1 Lock, Pad 6,1,5 9 Suppressor (6)
2,1,6 1 Candy 4,1,6 9 Lockpicks 6,1,6 6 Surgery Kit
2,2,1 3 Cane 4,2,1 9 MAC-10 6,2,1 3 Swiss Army Knife
2,2,2 1 Canteen 4,2,2 3 Machete 6,2,2 6 Tactical Vest
2,2,3 3 Carabiner 4,2,3 6 Magazines (12) 6,2,3 1 Tape Measure
2,2,4 1 Cargo Pants 4,2,4 1 Magnifying Glass 6,2,4 1 Tarp
2,2,5 1 Chalk 4,2,5 1 Marbles 6,2,5 6 Taurus 94
2,2,6 1 Cigarette 4,2,6 1 Marker 6,2,6 3 Telescope
2,3,1 1 Cleaver 4,3,1 6 Marlin 1894C 6,3,1 1 Tent (2)
2,3,2 6 Colt Python 4,3,2 1 Matchbook 6,3,2 1 Thermal Underwear
2,3,3 1 Compass 4,3,3 1 Measuring Cup 6,3,3 6 Three-Point Sling
2,3,4 3 Compound Bow 4,3,4 3 Megaphone 6,3,4 1 Tire Iron
2,3,5 1 Cooler 4,3,5 3 Mess Kit 6,3,5 1 Tool Bag
2,3,6 3 Coveralls 4,3,6 1 Messenger Bag 6,3,6 1 Tool Belt
2,4,1 3 Cowboy Hat 4,4,1 1 Metal Club 6,4,1 1 Torch
2,4,2 3 Crowbar 4,4,2 1 Metal Wire 6,4,2 1 Toy Car
2,4,3 3 Crutch 4,4,3 1 Monocular 6,4,3 6 Transfusion Kit
2,4,4 3 Crossbow 4,4,4 3 Mossberg 500 6,4,4 3 Trench Coat
2,4,5 3 Denim Jacket 4,4,5 6 Motorcycle Armor 6,4,5 9 Undercover Vest
2,4,6 1 Documents (24) 4,4,6 3 Motorcycle Helmet 6,4,6 1 Vehicles (24)
2,5,1 1 Drugs (6) 4,5,1 3 Multi-Tool 6,5,1 6 Vertical Foregrip
2,5,2 1 Duct Tape 4,5,2 6 Muzzle Brake (5) 6,5,2 3 Waders
2,5,3 1 Duffel Bag 4,5,3 3 Mylar Blanket 6,5,3 1 Water Bottle
2,5,4 1 Ear Plugs 4,5,4 9 NBC Suit 6,5,4 3 Water Filter
2,5,5 1 Egg Timer 4,5,5 6 Norinco SKS 6,5,5 1 Whetstone
2,5,6 3 Elbow Pads 4,5,6 1 Notebook 6,5,6 1 Whistle
2,6,1 3 Emergency Radio 4,6,1 3 Paracord 6,6,1 9 Winchester Lupara
2,6,2 6 EMT Bag 4,6,2 3 Pickaxe 6,6,2 1 Winter Coat
2,6,3 9 Firefighter Suit 4,6,3 1 Pillow 6,6,3 3 Wire Saw
2,6,4 3 Firestick 4,6,4 6 Pitchfork 6,6,4 1 Work Gloves
2,6,5 1 First-Aid Kit 4,6,5 1 Pocket Mirror 6,6,5 1 Wristwatch
2,6,6 1 Fishing Pole 4,6,6 6 Police Baton 6,6,6 3 Zip Tie
9: Very rare. -9 to Loot. 6: Rare. -6 to Loot. 3: Uncommon. -3 to Loot. 1:
: Common. -1 to Loot.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 3: TRAITS
The four ABCD Traits range from 1 to 12. 1 is feeble. 6 is
average. 12 is world-class. Trait rolls are d6 + Trait. A Trait
roll may be Trait vs #, Trait vs Trait, or Trait vs Skill. Trait
scores set the maximum rating limit for each Skill under them.

Agility (A): This is manual dexterity and nimbleness.

Speed: (A+C)/2 is your base walking Speed in yards. You
may walk and also take an action. When moving at walking
Speed, you may move before and after your action. Run =
Speed x3yds. Your overland Travel Speed = Speed /2mph.
Speed (A+C)/2yds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Run Speed (x3yds) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
Travel Speed (/2mph) ½ 1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6

Brains (B): This is intelligence and memory retention.

Experience (XP): Accumulated per Session = B. XP is shown
on the Character Sheet as [Unspent XP / Total XP]. XP is
normally awarded at the end of each game session. The GM
may also give bonus XP for role-playing, creative thinking,
and smart decision making. XP is spent to buy Abilities.

Constitution (C): This is strength and endurance.

DMG Mod: This modifier applies to all MATK DMG, Thrown
PATK DMG, and ATKs with certain special weapons as listed.
DMG Mod is also considered the Weapon DMG for Unarmed ATKs.
Health (HP): Torso HP = C. Head and Limb HP = C/2. This
determines the amount of damage your body can take before
you start Bleeding, lose a limb, or die. See Ch:5.
Load: Cx5 is the maximum total Size you can carry on your
body for an extended time. Take -1 to Speed and all rolls
per Size point you attempt to carry above your Load.
Constitution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Head/Limb HP 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
Torso HP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Load 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
DMG Mod -1 +0 +1 +2

Demeanor (D): This is charisma and force of will.

Comrades: = D. The number of loyal friends and pets you
can attract and maintain. Your Comrades must also consider
you a Comrade for them. Only Comrades get bonuses from
Demeanor Skills. You must spend a week with a person before
they can be a Comrade. If a Comrade dies, take -1D for a
month. Only then can you replace a Comrade.
Luck: = D/2. You may spend Luck at any time. Luck restores
completely at the dawn of each new day. Luck rolls are d6 +
current Luck. Unspent Luck at the end of the session is
converted into bonus XP. You may spend 1 Luck to:
• Re-roll the last roll you made.
• Add +3 to the last roll you made.
• Stop Bleeding and stabilize at your current HP.
• Ignore personal Situation penalties for 1rnd.
• Get a bonus roll on the MGL when Looting.
• Give a Comrade a Luck point.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 4: SKILLS
Skill rolls are d6 + Skill. A Skill roll may be Skill vs #,
Skill vs Skill, or Skill vs Trait. Trait scores set the maximum
limit for their Skills. Skills have Specialties list below them in
parentheses which are equal to the Skill by default but can be
increased independently through Abilities and Gear bonuses.
S: Success. F: Fail. 1: Botch.

Agility Skills
Acrobatics: Gymnastic prowess.
(Dodge) Fast. Roll vs ATK. -3 for each DEF roll after
the first until your next turn. 1:Prone.
(Jump) #6. Distance = Speed/3 if Walking, Speed if
Running. 1:1DMG & Prone.
(Tumble) Fast. # = d6DMG/3yds. S:Fall DMG/2. 1:+d6DMG.
Projectile: Ranged fighting techniques. See Ch:5.
(Archery) Roll vs DEF. 1:Arrow lost.
(Guns) Roll vs DEF. 1:Broke.
(Throw) Roll vs DEF. Short RNG. 1:Weapon lost.
Stealth: 1/rnd. Roll vs Perception. +3 if Prone.
(Hide) Stay still in the shadows. +3 Stealth. 1:Seen.
(Sneak) Slowly creep at Speed/2. +1 Stealth. 1:Heard.
Trick: Delicate operations requiring finesse. 1/rnd.
(Conceal) Hide a small item on your person. 1:Dropped.
(Disarm) # by Trap. Takes d6mins. F:Trap goes off.
(Pick) # by lock. Takes d6mins 1:Lock jams.
(Steal) Roll vs Perception to pick pocket. F:Detected.

Brains Skills
Build: Make
items from junk Parts. Takes 6+hrs. Costs
Parts or more. Base #15. 1:Tool broke.
(Customize) #9. Takes 6hrs. Costs d6+1 Parts. Maximum 2
Customizations per item. 1:Item broken.
Weapon Customizations Vehicle Customizations
• +1 ATK
• Change Size or caliber +/-1 • +5HP, +5AR, or +5DMG
• Add a Weapon Property • +10yds/+7mph Speed
• +25% MPG
Armor Customizations • +50% Tank
• +1 AR, CR, FR, or Camo • +1 Occupant or +40 Load
• Reduce Size by 1 • Mount a weapon
• +1 Unarmed and Grab DMG
Fix broken items. #12. Takes 6hrs. Costs d6
(Repair) Parts. +3 with item Parts. 1:Parts ruined.
(Salvage) Get Parts from machine = result /3. Takes 1hr.
Medicine: # = total DMG. Requires Medical GEAR.
(First-Aid) Stops Bleeding. Takes 1rnd/DMG. 1:Bleed 1DMG.
(Surgery) Heal d6HP to one Location. 1/wound. Takes
15min/DMG. 1:d6DMG and Bleeding.
(Transfuse) Donor takes 1DMG to Torso. Patient heals 1HP
to their Torso. Takes 30min/HP. 1:No healing.
(Treat) Heal 1HP to one Location. Takes 6hrs. See
Healthcare in Ch:10.
Perception: All senses. -1/20yds away. 1:Confused.
(Loot) 1/30mins. # by Area. S:1 roll on MGL. 1:1DMG.
(Search) 1/rnd. Roll vs Stealth or Trick.
(Track) 1/hr. Roll vs Stealth. 1:Lose trail.
(Wake) 1/rnd. #9 to wake. -1 all rolls for 1min.
Science: Costs d6+3 Chemicals. Takes 6hrs.
(Bombs) Make a Bomb. # by Bomb. 1:Instant explosion.
(Drugs) Make a Drug. # by Drug. 1:d6DMG to user Torso.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Constitution Skills
Athletics: Physically demanding forms of movement.
Speed/2. # varies. #6+1/min. Takes your
(Climb) action. 1:Fall. #15 to catch yourself.
(Dive) Speed/2. #9 to swim underwater. 1:Suffocating.
(Rappel) Speed x2. Descent only. Need a rope. 1:Fall.
(Swim) Speed/4. # varies. Base = #6+1/min. 1/rnd.
1:Sink d6yds/rnd, Suffocating.
Drive: Base #9. Fast. 1/hr or rnd to pilot vehicles.
(Stunt) ATK and DEF. #12 for hard turn or sudden stop.
Melee: Hand-to-handcombat. See Ch:5.
Fast. Roll vs ATK. -3 for each DEF roll after
(Block) the first until your next turn. -6 vs PATKs.
Cannot normally Block guns. 1:Broken weapon.
(Unarmed) Roll vs DEF. DMG = DMG Mod. 1:Prone.
(Weaponry) Roll vs DEF. 1:Broken weapon.
Survival: Primitive practices for living outdoors.
(Forage) Takes d6hrs. #9. Get d6 Food or Water. 1:1DMG.
(Kindle) #9. Takes d6mins. Start a fire. 1:1 Arm DMG.
(Navigate) 1/day. #9. +1mph Travel on course. 1:Lost.

Demeanor Skills
Entertain: Any performance that captivates an audience.
(Distract) Roll vs B. S:Target uses REF 1rnd. 1:REF 1rnd.
(Inspire) 1/day. d6mins. # = Comrades present. Each
Comrade gets back 1 Luck. 1:You lose 1 Luck.
Leadership: Direct the Team. One “Team Leader” at a time.
(Coordinate) 1rnd. # = Comrade's D. Comrades get +1 to all
rolls for one specific task. 1:-1 penalty.
(Encourage) # = Comrade's D. +d6 to a single roll by that
Comrade outside of combat. 1:-d6 penalty.
(Intimidate) 1/rnd. Roll vs D. Target takes a penalty to
rolls vs you = your D/2 for 1rnd. 1:+3 vs you.
d6hrs. # = 6 + Comrades. S:+d6 to Comrades'
(Plan) Skills if followed exactly. Roll bonus once
for the whole Plan. 1:-d6 Comrades' Skills.
Socialize: Communicating with a goal in mind. Roll vs D.
(Discern) Roll vs Socialize(Persuade) to detect a lie.
(Inquire) S:Target gives good info. 1:False info.
(Persuade) S:Attitude improves. F:Attitude worsens.
1/rnd. Roll vs domesticated animal's D or wild
Tame: animal's Dx3 to calm. 1:It flees or attacks.
(Ride) S:Mount obeys. 1:Thrown off, take d6 fall DMG.
# = D. Takes 1 day. Animals can learn commands
(Train) = their Bx3. Commands must be a single word.
Command Description
Attack MATK against a designated target.
Creep Stealth(Sneak) roll to move very quietly.
Distract Entertain(Distract) to draw attention.
Entertain Entertain(Inspire) to amuse an audience.
Guard Stays in place and alerts you if strangers approach.
Hide Stealth(Hide) somewhere nearby until further notice.
Hunt Hunting roll using pet's Skills. See Ch:10.
Patrol Walk a circuit in a particular place to keep watch.
Run Run from the area. Stay close to you if you also Run.
Search Perception(Search) roll for a certain thing it knows.
Stay Maintains current position until further notice.
Track Perception(Track) roll for a certain person it knows.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 5: COMBAT
Combat is divided up into 3-second segments of time called
“rounds.” Before combat, the GM rolls a d6: Even the Team, goes
first, odd the GM goes first. On the Team's turn, each player gets
to act. If one player wants to act before another player, they can
roll AvA. After everyone has acted, a new round begins in the same
order. Most Extras are controlled by the GM. Pets, henchmen, and
slaves are controlled by their masters, but the GM has final say on
their actions. The GM may want to give a brief recap at the end of
each round to make sure everyone knows what has just happened.

Movement: Precisely measuring movement in combat is usually not

important (unless you use a battle map and miniatures) because
combatants typically stay within the same general area.
On your turn, you may move up to your Speed (A+C/2) and
perform 1 action. You may divide your Speed however you like before
or after your action. Alternatively, you could Run, which takes
your entire turn, and move at Speed x3. Standing up from Prone can
be either your action or your move for the round.

Actions: You get 1 action/rnd. As your 1 action, you may:

attempt a Trait or Skill roll, perform a Maneuver, draw or stow an
item, use an item in hand, or interact with the environment.
Fast Actions: Dropping an item, falling Prone, saying a
sentence, and similar actions are effectively instant and
each can be done 1/rnd in addition to your normal action.

Attack(ATK): There are two kinds of ATK actions, Melee attacks

(MATK) and Projectile attacks (PATK).
To ATK, roll d6 + Melee or Projectile versus the target's
DEF. Re-roll ties. Each Explosion (6) adds +6 to your ATK result.
Botches (1) usually result in broken or lost weapons.
Location: ATKs from Melee or Short RNG assume you target
the center-of-mass, which is the Torso. The attacker may choose to
roll on the Location table instead. ATKs from Long RNG and Blasts
must be rolled on the Location table to determine where DMG is
applied. The Called Shot Maneuver allows the attacker to target
specific body Locations (Head, Arms, Legs) at any RNG. See Ch:6.
d6 Location Effect
1 Torso Stun 1rnd..
2 Left Leg -1 Speed/DMG.
3 Right Leg -1 Speed/DMG.
4 Left Arm Drop item.
5 Right Arm Drop item.
6 Head Stun 1rnd.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Defense(DEF): Active Defense can be a Block (d6 + Melee) or a
Dodge (d6 + Acrobatics). The defender must be aware of the ATK to
Block or Dodge. Every ATK after the first takes a -3 DEF penalty
(minimum 0 DEF) until your next turn. A Botched DEF roll means you
fall Prone (if Dodge) or break your weapon (if Block).
Reflex(REF): REF = Perception (cannot exceed Dodge) for
conscious, standing, combatants. This is automatic DEF,
usually used when unaware of an incoming ATK. No roll is
made. REF takes -3 per ATK after the first, just like DEF.

Damage(DMG): ATKs do DMG to HP = Weapon DMG plus any DMG

bonuses. If your ATK hits and you have rolled Explosions, multiply
the DMG by the number of Explosions you rolled during that ATK.
When you take Head or Torso DMG, you are Stunned for 1rnd.
When an Arm takes DMG, drop anything you are holding in that hand.
Every point of DMG done to a Leg causes -1 Speed.
DMG Mod: (C/3)-2. Applies to MATK DMG and Throw DMG.
Cold (CDMG): Usually caused by weather. CDMG x2 when wet.
CDMG is reduced by armor or other Gears' Cold Rating (CR).
Fire (FDMG): Usually caused by incendiary weapons. FDMG
is reduced by armor or other Gears' Fire Rating (FR).

Health(HP): Torso HP = C. Head and Limb HP = C/2.

When Torso HP drops to 50%, or when a limb drops to 0HP, you
begin Bleeding and may go unconscious. Roll C# = total DMG 1/rnd to
stay conscious. A limb reduced to 0HP is destroyed and Bleeding.
Armor: Wearing armor reduces normal DMG dealt to any
Location the armor covers equal to its Armor Rating (AR).
Bleeding: 1 Torso DMG/rnd. Caused by Torso HP at 50%, a
severed limb (0HP), or a Botched Medicine(Surgery) roll.
1/rnd, roll C# = total DMG to stop Bleeding naturally.
Medicine(First-Aid) # = total current DMG stops Bleeding.
Pain: -1 to all rolls for each HP you have lost to DMG.
Recovery: After 6hrs of uninterrupted sleep, you naturally heal
1HP on a random wounded Location. FDMG heals at 1HP/wk of rest.
CDMG heals 1HP/hr of warmth.

Death: Sooner or later, you are going to die. When your Head or
Torso drops to 0HP, you become immediately Stunned, fall Prone, and
die at the end of the next rnd unless someone gets to you and rolls
Medicine(First-Aid) # = total DMG. If you die, anyone who considers
you a Comrade loses 1 Demeanor temporarily for 1 month from grief.
If your character died with 1 or more Head HP, your character
reanimates in d6rnds as a Walker. Make a new character with bonus
XP = half of your deceased character's XP at the time of death.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 6: MANEUVERS
These are special combat actions that allow for more
creative and detailed combat tactics than a basic MATK or PATK. The
GM may allow Maneuvers to be performed together in combination.
S: Success. F: Fail. REF: DEF = Perception (cannot exceed Dodge).

Block: Melee roll vs ATK. This is your DEF for that ATK. -6 to
Block PATKs. You cannot normally Block guns unless you use a
shield. -3 DEF per roll after the first until your next turn. You
may forfeit any ATKs for 1rnd to lower the penalty to -1 DEF/roll.
Distract: To divert an
opponent's attention, roll
Entertain(Distract) vs Brains.
The opponent uses REF for
1rnd. If you Botch, REF 1rnd.
Dodge: An Acrobatics roll vs
ATK. This is your DEF for that
ATK. -3 DEF penalty per roll
after the first. You may
forfeit any ATKs for 1rnd to
lower the penalty to -1
DEF/roll. If you have any
Speed left for the rnd, you
may move 1yd when you Dodge
until you are out of Speed.
Protect: Fast. 1/rnd. Roll
DEF vs your Comrade's DEF when
they are targeted by an ATK.
If your DEF result is higher
than your Comrade's, you become
the target using your REF. You
must be within 1yd.
Reload: Drop an empty
magazine or spent shell casings (Fast action), then load a new
magazine or 2 new shells per rnd. REF 1rnd.
Run: Spend your turn to move Speed x3. Roll C#9, -1 penalty per
additional minute after minutes = C to continue Running.

Aim: Hold your Projectile weapon on target for 1rnd to get +1 PATK
next rnd, up to 6 consecutive rnds for +6 PATK. REF while Aiming.
Bonus is negated if you move or take DMG.
Ambush: Roll Stealth vs Perception before your target is aware of
your presence. Target uses REF vs you until they detect you.
Called Shot: Target a specific body Location. -6 ATK to target
Head or Vehicle Tires, -3 to target Limbs, -0 to target Torso.
• Disarm: -3 MATK, Arm. 0DMG. Weapon flies d6yds away or you
get the weapon if you are using a Grab.
• Knockout: -6 MATK, Head. 0DMG. Melee vs C. Knock
unconscious for d6mins.
• Trip: -3 MATK, Legs. 0DMG. Knock Prone and Stun 1rnd.
Charge: Move Speed x2 straight at your target and end your move
by rolling a MATK. DMG Mod x2 for the MATK. REF 1rnd.
Dual-Wield: Make two ATKs with 1-handed weapons, or get a second
Block with no -3 penalty. ATKs take a penalty = the weapon Size.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Grab: Unarmed 0DMG MATK. Melee roll sets # for Defender to escape.
It is a Fast action to either maintain the Grab or release defender
and leave them Prone. Roll Melee on your turn to set a new #.
Defender: Get REF only and cannot ATK. Roll Melee = # (re-
roll ties) to escape on your turn. Succeed by 6+ to reverse.
• Break: Called Shot Grab. DMG Mod/rnd. Enemy Suffocating
and cannot speak if Head is targeted. REF 1rnd.
• Hold: CvC each round. You may Block ATKs using the
defender as a shield. Defender counts as Cover for you.
• Tackle: Charge Grab. S:Both Prone. F:You are Prone.
Shove: Unarmed 0DMG MATK. Push target 1 + DMG Mod yds away.

Thrust: Make a +3 MATK while standing still. REF 1rnd.

Weapon Properties
Auto +1 PATK per extra shot per rnd, up to +9 PATK for 10
shots. You may split this bonus among Rapid PATKs.
Blast Any explosive or splash weapon has a radius that hits
everyone within it. DMG is split between 3 Locations.
Chop +1DMG when hitting a Head, Arm, or Leg.
Rapid 1-3 ATKs in 1rnd at -1/-3/-6. Short Range only.
Scatter Bonus to PATKs when using Birdshot or Buckshot.
Slam Target rolls C vs DMG (before AR) or falls Prone.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

These are circumstances that grant bonuses or penalties.
Bleeding: 1 Torso DMG/rnd. Medicine(First-Aid) or C# = current
DMG to stop the Bleeding. Roll 1/rnd.
Cover: +3 Stealth(except *). Any DMG over AR and HP is the PATK:
Material AR HP Material AR HP Material AR HP
Plate Glass* 0 1 Car Door* 6 12 Metal Door 15 24
Tempered Glass* 1 3 Metal Fence* 6 15 Large Tree 9 30
Interior Wall 3 6 Log Wall 9 18 Concrete Wall 12 36
Wooden Door 6 9 Brick Wall 12 18 Metal Wall 15 48
Fatigue: -1 all rolls per 6hrs without sleep after being awake
for 1day. D#9 (+1/6hrs) to stay awake. No penalty after 6hrs sleep.
Fear: -1 all rolls. Variable D# to ignore the penalty for 1rnd.
Friendly Fire: -6 PATK to shoot at a target in Melee combat with
an ally. F:Re-roll the ATK with no bonuses vs ally's REF.
Grabbed: Get REF only and cannot ATK. Melee roll = Grab # to
escape on your turn. Succeed by 6+ to reverse the Grab.
Hunger: -1 all rolls and Speed (minimum 1yd) per day without
food. Die after starving for Cx3 days. The penalty is reduced by
1/day that you eat a meal.
Pain: -1 all rolls for every point of DMG on any body Location.
Prone: +1 PATK (+3 PATK if Aiming). Speed 1yd. +3 Stealth. +3 to
enemy ATKs from Short Range. -3 to enemy PATKs from Long Range.
Radiation: -1C/hr. Undetectable until -3C. Heal 1C/wk of rest.
Range(RNG): Optimal effective reach of a weapon.
• Short(RNG:S): 1-30yds. -6 PATK per additional 30yds.
ATKs target the Torso by default. Location table optional.
• Long(RNG:L): 30-100+yds. -3 PATK per additional 100yds.
Roll on Location table to determine where the PATK hits.
Reflex(REF): Static DEF = Perception (cannot exceed Dodge). This
is DEF if you are conscious, standing, and unrestrained but unaware
of an ATK. No roll is made. -3 REF penalty per ATK after the first.
Stealth: Use Stealth Skill rating vs Perception Skill rating by
default unless intentionally being sneaky or scanning the area.
Stun: No actions. Use REF. Fall Prone if Stunned more than 1rnd.
Suffocation: Roll C#12/rnd after 1min. 1 Head DMG per Fail.
Terrain: Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive, and Speed penalties:
• Mushy: -1/inch. (ex. Mud or Snow.)
• Slick: -3 (ex. Icy Road.)
• Tangled: -6 (ex. Dense Foliage.)
Thirst: -1 all rolls and Speed (min 1) per day without 1 Water
ration. Die after C/2 days. Penalty reduces by 1/day you drink.
Unarmed: Empty hand fighting. Unarmed DMG = DMG Mod.
Unstable: -3 all physical Skills. If the target of a PATK is
Unstable, the PATK takes the -3 penalty.
Visibility: Perception and Projectile penalties:
• None: -12 at any RNG. Use REF only. (ex. Dark Tunnel)
• Poor: -6 at RNG:S. (ex. Thick Fog)
• Low: -3 at RNG:S. (ex. Moonlight)

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 8: ABILITIES
These are upgrades purchased with XP. Max is the number of
levels you can buy of that Ability. Abilities that may be applied
to specific types of things can be leveled separately. The GM may
decide that certain Abilities cannot be acquired without a teacher.
Ability Notes Max XP
Advance Skill +1 to a Skill. *new rating x2 XP. - *
Advance Specialty +1 to a Skill Specialty. 3 6
Advance Trait +1 to a Trait. *new rating x6 XP. 6 *
Ambidextrous +1 to Dual-Wield ATK. 1 9
Animal Lover +1 pet Comrade. 3 12
Armor Training +1AR for an Armor type. 3 9
Assault Charge using a PATK. PATK is Unstable. 1 9
Bump Fire Rapid guns get Auto at -3 PATK. 1 9
Charismatic +3 Demeanor for first impressions. 1 6
Cold Acclimated +1CR for entire body. 3 3
Combat Training A pet Comrade gets +1 MATK. 6 3
Combination Attack Rapid property for a Melee weapon type. 1 15
Craftsman +1 Build for a type of Gear. 6 6
Danger Sense +1 REF. 3 9
Designated Marksman +1 to Called Shot PATK. 1 9
Dirty Fighter +3 to Distract 1/rnd. -1 DEF for 1rnd. 1 12
Disciplined +1 Load. 9 6
Fast Draw Draw Size 1 weapons Fast 1/rnd. 1 9
Favorite Weapon Drop (not break) favorite weapon on 1. 1 3
Fleet Footed +1 Speed. 3 12
Focused Strike +1 to Called Shot MATK. 1 9
Forced March Team gets +1mph Travel Speed. 1 9
Fortunate +1 Luck. 3 18
Game Call Communicate using animal sounds. 1 9
Grievous Wound +1DMG for each 6 rolled in an ATK. 3 9
Gunslinger Ignore -1 PATK from Pistol property. 1 9
Heavy Sleeper -3 Perception(Wake), no armor penalty. 1 12
Hyper-immunity +1C to resist diseases. 3 6
Innovative Design +1 Customization per item. 3 12
Improvise Mixture Science needs 1 less Chemical. 1 12
Jury-Rig Build needs 1 less Part. 1 12
Light Sleeper +3 Perception(Wake), ignore penalty. 1 15
Lip Reader Perception #12 to read lips. 1 12
Magnetic Personality +1 human Comrade. 15 9
Marathon Runner +1C rolls when Running. 12 6
Martial Arts +1 Unarmed DMG. 6 12
Multilingual Learn to speak and read a language. 9 15
Nightvision Reduce Visibility penalty by 3. 1 12
Off-Roader Vehicles you drive get +3 Tread. 1 6
Parkour +1 Athletics(Climb) Speed. 6 6
Parry Second Block without the -3 penalty. 1 12
Powerful Strike +1DMG for a Melee weapon type. 3 12
Quick Work Time is halved for a Skill (min 1rnd). 1 9
Rage +1 DMG Mod until fight is over. 1/day. 3 9
Recoil Compensation +1 PATKs using Rapid with guns. 1 12
Regeneration +1HP Recovery per night. 1 15
Road Warrior +3DMG for your Vehicle ATKs. 3 6
Rugged +1HP for each Location. 3 15
Sexy +3 Socialize to Extras attracted to you. 1 9
Sharpshooter Aim for an additional rnd for +1 PATK. 6 6
Sign Language Communicate silently with hand signals. 1 9
Suppressing Fire Use Rapid at Extended Range. 1 12
Tactical Reload Fast Reload 1/rnd. Keep normal DEF. 1 9
Teamwork +1 ATK same target as specific Comrade. 3 6
Tough +1AR for each Location. 3 15
Treasure Hunter Re-roll any MGL roll 1/day. Keep best. 1 15
Unorthodox Methods Select a new parent Trait for a Skill. 1 9
Versatility Reduce a Situation penalty type by 1. 1 6
Weapon Training +1 ATK for a weapon type. 3 9
Will to Live +1C to stop Bleeding. 3 6

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 9: GEAR
MELEE DMG Size Notes
Brass Knuckles 1 1 Slam.
Cleaver 3 1 Chop.
Hammer 2 1 Leverage +1. Rapid.
Hatchet 3 1 Chop.
Knife 2 1 Rapid.
Police Baton 1 1 Slam. Fast extend.
Screwdriver 1 1 AM-1. Leverage +1. Rapid.
Tire Iron 2 1 Leverage +1.
Baseball Bat 2 2 Slam.
Cane 1 2 1-handed. Disarm +1. Trip +1.
Crowbar 4 2 1-handed. Trip +1. Leverage +3.
Ice Axe 3 2 1-handed. AM-3. Leverage +3.
Machete 5 2 1-handed. Chop.
Spade 2 2 1-handed. AM-1. Leverage +1.
Torch 1 2 1-handed. 1FDMG/rnd. 6yd light for 1hr.
Axe 7 4 Chop.
Metal Club 5 3 Slam.
Pickaxe 6 3 AM-6. Leverage +3.
Pitchfork 7 4 AM-1. Block +1.
Shovel 6 4 Block +1. Slam.
Sledgehammer 7 4 Slam.
Spear 5 3 1-handed. AM-1. Block +1.
Staff 2 3 Block +1.
Riot Shield 1 6 1-handed. Block +6. Block guns. Slam.
1-handed: Can be used with one hand at no penalty. +1 Melee if used 2-handed.
AM#: Armor Modifier. The target's AR (if any) is modified by AM#.
Chop: +1DMG when hitting a Head, Arm, or Leg.
FDMG: Ongoing Fire DMG. Burns out in d6rnds. Spend 1rnd to put out.
Leverage +: Bonus to C rolls when prying open doors, windows, etc.
Rapid: 1-3 MATKs in 1rnd at -1/-3/-6.
Slam: Target rolls CvDMG (before AR) or falls Prone.

A Brass Knuckles G Screwdriver M Machete S Sledgehammer

B Cleaver H Tire Iron N Spade T Pitchfork
C Hammer I Baseball Bat O Torch U Shovel
D Hatchet J Cane P Axe V Spear
E Knife K Crowbar Q Metal Club W Staff
F Police Baton L Ice Axe R Pickaxe X Riot Shield


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

PROJECTILE DMG RNG Size Ammunition Notes
Ruger Mk.III 2 S 1 .22 10mag Pistol. Rapid.
Taurus 94 2 S 1 .22 9 Pistol.
Henry Golden Boy 2 E 2 .22 16 +1 PATK.
Ruger 10/22 2 E 2 .22 10mag Rapid.
Savage Mk.II 2 E 2 .22 10mag +1 PATK.
Glock 17 3 S 1 9mm 17mag Pistol. Rapid.
SIG Sauer P290 3 S 1 9mm 6mag Pistol. Rapid.
H&K MP5 3 S 2 9mm 30mag Auto. Rapid.
Kimber 1911 4 S 1 .45 7mag Pistol. Rapid.
MAC-10 4 S 2 .45 30mag Auto. Pistol. Rapid.
Colt Python 5 S 1 .357 6 Pistol.
Marlin 1894C 5 E 2 .357 9 +1 PATK.
Compound Bow 6 S 3 Arrow 1 -1 PATK. DMG Mod.
Crossbow 6 S 3 Arrow 1 +1 PATK.
AR-15 7 E 3 5.56 30mag Rapid.
Browning A-Bolt 7 E 2 5.56 5mag +1 PATK.
AK-47 8 E 3 7.62 30mag Rapid.
Norinco SKS 8 E 3 7.62 10 Bayonet. Rapid.
Remington 700 9 E 3 .308 6 +1 PATK.
Springfield M1A 9 E 3 .308 20mag Rapid.
Winchester Lupara 10 S 1 12g 2 Scatter +3. Pistol.
Mossberg 500 10 S 2 12g 5 Scatter +2.
Benelli M4 10 S 3 12g 7 Scatter +1. Rapid.
Remington 870 10 S 3 12g 7 Scatter +1.
AM#: Armor Modifier. The target's AR (if any) is modified by AM#.
Auto: +1 PATK per added shot per rnd up to +9 for 10 shots.
Bayonet: Used for MATKs as a Spear. Fast extend.
Pistol: -1 PATK if used 1-handed. Penalty is negated if used 2-handed.
Rapid: 1-3 PATKs in 1rnd at -1/-3/-6. Short Range only.
Scatter: Bonus to PATKs when using Birdshot or Buckshot.

There are three categories of Projectile weapons: Archery,

Guns, and Throw. Throw weapons may be either Grenades or Melee
weapons. MATKs with Projectile weapons (using Melee Skill) do DMG =
their Size. A Botch is a broken weapon. It becomes Parts = Size/2.

A Henry Golden Boy G AK-47 M Benelli M4 S H&K MP5

B Ruger 10/22 H Norinco SKS N Winchester Lupara T SIG Sauer P290
C Savage Mk.II I Remington 700 O Crossbow U Glock 17
D Marlin 1894C J Springfield M1A P Compound Bow V Kimber 1911
E Browning A-Bolt K Mossberg 500 Q Taurus 94 W MAC-10
F AR-15 L Remington 870 R Ruger Mk.III X Colt Python


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

ARMOR AR CR FR Size Location Notes
Army Helmet 4 2 1 2 Head Camo +1.
Bicycle Helmet 1 0 0 2 Head
Motorcycle Helmet 3 3 2 2 Head Mask.
Riot Helmet 5 2 2 2 Head Mask.
Sports Helmet 2 0 0 2 Head Mask.
Athletic Pads 3 0 0 3 Torso
Flak Jacket 4 1 1 3 Torso Camo +1.
Interceptor Armor 8 5 3 4 Torso Camo +1.
Kevlar Vest 6 2 2 3 Torso
Undercover Vest 5 1 1 3 Torso
Elbow Pads 1 0 0 2 Arms
Kevlar Gloves 2 2 2 1 Arms
Work Gloves 1 3 1 1 Arms
Blue Jeans 1 5 0 1 Legs
Hiking Boots 2 5 1 2 Legs Tread 2.
Knee Pads 1 0 0 2 Legs
Shinguards 2 2 1 2 Legs
Steel-Toe Boots 2 4 2 2 Legs Tread 1. +1DMG kick.
Coveralls 1/1/1 5 0 1 T/A/L Camo +3.
Firefighter Suit 3 8 6 4 H/T/A/L Mask.
Winter Coat 0/1/1 7 0 3 H/T/A
Motorcycle Armor 2/2/2 6 2 4 T/A/L
Denim Jacket 1/1 4 0 3 T/A
Leather Jacket 2/2 4 1 3 T/A
AR: Armor Rating. Reduces normal DMG.
CR: Cold Rating. Reduces CDMG.
FR: Fire Rating. Reduces FDMG.
Camo: Bonus to Stealth(Hide) in wilderness. Counts for top armor layer only.
Mask: Obscures identity and protects face. -1 Perception.
Tread: Reduce Terrain penalty by Tread rating.

Armor Layers: Only

1 piece of armor can be worn on
the Head. Up to two layers of
armor can be worn on the Torso,
Arms, and Legs. Each layer of
armor must be unique.
Add the AR, CR, and FR
of all layers of armor together
for the total AR, CR, and FR on
a Location. Equipment that
grants an AR, CR, or FR bonus
is counted as an armor layer.
Add the Size of each
piece of armor together to
calculate your armor Load.

Destroyed Armor:
Armor is destroyed whenever the
body Location it protects drops
to 0HP from DMG. All armor on
that Location is destroyed and
cannot provide any further
protection. Armor can be fixed
using Build(Repair). See Ch:4.

Resting in Armor:
Take a -1 Fatigue penalty to
all rolls for each night that
you attempt to rest while
wearing armor.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

.22 FMJ Standard .22 ammo. 1/200
.22 JHP +2DMG. AM+3. 1/200
.22 Match +1PATK. 1/200
.22 Tracer +1 to subsequent PATK rolls this rnd. 1/200
9mm FMJ Standard 9mm ammo. 1/100
9mm JHP +2DMG. AM+3. 1/100
9mm Match +1 PATK. 1/100
.45 FMJ Standard .45 ammo. 1/100
.45 JHP +2DMG. AM+3. 1/100
.45 Match +1 PATK. 1/100
.357 FMJ Standard .357 ammo. 1/100
.357 JHP +2DMG. AM+3. Slam. 1/100
5.56 AP -1DMG. AM-3. 1/50
5.56 FMJ Standard 5.56 ammo. 1/50
5.56 JHP +2DMG. AM+3. Slam. 1/50
5.56 Match +1PATK. 1/50
5.56 Tracer +1 to subsequent PATK rolls this rnd. 1/50
7.62 FMJ Standard 7.62 ammo. 1/50
7.62 JHP +2DMG. AM+3. Slam. 1/50
.308 AP -1DMG. AM-3. 1/50
.308 FMJ Standard .308 ammo. 1/50
.308 JHP +2DMG. AM+3. Slam. 1/50
.308 Match +1PATK. 1/50
12g Birdshot +2PATK. AM+2. 1/20
12g Buckshot +1PATK. Slam. 1/20
12g Flare 2FDMG/rnd only. d6rnds. Illuminates 20yds. 1/20
12g Sabot +1PATK. -1DMG. RNG:L. AM-3. 1/20
12g Slug RNG:L. AM-3. Slam. 1/20
Broadhead Arrow* +3DMG. AM-3. d6DMG to remove. 1/10
Target Arrow* +1PATK. AM-1. 1DMG to remove. 1/10
* Medicine #12 to remove arrow. -1 all rolls until removed. F:Take added DMG to
the Location the arrow hit from the Failed removal attempt.
AM: Armor Modifier. The target's AR (if any) is modified by the AM number.
FDMG: Ongoing Fire DMG. Burns out in d6rnds. Spend 1rnd to put out.
Slam: Target rolls CvDMG or falls Prone.

Storage: Items may be either carried or worn, otherwise

they must be stored in a container to be in a character's
possession while traveling. Storage items may hold a given number
of a certain kind of item or they may list a capacity of “Slots.”
One “Slot” can hold an item of 1 Size. Some items contain different
compartments with Slots in each. “4x 1 Slots” for example means 4
pockets that can hold 1 Size each. The back side of the character
sheet has a customizable Storage box for whatever Storage you use.
STORAGE Slots Notes Size
Backpack 24 1rnd to open. 1rnd to close. 1
Bandoleer - Holds 50 cartridges of any caliber. -
BDU Jacket 4x 1 Camo +1. -
Canteen 2 Water Holds 2 Water rations or Alcohol. 1
Cargo Pants 6x 1 1AR, 4CR, 0FR, Legs. -
Cooler 4 Food 2x Food spoil time. 4
Duffel Bag 30 2rnds to access. 2rnds to close. 1
Flask 1 Water Holds 1 Water ration or Alcohol. 1
Fuel Can 5gal Holds up to 5gal of Fuel. 2
Hoody 2x 1 +2CR for Head, Torso, and Arms. -
Hydration Pack 4 Water Holds 4 Water rations or Alcohol. 2
Magazine varies Gun specific. Holds ammunition. 1
Messenger Bag 6 1rnd to open and close. 1
Quiver 2 Fast to draw or stow Arrows. 2
Saddle Bags 2x 30 2rnds to open. 2rnds to close. 8
Speedloader 9 or 6 Magazine for Taurus 94 or Colt Python. -
Tactical Vest 6x 1 +1AR Torso. 1
Tool Belt 6x 1 +1 Build. 1
Trench Coat 2x 1 +2CR for Torso, Arms, and Legs. 1
Water Bottle 1 Water Holds 1 Water ration or Alcohol. 1

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

BOMBS Mix Blast Duration Effects
Dynamite #18 5yd/ea 1min fuse d6x5DMG/stick. Must be lit.
Flashbang #12 5yd d6+2rnds 0DMG. C#12 or blind, deaf, and Stunned
Frag #21 5yd 1rnd fuse d6x3DMG.
Molotov #9 3yd 1min d6FDMG. 3FDMG/rnd. Must be lit.
Smoke #6 1yd/rnd 5mins Low Visibility.
Teargas #15 1yd/rnd 1min Smoke + C#18/rnd or Suffocate, -3 all.

DRUGS Mix Duration Effects

Alcohol #9 6hrs/bottle Unstable, no Fear. May use as Antibiotics.
Antibiotic #15* 1 day Give to patient for +1 Medicine(Surgery).
Depressant #15* 6hrs/use Sleep 6hrs, -3 Perception/use. C/day = dead.
Hallucinogen #18* 2hr/use +3 Tame and Entertain, -1 all other Skills.
Painkiller #12* 1 day Reduce Pain by 1/use. Cx3/day = dead.
Stimulant #9* 6hrs/use Reduce Fatigue by 1/use. Cx3/day = dead.


Air Horn Makes a loud sound up to a mile. 10 1
Bandage +1 Medicine. 1 -
Candle 3yd radius yellow light. 6hrs 1
Candy Restores 1 Luck point. 1/day. 1 -
Chalk Used to temporarily mark any surface. 30 -
Chemicals Substances required to use Science. 1 1
Cigarette Reduce Fear by 1 for 30min. 1 -
Duct Tape +1 Build. 2” wide x 60yds long. 60 1
EMT Bag +1 Medicine/use. Max +3/roll. 10 5
First-Aid Kit +1 Medicine/use. Max +3/use. 5 1
Food Feeds 1 person for 1 day. 1 1
Lighter 3yd light. Sparks a small flame. 60 -
Marker Used to permanently mark any surface. 30 -
Matchbook 2yd radius light for 3rnds. 20 -
Parts Pieces required for using Build. varies 1
Road Flare 2FDMG/rnd. 10yd radius light. 20mins 1
Soap +1C for Recovery rolls. 30 1
Spray Paint Used to permanently mark surfaces. 10 1
Zip Tie C#18 to break free. 2ft long. 1 -


Bandana +1C vs airborne toxins. -
Baseball Cap Reduces rain or sun Perception penalty by 1. -
Bicycle (Mountain) A#6 for Speed x4. 2-hands. 30
Bicycle (Road) A#6 for Speed x5 on hard surface. 2-hands. 25
Binoculars +3 Perception at a distance. 1
Bipod +1 PATK for Size 2 or 3 guns. 1rnd to set up. 1
Bit and Bridle +1 Tame(Ride) when riding a Horse. 1
Blood Pressure Cuff +1 Medicine. 1
Bobby Pin Minimum tool required to use Trick(Lockpick). -
Bolt Cutters C#9 to cut thin metal. MATK as Metal Club. 3
Book Bonus as long as you keep it. See Documents. 1
Boonie Hat Reduces rain or sun Perception penalty by 2. -
Brass Bell Can be tied as part of a perimeter alarm. -
Breath Mask +3C vs airborne toxins. 1
Cage Trap 1'x1'x3' cage. +3 Survival(Forage). Takes 1 day. 6
Carabiner Spring-loaded clip that can hold 250lb. -
Compass Small magnetic compass that points North. 1
Cowboy Hat Reduces rain or sun Perception penalty by 3. 1
Crutch Reduces Leg DMG penalty to Speed by 1. 3
Ear Plugs Protects from loud noises. -3 Perception to hear. -
Egg Timer Set up to 10mins. Loud ringing for 1min. 1
Emergency Radio AM/FM/Shortwave. LED 2x1yd light beam. Crank. 1
Firestick +3 Survival(Kindle). Magnesium rod and steel. -
Fishing Pole Survival #9 to catch 1 Food /2hrs. 50yd line. 2
Flare Gun Single shot pistol. 12g Flares only. RNG:S. 1
Flashlight 10x2yd light beam. Crank. 1
Flippers +1 Swim Speed. -5 walking Speed (min 1yd). 2
Gas Mask +9C vs airborne toxins. Mask. -3 Perception. 1
Ghillie Suit +6 Stealth(Hide). 1AR, 5CR, 0FR, whole body. 4
Glass Cutter Cuts glass silently. Perception #12 to hear. 1
Goggles See underwater. +3C to resist toxins in eyes. 1
Grappling Hook Folding hook for climbing. +3 Athletics(Climb). 2

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Gun Cleaning Kit +1 PATK on first shot. Takes 15mins. 1
Hammock Suspended sleeping device for 1 person. 1
Hand Radio 9-channel 2-way radio. 1 mile range. Crank. 1
Handcuffs Comes with key. C#24 to break free. 1
Headlamp 5x1yd light beam. Hands free. Crank. 1
Holo Sight +1 PATK. Tritium illuminated. -
Lantern 6yd radius light. Crank. 1
Laser +1 PATK within RNG:S. -
Leather Belt 1yd strap with buckle. Holds 300lb. 1
Lifejacket +1 Swim. Torso, 1AR, 3CR, 0FR. 1
Lock (Combination) 10HP. 10AR. Trick(Lockpick) #12. Takes d6mins. 1
Lock (Pad) 10HP. 10AR. Trick(Lockpick) #18. Takes d6rnds. 1
Lockpicks 6 tools. +1 Trick(Lockpick) on key locks. 1
Magnifying Glass +6 Perception to inspect very small details. 1
Map (Atlas) +1 Survival(Navigate). 1
Map (Local) +1 Survival(Navigate). Regional. -
Map (Topographic) +3 Survival(Navigate). Regional. -
Marbles 30/bag. Covers 2sqyds. A#12 or fall Prone. 1
Measuring Cup +3 Science. Cup marked in units. 1
Megaphone Amplifies and directs the user's voice. 2
Mess Kit Aluminum bowl, pot, spork, knife, and cup. 1
Metal Wire Perception #12 to see. Holds 200lb. 30yds. 1
Monocular +1 Perception at a distance. 1
Multi-Tool +3 Build. 1
Muzzle Brake Caliber specific. Reduce Rapid penalties by 1. -
Mylar Blanket +10CR entire body. 4ft x 7ft silver sheet. -
NBC Suit Radiation is halved. 4AR vs chemical DMG. 2
Notebook 100 pages of paper with a wire binding. 1
Paracord Holds 500lb. 40yd coil. 1
Pillow +1hr Recovery. Can be a 1 use Suppressor. 1
Pocket Mirror Small glass mirror in a plastic clamshell. -
Poncho Keeps wearer dry in rain or snow. -
Rat Trap +1 Survival(Forage). 1
Rollerblades A#9 to move Speed x3. Fall Prone on a Fail. 2
Rope Holds 400lb. 20yd coil. 2
Running Shoes +2C rolls to continue Running. 2
Saddle +1 Tame(Ride) when riding a Horse. 20
Scope (4x) +1 Perception and Aimed PATKs. 1
Scope (9x) +3 Perception and Aimed PATKs. 1
Skateboard A#9 for Speed x3. Fall Prone on a Fail. 3
Ski Mask +1 Stealth(Hide). +2CR for Head. -
Sleeping Bag Bag for up to 2 people. +5CR for entire body. 4
Slingshot 0DMG Projectile weapon, RNG:S, L2. 1
Snorkel Breathe while under water's surface. 1
Snow Skis Ignore Mushy Terrain. No Running. 4
Solar Lamp 2yd radius light. 1 day charge lasts 6hrs. 1
Stethoscope +1 Medicine(Diagnose). 1
Sunglasses Reduces bright light Perception penalty by 2. -
Suppressor Caliber specific. Perception #9 to hear. 1
Surgery Kit Medical tools required for Medicine(Surgery). 3
Swiss Army Knife +1 Build. +1 Survival(Forage). 1
Tape Measure +1 Build. 10yd long wind-up tape. 1
Tarp 4x4yd plastic sheet. +1CR shelter. 1
Telescope +5 Perception at a distance. 2
Tent (Dome) +3CR. 3 person. 5min setup time. 10
Tent (Pup) +1CR. 1 person. 1min setup time. 6
Thermal Underwear +3CR to Arms, Torso, and Legs. 1
Three-Point Sling Draw/release gun Fast. -
Tool Bag +3 Build. Screwdriver, wrench, pliers, etc. 3
Toy Car Goes for 20yds on flat surface at 8 Speed. 1
Transfusion Kit Needles and pump required for Medicine(Transfuse). 1
Vertical Foregrip Reduce Unstable penalties by 1. -
Waders Waterproof. -1 Speed. 1AR, 5CR, 0FR, Legs. 2
Water Filter Purifies 1 water ration (80floz) per minute. 1
Whetstone Blades only. 15mins. +1DMG on first ATK. 1
Whistle Emits a loud shriek. -
Wire Saw 1yd jagged steel cable with handles. 1
Wristwatch Tells time and +1 Survival(Navigate). -
“Yellow Pages” +1 Perception(Loot). Regional. 1
Bonuses: Multiples of the same type of item add only one of their bonuses.
Penalties: Speed cannot be reduced lower than 1yd/rnd.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

VEHICLES HP AR DMG Speed Tread MPG Tank Capacity
Ambulance 60 10* 30 100yds 70mph 0 10 35gal 4 200
ATV 40 5 20 70yds 50mph 6 30 5gal 2 60
Bus 80 15* 40 100yds 70mph 1 15 100gal 60 1200
Box Truck 70 10* 30 100yds 70mph 1 10 40gal 2 1600
Motorcycle 40 5 20 100yds 70mph 0 40 5gal 2 30
Muscle Car 60 10* 30 150yds 100mph 0 10 20gal 4 100
Pickup Truck 60 10* 30 100yds 70mph 3 20 20gal 2 400
Police Car 60 10* 30 175yds 120mph 0 10 20gal 4 100
Semi-truck 80 15* 40 100yds 70mph 1 15 120gal 2 6000
Street Bike 30 5 10 150yds 100mph 0 50 5gal 2 0
SUV 60 10* 30 100yds 70mph 3 15 25gal 6 200
Van 70 10* 30 100yds 70mph 0 10 35gal 12 1200
HP: Vehicle Health Points. Vehicle is disabled at 50%HP and destroyed at 0HP.
AR: Reduces DMG to vehicle HP. *Counts as Cover for occupants.
DMG: Base DMG a vehicle can inflict.
Speed: Maximum Speed in yds/rnd and mph.
Tread: Reduce Terrain penalty by Tread rating.
MPG: Average Fuel efficiency of the vehicle.
Tank: Gallons of Fuel stored in the vehicle's built-in reservoir.
Capacity: Occupants and Load. 40 Load = 1 Occupant.

Driving: Driving typically requires a #9 Drive roll 1/hr

when traveling. A Failed roll results in half normal Speed for that
hour. Vehicles can accelerate or brake at a rate of 25% of their
top Speed each rnd. To stop suddenly or perform a hard turn, roll
Drive(Stunt) #12. Hot-wiring takes a #12 Build roll and d6+2rnds.

Vehicle Combat: Drive(Stunt) serves as both ATK and DEF.

Vehicles must be moving at least 50% their max Speed to do DMG.
When a vehicle does DMG to another vehicle, it also takes 5DMG that
is not reduced by its AR. Vehicles are disabled at 50% HP and
destroyed at 0HP.

Occupants: Occupants take 1DMG to a random Location per

10DMG the vehicle takes. All occupant actions are Unstable except
the driver's Drive rolls.

Tires: Tires burst when dealt 1DMG by piercing or cutting

weapons (-6 Called Shot). -25% Speed and -6 Drive per flat tire on
4-wheeled vehicles. 2-wheeled vehicles flip if a tire bursts,
causing all occupants to take the vehicle's DMG to a random
Location after being thrown from the vehicle.

Repairs: Disabled vehicles can be repaired at a rate of

d6HP/day with Build #12 (+1HP/3 points over #12). Costs 1 Part/HP.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Apocalyptia is meant to be a fast-paced, free-flowing game
that encourages players to think both analytically and creatively.
The rules presented in this chapter are all optional tools to be
used or discarded according to the needs of the story as determined
by the GM. Ignore or change anything that gets in the way.
This game relies on the GM, as the narrator and referee, to
improvise Difficulties and modifiers in a fair and consistent way.
Below are a few common Difficulty examples:
Example Difficulties
# Climb Swim Loot Lockpick
3 4ft Chain Fence Public Pool Inner City (Urban) Desk Drawer
6 Tree Branches Calm Lake Sprawl (Urban) Filing Cabinet
9 Steep Incline Swift River Suburb (Urban) Doorknob
12 8ft Fence Open Ocean Town (Rural) Combo/Pad Lock
15 Brick Wall River Rapids Village (Rural) Heavy Deadbolt
18 Sheer Cliff Stormy Seas Wilderness (Rural) Wall Safe
Being a GM is a balancing act. Give your players every
opportunity to accomplish things and make a difference in the
world, but avoid the temptation to make things easy for them. If
you do not, eventually their victories will become predictable,
their achievements will lose any value, and the game will no longer
be fun to play. Defeat must always be a possibility. There can be
no gratification without challenge. Players appreciate a GM who is
consistent and fair with their rulings, not arbitrary or petty.
Maintain objectivity and never show favoritism or carry a grudge.
The impersonal behavior of nature is a resource and
responsibility of the GM to give the players the sense of being an
individual part of a much larger world in which their story occurs.
Weather: Roll a d6 1/day. On a 1, roll a Weather Event
below. On a 2 through 5 it is just dreary out. On a 6, it is going
to be a beautiful bright sunny day and the Team gets +1 Luck.
Weather Events
2d6 Condition Visibility Terrain Effects Lasts
1 Blizzard Poor Mushy/Slick d6x3” + 9CDMG/hr d6hrs
1 2 Gail Winds - - 1DMG/hr 1 day
2 3 Hail/Sleet Poor Slick 6CDMG/hr + 1DMG/hr d6hrs
3 4 Lightning - - Luck #6 or d6x5FDMG 1hr
5 Toxic Cloud Low - Radiation/Suffocation d6hrs
6 Snow Poor Slick d6”/day + 3CDMG/hr 1 day
1 Acid Rain Low Slick 1FDMG/hr d6hrs
2 Dust Storm Poor - 1DMG/hr d6hrs
4 3 Fog Bank Poor - None 1 day
6 4 Heat Wave Low - Thirst x2 1 day
5 Heavy Rain Low Slick None 1 day
6 Tornado Low - 3DMG/min 1hr
Low Visibility: -1 Perception and Projectile per 30yd increment.
Poor Visibility: -3 Perception and Projectile per 10yd increment.
Mushy Terrain: -1/inch Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive, and Speed.
Slick Terrain: -3 Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive, and Speed.

Climate: Although the weather is hard to predict, every

Biome has a base temperature, humidity, and Terrain penalties, as
well as Survival(Forage/Navigate) and Hunting modifiers.
Biome Hi/Low Temp Terrain Water Forage Navigate Hunting
Desert 100°/30°F Mushy +3 -6 -6 -6
Forest 80°/0°F Tangled - - -3 +3
Mountain 60°/-30°F Slick +1 -1 -1 -
Plain 70°/-20°F - - - +3 -
Swamp 80°/30°F Mushy - +3 -3 +3
Tundra 30°/-40°F Mushy +3 -3 -6 -6
Water: Modifies the number of Water rations needed per day to avoid Thirst.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Time Management
One useful method to organize the Team's day-to-day
activities is to split every day up into four 6hr blocks. Night
(0000-0600), Morning (0600-1200), Afternoon (1200-1800), and
Evening (1800-2400). This way the Team can budget their time when
they have the luxury of planning their lives in hours rather than
seconds. Team activities beyond simple combat can be broken up into
two broad categories, Mission and Preparation:
Mission: When the Team has to leave the relative safety of their
Base or Settlement in order to accomplish some goal out in the
Wasteland, this is called a Mission. The GM should ask for Area and
Encounter rolls periodically to keep things interesting. There are
three basic types of Missions:
1. Travel: The Team must either relocate to or scout out a
distant region. Use Travel Speed (Speed /2mph) to determine
the number of miles covered per hour. Use Survival(Navigate)
to stay on course and improve travel time. Be sure the Team
is taking their Food and Water usage into account daily.
2. Scavenging: The Team is in need of supplies such as Food,
Water, medicine, etc. You may roll Perception(Loot) once
every 30mins on the Scavenging table below to get one roll
on the MGL. Specific Areas have Loot tables listed in the
Notes. Use Build(Salvage) to spend 1hr dismantling a machine
for Parts. You get Parts = your Build(Salvage) result /3.
Scavenging Difficulties
# Urban # Rural
3 Inner City 12 Town
6 Sprawl 15 Village
9 Suburb 18 Wilderness
a) Foraging: Roll Survival(Forage) #9 +/- variables based
on the Climate. Takes d6hrs. A Success grants d6 Food or
Water. Foraged Food lasts 3 days unless preserved.
b) Hunting: Roll Survival(Navigate) on the Hunting table
below 1/day to determine what animal wanders into your
hunting spot. Roll Perception vs the animal's Stealth to
detect the prey. Roll Stealth vs the animal's Perception
to move to within optimum range of the animal. Make a
PATK roll with full Aim bonus (usually +6) vs the
animal's REF. Hunter attacks first, then do combat as
usual. Animals usually flee. Hunting trips take 6hrs. It
takes 10 minutes to gut an animal for transport. Animal
flesh is good for 3 days unless otherwise preserved.
# Animal Perception Stealth Speed REF Head HP Torso HP Food
8 Hawk +12 +10 25yds 15 1HP 2HP 1
9 Viper +6 +8 3yds 6 1HP 2HP 1
10 Raccoon +6 +12 7yds 4 2HP 4HP 3
11 Canine +10 +8 12yds 6 6HP 12HP 10
12 Lion (Cougar) +9 +10 11yds 6 7HP 28HP 12
13 Deer +8 +12 13yds 8 8HP 16HP 12
14 Bear +7 +3 7yds 1 16HP 4AR 32HP 4AR 20
15 Razorback +5 +4 12yds 1 9HP 1AR 18HP 1AR 20
16 Horse +6 +4 18yds 3 20HP 40HP 120
17 Bull +5 +0 10yds 1 25HP 50HP 150
3. Diplomacy: Establishing alliances and developing trade
will be essential for rebuilding civilization. The Team
Leader rolls DvD to establish a first impression when
meeting new people. Use Perception, Entertain, Leadership,
and Socialize where appropriate. An Extra's Attitude will
set a modifier to such rolls from -1 to -6. See Humans and
Attitudes in Ch:11. The Team's reputation may cause further
modifiers to be applied. The nuances of Diplomacy are
intentionally left vague to allow the GM as much flexibility
as possible. A formal detailed diplomatic mission takes a
minimum of 6hrs uninterrupted plus travel time.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Preparation: When the Team is at their home Base or at a
Settlement, they run the risk of going stir-crazy. To keep their
minds and bodies occupied, they spend their time on useful tasks.
1. Crafting: With Build you can make, customize, and fix
almost anything. To make a common item with Build costs d6+3
Parts and has a base # of 15. Customizing or Repairing
common items costs d6+1 or d6 Parts. These costs are a
general guideline. The GM may determine that an item is so
complicated, large, or rare that additional Parts are
required. When items break, you are left with Parts = the
item's Size /2 (round down). Using Parts exclusively from an
identical item in a Build(Repair) roll gives a +3 bonus.
Science can be used to make Bombs and Drugs at a
cost of d6+3 Chemicals. See the Bombs and Drugs tables in
Ch:9 for the Mix # for each of those types of items.
2. Healthcare: Going on a mission will likely result in
injury. Medicine and rest are the only remedies.
Medicine(Surgery) is done one Location at a time and
can only be used once per Location per wound. # = total DMG.
It requires 15min/DMG and a Surgery Kit. Medicine(Surgery)
grants +d6HP on a Success but may do d6DMG on a Botch.
During Recovery, each morning after 6hrs of sleep,
heal 1HP on a random wounded Location. If another character
is devoting 6hrs to nurse the patient, that player rolls
Medicine(Treat) # = total DMG. If it is a Success, the
patient heals 1HP to a specified Location. CDMG heals 1HP/hr
of warmth. FDMG heals 1HP/wk of rest.
Some generous person may volunteer to help a
character regain their health at their own expense. Using
Medicine(Transfuse) # = total DMG and a Transfusion Kit, the
donor gives 1 Torso HP to the patient every 30mins. If the
roll is Botched, the DMG is done but no HP is healed.
3. Watch: The GM should occasionally roll a random Encounter
for the Area to see who or what wanders into perimeter. The
Encounter can occur at a random time or whenever would make
the most since for that particular Extra to appear. One
method for randomly determining when an Encounter occurs is
to roll d6x4 for the hour of the day in military time. Every
day, d6 Walkers appear and linger until they are dealt with.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Every Team's long-term survival strategy will eventually
involve locating, building, or fortifying a secure shelter. Such a
place provides a safe space to rest, heal, store supplies, build
items, and plan Missions. Each Feature has a Build # for adding it
to the Base. Features cost Parts = # x2. Construction time is d6 +
# hours. The # and construction times should be halved and the
Parts cost ignored if the Feature is just being transplanted from
one place to another. Not all Features can be transplanted. Some
Features create, store, or use electricity, shown as watts/hour.
A Base may have the following Features:

Base Features
Feature Notes #
Gravity Filter Purifies water, requires rebuild 1/month. 9
Rain Catchment Fills Water Barrels when it rains. Pure water. 12
Surface Source Unlimited water that requires filtering. -
Underground Well Unlimited water that requires filtering. 15
Water Barrels 1 barrel = 50 gallons = 100 water rations. 6
Chicken Coop ¼ Food/day/hen (1 egg). Needs 1 person/50 hens. 9
Freezer -500 watts/hr to preserve 100 Food. 18
Hydroponics 5 Food/ft², 4/year. Needs 1 person/50ft². 15
Pig Pen 1 pig/stall, eats 2 Food/day. 20 Food/pig. 6
Vegetable Garden 1 Food/ft², 1/year. Needs 1 person/100ft². 3
Bed +1 Recovery rolls. 6
Garage Protects a Vehicle while not in use. 21
Heater -1500 watts/hr for 10CR. 15
Insulation 5CR per layer, up to 6 layers. 6
Shower +1 Recovery rolls, -50 Water per shower. 9
Bike Charger +100 watts/hr of pedaling. Requires 1 person. 12
Car Battery Holds 500watt-hrs each, weighs 40lbs. 12
Ethanol Still +1gal/day Fuel or Alcohol, Science #9 to run. 15
Generator 500 watts/hr for 6hrs on 1gal of Fuel. 24
Hydroelectric +50 watts/hr in a stream or river. 21
Solar Panel +100 watts/hr of daylight. 21
Wind Turbine +50 watts/hr of wind. 18
Wood Gasifier +50 watts/hr for 1hr on 10lbs of wood. 15
Forge -10gal/hr Fuel for +5 Build on metal items. 18
HAM Radio -50 watts/hr listen. -200 watts/hr transmit. 21
Infirmary -500 watts/hr for +5 Medicine. 18
Kitchen -400 watts/hr for +5 Survival to cook. 18
Lab -500 watts/hr for +5 Science. 24
Library -50 watts/hr if dark. +1 any Skill for 1hr/day. 6
Machine Shop -1000 watts/hr for +5 Build Vehicles. 21
Reloading Press Science(Bombs) #9 to make d6 bullets in 1hr. 18
Sewing Machine -50 watts/hr for +3 Build Clothing and Armor. 15
Wood Shop -500 watts/hr for +5 Build on wood items. 15
Barred Windows 6HP and 15AR, transparent. 9
Fences See Cover in Ch:7. 6
Flood Lights Negates Visibility penalties from darkness. 9
Hidden Exit Secret tunnel opening at 50yds from the Base. 18
Lookout Point +1 Aim and +3 Perception. 12
Moat 3yds deep, 2yds wide, 4yds long. Swim #6. 9
Mounted Gun +1 PATKs. Gun Size category reduced by 1. 6
Perimeter Trap See Traps in Ch:12. ?
Reinforced Door +6HP and +3AR to an existing door. 9
Spear Barricade 3yds wide. Pins up to 5 Walkers per barricade. 9
Trench 3yds deep, 2yds wide, 4yds long. Climb #12. 12
Walls See Cover in Ch:7. 15


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Humans naturally seek to band together. A successful Base,
strategically placed with strong fortifications, can grow over time
into a Settlement. Large numbers of survivors can congregate in
Settlements and begin to rebuild civilization. This requires the
cooperation of many different people with varying agendas and
therefore some form of organizational system must be developed.
Politics: People often come into conflict with each
other. When the conflict is serious, it could threaten an entire
Settlement. All Settlements have some set of laws which are
prohibitions on certain behavior and consequences for ignoring
those prohibitions. Whatever power (formal or de facto) determines
and enforces these laws is a government. There are three basic
forms of government: autocracy, oligarchy, and democracy.
• Autocracy: This is a dictatorship in which a strong
leader acts quickly and decisively, usually unchallenged.
This is an extremely efficient and enticing system early on
when a Settlement is highly vulnerable to external attack.
• Oligarchy: This is a small group of elites who share
power and formalize a set of laws to run the Settlement
according to bureaucratic process. They may or may not be
elected. They often have power and interests of their own.
• Democracy: This is a minimal government in which the
people collectively decide major issues. Small issues and
specialized functions may be delegated to representative
groups. This is usually the slowest form of government.

The path a Settlement takes involves many factors including

the personalities of influential people, availability of resources,
and the culture of the populace. Any system on such a small scale
is very fragile. A few determined and organized people could
theoretically overthrow any existing system and set up their own.
Settlements require as a bare minimum: a clean water source,
reasonable shelter, and strong defenses. Once these are met,
Settlements can grow to include some or all of the Base Features
listed in the previous section as well as those listed below:
Settlement Features
Airport Landing zone and refueling station for aircraft.
Jail Secure area for holding dangerous people.
Lodging Warm dry place to sleep safely at night.
Market Area for the trading of goods and services.
Message Board Public notices, job postings, missing persons, etc.
School Advance Specialty XP cost is halved. Takes 1wk.
Storage Guarded area to hold property for a period of time.
Tavern Offers Food, Water, Drugs, and a place to socialize.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Commerce: Trade for goods and services is essential to
rebuilding civilization. Artisans and Traders with their own shops,
as well as the Market in general, give the Team the opportunity to
off-load Gear they do not want and trade for things they can use.
It is for this convenient access to scarce resources that otherwise
bitter enemies usually leave their feuds at the gate upon entering
an organized Settlement. What happens outside is another matter.
Only the most advanced Settlements will develop a currency
system and so barter must be used as a rough substitute. Use
Socialize(Persuade) to haggle, but keep in mind that no amount of
haggling will convince someone to make a deal that they do not
believe will benefit them in one way or another. In the Wasteland,
self-interest is the rule and everything else is negotiable.
Barter System
Value Examples
1 .22, 9mm, .45, .357, Bandage, Cigarette, Chemical, Part, Water
5 12g, Arrow, Alcohol, Food, First-Aid Kit, Matchbook, Soap
10 1gal Fuel, 5.56, 7.62, .308, Antibiotic, EMT Bag, Painkiller
100 ATV, Horse, Motorcycle, Muscle Car, Pickup Truck, Slave, SUV

Slavery: Despite much evidence to the contrary, a human

life is a highly valuable commodity in the Wasteland. Though not
tolerated in all Settlements, some extremely inhumane places have
allowed the age-old practice of slavery to go on unchallenged.
Wranglers kidnap people (mostly women, girls, and young boys) and
drag them to slave markets where Traders will gladly barter for
human beings. These unlucky people are usually made into Hookers or
Child Soldiers. Slave-traders know they have to watch their backs
because the Wasteland still has many people of integrity who will
kill for freedom, whether it is their own or someone else's.

Factions: People in the Wasteland seek out survivors who

look, act, and think like they do. There is safety in numbers.
Factions form along demographic and ideological lines which often
result in homogeneous tribes. Some Factions can work together.
Others are mortal enemies. Convincing these Factions to reconcile
their differences and cooperate with each other will be essential
to saving humanity. There are twelve major Factions in the
Wasteland. Their relationships can be described as follows:
1. Cautious: Receptive to cooperation but always alert.
2. Distrustful: Highly suspicious but not instantly hostile.
3. Aggressive: Eager to fight under almost any circumstances.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

The table below shows how the Factions in the left-most
column typically feel about the other Factions. Factions do not
necessarily feel the same way about each other. Changing these
prejudices requires a great deal of time and effort.
Faction Relations
Amaz Barb Cult Gang Guer Hipp Mili Nazi Pira Punk Raid Trad
Amazons \ 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 3 3
Barbarians 1 \ 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 2
Cultists 3 2 \ 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1
Gangstas 2 2 2 \ 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 3
Guerrillas 1 1 3 2 \ 1 2 3 2 1 3 3
Hippies 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 2 2 1 2 1
Militia 2 2 2 2 2 1 \ 1 3 2 3 1
Nazis 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 \ 2 3 1 2
Pirates 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 \ 2 2 3
Punks 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 \ 3 2
Raiders 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 \ 2
Traders 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 \

Below is a sample of the types of people the Team is likely

to come across in a Settlement, along with a brief description of
what they may want or have to offer the Team. One thing the GM
should keep in mind when playing the parts of these Extras is that
very few people have any incentive to tell the truth to the Team
upon first meeting them. The Team is an exploitable opportunity for
many desperate Settlement dwellers. Everybody needs something.
Citizens of a Settlement often do not see many new people
from day to day. The things that characters do in a Settlement will
be remembered and contribute to the reputation of the character and
their Team in that Settlement, and any others with which that
Settlement has contact. Enemies will usually wait to attack out in
the Wasteland rather than cause a scene among witnesses. Friends,
on the other hand, can offer protection, information, and favors.
Settlement Encounters
2d6 Extra Notes
1 Amazon Trading and listening for any news that could be useful.
2 Artisan Peddling their various wares for Food and supplies.
3 Bandit Scouting out travelers to ambush out in the Wasteland.
1 4 Beggar Sick, soon to be exiled, and seeking a handout.
5 Blacksmith Artisan with +3 Specialty in Melee Weapons.
6 Child Soldier Violent young brats with guns trying to act tough.
1 Courier Similar to a Scavenger but focused on special deliveries.
2 Cultist Nut-job evangelizing for their new religion.
3 Doctor Offers medical services for a fair trade.
2 4 Farmer Honest people trading Food for needed supplies.
5 Gangsta Trade time with their Hookers for ammo and supplies.
6 Guerrilla Radical fighters organizing to form a Socialist utopia.
1 Gunsmith Artisan with +3 Specialty in Projectile Weapons.
2 Hippie Spreading good vibes and looking for Hallucinogens.
3 Hooker Works for Food or Drugs. C#15 to avoid contracting a STD.
3 4 Judge Attempts to retain law-enforcement authority from before.
5 Junky Addicts trying to get Drugs by any means necessary.
6 Mechanic Artisan with +3 Specialty in Vehicles.
1 Mercenary Soldiers for hire. All contracts are negotiable.
2 Militia Guards the walls and gates of the Settlement.
3 Orphan Young child looking for Food and playing.
4 4 Performer Busking to Entertain(Inspire) as if you were a Comrade.
5 Pirate Trading their exotic treasures for Alcohol and supplies.
6 Preacher Gives sermons. Takes 1hr. +1 Luck, -1 Brains for 1 day.
1 Psycho Attempting to blend in while searching for new victims.
2 Punk Come to party and trade for things they cannot make.
3 Raider Trading their plunder for Alcohol, Fuel, and Hookers.
5 4 Ranger Passing through, trading Food for tools and supplies.
5 Scavenger Offers service to find any desired item in under a week.
6 Scientist Artisan with +3 Specialty in Bombs and Drugs.
1 Slave People captured by Wranglers and sold into slavery.
2 Survivalist Savvy quiet people trading for supplies and moving on.
3 Tailor Artisan with +3 Specialty in Armor and Clothing.
4 Thief Teenagers who get what they want by picking pockets.
5 Trader Greedy merchants who will barter for nearly anything.
6 Wrangler Slavers who trade people they kidnapped for supplies.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Areas and Encounters
Apocalyptia is designed to be easy to run, especially for a
first-time GM. Using the Area and Encounter tables provides a way
to randomly generate a dynamic game world. This section is meant to
be a supplement to the story, not a replacement for it. Storyline
should not be something that is handed to the players who are then
expected to act it out. Storyline should come from character
interaction within the Team, the priorities and decisions they come
to, and important conversations with Extras who have agendas of
their own. The GM should use this section to maintain a steady pace
of game play and to spark new ideas if the game session becomes
stale and boring. The GM can save game time by rolling a list of
random Areas and/or Encounters before the session begins.
The two basic types of Areas the Team may wander through in
the Wasteland are Rural and Urban. Rural encompasses small towns,
farmlands, and the surrounding countryside. Urban includes downtown
business districts, industrial sprawl, and suburban neighborhoods.
Areas should be rolled whenever the Team takes off in an
unexplored direction. The GM may roll even/odd on a d6 to determine
if there is an Encounter waiting at the new Area. Encounters should
be rolled at least once every few hours in game even if the Team is
staying in place. All Extras are listed in Ch:11.
* = Roll a d6 to determine how many Walkers are nearby.
Looting: Areas have a listed Perception(Loot) # to find
one item in that Area. Looting can be attempted once every 30mins.
Once a player has Failed a Perception(Loot) roll in an Area, the
character becomes convinced that there is nothing left to find
there. Roll on the listed tables as indicated under Notes. The
results of that roll are all the Loot to be found in that Area. All
Loot tables listed in Areas can be found in Ch:12.
Proximity and Numbers: Each Encounter has a listed
Proximity multiplier (1-100) and a Number of Extras to roll. Roll
d6 x Proximity for the distance in yards between the Team and the
Extra(s). Roll Number to see how many of the Extra(s) appear. Notes
give a brief description of the Extras' typical behavior. The GM
may secretly compare each side's highest Perception vs the lowest
Stealth to see which side becomes aware of the other first.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Rural Areas
2d6 Area Loot Notes
1 Barn #18 d6 Hardware. d6 Parts.
2 Big House* #6 d6x2 MGL. d6x2 Parts. d6x2 Chemicals.
3 Billboard - Athletics #9. +6 Perception. Ladder 15yds tall.
1 4 Blocked Roadway* - 1 mile to bypass.
5 Bridge* #6 d6 Vehicles. A#6 to not fall.
6 Campsite* #9 d6x2 Sporting Goods: Camping.
1 Church** #9 d6 MGL.
2 Construction Site* #9 d6 Hardware.
3 Crater - Radiation d6x20yds.
2 4 Department Store* #6 d6x10 MGL. No Rarity A items. d6x2 Parts.
5 Equipment Cache #12 d6x2 MGL.
6 Factory* #9 d6x3 Hardware. d6x10 Parts. d6x5 Chemicals.
1 Farmstead* #6 d6x2 Farm. d6x3 Parts. d6x3 Chemicals.
2 Gas Station* #6 d6+1 Gas Station. d6 Chemicals.
3 Grocery Store* #6 d6x2 Grocery Store. d6 Chemicals.
3 4 Gun Store* #9 d6 MGL. Gun-related items only.
5 Hardware Store* #6 d6x2 Hardware. d6x10 Parts.
6 Junkyard #9 d6 MGL. No Rarity A items. d6x10 Parts.
1 Mass Grave** - Pit full of burnt corpses.
2 Motel* #9 d6x3 MGL. d6 Parts. d6 Chemicals.
3 Pharmacy* #6 d6 Medical. d6x3 Chemicals.
4 4 Rest Stop* #9 d6 MGL. d6-1 Vehicles.
5 Restaurant* #6 d6x2 Food and d6 Water. d6 Chemicals.
6 School* #6 d6x2 Food. d6x2 Water. d6x2 Chemicals.
1 Sheriff Station* #6 d6x2 Police.
2 Small House* #6 d6 MGL. d6 Parts. d6 Chemicals.
3 Sporting Goods* #6 d6x2 Sporting Goods.
5 4 Strip Mall** #6 d6x5 MGL. No Rarity A items. d6x2 Chemicals.
5 Supply Cache #12 d6x3 Food. d6x3 Water.
6 Trailer Park** #9 d6 MGL. d6-1 Vehicles. d6x5 Parts.
1 Trap - 1 Trap.
2 Tunnel* - d6x50yds long. Visibility: None.
3 Weapons Cache #12 d6 Projectile.
4 Wrecked Car* #9 d6-1 MGL. d6 Parts.
5 Wrecked Semi-truck #9 d6x5 copies of 1 MGL item. d6x2 Parts.
6 Wrecked Train** #9 d6x3 MGL. d6x5 Parts.
Rural Encounters
2d6 Extra(s) Proximity Number Stealth Notes
1 2x Encounter 50 var varies Roll 2x mixed encounter.
2 Alien Abduction³ - - - Lose d6hrs and all Gear.
3 Amazon Clan¹ 10 d6+2 +6 Patrolling.
1 4 Bandit Gang³ 10 d6+3 +7 Robbery. Half ammo/food/water.
5 Barbarian Tribe² 10 d6+4 +6 Foraging. Hunting.
6 Cannibal Family³ 5 d6+1 +7 Hunting.
1 Cultists³ 5 d6+5 +6 Kidnapping.
2 Exile³ 10 1 +6 Begging. Wandering.
3 Farmer¹ 50 1 +4 Patrolling. Hunting.
2 4 Feral Kids² 5 d6+4 +5 Foraging.
5 Guerrilla Scouts¹ 10 d6+1 +7 Patrolling. Looting.
6 Hippies¹ 10 d6+3 +4 Patrolling.
1 Judge² 100 1 - Patrolling.
2 Militia Patrol¹ 50 d6+4 - Taxing. 1 bullet or Food.
3 Native Animal² 50 1 varies Roll Native Animals in Ch:11.
3 4 Nazi Cadre³ 50 d6+3 - Cleansing.
5 Nomad² 10 1 +9 Traveling.
6 Operative Unit² 1 6 +12 Secret mission. Ignore Team.
1 Orphan² 10 1 - Crying. d6x2yrs old.
2 Pirate Crew³ 10 d6 +5 Stealing.
3 Preacher¹ 10 1 +5 Patrolling.
4 4 Psycho³ 1 1 +6 Hunting.
5 Punk Band¹ 10 d6+2 +6 Looting.
6 Ranger¹ 10 1 +5 Patrolling.
1 Raiders³ 100 d6+3 - Stealing.
2 Runner Swarm³ 50 d6+6 - Hunting.
3 Slave² 10 1 - Escaping.
5 4 Sniper³ 100 1 +10 Kill anything.
5 Survivalists¹ 50 d6 +6 Traveling.
6 Trader¹ 100 1 - Trading. +d6+1 Mercenaries.
1 Turned Animal³ 10 1 varies Hunting. Roll Animals in Ch:11.
2 Walker Horde³ 10 d6x6 +5 Hunting.
3 Wild Dog(s)³ 50 d6 +8 Canines Hunting.
4 Wrangler(s)³ 10 d6 +5 Kidnapping.
5 Zombie³ 10 1 varies Hunting. +d6 Walkers.
6 Zoo Animal³ 50 1 varies Roll Zoo Animals in Ch:11.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Urban Areas
2d6 Area Loot Notes
1 Apartments*** #6 d5x5 MGL. d6 Vehicles. d6x10 Parts.
2 Bar* #9 d6x3 Alcohol.
3 Big House* #6 d6x2 MGL. d6x2 Parts. d6x2 Chemicals.
1 4 Car Dealership #9 d6x2 Vehicles. d6x2 Parts.
5 Checkpoint #9 d6 MGL. C#=d6x10 to move metal barricade.
6 Church** #9 d6 MGL.
1 Clothing Store* #9 d6x2 Clothing.
2 Equipment Cache #12 d6x2 MGL.
3 Gas Station* #6 d6+1 Gas Station. d6 Chemicals.
2 4 Grocery Store* #6 d6x2 Grocery Store. d6 Chemicals.
5 Gun Store* #9 d6 MGL. Gun-related items only.
6 Hardware Store* #6 d6x2 Hardware. d6x10 Parts.
1 Hospital*** #9 d6x3 Medical. d6x10 Chemicals.
2 Hotel** #9 d6x5 MGL. d6x2 Parts. d6x2 Chemicals.
3 Library* #6 d6x3 Documents.
3 4 Mass Grave*** - Pit full of burnt corpses.
5 Office Building*** #6 d6x2 Documents. d6x2 Hardware. d6x2 Parts.
6 Parking Garage* #9 d6 Vehicles.
1 Pharmacy* #6 d6 Medical. d6x5 Chemicals.
2 Police Station** #6 d6x3 Police. d6x3 Chemicals.
3 Public Park** #9 d6 Sporting Goods: Athletics.
4 4 Restaurant* #6 d6x2 Food. d6 Water. d6 Chemicals.
5 School*** #6 d6x2 MGL. d6x2 Food and Water. d6x3 Chemicals.
6 Shopping Mall*** #6 d6x10 MGL. No Rarity A items.
1 Small House* #6 d6 MGL. d6 Parts. d6 Chemicals.
2 Sporting Goods* #6 d6x3 Sporting Goods: Athletics and Camping.
3 Stadium*** #9 d6x5 Sporting Goods: Athletics. d6x5 Parts.
5 4 Strip Mall** #6 d6x5 MGL. No Rarity A items. d6x2 Chemicals.
5 Supply Cache #12 d6x3 Food and Water.
6 Trap - 1 Trap.
1 Tunnel** - d6x50yds long. Visibility: None.
2 Warehouse* #6 d6x10 copies of 1 MGL item. d6 Parts.
3 Weapons Cache #12 d6 Projectile.
4 Wrecked Bus** #9 d6 MGL. d6x2 Parts.
5 Wrecked Car* #9 d6-1 MGL. d6 Parts.
6 Wrecked Plane*** #9 d6x2 MGL. d6x3 Parts.
Urban Encounters
2d6 Extra(s) Proximity Number Stealth Notes
1 2x Encounter 10 var varies Roll 2x mixed encounter.
2 Alien Abduction³ - - - Lose d6hrs and all Gear.
3 Amazon Clan¹ 10 d6+2 +6 Looting.
1 4 Cannibal Family³ 5 d6+1 +7 Hunting.
5 Child Soldiers³ 5 d6+2 +8 Looting.
6 Cultists³ 5 d6+5 +6 Kidnapping. Sacrificing.
1 Doctor¹ 10 1 +6 Looting. +d6 other humans.
2 Exile³ 10 1 +6 Begging. Wandering.
3 Feral Kids² 5 d6+4 +5 Foraging.
2 4 Gangstas² 10 d6+2 +7 Looting.
5 Guerrilla Scouts¹ 10 d6+1 +7 Patrolling.
6 Judge² 100 1 +4 Patrolling.
1 Junky³ 10 1 +5 Looting.
2 Mercenary Squad² 10 d6+1 +5 Secret mission. May attack.
3 Militia Patrol¹ 50 d6+4 +4 Taxing. 1 bullet or Food.
3 4 Native Animal² 50 1 varies Roll Native Animals in Ch:11.
5 Nazi Cadre³ 50 d6+3 +7 Cleansing.
6 Nomad² 10 1 +9 Looting.
1 Operative Unit² 1 6 +12 Secret mission. Ignore Team.
2 Orphan² 10 1 +5 Crying. d6x2yrs old.
3 Preacher¹ 10 1 +5 Patrolling.
4 4 Psycho³ 1 1 +6 Hunting.
5 Punk Band¹ 10 d6+2 +6 Looting.
6 Raiders³ 100 d6+3 +4 Stealing. Roll Robots in Ch:11.
1 Robot³ 50 1 varies Hunting.
2 Runner Swarm³ 50 d6+6 - Hunting.
3 Scavenger² 10 1 +10 Looting. Traveling.
5 4 Slave² 10 1 +8 Escaping.
5 Sniper³ 100 1 +10 Kill anything.
6 Trader¹ 100 1 +3 Traveling. +d6+1 Mercenaries.
1 Turned Animal³ 10 1 varies Hunting. Roll Animals in Ch:11.
2 Wild Dog(s)³ 10 d6x2 +8 Canines Hunting.
3 Walker Horde³ 10 d6x6 +5 Hunting.
4 Zombie³ 10 1 varies Hunting. +d6 Walkers.
5 Zoo Animal³ 50 1 varies Roll Zoo Animals in Ch:11.
6 3x Encounter 10 var varies Roll 3x mixed encounter.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 11: Extras
Any entity in the Wasteland that is controlled by the GM is
called an Extra. Most human Extras are about as strong as a normal
starting character. These humans are typical people found in the
Wasteland. To make a unique Extra with more experience who will
play a key role in the story, the GM can use a basic Extra as a
template and add an appropriate amount of XP and purchase some
Abilities. Most Extras are unlikely to become recurring characters
and so do not get Abilities, Comrades, Luck, or XP. There are 36
kinds of human Extras. There are also three broad categories of
non-human Extras, all of which should be considered optional:
1. Animals: Animals come in two types: Native Animals (Bees,
Brown Bear, Bull, Cougar, Deer, Dog, Hawk, Horse, Raccoon,
Razorback, Viper, Wolf) and escaped Zoo Animals (African
Lion, Alligator, Anaconda, Chimpanzee, Cobra, Elephant,
Gorilla, Hyena, Monkey, Polar Bear, Rhinoceros, Zebra).
Animal life on Earth has done fairly well, all things
considered, since the conclusion of humanity's reign.
a) Turned Animals: Any animal could become Turned.
Turned Animals keep their Agility, have 1 Brains, get
+25% Constitution, have 1 Demeanor, and +10AR to their
Torso. They get a -1 Fear effect in addition to any
existing Fear effect. Otherwise they have all the same
properties as human Zombies.
2. Robots: Aeryon, Atlas, Firescout, MAARS, Predator, Ripsaw.
The military has been developing combat robots for years.
They are usually found in the ruins of urban centers. They
are controlled by some unknown force. They seem to be
programmed to kill every humanoid they encounter.
3. Zombies: Amalgam, Brute, Chimera, Crawler, Leaper, Mommy,
Puker, Rotter, Runner, Thinker, Trooper, Walker. These are
people who have been infected and mutated. They feed on the
flesh of their prey until it begins to mutate. Their
piercing ATKs get a * indicating that anyone taking DMG from
that ATK must roll CvC+DMG to avoid Turning. They go dormant
to rest and regenerate. They regenerate any DMG (except
FDMG) at 1HP/hr. If their Head HP is reduced to 0, they drop
unconscious until they fully regenerate all HP. They usually
have a static REF and take no penalties from receiving
multiple ATKs. They are immune to Bleeding, Fatigue, Hunger,
Pain, Stun, Suffocation, and Thirst.

For a character to resist Turning, roll CvC+DMG, meaning
roll d6 + the character's Constitution versus a GM roll of d6 + the
Zombie's Constitution + any DMG done by the Zombie's ATK. This does
not count DMG absorbed by AR. Only the GM should know the # of the
roll. Amputating a bitten limb does not prevent Turning, but the
Team does not necessarily know that.
If the player Succeeds, the character is hurt but will not
Turn this time, but does not know that. If the victim Succeeds by
6+, their immune system gains permanent immunity. The character
does not know that they are immune. If they Fail, roll below:
d6 Onset Time Modifiers Diagnose Symptoms Visible Signs
1 d6 rounds Pain -6 #6 Trembling Black veins
2 d6 minutes Pain -3 #9 Migraine Pale skin
3 d6 hours Pain -1 #12 Fever Profuse sweating
4 d6 days - #15 Dizzy Spells -
5 d6 weeks - #18 - -
6 d6 months - #21 - -
On a 1, the character becomes a Thinker in 1rnd. The GM may
allow the player to continue playing their Turned character (now a
Thinker) for a short while so long as they are actively attempting
to kill or Turn their Teammates at all times.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Humans and Attitudes
¹Cautious ²Distrustful ³Aggressive
-1 Socialize -3 Socialize -6 Socialize
1 2 3
1 Amazon 1 Barbarian 1 Bandit
2 Artisan 2 Feral Kid 2 Cannibal
3 Doctor 3 Gangsta 3 Child Soldier
4 Farmer 4 Hooker 4 Cultist
5 Guerrilla 5 Judge 5 Exile
6 Hippie 6 Mercenary 6 Junky
4 5 6
1 Militia 1 Nomad 1 Nazi
2 Preacher 2 Operative 2 Pirate
3 Punk 3 Orphan 3 Psycho
4 Ranger 4 Scavenger 4 Raider
5 Survivalist 5 Scientist 5 Sniper
6 Trader 6 Slave 6 Wrangler
Amazon¹ Dodge +7 Block +4 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 9 Acrobatics 7 Projectile 6 Stealth 6 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 7 Build 3 Medicine 4 Perception 5 Science 3 3:3 3:2 3:2
C 6 Athletics 5 Drive 2 Melee 4 Survival 2 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain 2 Leadership 5 Socialize 6 Tame 3 6:2 3:2 3:2
Weapons: Ice Axe (3DMG, 1-handed, AM-3, Leverage +3),
Knife (2DMG, Rapid),
H&K MP5 (3DMG, RNG:S, Auto, Rapid, Flashlight, Suppressor, 9mmFMJ 30mag x2)
Armor: Motorcycle Helmet, Motorcycle Armor
Gear: First-Aid Kit, Flashlight, Hand Radio, Handcuffs, Street Bike
Notes: These fiercely isolationist warrior-women are largely made up of former
military and police who banded together for protection. The Wasteland is
especially dangerous for women, which has led to the formation of these all-
female gangs. They rely mostly on stealth and teamwork.
Artisan¹ Dodge +1 Block +6 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics 1 Projectile 3 Stealth 1 Trick 5 Head LArm RArm
B 8 Build 8 Medicine 4 Perception 7 Science 5 5 5:2 5:2
C 10 Athletics 1 Drive 1 Melee 6 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain 2 Leadership 2 Socialize 7 Tame 3 10:1 5:3 5:3
Weapons: Heavy Wrench (7DMG, Slam, see Metal Club in Ch:9)
Armor: Coveralls, Work Gloves, Steel-Toe Boots
Gear: Alcohol, Bandana, BDU Jacket, Breath Mask, Chalk, Duct Tape, Ear Plugs,
Flask, Glass Cutter, Goggles, Gun Cleaning Kit, Hammer, Headlamp, Lockpicks,
Magnifying Glass, Multi-Tool, Notebook, Screwdriver, Stimulant, Swiss Army
Knife, Tape Measure, Tool Belt, Wristwatch, Box Truck
Notes: A few small fortified settlements have managed to get something like
civilization up and running again. Central to this effort are talented
craftsmen who barter with their goods and services. They never leave their
villages if they can help it. All they have is tied up in their workshops.
Bandit³ Dodge +4 Block +5 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 4 Projectile 5 Stealth 7 Trick 5 Head LArm RArm
B 4 Build 1 Medicine - Perception 4 Science - 4:1 4:1 4:1
C 9 Athletics 4 Drive 4 Melee 6 Survival 6 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 6 Entertain 1 Leadership 3 Socialize 4 Tame 2 9:1 4:3 4:3
Weapons: Mossberg 500 (+8 PATK, 10DMG, RNG:S, Scatter +2, Slam, 12g Buckshot
x6) or Baseball Bat (3DMG, Slam)
Armor: Denim Jacket, Blue Jeans, Hiking Boots
Gear: Flask, Food x2, Knife, Ski Mask, Dirt Bike
Notes: These cowards ambush and rob travelers. They know that people will
fight to the death if they take everything, so they only take half.
Barbarian² Dodge +5 Block +7 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 7 Projectile 7 Stealth 6 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build 2 Medicine 2 Perception 5 Science - 5 5:2 5:2
C 10 Athletics 7 Drive - Melee 9 Survival 7 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain 1 Leadership 1 Socialize 1 Tame 5 10:2 5 5
Weapons: Axe (9DMG, Chop) or Longbow (7DMG, RNG:S, Size 3, AM-1, + DMG Mod)
Armor: Fur Tunic (see Leather Jacket in Ch:9)
Gear: Firestick, Hammock, Knife, Quiver (Broadhead x10), Rope
Notes: These primitivists fled to the woods and left the old world behind.
They typically avoid anyone from outside their tribe.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Cannibal³ Dodge +7 Block +10 Speed 9 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 7 Projectile - Stealth 7 Trick 4 Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build 2 Medicine 3 Perception 5 Science - 5:1 5:2 5:2
C 10 Athletics 10 Drive - Melee 10 Survival 10 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain - Leadership 2 Socialize - Tame - 10:2 5:4 5:4
Weapons: Cleaver (5DMG, Chop) or Hammer (4DMG, Leverage +1, Rapid)
Armor: Coveralls, Hiking Boots, Tough
Gear: Garbage Bag, Wire Saw
Notes: These maniacs think of themselves as superhumans who have evolved
beyond mere homo sapiens. They eat human flesh because they think it gives
them power. Cannibals prefer to hack limbs off of living captives and feast on
their raw flesh before their eyes. They file their teeth into points, grow
sharp fingernails, and ritually scar themselves. -1 Fear effect. Rage 1/day.
Child Soldier³ Dodge +6 Block +1 Speed 4 HP : AR
A 4 Acrobatics 4 Projectile 4 Stealth 8 Trick 4 Head LArm RArm
B 3 Build - Medicine - Perception 3 Science - 2:2 2 2
C 4 Athletics 4 Drive - Melee 1 Survival 1 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 4 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize 4 Tame 1 4 2 2
Weapons: Ruger 10/22 (4DMG, RNG:L, Rapid, AM+3, .22JHP 10mag x4)
Armor: Sports Helmet
Gear: Marbles, Running Shoes, Toy Car, Skateboard
Notes: These orphans were taken in by some would-be warlord and brainwashed to
be savage little killing machines. They are as cruel as any adult could ever
be with the added advantage that most of their adversaries grossly
underestimate them. Though incredibly mean, they are also very cowardly. They
tend to hide and use sniper tactics when possible. If Turned, they become
Leapers. Little: +2 Dodge & Stealth
Cultist³ Dodge +4 Block +7 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 4 Projectile 4 Stealth 6 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build - Medicine 1 Perception 5 Science 2 3:1 3:2 3:2
C 7 Athletics 3 Drive 1 Melee 7 Survival 3 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 4 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize 3 Tame 4 7:1 3:3 3:3
Weapons: Net (0DMG, RNG:S, M1, 7lb, +4 Grab, Slam), Knife (3DMG, Rapid)
Armor: Work Gloves, Hiking Boots
Special: Black Robe (1AR, 4CR, 0FR, L, H/T/A/L, Size 1, +1 Stealth)
Gear: Black Bag, Duct Tape, Hand Cuffs, Rope, Van
Notes: These fundamentalist religious nuts hunt for strangers passing through
the area around their temple. They believe in evil gods and demons who must be
appeased. It is to win favor with these malevolent forces that they kidnap and
torture people before offering them up as human sacrifices. They ambush
travelers at their campsites at night. They fight to the death and never
compromise. There is always have a charismatic leader.
Doctor¹ Dodge +2 Block +2 Speed 5 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics 2 Projectile 2 Stealth 6 Trick 1 Head LArm RArm
B 9 Build 2 Medicine 9 Perception 5 Science 2 2 2 2
C 5 Athletics 2 Drive 2 Melee 2 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 5 Entertain 4 Leadership 2 Socialize 4 Tame 1 5 2 2
Weapons: SIG Sauer P290 (3DMG, RNG:S, Pistol, Rapid, 9mmFMJ 6mag),
Knife (2DMG, Rapid)
Gear: Antibiotic x10, Blood Pressure Cuff, Book (“Gray's Anatomy”), Breath
Mask, Depressant x10, EMT Bag, Flask, Headlamp, Knife, Lighter, Magnifying
Glass, Notepad, Painkillers x15, Stethoscope, Stimulant x6, Surgery Kit,
Transfusion Kit, Trench Coat, Water Filter, Wristwatch
Notes: Anyone with medical training is highly prized after The End. Doctors
can usually trade their talent for supplies and protection. Sometimes they are
held prisoner and forced to perform their craft as surgeon slaves. They are
ethically bound to try to save every human life whenever possible.
Exile³ Dodge +4 Block +3 Speed 4 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 4 Projectile - Stealth 6 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build - Medicine 1 Perception 6 Science - 1 1 1
C 3 Athletics 3 Drive - Melee 3 Survival 6 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 4 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize 4 Tame - 3 1 1
Weapons: Staff (1DMG, Block +1), Knife (1DMG, Rapid)
Notes: These pathetic beggars are dying from plague sickness. Everything
avoids them. They wander aimlessly with little more than the rags on their
backs, begging for food and water, coughing blood, and waiting to die. They
will sometimes murder for a meal or even from simple envy of healthy people.
Plague: Airborne (RNG:S), C#6, contracted on a Fail, -1C/month until dead.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Farmer¹ Dodge +2 Block +9 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 2 Projectile 4 Stealth 4 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build 6 Medicine 1 Perception 5 Science - 5 5:2 5:2
C 10 Athletics 4 Drive 2 Melee 8 Survival 5 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain 2 Leadership 2 Socialize - Tame 5 10:1 5:4 5:4
Weapons: Browning A-Bolt (+5PATK, 8DMG, RNG:L, 4x Scope, 5.56FMJ 5mag x3) or
Pitchfork (9DMG, AM-1, Block +1)
Armor: Coveralls, Work Gloves, Hiking Boots
Gear: Baseball Cap, Hand Radio, Lighter, Swiss Army Knife, Tool Belt, Horse
Notes: Rural folks were among the first to band together after The End.
Families consolidated into defensible isolated homesteads and set to living
off the land. They guard their property night and day. They are extremely
suspicious of strangers due to bad experiences in the past when malicious
travelers took advantage of their hospitality. If you manage to win their
sympathy, they may give you a meal, but they probably won't let you stay.
Feral Kid² Dodge +7 Block +5 Speed 4 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics 5 Projectile 3 Stealth 5 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 3 Build 1 Medicine - Perception 3 Science - 2 2 2
C 4 Athletics 4 Drive - Melee 4 Survival 3 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 3 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame 2 4 2 2
Weapons: Spear (5DMG, 1-handed, AM-1, Block +1)
Notes: These kids were separated from their families by tragedy. They fled
into the woods and didn't come out. They eventually found other lost children
like them and formed small tribes for protection. Now they resemble grunting
little cavemen. They avoid any confrontation but they can be dangerous in
large packs. Only 1 in 3 are capable of coherent verbal communication. If
Turned, they become Leapers. Little: +2 Dodge & Stealth
Gangsta² Dodge +7 Block +4 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 7 Projectile 4 Stealth 7 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 4 4 4
C 8 Athletics 8 Drive 6 Melee 6 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain 5 Leadership 3 Socialize 3 Tame 2 8:4 4:3 4:3
Weapons: MAC-10 (4DMG, RNG:S, Auto, Pistol, Rapid, Suppressor, .45FMJ 30mag
x2), Tire Iron (2DMG, Leverage +1)
Armor: Undercover Vest, Cargo Pants, Hiking Boots
Gear: Alcohol, Hallucinogens x5, Bandana, Cigarettes x10, Lighter, Spray
Paint, Sunglasses, Wristwatch, Street Bike
Notes: Young black and brown men had a hard life in the ghettos of America's
cities before The End. They developed evasion skills on the streets to stay
ahead of the cops. Now they use those same skills to avoid the risen dead.
They have decided to stay and defend their neighborhoods the best they can.
They are very territorial and suspicious of strangers. They are not saints but
they love their families and are deadly loyal to their friends.
Guerrilla¹ Dodge +3 Block +4 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 3 Projectile 7 Stealth 7 Trick 6 Head LArm RArm
B 8 Build 2 Medicine 1 Perception 7 Science 3 4 4 4
C 8 Athletics 4 Drive 2 Melee 4 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain 2 Leadership 5 Socialize 2 Tame 1 8 4:3 4:3
Weapons: AK-47 (8DMG, RNG:L, Rapid, 7.62FMJ 30mag x8),
Pipe Bomb (d6x3DMG, RNG:S, L1, 2lb, 2yd Blast, up to 1min fuse)
Armor: Cargo Pants, Hiking Boots
Gear: Backpack, Bandoleer, BDU Jacket, Ski Mask
Notes: The collapse of the old system is an opportunity to build a new and
better world for these Marxist revolutionaries. They believe Capitalism was
the root cause of the apocalypse and so Socialism must be the new way. They
have built democratic egalitarian communes high up in the mountains. They
preach equality for all but some are a little more equal than others.
Hippie¹ Dodge +6 Block +4 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 6 Projectile - Stealth 4 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 7 Build 3 Medicine 5 Perception 3 Science 1 3:1 3:1 3:1
C 6 Athletics 5 Drive 2 Melee 3 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 5 Entertain 5 Leadership - Socialize 5 Tame 5 6 3:1 3:1
Weapons: Catch Pole (0DMG, RNG:S, Size 3, Grab +3, Block +1)
Armor: Bicycle Helmet, Work Gloves, Blue Jeans
Gear: Hallucinogens x20, Headlamp, Lighter, Messenger Bag, Notepad,
Painkillers x10, Sunglasses, Swiss Army Knife, Tarp, Thermal Underwear, Van
Notes: These people are “bleeding heart” pacifists. They try to prevent anyone
from killing anything or anyone, Turned or not. This policy often results in
more harm than good being done. They love yoga and Hallucinogens.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Hooker² Dodge +8 Block +3 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 9 Acrobatics 8 Projectile - Stealth 7 Trick 8 Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build - Medicine 2 Perception 6 Science - 3 3:2 3:2
C 7 Athletics 5 Drive 1 Melee 3 Survival 1 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain 8 Leadership - Socialize 7 Tame 2 7:2 3:1 3:1
Weapons: Switchblade (2DMG, RNG:S, Size 0, AM-1, Rapid, Fast extend)
Armor: Leather Jacket, Knee Pads
Gear: Antibiotics x2, Bobby Pin, Candle, Cigarettes x5, Depressant x4, First-
Aid Kit, Flask, Handcuffs, Lighter, Messenger Bag, Painkillers x6, Pocket
Mirror, Soap, Stimulant x4, Sunglasses, Wristwatch, Roller Blades
Notes: Some women have managed to attain some degree of safety by trading
their bodies for protection and food. They usually stay in fortified
Settlements but occasionally travel with well-armed men. They cope with the
harsh realities of their miserable lives by getting high whenever possible.
Judge² Dodge +3 Block +10 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 3 Projectile 6 Stealth 4 Trick 1 Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build - Medicine 2 Perception 6 Science 1 5:5 5:3 5:3
C 10 Athletics 6 Drive 4 Melee 10 Survival 3 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain - Leadership 8 Socialize 1 Tame 5 10:6 5:4 5:4
Weapons: Benelli M4 (+10PATK, 10DMG, RNG:S, Rapid, Holo Sight, Flashlight, 12g
Buckshot x7 28bandoleer),
Police Baton (2DMG, Slam, Fast extend), Riot Shield (1DMG, Block +6, Slam),
Glock 17 (3DMG, RNG:S, Pistol, Rapid, 9mmFMJ 17mag x2),
Flashbang Grenade (C#12 or blind, deaf, and Stunned for d6+2rnds, 5yd Blast)
Teargas Grenade (Low Vis., C#18/rnd or Suffocate and -3 all, +1yd/rnd, 1min)
Armor: Riot Helmet, Kevlar Vest, Elbow Pads, Kevlar Knuckles Gloves,
Shinguards, Steel-Toe Boots
Special: Kevlar Knuckle Gloves (1DMG, RNG:S, Size 1, Slam, 2AR, 2CR, 2FR)
Gear: Badge, Bandoleer, Canteen, First-Aid Kit, Food x5, Gas Mask, Handcuffs,
Megaphone, Multi-Tool, Poncho, Road Flare, Sleeping Bag, Sunglasses, Water
Filter, Whistle, Zip Ties x10, Police Car or Motorcycle
Notes: These lone law men were cops before The End. Now they patrol the
desolate streets of ruined cities, dishing out their own personal brand of
justice however they see fit. They tend to make enemies quickly in areas held
by organized gangs, so they don't stay in one place very long.
Junky³ Dodge +5 Block +4 Speed 5 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics 5 Projectile 3 Stealth 5 Trick 5 Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build 4 Medicine 2 Perception 4 Science 5 3 3:1 3:1
C 6 Athletics 4 Drive 2 Melee 4 Survival 3 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 2 Entertain 1 Leadership - Socialize 2 Tame 1 6:1 3:1 3:1
Weapons: Henry Golden Boy (+5PATK, 2DMG, RNG:L, .22Match x16),
Crowbar (4DMG, Trip +1, Leverage +3)
Armor: Denim Jacket, Hoody, Cargo Pants
Gear: Backpack, Baseball Cap, Bolt Cutters, Chalk, Depressant x2, Hallucinogen
x2, Headlamp, Lighter, Lock (Pad), Lockpicks, Map (Local), Marker, Measuring
Cup, Multi-Tool, Notepad, Painkillers x3, Poncho, Running Shoes, Ski Mask,
Spray Paint, Sunglasses, Thermal Underwear, Water Bottle
Notes: These pathetic burnouts desperately scrounge for drugs. They can't
stand to be sober. Painkillers are their favorite but they will take whatever
they can get. They learn a bit of garage chemistry just to make more drugs.
They are cowardly but they will steal whenever they can. If they are really
hurting for a fix, they will fly into a murderous rage if they think someone
is holding out on them. Junkies ignore any Pain penalties while high.
Mercenary² Dodge +5 Block +5 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 5 Projectile 7 Stealth 5 Trick 1 Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build 1 Medicine 3 Perception 5 Science 1 5 5:3 5:3
C 10 Athletics 7 Drive 2 Melee 8 Survival 5 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain 1 Leadership 6 Socialize 1 Tame 2 10:11 5:3 5:3
Weapons: Springfield M1A (9DMG, RNG:L, Rapid, 4x Scope, .308FMJ 10mag x5)
Kimber 1911 (4DMG, RNG:S, Rapid, .45FMJ 7mag x2),
Kukri (5DMG, RNG:S, Size 2, 1-handed, Chop),
Frag Grenade (d6x3DMG, 5yd Blast, 1rnd fuse)
Armor: Interceptor Vest, Tactical Vest, Elbow Pads, Kevlar Gloves, Knee Pads,
Steel-Toe Boots
Gear: Baseball Cap, Canteen, First-Aid Kit, Hammock, Headlamp, Lighter,
Paracord, Sunglasses, Swiss Army Knife, Tarp, Water Filter, Wristwatch, SUV
Notes: These men are former soldiers who went AWOL in The End. Now they rent
out their combat expertise for food and ammo. They operate in small units or
individually. They drown their memories in booze whenever they make it to a
secure location. If their boss is killed, they will likely retreat. They let
go of any shred of morality they ever had a long time ago. They love to kill.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Militia¹ Dodge +3 Block +6 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 3 Projectile 8 Stealth 4 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build 2 Medicine 3 Perception 6 Science 1 4:4 4:1 4:1
C 9 Athletics 4 Drive 4 Melee 6 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain 2 Leadership 5 Socialize 4 Tame 4 9:4 4:3 4:3
Weapons: AR-15 (7DMG, RNG:L, Rapid, Holo Sight, 5.56FMJ 30mag x4),
Spade (2DMG, 1-handed, AM-1, Leverage +1)
Armor: Army Helmet, Flak Jacket, Work Gloves, Cargo Pants, Hiking Boots
Gear: Alcohol, Backpack, Bandoleer, BDU Jacket, Flashlight, Hand Radio,
Pickup Truck - M249 SAW (7DMG, RNG:L, H2, 5.56, 100belt/30mag, Size 4, Auto,
Rapid, Muzzle Brake, Mounted)
Notes: These patriotic self-appointed “guardians of the Constitution” seek to
restore a pseudo-historical idealized form of early American republican
government based on “Christian values.” Their main concerns are for their
family and their own personal liberty. Most are well-meaning “salt of the
Earth” types but some are completely insane and dangerously paranoid.
Nazi³ Dodge +3 Block +8 Speed 9 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 3 Projectile 8 Stealth 7 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build 1 Medicine - Perception 5 Science 1 5 5:2 5:2
C 10 Athletics 7 Drive 5 Melee 8 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain - Leadership 4 Socialize 1 Tame 3 10:2 5:3 5:3
Weapons: Remington 870 (+10PATK, 10DMG, RNG:S, Scatter +1, Slam, 12g Buckshot x7)
or Sledgehammer (8DMG, Slam), Knife (3DMG, Rapid)
Armor: Leather Jacket, Blue Jeans, Steel-Toe Boots
Gear: Bandana, Bandoleer (12g Buckshot x20), Rope, Sunglasses, Dune Buggy
Notes: These racist militants see The End as the result of too much “mongrel
mixing.” They are seizing the opportunity to racially purify the world by
killing off or enslaving anyone they deem impure. They hope to make a new
world where only “pure blooded” white people are left alive.
Nomad² Dodge +7 Block +4 Speed 9 HP : AR
A 9 Acrobatics 7 Projectile 7 Stealth 9 Trick 5 Head LArm RArm
B 7 Build 3 Medicine 3 Perception 7 Science - 4 4 4
C 9 Athletics 6 Drive - Melee 4 Survival 5 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 5 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame 4 9:3 4:1 4:1
Weapons: Savage Mk.II (+8PATK, 2DMG, RNG:L, .22FMJ 10mag), Knife (3DMG, Rapid)
Armor: Athletic Pads, Cargo Pants
Gear: Antibiotics x4, Bandana, Bandoleer (.22 FMJx30), Boonie Hat, Breath
Mask, Canteen, Compass, Firestick, First-Aid Kit, Fishing Pole, Food x4,
Hammock, Headlamp, Map (Atlas), Marker, Messenger Bag, Multi-Tool, Notebook,
Poncho, Running Shoes, Sunglasses, Tarp, Trench Coat, Water Filter, Dog
Notes: Some people get so sick of seeing their loved ones die that they
eventually just decide to go it alone, just them and their dog. They pack
light and lay low and avoid any encounter whenever possible. They may blow
through a fortified Settlement from time to time to trade for necessities, but
they keep to themselves and never say much. If followed, they may
intentionally lead their pursuer into danger to avoid a confrontation.
Operative² Dodge +12 Block +12 Speed 12 HP : AR
A 12 Acrobatics 12 Projectile 12 Stealth 12 Trick 12 Head LArm RArm
B 8 Build - Medicine - Perception 11 Science - 6:5 6:5 6:5
C 12 Athletics 12 Drive 8 Melee 12 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain - Leadership 8 Socialize - Tame - 12:12 6:5 6:5
Weapons: Tavor X95 (+17PATK [+1PATK], 10FDMG [7DMG], RNG:L, Size 2, AM-3,
Auto, Rapid, Laser, Suppressor, Holo Sight, 5.56API 50mag x7),
Glock 18 (+13PATK, 6FDMG, AM-3, RNG:S, Size 2, Auto, Pistol, Rapid, Holo
Sight, Laser, Suppressor, 9mmAPI 33mag x4),
Phosphorous Grenade (d6x3FDMG, 5yd Blast, d6FDMG cloud as Smoke Grenade),
Kick-boxing (6DMG, Slam) or Jui-Jitsu (6DMG, Grab)
Armor: Elbow Pads, Cargo Pants, Knee Pads, Shinguards, Steel-Toe Boots
ARES Helmet (5AR, 4CR, 3FR, Size 2, Gas Mask, IR/Thermo[+3 Percept], Radio)
Dragonskin Vest (10AR, 2CR, 3FR, Size 2),
Kevlar Knuckle Gloves (1DMG, RNG:S, Size 1, Slam, 2AR, 2CR, 2FR)
Gear: Black Bag, Depressant x6, Handcuffs, Tactical Vest, Zip Ties x12
API (Armor Piercing Incendiary) Ammunition (AM-3, +3FDMG)
Glock Extended Magazine (holds 33 rounds of 9mm, .5lb.)
Notes: These mysterious, highly trained soldiers bear no markings and wear
matching dark camouflage gear. They are occasionally seen running secret
missions for an unknown organization. People who have seen them assume they
are military special forces units. They are dropped off and picked up via zip-
line at night by a silent black Osprey. They never make a sound. They always
appear in squads of 6. Immune to Turning. Regenerate 1HP/hr.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Orphan² Dodge +3 Block +0 Speed 2 HP : AR
A 3 Acrobatics 1 Projectile - Stealth 5 Trick 1 Head LArm RArm
B 3 Build - Medicine - Perception 3 Science - 1 1 1
C 2 Athletics 2 Drive - Melee - Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain 1 Leadership - Socialize 1 Tame 1 2 1 1
Weapons: Slingshot (0DMG, RNG:S)
Gear: Crayon, Poncho, Teddy Bear (+1 Luck)
Notes: This is a little kid (d6+4 years old) who must have been protected by
someone until recently. They are found hiding. If they survive in the
Wasteland, they will either be made into Child Soldiers, slaves, or devolve
into Feral Kids. If Turned, they become Leapers. Little: +2 Dodge & Stealth
Pirate³ Dodge +7 Block +5 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 9 Acrobatics 7 Projectile 7 Stealth 5 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build 3 Medicine 1 Perception 5 Science 1 4 4:1 4:1
C 8 Athletics 6 Drive 6 Melee 5 Survival 5 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 6 Entertain 6 Leadership 3 Socialize - Tame - 8:1 4:1 4:1
Weapons: Ruger Mk.III (3DMG, RNG:S, Pistol, Rapid, .22FMJ 10mag),
Machete (6DMG, Chop), Dynamite x5 (d6x5DMG, 5yd Blast, 1min fuse)
Armor: Lifejacket, Work Gloves, Waders
Gear: Alcohol, Bandoleer (.22FMJ x30), Bandana, Compass, Fishing Pole, Flask,
Goggles, Grappling Hook, Map (Local), Monocular, Rope, Snorkel
Notes: These clever bastards live on boats of all shapes and sizes and only go
on land when absolutely necessary. They can be as violent as anyone when they
are desperate for something but most of the time they are lazy hedonists. They
love booze more than just about anything. Sometimes they wander alone on small
boats and rafts. Some form a crew of a dozen or so to man larger vessels.
Usually they are content to just sail away from trouble.
Preacher¹ Dodge +5 Block +4 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 5 Projectile 4 Stealth 5 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build 2 Medicine 5 Perception 5 Science - 4 4 4
C 8 Athletics 2 Drive 2 Melee 4 Survival 2 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 11 Entertain 4 Leadership 11 Socialize 4 Tame 5 8 4 4
Weapons: Torch (2DMG+1FDMG/rnd for d6rnds, Torch lasts 1hr),
Crossbow (+6PATK, 6DMG, 4x Scope, Target Arrows x5),
Shovel (7DMG, Slam, Block +1)
Gear: First-Aid Kit, Food x6, Fuel Can, Holy Bible, Lighter, Megaphone, Quiver
(Flame Arrows x10), Road Flare, Trench Coat, Water Bottle x6, Horse
Flame Arrow (+1FDMG/rnd, d6rnds, -1 all rolls until removed, .5lb/10)
Notes: The world does not have many “Good Samaritans” anymore but these holy
crusaders are among them. They save whoever they can and attempt to convert
them to Christianity. When not helping the living, he buries the dead.
Psycho³ Dodge +6 Block +10 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 6 Projectile 1 Stealth 6 Trick 6 Head LArm RArm
B 8 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 5 5:2 5:2
C 10 Athletics 3 Drive 3 Melee 10 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 6 Entertain 3 Leadership - Socialize 5 Tame - 10:1 5:3 5:3
Weapons: Pickaxe (8DMG, AM-6, Leverage +3) or Machete (7DMG, Chop)
Armor: Coveralls, Work Gloves, Steel-Toe Boots
Gear: Knife, Ski Mask, Wire Saw, Zip Tie x2
Notes: These people may seem friendly but Socialize(Discern) vs B reveals that
something is not right. They don't have to roll to lie because they have no
conscience. Use B for D rolls. They try to win trust, kill someone secretly,
then vanish. They may continue stalking the Team or they may not. Their only
motivation is the joy of murder. They ignore Fear and Pain.
Punk¹ Dodge +4 Block +9 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 4 Projectile 2 Stealth 6 Trick 4 Head LArm RArm
B 7 Build 5 Medicine 2 Perception 5 Science - 4 4:3 4:3
C 8 Athletics 5 Drive 1 Melee 6 Survival 3 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain 6 Leadership - Socialize 6 Tame 4 8:3 4:3 4:3
Weapons: Barbwire Club (4DMG, RNG:S, Size 2, 1-handed, AM-1, Slam)
Sign Shield (3DMG, RNG:S, Size 4, Block +3, Blocks guns, Slam)
Armor: Black Jeans, Steel-Toe Boots
Special: Spiked Jacket (3AR, 4CR, 0FR, Size 2, Torso/Arms, +1 Grab DMG)
Gear: Duct Tape, Flask, Gas Mask, Multi-Tool, Mountain Bicycle
Notes: These militant anarchists rely on themselves and each other to get by
in the Wasteland. They band together into cooperative communities and use
their DIY skills to craft or salvage what they need. They will help decent
people whenever they can. They have no patience for “authority figures.” Their
main weaknesses are lack of motivation and a tendency to goof off.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Raider³ Dodge +4 Block +9 Speed 9 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 4 Projectile 6 Stealth 4 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 4 Build 7 Medicine - Perception 3 Science 1 5:4 5:2 5:2
C 11 Athletics 5 Drive 5 Melee 9 Survival 1 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain 3 Leadership 4 Socialize 2 Tame 3 11:2 5:3 5:3
Weapons: Kimber 1911 (4DMG, RNG:S, Pistol, Rapid, .45FMJ 7mag x3),
Brass Knuckles (2DMG, Slam), Bowie Knife (4DMG, RNG:S, Size 2, AM-1)
Armor: Army Helmet, Leather Jacket, Blue Jeans, Steel-Toe Boots
Gear: Bandana, Flask, Leather Belt, Stimulant x4, Tool Bag, Motorcycle
Notes: They travel in marauding gangs like locusts, stripping whole regions of
any valuables, then moving on leaving only desolation in their wake. They are
post-apocalyptic Vikings. They always want women and always need Fuel.
Ranger¹ Dodge +2 Block +6 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 2 Projectile 8 Stealth 5 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 8 Build 2 Medicine 5 Perception 7 Science 2 5 5:3 5:3
C 10 Athletics 6 Drive 1 Melee 6 Survival 7 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 6 Entertain 1 Leadership 4 Socialize - Tame 4 10:2 5:3 5:3
Weapons: Compound Bow (+7PATK, 10DMG, RNG:L, AM-3, Broadhead x5),
Hatchet (5DMG, Chop)
Armor: Leather Jacket, Work Gloves, Blue Jeans, Hiking Boots
Gear: Canteen, Compass, Cowboy Hat, Firestick, First-Aid Kit, Fishing Pole,
Flashlight, Poncho, Quiver (Broadhead x10), Rope, Sleeping Bag, Sunglasses,
Swiss Army Knife, Tent (Pup), Water Filter, Whistle, Horse
Notes: Many of these mountain folk used to be park rangers or ranchers who
withdrew deep into the wilderness when The End came. They are loners by
choice. They will claim a valley, lake, or mountain as their territory. They
avoid people but will allow refugees to stay in the territory as long as they
need to. Bandits and the like are dealt with quickly and decisively.
Scavenger² Dodge +10 Block +2 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 10 Acrobatics 10 Projectile 3 Stealth 10 Trick 10 Head LArm RArm
B 8 Build 1 Medicine 3 Perception 8 Science 1 3 3:1 3:1
C 7 Athletics 7 Drive 1 Melee 2 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 5 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 7:2 3:2 3:2
Weapons: Tire Iron (3DMG, Leverage +1), Slingshot (1DMG, RNG:S),
SIG Sauer P290 (5DMG, RNG:S, AM+3, Pistol, Rapid, 9mmJHP 6mag)
Armor: Athletic Pads, Work Gloves, Cargo Pants, Knee Pads
Gear: Backpack, Bandana, Bandoleer, First-Aid Kit, Glass Cutter, Goggles,
Headlamp, Lockpicks, Map (Local), Monocular, Multi-Tool, Painkillers x5,
Pocket Mirror, Running Shoes, Stimulant, Wristwatch, Road Bicycle
Notes: Some prefer to work alone. They run missions into dangerous zones to
pick up specific supplies for someone. They travel light and fast and are not
easily distracted from their objective. They rely on stealth to survive.
Scientist² Dodge +2 Block +1 Speed 6 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 2 Projectile - Stealth 5 Trick 5 Head LArm RArm
B 11 Build 6 Medicine 8 Perception 9 Science 11 3 3 3
C 6 Athletics - Drive 2 Melee 1 Survival 3 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain - Leadership 4 Socialize 4 Tame - 6 3 3
Weapons: Cane (1DMG, Disarm +1, Trip +1),
Taurus 94 (-1PATK, 4DMG, RNG:S, AM+3, Pistol, .22JHP x9)
Gear: Antibiotics x4, Blood Pressure Cuff, Book (“Gray's Anatomy”), Book
(“College Chemistry”), Breath Mask, Cigarette x15, Compass, Depressant x5,
Flask, Hallucinogen x3, Handcuffs, Headlamp, Knife, Lighter, Magnifying Glass,
Marker, Measuring Cup, Multi-Tool, NBC Suit, Notepad, Stethoscope, Stimulant
x5, Surgery Kit, Telescope, Trench Coat, Wristwatch
Notes: This quack might have been a genius before The End, but the stress has
finally made him snap. He has surrounded himself with thugs of one kind or
another since he himself has no real combat skills whatsoever. Instead he
promises explosives and medical treatment. He never leaves his lab.
Slave² Dodge +4 Block +1 Speed 6 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 4 Projectile - Stealth 8 Trick 8 Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build 4 Medicine 2 Perception 5 Science - 2 2 2
C 4 Athletics 4 Drive 1 Melee 1 Survival 5 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 3 Entertain 2 Leadership - Socialize 1 Tame - 4 2 2
Weapons: Screwdriver (1DMG, AM-1, Leverage +1, Rapid)
Gear: Bobby Pin, Handcuffs
Notes: These people have been horribly abused and traumatized by some
malicious person or group. Many fall into a hopeless stupor but some manage to
maintain the spirit to fight on and eventually escape to freedom. They end up
extremely paranoid and quick to lash out at perceived threats.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Sniper³ Dodge +7 Block +6 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 10 Acrobatics 7 Projectile 10 Stealth 10 Trick 4 Head LArm RArm
B 6 Build 2 Medicine 3 Perception 6 Science 2 3 3:1 3:1
C 7 Athletics 6 Drive 1 Melee 3 Survival 4 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain 1 Leadership - Socialize - Tame 1 7:1 3:3 3:3
Weapons: Remington 700 (+12PATK, 9DMG, RNG:L, 9x Scope, .308Match x6),
Frag Grenade (d6x3DMG, 5yd Blast, RNG:S)
Armor: Ghillie Suit (+6 Stealth(Hide) in nature), Hiking Boots
Gear: Bandoleer, Box (.308Match x100), Canteen, Compass, Food x5, Gun Cleaning
Kit, Knife, Map (Topographic), Stimulant x3, Wristwatch
Notes: After seeing so many loved ones transformed into blood-thirsty monsters
and after being betrayed by so many fellow survivors, some people are simply
incapable of reacting to others with anything but instant reflexive violence.
For whatever reason, this guy sits high in his perch taking pot-shots at
anything that moves. If he gets cornered, facing certain death or capture, he
pulls the pin on his grenade, clutches it tightly to his chest, and waits...
Survivalist¹ Dodge +5 Block +5 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 5 Projectile 6 Stealth 6 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 7 Build 5 Medicine 3 Perception 7 Science - 4:4 4:4 4:4
C 9 Athletics 3 Drive 4 Melee 5 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 7 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize 4 Tame 4 9:2 4:3 4:3
Weapons: Norinco SKS (8DMG, RNG:L, 7.62FMJ x10),
Colt Python (7DMG, RNG:S, AM+3, Pistol, Slam, .357JHP, x6)
Hatchet (4DMG, Chop)
Armor: Army Helmet, Leather Jacket, Kevlar Gloves, Cargo Pants, Hiking Boots
Gear: Backpack, Bandoleer (7.62FMJ x20), Box (7.62FMJ x100), Canteen, Compass,
Duct Tape, Emergency Radio, Firestick, First-Aid Kit, Food x4, Gas Mask, Gun
Cleaning Kit, Headlamp, Lighter, Map (Topographic), Mess Kit, Mylar Blanket,
Paracord, Swiss Army Knife, Water Filter, Wire Saw, SUV
Notes: These “preppers” always kind of knew The End was coming and so they
developed skills and bought gear to survive no matter what. They are often
found in groups of a half-dozen or less. They are intensely private and
cautious bordering on paranoid. Most of them are good people but desperate
circumstances can drive them to do almost anything to live, especially if they
still have a family. They love to swap theories about what caused The End.
Trader¹ Dodge +4 Block +5 Speed 5 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 4 Projectile 5 Stealth 3 Trick 4 Head LArm RArm
B 8 Build 5 Medicine 2 Perception 7 Science 5 3 3:2 3:2
C 7 Athletics 2 Drive 5 Melee 2 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 9 Entertain 1 Leadership 6 Socialize 8 Tame 1 7:5 3:3 3:3
Weapons: Winchester Lupara (+9PATK, 10DMG, RNG:S, Pistol, Rapid, Scatter +3,
Slam, 12g Buck x2),
Crowbar (5DMG, Trip +1, Leverage +3),
Bomb Vest (d6x10DMG, 10yd Blast, AM-3, Size 2)
Armor: Undercover Vest, Kevlar Gloves, Cargo Pants, Hiking Boots
Gear: 20 rolls on MGL, d6 of each Drug, Bandoleer (12g Buckshot x50),
Binoculars, Food x10, Fuel Can x15, Magnifying Glass, Map (Atlas), Multi-Tool,
Trench Coat, Water Bottle x10, Water Filter, Wristwatch, Semi-truck
Notes: Money is worthless and so all exchange is barter. These are
enterprising people who offer goods to those who have useful goods or services
to trade. They go from Settlement to Settlement trading for profits and
favors. They are always traveling with Mercenaries. The truly greedy ones deal
in slaves. They often wear bomb vests to deter robbers.
Wrangler³ Dodge +3 Block +8 Speed 8 HP : AR
A 7 Acrobatics 3 Projectile 7 Stealth 5 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 5 Build 1 Medicine 2 Perception 4 Science - 5 5:3 5:3
C 10 Athletics 7 Drive 2 Melee 8 Survival 5 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain 2 Leadership 2 Socialize 2 Tame 7 10:2 5:3 5:3
Weapons: Marlin 1894C (7DMG, RNG:L, AM+3, Slam, .357JHP x9) or
Colt Python (7DMG, RNG:S, AM+3, Pistol, Slam, .357JHP, x6),
Lasso (0DMG, RNG:S, Grab +2, Size 2, Throw)
Armor: Leather Jacket, Work Gloves, Blue Jeans, Hiking Boots
Gear: Bandoleer (.357JHP x20), Duct Tape, Hand Cuffs, Zip Ties, Horse
Notes: Slavery has made a big comeback after The End and these men aim to
capitalize on it. They kidnap people (mostly women and children) and sell them
to unscrupulous Traders or other wealthy powerful men. Sometimes they can be
bribed but not often. They adopt the trappings of Old West cowboys because the
the tools used to rustle cattle are just as good for rounding up slaves.
Eventually they grow tired of hearing the wailing of women and children in
their nightmares. When they have had enough of the slave trade, they become
bounty hunters to absolve themselves by bringing bad people to justice.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Alligator 1 Chimpanzee 1 Lion
2 Anaconda 2 Deer 2 Monkey
3 Bear 3 Elephant 3 Raccoon
4 Bees 4 Gorilla 4 Razorback
5 Bull 5 Hawk 5 Rhinoceros
6 Canine 6 Horse 6 Viper
Native Animals
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Bear (Brown) 4 Canine (Dog) 1 Hawk 4 Raccoon
2 Bees 5 Canine (Wolf) 2 Horse 5 Razorback
3 Bull 6 Deer 3 Lion (Cougar) 6 Viper

Zoo Animals
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Alligator 4 Canine (Hyena) 1 Gorilla 4 Monkey
2 Anaconda 5 Chimpanzee 2 Horse (Zebra) 5 Rhinoceros
3 Bear (Polar) 6 Elephant 3 Lion (African) 6 Viper (Cobra)

Alligator³ Dodge R4 Block - Speed 8 HP : AR

A 6 Acrobatics 2 Projectile - Stealth 6 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 7:6 7:6 7:6
C 15 Athletics 15 Drive - Melee 10 Survival 15 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 15 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 15:6 7:6 7:6
Weapons: Bite (8DMG, Grab), Tail (5DMG, Slam)
Notes: Alligators stay near rivers or lakes. They lurk below the surface and
wait for their prey to come to the shore to drink. -1 Fear effect. Food: 80
Anaconda³ Dodge R3 Block - Speed 6 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 3 Projectile - Stealth 6 Trick - Head Body
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 3 Science - 6:2 12:2
C 12 Athletics 12 Drive - Melee 8 Survival 12
D 15 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame -
Weapons: Bite (3DMG, Grab, Slam), Constrict (2DMG/rnd to Torso, Grab)
Notes: Anacondas prefer warm wetlands where they hide in tall grass. They
strike fast, clamp down hard, and then coil around their prey to crush and
suffocate them before swallowing them whole. -1 Fear effect. Food: 24
Bear³ Dodge R1 Block - Speed 7 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 3 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 7 Science - 8:4 8:4 8:4
C 16 Athletics 9 Drive - Melee 8 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 12 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 16:4 8:4 8:4
Weapons: Claws x2 (7DMG, Slam), Bite (6DMG, Grab)
Notes: Black bears tend to stay in the East while Brown Bears prefer the North
West. They are territorial and very aggressive, especially when hungry.
-1 Fear effect. Big: -2 REF & Stealth. Food: 20
Bees³ Dodge R10 Block - Speed 30 HP : AR
A 12 Acrobatics 12 Projectile - Stealth - Trick - Swarm
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 8 Science - 20
C 20 Athletics - Drive - Melee - Survival 20
D 24 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame -
Weapons: Sting (1DMG/rnd, AM-3, 20yd diameter, roll on Locations)
Notes: Bees only take DMG from MATKs, FDMG, Blasts, Birdshot, or Buckshot, max
1DMG/rnd. They attack only to protect the hive. -1 Fear effect. Food: 10
Bull³ Dodge R1 Block - Speed 10 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth - Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 5 Science - 12 12 12
C 25 Athletics 5 Drive - Melee 7 Survival 6 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 10 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 25 12 12
Weapons: Horns x2 (11DMG, AM-1, Charge, Slam), Trample (10DMG, Charge, Slam)
Notes: Bulls are very aggressive and will attempt to plow any perceived
challenger to their territory into the ground. They Charge and gore their
enemies with their horns. Big: -4 REF & Stealth. Food: 150


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Canine³ Dodge R6 Block - Speed 12 HP : AR
A 10 Acrobatics 6 Projectile - Stealth 8 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 3 Build - Medicine - Perception 10 Science - 3 3 3
C 6 Athletics 5 Drive - Melee 6 Survival 6 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 6 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize 4 Tame - 6 3 3
Weapons: Bite (1DMG, Grab), Pounce (Charge, Trip)
Notes: When The End came, many pets where abandoned and the larger breeds
formed packs. They prowl around both urban and rural areas, mixing with wolves
and coyotes. They are usually starving and aggressive, though they only attack
humans when they are desperate and outnumber them. Food: 10
Chimpanzee³ Dodge +11 Block +8 Speed 12 HP : AR
A 11 Acrobatics 11 Projectile 3 Stealth 10 Trick 3 Head LArm RArm
B 4 Build - Medicine - Perception 7 Science - 6:1 6:1 6:1
C 12 Athletics 12 Drive - Melee 8 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 9 Entertain - Leadership 3 Socialize 3 Tame - 12:1 6:1 6:1
Weapons: Claws x2 (4DMG, Slam), Bite (4DMG)
Notes: Smart and quick, these close cousins of humans stay in groups (d6) and
defend their territory as a team. They can be calm and gentle or brutally
savage, just like their cousins. -1 Fear effect. Food: 11
Deer² Dodge R8 Block - Speed 13 HP : AR
A 12 Acrobatics 8 Projectile - Stealth 12 Trick - Head LFLeg RFLeg
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 8 Science - 4 4 4
C 8 Athletics 5 Drive - Melee 5 Survival - Torso LBLeg RBLeg
D 6 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 8 4 4
Weapons: Antlers (3DMG, Charge), Kick (2DMG)
Notes: These animals are alert, skittish, and flee at the first sign of
trouble. They only fight when cornered. Food: 12
Elephant³ Dodge R1 Block +7 Speed 13 HP : AR
A 3 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 3 Trick - Head LFLeg RFLeg
B 4 Build - Medicine - Perception 12 Science - 20:5 20:5 20:5
C 40 Athletics 4 Drive - Melee 7 Survival 9 Torso LBLeg RBLeg
D 9 Entertain - Leadership 5 Socialize 5 Tame - 40:5 20:5 20:5
Weapons: Tusks x2 (25DMG, Slam), Trunk (17DMG, Grab or Slam),
Trample (35DMG, Charge, Slam)
Notes: As the largest land animal in the world, the Elephant has little to
worry about except for humans. They are highly intelligent creatures.
-1 Fear effect. Big: -6 REF & Stealth. Food: 1000
Gorilla³ Dodge +6 Block +10 Speed 10 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 6 Projectile - Stealth 9 Trick 2 Head LArm RArm
B 4 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 7:3 7:3 7:3
C 14 Athletics 8 Drive - Melee 10 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 10 Entertain - Leadership 4 Socialize 3 Tame - 14:3 7:3 7:3
Weapons: Punch x2 (5DMG, Slam), Bite (4DMG)
Notes: These intelligent and powerful great apes rarely leave the deep
forests. They are territorial but can be friendly if approached with deference
and respect. -1 Fear effect. Food: 25
Hawk² Dodge R15 Block - Speed 25 HP : AR
A 15 Acrobatics 15 Projectile - Stealth 10 Trick - Head LWing RWing
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 15 Science - 1 1 1
C 1 Athletics - Drive - Melee 3 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 9 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 1 1 1
Weapons: Peck (1DMG), Claws x2 (1DMG)
Notes: Birds of prey tend to hunt for small mammals and little birds. They can
be trained if they can be caught. Food: 1
Horse² Dodge R3 Block - Speed 18 HP : AR
A 10 Acrobatics 3 Projectile - Stealth 4 Trick - Head LFLeg RFLeg
B 3 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 10 10 10
C 20 Athletics 3 Drive - Melee 8 Survival - Torso LBLeg RBLeg
D 7 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 20 10 10
Weapons: Kick (8DMG), Trample (8DMG, Charge, Slam)
Notes: Horses are smart, fast, and strong. Many ranch horses have escaped and
have managed to flourish. They can outrun any predator. They stick to the
forests and fields. Big: -4 REF & Stealth. Food: 120


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Lion³ Dodge R7 Block - Speed 11 HP : AR
A 10 Acrobatics 6 Projectile - Stealth 10 Trick - Head LFLeg RFLeg
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 9 Science - 7 7 7
C 14 Athletics 12 Drive - Melee 10 Survival 8 Torso LBLeg RBLeg
D 13 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 14 7 7
Weapons: Claws x2 (6DMG), Bite (5DMG, Grab), Pounce (6DMG, Charge, Slam)
Notes: This category of animal represents a range of large wild cat species
native to the Americas such as Cougars and Bob Cats as well as a much wider
variety of foreign jungle cats such as Panthers, Tigers, and Lions that
escaped from zoos when civilization collapsed. They are ambush predators,
stalking remote wilderness for easy prey. -1 Fear effect. Food: 12
Monkey² Dodge +13 Block - Speed 15 HP : AR
A 13 Acrobatics 13 Projectile 4 Stealth 13 Trick 5 Head LArm RArm
B 3 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 1 1 1
C 2 Athletics 15 Drive - Melee 5 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain 6 Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 2 1 1
Weapons: Bite (1DMG)
Notes: These curious creatures gang up in groups (d6). Some of them distract
their target while the others try to steal food.
Little: +4 REF & Stealth. Food: 2
Raccoon² Dodge R4 Block - Speed 7 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics 4 Projectile - Stealth 12 Trick 5 Head LArm RArm
B 3 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 1 1 1
C 2 Athletics 9 Drive - Melee 3 Survival 6 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 9 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 2 1 1
Weapons: Bite (1DMG)
Notes: These clever little bandits attempt to steal food and shiny things from
sleeping travelers. They run at the first sign of trouble.
Little: +2 REF & Stealth. Food: 3
Razorback³ Dodge R1 Block - Speed 12 HP : AR
A 4 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 4 Trick - Head LFLeg RFLeg
B 3 Build - Medicine - Perception 5 Science - 4:1 4:1 4:1
C 9 Athletics 2 Drive - Melee 7 Survival 8 Torso LLeg RLeg
D 8 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 9:1 4:1 4:1
Weapons: Tusks (4DMG, AM-1, Charge, Slam)
Notes: Farm pigs turn feral quickly in the wild. These hairy beasts reproduce
at a rapid rate and quickly take over an ecosystem. Food: 20
Rhinoceros² Dodge R1 Block - Speed 9 HP : AR
A 3 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth - Trick - Head LFLeg RFLeg
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 15:6 15:6 15:6
C 30 Athletics 1 Drive - Melee 8 Survival 7 Torso LBLeg RBLeg
D 12 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 30:6 15:6 15:6
Weapons: Horn (14DMG, AM-3, Charge, Slam), Trample (16DMG, Charge, Slam)
Notes: These massive grazing armored tanks have no real enemies and must be
provoked into attacking. Big: -6 REF & Stealth. -1 Fear effect. Food: 250
Viper³ Dodge R6 Block - Speed 3 HP : AR
A 8 Acrobatics 2 Projectile - Stealth 8 Trick - Head Body
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 1 1
C 1 Athletics 6 Drive - Melee 8 Survival 6
D 15 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame -
Weapons: Bite (1DMG, Poison 1DMG/min for 1hr, C#12 stops Poison, roll 1/min,
Medicine(First-Aid) #15 to stop Poison)
Notes: Poisonous snakes can be found almost anywhere in the world. They will
generally only strike when threatened, though some species are extremely
aggressive. -1 Fear effect. Little: +4 REF & Stealth. Food: 1


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Aeryon Atlas Firescout MAARS Predator Ripsaw
Aeryon Dodge R13 Block - Speed 120 HP : AR
A 15 Acrobatics 9 Projectile - Stealth 14 Trick - Cam BladeA BladeB
B 5 Build - Medicine - Perception 10 Science - 1 2 2
C 2 Athletics - Drive 4 Melee - Survival - Frame BladeC BladeD
D - Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 4 2 2
Weapons: Self-Destruct (d6x5FDMG, 5yd Blast)
Gear: Battery (24hr), IR/Thermo/Zoom Camera, SatComm, Speaker
Notes: Small quad-copter. Survey the area at a minimum altitude of 100yds.
Little: +4 REF & Stealth.
Atlas Dodge R5 Block +5 Speed 5 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics - Projectile 5 Stealth 5 Trick - Cam LArm RArm
B 5 Build - Medicine - Perception 10 Science - 7 15 15
C 15 Athletics 5 Drive - Melee 10 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D - Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 30:5 15 15
Weapons: M249 Light Machinegun (8FDMG, RNG:L, AM-3, Auto, Rapid, 5.56API
500mag), Arm (5DMG, Grab or Slam), Self-Destruct (d6x10FDMG, 5yd Blast)
Gear: Battery (12hr), IR/Thermo/Zoom Camera, SatComm, Speaker
Notes: Bipedal humanoid. Clear city blocks one building at a time.
Firescout Dodge R5 Block - Speed 180 HP : AR
A 15 Acrobatics 9 Projectile 10 Stealth 10 Trick - Cam LWing RWing
B 5 Build - Medicine - Perception 10 Science - 10 20 20
C 15 Athletics - Drive 8 Melee - Survival - Frame Rotor Tail
D - Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 40:5 20 20
Weapons: M249 Light Machinegun (8FDMG, RNG:L, AM-3, Auto, Rapid, 5.56API
1000mag), Missile x2 (d6x30FDMG, RNG:L, 15yd Blast),
Self-Destruct (d6x10FDMG, 5yd Blast)
Gear: Battery (8hr), IR/Thermo/Zoom Camera, Missiles x4, SatComm, Speaker
Notes: Drone helicopter. Prioritize targeting unidentified vehicles in cities.
Big: -4 REF & Stealth.
MAARS Dodge R3 Block - Speed 8 HP : AR
A 10 Acrobatics - Projectile 10 Stealth 5 Trick - Cam LArm RArm
B 5 Build - Medicine - Perception 10 Science - 8 17 17
C 10 Athletics 5 Drive 4 Melee 5 Survival - Frame LTrack RTrack
D - Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 35:10 17 17
Weapons: M240B Machinegun (8FDMG, RNG:L, AM-3, Auto, Rapid, .308API, 500mag),
M203 Launcher (RNG:S, White Phosphorous Grenades x4, d6x10FDMG, 5yd Blast, as
Smoke Grenade), Self-Destruct (d6x10FDMG, 10yd Blast)
Gear: Battery (12hr), IR/Thermo/Zoom Camera, SatComm, Speaker
Notes: Mini-tank. Patrol streets, alleys, tunnels, and bridges.
Predator Dodge R6 Block - Speed 220 HP : AR
A 20 Acrobatics 6 Projectile 10 Stealth 15 Trick - Cam LWing RWing
B 5 Build - Medicine - Perception 15 Science - 5 10 10
C 5 Athletics - Drive 4 Melee - Survival - Frame Blade Tail
D - Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 20 10 10
Weapons: Missile x4 (d6x30FDMG, RNG:L, 15yd Blast),
Self-Destruct (d6x10FDMG, 10yd Blast)
Gear: Battery (24hr), IR/Thermo/Zoom Camera, Missile x6, SatComm
Notes: Drone plane. Prioritize targeting unidentified vehicles in cities.
Big: -4 REF & Stealth.
Ripsaw Dodge R1 Block - Speed 90 HP : AR
A 10 Acrobatics - Projectile 10 Stealth - Trick - Cam Motor Gun
B 5 Build - Medicine - Perception 10 Science - 10 40:10 20:10
C 40 Athletics 5 Drive 8 Melee 10 Survival - Frame LTrack RTrack
D - Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 80:20 40:10 40:10
Weapons: M134 Minigun (11FDMG, RNG:L, Auto [+24PATK], AM-3, .308API 5000mag),
Trample (40DMG, Charge), Self-Destruct (d6x15FDMG, 20yd Blast)
Gear: Battery (24hr), IR/Thermo/Zoom Camera, Loudspeaker, SatComm, Speaker
Notes: Light tank. Patrol urban highways. Prioritize unidentified vehicles.
Big: -4 REF & Stealth.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Amalgam 4 Crawler 1 Puker 4 Thinker
2 Brute 5 Leaper 2 Rotter 5 Trooper
3 Chimera 6 Mommy 3 Runner 6 Walker
* = roll CvC+DMG to avoid Turning.
¨ = Double-Tap, shoot 2 bullets as your action to auto-kill this Zombie.
Double-Tap cannot be used in a Friendly Fire Situation.
Amalgam Dodge - Block - Speed 4 HP : AR
A 5 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 5 Trick - Mound Tentacles
B 12 Build - Medicine - Perception 20 Science - 90:10 9:5
C 90 Athletics 5 Drive - Melee 10 Survival - (x20)
D - Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame -
Weapons: Spine Tentacle* (10DMG, RNG:S, AM-3, Slam, Grab), Maw* (40DMG)
Notes: This mound of writhing corpses is a highly intelligent super-organism
made up of dozens of reanimated bodies. It harpoons people with its spine
tentacles and pulls them into its maw for absorption. Regenerate 5HP/rnd.
Brute Dodge R1 Block - Speed 8 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth - Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 2 Science - 7 7:5 7:5
C 15 Athletics 4 Drive - Melee 6 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 15:10 7:5 7:5
Weapons: Grab (CvC, Break), Bite* (8DMG), Claw* (6DMG, Slam)
Notes: Very big and strong adults who were Turned but lived to become
abnormally large examples of Runners. -2 Fear effect. Big: -2 REF & Stealth.
Chimera Dodge R3 Block - Speed 4 HP : AR
A 1 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 3 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 8,8 8,8:5 8,8:5
C 16 Athletics 3 Drive - Melee 5 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 16:10 8,8:5 8,8:5
Weapons: Grab x2 (6DMG each), Bite* x2 (3DMG each)
Notes: Two Zombies who were badly mangled and then regrew together while
regenerating. This is usually two Turned humans fused together but Turned
animals or combinations of animals and humans are also possible. It only needs
one of its Heads to function. This is how Amalgams begin. -2 Fear effect.
Crawler¨ Dodge R2 Block - Speed 1 HP : AR
A 1 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 8 Trick - Head Torso
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 4 Science - 3 6:10
C 6 Athletics 1 Drive - Melee 4 Survival - LArm RArm
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 3:5 3:5
Weapons: Grab (0DMG, Trip), Bite* (3DMG)
Notes: A person who was torn in half at the waist before Turning and now
crawls by dragging its upper body with its arms. Always Prone. ATKs Legs only.
-1 Fear effect. Little: +2 REF & Stealth.
Leaper Dodge R5 Block - Speed 6 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 6 Projectile - Stealth 8 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 5 Science - 2 2:2 2:2
C 5 Athletics 5 Drive - Melee 5 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 5:5 2:2 2:2
Weapons: Grab (3DMG, Tackle), Bite* (1DMG)
Notes: Children who were Turned. They hide and hibernate until they sense
prey. They Tackle prey with Acrobatics(Jump). They can climb up most walls and
jump up to 6yds away without Running. Little: +2 REF & Stealth.
Mommy Dodge R2 Block - Speed 7 HP : AR
A 1 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 4 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 5 Science - 3,1 3:5 3:5
C 7 Athletics - Drive - Melee 5 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 7:10 3:5 3:5
Weapons: Grab (2DMG), Bite* (4DMG) + Baby Bite* (1DMG)
Notes: A pregnant woman who was bitten and survived only long enough to be
killed by their unborn baby when the fetus Turned first and then burrowed
halfway out of their mother's belly. They are now fused much the same as a
Chimera, only much faster. The fetus bites automatically each round after the
Mommy Grabs. Both Heads must be destroyed to stop it. -2 Fear effect.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Puker Dodge R2 Block - Speed 6 HP : AR
A 4 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth - Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 5 Science - 4 4:5 4:5
C 9 Athletics - Drive - Melee 6 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 9:10 4:5 4:5
Weapons: Grab (5DMG, CvC, Tackle), Puke-Bite* (1DMG/rnd, Called Shot: Head)
Notes: Morbidly obese adults who were Turned but lived to become very fat
examples of Runners. They tend to tackle their prey and pin them under their
great mass. The pressure of their weight on their guts cause them to vomit
acidic bile onto their pinned prey. They then begin to feed on the dissolving
flesh. -2 Fear effect. Big: -2 REF & Stealth.
Rotter¨ Dodge R1 Block - Speed 4 HP : AR
A 1 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 4 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 3 Science - 4 4:5 4:5
C 8 Athletics - Drive - Melee 4 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 8:10 4:5 4:5
Weapons: Grab* (2DMG), Bite* (3DMG)
Notes: When someone dies from the Plague, they rise as a contagious Walker
with skin oozing off of their skeletal bodies, bleeding from all orifices, and
smelling worse than death. Even breathing around a Rotter can be lethal.
Plague: Airborne (RNG:S), C#6, contracted on a Fail, -1C/month until dead.
Runner Dodge R4 Block - Speed 7 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 3 Projectile - Stealth - Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 5 Science - 3 3:5 3:5
C 7 Athletics 2 Drive - Melee 5 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 7:10 3:5 3:5
Weapons: Grab (2DMG), Bite* (3DMG)
Notes: These are living Turned humans with black eyes and reddish fevered
skin. They are only slightly more intelligent than Walkers. Where Walkers'
behavior is somewhat insect-like, Runners act more like homing missiles. They
lead savage single-minded lives of rampaging hunger. Eventually, due to lack
of any ability to attend to their own biological necessities, Runners will
inevitably die and reanimate as Walkers. They can last for one to six months.
Thinker Dodge +6 Block +7 Speed 7 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics 6 Projectile 4 Stealth 6 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 4 Build - Medicine - Perception 6 Science - 3 3:5 3:5
C 7 Athletics 7 Drive - Melee 7 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 4 Entertain - Leadership 4 Socialize - Tame - 7:10 3:5 3:5
Weapons: Machete (6DMG, Chop), Bite* (4DMG)
Notes: Extremely intelligent adults who were Turned but lived to become
sentient Runners. They can use simple weapons and display low-level
intelligence. They are patient killers. Sometimes they even lead Swarms
strategically against humans. They can have much longer lifespans than Runners
due to their stronger instinct for self-preservation.
Trooper Dodge R2 Block - Speed 4 HP : AR
A 6 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth - Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 2 Build - Medicine - Perception 4 Science - 5:5 5:8 5:8
C 10 Athletics 1 Drive - Melee 5 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 10:19 5:10 5:10
Weapons: Grab (3DMG)
Armor: Riot Helmet, Interceptor Armor, Elbow Pads, Kevlar Knuckle Gloves, Knee
Pads, Shinguards, Steel-Toe Boots
Gear: Cargo Pants, Hand Radio, Tactical Vest, Teargas Grenade, Zip Ties x20
Notes: Riot cops or soldiers who were Turned into Walkers while on duty.
Walker¨ Dodge R2 Block - Speed 5 HP : AR
A 1 Acrobatics - Projectile - Stealth 5 Trick - Head LArm RArm
B 1 Build - Medicine - Perception 4 Science - 4 4:5 4:5
C 8 Athletics - Drive - Melee 5 Survival - Torso LLeg RLeg
D 1 Entertain - Leadership - Socialize - Tame - 8:10 4:5 4:5
Weapons: Grab (2DMG), Bite* (3DMG)
Notes: These are Turned corpses with black eyes and pale grey skin. These
things have become the dominant species on Earth after the overwhelming
majority of the human population mutated into or died and reanimated as one of
these things. They are mindless eating machines. They wander aimlessly,
sometimes clumping into large herds for a time before dispersing for no
apparent reason. There is no method to their behavior. They simply consume.
Child Walkers: Halve stats (+2 MATK). Little: +2 REF & Stealth.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Chapter 12: LOOT
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 .22 FMJ (d6x10) 1 .357 FMJ (d6x5) 1 .308 AP (d6)
2 .22 FMJ (d6x10) 2 .357 FMJ (d6x5) 2 .308 FMJ (d6x3)
1 3 .22 JHP (d6x10) 1 3 .357 FMJ (d6x5) 1 3 .308 FMJ (d6x3)
2 4 .22 JHP (d6x10) 2 4 .357 JHP (d6x5) 2 4 .308 JHP (d6x3)
5 .22 Match (d6x5) 5 .357 JHP (d6x5) 5 .308 JHP (d6x3)
6 .22 Tracer (d6x2) 6 .357 JHP (d6x5) 6 .308 Match (d6x2)
1 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 1 5.56 AP (d6) 1 12g Birdshot (d6x3)
2 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 2 5.56 FMJ (d6x3) 2 12g Birdshot (d6x3)
3 3 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 3 3 5.56 FMJ (d6x3) 3 3 12g Buckshot (d6x2)
4 4 9mm JHP (d6x5) 4 4 5.56 JHP (d6x3) 4 4 12g Flare (d6)
5 9mm JHP (d6x5) 5 5.56 Match (d6x2) 5 12g Sabot (d6)
6 9mm Match (d6x3) 6 5.56 Tracer (d6) 6 12g Slug (d6)
1 .45 FMJ (d6x5) 1 7.62 FMJ (d6x3) 1 Broadhead Arrow (d6)
2 .45 FMJ (d6x5) 2 7.62 FMJ (d6x3) 2 Broadhead Arrow (d6)
5 3 .45 FMJ (d6x5) 5 3 7.62 FMJ (d6x3) 5 3 Broadhead Arrow (d6)
6 4 .45 JHP (d6x5) 6 4 7.62 JHP (d6x3) 6 4 Target Arrow (d6)
5 .45 JHP (d6x5) 5 7.62 JHP (d6x3) 5 Target Arrow (d6)
6 .45 Match (d6x3) 6 7.62 JHP (d6x3) 6 Target Arrow (d6)

Armor Melee Weapons Projectile Weapons

1 Athletic Pads 1,2 Axe 1 AK-47
2 Army Helmet 3,4 Baseball Bat AR-15
1 1 1 2,3
3,4 Bicycle Helmet 5 Brass Knuckles 4 Benelli M4
5,6 Blue Jeans 6 Cane 5,6 Browning A-Bolt
1,2 Coveralls 1 Cleaver 1 Colt Python
3,4 Denim Jacket 2,3 Crowbar Compound Bow
2 2 2 2,3
5 Elbow Pads 4 Hatchet 4,5 Crossbow
6 Firefighter Suit 5,6 Hammer 6 Glock 17
1 Flak Jacket 1 Ice Axe 1 H&K MP5
2,3 Hiking Boots 2,3 Knife 2,3 Henry Golden Boy
3 3 3 4,5 Kimber 1911
4 Interceptor Armor 4 Machete
5,6 Kevlar Gloves 5,6 Metal Club 6 MAC-10
1 Kevlar Vest 1 Pickaxe 1 Marlin 1894C
2,3 Knee Pads 2,3 Pitchfork 2,3 Mossberg 500
4 4 4 4 Norinco SKS
4,5 Leather Jacket 4,5 Police Baton
6 Motorcycle Armor 6 Riot Shield 5,6 Ruger 10/22
1,2 Motorcycle Helmet 1,2 Screwdriver 1,2 Remington 700
3 Riot Helmet 3,4 Shovel Remington 870
5 5 5 3,4
4 Shinguards 5 Sledgehammer 5 Ruger Mk.III
5,6 Sports Helmet 6 Spade 6 Savage Mk.II
1 Steel-Toe Boots 1 Spear 1,2 SIG Sauer P290
2 Undercover Vest 2,3 Staff 3 Springfield M1A
6 6 6
3,4 Winter Coat 4,5 Tire Iron 4,5 Taurus 94
5,6 Work Gloves 6 Torch 6 Winchester Lupara

1 2 3
1 Bandana 1 Bobby Pin 1 Gas Mask
2 Bandoleer 2 Boonie Hat 2 Ghillie Suit
3 Baseball Cap 3 Cargo Pants 3 Goggles
4 BDU Jacket 4 Coveralls 4 Hiking Boots
5 Bicycle Helmet 5 Cowboy Hat 5 Hoody
6 Blue Jeans 6 Denim Jacket 6 Leather Belt
4 5 6
1 Leather Jacket 1 Ski Mask 1 Tool Belt
2 Lifejacket 2 Sports Helmet 2 Trench Coat
3 Motorcycle Armor 3 Steel-Toe Boots 3 Waders
4 NBC Suit 4 Sunglasses 4 Winter Coat
5 Poncho 5 Tactical Vest 5 Wristwatch
6 Running Shoes 6 Thermal Underwear 6 Work Gloves

d6 Type Mix Blast Duration Effects
1 Dynamite #18 5yd/ea 1min fuse d6x5DMG/stick. Must be lit.
2 Flashbang #12 5yd d6+2rnds 0DMG. C#12 or blind, deaf, and Stunned
3 Frag #21 5yd 1rnd fuse d6x3DMG.
4 Molotov #9 3yd 1min d6FDMG. 3FDMG/rnd. Must be lit.
5 Smoke #6 1yd/rnd 5mins Low Visibility.
6 Teargas #15 1yd/rnd 1min Smoke + C#18/rnd or Suffocate, -3 all.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

d6 Type Mix Duration Effects
1 Alcohol #9 1hr/drink Unstable, no Fear. May use as Antibiotics.
2 Antibiotic #15* 1 day Give to patient for +1 Medicine(Surgery).
3 Depressant #15* 6hrs/use Sleep 6hrs, -3 Perception/use. C/day = dead.
4 Hallucinogen #18* 2hr/use +3 Tame and Entertain, -1 all other Skills.
5 Painkiller #12* 1 day Reduce Pain by 1/use. Cx3/day = dead.
6 Stimulant #9* 6hrs/use Reduce Fatigue by 1/use. Cx3/day = dead.
*Can be found in the wilderness using Survival(Forage).
Roll Name Notes
1 Good Novel +1 Recovery rolls.
1 2 English-Spanish Dictionary English-Spanish translation.
2 3 Map (Atlas) +1 Survival(Navigate)
3 4 Map (Local) Regional. +1 Survival(Navigate).
5 “Holy Bible” +1 Survival(Kindle) 100 uses.
6 Yellow Pages Regional. +3 Perception(Loot).
1 Map (Topographic) Regional. +3 Survival(Navigate).
2 “The 7 Habits of Effective People” +1 to all Skill rolls
4 3 “101 Dog Tricks” +1 Tame
4 “Art of Stand-up Comedy” +1 Entertain
5 “Athletic Body in Balance” +1 Athletics
6 “Book of Ninja” +1 Stealth
1 “College Chemistry” +1 Science
2 “Engineering for Beginners” +1 Build
5 3 “Grays Anatomy” +1 Medicine
4 “Home Security Guide” +1 Trick
5 “How to Win Friends” +1 Socialize
6 “How Yoga Works” +1 Acrobatics
1 “Leadership for the Disillusioned” +1 Leadership
2 “Defensive Driving Techniques” +1 Drive
3 “Personal Defense” +1 Projectile
4 “SAS Survival Guide” +1 Survival
5 “Tao of Jeet Kune Do” +1 Melee
6 “Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind” +1 Perception
Gun Accessories
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Bayonet (Knife) 1 Bipod 1 Muzzle Brake (.45) 1 Suppressor (.22)
2 Ear Plugs 2 Flashlight 2 Muzzle Brake (5.56) 2 Suppressor (9mm)
3 Gun Cleaning Kit 3 Holo Sight 3 Muzzle Brake (7.62) 3 Suppressor (.45)
4 Speedloader 4 Laser 4 Muzzle Brake (.308) 4 Suppressor (5.56)
5 Tactical Vest 5 Scope (4x) 5 Muzzle Brake (12g) 5 Suppressor (7.62)
6 Three-Point Sling 6 Scope (9x) 6 Vertical Foregrip 6 Suppressor (.308)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 AK-47 4 Glock 17 1 MAC-10 4 Savage Mk.II
2 AR-15 5 H&K MP5 2 Ruger 10/22 5 SIG Sauer P290
3 Browning A-Bolt 6 Kimber 1911 3 Ruger Mk.III 6 Springfield M1A
1 2 3 4 56
1 Alcohol 1 EMT Bag 1 Painkillers (d6x2)
2 Antibiotics (d6) 2 First-Aid Kit 2 Soap
3 Bandage 3 “Grays Anatomy” 3 Stethoscope
4 Blood Pressure Cuff 4 Mylar Blanket 4 Stimulant (d6x2)
5 Breath Mask 5 NBC Suit 5 Surgery Kit
6 Crutch 6 Pillow 6 Transfusion Kit
Roll Trap Perc Acro Trick DMG Notes
1 Airhorn Alarm #12 #18 #9 - Swarm result x4. Takes d6mins.
1 2 Barbwire #9 #9 #9 d6DMG/rnd +6 Grab. Roll on Locations.
2 3 Bear Trap #9 #9 #6 d6 Leg Leg Grabbed. C#15. 1DMG/rnd.
3 4 Deadfall #12 #12 #6 Height d6DMG per 3yd drop per 50lb.
5 Landmine #18 #18 #12 d6x5 5yd Blast. Pressure release.
6 IED #9 #18 #12 d6x2DMG 3yd Blast. Trip wire.
1 Net Drop #15 #18 #9 - Target Grabbed. Must cut free.
2 Pitfall #6 #12 - d6x2 Leg 3yds deep. 1yd long spikes.
4 3 Snare Wire #12 #15 #6 1 Leg DMG Leg Grabbed. Fall Prone.
6 4 Spring Gun #15 #9 #9 Caliber Roll on Locations.
5 Swing Trap #9 #12 #9 Weapon Roll on Locations.
6 Trip Grenade #12 #18 #9 d6x5 5yd Blast. 1rnd fuse.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 .22 FMJ 1 Canteen 1 Map (Local)
2 .22 JHP 2 Cigarettes (d6x3) 2 Marlin 1894C
3 .357 FMJ 3 Colt Python 3 Matchbook
1 1 1
4 .357 JHP 4 Compound Bow 4 Measuring Cup
5 5.56 FMJ 5 Cowboy Hat 5 Metal Club
6 5.56 JHP 6 Coveralls 6 Metal Wire
1 7.62 FMJ 1 Crowbar 1 Norinco SKS
2 7.62 JHP 2 Crossbow 2 Notebook
3 .308 FMJ 3 Denim Jacket 3 Painkillers
2 2 2
4 .308 JHP 4 Dirt Bike 4 Pickaxe
5 12g Birdshot 5 Duct Tape 5 Pickup Truck
6 12g Buckshot 6 Ear Plugs 6 Pillow
1 12g Sabot 1 Egg Timer 1 Pitchfork
2 12g Slug 2 Emergency Radio 2 Remington 700
3 Alcohol 3 First-Aid Kit 3 Remington 870
3 3 3
4 Antibiotics 4 Fishing Pole 4 Rope
5 Arrow, Broadhead 5 Flashlight 5 Ruger 10/22
6 Arrow, Target 6 Flask 6 Saddle
1 ATV 1 Food (d6x4) 1 Saddle Bags
2 Axe 2 Fuel Can 2 Savage Mk.II
3 Bandana 3 Gun Cleaning Kit 3 Scope, 4x
4 4 4
4 Barbwire (Traps) 4 Hammer 4 Scope, 9x
5 Baseball Bat 5 Hammock 5 Screwdriver
6 Baseball Cap 6 Hand Radio 6 Steel-Toe Boots
1 Binoculars 1 Hatchet 1 SUV
2 Bipod 2 Henry Golden Boy 2 Tape Measure
3 Bit and Bridle 3 Hiking Boots 3 Tarp
5 5 5
4 Blue Jeans 4 “Holy Bible” 4 Thermal Underwear
5 Bobby Pin 5 Horse 5 Tire Iron
6 Bolt Cutters 6 Knife 6 Tool Bag
1 Browning A-Bolt 1 Lantern 1 Tool Belt
2 Bull 2 Leather Belt 2 Whistle
3 Bulldozer 3 Lighter 3 Winter Coat
6 6 6
4 Cage Trap 4 Lock, Pad 4 Whetstone
5 Candle 5 Machete 5 Work Gloves
6 Canine 6 Magazine (Browning) 6 “Yellow Pages”

Gas Station
1 2 3
1 Alcohol 1 Compass 1 Hammer
2 Baseball Cap 2 Duct Tape 2 Knife
3 Bobby Pin 3 First-Aid Kit 3 Lighter
4 Candle 4 Flashlight 4 Map (Atlas)
5 Candy 5 Food 5 Map (Local)
6 Cigarettes (20) 6 Fuel Can 6 Marbles
4 5 6
1 Marker 1 Poncho 1 Swiss Army Knife
2 Matchbook 2 Road Flare 2 Tire Iron
3 Multi-Tool 3 Screwdriver 3 Toy Car
4 Mylar Blanket 4 Soap 4 Water Bottle
5 Notebook 5 Stimulant (d6x2) 5 Work Gloves
6 Painkillers (d6x2) 6 Sunglasses 6 Yellow Pages

Grocery Store
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 “101 Dog Tricks” 1 Food 1 Poncho
2 Alcohol 2 Hammer 2 Rat Trap
1 3 Axe 1 3 “How to Win Friends” 1 3 Rope
2 4 Baseball Cap 2 4 Knife 2 4 Screwdriver
5 Breath Mask 5 Lighter 5 Shovel
6 Candle 6 Lock (2) 6 Sledgehammer
1 Candy 1 Magnifying Glass 1 Soap
2 Chalk 2 Map (Atlas) 2 Solar Lamp
3 3 Cigarettes (20) 3 3 Map (Local) 3 3 Spray Paint
4 4 Cleaver 4 4 Marker 4 4 Staff
5 Cooler 5 Matchbook 5 Stimulant (d6x2)
6 Crowbar 6 Measuring Cup 6 Sunglasses
1 Depressant (d6x3) 1 Metal Club 1 Tape Measure
2 Duct Tape 2 Multi-Tool 2 Water Bottle
5 3 Egg Timer 5 3 Mylar Blanket 5 3 Water Filter
6 4 “Eng-Span Dictionary” 6 4 Notebook 6 4 Work Gloves
5 First-Aid Kit 5 Painkillers (d6x2) 5 Wristwatch
6 Flashlight 6 Pocket Mirror 6 Yellow Pages


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Air Horn 1 Hammer 1 Poncho
2 Axe 2 Hatchet 2 Rope
1 3 Barbwire (Traps) 1 3 Headlamp 1 3 Screwdriver
2 4 Blue Jeans 2 4 “Home Security Guide” 2 4 Shovel
5 Bolt Cutters 5 Ice Axe 5 Sledgehammer
6 Breath Mask 6 Knee Pads 6 Spade
1 Carabiner 1 Knife 1 Spray Paint
2 Chalk 2 Leather Belt 2 Steel-Toe Boots
3 3 Crowbar 3 3 Lock (2) 3 3 Swiss Army Knife
4 4 Coveralls 4 4 Machete 4 4 Tape Measure
5 Duct Tape 5 Marker 5 Tarp
6 Ear Plugs 6 Metal Club 6 Tire Iron
1 Elbow Pads 1 Metal Wire 1 Tool Bag
2 “Engineering” 2 Multi-Tool 2 Tool Belt
5 3 Flashlight 5 3 NBC Suit 5 3 Whetstone
6 4 Glass Cutter 6 4 Paracord 6 4 Work Gloves
5 Goggles 5 Pickaxe 5 “Yellow Pages”
6 Grappling Hook 6 Pitchfork 6 Zip Tie

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 "101 Dog Tricks" 1 Gas Mask 1 Police Car
2 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 2 Glock 17 2 Poncho
3 9mm JHP (d6x5) 3 Gun Cleaning Kit 3 Remington 700
1 1 1
4 9mm Match (d6x3) 4 H&K MP5 4 Remington 870
5 .45 JHP (d6x5) 5 Hallucinogen (d6x10) 5 Riot Helmet
6 .45 Match (d6x3) 6 Hammer 6 Riot Shield
1 5.56 AP (d6) 1 Hand Radio 1 Road Flare
2 5.56 FMJ (d6x3) 2 Handcuffs 2 Rope
3 5.56 Match (d6x2) 3 Holo Sight 3 Scope (4x)
2 2 2
4 .308 AP (d6) 4 “Home Security Guide” 4 Scope (9x)
5 .308 FMJ (d6x3) 5 Interceptor Armor 5 Shinguards
6 .308 Match (d6x2) 6 Kevlar Gloves 6 Shovel
1 12g Buckshot (d6x2) 1 Knee Pads 1 SIG Sauer P290
2 12g Sabot (d6) 2 Kevlar Vest 2 Sledgehammer
3 AR-15 3 Laser 3 Spray Paint
3 3 3
4 ATV 4 Leather Belt 4 Springfield M1A
5 Backpack 5 Lock (Pad) 5 Steel-Toe Boots
6 Baseball Cap 6 Lockpicks 6 Stimulant (d6x10)
1 Benelli M4 1 Magazine (AR-15) 1 Sunglasses
2 Bicycle (Mountain) 2 Magazine (Glock 17) 2 SUV
3 Bicycle Helmet 3 Magazine (H&K MP5) 3 Tactical Vest
4 4 4
4 Binoculars 4 Magazine (Spring M1A) 4 Tape Measure
5 Bipod 5 Map (Atlas) 5 Teargas Grenade
6 Bolt Cutters 6 Map (Local) 6 Telescope
1 Brass Knuckles 1 Map (Topographic) 1 Three-Point Sling
2 Cargo Pants 2 Megaphone 2 Tire Iron
3 Crowbar 3 Mossberg 500 3 Tool Bag
5 5 5
4 Depressant (d6x10) 4 Motorcycle 4 Tool Belt
5 Duffel Bag 5 Multi-Tool 5 Undercover Vest
6 Ear Plugs 6 Muzzle Brake (.308) 6 Van
1 Elbow Pads 1 Mylar Blanket 1 Vertical Foregrip
2 "Eng-Span Dictionary" 2 NBC Suit 2 Water Bottle
3 First-Aid Kit 3 Notebook 3 Whistle
6 6 6
4 Flashbang Grenade 4 Painkillers (d6x10) 4 Wristwatch
5 Flashlight 5 “Personal Defense” 5 "Yellow Pages"
6 Fuel Can 6 Police Baton 6 Zip Tie

Sporting Goods (Athletics)

1 2 3
1 "How Yoga Works" 1 Baseball Bat 1 Combination Lock
2 "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" 2 Baseball Cap 2 Duffel Bag
3 "Yellow Pages" 3 Bicycle (Mountain) 3 Elbow Pads
4 Air Horn 4 Bicycle (Road) 4 Flippers
5 Athletic Pads 5 Bicycle Helmet 5 Football Helmet
6 Bandana 6 Chalk 6 Goggles
4 5 6
1 Hoody 1 Pad Lock 1 Snow Skis
2 Ice Axe 2 Rollerblades 2 Stimulant
3 Knee Pads 3 Running Shoes 3 Sunglasses
4 Lifejacket 4 Shinguards 4 Water Bottle
5 Megaphone 5 Skateboard 5 Whistle
6 Metal Club 6 Snorkel 6 Wristwatch

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Sporting Goods (Camping)
1 2 3
1 “SAS Survival Guide” 1 Carabiner 1 Food
2 Backpack 2 Cooler 2 Hammock
3 Bandage 3 Emergency Radio 3 Hand Radio
4 Binoculars 4 Firestick 4 Headlamp
5 Boonie Hat 5 First-Aid Kit 5 Hiking Boots
6 Canteen 6 Flashlight 6 Hydration Pack
4 5 6
1 Lantern 1 Pocket Mirror 1 Tarp
2 Mess Kit 2 Poncho 2 Tent (2)
3 Multi-Tool 3 Rope 3 Thermal Underwear
4 Mylar Blanket 4 Sleeping Bag 4 Water Bottle
5 Paracord 5 Solar Lamp 5 Water Filter
6 Pillow 6 Spade 6 Wire Saw

Sporting Goods (Hunting & Fishing)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 .22 FMJ (d6x10) 1 Flare Gun
2 .22 JHP (d6x10) 2 Gun Cleaning Kit
3 .22 Match (d6x5) 3 Henry Golden Boy
1 1
4 .308 FMJ (d6x3) 4 Holo Sight
5 .308 JHP (d6x3) 5 Kevlar Gloves
6 .308 Match (d6x2) 6 Knife
1 .357 FMJ (d6x5) 1 Laser
2 .357 JHP (d6x5) 2 Magazine(Browning A-Bolt)
3 .45 FMJ (d6x5) 3 Magazine(AR-15)
2 2
4 .45 JHP (d6x5) 4 Magazine(Ruger 10/22)
5 12g Birdshot (d6x3) 5 Magazine(Ruger Mk.III)
6 12g Buckshot (d6x2) 6 Magazine(Savage Mk.II)
1 12g Flare (d6) 1 Map (Atlas)
2 12g Sabot (d6) 2 Map (Local)
3 12g Slug (d6) 3 Map (Topographic)
3 3
4 5.56 FMJ (d6x3) 4 Marlin 1894C
5 5.56 JHP (d6x3) 5 Monocular
6 5.56 Match (d6x2) 6 Norinco SKS
1 7.62 FMJ (d6x3) 1 Quiver
2 7.62 JHP (d6x3) 2 Remington 700
3 9mm FMJ (d6x5) 3 Remington 870
4 4
4 9mm JHP (d6x5) 4 Ruger 10/22
5 AR-15 5 Ruger Mk.III
6 Arrow, Broadhead (d6) 6 Savage Mk.II
1 Arrow, Target (d6) 1 Scope, 4x
2 Bear Trap (Traps) 2 Scope, 9x
3 Benelli M4 3 Ski Mask
5 5
4 Bipod 4 Slingshot
5 Browning A-Bolt 5 Speedloader
6 Cage Trap 6 Swiss Army Knife
1 Colt Python 1 Telescope
2 Compound Bow 2 Three-point Sling
3 Crossbow 3 Waders
6 6
4 Ear Plugs 4 Whetstone
5 First-Aid Kit 5 Winter Coat
6 Fishing Pole 6 Work Gloves

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Ambulance 4 Bus 1 Pickup Truck 4 Street Bike
2 ATV 5 Motorcycle 2 Police Car 5 SUV
3 Box Truck 6 Muscle Car 3 Semi-truck 6 Van

Rare Vehicles HP AR DMG Speed Tread MPG Tank Capacity

1 2½-ton Truck 80 15* 40 80yds 55mph 3 10 50gal 2 2000
2 Airplane 50 5* 30 220yds 150mph - 15 55gal 4 100
1 3 APC 120 20* 60 60yds 40mph 6 3 95gal 13 400
2 4 Bank Truck 100 20* 50 95yds 65mph 1 3 40gal 5 1200
3 5 Bulldozer 110 20 60 15yrds 10mph 9 .5 110gal 1 0
6 Dirt Bike 20 1 10 70yds 50mph 6 70 2gal 1 0
1 Dune Buggy 50 1 20 100yds 70mph 3 18 8gal 3 0
2 Fire Engine 90 15* 50 130yds 90mph 3 10 100gal 6 400
4 3 Helicopter 50 5 30 180yds 125mph - .5 200gal 8 600
6 4 Humvee 70 15* 30 100yds 70mph 6 8 25gal 5 400
5 Jet Ski 25 5 10 80yds 55mph - 5 15gal 3 0
6 Motorboat 30 1 20 60yds 40mph - 10 10gal 6 100


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Roll a d6 3 times to get an item's MGL number. Next to each
item's MGL number is a rating from 1 to 9 which is an indication of
that item's relative rarity. This is a penalty to Perception(Loot)
when searching for that specific item. Parenthesis indicate the
number of sub-types an item has. For example, there are 4 different
types of .22 Ammunition. Roll on the appropriate table in Ch:12 as
indicated in Bold Italics. Otherwise, the GM may simply decide what
exactly is found by the Team.
1,1,1 3 .22 Ammunition (4) 3,1,1 6 Flak Jacket 5,1,1 1 Poncho
1,1,2 3 .308 Ammunition (4) 3,1,2 3 Flare Gun 5,1,2 3 Quiver
1,1,3 3 .357 Ammunition (2) 3,1,3 1 Flashlight 5,1,3 3 Rat Trap
1,1,4 3 .45 Ammunition (3) 3,1,4 3 Flask 5,1,4 3 Remington 700
1,1,5 3 12g Ammunition (5) 3,1,5 3 Flippers 5,1,5 3 Remington 870
1,1,6 3 5.56 Ammunition (5) 3,1,6 1 Food 5,1,6 9 Riot Helmet
1,2,1 3 7.62 Ammunition (2) 3,2,1 1 Fuel Can 5,2,1 9 Riot Shield
1,2,2 3 9mm Ammunition (3) 3,2,2 6 Gas Mask 5,2,2 3 Road Flare
1,2,3 3 Air Horn 3,2,3 6 Ghillie Suit 5,2,3 3 Rollerblades
1,2,4 6 AK-47 3,2,4 6 Glass Cutter 5,2,4 1 Rope
1,2,5 6 Animal Comrade (18) 3,2,5 6 Glock 17 5,2,5 6 Ruger 10/22
1,2,6 3 Athletic Pads 3,2,6 3 Goggles 5,2,6 6 Ruger Mk.III
1,3,1 6 AR-15 3,3,1 6 Grappling Hook 5,3,1 1 Running Shoes
1,3,2 6 Army Helmet 3,3,2 3 Gun Cleaning Kit 5,3,2 6 Saddle
1,3,3 3 Arrow Ammunition (2) 3,3,3 9 H&K MP5 5,3,3 6 Saddle Bags
1,3,4 3 Axe 3,3,4 1 Hammer 5,3,4 6 Savage Mk.II
1,3,5 1 Backpack 3,3,5 1 Hammock 5,3,5 3 Scope (2)
1,3,6 1 Bandage 3,3,6 3 Hand Radio 5,3,6 1 Screwdriver
1,4,1 1 Bandana 3,4,1 6 Handcuffs 5,4,1 3 Shinguards
1,4,2 3 Bandoleer 3,4,2 3 Hatchet 5,4,2 3 Shovel
1,4,3 1 Baseball Bat 3,4,3 3 Headlamp 5,4,3 6 SIG Sauer P290
1,4,4 1 Baseball Cap 3,4,4 6 Henry Golden Boy 5,4,4 3 Skateboard
1,4,5 3 BDU Jacket 3,4,5 1 Hiking Boots 5,4,5 3 Ski Mask
1,4,6 6 Benelli M4 3,4,6 6 Holo Sight 5,4,6 3 Sledgehammer
1,5,1 3 Bicycle (2) 3,5,1 1 Hoody 5,5,1 1 Sleeping Bag
1,5,2 1 Bicycle Helmet 3,5,2 3 Hydration Pack 5,5,2 3 Slingshot
1,5,3 1 Binoculars 3,5,3 3 Ice Axe 5,5,3 3 Snorkel
1,5,4 6 Bipod 3,5,4 9 Interceptor Armor 5,5,4 6 Snow Skis
1,5,5 6 Bit and Bridle 3,5,5 6 Kevlar Gloves 5,5,5 1 Soap
1,5,6 6 Blood Pressure Cuff 3,5,6 9 Kevlar Vest 5,5,6 3 Solar Lamp
1,6,1 1 Blue Jeans 3,6,1 6 Kimber 1911 5,6,1 3 Spade
1,6,2 1 Bobby Pin 3,6,2 3 Knee Pads 5,6,2 3 Spear
1,6,3 3 Bolt Cutters 3,6,3 1 Knife 5,6,3 3 Speedloader
1,6,4 9 Bombs (6) 3,6,4 1 Lantern 5,6,4 3 Sports Helmet
1,6,5 3 Boonie Hat 3,6,5 1 Leather Belt 5,6,5 1 Spray Paint
1,6,6 1 Brass Bell 3,6,6 3 Leather Jacket 5,6,6 6 Springfield M1A
2,1,1 6 Brass Knuckles 4,1,1 3 Laser 6,1,1 1 Staff
2,1,2 3 Breath Mask 4,1,2 6 Lifejacket 6,1,2 3 Steel-Toe Boots
2,1,3 6 Browning A-Bolt 4,1,3 1 Lighter 6,1,3 6 Stethoscope
2,1,4 6 Cage Trap 4,1,4 1 Lock, Combination 6,1,4 1 Sunglasses
2,1,5 1 Candle 4,1,5 1 Lock, Pad 6,1,5 9 Suppressor (6)
2,1,6 1 Candy 4,1,6 9 Lockpicks 6,1,6 6 Surgery Kit
2,2,1 3 Cane 4,2,1 9 MAC-10 6,2,1 3 Swiss Army Knife
2,2,2 1 Canteen 4,2,2 3 Machete 6,2,2 6 Tactical Vest
2,2,3 3 Carabiner 4,2,3 6 Magazines (12) 6,2,3 1 Tape Measure
2,2,4 1 Cargo Pants 4,2,4 1 Magnifying Glass 6,2,4 1 Tarp
2,2,5 1 Chalk 4,2,5 1 Marbles 6,2,5 6 Taurus 94
2,2,6 1 Cigarette 4,2,6 1 Marker 6,2,6 3 Telescope
2,3,1 1 Cleaver 4,3,1 6 Marlin 1894C 6,3,1 1 Tent (2)
2,3,2 6 Colt Python 4,3,2 1 Matchbook 6,3,2 1 Thermal Underwear
2,3,3 1 Compass 4,3,3 1 Measuring Cup 6,3,3 6 Three-Point Sling
2,3,4 3 Compound Bow 4,3,4 3 Megaphone 6,3,4 1 Tire Iron
2,3,5 1 Cooler 4,3,5 3 Mess Kit 6,3,5 1 Tool Bag
2,3,6 3 Coveralls 4,3,6 1 Messenger Bag 6,3,6 1 Tool Belt
2,4,1 3 Cowboy Hat 4,4,1 1 Metal Club 6,4,1 1 Torch
2,4,2 3 Crowbar 4,4,2 1 Metal Wire 6,4,2 1 Toy Car
2,4,3 3 Crutch 4,4,3 1 Monocular 6,4,3 6 Transfusion Kit
2,4,4 3 Crossbow 4,4,4 3 Mossberg 500 6,4,4 3 Trench Coat
2,4,5 3 Denim Jacket 4,4,5 6 Motorcycle Armor 6,4,5 9 Undercover Vest
2,4,6 1 Documents (24) 4,4,6 3 Motorcycle Helmet 6,4,6 1 Vehicles (24)
2,5,1 1 Drugs (6) 4,5,1 3 Multi-Tool 6,5,1 6 Vertical Foregrip
2,5,2 1 Duct Tape 4,5,2 6 Muzzle Brake (5) 6,5,2 3 Waders
2,5,3 1 Duffel Bag 4,5,3 3 Mylar Blanket 6,5,3 1 Water Bottle
2,5,4 1 Ear Plugs 4,5,4 9 NBC Suit 6,5,4 3 Water Filter
2,5,5 1 Egg Timer 4,5,5 6 Norinco SKS 6,5,5 1 Whetstone
2,5,6 3 Elbow Pads 4,5,6 1 Notebook 6,5,6 1 Whistle
2,6,1 3 Emergency Radio 4,6,1 3 Paracord 6,6,1 9 Winchester Lupara
2,6,2 6 EMT Bag 4,6,2 3 Pickaxe 6,6,2 1 Winter Coat
2,6,3 9 Firefighter Suit 4,6,3 1 Pillow 6,6,3 3 Wire Saw
2,6,4 3 Firestick 4,6,4 6 Pitchfork 6,6,4 1 Work Gloves
2,6,5 1 First-Aid Kit 4,6,5 1 Pocket Mirror 6,6,5 1 Wristwatch
2,6,6 1 Fishing Pole 4,6,6 6 Police Baton 6,6,6 3 Zip Tie
-9 Perception(Loot). Highly regulated items that were mostly for government use.
-6 Perception(Loot). Rare items that were expensive, specialized, or custom made.
-3 Perception(Loot). Uncommon items that were publicly available but not pervasive.
-1 Perception(Loot). Common items that were widely owned and easily found.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Character: Player:
Height: Weight: Skin: Hair: Gender: Age:
Comrades: DMG Mod: Luck: / Speed: yds XP: /


Agility Brains Constitution Demeanor
Acrobatics Build Athletics Entertain
Projectile Medicine Drive Leadership
Stealth Perception Melee Socialize
Trick Science Survival Tame

Head /

Torso /

Arms /

Legs /

Type ATK DMG RNG Sz Ammo Notes

Ammunition / / / / / /


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)



Current Load: Maximum Load:


Morality: Good <OOOOOOOOOOOOO> Evil


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Special Thanks
To all of the friends who contributed something
to this project, whether they knew it or not:
Shane Adams, Brandon Arnold, Paul Artis, Carley Baker,
Heath Baker, Ty Bartley, Matt Belville, Tanner Bivens,
Wayne Blaire, Mark Blake, Josh Booth, Joe Bramblet,
Amanda Brumfield, Chuck Caines, Mike Caruso, Leslie
Cremeans, Wally Dempsey, Christian Fannin, CJ Flood,
Chris Goldman, Joe Haun, Shannon Hausey, Bryan Hopper,
Ryan Hurley, Eliot Jacobs, Joe Jarrel, Brandon Lias,
Shaila Lias, JJ Lucas, Chris Luten, Jay Martin, Dave
Maynard, Todd Middleton, Brandon Mitchell, Nicolas
Nadeau, Matt Oldaker, Adam Orr, Chris Peters, Jason
Philabaun, DJ Price, Donald Price, Ed Prichard, John
Reddin, Ike Riesbeck, James Spears, August Spiegel,
Chris Steele, Luke Styer, Dan Taylor, Jared Thomas,
Stephanie Thomas, Justin Thomas, Todd Voeltz, Andy
Vulhop, Trey Willett, Natalie Wilson, Don Witeki,

Thanks to Jason Hager for original logo and art.


Thanks to David Masters for the photograph

“Building Work at Dheisheh Refugee Camp.”

Thanks to Appalachian Terror Unit.

Support your local music scene.

Thanks to
Hometown Hobbies in Huntington WV, and
The Wizard's Guild in Athens, OH.
Support your local game shop.

And thanks to the talented artists of the US

Army for their detailed illustrations on how to
efficiently kill your fellow human being.

Any opinions expressed in this book are solely

those of the author alone and may or may not be
shared by anybody else, anywhere, at all, ever.


Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

Apocalyptia is a free and open-source
role-playing game about the end of the world.
This is a fast paced survival-horror game in
which you and your friends must rely on each
other to live another day. This is a not-for-
profit project and a labor of love for the
gaming community. It will always be available
at no charge to anyone who wants to play it.

Be free and enjoy one another.

Get complete game rules, character sheets,

and additional game content free online at:
Join the community and add your own ideas to
make this game better for everyone.

For questions, comments, and submissions:


Contributions are always appreciated. Visit

our DriveThruRPG page to order this book in
print or to download a “Pay What You Want”
PDF copy of this book at:

Apocalyptia by Jordan Fannin is licensed under a Creative

Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Konrad Sobanski (order #6717278)

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