Filled Example Workbook

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Filled examples
Product Pricing Workbook

Hourly Rate $10

Cost Of Materials $38.98

Overhead Cost
Should be a percentage

How Many Can You Make 4

How Long To Make 1 1

1. Decide what you want to be paid hourly in your

2. add the material costs together
3. Add overhead, usually 7%-10% this will account for
things you don't rebuy each time, like printer ink,
paper, or vinyl you have on hand.
4. Figure out how many you can make from the
materials you have added.
5. Place the numbers in for how many you can make.

Example Labor Costs=

Hourly Rate

* Total $10

How Long To Make 1

1. Labor Cost is a simple calculation. Just multiply

your hourly rate by the time it takes to make 1.
Example Cost To Make 1=

Cost Of Materials

+ Total $48.98

Labor Costs

How Many Can

$48.98 / You Make
= $12.25

$12.25 * Overhead = $13.47

1. The cost to make 1 is 3 parts.

a. First, add the cost of materials + labor costs.
b. Now take that answer and divide by how many
you can make.
c. You will be left with a number that you will then
multiply by overhead.
Example What To CHarge Retail

cost to make 1

* Total $33.68


What To CHarge wholesale

cost to make 1

* Total $20.21


1. To get retail cost

a. Take the cost to make 1 and multiply by 3. This
number can be adjusted, I typically use either 2.5
or 3.
2. To get wholesale cost
a. Take the cost to make 1 and multiply by 1.5. This
number can be adjusted, I typically use either 1 or
Example Profit Retail

What To Charge Retail

- Total $20.21

Cost to make 1

Profit wholesale

What To Charge
- Total $6.74

Cost To make 1

1. To get retail profit

a. Take the retail cost and subtract the cost to
make 1.
2. To get wholesale cost
a. Take the wholesale cost and subtract the cost to
make 1.

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