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Hypertension in Pregnancy

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Carbetocin versus oxytocin for prevention of

postpartum hemorrhage in hypertensive women
undergoing elective cesarean section

Zakia M. Ibrahim , Waleed A. Sayed Ahmed , Eman M. Abd El-Hamid , Omima

T. Taha & Amira M. Elbahie

To cite this article: Zakia M. Ibrahim , Waleed A. Sayed Ahmed , Eman M. Abd El-Hamid , Omima
T. Taha & Amira M. Elbahie (2020) Carbetocin versus oxytocin for prevention of postpartum
hemorrhage in hypertensive women undergoing elective cesarean section, Hypertension in
Pregnancy, 39:3, 319-325, DOI: 10.1080/10641955.2020.1768268

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Published online: 18 May 2020.

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2020, VOL. 39, NO. 3, 319–325

Carbetocin versus oxytocin for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in

hypertensive women undergoing elective cesarean section
Zakia M. Ibrahima, Waleed A. Sayed Ahmeda, Eman M. Abd El-Hamida, Omima T. Tahaa, and Amira M. Elbahiea
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt


Objective: Assess the efficacy and safety of carbetocin, versus oxytocin in the prevention of Received 18 March 2020
postpartum hemorrhage in hypertensive women. Accepted 7 May 2020
Study design: A randomized clinical trial. KEYWORDS
Setting: Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Suez Canal University Hospital. Postpartum hemorrhage;
Patients: One hundred and sixty hypertensive pregnant women who underwent CS. carbetocin; oxytocin; elective
Interventions: Patients were randomized to receive either 10 IU oxytocin or 100 μg carbetocin. cesarean section
Primary outcomes included estimated blood loss, blood transfusion, hemoglobin (HB), and
hematocrit changes pre- and post-delivery and the use of additional uterotonics.
Results: The postoperative HB was not different from preoperative HB in the carbetocin group
(11.8 ± 1.2 vs. 11.2 ± 1.2 g/dL) while it decreased significantly in the oxytocin group (12.1 ± 3.8 vs.
10.4 ± 1.1 g/dL, p < 0.001). Blood loss was significantly more among the oxytocin group
(679.5 ± 200.25 vs. 424.75 ± 182.59 ml) in the carbetocin group (p < 0.001). Nausea, vomiting,
and sweating were reported more significantly in oxytocin group patients.
Conclusion: Carbetocin was more effective than oxytocin in reducing intraoperative and post-
operative blood loss.

Introduction its minimal effect on the hemodynamic state of the

patients, it was recommended to evaluate this drug in
Hemorrhage is a leading contributor to maternal mor-
women with hypertensive disorders during pregnancy
tality, especially in developing countries, accounting for
(11). Therefore, the current study was conducted to eval-
more than 30% of direct causes (1,2). Other risk factors
uate the effectiveness of carbetocin versus oxytocin for the
include a cesarean section (CS) as well as hypertensive
prevention of PPH in hypertensive women undergoing
disorders (3). The most commonly used uterotonic
elective CS.
agent is oxytocin. It is characterized by a short half-
life of only 4–10 min, which mandates continuous
intravenous infusion to guarantee sustained uterotonic Materials and methods
activity (4). The recently introduced analogue to oxyto-
After approval of the institutional ethical committee on
cin, carbetocin, is a long-acting synthetic octapeptide
the study protocol, this randomized, double-blind clinical
(5) that binds to oxytocin receptors on the smooth
study has been carried out in the labor word at Suez Canal
muscles of the uterus, resulting in more robust and
University hospitals from 1/1/2014 to 31/12 /2018.
regular uterine contractions (6). Accordingly, it is
We recruited women according to the following
more advantageous over oxytocin in the management
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria
of the third stage of labor (7), especially with a similar
included a) women aged 18–35 years, b) singleton
side effect profile (8).
pregnancy, c) scheduled for elective (with no evidence
Many studies evaluated different obstetrician’s arsenal
of labor pain) lower segment CS, d) gestational age of
in postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), but those evaluating
≥37 weeks, and e) have one of the hypertensive disor-
the effectiveness of carbetocin in hypertensive patients are
ders in pregnancy. These included: 1) chronic hyper-
scarce. The strides made for the management of PPH are
tension defined as high blood pressure that precedes
so clear considering uterotonic agents as an essential item
pregnancy, is diagnosed within the first 20 weeks of
in the care bundle in the third stage of labor (9).
pregnancy, or does not resolve by the 12-week
Carbetocin has advantages over oxytocin (10). Besides

CONTACT Omima T. Taha Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia,
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


- 170 patients were eligible for the study.

- 10 patients declined to participate.
- 160 patients were recruited

Control group (n=80) Study group (n=80)
Received treatment (n=80) Received treatment (n=80)
Refused treatment (n=0) Refused treatment (n=0)

80 patients completed the study Analysis 80 patients completed the study

Data analysis included 80 Data analysis included 80
patients patients
No case was excluded No case was excluded.

Figure 1. The study flow chart.

postpartum checkup. 2) Gestational hypertension drip at a rate of 125 ml/h or 100 µg carbetocin diluted in
defined as the new onset of hypertension after 10 ml of Ringer’s lactate solution injected directly into the
20 weeks of gestation. The diagnosis requires that the vein over 2 min (Pabal; Ferring, Langley, UK). The study
patient has elevated blood pressure (systolic ≥140 or medication was administered by the anesthesia team after
diastolic ≥90 mm Hg) and no protein in the urine. 3) delivery of the fetus and before placental removal. CS was
Preeclampsia characterized by the development of performed by two of the research investigators. Another
hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gesta- investigator performed the follow-up. Diclofenac sodium
tion (12). 75 mg (Voltaren®; Novartis Pharma, Berne, Switzerland)
The exclusion criteria were a) history of risk factors for was used as an analgesic on request as an intravenous
excessive blood loss during the surgery (placenta previa, infusion in dextrose 5% solution for all patients.
twin pregnancy, or presence of uterine fibroid), b) history This was a single-blinded trial (patients only). The
of thromboembolic disorders, c) cases suffering from codes were broken only after the study was finished,
chronic medical diseases (cardiac, hepatic, renal), d) and all the data were tabulated and analyzed, thus
maternal request for CS (associated with a risk of PPH avoiding detection bias.
of 3.1%(13)), and e) CS performed under general anesthe- The primary outcome measure was the occurrence
sia. The required sample size was calculated using a-error of major primary PPH defined as blood loss >1000 ml
of 0.05 (14) and study power 80%. within 24 h of delivery (16). Blood loss was estimated
We followed the methods of El Behery et al., 2015 (15). by the surgeon through visual estimation, number of
Women allowed for the study (160 women) were divided used swabs, and amount of aspirated blood (17).
into study and control groups. Each group included 80 Secondary outcomes were the change in vital signs,
pregnant women, fulfilling the selection criteria and the need for blood transfusion, preoperative hemoglo-
designated to deliver by elective CS for different obstetric bin, and hematocrit levels compared to those obtained
indications. Randomization of women was performed by at 24 h after delivery and the use of additional utero-
a simple randomization method by computer-generated tonics during the first 24 h after delivery.
random tables, divided into two groups (study and con- The uterine tone was evaluated by palpation.
trol) in a 1:1 manner. Administration of further uterotonics (two rectal sup-
The recruited women received an explanation of the positories of misoprostol) was the choice of the inves-
study and signed a consent form. All patients received tigators according to the clinical situation, whether
regional anesthesia. Patients were then randomized to there is excessive blood loss associated with hypoten-
receive either one ampoule 10 IU oxytocin (Syntocinon; sion, tachycardia, or decreased uterine contractility or
Alliance, Chippenham, UK) in 1000 ringer lactate as IV tone during the operation or up to 24 h afterward.

Ethical approval conducted and analyzed. A probability value (p-value)

<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
This study was carried out after obtaining ethical approval
on 18/9/2013 with a research number 926#. Trial regis-
tration number is PACTR201909807831604.
We had 170 women eligible for the study. Ten women
declined to participate leaving 160 women allocated to
Statistical analysis
either group (Figure 1).There was no statistically sig-
Gathered data were processed using Statistical Package of nificant difference between both groups regarding age,
Social Sciences version 22.0 (SPSS version 22.0 Inc., gestational age, gravidity, type of hypertension, and
Chicago, IL, USA). Qualitative data (categorical variables) indications of CS (Table 1).
were expressed as frequency (numbers) and percentages in Both groups were matched regarding baseline vital
the form of rates (%). Simple group comparisons were signs including heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory
processed using chi-square tests (with continuity correc- rate. Post-operatively, still there was no significant differ-
tions in the case of 2 × 2 tables). Chi Squares and Fishers ence between both groups regarding vital signs while
Exact tests were used to test the significance of difference for hemoglobin and hematocrit were lower in oxytocin
qualitative variables. Quantitative data were expressed as group compared to carbetocin group (p < 0.001). Data
median or means ± standard deviation (SD) as appropriate. showed that carbetocin group patients have a significant
The student t-test was used to test the significance of decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure with no
difference for quantitative variables that follow a normal significant change of heart rate while oxytocin group
distribution. patients showed a significant decrease in systolic and
Mann–Whitney U tests were used for variables that diastolic blood pressure and significant increase of post-
are not normally distributed. Blood pressure and pulse partum heart rate (Table 2).
rates up to 40 minutes after the administration of the Regarding the postoperative weight of gauze, drapes,
study drug were measured every 10 minutes and com- and gowns, there was a significant difference between
pared with repeated measures Analyses of Variance both groups as they were heavier among oxytocin
(ANOVA). The independent data of the study were group patients denoting more blood loss. (NB:

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the study groups.

Variables Study group (Carbetocin) (n = 80) Control group (Oxytocin) (n = 80) p-value
Age (years) ≤ 30 38 47.5% 30 37.5% 0.11 (NS)
> 30 42 52.5% 50 62.5%
Gestational age (weeks) 38.15 ± 1.2 38.18 ± 0.8 0.9 (NS)
Mean ± SD
Gravidity PG 20 25% 20 25% 1 (NS)
G 2–3 44 55% 44 55%
> G3 16 20% 16 20%
Types of hypertension Chronic 10 12.5% 16 20% 0.5 (NS)
Pregnancy-induced 70 87.5% 64 80%
Indications of elective CS:
Repeat CS 58 72.5% 55 68.75% 0.37 (NS)
Malpresentation 16 20% 12 15%
Cephalopelvic disproportion 6 7.5% 13 16.25%
CS, cesarean section; NS, non-significant.

Table 2. Pre and postoperative vital signs and laboratory findings among study groups.
Study group (Carbetocin) (n = 80) Control group (oxytocin) (n = 80)
Pre op Postop Pre op Post op
HR (beat/min) 92.9 ± 7.5 95.6 ± 6.8 91.5 ± 5.5 96 ± 5.4*
SBP (mmHg) 154.5 ± 5.9 144.7 ± 6.1* 156.3 ± 7.1 146.5 ± 6.6*
DBP (mmHg) 97.8 ± 6.2 94.9 ± 5.1* 99.5 ± 3.2 96.8 ± 4.8*
RR (cycle/min) 13 ± 0.8 13.3 ± 0.6 13.1 ± 0.9 13.2 ± 0.9
HB (g/dl) 11.8 ± 1.2 11.2 ± 1.2 12.1 ± 2.8 10.4 ± 1.1#*
HCT (%) 35.2 ± 2.5 33.6 ± 2.4* 36.1 ± 3.1 29.8 ± 4.8#*
HR, heart rate; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; RR, respiratory rate; HB, hemoglobin; HCT, Hematocrit.
*Statistically significant difference versus the preoperative value of the same group.
Statistically significant difference between postoperative values of both groups.

preoperative gauze weight was 150 g, and drapes and group; however, they recruited women with uncompli-
gowns were 850 g). The amount of blood at the suction cated pregnancies undergoing elective CS (19).
unit was significantly larger among women treated with These findings were inconsistent with Reyes and
oxytocin than those treated with carbetocin. Total Gonzalez (20) as they have reported no statistically sig-
blood loss was significantly higher among the oxytocin nificant difference between both carbetocin and oxytocin
group compared to the carbetocin group. regarding the mean fall of postoperative hemoglobin. This
None of carbetocin group patients required blood would be explained by the fact that they recruited patients
transfusion versus 8 (10%) of oxytocin group patients who had vaginal delivery in their study while ours did not.
with no statistically significant difference. Also, none of Also, another study reported no significant difference in
the carbetocin group patients required additional the mean HB level before and after delivery in their
uterotonic, while 85% of oxytocin group patients studied population. However, carbetocin was compared
received two rectal misoprostol with a statistically sig- with the combined use of oxytocin and ergometrine (HB
nificant difference (Table 3). difference of 0.51 ± 0.26 and 0.54 ± 0.30, respectively,
p = 0.50) (21). Additionally, another study reported no
change in the HB level among all groups of the study, but
Discussion they recorded the values if assessed during the routine
Principle findings care leading to biased results (22).
The decrease in hemoglobin level in the carbetocin
Carbetocin was superior to oxytocin in the prevention group was insignificant when comparing between preo-
of PPH in hypertensive women. Postpartum hemoglo- perative and postoperative values (11.8 ± 1.2 and
bin and hematocrit were significantly decreased 24 h 11.2 ± 1.2, respectively) with an estimated blood loss of
postpartum in the oxytocin group compared to preo- about 424.75 ± 182.59 ml. This agreed with a previous
perative values. None of the patients in the carbetocin study by Elgazayerli, 2019 (10.90 ± 0.93 and 10.68 ± 0.88,
group required additional uterotonic compared to 85% respectively, with an estimated blood loss of
of women in the oxytocin group. Drug-related adverse 436.2 ± 36.2 ml) (23). In the study conducted by Dell-
effects included nausea and vomiting, which were Kuster et al., the change in hemoglobin levels was minor
higher among the oxytocin group, with incidence (12.4 and 11.2), with an estimated blood loss of about
rates ranged from 42.5% to 67.5%. 530 ml (24). The reported difference between both studies
would be rendered to their inclusion of patients under-
going unplanned CS for different obstetric causes, espe-
Results and clinical implications
cially for the amount of blood loss. Besides, the
The current study has shown that carbetocin was hemoglobin level was not correlated with the amount of
superior to oxytocin in the prevention of PPH in hyper- blood loss in the carbetocin group, as reported previously
tensive women. The longer half-life of carbetocin can (r = −0.179 with a p-value of 0.096) (25). Besides, there is
explain this compared to oxytocin, which results in an extreme heterogeneity between the previous studies
more uterine contractility (18). concerned with carbetocin. This was because of the dif-
Postpartum hemoglobin and hematocrit were signif- ferent criteria for patient recruitment, together with dif-
icantly decreased 24-h after delivery in the oxytocin ferent dosing regimens for oxytocin (26).
group compared to preoperative values, denoting No additional uterotonic was required in the carbetocin
more blood loss among the oxytocin group. An earlier group while as high as 85% of women in the oxytocin group
studies15 reported similar results. Also, Uy et al., 2013 needed additional uterotonic. In Uy et al., study, 34.3% of
reported a significantly higher level of postoperative the participants in the oxytocin group required additional
hemoglobin in the carbetocin group versus the oxytocin uterotonic (19).

Table 3. Blood loss and need additional uterotonic among study groups.
Study group (Carbetocin) (n = 80) Control group (Oxytocin) (n = 80) p-value
Gauze, drapes and gowns weight (g) 1224 ± 182 1379 ± 200 <0.001*
Amount of blood at the suction unit (ml) 200.75 ± 78.59 300.5 ± 145.25 <0.001*
Total blood loss 424.75 ± 182.59 679.5 ± 200.25 <0.001*
Need blood transfusion No 80 100% 72 90% 0.1 (NS)
Yes 0 0% 8 10%
Need additional uterotonics No 80 100% 12 15% <0.001*
Yes 0 0% 68 85%
*Statistically significant differenceNS: non-significant.

There was a statistically significant difference Research implications

between both groups regarding the amount of blood
In our study, the focus was on patients undergoing
at the suction unit, which was a valid indicator for the
elective CS and diagnosed with hypertensive disorders
assessment of blood loss. The mean amount of blood
in pregnancy, which limits the availability of uterotonic
was 424.75 ± 182.59 ml with a carbetocin group while it
drugs for the prevention of PPH. This group of patients
was as high as 679.5 ± 200.25 ml with oxytocin group.
was not mentioned in previous researches properly. It
Although this study agreed with El Behery et al., they
would be recommended to study the effect of both
reported more blood loss in the oxytocin group than
drugs in patients having a vaginal delivery, which is
the current study (1027 ± 659, 679.5 ± 200.25, respec-
already known to be associated with less blood loss
tively). This would be rendered to their recruitment of
than CS. Further researches to evaluate the cost-
patients undergoing emergency CS which is known to
effectiveness of carbetocin use should be conducted.
be associated with more blood loss than elective CS
(15). This resulted in more patients in need of blood
transfusion than the current one [14 (15.55%), 8 (10%), Strengths and limitations of the study
respectively]. Additionally, a previous study reported
a significant increase in the amount of blood loss in Our study included a small number of patients in each
the oxytocin group than the carbetocin group (702.8 vs. group, which would be increased in further studies. We
585.7 ml, respectively) (26). All the recruited cases had used accurate methods for estimation of blood loss
their CS under regional anesthesia (spinal). Regional either by weight difference between towels and drapes
anesthesia was associated with a slighter decrease in before and after the operation as well as change differ-
patient hematocrit and less estimated blood loss (27). ence in patients’ hemoglobin and hematocrit.
There was a significant decrease in both systolic
and diastolic blood pressure among both groups, Conclusions
with no significant difference between both drugs. It
was previously reported that when given as an intra- Our preliminary conclusion showed that a single IV carbe-
venous bolus, oxytocin causes an increase in heart tocin of 100 µg was more effective than a continuous IV
rate and a decrease in mean arterial blood pressure infusion of oxytocin in maintaining adequate uterine tone
(28). This was consistent with previous studies that and in preventing PPH in hypertensive women undergoing
showed no clinically significant differences between elective CS with similar safety profile.
carbetocin and oxytocin regarding the hemodynamic
parameters (10,20)., and (29). Although spinal Author’s contribution
anesthesia would result in hypotension, which is
defined as a reduction in baseline blood pressure of ZM. Ibrahim: Protocol/project development, Manuscript
more than 80%(30), this was not evident in the WA. Sayed Ahmed: Protocol/project development, manu-
studied population. script writing/editing.
Another concern with the use of carbetocin is its price. AM.Elbahie: Data analysis, manuscript editing
Carbetocin is more expensive than oxytocin limiting its EM. Abd El-Hamid: Data collection and management, data
use in our country. According to the meta-analysis con- analysis.
OT. Taha: Data collection and management, data analysis.
ducted by Jin et al., only one trial mentioned the cost-
effectiveness of carbetocin use in CS deliveries (31). In this
trial, uterine atony occurred in 19% and 8% women in the Key message
oxytocin and carbetocin groups, respectively (p < 0.0001).
Carbetocin was more effective than oxytocin in reducing
Bleeding was less than 500 mL in the carbetocin group intraoperative and postoperative blood loss in cesarean sec-
versus 500–1000 mL in the oxytocin one (p < 0.0001). The tion delivery, and both of them are safe with minimal toler-
mean cost per patient treated was 3525 USD vs. 4054 USD able side effects.
with the carbetocin and oxytocin, respectively (p <
0.0001). The mean cost-effectiveness ratio for oxytocin
was 4944, USD while 3874 USD for carbetocin. The incre- Disclosure statement
mental cost-effectiveness ratio documented that carbeto- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
cin was superior (32). Together with its effectiveness in the
prevention of postpartum hemorrhage, it would be of
paramount benefit when used in women at risk for
major obstetric hemorrhage. Self-funded research

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