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​ Technique:
● Precision and control: The dancers' ability to execute movements with
precision and control, including balance, alignment, and fluidity.
● Flexibility and strength: Assessing the dancers' range of motion, flexibility,
and physical strength in executing various dance movements.
● Timing and rhythm: Evaluating the dancers' ability to stay on beat and
maintain the correct tempo throughout the performance.
​ Artistry:
● Expression and emotion: The dancers' capacity to convey emotion and tell
a story through their movements and expressions.
● Musicality: The alignment of dance movements with the music, including
how well the choreography complements the music's dynamics and
● Creativity and originality: Assessing the choreography's originality and
innovative use of movement and space.
​ Choreography:
● Composition and structure: Evaluating the overall design and structure of
the dance, including transitions, formations, and spatial arrangements.
● Variety and complexity: The use of a diverse range of movements and
patterns to engage the audience and maintain interest.
● Flow and coherence: Assessing how well the choreography flows from
one movement to the next, creating a cohesive and compelling narrative.
​ Performance skills:
● Stage presence: The dancers' ability to engage with the audience and
project their energy and charisma.
● Synchronization: The precision and unity of the dancers when performing
in a group or ensemble.
● Stamina and endurance: Evaluating the dancers' physical fitness and
ability to maintain a high level of performance throughout the entire piece.
​ Interpretation of the theme or concept:
● How well the dancers convey the intended theme or message of the
performance, if applicable.
​ Overall impact:
● The overall impression and lasting impact of the performance on the
audience, including the emotional resonance and artistic significance.

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