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"Твої руки - це мій дім, а твої очі - Невідоми

це моя небесна зоря." й

"Коли ти поруч, час зупиняється, а Невідоми

серце б'ється швидше." й

"Ти - моє натхнення, моя радість, Невідоми

моя надія." й
"З тобою кожен день - це
4 пригода, а кожен момент - це

"Ти втілення всього, чого я хотів у Невідоми

коханій людині." й

"Твої посмішки розквітають у

6 моєму серці, нагадуючи мені, що
я кохаю тебе безмежно."

"Ти - моє сонце в хмарному небі,

7 що розсіює мої сумніви та зігріває
мою душу."

"Кохати тебе - це найпрекрасніше,

8 що мені вдалося зробити у цьому

"Моя любов до тебе росте

кожного дня, як квітка, яка цвіте й Невідоми
розкривається у нашому й
спільному житті."

"Твоя любов - це найбільший дар, Невідоми

який я коли-небудь отримував." й

"Ти робиш мене кращою Невідоми

людиною лише тим, що є поруч." й

"Кожен твій дотик - це

12 електричний струм, що пробігає
по всьому моєму тілу."

"Твої губи - це мій улюблений

13 пристань, де я знаходжу смак
найніжнішого поцілунку."

"Ти - моя доля, зірка, яка веде Невідоми

мене до безмежного щастя." й

"Кожен момент з тобою - це

15 скарб, який зберігається в моєму
серці назавжди."
"Твоя любов - це магніт, що
16 збирає разом всі наші спогади,
мрії та емоції."

"Ти володієш моїм серцем і

17 душею, моє існування неможливе
без тебе."

"Ти даруєш мені сміливість бути

18 собою та відкривати найкращі
частини себе."

"Твоя ніжність розчиняє мої

19 страхи та робить мене

"Кохати тебе - це моє найбільше

20 щастя, найвища винагорода, яку я
отримав у житті."
"Your hands are my home, and your
21 Unknown
eyes are my heavenly star."
"When you're near, time stands still
22 Unknown
and my heart beats faster."
"You are my inspiration, my joy, my
23 Unknown
"With you, every day is an
24 adventure, and every moment is Unknown
"You embody everything I've ever
25 Unknown
wanted in a loved one."
"Your smiles bloom in my heart,
26 reminding me that I love you Unknown
"You are my sunshine in the cloudy
27 sky, dissipating my doubts and Unknown
warming my soul."
"Loving you is the most beautiful
28 Unknown
thing I've ever done in this world."
"My love for you grows every day,
29 like a flower blossoming in our Unknown
shared life."
"Your love is the greatest gift I have
30 Unknown
ever received."
"You make me a better person just
31 Unknown
by being by my side."
"Every touch of yours is an electric
32 current that runs through my entire Unknown
"Your lips are my favorite harbor
33 where I find the taste of the Unknown
gentlest kiss."
"You are my destiny, a star that
34 Unknown
leads me to infinite happiness."
"Every moment with you is a
35 Unknown
treasure stored in my heart forever."

"Your love is a magnet that gathers

36 all our memories, dreams, and Unknown
emotions together."
"You possess my heart and soul; my
37 existence is impossible without Unknown
"You give me the courage to be
38 myself and reveal the best parts of Unknown
"Your tenderness melts my fears
39 Unknown
and makes me stronger."
"Loving you is my greatest
40 happiness, the highest reward I've Unknown
received in life."
"Love is a language understood by
41 two hearts without the need for Unknown
"When I look into your eyes, I see
42 Unknown
my future and endless love."
"Your kisses are the key that
43 unlocks doors to unforgettable Unknown
"Love is the color that paints our
44 Unknown
lives with vibrant shades."
"With you, I feel that being real is
45 the best thing I could ever Unknown
"You are my most daring dream
46 Unknown
that came true."
"Love is the fire that never
47 extinguishes but always burns Unknown
"Your hugs are a safe harbor where
48 Unknown
I always feel at home."
"Your words are the best musical
49 accompaniment that resonates in Unknown
my heart."

"You are my greatest treasure,

50 Unknown
which I carefully guard in my heart."

"You are everything I've been

51 Unknown
searching for in this infinite world."

"Love is the magic that creates

52 Unknown
wonders in our lives."
"Your smile is the illuminating light
53 Unknown
in the darkness."
"You are the mirror that reflects my
54 Unknown
best version."
"Your tenderness is a melody that
55 Unknown
softly echoes in my heart."
"You are my best story that will last
56 Unknown
"Your presence changes my heart
57 Unknown
like magic."
"You are a song that always plays in
58 Unknown
my soul."
"Your words are the best remedy
59 Unknown
for any wounds."
"Loving you is an unmatched dance
60 Unknown
of emotions and feelings."
"You are a burning star on the
61 Unknown
horizon of my life."
"Love is what makes the world
62 Unknown
bright and beautiful."
"Your touches are an energy charge
63 Unknown
that transforms my life."
"You are my reason to strive to be a
64 Unknown
better version of myself."
"Love is an endless sea where we
65 Unknown
sail together."
"You are the key to my happiness
66 Unknown
and eternal peace."

"Your eyes are the window to your

67 Unknown
soul, where I see my eternity."

"You are a magnet that attracts my

68 Unknown
heart forever."
"Loving you is the sweetest passion
69 Unknown
that fills my thoughts."
"You are a dewdrop that refreshes
70 my thoughts and gives life to my Unknown
"Love is not finding someone to live
71 with, it's finding someone you can't Unknown
live without."
"You are the missing piece that
72 Unknown
completes the puzzle of my heart."
"Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength while loving
73 Lao Tzu
someone deeply gives you
"In your arms, I have found my safe
74 Unknown
"Love is composed of a single soul
75 Aristotle
inhabiting two bodies."
"You are the love that came without
76 warning, the love that stayed Unknown
without reason."
"I am most alive when I am with
77 Unknown
78 "Love is a friendship set to music."
79 "You are my forever and always." Unknown
"I am in love with every moment I
80 Unknown
spend with you."

"Love is not about how many days,

weeks, or months you've been
81 Unknown
together, it's all about how much
you love each other every day."

"You are my heart, my soul, and my

82 Unknown
"Love is the bridge that connects
83 Unknown
two hearts."
"With you, I have found my happily
84 Unknown
ever after."
"You are the reason why I smile,
85 Unknown
why I believe in love."
"Love is not a noun to be defined,
86 Unknown
but a verb to be acted upon."
"You are my light in the darkest of
87 Unknown
"Love is the greatest adventure we
88 Unknown
can embark upon together."
"I love you not only for what you
89 are, but for who I am when I am Roy Croft
with you."
"You are the melody that lingers in
90 Unknown
my heart."
"Love is the oxygen that keeps my
91 Unknown
heart beating."
"You are the missing piece that
92 completes the jigsaw puzzle of my Unknown
"Love is like a beautiful flower that
93 blooms and spreads its fragrance all Unknown
"You are the spark that ignites the
94 Unknown
fire of passion within me."
"Love is a language spoken by the
95 heart and understood without Unknown
"You are the sunshine that
96 Unknown
brightens my every day."
"Love is not about finding
97 perfection, but embracing Unknown
imperfections together."
"You are my anchor in the stormy
98 Unknown
sea of life."
"Love is the greatest gift we can
99 Unknown
give and receive."
"You are the dream I never want to
100 Unknown
wake up from."
"Love is the strongest force in the
101 Unknown
universe, and it conquers all."
"You are the reason why my heart
102 Unknown
sings with joy."
"Love is the thread that weaves our
103 Unknown
souls together."
"You are the miracle that brings
104 Unknown
meaning to my life."
"Love is not about possession, it's
105 about appreciation and Unknown
"You are the treasure I cherish
106 Unknown
above all else."
"Love is a journey, and I am grateful
107 Unknown
to walk it with you."
"You are the whisper in the wind
108 Unknown
that echoes in my heart."
"Love is the sweetest melody that
109 Unknown
fills the silence of our souls."
"You are the one I want to share all
110 Unknown
my tomorrows with."
"Love is the magical glue that holds
111 us together through the ups and Unknown
downs of life."
"You are the moon that illuminates
112 Unknown
my darkest nights."
"Love is not about changing
113 someone, but accepting them as Unknown
they are."
"You are the reason why my heart
114 Unknown
skips a beat."
"Love is the language that
115 Unknown
transcends all barriers."
"You are the miracle I have been
116 Unknown
praying for."
"Love is the fuel that keeps the
117 Unknown
flame of passion burning."

"You are the melody that plays on

118 Unknown
repeat in the soundtrack of my life."

"Love is the most powerful force in

119 the universe, and it has brought us Unknown
"You are the love story I want to tell
120 Unknown
for the rest of my life."

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