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Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.



A research study presented to the faculty of high school department of

Calauag Central College Inc.



Velasco, Jhanjoe Llanevel L.

March 2023
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.

The researcher would want to offer their heartfelt gratitude and warm welcome gratitude

to the following individuals who contributed and provided vital information aid to making

this research a perfect access. I truly appreciate to the individuals who are mentioned

as follows.

To Ms. ESTELA B. MANZANERO, MaEng, our English teacher, for her assistance,

guidance, and suggestions to ensure that this study concludes a complete success.\

To Ms. LADY VANESSA AVILA MADLANG – AWA, our adviser, for her assistance and

advice in completing this research successfully.

To Mr. KALOY SALES and Mr. JOHN PAUL SAN LORENZO for validating the three


Thank you to both Grade 9 and 10, COMPASSION AND COMMITMENT for allowing

me to collect data to make this research a complete success.

To our GOD ALMIGHTY, who give me the ability, wisdom, encouragement, and resolve

to complete the work and make the life fruitful.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.

To my beloved parents:

Mr. Joel B. Velasco

Mrs. Janet L. Velasco

To my siblings and relatives;

To my advisers and classmates;

To the Almighty God;

I wholeheartedly dedicate this humble research.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.


Title Page 1

Acknowledgement 2

Dedication 3

Table of Contents 4

Abstract 6


Background of the Study 7

Statement of the Problem 8

Scopes and Limitation of the Study 8

Significance of the Study 8

Definition of Terms 10




Research Design 20

Research Instrument 20

Research Locale 21

Respondents of the Study 21

Data Gathering Procedures 21

Data Analysis Plan 22


Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.



Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.


This study aims to asses how does academic stress affects the Grade 9 and 10

students of Calauag Central College, S.Y. 2022-2023. The primary respondents of this

research study were the grade 9 and 10 students, they were chosen due to their high

degree of availability when the survey was performed which can facilitate the study and

ensure that data is collected timely and efficient manner. The results of the study will

offer the teachers what they should do when the stress became the negative one. The

questionnaire was used to collect information from the respondents. The primary tool for

the study is that the instrument was divided in to three parts; (1) aimed to collect the

person information of the students, (2) seeks to determine how does stress affect them

in terms of academic performance, and (3) is there any effective ways on how they can

lessen their stress. The descriptive-normative method of research was used in this

study since it describes with emphasis what actually exist, such as current conditions,

practices and situation. The total respondents were 138. Most of the respondents were

male with 74 frequency and the least response were from females which have 64 as

their frequency. Respondents that ranked first might have the most respondents but

respondents that are low in response can also feel stress. It is hoped that this research

can be an eye opener to informational tasks used by these individuals to abate stress

and achieve peace of mind and happiness through this research.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Key words: academic stress, academic performance, stress, negative



Background of the Study

Stress has become an integral part of academic life as a result of the numerous

internal and external expectations placed on students. Teenagers are especially

vulnerable to the problems caused by academic stress because they are undergoing

both personal and social transitions. Stress is a feeling of under pressure, overwhelmed

or unable to cope. It can have a negative impact on mood, physical and mental well-

being (UNICEF Org.). OECD (2021) stated that stress manifests itself in a variety of

ways, including psychological, social, cognitive, and physical ways.

There are two types of stress, acute stress and the chronic stress. According to

the study of Chu B. (2022) acute stress is a short-term stress response to an immediate

threat or stressful event. American Psychological Association (2018) states that chronic

stress is a long-term state of stress. Chronic stress is not always easy to detect.

Because it is so prevalent and long-lasting, people can become so accustomed to it that

it begins to feel normal (Scott, E., 2022).

78% percent of households with high school or college students report

educational disruptions from COVID-19 (Staff Writer, 2022). Singh (2020) stated that

COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased levels of stress among students due to

various reasons, such as isolation, disrupted routines, and uncertainty about the future.

This can lead to heightened anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Additionally, students may experience academic challenges and difficulty adapting to

remote learning, further adding to their stress levels (Lischer, S., Safi, N., and Dickson,

C., 2022). Students are exposed to a wide range of potentially stressful situations in

their daily academic lives, which can have a negative impact on both their academic

performance and their health (Freire C, Ferradás MdM, Regueiro B, Rodríguez S, Valle

A and Núñez JC, 2020).


This study aims to asses how does academic stress affects the Grade 9 and 10

students of Calauag Central College, S.Y 2022-2023.

Specifically, this seeks answers to the following questions.

1. What is the personal information of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade level

2. What are the effects of stress in terms of academic performance in Grade 9 and

10 students?

3. What are some effective ways to lessen the stress of academic stress that could

be deduced in findings of the study?


The researcher believes that this research will not only benefit them but also to

some group of people:

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
STUDENTS. The specific benefits of this study are that how does academic works. After

the students read and learned about different kind of stress, the students will know how

to deal with their own stress as well. This is basically the most beneficiated group of

people. Stress does not mean “bad” stress always. Stress is surprisingly having a great

effect on some people. After reading this conducted research, the students might be

interested on how to overcome their personal and academic stress.

TEACHERS. The results of the study will offer the teachers what they should do when

the stress became the “negative” one. The teachers might consider teaching the

students how should their stress will be alright. This study will be useful not just for the

students but for the teachers as well.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. The significance of this study on stress can help future

researchers to build upon existing knowledge and develop more effective interventions

and treatments for stress-related problems. By expanding the future researcher’s

understanding of stress and its effects on different populations, future researchers can

contribute to improving the quality of life for individuals affected by stress.


This study solely focused on the understanding the basics of stress, the effects, the

cause, and good side and bad side of it on Grade 9 and 10 students of Calauag Central

College Inc. on their educational needs. The researcher collected data by surveying the

entire population of Grade 9 and 10 students at Calauag Central College Inc., who were

the targeted participants for the study. The study was conducted during the school year

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.

Academic stress pertains to the stress of students that are dealing with many tasks

and jobs as a student. It can be defined as a psychological and physiological response

to academic demands or challenges, which may include academic expectations,

workload, competition, performance pressure, and other academic-related stressors.

Anxiety refers to one of the overwhelmed feelings of the students or people when they

are thinking too much, and doing so much for themselves and for others. It is a type of

mental health condition which the person feels nervous and fear.

Depression a mental condition that occurs when the people are doing too much job to

the point that they’re pressuring themselves and that can lead to depression. It is a

common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you

think and how you act.

Determinants refers to the topics and discussions included in a research paper. It is the

factors or variables that contribute to the occurrence, development, or outcome of a

particular event, condition, or phenomenon.

Perceive determine the awareness of being recognize or interpret something through

one’s senses, thoughts, or experiences. It involves the process of receiving and

processing information from the environment, which can be done through the senses or

through mental processes such as memory, attention, and reasoning.

Stress refers to the overwhelmed feeling that the students’ or the people experiencing

when dealing something difficult. It is a psychological and physiological response that

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
occurs when an individual perceives a demand or challenge that exceeds their ability to


Stressor refers to something that causes a state of strain or tension. It is a specific

event, condition, or situation that triggers the physiological and psychological response

of stress in an individual. It can be external or internal, and can range from minor

hassles or challenges to major life events or traumatic experiences.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.


This chapter presents various studies from different authors. Any literature and studies

are presently cited from different sites and authors.

Understanding the Basics of Stress

Stress is a feeling of under pressure, overwhelmed or unable to cope. It can have

a negative impact on mood, physical and mental well-being (UNICEF Org.). Work-

related stresses, financial problems, marital troubles, health issues, and life changes

can all contribute to stress. Internal causes such as negative thoughts, concerns, and

self-imposed demands can also contribute to it (Schneiderman, N., Ironson, G., &

Siegel, S.D., 2005)

OECD (2021) stated that stress manifests itself in a variety of ways, including

psychological, social, cognitive, and physical ways Psychological Stress or also known

as stress itself describes what people experience when they are mental, physical and

emotional pressure. Social stress refers to strain that develops as a result of one’s

relationships and social environment. It can be your relationship with your friends, family

or your significant other (Ana, 2018). Cognitive stress depicts the idea to any kind of

stress that affects a person’s brain or mind. But it can affect your body also. Physical

Stress is about the bad things that can happen to your body when you’re stress

mentally and emotionally without yourself knowing.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Types of Stress

There are two types of stress, acute stress and the chronic stress. According to

the study of Chu B. (2022) acute stress is a short-term stress response to an immediate

threat or stressful event. It is a normal physiological "fight or flight" response that helps

cope with the situation. It subsides once the threat or event has passed, such as feeling

stressed before an exam or presentation. There is also thing called ASD or Acute Stress

Disorder, an anxiety disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a

traumatic event like a car accident, assault, or natural disaster (Cleveland Cllinic).

According to the study of Kapalka, G.M. (2010), Acute stress disorder is also

characterized by symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, nightmares, avoidance, negative

mood, dissociation, and heightened arousal. ASD typically occurs within one month of

the traumatic event and can significantly impact daily functioning.

Acute stress usually does not require professional intervention and can be

managed through self-care and coping strategies. However, ASD is a psychiatric

disorder that may require professional assessment and intervention, such as therapy or

medication, for appropriate management (Fanai, M. & Khan MAB, 2022). It’s important

to note that while acute stress as a physiological response is a normal reaction to a

perceived threat, acute stress disorder (ASD) as a psychiatric diagnosis is a specific

condition that may require professional assessment and intervention for appropriate


American Psychological Association (2019) states that chronic stress is a long-

term state of stress caused by ongoing or repetitive stressors such as work-related

stress, financial difficulties, interpersonal issues, childcare duties, chronic health

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
concerns, or other persistent challenges. It can have serious consequences for a

person's physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Chronic stress is

not always easy to detect. Because it is so prevalent and long-lasting, people can

become so accustomed to it that it begins to feel normal (Scott, E., 2022). Based on

Medline Plus, chronic stress can involve persistent psychological distress, anxiety, or

emotional strain that lasts for a prolonged duration, affecting an individual's mental

health and emotional resilience.

In summary, acute stress is defined as short-term stress that arises in reaction to

an immediate threat or stressful event, whereas chronic stress is defined as long-term

stress that continues over time. Both types of stress can have an impact on an

individual’s well-being and health, but chronic stress lasts longer and may necessitate

additional measures to properly manage. To effectively manage stress for general

health and well-being, it is critical to recognize the indicators of stress and seek

appropriate help or coping mechanisms.

Effects of Stress in students’ Academic performance

Academic performance can suffer as a result of stress. When pupils are

stressed, it may hinder their ability to concentrate, acquire, and remember knowledge,

resulting in poor academic performance. Students are exposed to a wide range of

potentially stressful situations in their daily academic lives, which can have a negative

impact on both their academic performance and their health (Freire C, Ferradás MdM,

Regueiro B, Rodríguez S, Valle A and Núñez JC, 2020). According to 2016 research by

Stockholm University, stress can impair our ability to form short-term memories, making

it more difficult to retain new information and keep it ‘close at hand,’ thereby impeding
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
our natural learning processes. Stressed-out students may struggle to complete

assignments or prepare for exams, resulting in lower grades.

There are many ways that stress can affect students on their academic

performance. The first one is (1) difficulty on concentrating, according to the study of

Pascoe, Hetrick, and Parker (2019), stress can impair concentration and focus, making

it difficult for students to pay attention in class, complete tasks, or study for

examinations. As a result, productivity and academic performance may suffer.

In addition, stress can also (2) reduce motivation to the students. In the study of

Jhoselle Tus (2020), it was stated that high levels of stress might reduce motivation to

learn and perform well in school. Students may get overwhelmed, demotivated, or

disengaged in their studies, resulting in a drop in academic performance. Stress can

have a (3) emotional impact to students. Deng, Cherian & other researcher stated that

stress can also have an impact on students' mental well-being. Some emotional

disorders can have a negative impact on academic achievement by impairing students'

capacity to handle stress, engage in constructive study habits, or participate in

classroom activities. (4) Physical health issues may occur also when people are dealing

with stress. It can have a severe impact on physical health, causing sleep disturbances,

dietary irregularities, and a compromised immune system, resulting in fatigue, illness,

and difficulties completing academic obligations.

Lastly, stress can (5) damage student’s time management. According to College

Success Plan, insufficient time-management skills in college students can result in

various adverse consequences, such as inadequate sleep, declining academic

performance, persistent procrastination, unhealthy diet, and an elevated risk of dropping

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
out. This may manifest as tardiness in attending classes, hastily completed

assignments, and diminished quality of work.

Good sides of Stress

While stress is often seen as a negative emotion or experience, it can have some

positive aspects. Stress under control improves alertness and performance. Stress also

improves memory by stimulating the growth of stem cells, which eventually become

brain cells. According to Jaret (2015), the increase in stem cell and neuron generation

makes sense from an adaptive standpoint.

In the study of Chan, Leung, Liang (2018) it was stated that a moderate level of

stress can actually be beneficial as it can help maintain motivation and focus. It creates

a sense of urgency and drive to accomplish tasks or goals, resulting in increased

productivity and performance. Stress is not always the enemy. Positive stress has been

shown in studies to strengthen the immune system, improve memory and learning, and

improve decision-making skills (Jain, R., 2015). Cyril (2015) stated that the pressure to

comply with deadlines, get good marks, or excel in academic endeavors can motivate

students to work harder and strive for achievement, resulting in greater academic


In addition, overcoming academic challenges can result in increased knowledge,

improved skills, and personal development, leading to enhanced academic performance

in the long run.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
It is particularly important to bear in mind that the beneficial impacts of stress on

academic performance may vary depending on the individual and the quantity of stress


Ways to lessen Stress

Getting enough sleep, avoiding procrastination, reflecting on what you did,

practicing self-good care, venting and talking to some friends, listening to some music,

and staying organized in terms of academic activities are just some ways to lessen the


Getting enough sleep is crucial for physical health, cognitive function, emotional

well-being, physical performance, mental health, safety, and overall well-being

(Pacheco, 2022). Prioritizing healthy sleep habits is crucial for optimal health and well-

being. If you are experiencing persistent sleep difficulties or have concerns about your

sleep patterns, seeking guidance from a healthcare professional for further evaluation

and assistance may be beneficial.

Shallenberger (2014) states that avoiding procrastination is important to

academic achievement since it helps students manage their time properly, decreases

stress, boosts productivity, promotes effective learning, and adds to overall academic

success. Developing excellent time management skills and techniques to avoid

procrastinating might help students achieve their academic goals significantly.

Reflecting encourages us to enhance our talents and examine the effectiveness

of them rather than simply doing things the same way you’ve always done them (Open
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
University, 2023). It enables us to learn from our experiences, make intentional choices,

and become better versions of ourselves.

According to Zero to Three (2022), self-care is essential for general well-being,

physical and mental health, productivity, emotional regulation, self-compassion, and

healthy relationships. It is an important part of taking care of ourselves and living a

satisfying and balanced life.

Suttie (2021) states that venting and talking to friends when stressed out can be

incredibly important for emotional release, gaining perspective, receiving social support,

reducing stress, strengthening relationships, and problem-solving. Additionally, it is a

healthy and beneficial way to cope with stress and improve our overall well-being. Most

importantly, remember that not all friends may be equipped to provide the support we

need, and it's okay to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor if needed.

When you are overwhelmed, listening to music can help you regulate your

emotions and lessen feelings of tension and worry. It can help to relax your mind and

body and give a pleasant escape from the stresses of everyday life. Collins (2021)

highlights that Listening to your favorite music may have more health benefits than you

realize, and also countless experts have investigated how listening to music can

potentially have therapeutic effects on a range of mental and physical health conditions.

Effective time management is vital if you want to handle a large task without

becoming overly stressed. Time management can help you decrease long-term stress

by providing direction when you have too much stuff to complete (Shah, N., 2016).
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Staying organized in terms of academic work is extremely important as it can help you

to manage your time effectively, stay on top of deadlines, and reduce stress levels.

Remember that everyone is unique, so try out different tactics to see what works

best for you. To enhance overall well-being, it is critical to prioritize self-care and take

actions to reduce stress.


Stress is a feeling of under pressure, overwhelmed or unable to cope. It can have

a negative impact on mood, physical and mental well-being as said by UNICEF

Organization. In the contrary, while stress is often seen as a negative emotion or

experience, it can have some positive aspects. Moderate level of stress can actually be

beneficial as it can help maintain motivation and focus as stated by Higuera (2018).

When pupils are stressed, it may hinder their ability to concentrate, acquire, and

remember knowledge, resulting in poor academic performance. On the other hand,

overcoming academic challenges can result in increased knowledge, improved skills,

and personal development, leading to enhanced academic performance in the long run.

It is actually important to bear in mind that the beneficial impacts of stress on academic

performance may vary depending on the individual and the quantity of stress


There might be many ways to lessen the stress but always remember that

everyone is unique. That specific way may work on you but not on others. To enhance

overall well-being, it is critical to prioritize self-care and take actions to reduce stress.
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.


This Chapter deals with the methods and procedures used to find out and understand

how the study was conducted and how conclusions were drawn.


The descriptive-normative method of research was used in this study since it

describes with emphasis what actually exist, such as current conditions, practices and

situation. Descriptive research is appropriate aims to accurately and systematically

describe a population, situation or phenomenon. In the quantitative approach, a survey

method with a form of questionnaire was used to gather information from the

respondents in Calauag Central College Inc. students.


The data gathering instrument is a survey questionnaire. The survey

questionnaire has three parts; Part I was focused on the demographic profile of

respondents and in terms of; 1.1 Age: 1.2 Gender, and 1.3 Grade level. Part II was

focused on what are the effects of stress in terms of academic performance in Grade 9

and 10 students of Calauag Central College Inc. Part III was focused on what are some

effective ways to lessen the stress of the grade 9 and 10 students of the Calauag

Central College Inc. The part II is rated using the scale of; 5 - Strongly agree, 4 – Agree,

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree, 2 – Disagree,1 - Strongly disagree. The part III is rated

using the scale of; 5 – Highly Effective, 4 – Very Effective, 3 – Effective, 2 – Fairly

Effective, and 1 – Not Effective.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.

The questionnaire survey was conducted in chosen school, Calauag Central

College. Calauag Central College is located at Rizal Street, Poblacion Cuatro, Calauag

Quezon. It is the most accessible school that the researcher can perform the survey.

Specially, Calauag Central College Inc. is the only school that is in researcher’s range

as of now.


The primary respondents of this research study were the Grade 9 and 10

students of Calauag Central College for the academic year 2022-2023. The Grade 9

and 10 students were chosen due to their high degree of availability when the survey

was performed which can facilitate the study and ensure that data is collected timely

and efficient manner. One hundred percent of the students was asked to participate to

this research study. Therefore, complete enumeration was applied. In addition, the

student-respondents will serve as the main sources of information and with whom the

data on the level of awareness on how stress works.


The researcher created a written permit for the approval to conduct a study in the

selected school which is the Calauag Central College Inc. After given permission from

the teacher who was assigned on both sections, the researcher distributed the

questionnaire directly to the respondents in order to gather the relevant data for the

study. The primary tool for the study is that the instrument was divided in to three parts;

(1) aims to collect the person information of the students, (2) seeks to determine how
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
does stress affects them in terms of academic performance, and (3) is there any

effective ways on how they can lessen their stress.

The questionnaires were retrieved once they’re finished answering. It was

checked, interpreted and analyzed by the researcher once the survey is done.


The statistical treatments that used are percentage, weighted mean.

Part I of the questionnaire used the parentage formula to determine the

background characteristics of the Grade 9 and 10 students. The formula is:


P= x 100

P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N= total number of respondents

Part II, III and IV utilized the weighted mean. To compute the weighted mean, the

formula used is as follow

WX =


WM = weighted population mean

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Σwx = sum of the product of weights and values.

w = weights

x = values

N = total values

The weighted mean values were interpreted using the following scale:

Range Effects of Stress Effective Ways

Strongly Disagree Not Effective

1.00 – 1.80
Disagree Fairly Effective
1.81 – 2.60
Neither Agree nor Disagree Effective
2.61 – 3.40
Agree Very Effective
3.41 – 4.20
Strongly Agree Highly Effective
4.21 – 5.00
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.



This chapter presents the data obtained, the results of the statistical analysis

done, and the interpretation of the findings. These are presented in tables on the order

of the specific study difficulty, addressing how stress affects student’s academic

performance and what feasible interventions exist.

Demographic Profile of Respondents

Table 1. Background Characteristics of the respondents.


14 50 36.23%
15 61 44.20%
16 21 15.22%
17 3 2.17%
18 3 2.17%
TOTAL 138 100%
Male 74 53.62%
Female 64 46.38%
TOTAL 138 100%
Grade 9 87 63.04%
Grade 10 51 36.96%
TOTAL 138 100%
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Part I of Table 1 shows that most of the respondents are aged 15 with a

frequency of 61 and have a percentage of 44.20% out of the total respondents. While

on the other hand, the least respondents ages 17 and 18 with a frequency of 3 with the

frequency of 2.17% each.

Part II of the Table 1 indicates that majority of the respondents are male with the

frequency of 74 and have 53.62% as its percentage. Unlike the male, female has the

least respondents with the frequency of 64 and has a percentage of 46.38%.

Part III of the Table 1 shows that Grade 9 students is the majority respondents

that has 87 as its frequency and a percentage of 63.04%. Grade 10 students has the

least respondents of 51 as its frequency with the percentage of 36.96%.

Effects of stress in Academic Performance

Table 2. The effects of stress in Academic Performance.

Indicators Weighted Rank Verbal

Mean Interpretation
I get fatigue and lack of energy sometimes. 3.62 1 Agree
I get easily irritated with everything. 3.60 2 Agree
I got chest pain and shortness of breath. 3.54 3 Agree
It takes over their ability to focus during 3.48 4 Agree
lectures or studying.
I sometimes, got panic attacks. 3.47 5 Agree


4.21-5.00 – Strongly agree 3.41-4.20 - Agree

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
2.61-3.40 – Neither Agree nor Disagree 1.81 2.60 – Disagree

1.00-1.80 – Strongly Disagree

Table 2 shows the effects of stress in academic performance. It reveals that the

first rank in the table was the respondents get fatigue and lack of energy sometimes. It

has a weighted mean of 3.62 and a verbal interpretation of agree.

I can connect this finding in the article of Mayo Clinic, that stress symptoms can

affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. It is stated that

headache, muscle tension, chest pain, fatigue, change in sex drive, stomach upset and

sleep problems are some effects of stress in person’s physical body.

The fifth rank or the respondents sometimes got panic attacks with the verbal

interpretation agree. The results determine that the respondents feel worried and

anxious all the time due to some reasons; it can be because of the surroundings or the

school itself. They’re overworking themselves to the point that they’ll get panic attacks.

Effective ways to lessen stress in terms of Academic Performance

Table 3. The Effective ways how to lessen stress in terms of Academic Performance.

Indicators Weighted Rank Verbal

Mean Interpretation
Focusing on what you control. 3.78 1 Very Effective
Practicing self-good care. 3.64 2 Very Effective
Listening to some music. 3.64 3 Very Effective
Get enough sleep. 3.62 4 Very Effective
Reflecting your actions and mistakes. 3.62 5 Very Effective
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.

4.21-5.00 – Highly Effective 3.41-4.20 - Very Effective

2.61-3.40 – Effective 1.81 2.60 – Fairly Effective

1.00-1.80 – Not Effective

Tables 3 shows that rank 1 – 5 has the same verbal interpretation of very

effective. Rank 1 states focusing on what you control with the weighted mean of 3.78.

Itani (2020) states that focusing on what you control is the utmost importance because it

allows you to direct your energy and efforts towards things that are within your power to

change or influence. Some things that are within your control include your thoughts,

attitudes, beliefs, and choices. By focusing on these things, you can create positive

change in your life and work towards your goals and aspirations.

Based from the table, most of the respondents chose the very effective but not

the highly effective one. There’s no quick-fix cure for stress, and no single method will

work for everyone. However, there are simple things you can do to change the common

life problems that can cause stress or make stress a problem (NHS, 2023).

There may be some effective ways to lessen the stress but it can’t guarantee that

you will be free from stress. Stress can be bad and good at the same time, it’s your

choice if you want to use some ways to protect you from bad stress or let the stress flow

in your full body and mind.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.



This chapter is divided into three parts. It includes the first component which is

the summary, followed by conclusions and recommendations for the last part, for the

future researcher.

Summary of findings

Based on the results and discussions in chapter 4, the summary of findings is:

1. Based on the finding in the demographic profile of the respondents, 44.20% are

15 years old, with the frequency of 61 which is the majority of the respondents in

terms of age, while on the other hand, respondents that ages 17 and 18 has the

least respondents with the frequency of 3 and 2.17% as their percentage. In

terms of gender, male has the most respondents with 74 frequencies out of 138

respondents and 53.62%. Grade 9 students has the most respondents with 87 as

their frequency and 63.04% as their percentage.

2. Based on the findings of the table about effects of stress, it shows that majority of

the respondents usually gets fatigue and lack of confidence with the result of

3.62 as its weighted mean. Turns out that most of the respondents were really

affected in physical way.

3. Based on the findings of the table about ways to lessen the stress, it shows that

most of the students had a way of focusing on what they can control with the
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
weighted mean of 3.78. This way helped the student to minimize the effects on

their daily lifestyle.


In the light of the summary of findings, the following conclusions were presented:

1. Based on the summary of findings, it concluded that the most respondents were

age 15 and 17 and 18 years old has the lowest response. Grade 9 students has

the most respondents in terms of gender. In terms of gender, male was the most

of the respondents. Being 15 years old, Grade 9 students, or being a male does

not mean that only those specific respondents can feel stress. Respondents that

ranked first might have the most respondents but respondents that are low in

response can also feel stress.

2. Based on the summary of the findings, it concluded that the respondents were

aware that they are stress and how does some effects state on the questionnaire

really affected their bodies and mind.

3. Based on the summary of findings, it concluded that there were many suggested

ways on how to lessen the stress, but it does not work for everyone. There may

be many ways, but it depends on the student on how they would assess their

own stress.


1. For the students, they must know how stress works. They can search on some

websites on how does stress really works. They must learn to be aware of their

own stress.
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
For the teachers, they must discuss and evaluate the students on how does

stress work. They must properly asses what is the origin of the stress. Being

considerate and caring to students helps to ease the students.

2. For the students, they must know how to handle themselves then the stress

occurred. There are many effects of stress that can possibly happen to them.

They should learn how to counter the effects of stress on their body or on their


3. For the students, they must focus on what they control. By focusing on what they

can control, they can set clear goals, develop a plan of action, and take steps

towards achieving those goals. They can also manage their emotions, respond to

challenges, and adapt to changing circumstances. This helps them build

resilience, increase your confidence, and feel more empowered.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.

American Psychological Association (2018). Stress effects on the body.

Chan, Leung, Liang (2018). The Roles of Motivation and Coping Behaviors in Managing

Stress: Qualitative Interview Study of Hong Kong Expatriate Construction

Professionals in Mainland China.

Chu B, Marwaha K, Sanvictores T, et al (2022). Physiology, Stress Reaction.

Cleveland Clinic. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


College Success Plan. Where has the time gone?

Collins, D., (2021). The Power of Music to Reduce Stress.

Cyril, V., (2015). Time management and academic achievement of higher secondary


Deng, Y., Cherian, J., & other researchers (2022). Family and Academic Stress and

Their Impact on Students’ Depression Level and Academic Performance.
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Fanai, M. & Khan MAB. (2022). Acute Stress Disorder.

Freire C, Ferradás MdM, Regueiro B, Rodríguez S, Valle, A. and Núñez, JC (2020).

Coping Strategies and Self-Efficacy in University Students: A Person-Centered


Jain, R., (2015). Can Stress Help Students?


Jaret, P. (2015). The Surprising Benefits of Stress.

Jhoselle Tus (2020). Academic Stress, Academic Motivation, and Its Relationship on

the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students.


Kapalka, G.M. (2010). Nutritional and herbal therapies for children and adolescents: A

handbook for mental health clinicians.


Lischer, S., Safi, N., and Dickson, C. (2021). Remote learning and students’ mental

health during the Covid-19 pandemic: A mixed-method enquiry.

Mayo Clinic (2021). Stress symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior.

Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
NHS Inform (2023). What to do if you are struggling with stress.


OECD (2021). Tackling the mental health impact of the COVID-19 crisis: An integrated,





Open University (2023). Self Reflection.

Pacheco (2022). An overview of how and why sleep plays such an integral role in

physical health.

Pascoe, M. C., Hetrick, S. E., & Hetrickrker, G. P., (2019). The impact of stress on

students in secondary school and higher education.

Schneiderman, N., Ironson, G., & Siegel, S.D. (2005). STRESS AND HEALTH:

Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants.

Scott, E., (2022). How Chronic Stress Impacts Your Health.
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Shah, N., (2016). Why is time management key?


Shellenbarger (2014). Time Management and Procrastination.

Singh, S. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on mental health of children and

adolescents: A narrative review with recommendations.

Staff Writers (2022). Students Stressed Out Due to Coronavirus, New Survey Finds.

Sutiie, J. (2021). Does Venting Your Feelings Actually Help?


UNICEF Organization. Mental health explained.


Zero to Three (2022). It’s Time for Some Self Care.
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.


A. Kindly state your demographic profile based on the given questions.

1.1 Name: (Optional)

1.2 Section: COMMITMENT


1.3 Age:

14 15 16 17 18

1.4 Gender:



B. Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate how much you

agree or disagree with the statement by putting a check in the box on the right

side of each statement. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers will

be kept strictly confidential and you will not be identified.

Highly Agree (5)

Very Agree (4)

Agree (3)

Fairly Agree (2)

Disagree (1)
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neither Disagre Strongly
Effects of stress in Academic Performance Agree Agree e Disagree
I get easily irritated with everything.

I got failed/failing subjects.

I have strained relationship with other teachers.

I lack of confidence in academic work.

I feel worried and anxious all the time.

I get fatigue and lack of energy sometimes.

I got chest pain and shortness of breath.

I sometimes, got panic attack.

It takes over their ability to focus during lectures or

I can’t focus and lose my motivation

C. Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate whether the

statement is effective or not effective by putting a check in the box on the right

side of each statement. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers will

be kept strictly confidential and you will not be identified.

Effective ways how to lessen the stress in terms 5 4 3 2 1

Highly Very Effective Fairly Not
of Academic Performance Effectiv Effective Effectiv Effective
e e

Get enough sleep.

Avoid procrastinating.
Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.
Focusing on what you control.

Reflecting your actions and mistakes.

Practicing Self-Good care.

Venting and talking to some friends.

Listening to some music.

Stay organized in terms of academic activities.


Academic Stress of Grade 9 and 10 students in Calauag Central College Inc.



Age: 16

Sex: Female

Address: 322 Quezon Street, Poblacion Cuatro, Calauag,


Birthdate: January 16, 2007

Birthplace: Calauag, Quezon

Civil Status: Single

Mother’s Name: Janet L. Velasco

Father’s Name: Joel B. Velasco


Year Graduated School

Elementary 2019 Calauag East Central Elementary School

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