4 Lec Notes For RZAB

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Q1: "Belker forgets his mother's birthday and she's steaming"?

The crrect Answer is: "Hill Street Blues"

Q2: Maliciously try to damage a person's reputation by publishing a false report?

The crrect Answer is: Libel

Q3: This publishing company founded in 1830 has drama bookstores in New York,
Hollywood, Toronto & London?

The crrect Answer is: Samuel French

Q4: You might want to serve this spiced Dutch cheese on the blue & white pottery of the
same name?

The crrect Answer is: Delft

Q5: "Do not go gentle into" Vesuvio, a favorite watering hole of the Beat generation & of this
Welsh poet?

The crrect Answer is: Dylan Thomas

Q6: Movie producer Darryl begat movie producer Richard?

The crrect Answer is: Zanuck

Q7: Cartoon catchphrase meaning the quality of having a higher I.Q. than an ordinary ursine

The crrect Answer is: smarter than your average bear

Q8: Get nosy & spell...?

The crrect Answer is: A-A-R-D-V-A-R-K

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