Small Talk Material Saturday

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English V

Unit II. Cities

Topic 3. Small talk

Lic. Jesús Ernesto Reyes Castillo
1. Do some research and answer:

a) What is small talk?

It's asking something, asking for an address or some brief information about

b) How do you start a small talk?

Hello, how are you? What's your name?
Hello, excuse me, I could ask you a question
2. Watch the videos about small talk



3. Answer the next questions in your opinion

a) Who makes small talk?

The people who usually ask are the ones who talk the least since they let the
other person answer you
b) What do people talk about?

You can talk about things in general, sports, the weather, questions, opinions
c) Where do people make small talk?

I think the small talks arise anywhere, whether on the street or having a coffee
d) Why do people make small talk?

Maybe because of fear or lack of practice

Maybe they don't know how to start a conversation
4. Read.
A good technique for making small talk is to ask questions.
This is because
- People like talking about themselves
- It is easier for you to listen
- You may learn something interesting
You can ask about a lot of topics, for example
• Weather: “Isn’t the weather nice today?” “Isn’t this weather terrible?”
• Hobbies and interests: “What do you like to do in your free time?”
• Sports: “Did you see the football game?”
• Food and drink: “Have you tries that new Thai restaurant?”

5. Activity. Write one small talk question for each topic:

a) The weekend

What are you going to do on the weekend?

b) Holidays

Would you like to go on vacation?

c) Music

What kind of music do you like?

d) Films

What kind of movies do you like?

e) Work or study

Is it difficult to work and study at the same time?

f) Hometown

What is your hometown?

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