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3TMU English Test Preparation - Listening

Giáo trình Lịch sử Đảng 1 (Trường Đại học Thương mại)

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LESSON 1: Conversations …………………………………………………………. 1

LESSON 2: Question types ……………………………………………………….... 4

LESSON 3: Distractors ………………………………………………………….... 13

LESSON 4: Inferring meaning …………………………………………………… 16

LESSON 5: Practice ………………………………………………………………. 20


Practice test 1 ………………………………………………………………………. 26

Practice test 2 ………………………………………………………………………. 30

Practice test 3 ………………………………………………………………………. 34

Practice test 4 ………………………………………………………………………. 38

Practice test 5 ………………………………………………………………………. 41

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In the test, you will hear 10 conversations. The conversations are between two people. Listen
to the conversations carefully. You will hear each conversation twice.

Then in the test book, you will read three questions about each conversation. You will also
read four answer choices. Choose the best answer to each question. You will have eight
seconds to answer each question.
Sample test questions: (Track 01)

1. What problem are the speaker discussing? 3. What will the speakers probably do next?
A. A missing document A. Call a different technician
B. Some presentation errors B. Delay the presentation
C. A broken copier C. Pay for a new printer
D. Rising printing costs D. Go to a professional printer
2. When is the speakers’ meeting?
A. This afternoon
B. Tomorrow
C. This Friday
D. Next Monday

B. LANGUAGE BUILDING: Paraphrasing: (Track 2)

Match the statements 1-4 with those with a similar meaning a-d.

1. You can run it with an AC adapter. a. The adapter is missing.

2. Look to see if they have the item. b. Buy the part
3. The part wasn’t included. c. Check the part stocks.
4. Purchase an adapter. d. You can plug it into a socket.
5. ……… e. Provide a replacement
6. ……… f. The label is incorrect.
7. ……… g. It’s an expensive model.

Follow-up: Now listen to three more statements, 5-7, and match them with the remaining
three phrases with a similar meaning in e-g.

C. TEST TACTIC: Pick out key words to predict the context.

TIP: Skimming to predict the context before listening: Using the time available to
skim them before listening will help you to identify the key parts of the conversation.

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Task 1: Skim the questions and answer choices and underline key words (10-15 seconds per
item). Compare with a partner and discuss what the conversation may be about. Try to
predict who and where the speaker is.

1. What does the woman want to do? 3. What does the man offer to do?
A. Buy batteries for her CD player A. Order the item
B. Purchase an adapter B. Check the box label
C. Have a missing part replaced C. Give her a new model
D. Check the part is in stock D. Include the adapter
2. What does the man tell her?
A. It doesn’t run on batteries.
B. The label is incorrect.
C. The adapter isn't included.
D. She should buy another model.

Follow-up: Listen and mark the best answer. (Track 03)

D. PRACTICE (Track 04)

Now listen to two more conversations. Before each conversation begins, use the time to
predict the context with your partner, and think of other ways to say the answer choices.

1. What are the speakers discussing? 4. How does the man feel about their new
training program?
A. The weather in Taylorville
B. A meeting with clients A. It is not as good as the old one.
C. A fee for some repairs B. It is an improvement on their previous
D. A visit to a branch office one.
C. It does not have any practical value.
2. What is the problem?
D. It is full of useful ideas.
A. The head office air conditioner is
5. What did the woman ask the man about?
B. Bill cannot do the job. A. How many trainees attended
C. Karl is busy all next week. B. A package she needs
D. The Taylorville office is closed. C. The trainees’ practical skills
D. Comments from the participants
3. What does the man suggest?
6. What did some trainees criticize?
A. Going to the head office on Tuesday
B. Changing the air conditioning unit A. There were too many ideas.
C. Asking someone else to do the job B. There was no opportunity for
D. Delaying the trip to Taylorville feedback.
C. The training was too theoretical.
D. It was hard to say anything in the

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E. MINI-TEST (Track 05)

Use any time available to skim the questions and answer choices before the first
listening starts. When you finish answering the questions about one conversation,
immediately start previewing the questions for the next conversations.

1. What does the man want to woman to do? 7. What does the man suggest the woman
should do?
A. Visit some customers
B. Send some packages A. Visit the theatre
C. Attend a meeting B. Move her vehicle
D. Give him some names C. Lock her car
D. Enter the building
2. What is the man’s problem?
8. What does the woman ask?
A. He cannot find the post office.
B. He has to buy a present. A. Directions to a city park
C. He does not know the woman’s B. Assistance reading a sign
address. C. Information about a theatre
D. He is late for a meeting. D. The location of available parking
3. What does the woman request? 9. Why was the sign not visible?
A. A list of addresses A. It was around a corner.
B. The time of a delivery B. It had fallen over.
C. The location of a meeting C. It was hidden by a tree.
D. A map of the city D. It was behind a van.
------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
4. What does the woman want? 10. What is the problem with the man’s
A. To share a ride
B. To go shopping A. It needs a new battery.
C. To borrow Eric’s car B. The glass is broken.
D. To look at new cars C. It does not keep time correctly.
D. It is expensive to repair.
5. What is the woman’s problem?
11. What will cause a delay?
A. She has missed the bus.
B. Her car is broken. A. There is a problem with the battery.
C. She is late for work. B. A strap must be ordered.
D. She does not know the area well. C. New watches have not yet arrived.
D. The watch must be sent out of town.
6. What will the man do?
12. When will the watch finally be ready?
A. Visit the woman’s company
B. Show the woman to the bus stop A. On Monday
C. Repair the woman’s car B. On Tuesday
D. Drive the woman to the central office C. On Wednesday
D. On Thursday

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This is a test of your listening comprehension. The questions focus on your ability to find
central ideas and basic details. They also require that you make informed guesses based on the
language used or the situation.

Target skills: In order to correctly answer test questions, you must be able to:
- Understand the main idea of a conversation.
- Identify key facts from a conversation.
- Make conclusions based on details.
- Understand paraphrased language in answer options.
- Pre-read questions to predict important information.
Question types:
- Topic/ Main idea: Where are the speakers?
- Detail: When are they going to meet?
- Inference: What will probably happen next?
Answer options:
- Topic/ main idea questions: locations, occupations, activities, topics, etc.
- Detail questions: time, reasons, plans, problems, suggestions, opinions, etc.
- Inference questions: contexts, feeling, meanings, etc.
B. QUESTION TYPE 1: Topic/ main idea questions

Possible questions:
>> What is the problem? >> What issue are the speaker discussing?
>> What are the people talking about? >> What does the woman want the man to

TIP 1: Pay attention to the beginning of the conversation. Listen carefully to the
information given early in the conversation. These requests or pieces of information
often give clues to the main idea. You can then look for answer options that the same
information or requests that match the context of the conversation.

Task 1: Listen to the start of each conversation. Then choose the main idea of the exchange.
(Track 06)

1. What are the speakers talking about? 2. What is the woman teaching the man?
A. Checking into a hotel A. How to use the copier
B. Getting a new room key B. Which printer to connect
C. Changing hotel rooms C. Where the supply room is
D. Looking for lost identification D. What type of paper to use

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3. What problem are the speakers discussing?

A. A delayed flight
B. An expensive limousine
C. A late driver
D. A car accident

TIP 2: Use vocabulary clues. Speakers will not directly say the main idea. Instead,
they will often use words associated with a specific context to talk about the situation
or problem. You must use the information to decide what they are discussing. Listen
for vocabulary clues like the ones in the chart to help you determine what the
speakers are talking about. Use a dictionary to look up any words you don’t know.

Possible vocabulary clues for Places, Activities, and Jobs

warehouse shipment, forklift, inventory, stack, delivery, package, load, unload, invoice,
drop off, stocker, supervisor, loader, driver
office department, accounting, payroll, sales, budget, paycheck, raise, bonus,
interview, hire, fire, let go, project, manager, co-worker, employee, boss,
applicant, interviewer, CEO, accountant
doctor’s examination, appointment, medicine, prescription, dose, pill, injury, pain,
office cold, sick, recover, check-up, doctor, nurse, patient
laboratory lab, test results, microscope, test tubes, lab coat, sample, report, scientist,
test subject,
airport check in, baggage, luggage, boarding pass, seat assignment, overhead bin,
baggage claim, board, depart, pilot, ticket agent, passenger, flight attendant
hotel front desk, room service, room key, room number, check in, check out,
concierge, desk clerk, guest, visitor, tourist
police car accident, crime, victim, stolen, lost, arrest, crash, detain, cell, police
station officer
taxi take me to, headed to, coming from, fare, tip, change, take the, meter, driver,
theatre ticket, seats, sold out, refreshments, play, movie, opera, performance, actor,
singer, attendant
train ticket, depart, arrive, catch, track number, destination, conductor

retail store charge, total, pay, credit card, cash, sale, discount, clerk, customer, cashier,

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bank account, checking account, savings account, debit card, credit card,
withdraw, deposit, loan, mortgage, teller, account holder, ATM, fees
post office letter, package, ship, send, mail, stamp, by air, overnight, mail carrier, postal
restaurant menu, order, appetizer, beverage, party, reservation, dish, bill, check, table,
waiter, server, host, hostess, chef
real estate apartment, condo, home, lease, move in, move out, close on, deposit,
agency landlord, renter, homeowner

Task 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. (Track 07)
1. Where are the people? A. a store B. a bank
2. What is the woman’s job? A. Real estate agent B. Front desk clerk
3. What is the woman’s problem?
A. Her dinner is taking too long to arrive.
B. She doesn’t have a room service menu.
Task 3: Listen to the audio, identify the vocabulary clues that might help you identify the
main idea, then answer the question. (Track 08)
What are the speakers discussing?
A. A food delivery C. A damaged shipment
B. The missing signature D. The arrival of a package

C. QUESTION TYPE 2: Detail questions

Possible topics for detail questions

>> Plans, problems, requests, or suggestions >> Times
>> Causes and effects >> Identifying people and places
>> Duration, frequency, or quantity
plans: requests:
>> What does the woman hope to do? >> What does the woman ask the man to
>> What will the man do tomorrow? do?
>> What are the speakers going to do next? >> What is the man asking the company to
problems: change?
>> What is the man’s problem? suggestions:
>> What are the people looking for? >> What does the man suggest the woman
>> What won’t the woman be able to do? do?
>> What does the woman suggest as a
Possible cause and affect questions:
>> Why does the man ask to leave the office? >> Why is the woman going to Chicago?
>> Why was it necessary to increase the
Possible time questions:
>> When will the speakers meet? >> When is the woman’s meeting?
>> When did the man visit the office? >> What time is the man’s appointment?

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Possible questions about identifying people or places:

>> Who will call the supplier? >> Who suggested the budget change?
>> Where will the party be held? >> Where did the man lose his phone?

Possible duration, frequency, or quantity questions:

>> How long will the woman be in China? >> How often should the woman take her
>> How many times should the woman medicine?
call the client? >> How much of a discount will the man

- Learn to recognize common expressions and paraphrase for plans, problems,
requests, suggestions, etc.
- Watch for the correct speaker in the answer options.
- Learn to identify conversation distracters.

Task 4: Match each phrase to the correct paraphrase.

1. …………. once a year a. seven days
2. …………. every other day b. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
3. …………. fifty percent c. annually
4. …………. weeklong d. half
5. …………. twenty-five percent e. a quarter
1. …………. noon a. 1:45
2. …………. half past one b. last week
3. …………. a quarter to two c. next week
4. …………. the following Monday d. 1:30
5. …………. the Friday before e. 12:00

Task 5: Listen and answer the question. (Track 09)

What problem does the woman have?
A. She lost her wallet. C. She misplaced her keys.
B. She needs a ticket. D. She can’t find her car.
Task 6: Listen to the speaker and check the correct column to identify which speaker
mentions each detail. (Track 10)
Detail Man Woman
The bank
The downtown train station
Being new to the area
The time it takes to get to the station
Detail Man Woman
Old accounts

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A new file cabinet

Leaving files on a desk
Checking for orders
Task 7: Listen and answer the questions. (Track 11)
1. Why didn’t the man receive the sales figures?
2. Why don’t the speakers turn on the air conditioning?
Task 8: Listen to the conversation and answer the question. (Track 12)
Why does the woman ask to leave?
A. To visit an eye doctor. C. To make copies.
B. To place a phone call. D. To pick up a client.
Task 9: Listen to each conversation and choose the correct answer.
(Track 13)
1. How much of a discount will the man receive after eight months?
A. Ten percent B. Five percent
2. How long is the man’s trip?
A. One week B. Two weeks
3. How often should the woman take her medicine?
A. Once every four hours B. Once every six hours
(Track 14)
4. How long will the man stay in Mexico?
A. A few hours C. Two weeks
B. Seven days D. One month
(Track 15)
5. What time will the meeting occur?
A. 4:00 B. 5:00 C. 6:00 D. 6:30
6. When will the speakers meet?
A. Today B. Monday C. Wednesday D. Friday
(Track 16)
7. When will the shipment arrive?
A. This morning C. The next day
B. This afternoon D. By Friday
(Track 17)
8. Who will meet with a realtor?
A. The woman B. The man C. Mr. Jackson
Who will cancel the conference call?
A. The woman B. The man C. Mr. Jackson
9. Who will pick up the pamphlets?
A. The woman B. The man C. Robert
Who will work on the presentation?
A. The woman B. The man C. Ms. Anderson

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(Track 18)
10. Where is the man going?
A. To the bank B. To a meeting
11. Where will the package be delivered?
A. The manager office B. The receptionist’s desk
(Track 19)
12. Where is Mr. Crane going?
A. To his office C. To the city
B. To the warehouse D. To the hospital
D. QUESTION TYPE: Inference questions

Possible inference questions:

>> Who most likely is the man? >> Where most likely are the speakers?
>> Who are the speakers? >> Where does this conversation probably take place?

- Pay attention to details given about location or speaker.
- Pre-read questions and answer options to predict key words to listen for.

Task 10: Listen to each exchange as you read along. Circle key words in the script that give
clues where the conversation takes place or who the speakers are. Then answer the question.
(Track 20)
1. Man: Are you ready to order, ma’am?
Woman: I’ll need another few minutes with the menu, thanks?
Man: Of course. Can I get you something to drink in the meantime?
Woman: Yes, a glass of water, please.
Where are the speaker? ………………
2. Woman: OK, here’s your room key. You’ll be staying in room 117. It’s just past
the pool and vending machines.
Man: Great, thanks. Is the kitchen still open? I’m starving.
Woman: It is. Room service is available until 10:00. You can change it to your
room or pay with a credit card.
Man: I’ll just put it on the bill for the room, thanks.
Where are the speakers? ………………
Task 11: Listen to the conversation and answer the question: (Track 21)
Where does the conversation take place?
A. In a school C. In a library
B. In a factory D. In a doctor’s office

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(Track 22) (Track 23)

1. What are the speakers talking about? 1. Where most likely are the speakers?
A. Cancelling an appointment A. An optometrist’s office
B. Negotiating a bill B. A print shop
C. Leaving a hospital C. A pharmacy
D. Scheduling a meeting D. A repair shop
2. Who most likely is the woman? 2. How often should the man come in?
A. A doctor A. Every other day
B. A patient B. Once a month
C. A secretary C. Every year
D. A new client D. Every two years
3. When is the man’s meeting with the 3. What did the man have trouble with?
clients? A. Reading a document
A. This morning B. Finding the office
B. At noon C. Fixing his computer
C. In twenty-four hours D. Completing the chart
D. Later this week

(Track 24) (Track 25)

1. Where most likely are the speakers? 1. What is the woman concerned about?
A. On a boat A. Replacing lost medicine
B. In a post office B. Getting sick on a trip
C. In an airplane C. Refilling a prescription
D. At a birthday party D. Correcting a prescription error
2. How long will it take for the gift to arrive 2. Where is the woman going next week?
by express delivery? A. To her doctor’s office
A. Two days B. On a family vacation
B. Four days C. To the pharmacy
C. Seven days D. On a business trip
D. More than a week 3. Who will the man talk to?
3. Why does the man ask for the box? A. A doctor
A. To check it for damages B. A secretary
B. To mark the delivery method C. A pharmacist
C. To attach the correct postage D. A business partner
D. To see how much it weighs

(Track 26)
1. What are the speakers discussing? 3. Who was supposed to complete the report?
A. A late assignment A. The man
B. A weekend meeting B. The woman
C. A budget increase C. Mr. Jenson
D. A missed e-mail D. The CEO


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2. How did the woman deliver her message?

A. She sent an email.
B. She called his phone.
C. She left him a note.
D. She mailed him a report.

F. MINI-TEST: (Track 27)

Directions: Listen to each conversation between two speakers. Then choose the correct
answers to the three questions about the conversation (A, B, C or D). You will hear each
conversation twice.

1. Where does the conversation take place? 7. Who most likely is Jim Carter?
A. In a hotel A. A secretary
B. In a restaurant B. A real estate agent
C. In an airport C. A doctor
D. In an office D. A salesman
2. What does the man want? 8. When does Mr. Carter’s meeting end?
A. A new printer A. At 10:00
B. A boarding pass B. At 10:15
C. Some identification C. At 10:30
D. Another room key D. At 11:00
3. What will the man likely do next? 9. What does the woman ask the man to do?
A. Get on a plane A. Give a message to his boss.
B. Pay his bill B. Cancel a meeting that morning
C. Ask for directions C. Schedule an appointment with a doctor
D. Show his identification D. Call her back in ten minutes
----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
4. What are the speakers discussing? 10. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Treating an illness A. Next year’s budget
B. Taking a vacation B. A job interview
C. Completing a co-worker’s assignment C. A new employee
D. Hiring an assistant for the office D. An accounting error
5. What does the woman offer to do? 11. Why did the funding change?
A. Cancel a meeting A. The company lost money.
B. Assist the man B. Fewer equipment purchases are
C. Replace broken equipment approved.
D. Find new clients C. The retail department is expanding.
D. Several clients were added.
6. When is the man’s meeting?
12. What will the man likely do next?
A. Tomorrow
B. Wednesday A. Visit the Accounting Department
C. Next Monday B. Check on a client
D. Later next week C. Interview applicants
D. Look at computer prices


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13. What problem do the speakers discuss? 16. Where are the speakers?
A. A missed delivery A. In a restaurant
B. A price increase B. At a train station
C. A drop in sales C. In a hotel
D. A rescheduled meeting D. On a street corner
14. What does the man want to do? 17. Why does the woman ask for advice?
A. Find a new supplier A. To get directions
B. Reduce purchases by 10 percent B. To choose transportation
C. Compare sales team’s numbers C. To get food recommendations
D. Raise the company’s rates D. To select the right train
15. What will the woman probably do next? 18. How will the woman get to the
convention center?
A. Increase their rates
B. Meet with the sales team A. On foot
C. Contact a different supplier B. By car
D. Order more paper C. By taxi
D. By train


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In the test, the recording can often use words that are the same or have the same meaning
as words in the answer choices. This may cause you to choose an incorrect answer. Be
careful not to choose an answer simply because you heard something similar in the

Quickly skim Question 1 below and underline the key words. The question and 1A has been
done for you.
1. Why didn’t George attend the meeting?
A. He was in the Human Resources.
B. He doesn’t get along with Mr. Stubbs.
C. He had to go to Anaheim.
D. He was in New York.
Now quickly skim the tapescript below to find sentences with the key words. For each one
decide if it answers the question or not. Cross out the wrong answer choices. When you think
you have found the answer, circle the correct answer choice. Compare your answer with a


Man A: Hey, Taylor. How did the Human Resources meeting go? I couldn’t make it
because I was on a visit to the Anaheim office.

Man B: Oh, hi George. You’re lucky you missed it. There was a disagreement between
Mr. Stubbs and the New York team over employee numbers.

Man A: Really? What was the problem?

Man B: Mr. Stubbs wants to draw drastically cut back on the sales staff on the East
Coast. Jameson and the New York team were strongly in favor of increasing
staff to increase sales.

Continue as above, with the remaining two questions.

2. What was the meeting about?
A. A recent disagreement with employees
B. A proposed trip to the East Coast
C. Natural resources in the area
D. Changes in the number of workers
3. What happened during the meeting?
A. An increase in the number of bargain sales was reported.
B. A disagreement between staff members took place.
C. An increase in the sales figures was discussed.
D. A winning number was drawn.

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Task 1: Underline the key words in the following questions and answer choices. Then listen
to one short conversation for each question and cross out the answer choices with similar
word distractors. (Track 28)

1. What is the first woman looking for? 3. What is the woman complaining about?
A. The stove A. She dislikes filling documents.
B. The coffee maker B. She was given directions to the wrong
C. The CD player place.
D. The kitchen C. Her work is always the same.
D. A coworker was careless.
2. What is the woman’s problem?
A. She has received a parking ticket.
B. She wants to sell her tickets.
C. The show is sold out.
D. The performance is canceled.
Follow-up: Listen again and choose the correct answer.
B. TEST PRACTICE: (Track 29)
Use the tactics you have practiced for the next six questions. Before each passage begins
use the time to a) predict the context and b) think of other ways to say the answer choices
with your partner.

1. What is the first woman unhappy about? 4. What does the woman request?
A. She made a mistake at work. A. A refund
B. The people she works with are B. A receipt
inexperienced. C. A new coffee machine
C. She does not like her new boss. D. A discount
D. She dislikes working in the advertising 5. What does she say is the problem?
A. The machine is broken.
2. What does the man suggest? B. The cups are too small.
A. Talking to her boss C. She comes from a very large family.
B. Changing to a job in advertising D. The unit does not make enough coffee.
C. Looking for another job 6. What does the man say?
D. Talking with her coworkers
A. The woman can have a refund.
3. Why does she suspect she got the job? B. She can choose a different model.
A. The supervisor liked her. C. He needs to see the receipt.
B. She has a lot of experience. D. Replacing the product will take a week.
C. Her company has high employee
D. She had worked there a year previously.

C. MINI-TEST: (Track 30)

Use any time available to skim the questions and answer choices before the first
listening starts. When you finish answering the questions about one conversation,
immediately start previewing the questions for the next conversation.


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1. How long has the man been at his current 7. What most likely is the man’s job?
job? A. A police officer
A. One year B. An auto mechanic
B. Two years C. A bus driver
C. Six years D. A taxi driver
D. Seven years 8. What is the problem?
2. Where are the man’s future plans? A. The woman is in a hurry.
A. To continue his education B. The woman is lost.
B. To open his own business C. The woman is going to the wrong way.
C. To move to a new city D. The woman has missed the game.
D. To change careers 9. What will the man do next?
3. What does the man say about the A. Buy baseball tickets
company? B. Drive to the stadium
A. He has learned a lot while working C. Attend a meeting
there. D. Take a special route
B. He plans to continue working there. -----------------------------------------------------
C. He wants to work for the company in a 10. What are the speakers discussing?
different city.
D. He hopes to become a manager in the A. Watching sports
company. B. Driving long distances
------------------------------------------------------- C. Training for an event
D. Meeting relatives
4. Where are the speakers?
11. When will the event take place?
A. At a bus stop
B. At an auto repair shop A. May
C. At a taxi stand B. June
D. At a parking garage C. July
D. August
5. What is the man concerned about?
12. What does the man say about his brother?
A. The way to get home
B. The traffic on the road A. He visits often.
C. The cost of transportation B. He lives a long way from his office.
D. The time to fix the problem C. He runs a business.
D. He eats healthy food.
6. What does the woman suggest?
A. Going to another shop
B. Using a taxi
C. Waiting a few hours
D. Buying a new car


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A. LANGUAGE BUILDING: Brainstorm vocabulary for locations, activities and


TIP: Using vocabulary clues to infer meaning: The answer for many of the questions
in the test are not stated directly. You will have to listen carefully and use your
knowledge of related vocabulary and context to choose many of the answers.

For each of the following, choose the words on the right that best relate to each answer
choice, then add two more words for each answer choice. The first word is done for you.

1. Where is the man?

(A) At a hotel
(B) At a car rental agency track
(C) At a train station rail stadium
(D) At a sports event car
2. What is the first man doing?
(A) Making a hotel reservation
(B) Getting married room
(C) Borrowing a book from the library library card
(D) Making a restaurant reservation novel
3. What is the man’s job?
(A) A delivery man
(B) A musician discount
(C) A banker withdrawal
(D) A salesman recording

Follow-up: Now listen to three conversations and choose the correct answer to each question
above. (Track 31)


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B. TEST TACTIC: Identify inference markers

Look at the three common inference questions in bold. Read the conversation below, choose
the correct answer and underline the words in the tapescript that tell you it is correct.
1. What can be said about the weather?
A. It is raining.
B. It is warmer than Arizona.
C. It has no effect on transportation.
D. It is sunny.
2. Where most likely are the speakers?
A. They are in a restaurant.
B. They are waiting at a bus stop.
C. They are at work.
D. They are in a taxi.
3. What is implied about the woman?
A. She often walks to work.
B. She used to live in another city.
C. She dislikes her job.
D. She is often late.

M: Hi, Brenda. It’s really pouring today, isn’t it? My bus was late because of the weather.
W: Oh no. I don’t have an umbrella, and I have to walk across town to deliver some
documents before lunch.
M: Well, you’d better take a taxi. It’s supposed to stay like this all day.
W: It’s not going to be easy to find one today. I really miss living in Arizona on days like
Use the tactics you have practiced for the next six questions. Before each passage begins, use
the time to a) predict the context and b) think of other ways to say the answer choices with a

1. Where are the speakers? 3. What does the man imply?

A. In a library A. The item is in stock.
B. In a book store B. The item will arrive very soon.
C. In a music store C. The item is extremely rare.
D. In a gift shop D. The item is popular.
2. What is the woman doing?
A. Recording a CD
B. Looking for a present
C. Taking an order
D. Paying for something


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4. What are the speakers doing? 6. What does the man imply?
A. Watching the news A. He is desperate to work overseas.
B. Going overseas B. He wants to go on holiday.
C. Looking at a job ad C. He has enough money to live for a
D. Planning a holiday while.
D. He would like to get a new place.
5. What can be inferred about the speakers’
A. They have known each other for a
B. They have just met.
C. They work together.
D. They live together.

D. MINI-TEST (Track 33)

Use any time available to skim the questions and answer choices before the first
listening starts. When you finish answering the questions about one conversation,
immediately start previewing the questions for the next conversations.

1. What has the man heard about Kingston? 3. Where was the woman’s hotel located?
A. It is an interesting place. A. Next to the airport
B. It is very sunny there. B. In the carnival area
C. It is usually crowded. C. Outside of the town
D. It has many festivals. D. Near the beach
2. What does the woman say about her trip?
A. It was relaxing.
B. It was more expensive than she had
C. It was exciting.
D. It was different from what she had

4. Where does the conversation probably 6. Until what time was the offer available?
take place?
A. 1:15
A. In a bank B. 1:30
B. In a department store C. 2:00
C. In a restaurant D. 2:30
D. In a doctor’s office
5. What is the problem?
A. The man misunderstands a sign.
B. A bill has been calculated incorrectly.
C. The man cannot pay the bill.
D. The sale has not started yet.


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7. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 9. What is the man’s concern?
A. A sports team A. His team will not finish on time.
B. A business meeting B. He does not understand an assignment.
C. A group project C. His team cannot work on other projects.
D. A building design D. He disagrees with his team members.
8. What is scheduled to happen on
A. A new project will begin.
B. An important game will be played.
C. A team will make a presentation.
D. A report will be sent out.

10. Who most likely is the man? 12. Where are the speakers?
A. A truck driver A. At a factory
B. A gardener B. At a garage
C. A repairperson C. At a gardening store
D. A car salesperson D. At a home
11. How much time does the man probably
A. One hour
B. Two hours
C. Two and a half hours
D. More than three hours


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A. SAMPLE TEST 1 (Track 34)
Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two
people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation.
You must select the best response to each question and mark the letter A., B., C., or D. on
your answer sheet.

1. What has the man already done? 7. Where are the speakers?
A. Distributed materials A. In a department store
B. Sorted names B. In a supermarket
C. Prepared address labels C. At an airport
D. Made photocopies D. At a post office
2. Who will prepare the labels? 8. Which bag will the man check?
A. The woman A. The black suitcase.
B. The man and the woman B. He’ll only carry his computer.
C. The man C. His green bag
D. The secretary D. The green bag and the black suitcase.
3. When will the labels be ready? 9. How many items will the man carry on to
the plane?
A. Tomorrow afternoon
B. Before lunch time A. One
C. By the end of the day B. Two
D. Around 2:00 in the afternoon C. Three
----------------------------------------------------- D. Four
4. Why did the man place a newspaper
advertisement? 10. When did the woman join the company?
A. He is looking for a new manager. A. A few years ago
B. He is trying to sell something. B. Next week
C. He is looking for a new job. C. Yesterday
D. The woman asked him to. D. Two years ago
5. The last manager was probably what kind 11. Who is the woman?
of person? A. A new manager
A. Easy to get along with B. A doctor
B. Relaxed C. The new fund manager
C. Hardworking D. The new accountant
D. Tense and difficult to get along with
12. What is the woman going to do?
6. What is the man going to do? A. Have lunch with Ben Reilly
A. Place an ad in the newspaper B. Meet the rest of the staff
B. Look at the résumés C. Talk to the manager
C. Keep his promises D. Make an announcement
D. Talk to the new manager


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13. What is the man working on? 20. When did the printer last break down?
A. The August vacation schedule A. Tuesday
B. A price list for the sales B. Three times this week
C. The August sales report C. Wednesday
D. A questionnaire D. Monday
14. When does the man have to submit the 21. What do the two people think their
sales report? company should do?
A. Tomorrow morning A. Buy a new printer
B. Today, before he goes home B. Replace the repairman
C. By August C. Increase the printing budget
D. Tomorrow afternoon D. Make more repairs
15. Why does the man have to finish his work
today? 22. How many jobs is the woman
A. The computers won’t be working
tomorrow. A. Two
B. The woman needs to read his report. B. Five
C. He is taking a vacation tomorrow. C. One
D. He is going on a business trip D. Three
23. What are the disadvantages of the first
16. Where is this conversation probably
A. It offers vacations and the chance to
taking place?
A. In a hotel B. It is only for one month.
B. In a post office C. It doesn’t look interesting.
C. In a hospital D. It doesn’t pay very well.
D. In a school
24. Which position will the woman apply
17. What must the woman do? for?
A. Order a meal A. Personnel manager
B. Write a check B. Neither position
C. Deliver a box C. Personal assistant
D. Fill out a form D. Professor
18. When will the packages arrive? ------------------------------------------------------

A. In a few hours 25. How did the woman try to contact the
B. Sometime tomorrow man?
C. Later today A. By fax
D. Probably next week B. With the budget
------------------------------------------------------ C. By phone and email
19. What is the problem? D. By Monday

A. The printer has run out of ink. 26. What does the woman ask the man to do?
B. The printer is getting too old. A. Finish a project this weekend
C. The woman has lost a file. B. Begin making a budget
D. The man has broken the printer. C. Take the weekend off
D. Work on the budget with Rogers


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27. When did the man expect to finish? 30. What is happening?
A. By Monday morning A. Employees are unhappy.
B. By Monday afternoon B. People are quitting.
C. By the middle of next week C. The company is losing money.
D. In a few hours D. The woman wants a new job.
28. Why might the company be going out of
A. Because of employee rumors
B. Due to poor sales
C. Because of slow business
D. Due to higher manufacturing costs
29. Why does the man think the company is
in a stable condition?
A. Sales are strong.
B. He likes his job.
C. It’s the biggest in town.
D. It’s nonsense.

B. SAMPLE TEST 2 (Track 35)

Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two
people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation.
You must select the best response to each question and mark the letter A., B., C., or D. on
your answer sheet.

41. What does the man want the woman to 43. Where is the man going?
do? A. To a restaurant
A. Type a letter B. To his office
B. Buy him a sweater C. To the post office
C. Have lunch with him D. To the photocopy store
D. Work this evening ------------------------------------------------------
42. What is the woman doing now? 44. When will the phones be installed?
A. Eating lunch A. Monday before noon
B. Leaving for the golf course B. Monday afternoon
C. Making copies C. Wednesday before noon
D. Sending e-mail D. Wednesday afternoon


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45. Why weren’t the phones installed last 52. What does the woman want to do?
week? A. Read a book
A. The equipment was out of order. B. Bake a cake
B. They couldn’t get an appointment. C. Drink coffee
C. The order was placed too late. D. Pick up her mail
D. They didn’t bring the right kind of ------------------------------------------------------
phone. 53. Who is giving advice?
46. How long have they been waiting for the A. A travel agent
phones? B. A physician
A. Under a week C. A teacher
B. One week D. A golfer
C. One month 54. What is the woman’s problem?
D. More than a month
----------------------------------------------------- A. She lost her job.
47. How many dozen pens is the man B. She works too much.
ordering? C. She never takes a walk.
A. Two D. She can’t decide on a place for a
B. Four vacation.
C. Six 55. What will the woman do?
D. Twelve
A. Go to the health club
48. What colors does he want? B. Learn to play golf
A. Green and purple C. Take a vacation
B. Green and red D. Hire someone to help her
C. Red, black, and blue ------------------------------------------------------
D. Red, black, and purple 56. What don’t the speakers like?
49. How will he pay for the pens? A. Spring
A. He will pay by check. B. The heat
B. He will pay with cash. C. The rain
C. The woman will send him a bill. D. Standing
D. The woman will charge it to his 57. How is the weather today?
------------------------------------------------------ A. Sunny
B. Cool
50. Where does this conversation take place? C. Humid
A. At the dinner table D. Icy
B. In a grocery store 58. When does this conversation take place?
C. In a bookstore
D. At a bakery A. May
B. September
51. What does the man want the woman to C. November
do? D. December
A. Cook a meal -------------------------------------------------------
B. Stop coughing 59. What is the woman looking for?
C. Eat some more
D. Sing a song A. Her raincoat
B. Her boots and umbrella
C. Her bus ticket
D. Her watch


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60. What is the weather like? 68. What time did the woman go to bed?
A. Hot A. At 7:00
B. Cold B. After 7:00
C. Rainy C. At 11:00
D. Misty D. After 11:00
61. When will the bus leave? 69. How many hours of sleep does the
woman usually get?
A. In 15 minutes
B. In 20 minutes A. Four
C. In 29 minutes B. Five
D. In 50 minutes C. Eight
------------------------------------------------------ D. Ten
62. Where does the man live? 70. Why did she get up early?
A. By the school A. To do some work
B. By the police station B. To work out at the gym
C. On a mountain C. To finish reading a book
D. Near a pool D. To get ready for a trip
63. How does the woman get to work?
A. On foot
B. By train
C. By car
D. By bus
64. What time will the woman meet the man
A. At 7:00
B. At 7:30
C. At 11:00
D. At 11:30
65. Why didn’t the woman read this morning
A. She didn’t have money to buy one.
B. She didn’t have time to buy one.
C. It wasn’t delivered on time.
D. She read yesterday’s instead.
66. What does the man suggest that the
woman do?
A. Buy a newspaper at the newsstand
B. Read the front page
C. Borrow his newspaper
D. Have the newspaper delivered
67. What does the man want to do?
A. Read the woman a story
B. Tell the woman about the news
C. Buy a newspaper for her
D. Copy a page from the newspaper


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Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to
answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best
response to each question and mark the letter A., B., C., or D. on your answer sheet.
(Track 36)

41. What is the man looking for? 47. Who is closing the cheese factory?
A. Sports socks A. The manager
B. School socks B. The director
C. Hiking socks C. The owner
D. Shoes D. The mayor
42. What is the woman's job? 48. Why are they closing?
A. Salesclerk A. They are losing money.
B. Model B. They have too many workers.
C. Hiker C. They need to repair some machines.
D. Sports reporter D. They need to clean some of the
43. What does the woman say to the man
about directions? 49. How long will the factory close down
A. Lady's wear is on the 7th floor.
B. Ask someone in the lady's department A. One month
C. Ask someone on the 7th floor B. Two weeks
D. The sports department is not on the 7th C. One week
floor. D. It does not say.
------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
44. What was the man supposed to do? 50. What was on the chair?
A. Rent a video A. A white skirt
B. Go with his wife to a movie B. Yellow bell-bottoms
C. Help his kids with a project C. White pants
D. Take his kids to a movie D. Blue shorts
45. What is the woman's reaction? 51. Where did they get stained?
A. She is annoyed A. At a bar last night
B. She is sad. B. At a movie two days ago
C. She doesn't mind. C. At a concert last night
D. She is very angry. D. At a play last week
46. Where is the woman going later? 52. What does the woman tell the man to do?
A. She will watch a movie and then go to a A. Go into the kitchen
computer class. B. Do all the laundry
B. She will bring her kids to a computer C. Clean his clothes himself
class. D. Make dinner
C. She will bring her children to the -------------------------------------------------------
movies, then she will go to computer 53. How long have they been waiting for
class. Jim?
D. She will bring her kids to computer
class and then go to the movies. A. Twenty minutes
B. Thirty minutes
C. An hour
D. Fifteen minutes


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54. How long has the man known Jim? 62. What is the woman worried about?
A. The problem will be expensive.
A. For two years
B. She won’t be able to use her car today.
B. For four years
C. The car can't be repaired.
C. For three years
D. She won’t be able to pick up the kids.
D. For five years
63. Which parts need work?
55. How often is Jim late?
A. The tires and the door
A. A lot
B. The muffler and the door
B. Sometimes
C. The engine and the door
C. Often
D. The muffler and the tires
D. Never
------------------------------------------------------- 64. Why does the woman need the car
56. What does the man ask the woman to
lock? A. She needs to pick up the kids.
B. She has a lot of work to do next week.
A. The front door
C. She needs it for work.
B. The back door
D. Her husband needs it for work next
C. The car door
D. The car trunk
57. What is true about the man?
65. Who did the man see at the theater?
A. He is wearing black shoes.
A. His sister
B. He is wearing the shoes his wife bought.
B. His brother
C. His shoes are very formal.
C. The woman’s brother
D. His shoes are very comfortable.
D. The woman’s sister
58. Why does the man like his new shoes?
66. What did the sister think of the movie?
A. They are much more formal.
A. She thought it was great.
B. They are more comfortable.
B. She thought it was touching.
C. They were cheaper.
C. She thought it was interesting.
D. They look much nicer.
D. She thought it was boring.
59. What is being held on Saturday? 67. What did the man say about the movie?
A. It was value for money.
A. The monthly company picnic
B. It was very funny.
B. The yearly picnic
C. It was not worth the money.
C. The monthly company meeting
D. He loved it.
D. The monthly competition
60. What was the problem last year?
A. Nobody came.
B. It was too cold.
C. It rained a lot.
D. It was snowing.
61. What did the man say to the woman?
A. He will check the weather.
B. The weather should be fine.
C. The woman doesn’t need a raincoat.
D. It will probably rain.


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68. Where is the woman going?

A. To the city center
B. To City Hall
C. To the city museum
D. To Hall Street
69. How often does the bus come?
A. Every twenty minutes
B. Twice every hour
C. Every thirty five minutes
D. Three times every hour
70. What is the woman going to do?
A. Take a bus
B. Run
C. Drive there
D. Take a taxi


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Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two
people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation.
You must select the best response to each question and mark the letter A., B., C., or D. on
your answer sheet.
(Track 37)

41. What was the man waiting for? 48. How does the woman want to pay?
A. The woman A. By credit card
B. A shipment of material B. By debit card
C. An appointment C. By check
D. A sale at a department store D. By cash on delivery
42. Who has been calling every day? 49. What does the woman need to show the
A. The customs officials
B. The department store A. Her address
C. The woman’s mother B. To forms of identification
D. Nobody C. One form of identification
D. Her check book
43. Why did it take so long?
A. The company forgot to send the
50. According to the woman, what is special
about tomorrow?
B. There was a mistake in the address.
C. It was held up at customs. A. It’s her birthday.
D. The woman forgot to give it to the man. B. It’s the man’s birthday.
------------------------------------------------------- C. It’s a national holiday.
D. It’s Friday.
44. What is the man doing?
51. Why will the man go to work?
A. Taking a week’s vacation
B. Trying to repair a computer A. He doesn’t like holidays.
C. Making photocopies B. It will be nice and quiet in the office.
D. Making a phone call C. He hates birthdays.
D. He has a lot of work to catch up on.
45. Why is the woman surprised?
52. What is the woman going to do
A. She thought the man had quit.
B. She heard that he had given up.
C. The man was very rude to her. A. She plans to come to the office, too.
D. The man has been doing the same task B. She hopes to sort out orders.
for a week. C. She will enjoy having a day off.
D. She doesn’t say.
46. When does the man expect to finish?
A. He won’t. It’s too complicated.
53. Why is the man worried?
B. Sometime next week
C. Before the end of the day A. He thinks he’ll be late for work.
D. Tomorrow B. He thinks his boss dislikes him.
------------------------------------------------------- C. He thinks the woman will be late.
D. He expects trouble in the stock market.
47. What is the woman’s problem?
54. How long does he have to get to work?
A. She doesn’t have enough cash on her.
B. She has lost her check book. A. One hour
C. She can’t find her credit card. B. Thirty minutes
D. She can’t find her wallet. C. One hour and thirty minutes
D. As long as he wants


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55. What does the woman think? 63. Why can’t the woman go with them?
A. He’ll get into a lot of trouble. A. She is allergic to coffee.
B. He’ll probably lose his job. B. She has to attend a meeting.
C. He’ll get there in time. C. She is waiting on a phone call.
D. He should take a taxi. D. She has a lunch appointment.
64. Which of the following does the woman
56. What is the man looking for? want?
A. A telephone A. A large coffee and a sandwich
B. A new battery B. A large coffee only
C. A store C. A large coffee and a banana muffin
D. Directions D. A large coffee and a blueberry muffin
57. Which store has a broken payphone? -------------------------------------------------------
A. The store next door 65. What are the man and woman discussing?
B. The store the man is in currently A. Their vacation in Singapore
C. Both this store and the store next door B. Designs for a new building
D. Neither store C. Shipping costs
58. What does the woman say about her cell D. A meeting they both attended
phone? 66. Why will Amy and Hank have to make
A. The battery is dead. some changes?
B. The man can borrow it if he wants. A. There are some mistakes in the structure
C. She never lends it to customers. of the building.
D. She doesn’t have one. B. The Tanaka Corporation doesn’t like
------------------------------------------------------- the design.
59. Where does the man live? C. They forgot to label the diagrams.
D. There are no changes needed.
A. Near the office
B. A couple of blocks from work 67. What kind of company do the man and
C. Near the subway station woman probably work for?
D. Near the woman A. A shipping company
60. Who brings the woman to work three B. A fashion design company
days a week? C. An architecture firm
D. A post office
A. The man
B. Her brother
C. Her husband 68. What has the man heard about the
D. Her sister personnel department?
61. Why doesn’t the woman take the A. There will be major changes made to
subway? the personnel department.
B. The company is expanding the
A. The bus is cheaper.
personnel department.
B. The bus is easier to take.
C. He is going to be promoted to head of
C. The subway is far from her home.
the personnel department.
D. She dislikes the subway.
D. The personnel department will hire
several new workers.
62. Where is the man going?
A. Home
B. To have a coffee with John
C. To John’s office
D. To a meeting

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69. According to the woman, why is the

personnel manager leaving?
A. He is not leaving.
B. He is taking early retirement.
C. He is taking sick leave.
D. He was offered a better job elsewhere.
70. What is the woman’s opinion of the man?
A. He is a hardworking employee.
B. He pays too much attention to idle gossip.
C. He needs to find a new job.
D. He has been getting slack lately.


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Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two
people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation.
You must select the best response to each question and mark the letter A., B., C., or D. on
your answer sheet.
(Track 38)

41. Who has read the chairman’s memo? 48. Where is Peter?
A. Ms. Reed A. At lunch
B. John B. On vacation
C. Turner C. At the airport
D. Westco D. At his desk
42. Why is the chairman’s memo useful? 49. Why does the man need the vacation
A. It can help with the Turner account.
B. It gives the vacation schedule. A. To schedule his work
C. It will help Ms. Reed negotiate prices.
B. To reserve a hotel
D. It is well written. C. To book an airline ticket
D. To see Peter
43. Which account is Ms. Reed working on
50. How do you think Tom and Miranda know
A. The Turner account
each other?
B. The Reed account
C. The Westco account A. Tom is her husband.
D. John’s account B. Their companies sometimes work
------------------------------------------------------- together.
C. Tom often takes vacations.
44. What is needed in the man’s office?
D. Tom is her manager.
A. A fax machine and a copy machine
51. What is Star Travel’s commission on the
B. A tax machine and a copy machine
Machu Pichu tour?
C. A tax machine and a coffee machine
D. A fax machine and a coffee machine A. Fourteen percent
B. Forty percent
45. Where does she get her office equipment?
C. Four percent
A. From the office supply store D. Four hundred percent
B. From her friends
52. What is Miranda’s opinion of the Machu
C. From an online retail supplier
Pichu tour?
D. From an online wholesale supplier
A. It is too expensive.
46. Orders over how much will be shipped
B. They should stay six more days.
C. It may be dangerous.
A. $10.00 D. Many people will be interested in it.
B. $100.00 ---------------------------------------------------------
C. $1,000.00
53. What does Ann need for the meeting?
D. $10,000.00
------------------------------------------------------- A. A projector, a table, and a dais
B. A table, a chair, and a key
47. What information does the man want?
C. A pen, some paper, and a notebook
A. The airline schedule D. His notes, his glasses, and some water
B. The work schedule
C. The vacation schedule
D. Peter’s lunch schedule


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54. Why can’t José bring the items? 62. Which age group is targeted in the new ad
A. He’s been working too long.
B. He doesn’t know where they are. A. Five to twenty-five years of age
C. He is meeting with Mrs. Ames. B. Fifteen to thirty years of age
D. He doesn’t have a key. C. Fifty to twenty years of age
D. Fifteen to twenty years of age
55. Who has a key to the equipment room?
63. Who is advertising the product?
A. Ted
B. José A. An actor
C. Ann B. A singer
D. No one C. An athlete
------------------------------------------------------- D. A fashion model
56. How will MegaStore contact him? 64. Why isn’t the ad successful?
A. By waiting A. The product is too expensive.
B. By messenger B. The actor’s movie was nor very good.
C. By phone C. The singer is no longer popular.
D. By mail D. The ad is offensive.
57. Why is his résumé impressive?
65. Why is the factory closing down?
A. He has a lot of education.
B. He has a lot of work experience. A. The worker’s wages are too high.
C. He has good references. B. The cost of raw materials has gone up.
D. He includes a good picture of himself. C. The product is not popular anymore.
D. The factory is moving.
58. Why does he think that he did not get the
job? 66. When will the factory shut down?
A. He asked for too much money. A. It is operating in the red.
B. He forgot to send a résumé. B. Next year
C. He is underqualified. C. Next month
D. He is overqualified. D. Next week
------------------------------------------------------- 67. How many of the man’s family members
59. When was the big meeting? work at the factory?
A. This morning A. Three
B. All day B. Two
C. Yesterday C. All of them
D. Last week D. None of them
60. Which department made a mistake?
A. Product Development
B. Finance
C. Research
D. Marketing
61. What will the man do?
A. Make a new part
B. Review the meeting minutes with the
C. Talk to his boss
D. Take new measurements


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68. How long had Louis worked for the

A. Less than one year
B. One year
C. More than one year
D. The reading does not say.
69. What is one thing that Louis and the boss
disagreed on?
A. Where employees should take their
B. How much employees should be paid
C. How employees should be motivated
D. When workers should be allowed to
take vacations?
70. Which answer best describes the
relationship between Louis and the boss?
A. They are very good friends.
B. They are clearly angry with each other.
C. They never spoke to each other.
D. They kept a professional attitude even
if they weren’t friends.


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Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two
people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation.
You must select the best response to each question and mark the letter A., B., C., or D. on
your answer sheet.
(Track 39)

41. What is the man doing? 48. Who did the man dine with?
A. Changing a flight reservation A. A coworker
B. Changing a hospital room B. An old school friend
C. Reserving an extra hotel room C. A telecommunication expert
D. Canceling a hotel room D. His wife
42. What information does the woman need? 49. What does the woman imply?
A. A telephone number and address A. The meeting was not essential.
B. A name and reservation number B. She is interested in telecommunications.
C. A name and cell phone number C. She wishes she could have met the
D. A date of birth specialist.
D. The man submits very accurate records.
43. What is “Jordan”?
A. The woman’s name
50. What is the woman’s problem?
B. The man’s given name
C. The man’s family name A. She didn’t know she had to pay taxes.
D. The man’s pet dog B. She overpaid on her taxes.
------------------------------------------------------- C. The woman has lost her tax receipts.
D. She is unemployed.
44. What are the man and woman discussing?
A. Their company’s new invoicing system 51. What does the woman want to know?
B. Bills that need to be paid A. Her social security number
C. Their company’s new computers B. The state tax code
D. Their coworkers C. How much sales tax on the item will be
45. What does the man imply? D. How much she will have to pay
52. What does the man tell the woman to do?
A. Their billing system used to be efficient. A. Contact her local tax office
B. Their old billing system was outdated. B. Pay by check
C. It’s too late to change their billing C. Read an information leaflet
system. D. Look on the Internet for information
D. He’s unimpressed with the new system. -------------------------------------------------------
46. Where does the woman think of the 53. What are they discussing?
A. Purchasing a lot of buildings
A. It was better before. B. Expanding their budget for supplies
B. It has helped her with her work. C. The paperwork necessary to build a new
C. She wishes it had been changed sooner. building
D. She hasn’t experienced the changes yet. D. Buying a piece of land and building on
------------------------------------------------------- it
47. What can be said of the expense record? 54. What do the woman and John plan to do?
A. It was typical. A. Increase the size of their building
B. It was full of errors. B. Landscape the garden behind the store
C. It contained an unexpected item. C. Move to a new location
D. It exceeded the allotted budget. D. Sell their business


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55. When will the plans take effect? 63. Why is the man surprised?
A. Next week A. The meeting is next week.
B. In 3 weeks B. It’s Wednesday.
C. In 3 months C. The woman has marked it on her
D. Next year planner.
------------------------------------------------------ D. The meeting will be very long.
56. What took place in the morning? 64. What will be happening at the meeting?
A. A staff meeting A. The writing of memos.
B. An emergency drill B. A presentation by the planning division.
C. A sales event C. The setting of an agenda.
D. The annual promotions D. A period of eating lunch.
57. What did the woman have to do?
65. What are the man and woman discussing?
A. She had to make a presentation.
A. The stock market
B. She had to meet a client.
B. A scandal in the construction industry
C. She had to go to a doctor’s appointment
C. Company politics
D. She had to take her car to the mechanic.
D. Journalism
58. How does the woman feel about the
66. What is the problem at Asco Limited?
A. Many of their buildings have structural
A. She regrets not attending.
B. She is glad that she was not there.
B. The chief engineer has quit.
C. She wants to attend next time.
C. The company has gone bankrupt.
D. She wishes she had got back in time.
D. Asco Limited is reducing its workforce.
67. What might be the result of this problem?
59. What does the man need?
A. The company will sell its shares.
A. John’s cell phone number.
B. The company will have to pull down
B. The invoice number.
several building.
C. To borrow John’s telephone.
C. The company will halt all construction.
D. John’s office number.
D. The company will supervise all new
60. What does the woman imply about John? engineers.
A. He doesn’t like being disturbed at -------------------------------------------------------
home. 68. Why is the woman unable to place an
B. He is quite upset with the man. order?
C. He usually turns his cell phone off. A. They have an outstanding bill to pay.
D. He will arrive later in the afternoon. B. The phone isn’t working.
61. What does the woman suggest looking? C. Office Depot is on vacation.
D. She can’t find the order forms.
A. At home.
B. In the office directory. 69. Whose fault is the problem?
C. In the filing cabinet. A. The woman’s
D. In the shipment. B. Office Depot’s
------------------------------------------------------- C. The man’s
62. When is the meeting? D. The office manager’s

A. This Wednesday. 70. When is the man going to the bank?

B. Thursday afternoon. A. Tomorrow
C. Next Wednesday morning. B. Next week
D. Next Wednesday afternoon. C. After the next order is placed
D. Straight away

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Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two
people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation.
You must select the best response to each question and mark the letter A., B., C., or D. on
your answer sheet.
(Track 40)

41. Who bought the new computer? 47. Where do the man and woman have to
A. The man
B. The woman A. To a lunch appointment
C. The man and the woman together B. To a meeting
D. Their employer C. To meet a supplier
D. To a reception
42. Why is the man pleased with the
computer? 48. Why isn’t the man leaving at the same
time as the woman?
A. It fits in his briefcase.
B. It is much nicer than his old computer. A. He needs to finish reading a letter.
C. He didn’t have to pay for it. B. He needs to make some phone calls.
D. It’s his first computer. C. He needs to finish writing a letter.
D. He is waiting for a letter to arrive.
43. How does the woman feel about the
computer? 49. Why does the woman think their
coworkers will be angry?
A. She is looking forward to getting one.
B. She thinks it looks heavy. A. They dislike the man.
C. She doesn’t like laptop computers. B. The man will be late again.
D. She doesn’t think the man deserves it. C. They didn’t want the woman to attend.
------------------------------------------------------- D. They have been very irritable recently.
44. Where has the woman been?
50. What do the man and woman need to
A. In Asia
B. In the office all week
C. At a conference all week A. Budget cuts
D. At home B. Market research
C. Cleaning the man’s desk
45. What does the man recommend the
D. Staff recruitment
woman do?
51. When are they going to meet?
A. Start a new project, then check the files
B. Check the Asian reports immediately A. In the next quarter
C. Spend less time out of the office B. In a quarter of an hour
D. Attend more meetings C. Tomorrow at ten o’clock
D. Today at ten o’clock
46. What does the woman expect to find in
the reports? 52. What will the man provide for the
A. New proposals
B. Bad news A. Information from her local tax office
C. A pleasant surprise B. Documents to be read
D. Profit figures C. An information leaflet
D. Information form Internet research


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53. Who wants to talk to the man? 61. What is one option the man will consider
to cut costs?
A. The woman
B. His mother A. Give all staff a pay cut
C. An applicant for the sales position B. Freeze pay rises for one year
D. The supply department C. Lay off one member of staff
D. Quit his job
54. Why doesn’t the man take the call?
A. He is avoiding the caller.
62. Where does the woman want to go?
B. He is busy.
C. He has a sore throat. A. To El Paso
D. He wants the woman to handle it. B. To Texas
C. To New York
55. How much paper does the man want?
D. To Chicago
A. 30 boxes
63. Which of the following statement is true?
B. 13 boxes
C. He doesn’t need any paper this month. A. The woman will be travelling with two
D. 40 boxes other passengers.
------------------------------------------------------- B. The woman has to reduce the length of
her trip.
56. What is the man’s problem?
C. The woman wishes to sit by the
A. He thinks he is lost. window.
B. He needs a lawyer. D. The woman wants a one-way ticket.
C. He needs change to make a phone call.
64. When will the woman be returning?
D. The woman won’t help him.
A. On the 11th
57. Where did Beckwith and Drum relocate
B. On the 13th
C. On the 18th
A. An office in New York D. On the 19th
B. An office a couple of blocks away -------------------------------------------------------
C. The second floor
65. What are the speakers talking about?
D. An office a couple of floors down
A. International travel
58. How can the man contact the new office?
B. Overseas business challenges
A. By calling their number C. Investments
B. By sending a fax D. Interior design
C. By email
66. What difficulty did the woman have?
D. By calling their old number
------------------------------------------------------- A. Hiring local staff
B. Translation
59. What does the manager want to do?
C. Supplies and equipment
A. Hire more staff D. Adjusting to the food
B. Reduce overhead
67. Why does the man want advice from the
C. Take an extended leave
D. Assign more responsibility to the man
A. His company may expand overseas.
60. How does the woman fell about the
B. He admires her business skills.
manager’s demands?
C. She wants to buy his business.
A. They’re unreasonable. D. He is looking for financing.
B. It’s a wise decision.
C. It’s a hasty decision.
D. They’re desirable.


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68. What are the speakers discussing?

A. A meeting
B. A contract
C. Office gossip
D. A letter
69. What does the man offer to do?
A Go to the post office for the woman
B. Check a letter for her
C. Fax her some documents
D. Stand in for her at a meeting
70. Which of the following best describes the
woman’s attitude?
A. Perfection is more important than
B. Punctuality is most important at all
C. Having a few mistakes is not a big deal.
D. She doesn’t need anyone’s help.


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