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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9!

1. Linda : Happy birthday Diana

Diana : ….. Linda. You are the first who congratulate me.

Linda : Oh, really?

a. Thank you

b. Sorry

c. I’m not ready

d. I have doubt

2. Situation :

Amanda has just got the first prize in “balap karung” to celebrate Kartini Day. Indah congratulates her.
What does Indah says to congratulate Amanda?

a. Thanks, I will do the best

b. Congratulations, Amanda!

c. Congratulate to Amanda

d. Sure, good luck!

3. I need to drink a lot of water so that ….

a. I will not get angry

b. I will not get upset

c. I will not get hungry

d. I will not get dehydrated

4. To get rid dirt we should … the floor

a. Mop
b. Colour

c. Ignore

d. Paint

5. Raihan : The government plans to increase the price of fuel next week.

Iqbal : …. It will make poor people harder.

a. I never disagree

b. I totally disagree

c. I agree with you

d. I can’t disagree

The following text is question 6 until 8

6. What does the text talk about?

a. Giving detail information of product

b. Telling the amount of product

c. Explaining how to prepare the product

d. Describing the price of product

7.In the label, there is statement “cook thoroughly”, it means …

a. Because it is frozen before it is served

b. Because it contains uncures pepperoni and mozzarella

c. Because need to melt mozzarella and also cool pepperoni well.

d. Because it is needed to have good taste and also free form bacteria.

8. The false statement about Wegmanns pizza is …

a. The total calories in Wegmanns pizaa is 330 cal.

b. Wegmanns Pizza is a healthy food because not contains trans fat.

c. The product contains artificial colour.

d. The pizza can be eat by 18 people.

The following text is for question 9 until 11

9. Check the last sentence from the picture, there is word “preparation”. It has similar meaning to ….

a. Threatening

b. Treating

c. Cooking

d. Holding
10. The text above is addressed to …

a. The visitors of a warehouse

b. The guesses of a hotel

c. The customers of a restaurant

d. The employees of a food company

11. Where can you probably find the sign above?

a. In a cruise ship

b. In a laboratory

c. In a warehouse

d. In a stationery

12. (1) finally, it’s ready to drink

(2) pour in + 100 cc hot water

(3) Put sweet syrup into the water and mix them well

(4) first, put a few herbal medicine into a glass

The best arrangement how to make herbal medicine health body is ….

a. (4), (2), (3), (1)

b. (2), (4), (3), (2)

c. (4), (3), (2), (1)

d. (4), (1), (2), (3)

13. He came while I …., so I could not hear her pull the bell.

To fill the blank, which of these following phrases is appropriate?

a. Was sleep

b. Is sleeping

c. Was sleeping

d. Slept

14. Where … the university in Jakarta?

The following phrases that match to question above is ….

a. You will be checking

b. Will you be checking

c. Will you be checking

d. You will checking

The following text is for questions number 15 until 16

15. The text above mainly discusses about ….

a. The broken promise of Sahala

b. Sahala that married with a fish

c. The legend of Danau Toba

d. Sahala’s life

16. What is the aim of the text?

a. To retell the past event

b. To entertain the readers with Danau Toba legend

c. To describe the Danau Toba

d. To explain the Sahala’s life

17. Mary : I think smoking is so dangerous to health.

Jane : I suppose so.

From that dialogue, you can assume that Jane expresses ….

a. Agreement

b. Opinion

c. Disagreement

d. Satisfaction

18. Alena … nderstood the homework yet

The following phrase that match to the sentence is ….

a. Has not

b. Is not

c. Was not

d. Have not

19. Fill the blank with correct word!

Where … lately?

a. You have been

b. You has been

c. Have you been

d. Have you be
The following text is for question number 20 until 21

20. From the text, we know that the principle is … with Husna’s achievement

a. Amazed

b. Grateful

c. Surprised

d. Delighted

21. Why did that card is written?

a. The principle wants to invite Husna to the same event

b. The principle wants to appreciate Husna’s achievement

c. Husna want to convey wishes to the principle

d. The principle celebrate Almira’s achievement

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