Ecw351 June2019

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The transfoenaty on of water fren | H moves fron tne _grounel i Inte overlying atmosphere te afitteotion =Waler flews herizendally through je . | set) anol rocks urder the influence of Gravity : \\ Tie| Precipitation = Conclenseal wader vaper thad falls 4 : fae the EBacth’s sucfare. Mest precipitation octurs as rain, but alse includes snow , har! ,feg oleip , graupel anol sleet EA en 2 release ot water vaper ironn pleats aad 505] jate dhe ase: Water vaper 7 4 gas thet Le! | | £ cannot be Seen | i | a 7) _j(ocesenebis_pre a an ) : - Hs when Wwaen =, ges En WACK oir ate : Les ei Ar Meving across the oétan Jorge nrountarns. As the | «4 cools: arr ocls Lael the tember _eendenses ancl weter droplets |i force te rire by por Tn the ay | | fern: Clouals fora Land precipitation (rain ot sno) oceuns On the us | ede of the Meuntasn. | | : | i ndiwacd _— \a. Conve ctienal precipitation | Results from tn heating of earth's surface. The | waren grounal heats the arr ever #. As the arr warms, the ar mslecules begin + rove further apart. As the _- air rises, it cools. Water vaper nm the air condenses > into clouds anct precipitation occurs. 3. Cyclonje or. frontal precipitation Results when the leaching tole fa warn, Mord air lmass (Warns fret) meets a too] ant dry alr Maas Ed ati ts eetaar n taoeee Ofer coo lS, Over te, cog! ate As. if rises, the warren. SIT ? FT | pcecieitation resul4- the water Vapor In tha afr Conclenses petieleneiclens a | -Measuccmend) f rainfall — ace taken every 24 heurs | manually. | The sunn of the roinrfall ~ Measurement is dene by 3 continuous plef of cotafall against tine + Useful +. provide valuable Nen- recording rain gauges | Recording rein gauges over 24h if enterea as date of Tntersity anc the total rainfall of thed eturation of raintiat) bk Exanyle - trppins bucked day ancl _Wwetghing bucket MH mpl. = Symons Lain —t r | weter acelect Cur) ~~ Tefal evaperat ion ——T Total evaporation for five days x pan eoefficrert = in-2 Om > 0.86 ie 10-37 «em 10-37 [5 days 2-074 enn | Daily evaperation | uu Water budget _ AS = 1+P-0-E-G = 6.3 em Le Lins x5 x ry ¥ 6% 60) / 30 kw )} X100 = 2t-Com 10 = 13n3/s 45 42y KET¥ LO 130 ker = 2F OP EE jo-37 on AS = 6.3 401.6-2P-08 - 10-37 [ 2 = 0-55 ene a ne er ee Be Leonean aeauenet econ eriadereae a 7 [ ‘ , T T 4). al _recofal) ? / es 2 COUANBI FIT 3.15 4 Ody + 5.0F 4 IB FEI i fa) ae pH * Cefoo) | (CP -R)/ time Capos - 4-7) 14 1.951 nane/br Fas is ineffective for Ist, 2d anol tart 30 Atautes 2-5 hes ‘a \ 5 i. i iw ut iNew retrfall excess = t Rebjurdect infiltration = C4 p-f-) ~ 0-9? (30/66) 7 = 119 ( 3o/to)) | 2-5 72-200 nana] bv L=(S/io0)¥ta-105 7 0. 605 mane = 1.31 (30/60) | . Lam u ' Weindex = CP R~ “)] dime | —£ (12-05-49 9.005) 4 7? pam [he = Rainfall excess — ooo es Roinfal) jntensit Rapefal) excess ap od site Selection | Avoteting measurenend near eoldy currents , yrbulere flow ob tlucbeal during measurerninf anol pray fluctuates tha variation of soda Z| Prefer a regular streanmboiel gesmetry with far obrupd changes in elevation. Unclulatien river bool monterey of reacting durleulerce flew. =H iA section thed has relatively crazed and parallel LHesaatinat A_mrcasurennent section Sheulol be necran! Lor _perpenctiurlar te , precteninand | chrection of flow Ett I Lpictance Fromm __|oepth | Velo city Cols) eft water ectge lm)| Cra) taken from water sued Vi | b7 Twe factors that affect thy accuracy of matol- section : Li lbjel= section oloes not censioler the whele river Segment I ee section flow cote froma sections ngt include in the tedal flownate af whole —2.| pala olesevedion fren. nd- section mrethrol jr accucote, —~_| et tre values of veleetty anol oterth. The velecHty anot ——~_| depth it oletainsel ottre tly tron, calibrates! flow ned: tl | ——— _ Water Fitter Water furifrer ms, | Strain owl the innpurities Twe_prinary chenn: froma water source using | purify water! Tooling p chlerine _— foros sulecdanee such as Revere osnosts (a0) ancl ETI, activated! carleon diefilladzen_, dezeniratjen Remove all ninecals frena are_retainect Wweter Suitable for heuseheld use| Suitable for laleoredery “se —b)| L Treig ation lis enweenl rieultucal water roctuctivify could lee 7, must F. retreat learins Ldenand 7 avajlakle ) where agriculture jertgaded: Leducing the faction of wader= Stresseeol pop alien by the year 2050 could be achrevedt With the help of new cultivact, or_ higher Concerns jnelucte ——_ Leff ten ot licadton « ~~ ltha inpects of geaclt+ * seasftgntan anol _eutesphication —~—_| | ee - te eae en nn ee —— al Sees pon efficienyy coulaalee lee improved 7% incigadect | pric ues) basing. Av suiteh fron. floc ierigedien lf. sprinklers oc anps covlel rele 1achreve this_geal buh capital costs are. sigarficant acct Si! salinizatien | could ensue: a. Residential babijs, . pevennen|s jn domestic ant inaluctrial: Wweler use. stressed nareas threugh sigarfeacd could be achsevtd jn wader olurtria|: water use pecluctron, for_exannple, jn Wweder Infrastructure anct domestic or in. iby re Auutng leakage recycling facilities - jnapreving wader = ladion greeth could help Lanting the cote of popu jn_all wodar-stressed areas bud 4 ful) water - Stress —_lrebef reulad require beeping the population in 2052 for example bp dasing lenlengei— ir theevonte anjag arol tax incentives. ALG att te arjeve- ——_|theeugh h with fami Given curread trenols, this could loc aaa 3s Techaslegy approach Tnereesing water Shoragt Th reserveirs coulel | principle , help tniall -stresseel basins with | reservorts banger for example jby nn exitting Lreservetes larger , reductng sedinrentadion or | buileting mew ones. Tarr Strategy weoulet Imply LSignificard capital invesdprerd anol” coulet have Sh negative €cologz cal ancl séctal “impacts: | Derahnadion' of seawater coulol be ramp col lup ta Coaste! weater-stressed Basins» by Tnertastng | Cither the number. or capacity of desalination | glands. A_S0-felel increases Woulel be requineol [te make an inaportand br fference ptechrch | Wwoulel Insgly Significant capital arol energy costs and JH would genende wore water thed would need to be otis poset of Sofely . : Sn | 14, Clinette change. [Te inerea ke clenmanoly ancl a way +f taruciag. against pessible chrnade change impacts', 1 tha crgracercel | pecticter bution. of freshwater ever space anol time: reservoirs. te store Hl anet pipelines to transfer 1 feern | space te Space: This could, ae ene by unctenlying mass urdergrounel Wwefer tuanelitin the werlot |The _renrfall 15 qleunctant jn the werle, lad it ir not _| evenly Atsdetbutedt in all places, Unelengrounel reserves ir Ide resecve weer Could las clone by harvesting reinwedter olucing Menseon Stason « Reinweder falling lon the terrace 7h all the building conrncteol can ee eothec colleteol and stereel jn undlergreunel marenry tonks. This culd be user oluctng olraugl season: _| 5: Betludzen water, —_lImprive Sewage Systems i Without proper sanitation, the water in an ares beeemeS ridden with ofivea te ——_|_anef_ any number of other problems By Inapreving | the serrage sy cdemms ib dhike arcas, we can preven] water scanty finer. becoming aay bode.) 4 : a ~ T T T T T + ~H Suppec! ean Water Tnphatives There are ‘ ergantrattens ilecated: all over tha nerlel. that 7 lace locking fo bring dean water fe ardar the! ~ din! have ito Conrtder olenatrng tnere ~berganiradions either With yaar Aine ri ski, lor Your Finantes ( Whrchever' you tan 4fferoty ++ give: to~ them). «> \ x lo EO fe | ~ dem of Brol.g; a) In Telegical oxygen Henna , all biolegr en! frealmerd exhibi] gore pecler a een erae Teta tee ( comply Wath the sHoncarel thal less dhan 50 sgl / os jn Standard 6. facuitadtrve penal dee breed oped gases in_Jeher 7S produce the lwerl BoP omneng other Mette! — whith is Vail, follens by Sarawak, at Pahang which eI aad nag mespecely The mer Tein Pang — ___ where tr. BoD ts 24 negll. Facultative pend albert _is_chenp, performs better compart te mere aclvane treedrmend, retading bielegi tal 4readmnent- PRC perfenrat less beter Tf there are less monitertng aad paaiztenan ce 4e the systemr: Tn terms of suspended selrAs reaneval, three treadarverd —_methedls cmply with Stanclacd, except 4d for tee 2Be hich exceeds the ltndt reautreat. In dame of SS —remeva) activated sludge process ae een ities as incicated by Ha ceruH whreh 27 —|mag li mere than the. standard. Effkserd auahty theulel — lee monttereet ane inaprovennerd shoul be naeote ___ | ehether. RBT te ned fincdrentag well te pechaps the r T——, |. lity 5 influecd quality 3p tor lows the se concl woetl ie Facultad rue penal whieh Ts aurte, high af 65 mg ll. lems In tem of CoD, only freultatque Pend and RBC perform gerd treatmerd sempare to actiatit slactge = Tickling — filter, Beth the later tkcceet the Sanctard _ requirments inci cade fhe In capability te reduce __nerganit tonfent from waste water. There 5s_possileility ef brah chenpes | waste may eentribde te non __eempliance result As a tmclusion offer Sceutimai ng ithe result from each brolegres| treedmer metheot, lit is found thad faculladive penet has been performing “tee leer aneng Other nysdhecl. Rectueing the waste _ | lomet or balance leadag rate s+ thal the treatment es ample tine te _precess alse can be mnoole- | Surtable of treatment cleperols on raany factors i covt, —|tims, place , waste character , stanclacd regulatiens - | Conn effective treatments vewnnwnolel gre the —~2etivedic! sluclge precedes, teidhling filters enet | rotating lsrelegreal comenctors CRBC) a — ~ ——_ nn —, t r ——-——+ nnn —T _ —_—. In the adivetet _stasign 2 Process | the ctisperred- grovdhy __rtecter tactor TS an aeration tanh Lar _leasin tentenning 9 suspension of watleyatee anol aermrgantinat yp the. marcel (pquiors the contents of the aeration dank are tained Lvigersutlly by aeration. Hydraulic retention tinee in the aeeation danks usually canges fren. 3 do P hours bud can be bigher with high BOD wartereters | Following thu aeration step, the micrvsrgansnas are Separcteet frome the biquik by sedimentodion and the

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