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Question 1

a) -

hydrology is the science of water that deals with the occurrence


circulation and distribution of water on the earth , under the

ground and in the atmosphere .

operation of

hydrological study is applied in the design and

water -
engineering projects e.
g. water
supply and flood

control .

water resources engineering projects require hydrological

investigations to
properly assess factors such as the capacity
of storage structures such reservoirs of flood
the magnitude

flows to enable safe disposal of excess flow etc .

many important projects in the past have failed due to improper

assessment of the
hydrological factors .

some typical failures of hydraulic structures are :
and consequent failure of earthen dam due to inadequate
spillway capacity .

b) logo of normal annual pre citation of station E,

502mm + ( 10 To ✗ 502 ) =

STN Ncmm )

greater than 552.2

greater 552-2

since station B
{ C
vary more than 1040 of the normal annual

precipitation at station E , use Normal Ratio Method to find

the missing data .

p= ✗ P

+ +
Na Mrs Not ,

501% [ ]
= 404 330
52Gt t 551 t

542 + 548 + 610 + 364

= 441.46mm .
I 2 3 4 5

STN Pcmml Acha ) W Cmm ]

A 526 232 0.104 54-72

≤A =
2230 ha
404 0-130 52.54
B 290
465.36mm .

551 819 0-367 202.36


D 300 408 -183 60.38

E 441.46 481 0.216 95-36

Total 2230 Total 465.36mm

c) evaporation from an open water body .

direct transfer of water from lakes ,

reservoirs and rivers

into the

actual evapotranspiration
includes and from surface and
evaporation transpiration a land

its vegetation , and depends on its present soil moisture status .

potential evapotranspiration
evapotranspiration from a soil matrix when the soil moisture is held
constant at field capacity by spraying the land
regularly .
Question 2


Time Rainfall intensity Runoff equivalent P R

Cmm ] Ccm / hr ) Ccm / hr ) Ccm ]

Ccm ]

1f f / / f
" 5 I -5 0-417 0-125

5- 10 b- -5 2.5 0-458 0-208

10-15 6 3.5 0-500 0.292

" " " s "5 ° "" ""

20-25 7- 5 6 0.625 0-500

25-30 5- 5 4- 5 0-458 0 -375

3- 5 3 0.292 0-250

35-40 I -5 I 0-125 0-083

40-45 I 0-5 0-083 0-042

3- 500 2- 250

infiltration =P -

= 3- 5cm 2- 25cm

= 1- 25cm

At =
45min =

I -25cm
∅ -
index =

O' 75hr

1- 667cm / hv

Ineffective for time 35 - 40 and 40 - 45

New Dt = 35min = 0.583hr

New infiltration = 3- 5-2-25 -

O -
0125 -
O -

= 1. 0417 am

1- 0417cm
New ∅ -
index =

1.787cm 1hr

Iq = 10% ✗ 3- 5cm =

P -

R -

W -

index =


= 3. 5- 2.25 -
O -


1.2cm / hv

Claim is
justified , index is
greater than w -

index .
, z 3 4

| :| I "


V Cm ] Cm ) (m ] / s )
( MIS )

O O O O -00

" " ° " ° " ""

l -55 2.3 2 7.13

5- 8 4 54


2- 2 5- 7 4 50 - 16

2- I 3- 2 2 13 . 44

2- 05 3- 3 2 13 -

1- 2- 5
65 2. I 8.66

O -
G I -
I 3 I -98


Q 147m31s

of discharge estimation can be increased by increasing


the number of subsections .

Question 3

must be below the standards to safeguard


Treated water parameters

the health and safety of a community

hardness and the concentration

i. e. water
Table Q3 depicts 2 parameters
of have exceeded the standards .


water hardness :
602mg / L > 500 MAIL

iron : 0.45 / L mg 1L
mg > o 3
- .

effect of hardness

hard water water that has high calcium and magnesium contents .


human health However

- hard water is generally not harmful to . ,

water hard water requires more soap and synthetic

in domestic ,

for home laundry and washing -

- while hard water in industrial will contribute to scaling boilers

and industrial equipment .

effects of iron

iron gives a bitter taste to water and causes it to look reddish
in colour .

water containing excess iron is not suitable for industrial purpose

such as paper mills ,

manufacturing plants and film processing .

iron is an essential element in human nutrition ; however excessive

of for extended period be lethal and

dose iron may may cause
disorder .

Treatment method for water hardness

treatment of water hardness depends the

type of hardness

temporary hardness or
permanent hardness .

hardness is caused by the presence of dissolved bicarbonate


minerals and be easily reduced either by boiling



boling promotes the formation of carbonate from bicarbonate and

precipitates calcium carbonate out of the solution , leaving water

that if softer upon cooling .

permanent hardness is caused by the presence of calcium sulphate



magnesium sulphate or both in water .

To remove permanent hardness using ion
exchange process ,
the unwanted
ions for
exchanged more acceptable ions such as sodium .
Treatment method for iron

iron be removed by a process called aeration in which air and


through air
water are brought into contact by passing the water

of fountains
by means -

aeration converts until tearable iron to filterable iron hence will


reduce the concentration of iron in water .

* or
any relevant answer .
Question 4

anaerobic pond

concentration of organic and inorganic solids in wastewater is

stabilized and the biological activity occurs in the absence of oxygen .

produces methane gas and sulphur containing odorous gases .

The BOD and solids concentration are reduced by sedimentation


and anaerobic digestion .

anaerobic digestion in the at

sludge the bottom of

the pond
results in
which converting organic load to methane and carbon

dioxide and releasing by into

some soluble products the water .

facultative pond .

receives raw wastewater or settled wastewater from anaerobic

ponds .

designed for BOD removal for surface

low loading healthy

to allow a

development of algal population as the oxygen for Bob removal by the

pond bacteria is by algal photosynthesis
mostly generated .

The water layer near the facultative pond surface contains dissolved

oxygen to
atmospheric re -
aeration and algal respiration ,
a condition

suitable for aerobic and facultative organisms .

The anaerobic
sludge deposits of pond support

at the bottom the

organisms while the intermediate layer is called as facultative 7- one .

ranges from aerobic near the top to anaerobic at the bottom -

* or relevant answer 5 marks for each method


advantages .

disadvantages .

simple to design and construct

requires large land area .

- low
production of biological sludge .

mosquitoes and insects can breed if

low capital / operation and maintenance vegetation is not controlled .

may cause odour problem


suitable when skilled labour is insufficient .

Or any relevant answer .

Question 5

wastewater treatment plant is listed as one of the prescribed Activities ,

therefore , requires EIA study as stipulated by Environmental Quality Act ,


An conducted by competent individuals who are

EIA study has to be

registered with the Department of Environment under the FIA Consultant

Registration Scheme .

The Eta report must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines

issued the Impact

by DOE and A Handbook of Environment


Guidelines ,

EIA procedures consists of

preliminary assessment of all prescribed activities .

2. detailed assessment

3- Review of assessment report .

Preliminary assessment

initiated during early stages of
project planning and public participation

The results of Preliminary Assessment for


are reported
examination and approval by the authority
project approving and

the Director General of Environmental Quality .

Detailed assessment

detailed assessment should continue
during project planning until the

project plan is finalised .

Standard procedural steps are provided
and specific terms of reference based the results of
Assessment are issued for each project .

some form of public participation is required and the results of

Detailed Assessment is reported formally .
EIA review process .

review of EIA Reports is carried out

internally by the DOE with the

assistance from the relevant technical agencies for

assessment reports and by an ad hoc Review Panel for detailed
assessment reports .

Recommendation arising out of the review are transmitted to the

relevant project approving authorities for consideration in making

a decision on the project .

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