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Discussion on the failure mechanism.

The physical, chemical, thermodynamic, or other processes that cause failure are known as failure
mechanisms. Overstress or compression mechanisms are two different types of failure mechanisms.
A single load (stress) condition that exceeds a fundamental strength attribute leads to an overstress
failure. Cumulative damage from loads (stresses) applied over an extended period of time leads to
wear-out failure.

For mechanical components within systems, there are four Failure Mechanisms.

They are:

1. Corrosion

2. Erosion

3. Fatigue

4. Overload

There are numerous types of corrosion, and each one can lead to the deterioration required to
produce a Failure Mode and a Failure. In addition, erosion has a variety of causes. Overload and
tiredness are equivalent. The 6 type of generic characterisation, which groups comparable Failure
Mechanisms together, has the advantage of assuring that there are a finite number of Failure
Mechanisms. There is a beginning point, and there is a pretty easy method to focus attention rapidly
on a small number of sources of deterioration. There's no need to give up and declare that there are
"too many possibilities." Due to the small number of Failure Mechanisms, it is possible to avoid all
but a few of them by according to "quality standards" in design, assembly, and maintenance.

After doing some research we have found that the most important failure mechanisms at Central
Bengkulu, Indonesia is ‘Erosion’ and ‘Sedimentation’.

This process began when the possibility for landslides increased in Central Bengkulu's mountainous
region, particularly in Kelindang Village, which is typically brought on by heavy rains. Material,
infrastructure, social, and economic losses had been caused by the landslides.

The analysis of slope stability along Muara Bangakhulu River's Semarang Segment following a heavy
rainstorm was done using data on how the water level changed under normal conditions and during
a flood discharge.

In general, the Semarang Sub-watershed had experienced erosion and sedimentation. The Semarang
Segment's erosion and sedimentation demonstrated how crucial water conservation was.
Uncontrolled erosion and sedimentation caused the Semarang Segment to be severely impacted by
flooding, such as the Bengkulu Flood of 2019. The slope along the Semarang Segment would be in
risk due to the rise in water level brought on by the intensity of the rains.
Figure below shows the alteration of the slope at River of Semarang :

We can conclude from the research's findings that the slope failure occurred at the Muara
Bangkahulu River's Estuary Area of Muaro Kualo Segment due to erosion, sedimentation, and the
effect of changing river water levels on riverbank slope stability.
This is one of the news from the websites clippings quoted from Da Nang Today ;

Indonesia: flood kills 29 in Bengkulu

By VNA / DA NANG Today
May 01, 2019, 10:36 [GMT+7]

Flood and landslides, which hit Bengkulu province on Indonesia’s Sumatra island on April 26, have
claimed 29 lives and made 13 others missing.

According to the April 29 report by the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the disasters
destroyed 184 houses and seven schools. Around 13,000 residents were affected by flood and
landslides, with 12,000 of them forced to leave their inundated houses and stay in temporary

Environmental activists highlighted the existence of eight coal mining companies operating in the
Bukit Daun Protection Forest buffer zone which is the upstream water catchment area of the Air
Bengkulu River which overflowed due to heavy rain and caused flooding to soak the Central
Bengkulu region and Bengkulu City.

The BNPB has offered aid reaching 2.25 billion Rp (161 million USD) for handling the impact of the

(Source: VNA)

After doing the investigation, we have come to the conclusion that "Erosion and Sedimentation" is
the sort of failure mechanism at the Central Bengkulu. Erosion is the movement of soil, silt, and rock
fragments caused by the weathering of geological structures by wind, water, and ice. Sedimentation
occurs when eroded material that is being transported by water, settles out of the water column
onto the surface, as the water flow slows.



- (From the Physics-of-failure-based prognostics for electronic products paper by Michael

Pecht and Jie Gu. Published in the Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.
2009, Sage Publications, Ltd., pages 309-322.)



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