Intrams Reflection 2023

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Department of Physical Education and Culture and Arts Education

Name: Jerry Fernandez Abellera Jr.

Course & year: Bachelor of Physical Education III

“University Intramural Meet 2023: A Reflection”

My reflection paper about Intramurals when intramurals week finally arrived, I experienced
mixed emotions of excitement, happiness, and nervousness. The fact that this was my first
intramural experience in college gave me a lot of happiness. One of the most significant events in a
student's life is intramurals. Every year, schools should celebrate intramurals. Every year, all the
students participate in intramurals in which they are divided into several teams. According to the
Course that each team represents at each athletic event, teams will be separated. Students enjoy
looking forward to this annual event because it allows them to take a five-day break from
schoolwork and concentrate on sports. This yearly activity is exciting for the students because they
will have break on studying focus on sports even just for 3 days. This year, the Intramurals was held
on November 15-17, 2023.

As the celebration began, I looked at our flag and thought it was very beautiful. I watched
most of the games over the following days and supported the College of Teacher Education. As one
of the athletes of CTE, many trainings we prepared to gain points to win the battle. When I wasn’t
yet playing, I assisted my team with preparations by making a small financial contribution and
by providing for their needs. It's amazing that I didn't lose my voice after screaming,
yelling, and applauding for my team for a whole week. I believe that intramurals are the time when
you get to know people better and when you get to make new friends. This is based on my
experience. Additionally, your inner determination as well as collaboration and cooperation, come
out during the events. During the Intramurals week, I saw that there were several conflicts and
misunderstandings with my team. I observed that they fought in the group chat and that some of the
members left our Messenger group chat. I believe it is impossible to avoid any competition.

In my opinion and based on my experience, Intramurals is the time where you get to know
other people better and where you get to make new friends in your division or cluster because
earlier during the semester as a freshman or old students, you aren't really given the chance to do
so. Also, during the events, your inner determination is being brought out, as well as teamwork and
cooperation. I noticed that there were some controversies, and the competition was very heated.
Theres instance to fight your college but the College of teacher Education says “CTE isa laban sa
lahat” on the other side College of Engineering says “ibaon sa concrete, sakalin ng metro, hampasin


A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d M a n a g e m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n a n d H e a l t h P r o g r a m s
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Department of Physical Education and Culture and Arts Education

ngT-square” and of course CTE is not that kind to be beaten it says “hamapasin ng lesson plan”.
This cannot be avoided in any competition. It just shows how much school spirit we have, and how
determined we are to win. It also shows that if your team is still standing strong despite the
controversies, it means that your team has truly captured the essence of unity. Being a
management student, there was a great deal of pressure for my division to defend their title as
overall champions, and champions for the cheer dance competition. I saw how sad everyone was
when the results of the cheer dance competition were announced. Sadly, this year we lost our title
as champs. A lot of tears were shed but, eventually we all accepted it and moved on. Not winning
just gives us the opportunity to try harder next year to redeem ourselves. Intramurals was a week of
fun for me. It was nice to have a break from schoolwork and exams. It also gave me the opportunity
to have fun with my fellow school mates. I'm hoping that next year, I will be able to participate more
and be able to contribute a greater deal to my cluster, and maybe the Management Division will gain
back their title as champs. Overall, so many lessons and values can be learned from intramurals. I
am glad that most if not all schools practice this event annually. It not only promotes health and
fitness but values as well. We learn values such as: teamwork, unity, loyalty, cooperation, school
spirit, humility, determination and many more. I look forward to next year's intramurals, and I'm
excited with what it has in store for us.

Nevertheless, the intramurals week was a success, and everyone took part, despite a few
conflicts and misunderstandings between the players and the coaches. After participating
in intramural for a week, I realized that regardless of what happened, even if we fought and
struggled, we were still a team and should accept each other's forgiveness and carry on with our
battles. The secret to building a strong team and winning the battle is love, support, and unity
because we are One NVSU.


A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d M a n a g e m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n a n d H e a l t h P r o g r a m s

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