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Safety and Security

- Entails being ready for emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, or other calamities that require trained
citizens to react quickly. Among these are fire drills, basic lifesaving seminars, and the like.


- Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters, that is why it is
important to ensure that all workers understand the function and elements of the emergency
action plan, including types of potential emergencies, reporting procedures, alarm systems,
evacuation plans, and shutdown procedures.

Education and Literacy

- entails improving institutional resources and amenities for the community and school, including
materials with early literacy skills, an alternative learning system for adults and youth who are not in
school, science and math tutorials, and extended services from qualified students.


- Its primary goal is to prepare and instruct students in a variety of concepts that will benefit both
the community and their own personal growth.

Recreation and Wellness

- includes a sports festival, games for street kids to play in parlors, and painting to improve young
people's ability to relate to one another in the community.


- The objective is to enhance people's health and well-being, support the growth of inclusive
communities, and aid in people's empowerment.

Values Formation and Moral Recovery

- entails preparing young people to be responsible adults, capable leaders, and active participants in the
community's growth.


- Its goal is to build a strong and progressive community and strengthen and uphold the ethical and
spiritual values and to develop the moral character of the Filipino people.
Industry and Entrepreneurship

- comprises initiatives and pursuits essential to economic expansion. Students at CWTS exhibit technical
proficiency in fields like meat processing, silkscreening, and starting small businesses.


- Both encourages creativity, innovation, and collaboration, which drives economic growth and
creates new job in the community.

Care for Health

- intends to increase community access to necessary health services and provide knowledge in medically
connected sectors. It comprises health and nutrition technical help, immunizations, information sharing,
basic lifesaving lectures, first aid operations, and educating young people to be first aid assistants.


- It is important in building a better society, because healthy citizens work and interact with others
better and it allows people the opportunity to know how to take care of themselves.

Environment Awareness

- region promotes awareness of the environment and how it affects health and related sectors. It includes
waste management, environmental protection, technology distribution and application that support
community requirements, environmental livelihood activities, and other related disciplines that serve the
country's objectives.


- It provides the knowledge and abilities needed to address complex environmental challenges,
teaches students how their decisions and actions affect the environment, and outlines steps we can
take to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment for future generations.

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