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Proyecto final

Fundamentos básicos de inglés, por Ana

Patricia Sánchez

Part 1: For this part of the project you will answer the following form.

Registration form DATE OF REGISTRATION


Firts name: Ana

Surname: Sanchez

Nickname: Ana pattie

Date of Birth: 10 08 90

Age: 31

Gender: Male Female Non - binary

Marital Status: Single

Country: Mexico

Place of Birth: Puebla

Nationallity: Mexican

Occupation: Teacher

Tell us more about you,

Introduce yourself

Good Morning! My name is Ana Patricia and my surname is Sanchez. My nickname is Ana Pattie. I am
31 years old and I am single. I am from Puebla Mexico, I am Mexican. I am a teacher, my favorite color is
blue and my favorite food is sushi. I am really happy to be here!.
See you soon!
Part 2: For this part of the project you are going to write me a letter telling me
about you and your family or someone important in your life.

Hello Ana
Let me tell you about my family. I live with my mom and dad and my big brother. We live in Mexico city.
My mom's name is Angelica , she speaks English and Spanish. She is tall and blonde and is very friendly.
My dad's name is John, he is american. He is tall and a little fat! He is a businessman. My brother Hector is
21, he is a student, his favorite color is blue and his favorite food is pizza. We have a dog, Woody. He's black
and white and very friendly.
Write soon and tell me about your family.
Take care

Part 3: What I want you to do now is to tell me about a typical day in your life.

What do you usually do on a typical day? To do this you will use the chart attached,
fill the chart with your schedule or daily activities include at what time you wake up,
if you do any type of activity, anything that you can think of write it on that chart,
don’t forget to include the dates and time. Then what I want you to do is to explain
to me that chart by recording yourself. I highly recommend you to record yourself so
you start practicing other skills such as speaking.

Weekle Schedule

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5 am Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up at 6 Wake up at 6

am am

6AM to 7 AM Take a shower, Take a shower, Take a shower, Take a shower, Take a shower,
brush my teeth brush my teeth brush my teeth brush my teeth brush my teeth
and go to work and go to work and go to work and go to work and go to work
7 am to 3 pm Work Work Work Work Work

9 AM Check on Check on Check on Check on

clients clients clients clients

11 AM Attend Attend Attend

meetings meetings meetings

1 PM Make phone

3 PM Have lunch Have lunch Have lunch Have lunch Have lunch

4 PM Teach Teach

5 PM Gym Go for a run

11 PM Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep

Part 4: Your task is to create a set of 15 questions to ask the people around so
you can start making acquaintances and friends and you get to know this new

Remember to use wh words to ask for specific information you can ask about
people, their age, what they do, likes and dislikes, their favorite place or food, where
they live, why they do a specific thing, etc.

What is your name?

My name is Ana

When is your favorite celebration?

My favorite celebration is Christmas

What is your favorite place?

My favorite place is Montreal

Where is the hospital here?

The hospital is next to the bank and in front of the park

Which are the best places to have fun?

The best places to have fun in Mexico City are downtown

Why are you in this company?

Because I love teaching

How can I get to the airport?

You can take a bus or the subway

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