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Meckel’s Diverticulum and Jejunal Diverticulum

H-H Yen, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan

r 2013 Elsevier GmbH. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Received 27 July 2012; Revision submitted 27 July 2012; Accepted 1 August 2012


The most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract is Meckel’s diverticulum, occurring in 2–3% of the
general population. Bleeding is the most common complication of Meckel’s diverticulum. Here the author demonstrates
the case of a 31-year-old patient with acute hematochezia. Meckel’s diverticulum was diagnosed by double-balloon
enteroscopy. This article is part of an expert video encyclopedia.

Double-balloon endoscopy; Enteroscopy; Meckel’s diverticulum; Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding; Video.

Video Related to this Article antimesenteric side of the terminal ileum. Pathologic exam-
ination confirmed the clinical diagnosis of Meckel’s di-
Video available to view or download at doi:10.1016/S2212- verticulum by showing ectopic gastric mucosa in the distal
0971(13)70109-2 third of the diverticulum.
Meckel’s diverticulum is the most common congenital
Technique anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, occurring in 2–3% of
the general population.1–3 Bleeding is the most common
Double-balloon enteroscopy. complication of Meckel’s diverticulum. Although its pathologic
and clinical features are well known, it remains difficult to
make a preoperative diagnosis. The Tc-99-m pertechnetate
Material scintigraphy is the most commonly used diagnostic tool.1–3
It has a high accuracy (90%) in pediatric patients but a low
accuracy (46%) in the adult population. Angiography
• Double-balloon endoscope: Fujinon EN-450T5 (Fujinon
might identify the location of active bleeding, but Meckel’s di-
Inc, Saitama-City, Japan).
verticulum cannot be diagnosed. Both capsule endoscopy and
double-balloon enteroscopy are useful to investigate obscure
gastrointestinal bleeding caused by Meckel’s diverticulum.
Background and Endoscopic Procedure Compared with capsule endoscopy, double-balloon entero-
scopy is more invasive, but is more useful for precise
A 31-year-old man was referred to the hospital because localization of the lesion found, as shown in this case.3,4 This
of acute onset of hematochezia. He reported having allows the surgeon to locate the lesion easily, especially during
colicky abdominal pain 4 h before the onset of hematochezia. laparoscopic surgery. Moreover, it is conceivable that flexible
He had had similar attacks 4 times in the previous 10 years. enteroscopy is more sensitive than capsule endoscopy, because
Repeated upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, computed tomo- Meckel’s diverticulum might be easily overlooked without air
graphy (CT), and angiography all failed to identify the source insufflation.
of bleeding.
Two episodes of hematochezia with hypovolemic shock
occurred within 2 h after admission. He was then transferred Key Learning Points/Tips and Tricks
to the intensive care unit for fluid resuscitation. Emergent CT
angiography disclosed only blood clots in the colon. A retro- 1. Meckel’s diverticulum is the most common source of severe
grade double-balloon enteroscopy identified a diverticulum acute small bowel bleeding in young patients.
60 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve and a clinical diganosis 2. In cases with suspected Meckel’s diverticulum enteroscopy
of Meckel’s diverticulum was made. The diverticulum was from the anal route is the diagnostic procedure of choice,
marked by ink tatooing for identification at subsequent because the diverticulum is usually located 50–80 cm
laparoscopy and laparoscopic resection of the lesion. Lapar- proximal to the ileocecal valve.
oscopy disclosed a 2-cm long, inflamed diverticulum in the 3. In many cases ectopic gastric mucosa within the di-
verticulum causes the bleeding.
This article is part of an expert video encyclopedia. Click here for the full 4. Marking the lesion with ink tattooing facilitates identifi-
Table of Contents. cation at subsequent laparoscopic surgery.

Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy 254

255 Meckel’s Diverticulum and Jejunal Diverticulum

Scripted Voiceover 00:49 During laparoscopic surgery, the tattoo is clearly

visible as a blue area. The lesion is located at the
anti-mesenteric side.
Time (min:sec) Voiceover text
00:00 This is a retrograde double-balloon enteroscopy in
a 31-year-old patient with intermittent acute References
hematochezia. About 60 cm proximal of the
ileocecal valve we identify this opening. This is a 1. Levy, A. D.; Hobbs, C. M. From the Archives of the AFIP. Meckel Diverticulum:
typical location and appearance of a medium- Radiologic Features with Pathologic Correlation. Radiographics 2004, 24,
sized Meckel’s diverticulum. There is no obvious 565–587.
active bleeding at this time. The base of the 2. Zeisler, B.; Moyer, S. M.; Farrell, M.; Collins, M. H.; Tomer, G. Electronic
diverticulum cannot be completely visualized. Clinical Challenges and Images in GI. Meckel Diverticulum. Gastroenterology
2008, 134, e3–e4.
00:30 Here is another case of a patient with intermittent 3. Yen, H. H.; Chen, C. J.; Lee, M. H. Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding for 10
small bowel bleeding. Here we see a small bowel years in a 31-year-old man. Gastroenterology 2011, 140(2), e3–e4.
diverticulum but this time it is not Meckel’s 4. Yen, H. H.; Chen, Y. Y.; Yang, C. W.; Soon, M. S. The Clinical Significance
diverticulum, but a large acquired diverticulum of Jejuna Diverticular Disease Diagnosed by Double-Balloon Enteroscopy
within the jejunum. Characteristically, these for Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2010, 55(12),
diverticula have large openings and the mucosa
inside the diverticulum is usually atrophic. To
facilitate identification at subsequent
laparoscopic resection, a submucosal tattooing
is performed.

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