Task Week 12

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Lisa and Mary starts their day at 7:00 AM for Lisa and Mary, and their synchrony is evident

from the moment they wake up. Sharing a bedroom with a set of twin beds, they rise
simultaneously, already dressed in outfits that often inadvertently match. There's a remarkable
harmony in their morning routines as they prepare for the day, and breakfast at the kitchen
table is a joint affair, where they sit side by side and enjoy their meal.

Upon arriving home, Lisa and Mary enjoy some quality downtime together, watching their
favorite TV shows in the living room. Their chatter and shared amusement create a harmonious
backdrop. A leisurely neighborhood stroll follows, arm in arm, as they continue to explore the
world together.

Dinnertime is a cherished family event at 5:00 PM, with both twins playing an active role in the
kitchen.when needed. By 7:00 PM, their attention shifts to light reading or craft projects, side
by side.

As bedtime approaches at 8:00 PM, Lisa and Mary retire to their shared bedroom.

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