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Time: 45 minutes


● Lecture slide: KE45 - B2 - LC13 (1) - Course Review 1

● There are 3 videos for this lesson.
1. Slide 2:
2. Slide 6:
3. Slide 8:
● Toys and crafts: Puppet, rewarding system (Kani image, carrot images etc. or flexible)
● Flashcards
● Whiteboard and pen.

General notes:

● Speed: For this level, speed is really important. Speed will be decided based on
student age, the younger the slower. Speed will also depend on the students’
● TPR: Using TPR is really important to motivate the student and using puppets,
flashcards as required will help to motivate the student.
● Pronunciation: For ESL student, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class.
● The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
● If the student cannot answer, the teacher can mouth then say out loud to help.
● If the student cannot concentrate, the teacher can use TPR.
!!! Please make sure that the student tool mode is off during class. It should be granted
for students above 8 years old only when solving a quiz. For writing activities, please
ask the student to write on a sheet of paper or a board.

Evaluate the student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to
fill in the performance evaluation for the student via Kynaforkids Teacher’s App. This is
compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be noticed that the form should be filled in for
each class within 24 hours.


(1 min)

1. Teacher introduces himself or herself; ask for student's name

- Teacher introduces his/her name
- Teacher asks ""What is your name?"" and helps the student to reply.
- Teacher exposes the student to ""How are you?"" - ""I'm fine!""

2. Introduce about rewards system

- Switch to the whiteboard with the Kani image, teacher: ""When you do a great job (point to
the student and thumb up), the rabbit gets a carrot.
Let's repeat!

(3 mins)

Teacher says: "Let's watch the video again and repeat!"

Then, plays the video, stops after each key sentence. For example, teacher pauses at "Hello
everyone. My name is Lucy", repeats slowly: "Hello everyone. My name is Lucy" and gives
signal to student to repeat the sentence.

Look at the picture. Look at the words. Circle the correct word.

1 2 3 4

A. grandma A. shirt A. morning A. sun

B. sister B. trousers B. afternoon B. sand

C. grandpa C. handbag C. evening C. shell

(3 mins)

Teacher says:"Let's review some words. Look at the picture. Look at the words and read them
aloud, then circle the correct word."

Teacher : "Now, let's start with no 1." Teacher underlines the word "grandma", "sister",
"grandpa" and asks: "What is this word?" One-word answer is acceptable. Teacher can mouth
to help, then asks student to repeat. Teacher points to the picture and asks" Which word is
correct? Grandma, sister, or grandpa?" Student is expected to answer "grandma" then teacher
circles the word.

Similar to other pictures.

Answer key:
1. A. grandma
2. C. handbag
3. A. morning
4. C. shell

Look at the picture. Look at the words. Circle the correct word.

1 2 3 4

A. donkey A. run A. under A. brown

B. spider B. walk B. on B. white

C. chicken C. jump C. behind C. yellow

(3 mins)

Teacher says:"Let's review some words. Look at the picture. Look at the words and read them
aloud, then circle the correct word."

Teacher : "Now, let's start with no 1." Teacher underlines the word "donkey", "spider", "chicken"
and asks: "What is this word?" One-word answer is acceptable. Teacher can mouth to help,
then asks student to repeat. Teacher points to the picture and asks" Which word is correct?
donkey, spider, or chicken?" Student is expected to answer "spider" then teacher circles the

Similar to other pictures.

Answer key:
1. B. spider
2. C. jump
3. A. under
4. B. white

Read and fill in the blanks.
How many Are Where What Where

1. ................. brothers have you got?

🡪 I've got two brothers. 4. ................. is my shirt?
🡪 It's under the table.

2. .............. does she live?

🡪 She lives in Baker street.
5. ................. these glass yours?
🡪 Yes, they are. They are mine.
3. .................. is he doing?
🡪 He is reading his favourite book.

(3 mins)

Teacher says: " Read the question. Read the answer. Then fill in the blank to complete the
question. (points to given words) Let's read these words first." Teacher circles each word, says
it aloud and puts hand on ear for student to repeat. Teacher says: "Now, let's read together."
Teacher underlines each word and reads question and answer aloud. Then teacher repeats
the question with the blank signals student to answer. Teacher gives feedback, crosses the
given word and writes the correct word in the blank. Then teacher asks student to repeat the
whole sentence. Similar to the other blanks.

Answer key:
1. How many
2. Where
3. What
4. Where
5. Are

Listen and write one-word answers.

1. What colour is the dress? ……………

2. Where is the hat? ………….. the clock

3. How many shoes are there? ……………

4. What colour are her brother's shoes? ……………

(4 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, listen and answer the questions." Teacher points to each word and reads
the question aloud, then says : "Now, listen carefully."

Teacher plays the audio, stops after each answer, reads the question again, and signals
student to answer. Teacher plays the part again to give feedback, then type the answer in the
blank "It is blue." Teacher says: "Oops! (CIrcles the phrase 'one-word'), one-word answer" and
shows 1 finger. Teacher says: 'I need to erase some words" and uses eraser to erase 'It is" -
do this once to remind student about exam skill (read & follow instructions)

For other questions in the interest of time, simply write one word answer.

Teacher asks student to repeat all questions and answers.

1. blue
2. under
3. two
4. black

Read the questions.
Listen and write the answers in the blank.

Staff: What do you like to wear, Eva?
Eva: I like that blue dress, please.
Staff: Where is it?
Eva: It's on the table.
PAUSE 00’05”

Staff: Here you are. Would you like a hat?
Eva: Yes, please. I like that orange hat.
Staff: Is it under the clock?
Eva: Yes, it is.
PAUSE 00’05”

Staff: Would you like new shoes?
Eva: Hmm...Do you have black shoes? I like black shoes.
Staff: Yes, I do. These are two black shoes.
Eva: Oh, they are beautiful!
PAUSE 00’05”

Eva: My brother has got black shoes, too.
Staff: Does he like his shoes?
Eva: Yes. Those are his favourite shoes!
Staff: Nice!
Role-play! Read the conversation

Staff: What do you like to wear, Eva? Staff: Would you like new shoes?
Eva: I like that blue dress, please. Eva: Hmm...Do you have black shoes?
Staff: Where is it? I like black shoes.
Eva: It's on the table. Staff: Yes, I do. These are two black
Staff: Here you are. Would you like a shoes.
hat? Eva: Oh, they are beautiful!
Eva: Yes, please. I like that orange Eva: My brother has got black shoes,
hat. too.
Staff: Is it under the clock? Staff: Does he like his shoes?
Eva: Yes, it is. Eva: Yes. Those are his favourite shoes!
Staff: Nice! 7

(3 mins)

Teacher: Now, let's do a role-play. We are going to read the conversation below, I will be the
staff and you will be Eva. Are you ready?
Teacher reads the first sentence and signals the student to read the next one. Teacher gives
feedbacks on his/her pronunciation and praises if he/she reads well.
Listen and tick the box.

1. Where does Sam live? 2. How many sisters has Mark got?

A. B.
2 C.
A. B. C.

3. Who is Dad talking to on the phone? 4. Which is Tom's favourite shirt?

A. B. C. A. B. C.


(4 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, listen and tick the box."

Teacher plays the audio, stops after each conversation and signals student to choose: "Is this
box 1, 2 ,3 or 4?" After student answers, teacher plays the part again, repeats the key
sentence and gives feedback. Teacher ticks the correct box.

Similar to the other questions.

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C

Listen and tick the box.

1. Where does Sam live?
Teacher: Hi, Sam. Where do you live?
Sam: My house is next to the park.
Teacher: Is it that house with a garden?
Sam: No, it isn't. There is no garden in my house.
2. How many sisters has Mark got?
Sue: How many sisters have you got, Mark?
Mark: I've got two sisters, May and Ann.
Sue: Where is May?
Mark: May is reading books under the tree.

3. Who is Dad talking to on the phone?

Ben: What's Dad doing, Mum?
Mum: He's talking on the phone with grandpa.
Ben: Sorry, who's he talking to again?
Mum: He's talking to grandpa.

4. Which is Tom's favourite shirt?

Nick: Is this your favourite shirt, Tom?
Tom: No, it isn't. My favourite shirt is yellow.
Nick: Really? Do you like yellow?
Tom: Yes, I love yellow!
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is the man doing?

........... television.

2. Where is the tablet?

.......... the table.

3. What is the boy wearing?

a blue ..........

(3 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, look at the picture and answer the questions. Use the words in the box.
Let's read these words first" Teacher points to each word and reads it aloud, then puts hand on
ear for student to repeat.

Teacher says: "Now, let's start with question no. 1" Teacher points to each word and reads the
question aloud, then circles the man and signals student to answer. Student is expected to say
the word, teacher gives feedback, crosses the given word and writes it in the blank.

Similar to 2,3.

Teacher asks student to repeat all questions and answers.

Answer key:
1. watching
2. on
3. T-shirt
Let's speak! Look and answer

1. Do you like crocodiles?

2. How many legs has a crocodile got?

3. What colour are the crocodiles?

4. What can crocodiles do?


(2.5 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, let's speak with Kani. Look at the picture and answer Kani. Let's start with
no. 1" Then teacher underlines each word and acts on Kani to ask the following questions.
Teacher can mouth to help, then asks student to repeat the answer.

Suggested answers:
1. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
2. It has got four legs.
3. They are green/ brown/ gray.
4. They can walk and swim.
Read and fill in the blanks. CROCODILES

Crocodiles are big animals. Only baby crocodiles

flowers legs
teacher are small. Many crocodiles are (1) ……… and some
have spots on their skin. Crocodiles like eating many
animals like ducks, fish, birds… A crocodile has a

mouth swim long body, four short (2) ……………, a big (3)
…………………, and scary teeth. It can walk and it
can (4) ………………, too. Crocodiles live in the
forest but you can see some at the (5) ……………,

too. They love lying in the water or in the sun.
zoo class


(3 mins)

Teacher says: " Look at the picture. Read and fill in the blanks. (points to given words) Let's
read these words first."
Teacher circles each word, signals student to say it aloud. Teacher can mouth to help and puts
hand on ear for student to repeat.

Teacher says: "Now, let's read together." Teacher underlines each word and read the sentence
aloud, then puts hand on ear after each sentence for student to repeat. Teacher stops after the
first sentence. "Many crocodiles are(1) ……………… and some have spots on their skin." and
signals student to complete. Teacher can mouth to help, then asks student to repeat the whole
sentence. Teacher crosses the given word and writes in the blank when student is saying.

Similar to the other blanks.

1. gray
2. legs
3. mouth
4. swim
5. zoo

Let's read!

Crocodiles are big animals. Only baby crocodiles are small. Many

crocodiles are gray and some have spots on their skin. Crocodiles like

eating many animals like ducks, fish, birds… A crocodile has a long body,

four short legs a big mouth and scary teeth. It can walk and it can swim,

too. Crocodiles live in the forest but you can see some at the zoo, too. They

love lying in the water or in the sun.


(3 mins)

Teacher: You did a good job filling in the blanks! Now, let's read the text again.
Teacher reads the 1st sentence and signals the student to read the next ones. Teacher can
mouth to help if student struggles with difficult words.
Praise the student if he/she reads well.
Tick or Cross

1. Crocodiles are small animals.

2. Many crocodiles are gray and some have spots on their skin.

3. A crocodile has a long body and four short legs.

4. Crocodiles can jump and fly.

5. Crocodiles live in the forest.


(2.5 mins)

Teacher: Let's read these sentences and tick if it is correct (shows thumbs up), and cross if it is
not correct (shakes head).
Teacher reads the 1st sentence "crocodiles are small animals" and says "No, it is not correct.
Crocodiles are big animals. So we put a cross".
Teacher signals student to read other sentences and give answers.

1. Cross
2. Tick
3. Tick
4. Cross
5. Tick
Phonics review

Game: The Reading



(2 mins)

Teacher says: "It's time to review Phonics. Let's play a game called The Reading Machine.
You will see a word and try to read it. Let's start." Teacher plays the video The reading
machine 2 from 0:00 - 0:40 ( Teacher
stops after each word and signals student to sound it out.

Mathematics Review! Let's match!
3 six

5 twelve

11 fifteen

6 three

12 five

15 nineteen

4 four

19 eleven

(2 mins)

Teacher: OK it's time to review numbers. Let's match the numbers with the correct spellings!
Teacher gives an example by drawing a line to connect number 3 with the word "three".
Teacher grants the tool for student to draw lines.
Praise the student if he/ she does quickly and correctly.

3 - three
5 - five
11 - eleven
6 - six
12 - twelve
15 - fifteen
4 - four
19 - nineteen
Let's speak! Look and say!


(4 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, let's speak with Kani. Look at the picture of Lucy's family and answer
Kani. Teacher acts on Kani to ask the following questions. Teacher can mouth to help, then
asks student to repeat the answer.

Questions and answers:

1. Where is her grandpa? - He's in the living room.
2. How many sofas are there in the living room? - There is one sofa.
3. Where is her grandma? -She's in the kitchen.
4. What is she doing? - She is drinking juice.
5. What is her mum wearing? - She is wearing a purple dress.
6. What are her sister and brother doing? - They are playing football.

Teacher can skip some questions if there are not enough time.

Please remember to do your

(0.5 min)

Teacher summarizes no of carrots that student achieve today, then the teacher appraise the
student, remind the student to watch the video at home and do homework


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