Commercial Soil Report

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UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OTECHNICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY Attn: Mr Faisal Mohyuddin ‘Subject: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT FOR PLOT #209-BWD, PHASE-8C (COM BROADWAY), DHA, LAHORE. ‘nelosed please find two (2) copies of the ‘Geotechnical Investigation Report” prepared for the de mn of foundations for the subject building. The report in tudes information regarding sub- surface soil st cl raphy, field as well as laboratory determinations of soil characteristics and We hope that the investigation results presented in this report will provide all the necessary information for the design of foundations of the building, In case there is any query, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. be (Prof. Dr. Hassan Mujtaba) Head echnical Engineering Div ; i GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS REPORT. FOR PLOT # 209-BWD, PHASE-8C (COM BROADWAY) DHA, LAHORE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Ll Ge 1 Purpose and Seope of Work 1 Chapter 2. EXPLORATION METHODOLOGY Exploratory Boring and Samy 3 Laboratory Testing Chapter 3. GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATIONS AND FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Geotechnical Evaluations 4 3.2 Foundation Design Recommendations 4 3.3 Coefficient of Earth Pressure Backfill under Floors and Walkways 7 3.5 Seismic Zone and Soil Profile Characterization 7 Chapter 4 GENERAL COMMENTS AND LIMITATIONS 8 ILLUSTRATIONS Tables, Site Plan, Bearing Capacity Curves APPENDIX-A Boreholes Logs, Particle Size Distribution Cu PLOT # 209-BWD, PHA: om Broadway, DHA, LAHORE MCCCCCLE EE EEDEE DDD i GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS REPORT FOR PLOT # 209-BWD, PHASE-8C COM BROADWAY DHA LAHORE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Mr Faisal Mohy uuddin (the Client) plans to construct commercial building at his Plot 4 209-BWD in Phase-8C Com Broadway, DHA, Lahore. The area of the plot is 4.0 Marla. This report deals with otechnical investigations conducted at the plot. The Geotechnical and Tran: @ Division (GTED) of the Civil Engin Department (CED), University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore were engaged by the Client to carry out subsurface soil investigations at the plot, The ons at the otechnical investi lot were conducted through two exploratory boreholes, down to 40 ft depth below the existing ground level. The fieldwork at the site was executed on 8!" August, 2023. The approximate location of each borehole is shown in Figure-1 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Work The primary objective of these investigations was to determine appropriate parameters for the design of foundations of the proposed building. For this purpose, the following aspects were determined? evaluated: @) Subsurface stratigraphy within the limits of exploratory borings. b) _ Physical and engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials (strata) encountered 9, PHASE-8C Cam Broadivay, DFA, LAHORE. [eC ECCT CTCL PRE DODD ©) Evaluation of subsoil parameters, recommendations for appropriate type of foundations, and allowable bearing capacity values to be used in the design of foundation of the proposed facility work for carrying out sub-surface investigations at the site included: > Execution of two (2) exploratory borings with augerflight percussion technique, up to 40 A th au depth below the existing ground level borehole at 3 ft interval up to 15 ft * Performance of standard penetration test (SPT) in the depth and thereafter at every 5 ft interval down to the investigated depth > Soil s mpling with appropriate sa ‘eservation and transportation pling techniques, sample p to the testing laboratory ~ Performance of laboratory tests on selected soil samples in accordance with relevant ASTM standard method. * Preparation of geotechnical investigation report, which include subsurface boring laboratory test data, and recommendations regarding allowable type/depth of foundation, PLOT # 209-BWD, PHASE-5C Com Broadway, DHA, LAHORE. 2, EXPLORATION METHODOLOGY As mentioned earlier, the field exy ration at the 1¢ was carried out through two boreholes, 40 ft deep at locations shown in Figure 1, Brief details of the inves ation methodol outlined in the following sections: 2.1 Exploratory Boring & Samp s were advanced using manually operated post-hole augur and light percussion techniques. Ri presentative disturbed samples were recovered using Standard Penetration Test in accordance with ASTM D- P 86. SPT's were conduct interval up to 15 ft depth and therea! + at every 5 fl interval to the final depth investigated, De are shown on the borehole logs presented unde and symbols used on fe A+L, Soil descriptions on the bori lation of field and laboratory te a. The st sent the atification lines reps approximate boun: between soil types, and transitions may be assumed gradual Estimates of relative density of granular soils and consistency of the cohesive soils given on the gs, in general, are based on the SPT resistance as recommended by Terzaghi and Peck in Table 1 (Ilustrat ns). 2.2 Laboratory Testing ve subsoil samples were tested in the lab (ory to determine the physical characteristics of the subsoils. The following tests were condueted aecording to standard methods © Grain Size Analysis, ¢ Aterberg Limits (LL and PL) A summary of laboratory test results is presented in Table 2 under Illustrations. Using grain size analyses and Atterberg limits, soils were classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), ASTM-2487, The grain size distribution curves of the lected soil samples are presented in Appendix-A following the boring logs. PLOT ¥209-BND, PHASESC Com Broadway, DI, FANORE iat 3. GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATIONS AND FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Geotechnical Evaluations Based alysis of the ned, the average subsurface soil stratigraphy and r: SPT-N value is described as below atum | Depth (Rt) | Description of subsoil Range SPT-N value , a 0 J 2 Brown, medium stiffto stiff, mediumtolow | ___-'5= 12 tonon-plastic, clayey sill silty clay/ sandy | silt Grey, Toose to medium dense, silty sand d with trace silt ee ee | eee es Ground Water Table (GWT) was not encountered within 40 ft depth below the existing ground level i period of these investigations, August 2023. 3.2 Foundation Design Recommendations The existing ground level of the site is approximately 2 ~ 3 ft below the ro: level. Fill material is present up to a depth of 2 ft. The subsurfax oil up 10 28 ft depth below the fil material is clayey silt silty clay/ sandy silt and exists in medium stiff to stiff condition, The soil layer below 28 ft depth is sand with trace silt which exists in medium dense condition up to the investigated depth of 40 ft below the existing ground level PLOT # 209-BWD, PHASE-8C Com Broadway, DHA, LAHORE. As nation by the client, the proposed facility will be a multi-storied Buil including one Basement. Considering 10-11 ft height of the basement below from road le the foundation is likely to be placed at 12~13 f depth but on improved subgrade. We recommend to support tie proposed building on raft foundation to be founded at abov mentioned level. Follow the procedure is to construct the foundation as mentioned below CONSTRUCTION OF RAFT FOUNDATION * Excavate soil over the entire area having basement to 12.0 f depth below the exist ground level with proper measures for stability of the excavation slopes. As the subsoil at prop P this level is moist, let the excavat 3 days. n be dried up for 2. © Proofroll the excav fed sub ade surface using appropriate compaction equipment © Provide a well-con pacteil pad of at least 4 inches of 1:4:8 PCC. © Construct the raft slab on the PCC pad. us g parameters defined in 2, bear or raft foundation with one pacity analy basement was performed w.r.t shear failure criterion and for permissible settlement of $0 mm which is ust ible settlement limit for such construction. presents the allowable bearing capacity (ABC) curve for raft foundation with various izes of raft slab placed at 12 ft depth below existin An average gross allowable bearing capacity of 1.25 usf is recommended for de: slab, ID, PHASE-8C Com Broadway, DHA, LAHORE. COCCCCCC LSE REE EPP DD it 0.0 VY WZ. Existing Road Level ] | \ ne Natural subgrade compacted to 95% modified Proctor density Schematic Skee h Showing Foundation Construction for basement case Modulus of Subgrade Reaction for Raft Design By using the following equation as suggested by J.E. Bowles, the vertical modulus of subgrade reaction, fs has been estimate sd for the soil the foundation’ Ke=6(FOS)q, for inch settlement The ky value for stiff silty clay/sity sand has been esti d 28 50.4 kip/f? for an allowable beati capacity of 1.25 ronff? (with basement ease), 3.3 Coefficient of Earth Pressure Basement walls (if any) are restrained walls and should be designed for pressure at rest. At rest arth pressure coefficient (Kz) = 0.65 is recommended to be adopted for the design of retaining walls (considering angle of internal friction of 20 degrees), 34 Backfill under Floors and Walkways The cohesive material that would result ftom excavation is not suitable as backfill material. Ibis recommended to use granular material as backfill under floor and walkways, It must be placed ‘Com Broaday, DHA, LAHORE, a eS) in layers of thickness appropriate to the size and type of the compaction equipment to be used. The minimum compaction levels recommended under foundations and floors are 95% Modified Proctor and 90% Modified Proctor density, respectively 3.5 Seismic Zone and Soil Profile € terization (On the basis of Revis Seismic Provisions (2007) of Building Co le of Pakistan, the city of Lahore falls in Zone-2A, which corresponds to horizontal 0.08; ak ground acceleration (PGA) of O.16g. The projec long to S of UBC-97 and site class “D’ according to IBC. om Broadway, DHA, LAHORE, PLOT #2087 PLOT # 209- et The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the results gathered 4. CONSTRUCTIONAL ASPECTS AND LIMITATIONS from two borings down to max 40 ft depth located at the site. This report reflects ‘oximate variation between these location: Experienced Engineer should also observe the construction activities to check that the work 'S performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. Field and laboratory tests should be performed to confirm that the compaction of earth work meet the required specifications, Appropria © surface drainage should be ensured in the project area and the area should be cd to keep the surface runoff away from the structure. away from the structure should be provided all Plinth protection slab (at least 3 ft) sloping around the building to reduce ingress of water to foundation soils, While excavating, proper protection should be provided to 1 excavation and walls of th safety of the adjac if any) should be ensured, Excavation to 4 ft depth may be carried out with vertical face. During wevrainy season, necessary precautions must be observed not to let the surface water/rainwater go into the excavations. Adequate provision should be kept to protect the excavation slopes against the rains by tarpaulins. If there is a substantial lapse of time between submission of this report and the start of work at the site and conditions have changed due either to natural causes or to construction operation at or adjacent to site, we urge that we be promptly informed and retained to review our report to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations, considering the changed conditions and/or time lapse. This report has been prepared for the design of foundation of commereial building at Plot # 209-BWD, Phase-8C (Com Broadway), DHA, Lahore, Paragraphs, statements, test results, ams ete., should not be taken out of context and should not be utilized for boring logs, di any other structure at any site,

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