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Globalization-process of interaction and integration among individuals, companies, and governments of

different nations,
Driving Factors of Globalization
Human have sought distant places to settle, produce, and exchange goods through barter or trade.
Effects of Globalization
1. Industrial-emergence of worldwide production markets and broader access of consumers and
companies to a wider range of foreign and local products.
2. Economic realization of a global market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital
between countries.
3. Political-in a political lens, globalization means the creation of a world government.
4. Informational-it is the increase in information flow between geographically remote locations.
5. Language important tool in globalization as it ensures that individuals across the globe are able to
communicate using a common language. English serves as the language of business,
6. Competition various industries must upgrade their products and use technology skillfully in order to
survive increased competition.
7. Ecological-global concems on environmental challenges which can be addressed with international
8. Cultural-cross-cultural contacts.
9. Social-humanitarian aid and developmental efforts
10. Technical the development of a global information system, global telecommunications
infrastructure, and greater trans-border data flow, using technologies.

Negative effects of globalization

Lowering the quality of life in locations that have not adapted to the change.
1. Develops nation have outsourced manufacturing and white-collar jobs.
2. Globalization has led to exploitation labor.
3. Job insecurity, earlier people had stable and permanent job.
4. Terrorist have access to sophisticated weapons.
5. Companies have set up industries causing pollution in countries.
6. Fast food chains like McDonalds and KFC are spreading in the developing world. People are
consuming more junk food from these joints which has an adverse impact on their health.
7. Money laundering the concealment of the origin of illegally obtained money.
Global Policing indicates forms of this concept that are fully global in scope.
International Policing indicates types of policing that are formally directed by institutions usually
responsible for international affairs.
Transnational Policing pertains to all forms of policing that transgress national borders.
Globalization as Internalization
It is the seamless introduction of products and services in the intemational markets. Global means world
Universalization to make services, practices, accessibility to information and goods universal.
Universal-including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributive without limit or exception; to
make services, practices, and available equitably to all members of a society.

Transnational Crimecrimes that take place across national boarders

"Transnational" describes crimes that cross the borders between countries.
Transnational Organized Crime-involves the planning and execution of criminal acts by groups or
network of individual operating in several countries.
Organized Crime Group Typologies:
1. Standard Hierarchy the most common form of organized criminal group which is led or overseen by a
single leader.
2. Regional Hierarchy there is a degree of autonomy present in regional organizations under the control
of the group.
3. Clustered Hierarchy with a governing or oversight body. 4. Core Group-consists of a limited number
of individuals who form a relatively tight and
structured group to conduct criminal business.
5. Criminal Network - activities of individuals who engage in illicit activity in often shift alliances.
Forms of Transnational Organized Crime
Human Trafficking-illegal trade of human beings.
the fastest growing criminal industry in the world.
Elements of Human Trafficking
a. the act (what is done)
b. the means (how it is done)
c. the purpose (why it is done)
Stages of Illegally moving immigrants
1. Recruitment
2. Transfer
3. Entrance

Human Trafficking vs. Human Smuggling

Trafficking the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of person through fraud,
deception, abuse of power.
Smuggling direct or indirect procurement of illegal entry of a person into a state where he or she is not
resident of for, financial order or other material benefit.
Various Concept of Trafficking
1. Slavery legal ownership of one human being by temporary ownership, dept bondage, forced labor
2. Prostitution trafficking women for commercial exploitation. 3. Organized Crime-trafficking-as-
transnational organized crime.
4. Migration-forced migratory movements in various regions which economic crisis, lack of sustainable
livelihoods, political conflict, civil war etc.
5. Human Rights-trafficking has been seen as a violation of basic human rights or a person under the
1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Drug Trafficking
Transporting, transfening, harboring, or selling illegal drugs and drug paraphemalia.
Terminologies Associated with Drug Trafficking
1. Cartela collection of individuals, entities, and commercial operations formed in the hopes of
conducting communal business activity regarding a specific product or service.
2. Drug Mule-a individual employed to secretly transport and traffic drugs ina clandestine manner.
3. Controlled substance a substance or item that is legal to possess, use or administer because of
expressed permission granted by the Federal Government,
Form of illegal activities which makes use of the intermet, private or public network, or an in-house
computer system,
Four Categories of Computer Crimes
1. The computer as a target the attack seeks to deny the legitimate users or owners of the system access
to their data or computers.
2. The computer as an instrument of the crime the computer is used to gain criminal objectives.
3. The computer as incidental to a crime the computer is not the primary instrument of the crime, it
simply facilitates it.
4. Crimes associated with the prevalence of computers this includes crimes against industries, such as
intellectual property theft and software pimcy.
Crimes that Primarily Target Computer Networks or Devices
A. Computer Virus is a computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to
"virus" type of malwares that do not have a reproductive ability.
B. Denial-of-Service Attack (DOS Attack) or Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack (DDOS Attack) is an
attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users,
C. Malware (Malicious Code) Short for Malicious (or Malevolent) Software-is software used or created to
disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems.
Crime that Uses Computer Networks or Devices to Advance other Ends:
A. Cyberstalking is the use of the intermet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a
group of individuals, or an organization.
Types of Cyberstalking
Email Stalking is committed when a person harasses another individual, a group of individuals, or an
organization with the use of emails.
Chat stalking is the act of using a chat room to monitor or get information about an individual, a group
of individuals or an organization and using the information without their consent.
Computer stalking in computer stalking, the cyber stalker exploits the internet and the windows
operating system to assume control over the computer of targeted victim.
B. Fraud and Identity Theft-is a form of stealing using another person's identity to access resources or
obtain credit and benefits using a false identity. C. Information Warfare involves the use and
management of information technology inpursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.
D. Phishing Scams the act of acquiring the usemames, passwords, and credit card details (and
sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
E. Cyber Terrorism is an act of terrorism using cyberspace or computer resources. F. Cyber-Extortion-
form of cyber-terrorism where hackers access and attack the websites or computer systems of an
individual or an organization.
G. Cyber-Bullying is the use of the internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a
deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.
H. Child Pornography-refers to images or films and writings depicting sexually explicit activities involving
a child.
Different Kinds of Child Pornography
Indicative-non-erotic and non-sexualized pictures showing children in their underwear.
swimming costumes, etc. Nudistuses naked or semi-naked pictures of children in appropriate nudist
setting and from legitimate source.
Erotica-surreptitiously taken photograph of children in play areas or other safe environments showing
either underwear or varying degrees of nakedness.
Posing-deliberately pose pictures of children fully clothed, partially clothed, or naked.
Erotic Posing-deliberately pose pictures of fully clothed or partially naked children in sexualized or
provocative poses.
Explicit Erotic Posing-emphasizing genital areas where the child is either naked, partially, or fully
Explicit Sexual Activity-involves touching, mutual and self-masturbation, oral sex and intercourse by
child not involving adult. Assault-pictures of children being subject to a sexual assault, involving touching
with an adult.
Gross Assault-grossly obscene pictures of sexual assault involving penetrative sex, masturbation, or oral
sex involving an adult.
Sadistic-pictures showing a child being tied, bound, beaten, whipped or otherwise subject to assault.
1. Computer Hacking is the act of intentionally accessing another person or an organization's computer
without authorization or exceeds authorized access.
Money Laundering
Process whereby proceeds, reasonably believed to have been derived from criminal activity, are
transported, transferred, transformed, converted, intermingled with legitimate funds, for the purpose of
concealing or disguising the true source, disposition, movement, or ownership of those proceeds.
Three Basic Steps to Change Illicit Funds to Legitimate Funds

A. Placement-derived from criminal activities into a more portable and less suspicious form, then getting
those proceeds into the mainstream financial system.
B. Layering involves the movement of illegal drugs, often mixed with funds of legitimate origins, through
the world's financial systems in numerous accounts through a financial or banking systems to hide the
funds origin.
C. Integration-is the process of reintroducing the layered funds into the mainstream economy, where it
can be invested and spent freely.
Illicit Trading of Firearms (Arms Smuggling)
Refers to act of, through the use of any fraudulent machinations, import of export from the Philippines
any firearm or parts of thereof.
Environmental Crimes
Deliberate evasion of environmental laws and regulations by individuals and companies in the pursuit of
"personal interest and benefit."
A. Trafficking in Natural Resources Includes the smuggling of raw materials such as diamonds and rare
B. Illegal Trade of Wildlife- Another lucrative business for organized criminal groups, with poachers
targeting skins and body parts for export to foreign markets.
Maritime Piracy
Can be in the form of traditional robbery on the high seas which has transformed into a form of
kidnapping for ransom.
Counterfeiting of Goods
Is a form of consumer fraud where a product is sold, purporting to be something that is not. To
counterfeit mens to imitate something authentic.
Trafficking of Cultural Property
Refer to the common heritage of humankind. It is so unique and an important testimony of the
evolution and identity of human beings.
Is the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, for political purposes where fear and
submission are the end results.
Four Key Elements of Terrorism.
•It is premeditated
•It is political
•It is aimed at civilians
•It is carried out by sub-national groups.
Two General Types of Terrorism
1. Domestic Terrorism-Involves persons or groups committing a terrorist act/s in their own country.
2. International Terrorism Involves citizens or the territory of more than one country.
Kinds of Terrorism
1. Official/State Terrorism
The nation whose rule is based upon fear and oppression that is similar to the terrorism or of such
2. State Sponsored Terrorism
The Abu Nidal Organization is an example of state-sponsored terrorism where Iran accused Cuba, Iraq,
Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria of supporting terrorism.
3. Right Wing Terrorism
One of the least organized terrorists. This group attacks immigrants and refugees.
4. Left Wing Terrorism
Limits the use of violence but destroys the democracy in take over with the socialist or communist
5. Religious Terrorism
Is a type of religious violence where terrorism is used to achieve religious objectives as influenced by
religious beliefs or identity.
6. Quasi Terrorism
The activities incidental to the commission of crimes of violence that are similar in method to genuine
terrorist, but which nevertheless lack its essential ingredient.
7. Narco Terrorism
Refers to the violence used by drug traffickers to influence the govemment or prevent govemment
efforts to stop the drug trade.
8. Cyber Terrorism
Use information technology to attack civilians and draw attention to their cause..
9. Bioterrorism Refers to the intentional release of toxic biological agents to harm terrorist civilians, in
the name of political or other cause.
10. Nuclear Terrorism
Refers to the number of different ways nuclear materials might be exploited as terrorist tactic.
11. Eco Terrorism
Is a recently coined term describing violence in the interest environmentalism,
Organizational Structure of Terrorism.

1. Intelligence Cell

Performs certain assessment of proposed targets.

2. Financial Cell

Is in-charge or providing the money needed to perform the operation.

3. Logistic Cell

Establishing safe houses, renting cars, providing documents, transferring cash/assets and other
necessary logistics.

4. Operational Cell

In-charge of conducting the attack and specific preparatory measure prior to such.

Known Terrorists Personalities

1. Osama Bin Laden

2. Sadam Hussein

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