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Mathematics symbols and shapes

1. 40 : 8 = 5
Is read as forty divided by eight is five
Forty divided by eight is equals to eight
2. 36 : 9 = 4
Is read as thirty six divided by nine is four
Thirty six divided by nine is equals to four
3. 45 + 4 = 49
Is read as forty five plus four equals forty nine
Forty five added by four is forty nine
4. 82 + 8 = 90
Is read as eighty two plus eight equals ninety
Eighty two added by eight is ninety
5. 77 – 66 = 11
Is read as seventy seven minus sixty six equals eleven
Seventy seven substracted by sixty six is eleven
6. 100 – 50 = 50
Is read as one hundred minus fifty equals fifty
One hundred substracted by fifty is fifty
7. 4 x 8 = 32
Is read as four times by eight is thirty two
Four multiplied by eight is equals to thirty two
8. 25 x 25 = 625
Is read as twenty five times by twenty five is six hundred and twenty five
Twenty five multiplied by twenty five is equals to six hundred and twenty five

noun adjective Complete the sentence

triangle triangular It’s shaped like a triangle
rectangle It’s shaped like a
tube It’s …………shaped

parallelogram It’s shaped like a

oval It’s …………shaped

cube It’s shaped like a cube

It’s shaped like a

A Adjectives of property
Fill in the blank spaces below with the correct adjective from the box.
Volatile fragile permeable gelantinous soluble insoluble
Fragile inflammable harmful poisonous acidic

1. One of the properties of gasoline is....., that is, it can evaporate easily.
2. Handle the ceramics gently. It is very.......
3. Water can penetrate paper. It means that paper is......
4. Salt is...... in water.
5. While oil is...... in water.
6. Inhaling carbon monoxide is very...... to our health.
7. Rain is harmful to metal due to the.......... content of the rain.
8. We must not smoke in the gas station because gasoline is very.......
9. Most haircream products are..........
10. When people go down a well they are exposed to inhaling...... Gas which can lead to
B Common property-related words
Find the right word from the box to complete these sentences to make them sensible.
Conductivity dissolve conduct disposable recyclable
pollute biodegrade renewable unrenewable corrosive

1. Ceramics has bad......... of electric current.

2. Petroleum is......... source of energy.
3. Biofuel is........ source of energy.
4. Most types of paper are.......
5. Some batteries are rechargeable. Others are
6. Aluminium can ………. Heat well
7. Soil can not....... plastic.
8. Salt …. In water
9. Acid is very...... For metal.
10. More smokes....... The air everyday, making our health worsen.

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